Exeter Times, 1897-5-20, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES
olsons Bank 1
pita -- - $2,000.000
d - .,-, -- 1400,000
Read office. Montreal.
vahaed to good farmers on their
ere with one or more endorser at 7 Per
Waretee Branch.
very lawful day, erom 0„otto p.m
SATURDAYS, IQ aent, to 1p.m.
ntrates of interest allowed on depots
er, Deo. 27th, ,se
THURSDAY, MAY 20th 1897,
osition Leader Coming
Mr. J. P. Whitney, the leader of
opposition in the Ontario Legis-
ure. has made an appointment to
d a public meetiug. to address the
eetors of this viehuty, in Exeter, on
ne 12th. He will be accompanied.
3 or 4 of his prominent supporters
he House. This will be a splendid
mrtunity for the electors to hear
e new Conservative leader and
•ohable coming- premier. Arrange-
nts will he completed by the local
°elation to have every thing
°roughly carried out so that a
crond van hear the speakers.
al arrangements will be announced
uture issues.
Profit of Cattle Feeding.
n. ^
We learn from the Cornwall Free.
'der, that Mr. D. M. MePhereon. the
11 known cheese king of Ontario,
ti M. P. P. for the county a Glen -
ay, recently sold a number of steers
Cornwall buteher. In the lot was
specially line animal. the parti-
ars ;IS to the feeding, of whieh. as
iven by Mr. MePherson. are interest -
and a valuable leeson to farmers
'er.ri7.11.ere x
eo,•,t of steer at fiain-Nille, Linn .127.11
Purchased feed shart,..bran and meal 7.a5
Intereg on ..teer and feed 3 months - Lon
,zurance .3r)
Attendance - - • • • - ...... • • 2.thj
eo tbe..... • ----- - t.no
Total cost Mai
atnOunt received for steer Val*
IlizIance to (vont of ba, and ,-cru Male
alalfea ton of hay and four tone Of
orn were Nato this steer besides the
urchased food, so the hay netted $1$
and the corn $0. per ton. feeding value.
ree tons to the acre of hay and 30
s of corn were the average erop in
on the Bainsville farm. No credit
taken for ihe manure,which is worth
htleaLst $1('), and which should go to
le steer's credit, as well as the money
.aid for him. A good many farmers
complain that stock feeding does not
pay. It is evident from the above that
Mr. McPherson does make both farm-
ing and stock feeding pay. And what
Mr, McPherson ean do, eau be done by
'others if they go to work in the right
way, We have recently heard of
another farmer in the county of Peel.
„who eleared $1.250 in feeding thirty-
1'ikvo head of steers last year. He
bought the steers in the fall, wintered
hem cm a hundredarre farnefed them
until June and then shipped them to
he old termites-. He kept a strict ac-
count of eyery cent expended. and
the only work he did. himself besides
Superintendence. was to buy the
t eers.
C. R. Yost, the popular Amulree ho-
tel keeper has sold his business to
Louis Schmidt, of Sebastapol. for 81.-
790. It is understood that Mi-.
' Schmidt will take possession zin or
about Mey 25.
Francis Siebert, the oldest man in
the township of Ellice, died at the re-
sidence of his. son Philip, cm Saturdree
last. Deceased was born in Bavaria.
on the Srd of April. 18911. and was con-
sequently in his tioth year.
Liberals wallowing in the fatness of
g1 public offices. from which they have
long been exiled,return an uproarious-
ly affirmative answer to the question,
' `11.1as the Laurier Govermuent made
this a better country to live in
It is currentlyrumored. ays the Sen -
forth Expositor, that M. C. Cameron,
M. P. for -West Huron. is shortly to be
appointed Lieutenant -Governor of the
Northwest Territories, in place of('. II.
Mackintosh, the present incumbent.
Abraham Ross was arrest ed in: To-
ronto and taken to Stratford to staud
his trial on a charge of stealing a horse
and buggy. Ross, hired the mg froin
John Brethers,of Stratford.for a week,
giving an address that proved to be
fictitions,henee the trouble.
Rey. George Durr, of Moray, arena&
panied by his mother Mrs. John Durr,
left on Thursday for his charge at
Cage Mich. Mrs. Durr has gone to
spend a few weeks visiting in Cagac
and with her son and. daughter-in-law,
Rat. Thonms and Mrs. Durr, of
Thomas, 'Mich.
Huron Presbytery.,
The Presbytery of Huron met in
Willis' Church, Clinton, on Tuesday
the llth. Rev, W. M. Martin, moder-
ator in the chair. Rev. M. McKenzie
missionary from Honant China, being
present, was asked to sit as a corre-
sponcling member. Rev. J. A. Hami-
lton submitted the tabulated financial
report showing the proportionate giv-
ing per member in each. congregation.
The report showed a loyal support on
the part of most congregations to the
different funds of the church. The
Clerk was instructed to correspond
with congregations that had not con-
tributed to all the schemes. Be'. J. S.
Henderson was appointed as a com-
missioner to the General Assembly in
place of Rev. Mr.31cLeau. Rev.Dr. Me -
Donald eubmitted a request to be for-
warded to the General Assembly that
in case bis present state of health
shoult1 demand it, he be allowed to he
placed on the aged and infirm mini-
ster's fund. This request was granted
and forwarded to the Assem-
bly. Knox church, Goderich, applied
for leave to mortgage their church pro-
perty to the extent of $9000 for the
purpose of enlarging their present
church building. Rev. tit. Acheson was
appointed convener of Home Mission
Committee and Rev. J. 8. Henderson
t member of the ...kssembly's Commit-
tee on Bills and Overtures. There-
after the Presbytery adjourned
In conneetion with this meeting 0
Presbytery the Presbyterial Union
of Young Peoples' Societies met.
There WaS a good attendance, and
movie interest displayed in the dis-
cussion of the following topics -"The
relation of the Presbytery to the
union," opened by. the Rev. Mr,
Martin ; "Our coustitution", by Rev.
31r. Henderson ; "Our plan of study",
by Rev, Mr. Shaw ; "Mission," Mi-
lson and. the "Cultivation of spirit-
ual life", by the Rev. Mr. Muir. Rev.
Mr. McKenzie, ret urn missionary, also
addressed the convention on the diffi-
culties met in mission work.
The Latest News.
Building operations. are now 'mom
mg in Stratford.
Guelph council may purehase a
steam road roller.
Stratford'e rate of taxation this year
will he 21 mills on the dollar.
The majority against Sunday cars in
the'Toronto vote of 1893 was 1)73.
The 'Mitchell conneil at their last
meeting defeated the eurfew by-law.
Turkish Army Advanced In
Force on Dotnokos.
After an /Engagement Lasting tont Night-
cap, the Greeks Appear to Rave Fallen.
Back Before Overwhelming, Numbers
_Tee none tu Be Resumed, This Meru -
lug -The Official Report From Greek
Sources Does Not Admit Defeat, Though
It Acknowledges That They Were
Forced to Fall Back -Rumored riot to
Assassinate King George.
T.leadquarters of the Greek Army, Dom.
kos, May 17, 4 pane -The Turldsh attack
on the Greek right wing began at 2
o'clock. this afternoon, but the ilea at-
tacks are considered to be feints, and it
L a believed the mato attack of the Turks
will be wade upon the Green centre, where
Crown Prince Constantine is in commana.
Two Greek eanzmn are doing great exe-
cution on the principal Turkish column,
which Is advaueing through the hills.
The Turkish infantry at several points
is in contact wIth the Greeks.
It is believed here that the attaels on
General aniolenskl, near Altayros, is only
a strategic operation, and that the Turks
will endeavor to eat between the two
Greek armies, oecupy the reatt leading to
the (Were. Mountains, and tints etit td'r the
retreat of the Crown l'rince.
Rutin .Exciternent nt .thens.
Athens, May 17. -The most intense ex-
elternent prevails here.tbe cabinet
ailinieters tiave bins aSseiribled. since noon
at the aliaistry of Marine, where the ae.
spateises from the trent are being receiv-
ed. Tile gravity of the tete:anon mullet
be over-estimated.
Ail Depends on the Foners.
Faris, May 17. -The Temps. referring to
the peace terms demanded by Turkey,
Greek Legation to.day 1"eeeivol a ,,I,.spateh
Iran Athens officially tutrein 4•4•44,
SatI011 el hosItlities throughott
• •
Art,0^4;trOst 4 •,.:4
13a10111..a, .tay it -Eight ArntAtrong gnus
have arrived here for the batteries at Nar-
cattalo. is witheat water.
cendia. Island of Crete, May 17. -Tee
insurgents havittg cut the eoudults above
the town, -Candut IS nett' without a water
Turkey's Absurd Demand.
• Lontionanny 177. -The conditions proposed
by the Porte as to the terms of pettee with
Greeee,- have been freely discussed 1n the
lobbies of Parliament to -lay and the idea
of the retrocession of Thessaly and of Snell
an indenmity as Is already suggested is
ridiculed as linpractivable and absurd. At
the eutside, an hulentuity of f„.3,000,000 or
itt.000,0tat and a slight•strategle reetifivation
of the frontier are considered as likely to
b- the terms dually settled upon.
Crecte Must be preserved.
PetersburgMay 17 -The newspapers
of this eity prott st -vigorously against the
"excess're awl •uatteceptable" •conditions
which Turkey demands as the price of
11, ace with (Inset.. They declare that If
Tattl'y insists upon them Europe will be
oblig.d to abandon mediation. The Noroe
Vr. owl' says that in the event of Turkey's
insAence upon the terms she has present -
rd, tho powers will have to take praetieal
me tsures. •to "preserve Greece front the
pretensions threatening her national exis-
wailer Orecnway Has to Ott a New name
err and Torte a Railway Line, -
Do trent News.
.:Slontreal, May 17.--tSpeeia1.)--The
Winnipeg unal Dulath Railway deal is
as glad as an aceoutpliehed Met. Pre.
Greenway ' reached here yesterday
from New York, where he win return
to vomplete veratin details er the tram -
:onion tater taking it trip up the Ot-
tawa. The middleman 1)etWeen ihe
Manitoba Premier and the New York
eiurept. eaunot consent to the cession eapitalists is Mr. James aleNaught, who
ot Thessaly. On the liminess Newell the weft be well remembered as having ea -
powers now display depends the Success Mr. en
lireway's deal with tine
of the whole Sehtmae for reforms aud the orthem pturitic, vrbrn that road got
peace .if Europe.'
Fighting Ail Along the Line.
Lamin, Tbeesalis. May 17. 4,litt p.m. -
Fighting Is itt progress all along the Hue,
between the Greek nztd Turldsh forces.
pan. -The Tures ere also int:teems
la:PLY 10 ZUE xo.62ws
RePrutentatires of the rowers Have Drawn
rp One -Greece Not to be Crushed.
Constantinople, May 17. -The representa-
tives 4.4 the powers here held a Song meet-
ing aird drew up a note a ithqt will be
presented. to Om Turkish Government as
soon as one of the Atubassaders reetsives
The hoe cholera in 'Weeterti thattrto *0.........,,.,'r instrueteine nate Lie Gov -
111')11Z alrea'aV eOst the Government $3,- eminent. This mite does not -deal a ith the
pease.- conditions, tett merely repeats UM
request for au armistiee and deelares the
• Trinity vongregation. Mitchell, has rowers will not penult Greece to bo ere8l-
s0 far subscribed $4,000 towards a new ed. Although it is assumed in sou,- quar-
ters that the Porte. in a...verdant', with
Anne+. Eastern usage, has demanded more 10 Or -
The Liberals of West Iltuem. will der to obtain less, it is sm
eeed out that
hold a convention at Dungannou on if ge i',fturIkvisnliiimtlin.v,;etrnitzt lizilit'4,41V,,...0,1%
the 21st of May, for the purport.- of or- conditious oilleially. The tone of titi. mile
ganization. tars oincials here and elsewhere is most
emphatic:01v against abandoning Thessaiy.
it is reported that 8. plot to murder They point' nut that if Enrope has been
King, George has hem discovered at
Athens and that many aerests have
been, made.
Stratford, May 17. -Alex Craig, a
machinist in the G. T. R. shops, died
very suddenly at Stratford, Sunday
evening. He bad attended church
twice Sunday, and shortly after reach-
ing home was seized with heart fail-
ure, zand expired immediately. Craig
Came from Hamilton about eight
years ago on the removal of the G. T.
R. shops. He was abont 45 years of
age, and leaves a widow and three
The following dispatch, dated Mil-
waukee, May 1th, appeared in the
daily papers on Saturday last : "What
may prove a quadruple murder oc-
curred at the farm house of Alexander
Harris; who resided about five miles
south of Waukesha, at, an early hour
thia 'novelise-, the victinas being Mr.
Ilarris, his -wife, hired girl and hired
Irmo. The crime was committed, it is
supposed, by a him hand named
"William ?ouch, who had been shelter-
ed by the farmer over night. The
dead and woanded axe :,--,-AleXander
ilitrr1S, aged abont yea.rs,
outright s Harris, 44, fatally
.1-1, fatally wounded;
On Saturday last 31r. John Chap-
man, of 145 Ann street, fell tiff a load
of lime. and now lies at his hume un-
able to move.
Edhem Pasha has moved tet from
point to point and finally occupied
Pokiness. The Greeks. have sustained
a crushing defeat.
Mrs,. Sotherland of Made' street,
Woodstock, aged OS years. attempted
suicide by. swallowing etrychninte She
recovered with medical aid.
Official returns., of the Sunday ear
vote in Toronto, reduce the majority
for Sunday cars to 321 owing to errors
of deputy retuning officere.
Poor little Greece eau now exhaust
its martial ardour in the hat -ti. labor
of working for money to pay off a big
war indemnity to the Turks.
An innnenee well of water bats ht -en
struck on the farm of James Ennis,
con. 1, West Oxford, upon a hill, said
to be the highest point in Ontario.
It is proposed by the city fathers of
Brantford. to tax by
wheelmen of the
city 81 a year each for the purpose of
Imildiag cinder paths on the lot -al
Canadian Liberals may be. a little
slow to render justice to the Manitoba
minority, but they are exceeding swift
to render lunches -to Monsignor Mery
del VaL
Andrew Duncan, who had both legs
crushed by being run over by a team
in the north.end Grand Trunk yards,
Port Huron, has had both limbs ain-
There are indications of the possibil-
ity of serious trouble between France
and Morocco owing to the incursions praiseworthy.'
of 31 oorish tribesmen into Algex•ian
hue Winnipeg tisane years age. The (441r-
yr:or:Cut alanitoba egret -1 to guar -
;wee the compane's
e bands at the rate
(if aliatinti per mile, not only through
out the hundred miles which eross Cana-
dian tr' dory. but the additional eee
adies atrough Amerivan territtiry tee
well, e a rate id interest' being, it IS 11,41•
1.1015110 Vel• eout. This transaiiiiiet
wille manitoba liable for nearly
• 1'4 yearly. and capitalists aud
. Melt consider it a wry bold
sehmi for $o small ;t provineis as
Minn tor It is said, however. that M.
Greteterty's visit to Ottawa has seine -
thing to do with a. &multi for Ibunitt
ion assistanee for that part of the road
frian Winnipeg to the latittel Stat..
boundary. The Premier's friends soy
that be vannot run another eleetioe at
the ;whoa question, and that Manatee'
and Duluth and :ova -Canadian Iraellior
nualopoly will be the next (Iwo:Away
war ery in 'Manitoba.
The Liberals arcs territor excited this
evening over a well-auth.qtti, ated Minor
11. this effeet that lion. air Marra:Ind is
to be ignored luta await e: gent:ten:in
sent to forM tt W GoveroMent at *a-
live, They openly assrrt, in feet, iln.t
Lieut.-thivernor Chaldean and his go .1
maw... to mak.. 14reeve Maellato, the Is- lion. .1. I. Fere; neve been ut
land of t,eatia how will Europe br elar vommunival ion in ..r,Irr 1, is s“,,ntre a
to force Turkey ;Mt Therrap,r tiovernmont deasing th .10,SV11....t, t
is srhl. SQ relator puts it, diet Ills, Honer
lhey til Protest. one :lir. Tarts are anxious that the dtti!
Constantinople, 1%1** 17. -All the poweys vr funning a now Ministry should &-
hare D.OW agreed 0.4 protest against the volye upon lion. Horace rchumbault,
etssion tf Th"s'-'"is tt" TurimF and tn° and that they evLwilitt to put Hon.
abolitien the v:pituiatfous. Mr. Rohidonx aside, 0.4 .t appear.: this
ZJLE able lawyer at one 1111., earne.1 GO
rElir z..„trESt will of a publie oda. ial who a very
elese to Sir NtIolphe (Ample:au. It, must
be noes" thMra
at r. 'te s own political
friends are e-spOnsible ler these stales,
11111 they a:: saa that Hon. Mr. Mar -
(land alont etist be valled. -These in.
trigues 100 0 Spextverwoed and the
Dceartmeni Public W,krks at Ot-
tawa mus , !,, resented and we :want
emeehana , is what a Liberal
member fri•. , t'•.• Eastern Tiewneltiiet
said to Thi- Ve, ; to -day.
The shake- . • ate Merchants" Bank
of Canada i . much dlsenssed in
banking cirelt , : 71 Mr. Hague has
euffereil giant- ; 11114 a. good deal
of hnininatienTan banker his
with his direetor, intimated vi
no ono t, himself. About
'three months 0g0 .;:!gue had a till:
them that the w••. ,• • hocoming to.t
heavy fer it man years. an it
W11$ understood then .' either the
general Manager Shoull
or that a joint genera; -agar weuel
he ales -ate -se Things ever.
ante the ethse day, w • taw s
3Ir. Thomas len- • the
(inveterate asameste, ape tee took
up the matter serioas,y. ;of -
time Mr. Hague and the dins .
been discussing the avettoe •
throughout the Drani 100. toel
came to the conclusion that
Thomas Fyshe of :he Bank lir :alive
aeotia could be prsiNi upon to ne
rept the position the Merehantea wain. •
have at its heed ant of the very 1 1:g1,1
est; and hest banker; of: 1;.I4)ual4, 11
had been eommumeatiel with, inane.
$25,010 it year, and h h et- day the
Merchants' Bank re ".1 'Mr. Fyshr's
acceptance. 00 aattiedee, 4110:Hugh the
lIalifax banker s 411(.2 was already
in It's bawls. the feet ,.eas most mrtzra-
rusly denied by Mr. 11nror 14 sell, an
otlicial in the bank, vet a 'OV 1 ours af
ter. the change wit: run iti in the
head office.. Messrs. .; 'Figur and
Thomas Fyshe will, ther..fl.o.
jeint general managers or the Ater-
chents' Bank of Canaria. hat it is mut-
erally believed that the teener will doh
nitely retire as soon as .Mr. Fyshe gets
properly in harness. In fact•• those who
knew the man who has brought 4114
Bank 44 Nova Seotti te 1s eeeeeet
spiel:aid position. tire of the opinien the 1
Mr_ layshe will Mere lite& use for j wee
;led even for diroerris..• • • •
Fyshe came to this e nti.try f, .,':l
Set:timid to enter the employ of the
Milk of Britirli North America as -,ier
rotary to themanager in the 3tontre:.1
oflice. After a period of survive there le,
went :to Tsicsw- York, whole! he -irinducted
trimness. Ileturning to (lane It, lo
#d the bank of NeCa Scetie- ngeney t
St. John, and from th.re be came to
the: Halifax office. norm; thi, diners of
the • then cashier, 1). )1,tnws. be
served in that captivity, and, on Mr.
'Alen dea th, Mr. • Fyslie was • mole
vishier, a position for whichhis ere0 t
thlterte eminently fitted him. amel which
he lee; noes held 101"140111e years.
The ;meet •of Joe Ratine, formerly ;01
hoteakeeeer 011 Vietoria-square, Mout-
renl. ncensed or murdering artd robbing
Mr. Maine= at Ronse'S Point, revives
many ol(1 memories amongst the police.
Itacine -was 'art-vele:1 bore, charged with
cortaterfeiting, and. escaping to 3,YN1'
Ti1VIC State, he Wellt, /00 the le e-nirant
besinees.- with • the ebove result.
Thc Governor or 'he Vali Islands is.
hithe eity. •
Greeks Appear to flare Suffered Another
Defeat by Ontnumbering Forces.
Loudon, May Is. 1 arm. -The latest news
front the seat of hostilities; by way of
Athens, shows that the battle yesterday
ceased about 0 Welt:mit in the evening, but
will probably he 1esum0d this nierniag,
Thus far, no account oe the fighting has
been received from the Turkish shle. It
Is evident from the Greek account that
the Gawks bare suffered a serious de.
feat. awl 11 the left wing has given way
as appears probable, Edhem Pasha may
be able to eut off the Greek retreat and
to separate General Smolenski, at Sound,
from the 13111111 111111y. This is Eilliem
Pasha's reply to the foolish attempt a
Col. Manus to snatch a vietory in Epirus.
If Greece had prevented rlantss front play-
irtr, this last card of a gambler. Turkey
might perhaps have ceased hostilities. As
it is now. she is In full possession et
Thessaly, and the powers will rind the
task of protecting Greeee inule tiacinit
than ever.
The despatches from Athens represent
the populace as astitunded when the news
of the fighting tame. 'rimy had hoped to
the last that- the powers would prevent
Turkey from going father. One tweount
reports the Greek tbwernment as threat-
ening to take extreme and desperate steps
unless Europe arrests the progress of the
London, May 1S. -A despateh to The
Times from Athens says that the folIewln„..•
telegram has been reeelved from the
Crown Prince Constantine;
"Our right wing, under Col. linstrapas,
has been compelled to retreat. It still
holds Yous.si, but may tind It necessary to
retire 00 iffiourka Pass''It was also ne-
cessary to bring up all the reserves in or-
der to repulse the furious attacks of the
enemy. our wounded have been sent to
Lantia. The conduct of the ariny was
The Northern Pacifie crop report for
Manitoba shows that the wheat is all
sown and coming aloes: well. Farmers
say everything point to an early' and.
large yield- this year.
Mrs. John Anderson, wife of a Galt
furnitare dealer, died soddenly Fri-
day morning of heart failure, She
ivus in good health when site reflect'
071 Thursday evening.
The Liberals of East Unroll, as rep-
resenting the Local House, Will meet
in Brussels 00 May 24th, to select a
candidate, Mr. Gibson havingsignified
his intention of retiring.
Dr. Yeirian, of -Stratford, charged
with the murder of Mrs. Buchanan,
has been admitted to bail in the slim
of 812.000. himself for $0,000 and two
Grceh Tr11414,4 Itctreating.
Athens. May 18. -The eorrespondent of
the AssOelated Press at Domokos, tele-
graphing at 1 o'eloek this morning. says:
-The Turks having ee,lipied Kitiki, the
Greek troops are retreating towards the
Orthyrs range on the old frontier."
Odieml Account U7 the right
London. May 18. -The Daily Chronicle's
correspomh ut at Athens ,$ays the following
is the official acconnt of the fighting yes-
terday: •
"over 511.0N Turks shaultaneously 'and
continuously attacked our whole line with
the grt atest 'fiereeness. Our artillery and
infantry did :vie:A.11d work. Twice all the
regiments of the enemy. wavered and fled,
though their attack was soon renewed with
fresh forces, which, in turn, we were able
to 111111 back. The stubborn resistance and
splendid vigor of our troops finally com-
pelled the enenly to_ give way .altogether.
All the ettacks on our left were similarly
repulsed. • On our right we did not fare so
other persons 413,000 each. -wen. The first attack of the enemy was
, repulsed. but they massed in immense
A bicycle room fitted with racks forecs for the next attack. Our first line
to accommodate 1110 wheels, was open-
ed for the accommodation of worship-
ers of the Woodward Avenue Baptist
Church, Detroit, Sunday morning.
Not one in twenty are free from
some little ailment caused by inaction
of the liver. Use Carter's Little
warscrea mut was broken and the wing
would have berm turned but for the timely
arrival of the reserves. Still tar enemy
had gained ground, which it was then int-
p014181!'to regain, and we, therefore. fell
back on Bong. The Turks had 80,030
troops. with 30.000 reserves. Our tercet;
was only 05,000. We have lost heavily,
but the enemy must have lost thousands."
Liver Pills. The result will be a
pleasant surprise. They give positive Turks Occupy Deatoolcos.
London, May 17. -The Daily Teiegrapha
relief. speelal correspondent with -the Turkish
Andrew Simpson, a tailor from To- forces in Thessaly, telegraphing late to.
ronto was on Tuesiay found strati glecl 1411t,
to point and finally- occupied Domokos. The
Greeks have snstainea a erusbing defeat."
mot to Rimier King- George
London,May 18.-A despatch to The Daily
to death in a lavatory in the Land
Hotel, Port William, He had just ar-
rived there a day or two before on a,
lake steamer.
'Eklhem Pasha has moved on from point
The Liberals of South Huron, as con- Man from Berlin says it le reported there
that a plot to murder laing George hag
been discovered at Athens and that uutny
arreS1S have been made.
lostilities t used lax Epirus)
1 11 ofrtete
stitnted for local purposes, will meet
in convention at Hensall on Friday,
June llth, for the purpose of selecting
the next
certain Officers Adalltional Dave Wee lite
vetted. /tut They Win Not be Compelled .
to Eugage Igxecutive Ditties.
Ottawa, May 17. -(Special) -A special
general' militia order was iesued to -day
in reference to the military contingent
to represent Canada at Her Majesty's
Diamond Jubilee. It states that, in con-
formity with the invitation received
through His Excellency, the Governor-
General, from the Secretary of State
for the Colonies, the following, in addi-
tion to the command and staff, halite be.eu
'chosen; Major Pelltatt, Q. 0, It.; Toron-
to; Capt, Frank A, Fleming, the Gover-
nor-Generafs Body Guard; Capt, R.
Brown, the Princess Louise Dragoon
Certain other officers have also been
selected to proceed with the eontingent,
but not neceeaarily for executive duty
therewith. Such officers will not be re-
quired to report themselves until the day
of sailing, viz., June 5.
The appointments to the non-eonnuis-
sioned staff will rest with the officer
commanding the contingent. It will be
composed as follows: One sergeant,
mayor, one quartermaster, paymaster s
clerk, and one orderly room clerk. Re-
turn transportation front the regiment's
'headquarters to the point of mobilization
in Canada will be provided free, as well
as passage to and front England, and al-
so transport alma oftleial duty while
in England. All aiseessary transport tr-
rangements in Cauada, as well as pas-
sage to England and return, will be ita-
feeted by the quartermaster -general. Au
allowance at the rate of 21 cents aer
diem for the days spent in England, in-
cluding the days of aieemberltation and
re -embarkation, will lie made to non-
commissioned °Ulcers and mem The
contingent will be mobilized at the Cita-
del, Quebec, on Wednesday., ality
1897, and will embark on the 11. fee
Vaneouver on June 5, 1897. at Quehee.
Pouch Evidently shot Itimseir.
Milwaukee, Wis., May 17. -The dead
body of' 'William Pante Pouela who mar*
dered Farmer Harris and wounded Ma k -
hold, his hired man. and Miss Verbaeh,
o domestie at the Itarrie home, near
mnesantaee a week ago, was found to-
day in Hale's pond at Prospeet 11111.
The body was easily identified, althouldt
it NY11$ badly bleated. There WAS a bal-
let hole ill the IWO:. eVideatly
wailed bite the pond and shot himself.
t'or,togiatis Viseases A14'.011g,, the British
Soldiers In India aro Causing
London. 311ty 17. Au this Iit•itse (11
I.ords tileter disenssion was restinicil
.111 the motion of the Earl of Dour:leen
for an inquiry i771.1 111t. reports of the
prevalence of contagious diseases ammo:,
the sehliers of the larhish army in Italia,
;mil the effete of theet. disenees meet -the
pepulation ef that ettintry.
'rho liarl 511. l•hulierloy, the Liberal
leader, the 'Marquis of Lansdowne, this
illtitts Caitilstitirr. and Lord Mayfair
participated: la tins debate, all admitting
thti exietence of a terrible state of af-
Finally at the request iif the Gov-
ernment Lord Inutraven Withdrew his
motion in oravr 10 81110,v 11 fnir tt $t tI
made ef du. new reandetems pre-
parea by Lord (4.....rge Hamilton.
Cloy Fired out.
Halifax, N.S.May Tr. -Edward May,
who tate been '00Ver11111ent immie'rat ion
agont at Halifax for eome years, 10 -day
received melee or his dismissel. The
now official hes not see been ennounced,
Delyrism Uegtitlite AM' riensts ettlet,
Washington, May 17. -The Cuban 're-
solution, appropriating $a0,000 for the
relief: of destitute A mermans
ate svithou divisxon
Syraeusts N.Y.. May 1.7. -The Stars won
from Toronte here to -day in a loosely -
played game of 12 Innings. Gallagher and
Awaroit were sent to the benelt by rlamtger
ilnekenberger and Selielbeek and Grove took
their phtees. Grove's two -base lift In the
last inning, after I.ezot te's single, won the
gentle steely;
ayracese ...2 0 1 o 0 '2 0 0 0 1-4
n.41,0141.1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 taea
At Springfield- 114 .11,1
rierauton o 1 2 I 0 1 14
sPringlield " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-0
Datterier.-Morse and noya ; mains. 1)1 11-
('111) and 'I'aft.
At iniffalo- .; .1
Iteehester 0 0 ix 0 1 0 o 0 0 4
.... U I 0 ;I 0 0 0 lierl 1
itatieries- iiininon and o'Neill IA ads -
worth and Smith.
At I rerelence- II.E.
Wilkes-lbure r" 1 ft 1 it 1 t 11 2
Provident... 101041010 :
Batteries Coalley and Dirrins; I mizzen
and I xrio.i.
At Louisville -
Baltimore, .. 0 2 o 1 0 0 t‘ 7 34 2
I.oubwille ... 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0-0 0 I
Itatteries-Nops and reaensett ; rem -
Cinehmatl .. 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 *--•:.1 00
ritilarelpIda 0 0 I) 0 1 0 1 0 0-2 -2
10,1 reltenst ein and Sell rit er ;
trth and Clements.
rittsinirg I 0 0 0 1 0 1 0*_ F11.
At Ph istmer11.11 -
.•AV York .., 0 0 o 2 o 0 o 0- 2 2 7i
niti tcrhs-Killen and Sugden; 11usle :ti I
• t chietuto.-
' 'ago •• -.001011000o-1 S
......0 0 0 1 4 2 0 0 :1---A1(t).1.1:).Et.)
•prles-ItaiZer and Kittredge: Nichols
cf. • 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.- :;
lra • 'ton ... 0 1 0 I 1 0 4)2-- 714) 2
10 Young ord
mkrite , . riereel• and Ferr.,11.
Brookir• 6 0 0 0 0 it 4 :1--1 5 17 :3
IA, .. 2 it 0 0 1 u o - 00
1r1 Payne and Grim; Esper,
'Pete es- . nte McFarland.
Provincial Campaign.
Toronto, May 19. -There is every
prospect that the next few months
will be wairm in, Ontario politics. The
Conservatives intend to leave no
stone unturned to bring about Pre-
mier Hardy's defeat. At the meeting
of the Ontario Conservative Union
the pinus Were -laid. Arrangements
have been practically completed for
Mr. Whitaey's western tour. The tour
will open at London,' on June '7.
The tow Will then commence through
different western Constituencies,. as
follows:--june 8. Aylmer, East Elgin,
June 9, St. Thomas, West Elgin;
June 10, Chatham, West Kent; June
11, Windsor, North Essex; June
Exeter, South Huron; June 14, Brant -
for d, North Brant.
Parkhill •
BRIEFs..,-An insane woman ,found
in Grand -CircusparkDeteeit, Saturday
night and taken to the Emergency
Hospital, has been indentified as a
Miss Collins, of Parkhill, who had
been staying for some time with the
familv of John Simnionsa 1,215 Fif-
teenth street. She is a 'Odin) of re-
ligious mania, and for some time has
deluged the newspaper officers of the
city with letters on religious sub-
jeets. e.he will probably he sent. to
the Pontiac Asylum.
DILLING.--In gar, on the 14411 inst., the wife
of 11. Dining, or a daughter.
MITTELHOLTZ.-On May Inth, the wife of
Mittelholtz, of West McGillivray, of a son.
DA.NCEY,In Goderieh, on Sunday, May
Oth, 1897, the wife of Loftus Edwin 'humpy,
Barrister -at -law, of .2 son.
NVIIITE-ItOBINSON--Inillanshard, on the
10th inst., at the residence of • the bride's
father, by Iter. '1'. Snowden, of Kirkton, Mr.
aoseph White, or at. Marys. to Miss Ella,
daughter 01 30140 Robinson.
FRITZLEY,-In Saltford, Ott Tuesday,May 12,
1897. Mary Elizabeth Can't)], wife of R. W.
Fritzley. agtd 10 years and 0 months.
NIVEN- In Brucetield, on May Sth, Margaret
Nivea. wife of Mr. Alex. Nivea, aged7OYmrs.
0 mouths and 21 days, a native of Perthshire,
Relieeea in a day. Eczema, salt
rheum, baebers' itch, and all erupe
tions Of the skin, •quickly relieved and
'speedily cured lly Dr, Agnew's Obit-
ment, It will give instant COMfOrti in
eases of i tehiti en: bleeding or blind piles,
and will cure in from three to six
nights, e'a cents. Sold by O. Lure..
Never Worry
Take them and go about your business -the
do their work while you two doing yours.
Dr. Agnew's Liver Pins are purely vegeIable
end act upon the liver without disturbanee
to the system, diet, or occupation. 20
cents a vial.
They are system renovators, blood
purifiers, and builders; every gland
and tissue in the whole anatomy is
benefited and stimulated in the use of
CIENTLEAnor,-For a long time I had pimples
breaking out all over my face. I was told
about 33. 33. 13., aud stated de use. After
takiug ono bottle I was much better, and the
seconu bottle made it complete cure. have
recommended 11 10 others of my friends, and
they have found ituniformly satisfaetorY.
A. F. 13aa, •
Whitobread, Ont. ,
The proprietors of Diamond Dyes are
the only people in the world. that make
speeial dyes for coloring eottoes and
all mixed goods.
It ie now admitted by all the best
collo). chemists that a dye prepared
specially for all wool goods will not
color cotton or mixed goode success-
When Diamond Dye Pink, Purple,
Crewe, Garnet, Navy, Yellow, 13lue,
Scarlet, Turkev,; Red, Green, Cardinal,
Brown aud Black for Cottonton' Mixed
Goods are used, satisfaction is alway
guarani t eed.
Beware of the dyes that nretend
eolor all wool goods and cotton Nei
the same package of dye.
The verdict of millions on this c
tinent "Diamond Dyes are the fit
and best,"
ere are Strong 'Words front a Re-
liable Businese Man -Read Them.
I have been a great sufferer from
indigestion and dyspepsia. I tried
many remedies, but obtained very lit-
tle relief. 1 saw South American Ner-
vine advertised, and concluded to give
it a trial, and I must say I consider
it the very best medicine I have ever
used. I obtained great relief from the
first few doses. I have only used two
bottles. and am happy to say it has
made it new man of me. I strongly
recommend it to fellow -sufferers." C.
PEARCE, Diy Goods Merchant, For-
eet, Ont. Sold by C. Leave
now HE wee, Resievres OF MS
'W. Lavelk, G. T.R. brakesman,Allat-
dale, Ont.,- says: "Through exposure
I contracted that dread disease - ca-
tarrh. My case became chronic. I
was recommended to try Dr. Ageeee's
Catarrhal Powder. III ten minutes
after the first application I had re-
lief, and in an almost incredibly shor
tim e all symptoms had disappeared.
feel I can not speak too strongly u
womniending this remedy. It is a
leasant, safe and. quick cure." Sold
11-0. LUTZ.
That's the whole secret In a
word. We can cure no disease
unless we can keep up the pa-
tient's strength. And there's
only one way to do that -feed
him. But if the system refuses
food? Then use SCOTT'S
EMULSION of Cod-liver 011
with Hypophosphites.., It goes
stops the wasting, rekindles
the vital fire, ma,kes new flesh
and so renders a hopeful fight
possible against ANY disease.
Especially is this so in bron-
chial and lung troubles, in the
relief and cure of which Scott's
Emulsion has won its reputa-
tion. Book about it free.
Scott's Emulsion is no mysterious
mixture. It ispalatable, non -nauseat-
ing and infinitely Feferable to the
plain oil. Ths geresine has our hack -
mark on salmon -colored wrapper. Get
the genuine.
For sale at 50 cis. and $1.00 he all
SCOTT & BOWNE, BaltevIlk, Ont
His Cheque Good
Hundreds ot Thou-
sands of Dollars.
In one of our Iaege Canadian cities
there resides one of Canada'smerchant
princes who can at any, moment write
his checque for hundreds of thousands
of dollars.
Some time ago this merchant prince -
was a very sick man. Liver troublesa
headache and insomnia, were fast
pulling down a strong physical frame. -
Doctors bestowed great care and at-
tention on their wealthy patient, but ,
no cure came to cheer him ; in fact nw
perceptible benefit was felt after.
months of treatment.
A voyage to the south of Europe"
was then undertaken, and weeks were'
spent at one of the mostfamous water-
ing places, but no change for the bet-
ter was experience. Returning homee
the merchant prince received a visit
front his faithful pastor, who.
strongly urged the use of Paine'et
Celery Compound, a medicinethat hatt:
some years before cured it member of
his family. The good advice of the;
ministerial friend was promptly takena
the great bealing compound was used,.
with the result that in five weeks the -
sick man and his family were overjoy-.
ed with proofs of recovery and new.
health. Restless sleep was restored,,
digestion wasimproved, and a brighter •
look came into Ins eyes and face. After
four months' careful use of Paine's.
Celery Compound and proper dieting,. ,
every deadly and treacherous symptom'
of disease had vanished, and the mer-
chant prince was a new man.
What a. wondrous and. happy proof'
of the life-giving virtues of Paine's
Celery Compound 1 Surely the state-
ment is powerful enough to lift. ali
poor and helpless ssufferex s from thee
dark pit of despair.
This story of a. true cure was related
by an intimate friend of the cured man..
who. gave permission to refer to it
publicly without giving the names of'
the once -dying merchant.
Winer MonnEveneeney Ifeesnixo
TIIAT Lettesse
Don't dally with heart. disorders....
There is but one 01119'. "1 had been
for a number of years sorely af-
flicted with heart disease. At times.
my life was despaired of. Doctors had.
perscribech and I had taken every -
known heart remedy made, 11141(1 sup-
posed, and. did not get any beneft.
I read of the wonderful cures wrought
by Dr. AgneW's Cure for the Heart.
I procured a bottle, and in less time -
almost than it taloa; to tell it, the
distress was relieved. I followed the
directions closelyand to -day I eel a
well woman again, and I shall do all
in my power to make known to every
ne suffering as 1 did the wonder -
euro it worked. foe me. Mrs. Wm.
Bt on, Dartmow, Ont." Sold by C.
Al kinds for
Id ad
Le OT Prices This year.
Com and see some NEW IM --
Sampson, Portland
white's English Portland
Thorold, ilyd
We expect sever cars of the -
above in this week,a41 as we buy
largely we are in a \)osition to
give close prices. Be sure and get
our quotations,
Made by the largest Paint:
House hi America
IF You want a satisfactory-
Paint for outside or inside work .
buy them. •
H Bishop & Son.