HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-6-17, Page 3Goo • P,., iir4lS essential Blood th.lHlvery nook chid corner of the pjfatemie reached by the blood, and on flits quality the condition of every organ do. rnde. Good blood means strong nerves, good digestion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofula, dyspepsia,rheuma i1am, catarrh or other diseases. The surest any to have good blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi- talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends the elements of health and strength to *very nerve, organ and tissue. It creates • good appetite, gives refreshing sleep and cures that tired feeling. Remember, Hood's Sarsaparilla lathe best—in fact the One True Blood Purlieu cure Liver Ins; easy to HOOd tS PIIS take, easy to operate.. 26e, •1b the Madden Yeast Co., Louden, Out. Qentlenarn,--we txctualeksr and b^fter reati;a farm, sting Mrs. rIndden'a Yeast than, st.y e•laer wr irate sued, aadhighly recommend it, I'EA Ditoi.,r.akesa. THE MADDEN YEAST O.. Leaden. KINSMAN. L. D. S..A AND IT DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D, S., I3onor Graduate of Toronto University, i)entists. Teeth extracted without pain or had after effects. s. Officee in Fan - sows Block, West side of Math st., Exeter. DR- ANDERSON, (Li. 1.8. L. O. R.) DENTIST. Honors graduate of the Toronto ,Uni- versity, anti 'loyal College of Dental Surgeons et Ontario. An Bridge work, erownsand Plato work done in the neatest possible manner, A harmless =aesthetic for painless extraction. The strickest attention given to tho preservat- ion of the natural teeth. OMee opposite Cen- 1ral Hotel, Exeter, Ont. a• 6ET YOUR ?�!3 DOWN At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a 'u.t. W. JOHNS, The Tailor. A Suit of (Jlothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable plane, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Fall & Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take muoh pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other lines that are specially at- ractive. e �! . Ei•aur`Yi d"�LLI Central DRTJG STORE. Those who have used Win Cough Balsam. Pronounce it unequalled as a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS CRITIC/ TRO I AND BRON(7 UB ES, Winds Condition & Cough Powder for. horses, best in the mar- ket, always on hand. Also a Cet?obenefaoto and Lini- ment, the medicine so suc- cessfully used by Mr. Chas. Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns,in treating g and curing various diseases, For Sale at C„ LUTZ'S PIARVET 11.11lY.•ILTS , Exeter June I6tILIX97.. O is at per bushel Co 0..7 Pe13aasey....... 38 to.39 Butter..... ...10 to 13 Eggs 7 to 8 Gookays c4' to 4 Du ckks ns per lb 4 to 4 Wool.. 17 to 18 Dried Apples.. .. . 2,1 to 2i Pork dressed .... .. , 34.i5 to $5.00 Pork live weight .. $3.50 to $3.60 Hay per ton, ....... 750 to 38.00 Clover seed ........ 4.00 co $5.00 Alsiko clover 4.50 to $5.00 Timothy seed ..... '2.50 to $2.75 London, June 1611,.1897, Wheat per busho ,.... ....7�1 to Oats.. 1 to Peas . .... 30 to Barley .2o to Buckwheat ....,. 23 to Rye ..26 to Corn . Beans 25 28to Butter Il °t o0 Dues 75 12 to Turkeys per lb. 10 to Geese per lb 9 to Chickens 30 to PCotatoes per bag ..49 to 5l) Hay per ton ..$ 7.00 to $ 8.00 Pork per cwt.... .. $4.00 to $4.50 72 29 42 28 34 30 35 i1 80 12 10 50 8 PROMPT, PLEASANT, PERFECT. Norway Pine Syrup is a prampt, pleasant and perfect cure for coughs, colds asthma bronchitis, hoarseness, sore throat, pain in the chest, croup, whooping cough, quinsy,inftuonza and all throat and lung troubles. 05e. and 50. at all drug stores. SALT RHEUM:C'Ul1ED. GENTLEMEN,—Your Burdock Blood Bitters cured no of salt rheum three years ago. It was so bad that I lost mr finger nails, and I can truly say that I know of no more valuable medicine in the world than 13. B. 13. I have had no return of salt rheum. • MRS. JAS. SANDERS, m xE Emerson, Mar„ AN ANTEDOTE FOIL ASTHMA. Mr. Albert Reid, Angus, Ont., was for over two a sufferer from Asthma. A half bottle of Yellow Oil cured him completely and although that was sometime ago, ho has never since been troubled with the Baine complaint. BORN, STRAN G.-- In Vsborno on the 10th, the wife of henry Strang of a son. IUING.--In Stephen, on the 11th. the wife of Albert King, of a daughter. FISHER—In Usbnrne, on the 15th inst., the wife of Wm. Fisher, of a daughter. WILSON.—In rsborno, an the llth inst., the wife of Sidney Wilson, of a sou. MARRIED COY Sl I1 At God rx h. 01Juno 9th, by the Ilea Joseph Edge, Miss Edith Stewart to Mr. Benson Cox, of Leamington, «'XLIE—ROBERTSON—In Exeter. on the 16th inst., at the residence of James Willis, by Rev. H. W. Locke, Capt. Peter Wylie, to bliss Ellen Robertson, both of Goderich. SI'EARE--INGRAM—At the residence of the bride's ,nether, on tho 10th inst., by Ilov. W. M. Martin. Mr. Richard Speare, of London, to Miss Caroline, youngest daughter of the late Alex. Ingram, of the township of Hay. DIED. MORSON—On the 5th inst., Charles Morson, Parkhill, aged 40 years, ROWE—On the 3rd inst., Wm. Rowe, 71h nor. McGillivray, aged 81 years, SHERRITT—On tit 7th inst., Elizabeth, wife of Wm. Sherritt, 18th con., Stephen, aged 40 years. HODGINS—On the 4th inst., Ellen, tho wife of Samuel Hedging, 15th con., Stephen, aged 30 years, 10 mos. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS, AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REMEDY.—Mrs. Winslow'! Soothing Syrup has boon used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teethe,q with perfect success. It soothes the child,softenstho gums, allays all pain, curds wind collo, and is the best remedy forDiarrhoea. It is plcasantto the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Bo sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind Farms For Sale A few good farms for sale cheap—Money to oan. Apply to JOHN SPACIiMAA7 Samwdll's Block, Exeter. Notice To Trespassers. Having supplied the Crook on lot 4, con. 4. Stephen, with youngspeckled trout spawn, I hereby forbid any person fishing therefrom and all offenders will be prosecuted according to law. QPM. WHITE. May 14th, 1897. Land For Sale or to Rent. Lot No. 2,. on the 11th Con., and Lots Nos. 15 and 16, on the S. E. 13. of Usborne. There is house, barn and stabling on Lot 2. house and barn on Lot 15—in au 210 acres of laud—about 50 acres of bush. Good supply of water. Apply to JouN or James NAGLE, SI Marys P. O. FOR SALE The village property of the late David Turn- bull, Esq., on William street, Exeter. There aro three lots of land, on which is erected a first class brick house ; also a good stable. This is a desirable property for either business mart or retired farmer. House can be in- spected at any time byapplying on the promises. For further particulars apply to ROBL1It' GARDINER. (E. O. W) Farquhar P. 0 Chattel Mortgage Sale Under and by virtue of power of sale contain- ed iu a certain Chattel Morgagc made by Henry Dmnart and others, I will soli by Public auction, on the promises of Duintut 3c Co., at Zurich, in the County of Huron, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1897 at 1o'clock p. in.,the following ugproperty aro ort: -1 bay gelding years oft ;. 1 grey mare years old ; 1 buckboard ;1 road •cart; t spring wagons; 1 light lumbar wagon 2 tatters ; 2 sett light harness, 1 single, 1 double ; 1 platform settles and weights ; 45 hides, 3 horse hides and other skins ;quantity of tan bark and other articles. TERMS CASH, JOHti GILL, tBailiif and Auctioneer. Dated at Exeter, .Tune 14th, 1897. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Thomas Shute, late of the village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentle- man, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re - visel statutes of Ontario, Chapter 110,and amendingacts, that alpersons having claims against the estate of Thos. Shute, late of the village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 1st day of May 18977,are required on or before the 15th day of July 1897, to sond•or deliver to the executors of tho said deceased at their post- ofIice, Exetor,a statement in writln contain- ing their names, addresses, descriptions and full particulars of their claims duly veri- fied by affidavit, and the nature of the secur- ity (if any -ueicl by them. And notice is here- by further given that on and after the 15th day 01 July.1897, the executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the estate among the per- Sons ersons entitled thereto.having regard only to tho claims of which -they shall then'have notico,and theyvtill•not bo liable for said estate or anypor- tion thereof to any person or persons of whose claims they shall not then have notice. (w;: WM. HARDING' }Executors. JOHN SHUTE, I LEWIS H. DICKSON, Solider for Exeoutors. Dated at Exeter this 1st lay of :Juno 1897. TH,L EXETER TIMES LOOKS UKE A CMS I Miles of London. Buildings Hid- den by Tiers of Seats. Every Foot or the Route or the Jubilee Procession Occupied — Sento of the Stands Decorated, Just to See •mow They Will Look — The Sale of Seal* blow—Mr. Laurier and the Other Pre- miers at Edinburgh—Queensland Wants the Pacllic Cable — Freemason* /:,4th ered at Albert 1lall — General Cable News. London, June 14.—Six miles of Lon- don streets to -day resemble the amphi- theatre of a circus. From Buckingham Palace up Constitution Hill to Piccadilly down. Piccadilly to St. James -street, thence by way of Pall Mall, the Strang and Fleet -street to St. Paul's Cathedral, and after that across the Thames by way of Cheapside, Bing William-s'aeet and London ,Bridge, and back to tne Palace, around through Borough, High - street, Borough Road, 1Vestmxnster Bridge, Parliament -street, Whitehall and the Mall, the shops, hotels, residences, churches, paiks and public buildings are hidden from view behind miles aha miles of pine board seats. Not one foot of available space along the entire route for the Jubilee proces- sion is left unoccupied. The sloping roofs of the churches, the tops of tne lower houses, the gaps between--bui&Giigs --every couceivabie place where there is a possibility of seating a human be- ing, has its row of seats. Every car- penter in London is working along the route of the procession, and the per- manent building trade is at a standstill, while the artisans of the hammer and saw are getting the unprecedented wages of $5 and $6 a day. Some of the stands which are wholly or partly finished have been temporarily decorated by owners, so as to see how they will look on Jubilee Day. Some of them are most attractive sights, and if the other owners show the same dec- orative capacity, this part of London will soon look like a fairy town. Real flowers sire to be used in the decorations profusely. At one or two stands, the box office has been opened, gaily decor- ated and lit with electricity at night. In the windows as a rule is a model of the particular stand as it will appear on Jubilee Day, At present the sale of scats is very slack. People are waiting for the in- evitable slump ia prices. If standnd own- ers only get a couple of guineas a seat the profits will not be large. As it looks now, there will be plenty of seats for sale Jubilee Day at a guinea, five shil- lings and one shilling. There are people in London unfeel- ing enough to generateIee over the cir- cumstance that landlords all along the route of the procession, who have evict- ed victed their tenants under the impression that prices of windows Jubilee Day would more than make• up a year's ren' al, will probably lose not only on rent but money paid for the erection stands. TILE A2'TAOE ON' FAL'ItE. Some People Fear That a Fanatic or Madman May ,attempt to Ki1l the Queen - Loudon, June 14. ---The English papers briefly comment on the attempt on President lecure's life, but do not give it political importance. The event produced great uneasiness in the public mind, enhanced by the ap- proach of the Jubilee, since it is recog- nized that there is always the possibil- ity that some fanatic or madman may make an attempt on the life of the Queen during her progress through the city ou the 22nd. All sorts of sensational rumors are cir- culating, one being that the police in- tend to take some action with respect to certain individuals now in Soho, the foreign quarter of this city. Thiswould probably mean that the authorities are about to make arrests on quite a whole- sale scale and that suspects being brought to Bow -street would be remand- ed for a week to enable the police to make enquiries. At the expiration of that period and when the Jubilee would be over, the pol- ice would offer no evidence and they would be released.. Improbable as this may sound, savoring so much of Ger- man and French police tactics, there is no doubt that many foreiguele believ- ed it and left London. I fancy, moreover, many others will be closely watched by detectives ou Ju- bilee Day. Some newspapers and their corres- pondents profess to trace the hand of an anarchist in this latest affair, but the majority see only the act of some madman and express general sympathy with President Faure and the French people and remark that it is devoutly to be hoped that the perpetrator of the outrage be speedily captured and severe- ly dealt with, for the sake of the ex- ample as well as for punishment. The Monsoon Ras Arrived. London, June, 14.—A despatch to The Times from Simla, India, says that the Monsoon has started in with full force on the west coast. Rain, varying in fall from three inches at Bombay prop- er to seven inches at Calicut, district of Madras, has been continuous for the last 24 hours. The winds are normal and there is every prospect of a favor- able advance of the ram northward, TEN T]IOttSAND MASONS Were Congregated In Albert flail, London, All In Gorgeous Regalia. London, June 14.—Telae slfas.oixic Meet- ing at the Royal Albert Hall this after- noon,- in commemoration of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, was a notable func- tion. The hall was packed by over 10,000 Masons iu gorgeous regalia,. The Prince of Wales and the Duke of Con- naught arrived at 4 o'clock, preceded by trumpeters, sounding fanfares. The grand officers lined the aisle to the dais. The Brines of Wales, as Grand Master of England, followed by an imposing staff, composed of grand officers, moves, to the sound of the majestic music, to his throne. where, surrounded by a bril- liant phalanx of officers, he was received and greeted in. the usual fGrdn of salu- tation reserved for his high station. The Prince then addressed the audience and anneuncecl that the admission fees for the ceremony amount to I7000, half of wdiicli would go to the Prince of Wales Hospital fund and the other half to dif- ferent Masonic cba.rities. , The Duke of Connaught moved an address to the Queen in behalf of the Masons, and it was carried with loud applause, ,after winch the whole assemblage joined in s]nging.the National Anthem to the ac- companiment of the organ. t'xel,lscas With No flitter, Winnipeg, June 14.-(Special.)—At the Methodist Conference ext• Portage la Prairie to -day the 'Temperance Com- mittee' brought in a strongly worded re- solution holding Premier Lnunier'to his promise made in the London miff reiaee of last year, tosubmit the plebiscite watitout any rider whatever. The reso- lution was endorsed by Conference. DARK CLOUDS ROLLED AWA One of Deaths Agents clued. PAINE'S CELERY COMP BRINGS NEW LIFE TO A R TON POND LADY. UND X- Tlie Medicine that can rescue and save a human being after the best efforts of medical men prove un Vail- ink should merit the careful con ider- atton of every sick and diseased • man and woman. Such a medicine s a bda�ta the world, an anchor of 1 ope, pr ection and joy to those who ave been told that they are in a bop -less condition and incurable. Up to the present, medical sc nee has devised but one rexnecly that ully meets the wants and desires of all suf- ferers. This wonderful medicine is Paine's Celery Compound, to w ich thousands in Canada to -day owe ife and good health. Here is a statement from a la Miss Melilla A. Bullock, of Roxto Pond, P. Q,, a sufferer from liver trouble, that is in every waysufficient- ly strong to convince- the despairing, despondent and doubtful. She says : "I think it a duty andel pleasure to write and tell you what your Paine's Celery Compound has done for rue, it sufferer from liver trouble, "Two years ago I had a very bad attack of it, and called in it doctor who relieved me of the trouble, but I still remained weak and ailing, and had another and more se•yere attack. I was under the doctor's care for four months, and received very little relief. "I was very weak, not able to sit up more than afew minutes at a time. as little milk tnkt,n at meals would distress nae, and I was nervous and could get but little sleep. "Hearing what Paine's Celery Compound had done for a, friend, I gave • up (loctoring and used your medicine. I have taken six bottles and have received much good. I aux able to eat a good meal, I sleep well, seldom lie down during the day, and candrive six miles over roogh roads without getting tired," PRONOUNCED INCURABLE. No VASE OF CATARRAII Too ACUTE, 011 o1 Too LONG STANDING ISITT DR AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POWDEit OA ALLAY AND CLTRE—WnEN A ELSE FAIL IT ('ur 1s—TRY IT FiIR AND SAVE EXPERIMENTING. "Five years ago my little dough was attacked with catarrh of a v severe type. We used all known ( tarrh cures, and treated with in skilful physicians for over three yea and her case was pronounced chro and incurable. Last winter we heft of the wonderful cures affected Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. A Molt was procured, and I here state fo the benefit and encouragement of al sufferers from this dreadful malady that after using two bottles my child as completely cured, and I consider my duty to give my testimony for t e benefit of like sufferers." Mrs. G . Graves, Ingersoll, Ont. Sold by 0. r.re. Wm. Stevenson, of Listowel, is ill from the effects of a rat bit. Miss Lizzie Beroclt, of Stratford, a kindengarten teacher, has been ]eft a legacy of $5,000. Byron used a great deal of hair- dressing, but was very particular to have only the best to be found in the market. If Ayer's Hair Vigor had been obtainable thee', doubtless he would have tested its merits, as so many distinguished and fashionable people are doing now -a -days. T. O. Kemp has leased the Irwin elevator in Clinton, and has a grain buyer on that market, purchasing for the Seaforth mill. TOBACCO HEART. GsNTrIT,niN,—My heart troubled me with violentpaipitatation, shortness of breath and sleeplessness. This was caused my physician advised me. by excessive nse of tobacco. Since taking Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills the distressing symptoms have entirely disap- peared. They have cured me and I am thank- ful to testify to their good effects. . Signed, W..r. Jrnsox, St. Thomas, Ont. THEY ARE GOOD. Mr. Jas Hagan, the well-known ox -alderman of Kemptville, Ont., says:—"For some years I:ha.ve been greatly troubled with pain across my back. Urinary troubles caused me ranch loss of slocep, and Isuifored from a tired worn out feeling Doan's Kidney Pills gave me relief in a short time. The pain in m, back has disappeared and I feel that I would be doing wrong not to recommend then to others suffering as I did. They are the best medicine I ever used.' 31+i Y 1CYCLE AND WATC5'4 ,3Fors, During the Year 1897. For full particulars see advertisements, or apply to LEVER 13ROS„ lam, 23 Scoii $T., TORONTO irnost A Mirac e OTTAWA, ,SEPT. Oth, 1896. T the Phrenoline ,Medicine Co., 1 id Ottawa. GENTLEMEN.—I hardly know how best to express my appreciation of your valuable rheum atic remedy, Phrenoline. My son Gordon, who is 9 years old, has been a sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism for the past • two years ; was so bad at tinges that he bad to be carried about on a mattress ; was attended by two city doctors without the slighest benefit. spent ten days at Caledonia Springs eame home with no marked improvement ; took three botles of a Homeopathic remedy now being exten- sively Advertised, 'which did not re- lieve him in the least. 1 was beginning to give up all hope of his recovery, when by chance I mentioned the case to my friend who strongly advised inc to give Phrenoline a trial. 1 did so, with the result that when my boy had taken only half a bottle he was able to get onto his bicycle and ride like any other boy around the block. I certainly feel that I cannot say too much in praise of your medicine, and shall do all I can to make known its value to others. Yours very sincerely (Signed) REUBEN C'LARK. Sold in Exeter only by C. rieTz. i Good • ews From Sout h 1eako The glorious results of this sea u's harvest of golden grain will p > ur a stream of sound money into the pocket of every Dakota, farmer. South Dakota has thousands of acres of choice farming and ranch ]and lying east of the Missouri river,. and within one day s ride from Chicago or Mil- waukee which can now he bought reasonablycheap, but which before the end of another year may be advanced in price. The stock -raising industry iu South Dakota is profitable, and Eastern capi- tal is now being invested in cattle and sheep growing in that state. Diversified farming, the growing of live stock, and the products of the dairy, are placing South Dakota, fore- most in the ranks of the successful Western states. Those desiring full information on the subject t ind particularly those whou h ee . a new•� wish to ,eek home or Mud, are requested to correspond with A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, 2 King street East, Toronto, Ont. WITHOUT A PEER—WORKS MIRACLES. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is without a peer. This great remedy re- lieves instantly the most aggravated and distressing. forms of heart disease. It is the surest and quickest acting formula for heart trouble known to medical science. and thousands of times has the hand of the grins destroyer been stayed by its nae. If there is palpitation, shortness of breath, pain in left side, sxnuthering sensations— don't delay, or you may be counted in the long lisp of those who have gone over to the great majority, be- cause the best remedy in the world to- day was not promptly used. Sold by 0. Lenz. rs. Chas. Smith of Jirnes, Ohio, �v tes: I have used every remedy for sic - headache I could hear of for the past fifteen years, but Carter's Little Liver Pills did inc more good than all the rest. The sad intelligence reached Bruce - field a few days ago of the death of Mrs. Wm. Mustard, who passed away on the 3rd inst,., at her home in Mani- toba. Mrs. Mustard was the third daughter of Mrs. Peter McTavish, of the Mill road, near Brucefield. She was about 80 years of age and was a victim of consumption. Sweet Caporal Athlete 10 cts, Per Package Cigarettes Derby etnd Old Gold •x-11 5 cts. Per Package Cigarettes RETAIL EVERYWHERE 1.•Jua✓WSSJv4eNVO.92,1m,2.-•V.238 J✓O24.1J&&13, 0VS./A0lJ®i � �.,✓2,v R 2,2, .4.' •+ e) Dl -1 A) e? of eienen nen tI- ? u:. A Crimson Sunse �g denotes a fine day on the morrow. One of Shorey's guarantee tickets, in the pocket of any Ready -Made Gar- 4Cs ment you may buy, denotes that you (o have go t the best article in the market. ei You cannot desire anything better �+ than the best. (i• E -a Cts 1"�'1'1^.M'VWY''1"1''Y1^�M"�^"•M'•Y�"V1'V-YY'VWV'1^M'^Y\�^Yl'1/'1/'�J RE R 5rowoin's That we sell cheap 1111 the ilne. R N Rowe as the Finest Class of F `niture ever shown in Exe- 1 ter `incl he I1 One Honest Man. DEAR EDITOR.—Please inform your readers, that if written to confi- dentially, I will mail, in a sealed letter, particulars of a genuine, honest, home cure, by which I was permanently restored to health and manly vigor, after year's of suffering from nervous debility, sexual weakness, night losses and weak shrunken parts. I was robbed and swindled by the quacks until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank heaven, I am now well, vigorous and strong and wish to make this certain means of cure known to all sufferers. I have nothing to sell and want no money, but being a firm believer in the universal brotherhood of man, I dm desirous of helping the unfortunate to regain their health and happiness, I promise you perfect secrecy. Address with stamp,: WM. T. MULFORD, Agents Supplies, r. 0. BOX 59, ST. xnENnr, QUE. MANITOBA MENTION. Miami, Man. The Doan Kidney Pills Co ,Tor Toronto, , Ont : Gentlemen,—I. got a box of your Kidney Pills from the Miami Drug Store, determining to give them a chance to cure me of the kidney com- plaint, from which I have suffered for some tune, and which has become so bad latterly that I could scarcely en- dure it. I may say that it resulted from a fails which I received a few months back. After using several kidney pills and cures of different kinds, but without receiving any benefit, etherefore I aux pleased to testify to the great benefit I have re- ceived from Doan'sKidney Pills. 1 have used only one box up to this date, and the change in my condition is so great that I cannot refrain from re- -commending them to any person affli- cted as I have been, or troubled with any kidney disorder, for I believe that if they would cure me they would. cure .almost any case. I will be able to re some my farm work now, as usual; and it isnot the lightest work either. I am, sirs. Yours gratefully, ALEXANDER FRASER, Miami, 'Man. Lara Liver Pills cures • constipation, billiousness, and sick headache ; 25c. U Does the rgest amount of Eltishiess E11TAKING A SPECIALTY. R N. ROW iE Next door North of Molsons Bank. BKWCLES! EgemsemEnsE Are You interested Wheels ?' W e handle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times. A few second hand organs 5 and 6 Octave, cheap. Sewir>ig gliacllihie 5 ALWAYS ON: HAND. P. S.—Selling out Disc Har- rows at cost. PERKINS & MARTIN, Main street, Exeter. FARMER You will find at I3 s r ] i •seat's Ware con s the following line of Agricul- tural Implements, BERING BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULK Y RAKES. Afull line of Seed Drills, . Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES, ETC' 1 The celebrated Knoll Washer Raymond sewing and wringers machine STOVES. • Gurney stores and furances. Waggons Buggies Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. oa _ The correct place to buy your SHAVING BRUSHES, CLOTHES BRUSHES, NAIL BRUSHES, HAIR BRUSHES, SHAVING BRUSHES;,,, TOOTH BRUSHES, WHISKS, ETC. Quality unexcelled and prices very low at �Growning'sa 3 THINGS! Price, Quality, Assortment Should enter into the act,of buying more than anything elseIf the quality good, assortment com- plete, buying is made easy. That is where we come in, We have the stock, the prices, the: quality, and feel certain that we can snit the wants of all in Furniture. The way to test it is to call and see for yourself. ®pore, 1-ilotase blo't1., FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. An Intr®lution-w' tl f Is It gives us plka.sure to in troduce to you our fine Beav(,1 and Milton Overcoatings; also a big range of Scotch and Can- adian Tweed for warm winter wear. Our prices arc away Clown. Did you see our 1,; y � Black Worsted Suit (made to order,) If not why not J.H rieye` On Wednesday Dr. E. ,. E:eUam, of Niagara Falls, and a for ner Seafftene i boy, and Miss Mary Ca,so}x, ciatlghter of, Rev. W. Cason, formeObly pastor the Seaiorth illetr�;: =1st clrureh, nvere unites. in xr"r `al;e.