Exeter Times, 1897-5-13, Page 3:2rutrt:rt,trarr:rt,
treti !trendies made loge. floadtil ALP. Ai
by thehJlasedatie.„4.40 :14tche'1 •Ilet C4.1.1
$11)13 • 13.W..4k4 ocr .to decey' ere ,
' The'hetSile,Pnie,leveeh'' lite .1.30iike.'"h7 else
naine 'of Cal/ix Isnel'IVIolte' filthe `Herold
• • s • ,
seasoh when the snsith-Chif Lebanoit rapii -The:flesh and I thinkk the, right
Melt, :the -itigh. thieheiltiiitair 'HE „SUNDA... inepreision is . that this reetivery. Was
'the Conentattglesetheriteholnistewn pare; h s. . • •," .;lse• ..0 eupernatueash .4qt, indeed so
tielled, and the wildolotreete; that may ee'reee. ;strongly implied ass to leate up doubt;
thel,nease gee foe', the, ?sills, eesieleinieg INYERNATI,ONAle: , *AY .1q.. *get:44,117 .Az4i. .1,19.1m.7.-' S•Ft°451./ 449114,-;
AN, 'what Jfittinenli Sayse.'" "Ileholithe'shati ''" • '" • • " ' ,Wottl, be itkely o shah, and oecAhltne
caneetehbethe Offs hie Zinethl; nil hairnet;
pouh Hite thten. tli'ey ;are poietnie
,04. Notextofish",)teale: swirds iteatot ' au.
insect wallash.it: hates-4Ra' anti .if
you eteterepleto :whim ;ha isheit lifte
uP [th'!..ants
suriaees; as. reugh „as tsieseeys: 'INT4,4C4.11-4
•no here, lint, 4.e.atti oprpreferenes,
Aleaflj:" ' '1'h/se wimeatfereee st'ade
Tact 4this 'rake 'hod :submerge,'" theiii-
hooltel out' aleitait: itiectdeneisthae
with the ;sting.. ef, Ineihdred teratiPtintut
'hernetsees.ana.' w and- eY-ellda.
'twollen withethe • strange ahlutioeseThe,
'4 r "the appeaanneggefeeleath.'feetROP
,goeup tte lion flute tlittntsrellingt of Keg e.,eachine. eikrgesese,se, Atte see,
rap. ey s a vers
.1. 4tis foreit,tunes andettetsts, tear e intimaties
whe f "nap% plif.,A.e. gr,o0911k,oplfead rivertssitheften, ghAlagete • • I ' sees cornett Terri' gekhlhelok. ' plainly: that be was not eleadehut sup-
OV9V IDC8411:11110.11-'11119 WEIELPUUr- ye mg 00 Inj.lee to de that Nettie"). in a PRAcr•FIPAL. Ii•OsIT$ Pcfses thAtt the,-
' w hat, ArY' naaRelt"'re'Sdnoteactre ;time .1)
ou, Antiespiteee'orlalie4410041.t1.!*.m.'
Dr. Talmage. preatilted SholdaY ...ine‘co.b15g,t',Aliraneonftditghwhnith-lstermkiownieil".4)\xiir,,snittot; vicliteeoaw.,1h.,1•;.%;;.66H‘Vp...k::SLItte167:14, att.i0t44.14,:.
high; notelet, neeinhienteetogiforeuils and ii. .• • es... "
from., the - ,Psailm.eiv,, 02: , rhow .of jeaviag the fiel. ;of' thee hnettler: tele the iriefth eduetery
touchith° "be -hi'lls*sand 0'0 tereliirieles, Oblett der.s, kat ' Acacias; 'ite,x1egisj,•kk. '''enfoe . iipinetles
Baal • ,,' *4.0 •;`. :rEIE ehe see
Pailthoehe,•Poeile hetelighttueleA %Tole ;Ponlainse, The rives. ,etidreeett the Desist , , .
Sea tos.enke, Galilee. and .4id e•ver '1,Yeahniahand at''on'e •efethhin,
;mod weeds, andhpistothicts, 4antl silvei erege4, .071,3erseentiu,,ne reinete towes
cano ated what eChureh's Cotopaxi,Pdtige igingh a 5rooie taye. fiend- ef Paulgiadoeheed.,egeripple. They'
ete'watiemisasesuleuti. endeenggestethat.
the heirs eeoeived at; this time ere .the 'e
referred' to- bY dat.4 P.` '
'del:gated. evitheRa,ertelete ttoeDerN; ..111
'virhl!e41 :13.P.,4,13$4"ecirx*P14,F;e144. I9e4.Wh
oppeettioia: '
TheYt'retirtaled again A'414-:Lyettilt, •
and, to Iconium,land..t4.4.014
ftiti atithei"."dtieS bri• " • li‘sed. ,v496§,. •i%Fitueze vow thy
6 , ' • . ' bets
in Wert0. .ezee.ia: 411'. naliii;° and, • .,0-3,1s11,s- "the river:••twhich:Npdatted tot tee ,oeseeeh. of.."•Lyeasartla.; peeees Where heated Madenolutte
'lett' axle:armee,' of two rtsiMhe
,a4Cl t'it°1; 0"4.. .•=t,
,sPa1144 of.; ite,Atiatews is aeots like 4.1,1A
ePeteklesofeheeetheseneotsireqakee,slenc. -01
styled "'allele the s '.f y.e",e-oreeSesfee,'
. beside, it; ahd the '64arieS, end°,
eivivOrd thatiohwealdl tbruetgyou. The'
ettetallied•ilitre.di•ente 'e ' (12
Lords .0u..ef the: healYeAss Minh 'iillasfingeL across, Heeeethe skillednioesgenee J. Vet 'the -native did4iet,et,this. distaticte
pore; intetihnlowith ' 'He leitehetie tr.ii,Af I/Ail:Vow* .1.19.kt-#egsseeet pletWerit alcin'to the,andieht Assyrians.
qt, ',,bictst. a cw,a,s,..10. net :certainly known. file pee-
, „ .
on Ole ,tion'aaltd. :froth sits rise .thiok, 'Sae ltunges,:1140151501 safe, .10itedity 'not' o
gaze1161.1 'enti".the thet. ithO 04;
.kt.taey'stio. the 0:th:belief,' birdth do safely'
Wing -their weer /wee itesainci. the Arab
'lesesits yen", have been. riding. ',though.
thir,stk .erionghi':-,will not, 1.1rinit opt et.
elute de,tudful mixt.ure. •ernetehaeserS.
over parte •of it abet tseeentiguatkIr,
demonstrate tholt the -city ;was net' fit Zi,Aii,,16 1.t..11irttsk-N4..jar„f Ihfirt_ ret ancl, yoting man ,,det4,9x:44,,4fiees" tineee .t00„,'"),eleseeteeso Teas. stole
queries ons. T the face that:it, was, hothhih'Vehe •an ee"
garde,ns, etilaretten Q arse ee eel d
a conceneing e.nature and. pueposseeof
engiedled 'with paleces; ennoVadlied, ocelhd among thd'hin,04, 0040:espIng w't1-11 •
the and thee' .1 all the if' 13,#r"akiti, en of it; 'App'arently Luke's purpoise in men-
va =UP; • 49. Sve l'Iltsaner 141; .tIontag the "speteh'elf byttabitiesh was
age p, ealcaitee, and eosin eridoagain:bas, k2tieV., ihNObtri that' the- t,lepahtles klid `not 'utie
GO is the only listno;" Wlio :e'ein 'inakV
kle° elinlileYed, eoleeine Actions-. The pins Eliella4Aloye werli ut int :tree§ th. deretentlethe nfet ..drawn; ny the
*ndethicin,httee,leyttehl. a t, yeleghtelleeenhisearY, *kale, Ition:-.15"rotably:- 'rhedguised -that
tures' ent•the NV8a8 'tab Pompeii...the:eV': x it act no salgoent Wedged
limed Italian city; 'as we ea:teethe/us ;::1v1111Cht VI°1.1"l.)1 1i44[1..ura aZv°11.;°11°,°,14,,,testhe Valetta:Hew off into thehie" an.d `,t,he''13.11-4 .c4,;14°. slaug 'te47§4",were sa°'•
to I:NIL - Inethtie hirseh.e,ptee,,,. gime city, lees. es ..1t. • ie.'. dere •,m ee , ,.., :, so ,nnich,..the skes of, axe:jihad, ae htagtieree Nir4-t' hak Peen Axeady saki'
,proltebiltty thet hie epernies had. Os-
persed, ttv their / OlVal hertneg; and %we'
merit gtensys, tememben'thtft axle,
°lent. cif:Ye/1M, none ssthes syetematie
organizaPipn- of mettenO su.d.
that it ° wohicl be por.sible far
Paul :to retnrn , the eh'enee
his persecution viitlatnit.beitig-Promptly
recognized and: arrested.. It -S) :these. Who
pad 710 recently cppused hire, as he
Woad .suxely. be arnid nettiterde ceodis
.tionn. • • . s .
t „ Diee .etbncliatal. h "US "Ig the /491)130 fuels- s iek 3„0,to the exiinicie- of 'tealghee at- renhOeost.. denting. eldere " • rY charch.
• 22. Con•Tiehrnittg ithe Outs
rivies. Strengthening • Ahem. -in ;the
faith. 'The following' verseespeaks
t • . 0,47 roe , . .
„ ; .T1heY had lreen compelled to leeve each..
al epee leitehess, was at the efoot set . tbege regitees once ehood foui gnet easetorpos the Iron ftelsheeth genie .micoa y case depended upon by the aPeele brigarneatiott of thee 'Chef °US nqt'''
e, anti þ 1.1he • , 4allnestli weetie, 10; kr...floating heatil the
Ang.'.,‘,;oasit.4eie chinnin 'atege im 61,.nickedareste• c'Nes that ' attn.F., ,r,Pfitt.,tunitY t(01, tx; us. :41i3itex and Mercury. had be. gl),g;13:nilmaacillt
• ' " • laver, und deitence of the Ifth' The gitt'iLeeS.'.ant Seerte.to have boo,i1- putoes so sol.ealvitti-thp,
mountain the,sides of which it gone 'Pities of Aasyr•m Sodom, GeMorro. o. he.sur ace arld flonted Ike a cork upon
tim • „. , ee assist there ,itre, preaphipg to been collet ()tett Exisgit pg; than t
prineese: and all thae: marble,' iinait;f,:ta t PJ4 ,aft4u.,th.citieseelt toi"gdnien (oleg LIB: mirahle peri 60treigaers. The' ice- te ere,' oOme Owe conti33,4t..1.e .the falthes. -YerY •thf.,
with vineyea-d and. villas of 404 6reliant 0. • et of 0. •
e e
tura- 7,endhrehiniiigie'e.eheaee,Oees0; 44.3..d,i'e I abetercl,"- t+tee: son& 7"'fit' iS dVideilt eeeene esfje:.ile",it.i'm fore , `iite4ten :thiiingi( the . kingdore. -God :
calistetyn Ay"Ateli "ins eti/gioltk"of' eat an;I: liortow and never refute, h their' had Pli3OgLis!,„:0'xiden:sighliering proyin'ePs, se times" whOse light efflietien, endure
9,000, heante had .heetheilein .And tioSne, A 1-1, tia'e leilacyr:eite tt! tavoutlitt. sbatIo..PiMait
11,4e4:111allie °11‘ sitAltt 11(4'4
. .ceitle...11Stikhz1,1„sheidd them aii4 Pia#/iito, &164.'" jilbte
Per'neir lazideaape in „which'. the. stiere • ev•regitan et •selpiture leng , beton% ethe, :return, it, , teem 11`.• e ',111, --Is it was ,% laatl44. ilis'an • 'to.: suppo 13* " *ill'g)1' .°1°°rY''
gave. hosts , tee see; ehe eh& eee gage great cateetrophe, `nos*, ,,, Slyer 14iiiikt. 1,094 tetter.of fire, showing 1 that thelo'had dome' again: 'In the like- • - RED,TAPE VAGARIES.
cress:se le. :eleeeet..eziee's. eteel hetet oneMeoshastea,etjeg,theniee„a ettageil het: "Shale the Meet tagingeeleopent iseserr- 'mess a xiben::.. x.o.,Atek ;Snip:geed to . ,
tween taciace and Revelations, 'Yin Vane' of the, eld pa .t. 14. the,rn ik no -
beaulYl add ponAi'' osr rjght sAY'Ilie citig 'the 'tic'ed. that ishil Clor ,1,•thc/ able to assume any form he chose.
Belgian, igereitier gets; *veil": 'sigh MC
give; hVas theie Ut. 44n..er, heatrd'„' aliviVate. de.stroyed hest' of "ibtr, if the mixer dettrue aira and had come to the eaitliat diff•erent
Bet the 1)20.4 mehise..es tee‘esie • 114o fire' and."surohnk`;tatild. ebeiratitteelehbe-e was that; -clay fashioned 'Mtn tiines 'as a hell, ai."'ir One onthe most delighaul ixiatanoes
eustoins ginelehe
ellocUed •iliesevosild.. thelyetap,g79, optette.islotingb480 vogn:i1°Tv lad°tt41.11.1. of gold the lilieriess oi men." • , ,
of titwairted red-tapiern was recently
Aug. blue kcoluma. ,aro.set/ahoveT "stroTedev :Volcanic ie action is: 11;13; rOPIY. the Loi -0 I r'sin'''.610 fisher 't. haat 12: They balled' Bernahhe, Jupiter.
seeing broughit about in Beigiutin. To under:.
joining, arrouitain a,nd , spiread ereeefeelleeseesse neon built oiet of. geese chariot bf Elijah was toter:Lade but- of "Ba,rnabas,t''',,soii ClhrYiostern, "
the ad
d or are Is any hut ord.rn Y ye stan.d. the story it meet prefaeed by
oat. Piins sooss he saw its -like 4:4°;:h• INIVessaat f g
at' 'Ili to he been'. a peesori of noble. pre -
0 it "'Men eareilefigette ssan, o ) S ;„P ... 5,. ;.11 OU ,9 use, arid te el
sence and' hearing ‘,1 Pau' Me'ieurius
the' statehient that the° Ceestoms offi-
pine ttete wider aliii eviiler,'•exitil if bek' ileipPed. with 'Intelf: Meet it. litamable; weest u.R.wah.out hav,ing no n1lue " t° ' ' h ' 1 ' chits, shohld they consider any •goods
gan to 'raiz teen, ilieheite, . mat thro, They '10.tel think, 'en aiii ge 4 Mile fail htbiee,eflf. „I'W'letilia, stenpitig fret!. Or ' hIercurys the Messe.riger ' a' the .
ese ole):•ltntitleate gods who was a:pattern of hurn: eic_ to be of higher value than -that stated
ashes, and then pe:Miee stone eta see .1",1 -111?Y' sjd.e'd 11111, bkl/'' °Awl: "girolt!..A•ticri ala a A °41‘118 d
peop-e escaped. Eixd'the city was burn- earth and eequakings :"'N\qtate..teipatj,;,1°.•;14Flotp .14 l'1:e 'lent andugurtled tl?,.e..phief speaker, hi *!leader Of. the des-' be'illg 6°1(3: '.i'"ite'14‘c°71iq'''Ill°37 114-611(hP: ' ° 1
he:m.0w eunee socieped, and 41treanna atitest in t • sine' oaten i u. tameetsos on. 1,k bpalkS L e don 'eo, • by the importea; tail take 'over the
ilebaueleaties'; four helle• eta, earth, be nerts'hie heat. on the red ep of th (lue'n"' Ta'e XeaS°11
beleiuse ku, , was the. sanie at the stated valleee.the goodis
mud poured through the ateeetet:14, few. One- daY there was a rumbleug irethe. etepPPege, And took' the redt rails °et cation ,given ;
wi e, oP passion," 'Panl'e timeetiowe MaY infer pes,seses contract throligh the Cus"three
A trierchan.t not long ago' lest"exil'i:O.-
ed, and sonic, 'of the inhabitants.; 1;800 T.,gitP tiflohruddaleabsititi% hoeete: gate° .,!dflfill:a'rds.i.t.t0
years afterward, was found embalmed were* kivfe' ' ci4 ° , was a seene_ferevep
. veer. .volcansi, enose. tygoeseigne. the..hottestoafiliction;s iron manY allusions was delicate and
1.0 the chest man tn. 04 chenntieleity. and he resolved to have' his revenge.
tir ail in toidlitst lifting mos fiery trouhles, meet' eaeme u lift-
• ou e heel oen. f04. 04.0.;.% o yr ,114.4) may /oil youlteetvertr aft. slight. ." • • exercising the right to buy a, thousand
the•scoriee of that fu.1 d 1:11
pairs of gleves at t,heir deolared haslet),
„tie ost Ituitn ng peeirou ion , e ` 13. The priest of Jupiter And there -
Lord" caileld, up.= voleanio force; 'to God's hbrainand bittst forfthe easily eet-
obetertitle that , peofligate city. • He,
touched the helle and they molted. -
Nothing but toggenitt salon can ex-
plain what I shall show show you. -at' thei
Dead, Sea, upon whielt .liave looked,:
and of tvbiose waters I took a bitter
and stinging: taste. • Coneernhag
that .regiert there; haei been contreherhy1
enough, :to itr'libroxils„ science eaYiniq
one thing); Reeention anet•her-thteg.
Both admit vole -ante aatien divinely
employed. and both te.stimonies ere one
and the.. swate.1. Cieohogyhosehemistty,
geogrePhoh " astronomy, ichtheolegY:
ornitholegy and etielogY ai.e coming °het
by one, to chi:Alms the, scriptures.. ',Owo
leaves of °tee book are It eielatioh sad
Creat4oh end thetnenmeaship is by the
same divine -hand, Oar horseback ride'
wit.1 motsite: so steep toada.y,' Yon'
can stay an without Clinging to ' the
those eitlea high in eta; elehand then log. Only be. sate) when yew p letual
stlashing. than down chasms fathom- 'the lass of fiterayon nide% emiettl; to --
less. .1lhe fiest est,thateertmtien inters As God, and not tdown. tow.ards,;the
. hot the. depee smoke, and, eplled into 4W Sea. 'When, Latimer. and Ridley
. "he .heatrens,„ only fp deseeh Ag
'And all .the chnfiguretion Of thatreolizek
'try woo changed,. and'i•iirertithbre itles
•a... hill thisre caniti 'a 'valleY;.anid. Where'
had heeethe pednp • OE tinelearg.
pees eighe widegpeend elesoletiOn: The.
.ied • hot spade ef volcaaie action had
'41V:welled leader the cities of the plain.
Before the catah,tretilatil-t'Vehliitientood
tea' the, , ters of the eerie. end pulphur,
Selene:a` eight h• Rhvelktion
toutheth the hills aind they stuok.e."
No selente .ever.,4eighteetedeltellegeee
in Reteletieri se Mitch aS geolegy. They
faired. that the stkete of the eat t Would
eontratliot 'the Sbriptutee- and.' then'
Med ad the stake, they went up in
tharitst sof fire. When my friend P.R.
Blies, the geepelhhieger, waeconeunted
wIth the rallstrats• brolce through
Aelembula Midge, a.nd then took fire
"Anothea: Elijah gone.' ug
oluariot of fire:" - • s
gut ri,Yett, ..14 a river of•hePti=hs.
Cshrist -was ,hege baPtieed,' and
beptizea many. thonsainis.. Whether
ftprthese occasions tbeeeandidate -for
'elitism. and the officersof religion went
into this rivet:, and then, while, both
standing lhe water was dipped in
the hand slfgonis and..sprinkled =upon
the. forehead of the other, or whether
else entire form ofethe one baptized
- so • - •
W leh was before.their city., The Re- me, little time elapsed, and another
0 vxseel Version says: "whose.tentole was 'consignment of the gloves came for the
before the ettY.gie Alford retaisenthe old-
er version and explains -it; skawhich was
the' defender, ces tu.telary god, of theix
city."' Brought oxen. Bulls. , And.gar-
lands unto the. gates. To the doors of
tb,e Outer csourt•of the -house, which was
toetie wreathed with garlands in honor
Of . tile E.017 guests. very likely the
Wile -and 'the priests thetmselves also
Were garlanded:for Book was the cus-•
tom. .
Ai...these notes we laave so Palled them to get rid of the, wretehed thinge, so
hn't, inez's°'-nethcesh ,kr, lothve: tver'e all left-
y t„Vere 71,711.70178
14. Th6 apostles. ' B ameba's' and Paul.
11 0 .
!Uses must go under. But, as t e dtampeared for 'a inementsbeneath the place in the text where they are called
el aloagebut note that this is the first when soane days later a. veaey, seedily -
a 0 lets Paul. however, was all along: sdreseed indivicloal offered to take them
writing on the' eatth, 9,11(1 -God's wtiting Ihannot think without deep emotiOn of l' ''''' • aw,a.y, and pay a sant iet ailditheft whiele
Dead Sea instance; so ;null cases•Goills flocid, 1 dee not now declare. While s, ...
in the,. Bible are bannonious. s- The 'the fart that my parents. held me in 'weak]. just cover the storage charges,
131thives of roqk eeerespond with thel. infaney, to the' baptisinal 'font in the his (After *as peat:aptly ac,cepted, artd
shelves 'of the .Aetericeth Bible.SooitY. 1 oldeneetingehouse at Somerville, arid
•santes raerehent.Which was,. to Ile
tense anneyance, of the offieiale ap-
,pettised at•the eame lectine.aatliat Whieh
they had already bought. Determined
0.show the raertha.nt. that .they way*
net be trifled. with, for the second time
the Governmetnt bought i'n the soengign-
-the colurse of, events the gloves
:were put up to auctiore but to the great
discomfitlaee of the officio:1s there Were
strenuous in lesi claim to be an apostle.'
See Rom. 1.1; 1. Criss 1,.1; 9:1; 15, 9;.2 Coe.
L 1; Gal.,1.1; 061. 1:1;1 Tine. 1.1;2 Time
1. 1; Titus 1.1:: Bareahas is Called; an ap-
ostle in . other pessages; '10;4;9. 5, 5;
Gal'. 2. 6. Jamas, the 'brother of the
Lord was net ef the,
Twelve, an yet he is . oiled ari
ostle. Gal. 1.19. Even .'Silvanus and
pommel:eats-the° taddia ''' hat -the' '•eifisir ap,,,n amen the Tema ns sf nl, nts ifs
-Solerice digs. into, . the earth Kul finds
amid which we ride shall, if possible 'ejiicancie digi'hdoWn ttirid:Sais,"111Liiie.
be moee theitillege-an0 by the tithef!';the'. 5nimals neitt;""' and ' the ' 'Bible' saye, '
horses enuffhililt sielphelre Ur:Atli-atilt 'Aii,'" - lfurine allilmil's n ext;" .".Scielacet ' di o
of La.ke iglita.7.1.ited,-- '''''`'" '''''''
or the• Dead Sea
• , down 'end' says,.: "Land ' anianals 'next,
we will be ready to dismount and read' and the Bible :responds, " Land animals
from our Bibles about what' was done
that day by the Lord when Ile touch-
ed the hilts asid they ?,),esp1/2.:15.k :t;,.., F,;•,:
'I'ake a detour and pass aseng by the
rooky ,. fortress ,,-,-,4. "Masada wheee of
occurred' seiriething more wonderful 1.n
the, way of desperation Chan eteu. have
• °seamed votve on my behalf, I Muse
eell you how cif 'another mode of hare
dine observed.lit the rivhr Jordan, on
',that afteen.00n in Dieeeniber, the pees
-adulate a, which I now relate,. .
It was a scene of unimaginable sol-
emmtee A comrade in tour Holy Land
next.", !! Then: pOnes nem, ,osays. sele journey rode tip' by any side that day,
ence. " Then comes ,, mayi," xe-sn'°'1(1/ ' anil told ine that a young roan, who
the 13ible. Science, digs .111PD: "tilakt .TPg-- ,i'S!' now studYing fer,the Gospel minis.:
ions abi)iit, the Pead. Sea, and finds, re- tx,yr would like to be baptised by me
stilt of' fire, ahd: Plat,se.4s. of br,l1nste.ne; in,the Ritter JOrdan, I got alit)* facts
and 'announces *a:wonderful geologtee,1 fe, collie cencerning
Elf earnestness 'and
formation. "Oh, "yesh? . says the .Bible ;•• eagh, end through personal exandna-
"Moses wrote 'thousands Of yeare ago, _tic:in entitle niyeelf confident, he was a
' the Lord rained upon Sedom; and, up- worthy eeneidate, There - was among
on:Gomorrah lirt s one . er
. .
our Arab. attendants two robes not
ever heard of,, u.nless11011,04 14esalt:,,: , . Lava out qf ,heavedhh and; David (finlike those used for American baptis-
• ,,e, .
smoke. So I gams: e e, iv , lao .143 'were to have- a large group of 'differ -
our Bibles ,a: little Y3ngeY• . .. ent 'nationalities' preient ' I dictated to
But, the dragoineoewee eejeicecl When. rayedatighter a feW 'eerses, mail had
he lied seen enough of this volcanic copies. enough made to allow. us all to
region a Pale,stine„-andeheesgledlY sing. -Our dragemar had • a man. fa;
tightens the girthe foe anothee march ,railiar with, the river wade through and
around -the horses whichi are: pran.cmg , 'across to - shows the depth' and the
and neighing for departuree' We are swiltriess of the stream, and the most
Wtete, ' /le toacheth the hilts and. they
of that. ' Herod bui,it a: palace a 'd tries, and.' these we obtained. As we
th,ese heaps of black and awful rocks
which 'leek like' a tielio.bled ;midnight.
A great band of robleerse •aboat eine
thoinand, /Deluding their families af-
terward held the fortress:, When the
Roman army storrnea%iiiie steep and
the bandits could no longer hold the off for the Jordan, oily two hours appropriate plaee for the ceremony:
place, thele chieftain, Eleazar, made a°' "away. We pass Balcenns whose stssrn _Then I read from the Bible the ,ao-
powe.rfielegoieoliewhielintersdiaelede4sem filaturet melt, iirt-6.;iCemile as, we' gige eaunts of bitatienis 'in' that sacred
to die 'Vitiirg theyewere cheithred.hFIrsth -thelie the salletatiori.lolheehm V6110'944', Streams -4a ireplgeed,' the Itieseisce
the men kissed their famnies a loving
and tearful good-bye, and . then put a
dagger into theile.heeetteehind thee Whea
men and childreitsleeteelein. Then'
the men were chosenhy,leteto ,sla,,,y..p.11s , , ,; , :,. la full send resounding voice:
the othese been:end; eaglet:64o ley ;dtitith r Noty •Certieetthlxiegh legio.os where On jordan's stormy bank§ I stand,
by tlie 'dead Wife and 'thil,deen, and there ate , 4ut into, the ,thepe ,of Capt a • tf 1 • -
tees u e,ye • :
wai ted fosh. *hisee1i.eleteationeis oto de cathedeeli, With eltar and,colume. and To CheittanS fair saxict happyeland -
their worke hithe tine." Man Of aeon and 'Claincet,' end arid dome,. Where My 'Phtheessions lie.
the tett killed. the other nine. Then and arehitecture or 'the:v-1.00es' 'that Olig the tratiSporting; rapturous: scene
the survivor committed suioide. :Two ' P ' ' es „ si„ 1
Women end -five Children had hid them- haps .it is.. because God lovesthe'eleurch SWeetjfiercliehilfrayeil' ''gre'eir
selves and after •all, WAS' ever ' 'caine . well, Ile builds isioth:e ,solititeleshaf And givers of delight; egoedeess of God 15 that he gate us ram
fourth to. tell of °the nine hundred and Yelldiestorte Park and hroseinite, 'and By th14 tinw -ive'hatt Tea/shed "thertmid--.- tronl. heaven. The Lycaonians, ac -
sixty slaughtered. Great and rugged' Switzerland and Palestine-theseeee- dle .of the • A 't egn'dedettee
ver... s, s _
coading it) Strahe, suffered: greatly fiem •
nature! seenery makes the most tre- clesiastiiial. piles. And, who knows bet iendee the floocie.s'at01.15heagain ander
mendoes •,"naturee for . gdod. Or evil. that unseen st•Irit4 rilay,sehtetimesgvin-: a. haptiten thename of the Father,
Great 'Statesmen and great roheees, ship tkiere Deeeeseen, _wheal :shall and: thd0,1Bon and of the Ably rtshose.
great prators and; great hatehere, were we see jahclan aSk• ' All' the time Ilene entitled threftlefone,...eihttle:: o
neaely all born annon:g mountain pre- we were' , •the 'alert and ° Idokitig ofhholy *motion ' ' [mit,
apices. Strong netnees.4 are hardly through. , tamarisk • and s for tbe probabiAteei ageen..heee sive-gels elite passed from the fanaticism of reverence
to thet 'of hatred. This i8 • te
ever born upon the .psain. When men greatest river., of all. the earth. s the" the s/bitlan. that dieldes„ earth from, .
have ahything greatly good or :greatly Wississippi •is wiclese. the Ohio . it deeper,' hetrvetl (Veep? humAn natute. • • •
y Certain' Jews from Antioch. and
evil. to do they come down off thesgaelre.'h lAe Amazon . I onger; the :Hudson rolls...Will those' titles be:strongtt.'No
One of. the' traiits of ahcient
Pass ota item Lettidenetehe rktf. 'Mind regions more. picterescine, the ter if jelaushetepe• im. Avitth..,'..as;. Friends
..64tieogetialolitglethere the atilt hanke, the Titter "elhiggeatt &ate "Im- on the othei. leletrehiesee Ushitisaid, sea
..t.hEReRege Ohjamentrated dia- Thames has niore spleridor ors its .on .the *tire 'tb heitietilehtft.' Friends life that seemi brat strange* to. us
is -the widespread 'tendeney 1:0 travel.,
vo ' pen 'one an is
erystalet''•geraCklee, [i",kinder. clen. gliopse0- ;•fie.eial rit•onespiou, the..tlyssas hes, mere They arOceseesig .doweetiesteltelle . on. the
euseeeweeoseee; Febtre Antiach end-lbentittni: ' 'Where
. hoofs. You are near the , meinories, and Aim Nile feeds other 'stele to greet
greater populations he „its :irrigation know theithStOPS'I Ho* .esetily bittertest pers'ecustionS height:red, Wtho
but the J-ordan is the -queeei"Of 'rivers . singuieli4theirShvoiktee! Prone. bahk"to,..nelfiluaded the' pebple. People wh`e Were
preyelibittelly fisekle, perheided.
•ased. rUna through all the Bible, a:silver " bank weghohlsteitext witittearseanil thhIs:
thread streogs .like• beads With , hole:dee, .•
eace with you, -them son e tome- the Christ on whose head the. dove de-
timeS leaving us in. doubt' as to,wheth- shended at the 'Jordan. .',1;hen, as the
ainit is caused; by th'eir •gladiaess to -see candidate arid myself stepped into the
or by our pooresrostunciation of the eyriters, othe people on the: banks sang
a few hotaTe later .the gloves were in
tbe, possession. of thenikeeluent Who had
:imported them. ,
When, a Month Lithe, another thous-
and. gloves came along, all right-hand-
ed, addreed toe the same merchant,
the officials „looked gloomy; said noth-
ing -aboret wbalf. they felt, and passed
them without hesitation,:
When the impolite i ion of' ice into that
'2. 6. and itn Rom,. 16. 1, eiski. 2 Cor. 8. 28. coat:try; 1V88 a.. novelty, the Customs au-
Titmotheus sieern to be se caillect, I Thess.
d btf I d hat
thortties, Seelig ou u un er ti. .
head it should be classed, Pitts in motion
It is ,thus Made plain thagthe word had
, theemachinerrthat is*Iniiind 'swill red
4 'wider seastse..tha.n that which now 'he-. eeee,, gad. walt,e,d for"a definite •rniing
fines it. :TheY rent tlifeir efothes. "Ake fremshigher authorities,' ' When in the
trile orienhals, to ehow disP,lea-4, line. coarse of•tieare• the .waiting 'officials re -
Ran in among the people. gibPrang. tceived. the 'reply, "Dry gOod-4," Cite carr
forCa among the multitude." Porobable esogee e•nteleenel. net waited foe t 0
they were inside the house *hen , the Tilling was reeeessented: by a wat gni,
priests with the itufheen,PProaeleede '07- andnothing Tame..
Lae out. railing arouse in hheer ex. -cites
, 15. Sirs., ".lbten.'' WhY :de ye these
things? hIlow fealishsis ,Youx behavi-
or!' We also, are men •Not: godsse ••01
like passions wine yous. • And
'therefore Meting • like.. ;infirmities.
Preatth onto you. ollegised Ver -
store° "bring yolu goal: tidinge.":,..That
Ye should' o hum liom these Vanities.'
These vain gods. ..."Ait idol- is ncithing,"
.vertites. Feat •afterwardsos Unto the
living God.' The's Otanipotente! Orenise
cleat, Eteetnal;S• the Citea.tor. .of. all
16.. See Atels, 17. 30; and• Rem: 3.-25,-
26e, All nations.. All heatheii nations.
17. He lefteirotqdrieselt without Wit--
n,esses. B'etter testittony than any'
fabled oppearanoe Shed:tee: See
Rom. 1. 19, 20: He did geed; It ie in'
harmony -with the faets'that wel gethee
from other seiurede conceening the steri-
lity and dryness of this region that
ettrithfirst evidence Peal eittie of the
titareity et waxer. • •
18. Scarce re:strained they" the people.
'With; hard •work they guieted the ene
thrisiasua,' of idolatry. ' The' Lystrane
weitennot readily 'disease:led, but soon
foesaken. region of all the earth. You
to witera the word lake has heretofoee
suggested those bewitchments ef beaus'
ty, Luzehne and °Cayugas, settee geese.
pearl eat by a loving Ged'in• the begone;
at a luxuriant va,lley, change all of
your ideas about a lake, and see this
eheet Of water, • whieb- the ,13ible mite
the Salt Sea, at Sea of the 'Pleiti; and
josephits, mils Lake Asplialtitiess . The
muleteers will take Care of the horses
setae we go citnen to the, beink anddig
up the liquicl, mixture in the palm 'of
the hand. The, .eveters are a etateming-
ling of beintetelie. and, piteh;" and have
six times larger per cent. .of salt than
those of the...Atlantic Ocean:the eceari
having foat ;per, cept. et salt axidthis
lakolevonthhiaid. and .e. tiurarber per eent.
Lake Sireek'el of India, is the highest
lake in. the leleeld. This -hake, on the
hanki eolith We 'Weer, 'ist' the lowest
lake, It am.etiee till -04%n° 'sea.;• amanitl%
of her things for the. eiMplo reason that,
water tennot run to) hill. It AlArallbt,tt:
up tiv, River Jordan :laid ro.akes
-se of thanks d never repor I s
what it does with liblehthintity million
feels of cubic, weter ennually reettived
from that ,s,ageed. ;ger, ' kes the
no -0,§
h,ail as ;With " TheY 4ay Stonst. Paul. N6t .s; legal. plinisle-i
and before night we shall egeet on ets ee ese tg:s fat...you, ea: "kelt, eh. that nlent;" however, as JeWe thigt.it have
banks 'Elijah; and, Militia; DaNtid, ycn ineehee.iho and .,...yeasansweelse, ask- .111,13.1.e,:.hut they; turned. an hike Wildly as,
and Jacob, a.nd Joshua, and John, and i "I "stli t darns], f" 1.1,0w 0, mob. Drew him' out ef the city.- Drag -
At . last between two trees I got, a
glimpse of a river, and said: "What
is that ?he. ;1. The,. s Jordan') --wee'. -the
rtitair •thiii,..sh iidem., and hd.w., nar,r.o.he • tee. gal'. stauHt les .otetpses as, _they belteved.
,seream 1,.‘,,a.s, dieteee. ee, • , . , ... ; h ., h'elhiPeosing ha heed been deed. ' • ''Once
was I stoned." .2:Oor. 11, 25.' With( the
"Could ',..`:.;:ve ; bathiatara10. -wheee..h.leses p'0:ws itlie-le.„6.4,1 'Method cif 0•stoning *as
' staihde -..-.:.. :. ; ..:, ,'" e ".' ° '. ', sb • Iles eid tl. that esc e.-fe --d '.11
quick reply seAnd. ell. snilting. - the,- llne - - And neew, the •landsoaPe o'er, ,. 'gee not possibleh •.- ... oo ' , s • • -• .• :.
which had...teed. lingthetted hys„..9.411l s Nee Jothaii7:4 str_atii, not Death."s add' ea. ,; The disciples, .., The ndisoiples"
pilgrixasseshecener'IT°14'."-1114nericatt: 50111P k flogtd'' r ' s• • ''- 0 0. • - ' -, e.' 'riieetihned In connection wi-ti. every -city
from Eurepe andgeoene.' from Aka, , 'Ile . t"
, Oduld ,f,,,right us:Item ,the. ehorseh:, . ' ' . were en the sradin new ')-,1 tioeihe;•-fietetle
cry was ehillistledeo'heOter Jordan! ,The ' ,,• c ,„, . ,, , , ,
sTordan1"...`„',tletfilhet.le' Of f ehousiinds of s'` '1. ,4, . -gese...e.......e.,_es.,._ . -e. ,s , , : 1 et;he hod Vitithial EL: fee, :seeetee. eee4•• eeie.
pagribts.havazisantedsen its bilinks• MI& __ ;.,...., ,-.1'2.- . i.vmce61. bY:Pasul's reasoni4g. and the. hply.
[lathed ins',its we. terse' :gaol et:than gee best tialet,,,. 1E1, ,ERE.',0FOI-1:GO_QD ,PEOPLEeliVing and Mita:ores of ftetle. Apestlite.
dip a 'wet....gcenee:Inithel wege andt wring.- , . - es. - .. +Stet) cirottnd .ahatit hi ra, ."1"ho eXact eitchhe,
''`I icnon'ik Said tittle JOhnnY,, slieling.h4 I „stanees lVe cannot: frilifieptridneehllah,
;it out anehebarryeit..,heine„ fox, th ir
shroud.. Itk is an impetteein".7,es-tt°eavincar:°' fo the preaches.. eilittle :Meitner was' 'being r it-bamb to pass -.that 'jtest °elect' 'the,'
,ttrictlx4s.b.,ex on as though it were east.7cgielekiet ornehke., why taithogiekted::, tont& in-.° theielews Pled .tridd ste neareler -Rains is sees
eehtliteii:g.'its ,Pniliehecis le : Phe neXt '-"ieseible fax° 'Peel's 'eenverts 'safely to
enie,g tosItelt, its to'reek,t,. ' then.' eg,ei.0,etsreessi„ ,e, :, , ,,, e , ,, es,,,,... , . , „ .., se , seen4 8,h)ged Wt8' boa*, iwo. a.i.,-1..hi. deg-,
1.1131 a"'''''If°1:14.' 0 11 I ' e4;,efe.i'4 - 4,;tilt,,,,ai,:,,is:§3Aibi,'-d..41..,..ITA,04--..xrp.,1„ , 1
,„ , •r„,toitite,cannat eeplenal Hes. rose Ap.,, '4,nd •
nianY a litilt eillIgkit401t9 r" 4 4 InsetUt. 'els Iner,:t6 ° heali‘ "that. ynn;:ltiloili Otele, eeerite, ;,ese.. see- gee., • ete .i.i4,,•;., me,de . ge..
MolinenOas copper- ottoped,„qa•fts , •
Aplit upode its shelvings.'" e'britit one A-11,,(1-1w4o3'911s.te,I,Isulle y,, :15y: the !stop:Wig oli sil5hos.
boat that mai t.niditt,,h1quolu, ...deehnbereeessee useeeen tin*. le:the Oblenny, tne geed 1. .hether he was deed or nn,!;
L9 sail t gwholnelenetle eghtee sisteene,, #ieoP .1;lidaYs tlleeneek Itereefelhe fr,ittlexchopiti ion D„eain
glitlAnta 10
#016'," THINEtTIT:0111.1
Interestintgi' et"
-ouch else it;
:Few peaple ir.sinetteeneeglietterexeratiteili
[extent eV:Stair. gociilLinktin 14tritaktP.;
sPt:the Ritiade delleitMente0 heti.. •
lvOrk c° -1°'" 4,44104>ei-•;;414ift-cl?..''
Gc4eratutent. ,Boardoi: •Pronit:
departneentga raitato int'eteeting tetturen.
'has recently 156ehi'iseued.'..ae .a,"'Tisehasr.
patipeas in each Warkhaise
"11.90.l'ate :WASekhonhe infintarY• .1"Pog'e
lead; ten Wal es, . and. givingelefoltnae,
tTti J1149:00,_
a...Teraagenient '`eohlt. estonlishreent;
.of !Which. Louden ••Peevided...for, 01,663,
there .ivesse-..39,nea efeei ased, bedeld- •
gietedians. The divi1len having ...°0
eledeS the two, unio,n, 'craintelee.: of
Laneitater and Chester. sand;
nerrokhadated • 81312. sick ••ann.ebedridden.,
-14cniit'j.44 fr.3t1a7le:togitexith"-risdt.eTiifirrivcil; ilchtibeiVIQttlh?
3,871hsick „ansehAieddee g:ipn •aged
infiree, the West hlitiland 'with'
a.4601daills9d6,11::13t9h4e anreatilaitteint:drikvilsroiltrliilka'58v1;
ing smaller • tniunthse•rs. The Onion
county outside Loiadon containing the '
laegeeb nunibiers Was Lincest.er,whigh
had rimier 'its care; 7;803 -esor :•ttpd. be&
ridden, and. 1,038 aged and infirm. The °
Ithnieon epanttes'etf 1,,tuenxiatiet, hatiakevte.shteja
tre, .,,,,mt13-*estern ditision, where
there weee 1,237 siek-ansd.beciridden.arld
117. aged and infirm,: and. then came
Liveirpool with 1,202 and 93, Cho•rlton
with:975 end 37; hdancheeter with 981
sick' ertd bectinetetn; Birmingham with
,917- sick end bedridden; Toxteth peek
with 564 and 169; -Leedeettith 537 seek
and bedridden ;"Salfortir With °501 siek '
and hedridden, mid West Hana.•withl 418 .
ant1161, the other tattions having' lower
ri-unisher,s. - :London the niest• 'heag-
ily.;butrtiened distticts were St. Pan-
craiestvith,917 eiek.aeol bedridden tield •
763 .
a nal•a°11edeariiclitalleni,n, Bfierrialtiesib'giletrenni.7689t, saluelk
138, St: Oleves 618 and 174; St; George's,
.623 encl. 195; St. Savione's 623 and 177 ;
Oa; .1x 6 . 67'S and Ddingtort
612 140:" This provesd treatment
of the- Siok *win& Ipie taken 'platte of
late 'years is shown. by the
made. for theft' arecommoda.tion is
separate werkhouse infirma.ries. This
he especially noticeaable in London.
,Whe're, however, in a few cases the, slek
:are etill lodged en the work.hoase..In
the provinees .there are, not so many
separate infirmaries.
tAtiother satisfectery point in the re-'
turn is the large number of pai d.of fleets
acting as Ilruirses, and it is evident that
the magoeity of lioards hate. improv=
ed the system of missing. The Local
Guyette:tent ••Board . some time ago
called'attention of hoaxes of guardians
to the fact that, while, this tnapeove-
rae•nt was going on there were stell.
many worichouees where. the nursiaig •
arrangeinents'htel 'not been °hie:eight to
the, ,stendard of modern reqUirenterits..
was pointed -out that 'the office 'Of I
nesse. regnired"to•he filled by' a, person ,
ef experience in tbe treatment of the
siek, of greatsrespeotability 0 of • char- •
aeter; and of diligent end timorous
habits; and 'that, by..appeenting • pent
'assistants the ,guardiens would heve
• oppoituttity of Selecting persons
with proper qualifieations, apd be Able
to hold them res.ponsible 'for' risgligence
•or raiscorschuct. Ineettses wheste paup-;
er inmates were directed -to :not, as as-.
sistalet nurses,. the gutirdiansevere told'
thee thane was no stinealue to axes',
done no teet of eepac•ity, and hos res-
, pinasildIity for negligence, road. the
Local Government 'Board reattamexid-
ed: the etiardiene at far at Poesible to'
distuatintie the practice 'of apPointitig
paupere to act as assietaist nurses .ie
the, infitmary or sick -ward: •The pee-.
sett return thow.s,that this advice, has
beeit'laegely adopted in sLondon, where
there were .ast the date. , where the.
figutes were. taken ae .many as .
. • L514,151.4.1D;OFFICERS .
aoting as ,xi,u.r.ees in the. workhouses of
the 30 unions, 848 of erhomai ha•cl re,ceived
teething- before their etppOlatment, the
number of hamper inmates so emnloyed.
being 349. In telost Of 'the 'unions- there
were no pauper assistants employed,
but in. some. the gueediens still purses&
the old polhish For instaare, in Podding-.
ton. theme:were. 38 pauper assistants to
34° Paid =tees; iri the Strand there
were° 41 ptiaper assiStante to ' 16 paid.
officals ; in! Stepney there lit'ere- 25 'nap
.er. aesistan.ts to.ten• paid offieers, and.
Geeenwich there were 46° pauper as-
sistants to 66 paid. • nurses.• West
Hera had. 36 spaia nturees to only, two
pauper assistants. . Taking, ,the diet -
stens mashie London there, Were .2,201
paid officers' acting-,aSonrees, of Itrhoni
1,113 !had reeeithel training, previous' to
their. 'appointment; ' and 'there *ere 3.,L.
094 pauper •inatatets assisting in the'
hierehreil care of the sick. In levee- '
expeohheflpir‘tratv Jgtth'ortpsglastaiiidoiySelidefafitel.a%pa.atinpri.
in many of the Other. lerge towns .only
a, small learnbste,, assist:ea , in the ,eick,
ward.s. Many of the' rural 'boardS,
however, cointinixed. to authorize this
'kind Of aseistened.'• " ' '
• . ' ' ' •
Most married Men Would adinit,
'theY:dared,, that they wouldrather have
ret tetriee thatea :baby, , •
' A girl alWays 'has, Esnedeathat. e Men
• 114494T: tOil 114 elle etu4 look het;
etraight thehIaose ht the eante. ante.
Theefirst year aftet he gets heagetett
ailisatihiddr,esse,s his wife as " dertiii[ge°
'aftekethat shagentrally sityt shSee le
,Xienecatregetherally telt hew" lang a
liasebeen mail-xi:ed. by: 'watching
'the, evay she, tr,atte,ol,clehatilteslars. For
the" filet tee° Yea:134 eheo.aets sorry. for
ai gene'r' nethee' findee.ttlije
set:shin ettfe"sk-gocide.:esenitili: •th,',-,p...1a5d
'eettlealbOth",the firsOthttinit' She once ;.0g.:V
:111191.•=°9t1t ins.the "f rent -helping' hie
' the. floWersi, "'
itietstSarlietiliOagh Between a Weill Au
a spleitext
'Apot,toldioettlittivoql.fr.wasp and
#21,e, •
•Sencleh6use bps 'the; tent -loofa' and *eke
'eaNseet -had simile a Wed.:04001A „the, cor-
d:tee: oit• the ,t eut OA ','.0t,'$)Alt,9.14.410t'9V4'
:felitil* Peaked. iirrotiglisithe Webs IStisidee
flielpirdessor to a sgenettercif ;the 'pew.
44:::-,:erm`i 4:411714"1:;"'
s gletspidee, an ufy-Iooking blecinfelese
• eeethodfrer..".retireghIC:•wralo'rignehrlic*"-
Inettlitheists of the wasp. The wasp
'fia.ckward Andr`foirward; to' ing
`1,01*,l'neoPenitiglitirieldonatirdf* 11Y
lithehitligMed CIA the teetepole with an
BO of the edge of the web.
two foes; the Waaelletw-oft the:Paler:04 ;°41".' •
dieedtly toward the spider whieh had
Owen keetilY NmtnEing Inn As the
era„sp.' flew past ;la ittneaty, hee•ourbed. ••• % -
the.'emlite part of his body up so that
the peat coataining,the ;sttngeg wou/d ;e•-•
come m. cloSe proximity t,o the spider.
Thfiespidet was evidentlg accustomed:
tee -Well wairfare, laotareesee. for "he got" •
Out. of th way in a twin ling Med '
denal at his failtere the' weep "teak ni
turn altell Went 'isaele 'again. Onee mores.'
theepider eltided the venemons stinger,
at the Same tittle he appeared to
be 'trying' to bite the 'wasp,.
eolalti hot have touched him until the
03st:ruction...was brok'elni down. ,hut het e.
"evidently did ma laav‘c
cerefialy ennstahoted fly -trap destroy-,
'ed witbolat -a struggle., " •
• There weee severa/ skintaishes .of, the, -
kind Already described, and then tbe
oneeeet.egeirt 'alighted on the 'tent -pole.
as ih eeconneiterieg and getting breath :
ter a. grand onslaught,
' Aftsee. eeretanasng On the pole" foe a
fete tea:muds, .he 'flew off and , poised
inethe air a. foot or 89 14410W '
4114 web. Then be iler,ted, elirectly foe -
the -spider and Went' corapletelyt,'
thesitigh tine web at th h: epo
!Which had been, occlupledeUY thrspiden
.For instant both coimbatants were
lt?st to ill i.it,g; and hteif.,1 titaeAbis.taft
tter.T.1 'bat tinte th- tifltvalt
getting the. better of °Ith both teseete „
"dropped to the; ground close tot me. The
spider was Itelding fast to the. wasp s
head lerith Ins small bet +effective
ractieth, and the wasp was XU111117ag
stinger in and oat of the Spider's 'body
Tightening -like Tespithry,
wae a short etreggle on, the e:
ground, When both insects began tog'
groW weak, and their movements ivera
less rapid. , Finally t•hey, felt apart,
:butt netther Moved. I sztamined,them
both; -after, watching them foe a new-
esecende. The. poleon el, teach had; dene..-
hhe work fee the. other, a/4A both were ,
ivenderrat Invention. 'Which Hecatil.:
, Besot Iflovenkf..n1,5, .
TilAtgeine',191ni'tqtree'n9tet;t7 n:Cre‘11°:Y11:11.1°°.:
chine called a- "balance," which work-
ed in conjUnetien 'with' his 'Plethyteaci-,
graph, makes it possible. for:obi= to,
make many wonderful eFpexierteets
:oro. the 'marking Of the hareem
Both are besedgmein. the :ehrople
ciple. the* "the Mere Mental effaits: the"
more blood needed•in the brain," Emo-
tions,' thoughts 'and ideas 'need" differ-
ent , )quantitie.s • a blood, and whatever
is required; the btain draws from the
The plethyamegraph is a.long glass
tube Into. which the . arm is inserted
ineashe to" the elbow. °,,The tithe 01e:then
tviEle"swater ,and s.sealed at the
bottom. Communicating •evitle thie
tuba is anothier tube, the second very
Slender and. standing . upright. It, is
open to the air, and the water in the
large tube tyverflow,s a little -Luta i.he
&Bailee. Under, thesinfluence some.
thought oe emotion, „the .blood .flows
to the brains ait:d the vessels in :•the
wriet atad..hand oontract and the sea,
ter in. the small tithe passes' baek inte
the langet; 'the annelreit vetytrig ea:ord-
. ing to- the aisrength, 07:f ,thAtnnbti.pn.. The
oppesite is the ease Ath_en_..xt, persee
The balance 1,7. 418,trilaaleIlt orf weed
swede metal large ' eituategh to hbla a
man comfortably etretched." Ott with
head slightly rascal. 'It' reitshegon a.
fulcrum, and is eteadiedeby ast,eavy
*pante:mai") of nnital, firmly held. .
lasteral bets. An arrangeMP 1°1 -
weights litSeps the 'normal center of
gravity in: the. Middle 'of' the '"balance;"
and -the whole, Ls ;held 1h:exact equili-
It•_•ascillates with .the', breath-
ing,' • hut balancesesh that. the. .couch
'is held heeieentel. ..The Slightest, vae-
ikStion ?beano ,ettort eauses- the
'!'scoitoli" •inoliate'ono, way stheis oats:.
eh. anyt • .intelleetual activity the
legs .heoonte light er 'arid %the - eadt'lfoar':;,
lee. in sleep it inellithe to -Wafted' !the,
fe.etehut -stinnilit14iin";b1-
tbe brain' teaves inelination; tat:v.aid„.
the head.
' t
Nale.-"Aee tit:eve:hap theiromato°
lee° 1 ifs Towage!' s ery 011e
-tv-eetts:'-'thes neektieetliet' she qtieke Odle
g0. • • • •
The.Portuguese shoe hes 0. wooden •
eehe and heel, with a 'vamp rattelet of
patent leathers fancifully, showing the.
'flesh side of the skins- • •
The Persian. footgeer ie a raleed •
shoe. and is 'often fooe high. It le
roads of light 'weed: in.lpido 'with
a strap extending 'oirezt the .instep.
Algetian shoe' in eppearance le
not unlike the Enallish root/dein clogs.
.The shoe is made entirely. of leather
in the simplest Lorre, and usteelly with-
out any ornamentation.
The'Avateenian ha.s a. leather sole
and heel, ;without ocenater and, back
lutarter. The vapop, is ra,atite ,pf felt,
and ie beaatifully oenameneed, with .
needlewerk, done in colored
The atInicottite ebbe is handewovenon
• weoden frame, shut little 'atteeition'
being: paid. .to the shape, the • foot..
Leather is, sometimes used, but ' the .
eandal generality made of .colored
efortclage anti woolen' &loth.
'Sian:lase shoes lia.ve the „form cif an-
cient canoes, with. a gouttola how and
been top. The sole is mete of wood,
and the upper a inlaid wood andelotle '
and the ex.tertor, is ela.borately onus- •
onented , colore, and vvith. gold and
, The Mussubna,n's shoe is of :heavy
leather. It Ls adjust:ed. to the toothy,
a. wide leatlieir strap Which 'runs from,
the heel and bustle-1es over the instep. e
The only °mem:we-non, is, the taste,
ening of -Live feather plumes on ., 'the
right •side . of the toe.
The sauna] vioirn by the Egyptians....
.is composed of sestesole made ley , stick-
ling together three thicknesses of
len,ther. This is held on thee.foot •
a band passing aorioss the. instep.' The
sandal is • ;beautifully stitched witth
threads of different ,colois. • '
The Grecian shtoe is niade almost eng . • •
ferely of leather, and has a 'thickly •
ead.ded stole with.a. 'sharp turneup tea:,
whieb. is surmounted by a. large hata..4
of eolooed, wool or hair. The shoals is
fleecseellined, a.nd gairge.ously debar-
atted with 'kende .artd. herhainentall
stitching. ' •
The 'Russian boot is compo.sed of
many pieces ot menace° in severah'eole
ens put together in the shape to please '
the: taste of the wearer or. maker.. The '
°foes Of the boot le beautifully ,einhoss..
'ea with thread in bright coltoess, ,
natt Hungarian Shoe ,or moceaein is .
Made of raw hiee, pnepared'b(y, it sun-
-curing process. It is hound td,gethier
with many thorigs of' raw 'hide. Loopit°
or • thoirgs .vaterid upward; round' -the' •
1 astitle,eand thstiough the -hoops is pas.seeles '
stra,v whack, budkled.,ar. the 'sides, ,,t'
The, plug wores theisjapanese is of... 0. I
weed, 'and as viewed from the taide is .
the ishitoe of a hoY's aed,ge. 'It is fast- ,
e'neti oto the 'foot by a strtng, whit%
plisses' between 'thin great ' ahd 'second
toe an.d 'aorioss the former, Al strap,.
,an in;:di in width', and lined" with lihen;
is . eartied .aeress. Male • instep, • ; • .
, • , ..•
: ' W'ELL, WATER.:
Th.s'S dha,lnege intewellesis -often teerY.
had with the result of •typhold fever
and ,r_aany , 01 ger ee• 97
like0111dit, Ord1118 'g.mat, hanger, 1De. Itech
tu,ggests that hie troth tubes iNVO' Orr
'41191E48, in diameter—With' its' leiver end
netrforaked-he Placed in thieeentre of
, 'the ..well, and the eteexonriding esioate
• .with 'fine gnagel eplo the high-,
• qap poiet of ,weteaeleyel. • ,..This then;•
coiyeted with eseed. to ,the,. ihp ell :the
thb.-1 a getup tittasclatel to the -.111.d.
of the tithe makes a vetry effecijvs tube-,
weII. 7.N:AiltVir.., 'in nasA,n1g, flaro-4h-,
the; litynrs a 'sada 'aria gravel., °is off '
,ively'filteaselv and ithe' nitrifying
c.121,ng,e.d." the.. ilth hat rh,ests,
'is.A.tiraten. • ,• A tit tee4yed t a: re -
may es.,•,;toch.,4 rom. 80, to ee of.'s
nits tiat, 11 esesses
' "kibjeated • li'lrc; ,cletni sh`allow War