Exeter Times, 1897-5-13, Page 8E HE EXETER TIMES • CASH OK PROEM, ONE PRICE ONLY.. -�►i�nviwwan•v.rrorrvi4 4» VA iiC iV Tiff'i iVYiN, 71`1.41N i it�� Lace SPECIAL, VEIRY SPECIAL We leave thele in, all prices and qualities, but our Great. Big Buster of a bargain is - $1.40 the pair. Yes the biggest lace curtain's value we ever saw. wed S r a+ HerearaotHer 13or. rffciiig I3arganln. Great big White Marseille's Bed Spread 92c worth in any regular store $1.:50. "You'll be sorry" if you miss these two Big Bargains. 1.000 Store closes at. O;:3:) excepting Wednesdays. and Saturdays. J. A. STLWART E E'I', C` VETE1.INi 1LY SURGEON. STOVES ! STOVES. -Storrs and heat err of ,ill kinds sold at rock bottom I , }})rade.. Manufactured by the Gurney Foundry Co., Toronto. Call and hi - Is prepared to do any kind of bird stuffing," spect them at Bissetts oldstand, Exeter and taxidermist work at any time. 13. S. DEAv1TT, agent. Fut `D.-Ou Main street, Monday, la lady's gold brooch. The loser can recover saute by (idling at this office and paying f..r this notice. INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agent for the WEsrEnN ASSa.TICANcE COM- PANY, of Toronto ; also for the Pram= FIRE Insa:itAxcE CouP.NY, of London, England; the ALLt.ix INSURANCE COMPANY, of Eng and. sill u i a,' fol e it w 0 tl a.i a. st 0c of (J Ise - vii 1la{r1- Ch see Far the cls - gat'i Several cyclists rode to Clinton Sun - clay last. Farmers have commenced washin their sheen. George �a Toronto this week. Mr. Rennie, of Newton, visited his brother here this week. Mrs. Geo. Weekes G left here Wednes- day morning for Detroit. Geo. Grafton moved bis family to Centralia, on Wednesday. B. S. O'Neil and family visited friends in Lucan on Sunday. H. Yager and wife, of Hamburg, visited at I. Smith's this week. The R. Pickard Co. are clearing out) their entire stock of wall Papers. l Dr. Hutchinson, of Chicago, was the west of Miss Jaffray over Sunday. Mr. and Mts. John Hawkshaw spent Sunday visiting friends in Seaforth. The estate of William Southcott avil1 pay about 17 cents on the dollar. Nobbiest Dress Goods and 3iuslins may be found at the R. Pickard Co's. The editor returns thanks to N. D. urdon for a string of splendid river fish. The recent rains have promoted vegetation very much the past few days. E. Christie moved into the house lately purchased of the Manning es- tate. Rev. H. A. Grahaan, of Carlingford, will preach in Main st. church Sunday week. Wes. Snell shippedfroui this station on Wednesday, several car loads'"of fat cattle. Rev. H. A. Graham, of Carlingford, visited his uncle, John White, on Wednesday. Mrs.McIntyre xlhas returned home from London, where she has been vis- iting friends. John McCallum accidentally let a board fall upon one of his feet, and he is lame in consequence. The Exeter woollen mills have re- cently been refitted and will make a specialty of rolls this season. - The South Huron fall fair will be held in Exeter on Monday and Tues- day following the Western fair. John Spackman and wife moved to Grand Bend on Monday, where they will remain during the summer. Sam'l Brokenshire and Mrs. John Brewer,left on Friday for Rosedale, to ee a sick brother, William Broken - hire. Several property changes are on he tapis, but none of the cleats were consummated at time of going to press. Messrs. Mackenzie and Boulton visited Continville on Tuesday, but report everything shrouded in mystery. The weddingof Mr. Jos. White, of St. Marys, and 141iss'Ella Robinson, of 3rd line Blan 1 a s n rd, is announced for May 19th. Revs. Locke and Willoughby, and Messrs. R. Gidley and P. Frayne, are attending District meeting in"Park- hill this week. Friday was Arbor day, and while no trees, were set out in the school yard here, the grounds were cleaned and otherwise beautified. For the convenience of farmers and others requiringfish for their own use, Tohn Spackman will left his nets every Saturday, at Grand Bend. A number of brethren from Hensall and Crediton will pay a fraternal visit to theExeter lodge of Royal Templars of Temperance, on Monday evening next. W. J. Carlingreturned home last ievenin r g fromthe London hospital, where . he recently underwent an' operation for the removal"of a 1 0 from his cheek. growth Mr. Albert Miell, Locomotive En- ineer C. P. R., of Havelock, spent. hepast e v' visiting w ek is tinb His relatives Messrs. Weekes Bros. and Mrs. H. Spackman, of this lace. p ln', Dr. H. R. Kinsman, graduate of the S„and of Toronto University (with lst class honors) will,praeti istry c 'ti : father .in •axe ee501 A. O. F 1 g :unwell is visiting friends i Court Price of Huron, No. 7885. MeetsinWood's Hall'2nd and 4th Friday in each month. Visiting brethren are cor- dially invited to attend. DANIEL WOOD, C. R. ; GEo. Kamp, Src'r. SCRIBBLING Books and Abb.-Pads POR.... Schoollroom and Students We DON'T claim that EVERY line we carry is better than any body else's BUT we DO claim that. the above lines . . are. . .. . . . . EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. J. Crigg The Mart Exeter. (IY iTHURSDAY, MAY 13th, 1897. LOCAL HAPPE .NGS. Reliable Turnip and Mangold seeds, at the R. Pickard Co's at right prices. Mr. Bol ever has a boring apparatus at work boring for water at his factory. The scarcity of water has been a serious loss to the factory, but Mr. Bobier is bound to overcome the di- ffieulsy if possible. Owing to the heavy rains on Sunday evening, the attendance at the various churches was meagre indeed. Only those living near their respective churches could attend. It was the heaviest rain of the season. The Brantford Courier states that the Verity Plow Works Co, intend moving their works to Toronto at an early date, owing to an increase in business. They now employ an aver- age of 80 mien the year around. Alar e number r of e counterfeit .half dollar pieces are in circulation. As for appearance they are an excellent imi- tation and bear the date 1870. The metal is;very soft, but has almost the same ring when dropped on the floor as the gennine coin. 'Chief Gill is not only an i+,expert at capturing culprits, but he can also catch obstinate hogs. On Tuesday some forty or fifty; people were . trying to head off a stubborn pig on Main street, when Chief. Gill happened along, an grabbing r Abba u his , ho shi bythe lug u ,,,held- hog ship. h onto i to and eel it trita m 1n 1 gg a t t n. P. n y itsslaitghtei:; Sohn McCallum, of Exeter north on Wednesday last was joined in wedlock with ` Mrs.. Hamilton, of Fuilartoni. Rev. Greene performed the cermony. 1'aey have . returned to town and are now. nicely settled in 3f r, NloQallutn's fine house o nisi. ,.-�: :.r g n STEEL BEETLES. Look on your grape vines and you will find them. The only way to get rid of the insect is to pinch and kill them. Insects are also busy at the gooseberry and cur- rant bushes; give them a. dose of belle- bore. COMMITTED TOJ i.. -A man named Heiderman was arrested in town on Friday night, on. a charge ill-treating his wife, He was taken before magis- trate Snell, and being unable to secure sureties binding him oyer to keep the peace, he was committed to Goderich jail, to which place he was taken Saturday morning. He is prone to such conduct, and n. term in Castle Dixon may improve his temper. Tan ASSESSMENT.-- Assessor Fake has handed TRE TIMES the following statistics taken from the assessment roll : Value of real property, $446,371 ; personal$44,225; taxable income $3,650; total assessment $494,246, showing an increase over last year. Population 1815, also au increase over last year. There are in the village 1.47 dogs, 150 cows, 200 horses, 82 dogs, 10 sheep. There were during the year 20 births and 17 deaths. Y OUNGPEOPLES, 0ONYENTION.--The first annual meeting of the Huron 'Presbyterial Union of Young Peoples Societies, was held in 'Willis C"•Much, Clinton, Tuesday. The Rev. `'Vin, Martin in the absence of the presi- dent occupied the chair. There was a good representation of the young peo- ple of the presbytery, and the hearti. ness with which they entered into the discussions which arose out of the topics on the programnie, showed that the young people are alive to alt that concerns thewelfare of the church and the interest of Christ's kingdom. THE BAND. -The meeting of the Exeter Band was held recently when the following officers were elect- ed :-Pres. Jos. Senior ; vice -do, A. J. Snell ; secs -treas. A. Stewart ; leader H. Gidley ; executive committee, A. Coffin, H. Gidley and G. Eaerett. The finances were found to be in a satis- factory state with a surplus on hand. A. Fake, late treasurer, owing to the pressure of other business, found it necessary to resign, and he was tendered a vete of thanks for his past seryices. The Band was never in bet- ter shape, and the music they dis- course is of a very superior kind. They are to be complimented in many ways, and should receive the hearty sup- port of the citizens, as we- have one of the best bands in Western Outario. RUNAWAY. -On Friday last T. W. Hawkshaw had quite an tins:' • • ::tt.., experience. He was exercising a driving horse which he recently pro- cured from T. B. Carliug, and while driving along Huron street, the ani- mal became uutuanageable and en- deavored to run away. Mr. Hawk- shaw held the reins and could have finally controlled the horse, but for a line breaking. This accident caused the pulling of the animal into the ditch, upsetting the driver from the rig ; and the bnggy becoming de- tached the horse ran across the main street taking the sidewalk northward at the Molsons Bank which it kept until reaching Ann street when it turned, running to Carling Bros.' yard. Neither 11Ir. Hawkshaw nor horse were injured, but the buggy was considerably damaged. ACCIDENT. -John Popiestone, an elderly gentleman, and an old resident of Exeter, met with a serious accident on Sunday. He was visiting at John 'Sanders' in Stephen township, and while standing upon steps talking to the members of the family, he stepped backward off the steps and fell heavily upon a pile of stones on the ground. He was picked up in an unconscious condition and brought to his home in Exeter, where he lay in a. comatose state, until Monday morning, when he died. Mr. Popiestone was one of the pioneers of this section, and for years had lived alone in his cottage on Andrew street. Deceased was born in Alternum Parish, County of Cornwall, England. He came to Canada in 1857, and moved to Usborne in 1867, and in 1873 came to Exeter, . where he has since lived, his wife having died in 1889. Mr. Popiestone was of a quiet, unassuming disposition and was high- ly respected by a large circle of friends. One son, Amos, who lives in Detroit is the only surviving member of the family, and he wishes through THE TIMES to thank the neighbors and friends for the kindness shown his father during and prior to his ar cident. THE CONCERT. -The musical recital on Monday evening in the opera house, given by the Exeter pupils of Mrs. -- Francis J. Hatton Moore, of London, was a marked•success an was w s listened to by a well filled house, who attested their appreciation of the skilful work of the performers. The programine presented was of much merit, and was well rendered, giving evidence of the musical talent of the pupils, and the careful training by their teacher. The piano numbers were Hill's march, (two pianos) by the Misses M. V. White, I. Johns and Mr. J. Sp ackn)au; duett, "Cynthia by the •Misses Mc- Laughlin and Gidley ; trio, (two pianos) by Miss Lena Howard, Mrs. Moore and J, Spackman ; duett, (two pianos) "Salute, Pesth" by Mrs. Moore and Miss N.:Martin Overture (two pianos) by • the Misses Gidley, M c Lau hlin Martin and Howard ; solo "Pilgrims Prayer" by Miss E. Gidley; duett, (two pianos) ".Marche Triomp- hale" Mrs. Moore and Miss, Martie ; solo, "Ohopin's raise in E Minor"Miss Martin: Both technically and music- ally these were well rendered, the phrasing and expression being -in- telligent and tasteful, and worthy of special mention. Very enjoyable vocal selections were contributed, 1 s o z. Solo, Bo c vzt "By the Golden River" by Miss C. Patterson, Den- field • .. Duett "The Gondola" byMrs. , Moore and Miss Patterson ; , solo, "The Chord of Love" by Miss Ida Johns (violin obligato) Mr,Judd David- son solo. ' Neath Southern Skies" by Miss M. V. White duett, "At the Ferry" by Misses White and Johns solo, "Fleeting Days" by Miss Patter- son. These were sung in good voice and style, careful enunciation and much.' finish, Mrs. Moe has cause a . tification` at the cess achiey uest THE R. PICKARD CO. SPECIAL. VALUES We have just succeeded in picking up a number of lines of goods at prices much below regular values. These goods are now marked off and will be on sale this, (Thursday) morning. We would call especial attention to the following lines :- Stylish Parasols. PARASOLS. Children's fancy Sateen Parasols, 25 pretty goods Ladies' Black Parasols, fancy handles, extra good value Ladies' Black Parasols, fancy colored and black handles, paragon frame, special 90 Ladies' Black Gloria cloth para- sols, fancy bone Handles, para- gon frame, worth $1.75, forI.35 Ladies' Black and Colored silk parasols with heavy frills, snecal I11 IV A lot of slightly damaged para- sols at half price. 50 Clothing Specials Men's Blue Serge suits, well made and lined, special per 2r75 suit •Mens' Heavy Halifax Tweed suits, well made and lined. Ar TE special per suit ... , , , Mens' Fine CheckTweed suits, good linings and trimmngs,5 50 special per suit ........ , , r Oris. Millinery Trade ]ills gone away ahead of our ex- pectations this season and one reason for our great success is that we- watch the markets closely and every popuIar novelty is placed on our table as speedily as pos- sible, thus ensuring our eus- sowers, the latest Up-to- date styles.. WINDOW SHADES Fancy Decorated Window Shades mounted spring rollers, special ....... , ... Plain window shades fringed, special on strong • 25 45 See Our White Bed Spreads at 90c SHOES Womens' Heavy Bals, all Leather, special.... 6g Mens' Fine Dongola Gaiters, special . 1.6o Mens' Calf Balmorals 34 dollar toes, special1.99 We want 30,000 .Doz. Eggs within the next 2 weeks. TI-te R. PICKARD CO., DIRECT IMPORTERS. Mrs. Moore gave two piano selections of her own composing, "Minuet and Tarantelle" evincing her talent as a thorough musician. RUNAWAY. -A horse belonging to Murdock's livery, while tiedinfront of clay. David Mill was in London on Mon - Miss Ida Snell, daughter of Eli Snell, very ill. The R. Pickard Co,s sell Appletan's the Centralhotel on Wednesday,broketeas ;they are the hest. from its moorings and ran down Main street at a rapid gait. Two ladies who were driving another horse and meet- ing the runaway, in their excitement pulled their horse towards the run- away horse, and it was with effort that the latter passed the ladies with- out a collision. It was a miracle, the women seemed wont to head o the infuriated beast. The horse finally stopped after wrecking the buggy. - Additional locals on 1st page. Have you• seen the new Crepon dress goods. The R. Piikard Co. have them. • - The Exeter cycle club will hold their usuel Friday night's run to Hen- sall, leaving the town hall at 7 o'clock) sharp. A full attendance Sequested. W. J. White, who lately disposed of the Brandon (Man.) San. assumes his office in connection with the Interior Department, Ottawa, some time in July. We regret to say that the conduct of some of the young men in the gallery on the occasion of the concert on Monday evening, was quite an- noying during the rendering of part of the programme, making it very difficult for others to - hear. Such conduct is very unbecoming and should not be repeated. - Some 22 members of the Exeter bicycle club took in the first club run one Friday evening last. They rode to Centralia, and while passing through o gh Main street presented a very imposing appearance. They were all neatly attired andwore the club:colors, Some 500 people turned out to view the procession, which would indicate that an interest is taken in cycling. The run on Monday night was not rlaain.rgely attended owingto the previous A new swindle is being perpetrated) upon the farmers. A man drives up to the farmer's home with a carriage and in a hurried manner announces that he is a messenger from some near -by telegraph office, and says that he : has a ted ra, g < m announcing the death of a friend, He secures $2 30 or. $3 in payment of expense of delivery, and leaves immediately before they farmer realizes that thealleged perso whose death is announced inthe de. patch is no relative of his, rad that i is only another little ached. to fieec 4he farmer. Rev. Corriere, of Grand Bend,visited Rev. Marin yesterday. Mr. Edwards, of Mitchell spent San- daywith Dr. Anderson. The watering cart has been doing `good service the past week. Have you seen those suits foi teen for $2.75 at the R. Pickard Co's. Mrs. George Kent, of Toronto, is visiting Mrs. John Hawkshaw. The DeLion piano case has - been finally settled by a compromise. Advice to wheelineui: Don't scorch. Just get there as soon as you can. - Garnet Hyndman, medical student, f Detroit, is home spending vacation. You can save money by purchasing' your new suit at the R. Pickard ('b's. � Mrs. F. W. Collins and Mrs. Ed. Treble, are visiting at Rev. Waddell's, Hensall. Rev. Martin will deliver a sermon on "observation of the Sabbath day" next Sunday " -morning. Miss Patterson, of Denfield, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, Springhurst farm, this week. Alex. Wright, late bagga„g eman at the Exeter depot, has been appointsd baggageman at the Windsor depot. - On and after ist July the interest on deposits in the post office sayings de- partment will be lowered. from 31 to 3 per cent. W. .N. Manning, an old Exeter boy, has been electedsuperintendentof the Rattenberry street Methodist S. S., Clinton. On Sunday next Rev. Waddell, of E:ippen circuit, will occupy the pulpit, of Jzunes •st. church morning and evening. Deputy District Grand Master paid the Exeter lodge of masons a visit on Monday evening. Ass, very enjoyable time was spent. A large number of samples rain have ,been received of seed e Hued byfarmers g'in this section the past week from the Ex- perimental farm, Ottawa. Mrs. John Hunter, of ".Osborne, who has been ill for the past four months, was out for the first time on Sunday since taken down. ClearingSale for, 30 days from May 10th, of pows' and gang plows,'walk- in 1 Callplows $10.50, gang plows , $11. ll early. Murray & Cos_ Exeter Foundry. s ,The Story With the.,..- - -+ Little Prices WE KEEP YOU AWAKE To the fact that you can save money by dealing with CARLING BROS. where things are stirring from morn till night. We have just received another lot of Ladies' White Wear, Shirt Waists, Wrappers,Aprons, Corset Covers, Etc., direct from manufacturers. Ladies' Wrappers navy, light blue and pink with lined waist $i u CC CC CC CC cc assorted stripes cc Navy and Paisley patterns White Lawn aprons, wide hem Check aprons, large size White Lawn aprons with insersion and tucks cc cc cc cc I.25 I.35 20 30 a White Cotton Corset covers, all sizes 25 and 3 45 We have a. large assortment of Ladies' Shirt Waists from 40 cents up. Remember all our Shirt Waists are this season's styles, not one of last season's waists in the store. CARII"C- EROS_ Exeter Municipal Council. The Council met at the Town Hall, Exeter, 7th May, 1897, All present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Taylor -Snell -Orders as follows :- James Beer, $48.31 for cedar ; James Creech, $2.10 meals to tramps ; do, $85,00 part salary ; David Russell, $2.50 labor ; W. Treble $1.25 do- : Wm. Ford, $1.50 do ; Jno, Parsons, $2.75 do; H. Towel, $1.1.2 do: WalterWest- cod, $1,75 do; George Atkinson, $6.00 do ; H. Parsons,. $21,00 night watch service to Ist May and J. N. Howard, $58.32 electric lighting to lst of May- Carried. Rollins -Snell -That Mr. Taylor confer with a cons. of the School board re locating tank ,for protection of school house. -Carried. Rollins -Snell -That Mr. L. McTag- gert bo furnished tile for drain in the usual system under the jurisdiction of the commissioner. --Carried. Dauncey-Rollins That Geo.iFords' tender for 12 cords of stone at $3.75 be accepted. -Carried. Rollins -Taylor -That Thos. Hart- nols' tender for 13 cords of stone at $3.90 be accepted. -Carried. Dauncey-Taylor-That the Reeve and Mr. Rollins be deputed to wait on Mr. Bawdeu re -buying 2 acres of ground for dumping rubbish. The Constable to notify concerning black -knot. Tenders for street water- ing to he asked for by posters. The Court of Revision to be held 26th May, at 7 o'clock p. in. The Council adjourn until the Arca Friday in May at 8 o'clock p. m. M. E.ieRETT, Clerk. The Council met by order of the Reeve, at the Town Hall, Exeter, llth May, 1897. All present. Minutes of nrevious meeting read. and confirmed. Mr. Taylor reported that the com- mittee re -locating of tank at school house, could not agree. The clerk to further correspond with Mr. Howard, re -electric lighting. Rollins -Taylor -That by-law No. 8, to appoint an inspector of fruit trees be duly read and passed. The Council adjourned until the 3rd Friday in May at 8 o'clock, p. m. M. EACRETT, Clerk. 10 YEARS A SUFFERER FROM KIDNEY DISEASE -GRAVEL AND STRICTURE -AN ABSOLUTE Oohs FOUND IN SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE - A REMEDY. THAT- NEVER FAILS IN THE MOST DISTRESSING OASES. The solid evidence of experience is behind South American Kidney Cure. Mr. Wilbur Goff, of Chippewa, Ont., is simply one of hundreds who have spoken iu equally strong terms. He says : "After taking six bottles of South American Kidney Cure I am completely cured of stricture and gravel, having suffered from these complaints for over ten years. I found great relief after taking one bottle but continued the remedy until'I was perfectly. cured and I am now en- ' in the best of health."Sold.by C. Le . •• e The price of coal is to be advanced again. Well, if we must have adyances in the price of coal, the summer sea- son is a first-rate time for them. STRAW HATS ALSO Felt Hats9 NO,WeSti I N l'8' ��1 te � D. 9 s 5 & Fedora7s .1 sseesaisAagA We will offer at killing price a .lot of Mens' Felt Bats in soft and hard from 25c to5 Oc. None less in ret lar price than 1 and $3. MOSTLY LARGE SIZES. Dont get frightened, but we will give you tenounds of, .runes for 25c. p J P CLARKE HALYARD'S YELLOW OIL. The great pain cure. Used externally oureg rheumatism, swellings, sprains, bruises, stiff- ness, pain and soreness of every deseriptioa. Internally usedit cures croup, colds, sore throat, hoarseness. asthma, bronchitis quinsy, etc. Trice 25e., all druggists, HUSBAND IS WELL. Airs. ii"m, Hambly, Belleville, Ont, says: "My husband was troubled with kidney complaint, rheumatism, loss of appetite.. sleeplessness. otc.,,and could not got relief until I got a box ofDoan's IiidneS^ Pills for him, Ho hasnow used four boxes in all and is perfectly % cured." are the ones that cure: Remember the name, Doan's. Cail at theme New Butcher shop - Rolled Corned Beef -. - - Pressed Tongu o - - Sausage Beef Lanib (l eese Hates � III t - - - Rolled Bacoii Beef sold by quarter at low- est cash price, CASH PAID FOR. AND SHEEP SKINS. ONE DOTRAL OR UTHOTEL. Or r L Day. SOH Bologna Rabbits Turkeys Salmon Trout LITHING SALE Clothing Sale VIIMEIMM Everything in the line of Clothing at immense re- ductions. HAVE A LOOK TI-IROUGII ! ! We can save you from $1 to $3 on each suit of order- ed or ready made cloth- ing.. See Our Black Worsted Suet 3 To Order CORSETS a We picked up a few specials. See our summer limner Cor t se at 45 cents. 5o -cents buys a line of long waist. Corsets which you might - mistake for $1 goods. 75c -. buys a - high -bust ' $i goods. HEAVY PLOW HOES AT Si Are the greatest value ever shown: ALL LEATHER. -. Get a Clothes Rack free with Iib of Ma e11 s Baking ' Y g 5OU Powder - pp Our mised Tea at 25 cents. Customers report good as p as. ... they .were buying at 40 cts. , C• J ®HINSTON a y.