Exeter Times, 1897-5-20, Page 1Vo, sicirr TWENTY—FOURTH YEAR NO. 25. lor•••••04•001.•10......, HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING MAY 20th, 1897. Rensali R. S. FORD 84110 . (Late with Garrow Proudfoot) 13e,rrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Heiman, Ont. WO DHAM ••••••01......••••••••••••••sv../... 46.1, Summer Underwear. MitPW011.1111.3413.3...1.../..1 Just a word here to remindyou that in Ladies' Vests we are showing a ..eomplete aSsortment cif well made garments of`the best qualities. Prices were never so low in our experience. - We have them itt 5e, 7e,. 10e, 12te, 25e .and 500, Ladies Shirt Waists e$hirt waists awe more popula,r this season than ever before. We are showing them iu many different styles 'Ana (polities lit 50e, 00e, '73c-,, $1.00 and $1.25 eaceli. We also show the new Jubilee Belts as well as those :with purse attached, Surzuner Hosiery & Gloves •••=110•Wil...1.61.01 ••••••11.11.10••.■ If there's one thing we excel it, more than another, it is lioenery and gloves. Over prices are exceedingly low for the qualities we are, showing. eferCiarree and Iriviestigateeeet saeSore e open. on Tuesday, Theirs- -day and Seturday,:evenings. • G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey ancer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent, - and issuer of Marriage Licenses. Legal docu- ments carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money to loan on real estate at low rates of in- terest. Office at the Post-ofike, Hensall, THE ASSESSMENT.—W. IlleOloye as- sessor, los handed the following statistics to the TIMES for publi- cation :- Total No. S. children 417, births 11, deaths 10, population 775, horses 109, sheep 0, cattle 79, dogs 50, assessed average 459e, total assess- ment 192,330. f • 4, f. •• •• •• •• e. •••••••• .k...•••••• ••••• 0. 9.0. •••• R. $. FORD & CO., LAMM. BRIEFS. —The Presbyterian March was reopeued here oa Sunday, and :special services were conducted by the following clergymen : Rev. J. E. Ford; Methodist minister, at 11 a. in. ; Rev, E. F. M. Smith, incninbent, at 3 p. a.; .and Rev, Setnuel Lawrence, ot Ven - neck Preebyterian Church, at 7 p. m. The church wee crowiledat each service Usborne. Hamm -Mr. Peter Whitlock was around last week for the purpose of seeming patrons for tlae Winchelsea creamery, which will be opened this weeks -We are pleased. to learn that Mrs. Henry Harney, who has been seriously ill for about two or three weeks, is considerably improved in health, and hope for her speedy recovery. Hensley. fiff•••••••Ing, Whalen. BRIEES.--Miss Etta Squires has gone to Exeter to learn dress making. -Mr. Tom, Inspector, paid our school an official visit on Thursday. -The cheese factory, and creamery milk wagons are now on their routes. Hayfield. BRIEM-Miss Retta Stanbury, ar- rived home from London, on Saturday last after spending a few weeks very pleasantly at her uncles, Rev. J. G. Bneses.-Mr.Thounts Canning's little Stewart, of no churdh,-Mr. John boy has been very ill. -We are pleased Esson returned to Hayfield Monday to be able to state tba .1411, Wm. evening after spending the winter Weir, who has been very 111, is "c" months a Nalrin-E. B. Smith, of 13amPs-Mr, and. Mrs. A. Dent, of recovering. -The renaams of Mrs. Win. Huron College,Londoisishome,having Mitchell, spent Sundey with. re- Nichols were interred in the Marc $ owe with an aeetaent by which his lations in the village -Mrs. Elder, Hill cemetery on Tuesday last. We arm was badly bruised. formerly of Tackersmith, is visiting extend our sympathy to Arr. Nichols . her sons in that township. -Walter in his hour of heavy trial. -It is with ilasliwood. Coxworth lia,s Eurchased a, IirmidSonie feellives a the deepest regret that we salt Lodge, No. 223, celebrated the. rew buggy. -T e Oddfellows of Hen- report' the death of Mrs. Wm. Cook, on Tuesday, May 4th. QUEEN OF TIIE WEST. -H, nsill is in fall blast running eveT day chureh unday evening last. They Bliraville, leaving the yard. Mr. Willert, is a a,nniversar by attending St. Paul's • sa • , and a great quantity of turn er is Ray ACCIDENT. -While playing foot bell on Saturday evening. a young man named O'Brien, of No. 1, Hay, ac- cidentally broke one of his legs and is now confined to his bed. Creditor', George jewett, W. J. Ashton, W. H. The Exeter District. The Exeter District of the Meths). dist. eliurch held their annual meeting in the Parkhill Methodist church on Tuesday and Wednesday. The fol- lowing ministers answered to the -call ot their names :-Revs, N. R. Wil- 4oughby, D. D., J. Mills, IL W. Locke, HORSE SToLure-On Wednesday night last some persons stole a horse and cart from Thomas Amy, sr., of Ste- phen township, and no trace of the animal bee since been learned. it is supposed that tramps took the horse, as they had tried the animals belong- ing to other farmers before they got one to suit, them. The horse is a valu- able driving beast and highly prized by Mr, A.my, Greettway BRIEFS. -B. liTowald with 4 masons started the foundation of the church Butt, W. E. Kerr, C. 0. Keine, W. S. Waddell, S. G. Yellancl, G, H. Thom- pson, John Hart, C. Barltrop, R. J. Garbutt, L. L. B., J. kJ, Ford, T. E. Harrison, J. C. Netliercott, The first session was taken up with ministerial character when the usual disciplinary questions were satisfact- orily answered. The two young men on probation, 3. W. Ashton and. 0. C. Keane were examined in the doetrine of the Methodist church and the books they read during the year, Rey. Mr. Mills, of Parkhill, applied for superan- nuation on the ground of poor health. After listening to his statement the last Monday. -The Ladies Band of Rev. 3. Hart moved seconded by Rev. Willing Woe•kers isset at the residenee J. C. Nethercott that the district oIl of Mrs. Mahan in Parkhill, last, Mon- meeting recommend the conference to were ;Ilse joined by a neon et o e _ -7- .,., wiener. je seems he cin sell where day, and presented. her with an ad- grant the same. Severed of thea brethren from Exeter, Seleforth and BRIEFS, -- Mr. Joseph Bayo, wbo others Can't. -- The boys are haring dress and purse of money, she hav- brethren spoke of his excellency ot Clinton lodges. The church was very was a resident of this village for only great fun playinea ball in the evening ing been a faithful worker while she duiracter, devntionto duty and ability Mr. Hawker called at our boarding' lived, here, - Mr. and Alva. A. W. as a preacher and his successful life in --- tastily decorated evith flowers for the a fesv months, died at his son's resi- - JOHN WHITE) & SONS Publishers and Prterieters 3 MIREBT BCPOT We Have A Record for Low Prices New Prints in all the latest Dosigns. Special Sale of Ready-made Clothing. Aft-- Below Cost J. P. Ross *••••••••.•ffmff. occasion, by the ladies of the coogre- deuce ou Tuesday, May 4th. at the age Iluirephries and Aliss P. Howhey visit- the . rainistery. A, cpriunittee was Mr. Norman Bnchanant of Shipke, is . house on Monday lase -Peter Musser of 79 years. His remains wet(' inter- ed friends here hist Moetlity evening. nominated by the chairman to drieft busy framing John Hodgins' 30 x 00 ft ation, end the rector, Hey. C. L. visited friends near Grand Bend:last red in Forest cemetery a few days Mr. Humphries eves giving instriect- a resolution with reference to these Inenk barn. The frame foundation Mills, delivered a very eloquent and Sunday. -Quite an accident happened after. -A. McCauley is suffering from ions to the masons in regard to the excellencies and record the same on was raised on Monday and the barn impreesive serxxion which was listened Isere the other day. "While the tisill was runniag the big saw came in ;eon- ducts for the new. fureecea-A large the district book. will be raised the forepart of next to with interese and profit by the diphtheria, - Workmen seem to be brethren. The church choir also e'en- more nuinerous than work. - Our ee • ct with one of the doge and nearly nuinber frens thia vicinity attended, __ea—ea-, - week. dered several fine anthems in addition old friend, .11,1r. senate, aue• 0, won took s, Nymert,o life. ne Aeees of the barn raisisig of Afr. Hodgson's on I Huron Cesunty Notes, Master Willie Cline, of Seaferth, to the regular service of song. Hen- which still continues to overflow, and the saw were flying in all Lections Monday and Thos. Hariton on Tues- -- • . neet with an accident in the Broad - face arid marked him up badly. It, is i Mrs* It'si'Pli Ziner of 12e"* strePhen foot & Box furniture factory On salt lodge Is prospering, andthis event William wants il, chance to beat the and one of them struck Stun in the ilaY' il. 4 • • . a wonder souse of thens were not kil- A CARD. -I ;tin introducing into led. this locality a new medicine, known as "Our Native Herbs" inannfact ured marks another milestone in its history. record. is "03 (4 y ill. TueSclay. HiS left lama eame in con- -Rea. j. S. Hendeesem will preach en elccording to the assessor's roll the , tact with a saw and the tops a tAVO Varna, next Sunday, the piestor from total population of Wingluun is 2,101 of his fingers w -ere taken off. • that place taking Mr. 'kIenderson's It has been decided. to hold a jubilee Mr. James Coleman late . cheese work here. -Miss Hattie Sutherland is eelehration in Clinton on the 2.2xal of , maker at Brneefteld, who has been terson, jr., who los been suffering Each $1,09 box contains 209 days treat- _ - 1 Same farruere bee not finished seed- we je Kay, of Clinton, graduieted confined to bed a his mother's rest - visiting friends in Clinton. -R. ntt- by the Alonzo Miss Co., Montreal, • oo am. will be acceptable for some little tune. Jime. I ing and it has been impossible to do denee itt Tackersraith for the past six is recovering rifeely.-The not shire the money will be refundedif the medi- is visiting in the yillage."-miss Ann.i° i muels seeding of late the land being so 3inieinatedirticei.ne at tl = D t •oit College of weeks, is, we regret te learn,- (seriously . ill with but slight hopes for his recove from a severe attack of bronchitis ment and registered guarantee that BRIEPS.-Mr. Swallow, of Pickering, stallion "Kithourn" owned by Irma, eine does not give satistaction In treat- Abney had the cusfottune to spmen wet. -The two firms are busy rafting (*rand Bend. BRI ans.--The weather base pparent ly taken a change, and dry weather 5; Geiger, turned the scales at 211 "lbs. lug the diseases for which it is recom- one of her ankles on Tuesday last. - • logs here this week. Met'rity, of Wel- Six hundred and eightv-two eandi- "Y' a, goad weight for -a four year oId. mended, A.. R. SIM, Blake, Huron Mr, and Mrs. McKernan attended the laceburgtook away two i•afts last .. dates will write at the public sehool Mr. S. Reid, of Harlock, has rellied dwelling, lately vacated by D. Weis- leevince examinetion in East Huron.. , his blacksmith shop and residence Ao , • . • el ' f -B. Kaiser has rentea J. P. Marshall's • • ------------------------ '', e , e., miller, and intends taking boarders. He has rooted his own dwelling to Mr. Twitchell, of Clinton. -We are pleased to team that Mrs, 13. Hoggarth, is re- covering nicely from bee recent illness. -The arbitrators in connection with the sellout question which lately Ont. Eappen. — • Banese .-Mr. William Clamor(' last week Ina& a large shipment of fine cattle to the old country market. - Silas Butte who bas been in very poor by an attentiVe and appreciative eon- agitated attention, met here a few health, from that much dreaded dis- ease, tuberculosis, is not, improving gregittiou. A steered concert \Yes days ago and signed papers settling given in t•he church on Monday night, the matter, as was mentioned in 11 any. He has gone to his home in the hope that the change will benefit hini. also a lecture on "A. Tour on Northern former issue of Tun Timas.-Robt. Europe," by Rev. G. II. Smith, of Carlisle, jr., who lately migaged in the 'Thaniesford. -Mr. R. Fox and family hardware business at Ripleee, in corn - removed to London on Wedneeday of pany with his brother-inelaw. Mr, th is week. They leave many warm George Found, spent, last Sunday with *le uds in -Damn and vicinity. his parents in the vill•age.-The anpi- , 'wee , am Shook. on, . , - , e. is. le , o , g , , p , Marys recently. -Our merchants When yon are wesiki tired and het: !years. Air. Reid intends removing to now close their stores at 7 o'clock on I Cleruens, are busy putting; up a raft -and Purf3' Tnekersmith told taking the farm tug was uponMonday and got anicelift, • Your bl less you need. to enrieh ,,oa With Hood s Sarsaparilla. 1 Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the steamer "Atlantie-The fish ; recently vacated by Alexander Grey, es -Don't miss the :(240, eele- . of fish. There are tots of pedlars after . Me. Tom Biekle, of Egmondville, !on the Mill Road. bration" in Woodham thus year. A - i theme -There was a lively scene in the - was so unfortunate one day last week , One of the best evidences that big time expected. St. Aeliwys Brass i village on Monday caused by Henry ae to fracture his right arm neer the 13and in attendance. --NN ate has al- Wilson's team running away. No elbow. ayer's Hair Vigor i 8 811 article of ready been staeted at the new sidee serious damage was donee...Quite ro The Beaver lacrosse club of Sea:forth , exceptioual merit is the fact that the Stewart and Miss Mag 'ii Sykes spent caught by C. C. Mnnroe in one of hee. intend sending n, team to Detroit on I No mie who uses this incomparable I demand for 11 1. constantly- increasing. walks. - Will Stewart, 5.118---s A--linw curiosity in. the shape of a fish: was Hand4Y lest in sebringriue• - Tils nets. The Oldest fisherinen had never , dresssing thinks of trying- any other the 2,Ith to compete with st team of that city. -Mr. and .1.es.:Win. Hamden, seen the like before. It. had a lona 1 . preparation. tralitewereehere daring the week,visit- of •Cen- Kirkton Oreinnerv started operations this eveek. %lee p1 >311 Air. fiat nose and loire body and had n; '.`41r. 0. Kyad,„ a Hens:ill, had the I A. Detroit dispatch on letonday iast ing at the home tit Mi:. Eicher„ -Mrs, , Wenger, ot Ayton, is the largest but- Scales. - Artliut;'Atollard Visited. his ' inlisrm`tune 1111 11 IA) gethiKleIrsPrained I said' "While ANNilicing along the Sheffer is at Seaforth, waiting on her ter manufacturer in the Dommon and 1 eome on Sunday accompanied, by Mr. ey a step latilder cm whi(di he wae street car 11. 11 on Jefferson a,venne, daughter Mrs. Jellies Dick, who is understands his laisiness. He will. eer- Herb Mollard.-The roof is now im the IN•orkirig giving away. '. between the Driving park and. Fox - very illeLMr. George Taylor, who waa tainly do AVen at Kirkt on after he is • Ceeek,•David R. Wilson was idsta.ntly vaarted. church here, and the Carpenters are Henry Allan has rented the farm of } . killed yesterday afternoon. -Deceased • t CI verow with a car Rod of cattle °nee WAY , getting along well.-Jaines Mallard Mr. Henry Kelly, on the corner tit „ .11.111 was born at Goclerich, Ont., and lees a 1 and wife visited his brother, Isaac Harlock. Inc sir, a, r. .ar. The f• • „ ZU 'Oil • . • .. contabie fifty Lima • earpenter by trade," It, is currentle• runsered thee if ! inv. e ' "Ten peon'e out of 1 doze.0 are Postmaster Campbell, of teoderich, 1* le*" '1 ' . -. says a aecent Medical alitb- is ' orilar. At least eaglet out of these ten, • To be free from sick headache, billousnese. constipation, etc., use 'Carter's Little Liver 'Pills. Strictly vegetable. They go ntly stimulate the liver and free the stomach from bile. ••••••••••*. Br ntfor GA L.,VA NIZEID STEEL MI LLS For POWER and PUMPING' with PATENT RO ISLIER and BALL I3EA 3Ianufactured by GOOLD, SH.A.PLEY and MUIR CO. —1011— Our Ideal Witsd Mills have .made a great name throughout Can - Ada, and are unsurpassed for quality .or power. They are the Only Wheels •with the patent Roller and Ball ,Bearings, and the only power mills ,absolutely safe, for they cannot run .,away. Send fte,r illustrated circular. Fifty mills erected. in Exeter and evicinity last yeae, all of which have ;given satisfaction. All these mills are eerected and set running by peactical .experts and we can fully guarantee them. ',:=011A GUARANTEE -T=1,1 Steel Power Wind. Mills have come Co stay ; and the rapid increase of our trade is sure evi- : deuce that Canadians are wide awake in their ..appreciation of their value. Some skeptics foqx that a cutting -box or grinder cannot be run with a wind mill but we positively- guarantee -our 12-1001 mill to drive any ordinary cutting - ...box, or our Post, Grinder, in a twelve to fifteerr mile wind ; and the 14 -foot wheel gives nearly .double the power of a 12 -foot, mul will run ,our Maple Leaf Grinder to perfection. Exper. 'Uwe proves that there is sutlicient good. wind. to give power ,for all ordinary farm work. In -aduition:to the above meehines the root pul- Per, or any light inaohillerF, maim driven; and.. • eyeusinee pumping attachment, water can : be:pumpod. a; well. • THE CELEBRATED "Maple Leal Grinder' Ten inch rever- esible plates, relief . springs, ball bear- ing plates, shake feed, grinds flue and fast. Send for circular. For prices tend teeree, :add re • , versary services in conpection s the laying of the corner stone of the arrived. on Monday testa -Pond - Methodist church, will be celebrated on Sunday and Monday, May23rd and 24th. Rev. Die Willoughby. of Exe- ter, will conduct the services on Sun- day. On Monday, May 24th, the an- nual. tea meeting will be held, for which a splendid program is being prepared. -The anction sale of the effects of the estate of the late Mrs. White, was held on Saturday' last, and was quite successful. The house WOES also offered but not sold, the highest bid being only $500. -Rev. Mr. McKibben, and wife, were in the village last week visiting Mrs. C. A. McDonelle Mrs. McKibbon's cousin. - Dr. MeDairmid left here on Monday morning to attend the funeral of his brother, the late Dr. eldeDitirmid, of Scarboro.-Mrs. Edwards was taken quite ill while attending service in St,. Paul's church on Sunday evening last. -Mr. Wilson, of Listowel, is at pres- ent resident of our village. -Rev. Dr. Gray, of Parkbell, was here re- cently visiting his sister, Mrs. E, Snaffle. - Dublin. — BRIEFs.-Rev. Father K.ealy was in Logan last week attending the Forty Hours' devotion. -Miss Mary Mat- thews, Chicago, has been visiting friends during the past few weeks. - Doctor Michell, has added to his stable by the purchase of a very handsome hay. -Messrs. McQuade, of Tuckersmitle, have rented the De - caution farm and are busy at the season's work. -Mrs. McCann. an old resident of Iriehtown, has sold her house and lot, • but we hope we will not lose her from.our midst. -F. O'Hara. a highly respected resident of McKill- op, died at his residence on the 5th inst., and his remains were interred in the Irishtown cemetery. Bruoefield. — BR/ErS. -Wm. Plewes was so un- fortunate as to get it horse se seriously injured that it had to be killed. He was harrowing and in turning, .the 1 harrow on them aral breaking the leg horses turned too short, upsetting the of one of the animele. PASSED AWAY. ••••• Mrs. Alexander Nevin,r of this village, died on Sunday morning • last, having reached the good age of 70, years. Her maiden 1 neene was Margaret Niven. She was a, native of Perthshire, Scotland, but after her marriage she lived in Olean until 1881, when with her husband aid - family she came to Canada and set; tied. in Brucefield, She was the mother of Mrs. James Logan, of Stan- ley, aeul Mrs. Mekins, of Exeter. • Dae.TH.--George Fach died, on Tues- day of last week at the age of 59 years. Fach had been ill for several months from some internal disease, and was a severe sufferer. Mr: Fach came here from Egmondville some four or five years ago, purchasing the Turner hotel property. He enlarged and very materially improved the hotel, when he leased it, and re- moved to the property of the late Rev. 11 LANGA,„„ent john Ross,which, he purchased and on which he lived until his death. He Was an obliging landlord, an in.dustri- enterprising citizen end was kind .For Huron Middlesex and ous, hearted and respected. Ile leaves a Perth. widow but no family. The remains . were interred in St. James' church P. 11.4%, F,artee-. Exe-ter, oes are in great abundance in this lo- cality, and are a drug in the market. -Mr. R, 13 McLean, who is now turn- ing his attention to growiug corn on a removed that D. MeGillicuddy, of the ie safe to allow, are suffering from purposes, is tees have done excellent work this , getting material ou hand for building Buneas.-Mr. Deleeity, of '4L 1131(1 Signal, will be his successor. 7 some form of blood -disease which a. large wile fax ensilage year in the shape of new sidewalks and BRIEFA. — Banding operations are ner 1 LS S4 . ••••-‘ booming this week. -The police trite- Centralize A silo. tire protection, placing Zurich in as sapent Sunday last here with his son, ne Thomas ease, of the Lendon ' persistent use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. critical operation recently, when he ' be an invalid. villages. - Messrs Johnson Bros. are of Miehigan, who has been visiting buying large quantities of wool at friends here reterned to her home on highest prices. They also carry a Wednesday morning. -Miss Hannah large stock of twe(alts, etc. -.A immber Butt, of RiP . en, who has been visiting r d Seaforth. Kamm BY A. BaLLoea.-An acci- dent whichiterminated fatally occurred Saturday evening on the farm of J. Hayes„ ex -reeve of the township of McKillop. Mrs. Hayes in attempting to drive one of the yonng cattle down -Mrs. (Rove Houston, Road, north of Exeter, underwent a Woled be sure to cure. Then, don't good a, position as any of her sister DelgatY, traeitaisitl.arge cancer removed from hist _-,_--- of ! erneses... T B .B:slIfOn..NCt.IIRNITIS est:RED. , The latest arrivals at the I-Ionse & Co., Toronwto, Out. of workmen are seen daily going her cousin, (v. , H. But. . . Refuge are Alitellock McKay, Tucker- i ovine besei;iicilmeered. _Hag e ow through the Village to Little Toronto . home on. Minaday.e-Mi•s. IN. es. lleaston, , smith 1 Ann Fitzen, Aehtield ; itral litilia aire3aneVeeliti rrel'a.tlesuccess. I use it els. o rx they ligil imonchitis They are also seen coining lee& again . who has lieen coatmed te the house all JotihmuiDnisuielltst,st:olhorne, making it total i for sere throat. and can say there is nothing to , equal it 71, a Atire cure. with a tale of woe, behor 'unable to winter through illness, is able to be out again and we hope for her speedy procure thepeounsed work. Snell a, anm the lane was struck by the ial in state of affairs isnot only aggravating passing, kuocking her insensible to the to those disappointed artisans, but an - around and without regaluing con- noying to the citizens of Zurich, who have in many eases to eontribute to the absolute requirements of the un- fortunate wouId-be toilers. The least our weetern aspirant could do would tailoring shop of Henry Spen.re, in the be to give the deluded it square Whitney Block, but W tIS soon got meal. -The new road machine has ate under control by the firemen without rived, and. gives perfect satisfaction. doing much damage to the block. But owing to a royalty being claimed Speare's stock was damaged by water and smoke. Insured in the Western. Henderson's photo studio, next door, was badly disturbed. without actual damage. Origin of fire unknown. sciousness, she died five hours after the accident. FIRE. -At 2 o'clock Mondaymorning fire was discovered in the merchant St Nia,ryee BitinEs '-G. BleLeau took possession of the Grand Central hotel on May 1. James Beattie has purchased Mr. .Mc- Lean's grocery business and will 'con- tinue the business at the old stand. - H. A. Graham, 13. A., and A. C. Eddy have been successful in passing the an- nual examination in the faculty -of theology. at Victoria University. - Miss 111elchatm has been appointed or- ganist in Knox church in place of Miss Sparks, who has resigned.-Jno. Gray, formerly a. clerk in A. Beattie4.CD Co's grocery, has returned nd will take Mr. Muir's position.. -Si. Marys town council has granted $100 towards a jubilee celebration. -Miss M. Aiken left last week for a trip across the Atlantic, to visit points of interest in Great .Britain. She will also yisit Paris and probably some other European cities. -I. 0. Richards, whobought the boot and shcie stock of D. A, Martin, has removed the stock to his store in Brussels and closed the business here. -Mrs. Gibson,of London, is visiting at the home of her. sister, Mrs. Dewey, Wellington street. -Miss Bessie Baine is home from New York. She has been successful in passing the examination in theory, solfeggio and history of Music, at the National Conservatory of Music, New York. -Dr. Bothell, who has purchaeed the Dental business of Dr. Crell, of Stratford, is it former student of St. Marys Collegiate Instie tube. ' LOOK THEDOOR Before the horse is - stolen. Purify, enrich and vitalize your blood and Indict up your physical system before disease attacks you and serious sick- ness comes. Hood's Sarsaparilla will make you strong auct vigovons and .will expel from your blood all lin- uritiee and germs of disease. Take ood's Sarsaparilla now. sister. -The Misses Shirray are the attests of Miss Edith Steinbach. -Miss Hood's Pills are tb.e favorite family 1aisb, of Crediton, visited Miss Ida cathartic. Easy to take, gentle, , Brill on Sunday • 25 ht`nfq, on it by a Hamilton firm, the machine is not being used pereaing a settlement by the company.-Ers. George Hess is very ill. --Philip Sipple's child is improving rapidly. The police axe bound to have the by-laws enforced, and last week impounded all cows at large. The streets since have been free from bovines. -Some wag threw a lot of tacks on the street the other day, much to the damage of several bicycles. If the party is discoverecl. it suit for damages will be instituted, U a more dispicable trick could not be Mag. JAMES O'BRIEN. Now that corn has been placed on the . I Huntsville, Ont, recovery. - Mrs. Culbert was taken suddenly ill one. day week before last and in. spite of Medical attention suc- • through Goderich. ed. a fine warehouse near the railway climbed - C. W. Swith has elect - free list, the Grand. Trunk Railway are ina large quantities from the States KIDNEY WAR. considering the advisability of import - station. -Thos. Handford, who has Air. John Plucombe, of 1,7shorne, been to Winnipeg with a carload. of who was so unfortunate as to get his horses, returned home on Monday leg broken some weeks ago we are evening. --Rets W. II. Butt and Sohn pleased to note is able to be out again Essery attended the district meeting by the aid of crutches. of the Methodist church held in Park- hill last week. -John Essery occupied the pulpit on Sanday mormug 1a.et with great acceptance in place of the medical examination at Jefferson pastor, who condncted seemes in the Medical College, Philadelphia. Thames Road Presbyterian church.- You hardly realize that it is medi- Mr. Pardon is putting on an extra eine, when taking Carter's Little story on his house, formerly occupied Liver Pills: they are very small; no by G. H. Windsor. -Rufus Cobleigh bad effects ; all troubles from torpid and Robt. Essery shipped a carload of liver are relieved by their use. hogs one day litst week that averaged over 190 lbs each, $4.05 n e Mr. J. T. ' Acheson, Goderich, =- having been paid for iheem1.0-0Tihbe- business here and when he has sold. flounces that he is going to give up Epworth League hold a, lawn social on ,,, his stock will. go West to Manitoba and the parsonage grounds on Tuesa--" other seceions on a prospectiug tour. Jas. Purdon, who taught school in Usborne, for it number of years, has been successful ea passiue his final conceived, -F. Seteerner has the form- evening next. --The R. T. of T. are ar- dation ready for a handsome new resielranging for a debate with represent- dence.-Joseph Surarus left last Wed- atives of Sodom to take place here on nesclay for the Rainy River district 1 the evening of th e 24th. The subject, where he will prospect during the. elem.:eyed that married life is pre - summer. -Mr. Herman Well has e331-1ferab:e to single life,' will be threshed. played Henry Piet& as hareessen aker. .-___............. -The late rains have made a great lin- Clinton School had an average at- provement in vegetation everything is tendauce for the month of 414. looking fresh end green. -Mr. August Readers of PIM Tierasevill remember Hill, wife and family, of Crechton, the burning of tbe barn of Arch. spent Sunday with Chas. Greb, of the Johnston, in Ashfield, a couple of Huron. -Walter Dumart, of Crediton, months ago, suspicioit for. which fell also Sunclayed at home. -Miss An- apon a young woman, a neighbor, gonna, Grabiel, of Dashwood, was the named Elizabeth Doyle. For a long guest of Mrs. Fred Kibler on Sattir- day.-Messers Harry Wing, of Shipka, and. Cha. Fritz, of Das wood, paid our villacre a, visit on Sunday. We are time she was dangerously ill and cou not be interfere.d with, but on Wed- nesday last she was brought before P. M. Seeger for ne preliminary trial. feces.-4ohn Preetee is looking extral. men who had - a h„ehy Over three veers ego a local horse- alivays pleased to see their mulling , pleasant these days its a girl. -Exeter team of horses, concluded that be would send them to doing some blowing about their IS bicycle club. Our little village ean. the old. country, where there was a nd promise of realizing it good figure for boast of over 30 wheels at present a agent Will Hess is doing is, them, That they were a good team our active ag rushing business hi that line. --,Our 3r177 be judged from the fact that Tow People's Alliance held. their 5 eyere refused for them. The 7 were sent over as a part of some other first ally Day service on Senday 9th. The addresses given by the shipments being made, and landed in Liverpool in good order, the owner president, Miss Laura Williams, the havin advanced $100 to cover the red Kibler setting forth the aims and son they were not sold on thole ar- Dilator of the church, Rev. Heist, and cost of transportation. For some rea- objects of the Alliance and the.good it rival, but were left in the hands of a works for the church, were very good. dealer who was supposed to look after The singing Was excellent and the them and dispose of them Time Alliance is to be congratulated on the went on, and all efforts on the part of saccess of their meeting. -Mr. and the owner to get the value of his team Mrs. A. 3, R onus, of Exeter, were the were unavailing ; one excuse after an guests of Mr A. Willia,MS, on 8(131. other was given, until the animals had day. -Miss Piano, Derstein has return- ed home after a lengthy visit with her either eaten their hetids oft, ur been driven to dmeth, and the only return whatever that theshipper got was $15, which he received last week, as the surplus of the cost of transportation. - Clinton New Era. • HOW INsiDIOUSLY ITWAGEs,EU9.' HOW QUICK THE SURRENDER, A'SD 1101,V TUE FLAG OF TRUCE Is HURRIEDLY . HOISTED WI/EN TIIA.T GREAT GEN- ERAL, SOUTII ..‘MERIr.A.N KIDNEY OURS TURNS MS Gt-Ns ON THE DzsEsE. This is -whet Jame.s Sullivan,of Chat- ham, Ont., writes : "For years 1 was a great sufferer from Kidney trouble. The disease became so acute that 1 eves confined with insomnia. I was per - swilled after using meny other reme- dies without relief to procure it bottle of Smith American Kidney Cure. hadrelief almost from the first dose. I have persisted in its use, and after using six bottles I am well and strong again. I can work fourteen hones out of twenty-four and, feel very little, if any fatigue. It is the. best •medicine I have ever used.' Sold by C. Litz. 'mouse. r Spring 1897 —to -- Judicious close buyers find that their dollar goes further at the CHEAP CASH STORE. Having secured some very special lines this month, bought or cash we can offer them at close prices. LACE CURTAINS. -We give 703 excellent value 3 and 31 yards long. taped at 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, 1. 75,Iand $2.00 per pair beautiful patterns, WALL PAPER. -We have the latest designs from 3e per roll up. It will peer yon to examine our seock before buying. CARPETS, TAPESTRY. -All wool Union, and Hemp, ranging blot -Ice from 12ec. to $1.00 PRINTS .AND WASH GOODS. -We have a beaatiftil range a dress prints m stylish French and American urekee from 5e per yard up. BLOUSE W.A.ISTS„--We have the very latest styles in 131Ouee Waists, at splendid assortment cheap. • REA.DY MA.DE CLOTHING. -Just to hanil another lot, the kiad that. gives setisfection at right prices. Tweed. pants at. 93e • $1.35, $L50 41,11d $3.03 ORDEREDCLOTE(IING.-Right here is where you find the latest in Tweeds Worsteds etc, . Tweed Suits to order from $8.50 u aBlack Worsteds front $13.00 to $18.00 for best quality. Crocery Stock Best Quaiity A 11_,-.0 Best, Granulated Sugar 23 lbs for $1.00 Rolled 024s 12 lbs for .25 " Yellow " 28 lbs 1.00 Corn Meal 12 " " - .25 " Green. Cottee 7 lbs " 1.00 Miiphi Lel Electric 0 bees for - .10 Canned Corn 5 cans " .25 Sweet Home Soap 0 bars for - .25 T000londat JoneystavialdTPeaeas 54 1,1,)s 1.2050 BConpiofowrdter-xo-re-st -cietyblairsthfo8r25 eaeters :20 Just received a shipment of D. M. Ferry ,& Co., reliable flolcl seeds.- ... ...TURNIPS, MANGEL, CARROTS ETC, Produce taken as cash }Ind for which we pay the Highest prices, OALL.-SOLICITED.'r..m -Chas. Zwieice,