HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-6-3, Page 5Is essential nook Eg ' � O ilienith. Every nook 'and corner of the astern is reached by the blood, and on Its quality the condition of every organ do. rends. Good blood means strong nerves,' good digestion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma- tfsm, catarrh or other diseases. The surest env to have good blood is to take Hood's ) Irsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi-. ializes, and enriches the blood, and send. Abe elements of health and strength to may nerve, organ and tissue. It creates good appetite, sleep ppa t,giv refreshing es hie a es g sl p end cures that tired feeling. Remember, • Ilioo Sarsaparilla gotltebest-in taetthe One True Blood Perinea cure Liver Ills; easy to Hoods Piths take, easy to operate.25e. "1:o the Maddou Yeast Co., London Ont. tientaemen,-ri•eget meeker anal Lotter rtsi;Eta from atsfng Airs. Madden's Yeast than ary clip: ma t,a,vo iaae+l, and highly recommend it. lilts! BiW ., nakera. TI4E MADDEN YEAS,' CO., London. T.T • • KINSMAN. L.D. S. AND • Dn. A. It. I>,INS.MAN, L. 1) S., D.1), S„ Honor Graduate ewe. ,, _} of Toronto 1'niversity,Dentists. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effects. Office in Fan - menu Block, West side of Main st., Exeter. DR. ANDERSON, (13 p. 8. L. D. S.) DENTIST. Honors, graduate of the Toronto ;Uni- versity, and ltoyyalCollt.ge of Dental :surgeons of Ontario. A11 Bridge work, erownsenel I'late work dorso in the neatest possible manner, A. tandem nmasthetic for painless extraction. The strickest attention given to the preservat- Ion of the natural teeth. Office opposite Cen- tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont. 6ET YOUR PAS D O 3Sf At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, ! etc. Suits 6 nr $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a fit. W. JOHNS, The Tailor. A Suit of Clothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, 'Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Pall Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many ioiher lines that are specially at - motive. Central DIUJG STORE. Those who have used Tinan's Cough Balsam. Pronounce it unequalled as a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS AND BBONO ITIO TROUBLES, Winds Condition & Cough Powder foi horses, best in the mar- ket, always on hand, Also a Cetobenefacto and Lini- ment, the medicine so suc.. cessfully used by Mr, Chas,_ Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and curing at variolas diseases For Sale C,, LUTZ'S mf. TH.t; EXETER T:k1ES NA.B.RgT ober RTS.. III seto • June and, 1E97. Wheat per bushel .OS to G9 Oats ,... .20 to 21 Barley-. 22 to 28 Peas ..38 to 38 Butter ^. •, • e.. ,..10 to 13 Turkeys 0 to . 99 Chickens por ib ...'..• 4 to 4 to 5 Ducks ool.... .. ..... 15 to 17 Dried Apples .. . 2l; to 2i Pork dressed ... $4.75 to $5.00 Pork live weight ...• 43.50 to3.00 Hay per ton........ ...$ 7.00 to x$5800 Clover seed .... .... .... ..$4.00 to 5.00$ Alsiko clover ..... ..... $4,50 to 5,00 Timothy seed.. ,....... $2.50 to 12.75 --ea.— London,,-- Loudon, Juuo 2nd,180't. Wheat per bushe,.. ..., ,-„72 to 72 Oats,,,, ...22 to 23 Yeas .... .30 to 42 Barley .,.. .20 to 28 Buok wheat ...... .21. to 31 Rye 2i to 30 Corn ,.. „ .. 28 to 30 Beaus . 25 to 35 Buttes .,, .,,. ..,..,11 to 12 Eggs ., . r L ,. .. 12 Lo ,14 Ducks ,.... 75 to 80 Turkeys per lb.... 10 to 12 Ceesop or 11, 9 to 10 Chickens 30 to 50 Cheese. ,.,, 8 to 8 Potatoes por bag..,,.. .,. .,40 to 50 Hay per ton ,.,-„ ,. $. 7.00 to $ 8.00 Pork per • cwt..., ..., ,.84.00 to $4.50 BORN. VOSPi it -In Exeter, ou the 29th ult the wife of Air. 0e014e yosper, or a son, EAST --In Clinton, ou tho 28tH of Muy,the wife of Mr. Henry Fast, of a daughter (still born.) EDMUNDS --In Goderich township, on May 20, the wife of Mr. T. C. !Edmunds, or a daughter, McDONA•LD-In 'Osborne, (Thames Road) on the 30th May, the vita of Robert MtI)onahl,. of twins (son and daughter.) CLAUSEN.-In Clinton, on Wednesday, May 20th, the wife of Mr. W. Clausen,polis; (leo (hiss Reynolds) of a daugter, MARRIED LE WIS--•EILI3EII--At Crediton, on the 27th ult., by Rev. Mr. Schmidt, W. J. Lewis, merchant tailor, to Miss E1nma, daughter of Mr, Christopher Either, of Stephen; HIND-C'OULTIS-In Usborne. an June 2nd. by tho ltev. Mr. Jewitt, at,the residence of the bride's .. parents, Mr. John Hind, or Exeter, formerly of Elimr•i11e, to Miss Vic- toria, daughter of Richard Coultis, Esq. ANDREW --COs. LTIS--In L:sborne. ou Juno 2nd by Rev. Air, Jewitt, at the residence of the pride's parents, Mr. Albert Andrew, of I.limvilie. to Miss Ida, claughteror Richard Coultis, Esq, 11AKER-L1NDS.tY-In 1t'iugbtun, on May 19th. by Rev. (1, I.. (iitiford, Al. A„ George Baker, formerly of Exeter. blit now of Mt. Forest, to Millie, daughter of Mrs. Lindsay, of 1Fiughaul. CO 1;LT1IS--C'HRISTIE-On May 20 at the resi- deuce ,of the bride's larents by ltov, Dr. Willoughby, Mr. Eli Coultis, of tsborne, to Miss Rhoda L. Christie, daughter of ('haries Christie Esq., Stephen. W 00DYARD-WALLACE--At the residence of the bodes mother, Hullott, on May 2401, by Rev. A. Stowers, Harry Woodyard, of Collingu ood, to A1iss Jennie Wallace, daugh- ter of the late Thornton Wallace. HI'AMAN•-=1391 EU -On the 20th alt., at the residence of the brides parents, Stephen by icor: W. II, Butt. Mr. John ii.earnan. to Miss Emma, daughter of Wm. Maker Esq , all of of Stephen. DIED. LATTA-At Chiselluust, on the 30th ult., John Latta, aged 57 years. BOYLE--In Stephen. on the 211h ult., Mrs. Curry, wife of Patrick Boyle, aged 3' years. FOR OVER FIFTY 'LAR~ Ax Ora ANA 1i'Lis,-'TRr3 n RI• ari:.nr 'Vies. 1s insloFF s Soothing Syrup lute been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children While teethe g, with perfect success. It soothes the o1ii1d softensthe tgaras, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and rsthe best remedy for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 y r h . value is incalculable. Becents a attic. It sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. and take no other kind More cases of .,IGn headache, bilIons- ness, constipation, cam be cured in less time, with Less medicine, and for less money, by using Charter's. Little Liver Pills, than by any other means. WAITED. Salesmen, inexperienced preferred. Position permanent. Salary plaid every Saturday. NELSON BOGUE, Batavia 'Nurseries, Batavia-, N. Y. Land For Sale or to Pmts Lot No. 2, on the llth (hon., and. Lots Nos. 15 and 10, on the S. E. 13. of tsborne. There is house, barn and stabling on Lot 2. house and barn on Lot 15 -in alt 216 acres of land -about 50 acres of bush: Good supply of water. Apply to Jona- or James \Acca:, Shit Marys P. O. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Thomas Shute, late of the village of Exeter, in the County of );Inion, Gentle- man, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re- vised statutes of Ontario, Chapter 110, and amendin * acts, that all persons laving claims against the' estato of Thos. Shute, late of the village of Exeter, in tho County of Huron, gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 1st days of May; 1807,arerequired on or about the 15111 day of July 1897, to sand or deliver to the executors of the said deeeasce, at their post. office, l.xeter,a statement in writing,contain- ing their names, addresses, descriptions and full particulars of -.,their claims duly veri- fied by affidavit, and he nature of the scour- ity (if any) held by thth n. And notice is here- by further given that on and after the 15th day of July 1897, tine executoee will proceed to dis- tri$tlto the assets of tho &tate among the per- sons entitled thereto,havin regard only to the Quotas of which they shallth n have notico,and o 1 notbe liable for said state 0 r anypor- tion ,or- .the F it s y r Y tion thereof to any person or p rsons of whose clams they shall not then have otiee. WM. HARDIN ,1 Executors. JOAN SHUTE I LEWIS H. DICKSON, Scholar fo • Executors. Dated at Exeter this 1st day ofJune, 1307. i'arlimm6 For Sale A few good farms for sale cheap -Money to oan. Apply to JOHN SPACEMAN Samwoll's Block, Exeter. Notice To Trespassers. Having supplied the Creek, an lot 4, con. 4, Stephen, with young speckled trout spawn, I hereby forbid anyOrson fishing therefrom and all offenders will be prosecuted accorcling to law. WM. WRITE. May 1,4th, 1897. NOTICE Memel take notice that the annual mooting of the shareholders of the ureter Salt Works Co., will be held Thursday, Juno 10th„ lust., at 2:30 p. m. Town Hall. T. 73. C.ARLING, Seo'v-Treat. FOR SALE. • The village pro �ppertyof the late David Turn- bull, Esc(:, on 1Villia kr street!. Exeter. Thera are three lots of land; "on vyluch is erected .a first class brick house ; also a good stable. This is a desirable property for either : business plan or retired farmer. House eon be in- spected atanytine byapplyingon tho premises. For further particulars amply to ROBEGARDINE1'1, (ID. 0. W) Farquhar P, O. cc AM NOWACIIANGE,DMAN."141rn0st A Miracle "l Ain Convinced That Paine's Celery Compound Has No Equal..” The Only Medicine That Produces Posi- tive and Permanent Cures. The declarations above are made by Charles 'B. Holman, 202 Ring Street West, Hamilton, Ont., a young man known to hundreds in the ambitious city. Mr. Holman's declarations arehonest and from the heart. After 0 siege of sickness and great danger., and failure withother medicines, friends who had m d cl in :s e , been cured by Paine's Celery Com- pound li I to use the d l 1 r th sante life saver and health restorer, Mr. Holmen, who had been so often deceived, had yet faith tts fl4as.be was advised, and a glorious • reward was his. The daugerons cough, hieclebility his weakness and depression of spirits that were dragging him to the grave were :Ill banished, and he was made a new man. .Ile writes about his cure as follows : "In thq,spring of 1805 I was troubled with a cough, debility, and general depression of spirit. During the sum- mer and autumn I used a number of medicines, but received no benefit from thele, About the beginning of November I was advised, to use Paine's Celery Compound. I procured the preparation and began to use it with wonderful benefit. Ian inolvconviu ted after using several bottles of this un- equalled medicine, -brat no other can compare with it in any respect. ttI am now a changed man ;nay health is renewed, depression of spirits is gone, my appetite is good, and I sleep well." "I was always gladly say a goodword for Paine's Celery ('ompouud." u,MIN.11..,t+.o _ ,...•••.i mal,,. Grief and�t Gref orry. Miss Emily Craig, Ahuonnte, Ont„ NOTHING BETTER. says: -I have never found anything better than your - Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry for TROUBLES paain in the stomach or diarrho:a. A few osescured me of severe diarrhoea after other meds roes had failed. Wo always keep it in the icuse and' have every eonfideneo in its virtho, TWO IBOTTLES 'URE PIMPLES. tla.e :rLlutJ N,^ -Fora long time I bud pimples breaking out all over my faoe. I was told about B. B. 13„ and started its use. After takingono bottle i was much better, and the seconbottlomade as eonlpleto euro. 1 bora racomnrended it to others o1 my friends, and they have founditnniforntly satisfactory. A 1 ili,sr, s1'liitebread, Ont. C..usE HEART. 7 u ES A well and favorably known lady of Mitchell, gives au account of her sufferings: "Grief at the death of near and dear relatives tafew years ego caused. nervous trouble and general debility, Prior to that time I was: in excellent health, quite stout and very strong. With my sad bereavements I became excessively nervous my appetite failed. I lost flesh and strength, and my hind and nerves were in such a state that I found it almost impossible to compose myself to sleep. l'4r11e11 I did drop into slumber I would wale up in a short time trembling violently and in to cold perspiration, and could not get to sleep again that night. My memory became clouded and fickle, I had grelt pain through my temples, and my heart frequently secured to stat) it$ pulsations. Then again I:11ac1 fainting spells so that my friends thought I was a hypochondriac. For- tunat•ely Iroeured a box ofMilburn's Heart and Nerve ('ills from Mr. S. A. Hodge, the well-known druggist of this place, and commenced taking them last, spring. To u J gratitude l - they performed a complete cure. My appetite is Hary good. 1 have gained ill flesh, health and strength, and feel cheerful and happy. I sleep well, and have now no trouble with 111y heart or nerves rlluatever. These pills are a great curie for heart and nor ve troubles 88 well as a splendid tonic for the entire system, and .I ton very glad to rec'onlxrlend thein to 811 suf- ferers nf- t r afrom s' r lSictrhcmindt,1 lints Stguad Miss W.;issers litclic 11 C)nt. Lam Liver fills cares constipation, biliousness, and siek headache; 25:e. BRONCHITIS CURED. D. s aToronto,n 1�ILs. It.. T. 1V1rI nL it.1 & Co..C o . Olt. DRAT?. STr,.-I h vo uncal It vn1 s Yellow Oil for my children when they had bronchitis and always with ices sneeess. I use it also for sore throat, and eau say thor,, is nothing to equal ft as a sura curo. Bins. JAsirs O'13an. yr, Huntsville, Ont, l syelric Effects of the Weather. Prof. E. A. Beals has g von some inter - eating data on the psycho effect of the weather. Every parson knows of the times when all things appear dark and gloomy, when little ills are magnified into terrible evils, and when what is called a flt of the "blues" has full sway. These depressel mental status are most frequent on dull, humid days, when the air is muggy and the pressure low, or when thunder -storms aro imminent and the electrical potential or the wind has chang- ed. On suoh days domestic animals be- come restless; the hens sit on the fence and oil their feathers, and the oat is mor- ose and peevish. Teachers often note that their charges aro restless and ill tempered during such weather, and commercial travelers cease to waste their time in can- vassing their customers, knowing that on such a day it is no use to try to do busi- ness. Everybody seems to bo more or less irritable, and suicides are very' frequent. Dr. Crothers bears witness to the extraor- dinary affect of bad weather on work, On damp, foggy days, or on days where the air was charged with electricity and thun- der -storms were impending the result of his studies would bo full of faulty deduc' tions and misconceptions, and what then appeared clear to him seemed later to be Riled with errors. An actuary in a large insurance company makes it a rule to stop work at such times as he has invariably a found that anything done than is so full of mistakes as to bo useless. • in a large fac- tory from 10 to 20 per cent. loss work is turned out on damp days and in threaten- ing weather. The 'superintendent, in receiv- ing orders to be delivered at a certain time takes 11318 factor into calculation. Minis- ters all know that their congregations are as impressible by weather conditions as mercury. The most eloquent sermon pasees over their heads on a very hot day in which there is not a breath of morning air, while if the sun shines brightly, and there is a gentle, waren wind, all the powers of the soul are called upon, and every faculty of the mind is alert and open to the 'slightest impression. On such a day the storekeepers know that their sales will runup, as people are gay and espan. sive. Wet, windy, or sloppy weather has, on the contrary, such an influence on the spirits of some people that they dislike to go out of doors, or to put themselves to the least exertion. Dr. Cline states Haat the member of deaths caused by diseases of the nervous system is 50 per cent great- er oh dans with abnormally high tempera- ture than on days with normal tempera. tura, and that equable conditions in pres- sure and temperatifre are.essential to the, successful treatment of these diseases, The Difference. Well-known Millionaire (to a beggar) Be off with you,this minute.- Beggar -Como, now, you needn't give a *ourself such airs! The only difference between me and you is that you are waking your second million, while I am as A SI1 MAZER SPECIFIC•. 111•. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry cures cholera, cholera mamas, diarrhma, dyacntery, crttntlis, colic, summer complaint, canker of the mouth turd all bowel complaints at children or adults. It Is a soothing, effectual and never failing Inedicine, which Lives 101- nnedfate relief and speedily effects a cure, The barns and outbuildings on the farm occupied by James Langford, concession 15, London township, and Adelaide street, were totally destroy- ed by fire about 0,30 o'clock 'Wednes- day night,' The loss is variously esti- mated at from $800 to $1,000. It is understood that t1 e damage is fully , covered by insurance. Good News From South Dakota, The glorious results of this season's harvest of golden grain will pour a stream of sound money into the pocket 1 of every Dakotaa farmer, I South Dakota Inas tllousaauds of acres of choice farming and ranch laudlying east of the Missouri i5, otlri river, and within one day's ride from Chicago or Mil- o waukee which can now be bought reasonably cheap, but which before the iend of au<,t11er year may be advanced in price, The stock -raising industry in South Dakota isprofitable, and k.astern capi- tal is now being invested in cattle ad sheep growing in that state. Diversified farming, nnt; the growing in of live stock, andti1 e(ts rodte• • of the dairy, are placing South Dakotafore- nlost in the ranks of the successful Western states. Those desiring full information an the subject and particularly those who wish to seek a new home or purchase land, are requested to correspond with A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, 2 King street East, Toronto, Ont. One Honest Marr. DEAR EDITOR, --Please inform your readers, that if written to confi- dentially, I will mail, in asealedletter, particulars of a genuine, honest, home chis, by which I was permanently restored to health and manly vigor, after years of suffering from nervous debility, sexual weakness, night losses and weak shrunken parts' I was robbed and swindled by the quacks until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank heaven, I am now well, vigorous and strong and wish to make this certain means of cure known to all sufferers. I have nothing to sell and want no money, but being a firm believer iu the universal brotherhood of Inas, I and desirous of helping the unfortunate to regain their health and happiness, I promise you perfect Secrecy. Address with stamp,: WM. T. MULFORD, Agents Supplies, P. 0. 130X 59, ST. mINOT, QC}i. OTTAWA, SEPT. 9th, 1890. T the Plerenoline iltnd(cit:a Co„ Ltd Ottawa. Gurertes[EN.---I hardly know how best to express my appreciation of your valuable rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline. My son Gordon, who is 9 years old, has been a sufferer from inflaanluatory rheumatism for the past. two years ; was so bad at times that he had to be carried about on a mattress ; was attended by two city doctors without the sli hest benefit. spent ten days at Caledonia Springs came home with no narked inlprovenlent ; took three bodes of a Homeopathic remedynow being exten- sively advertised, which did not re- lieve him in the least. I was beginning to give up all hope of his recovery, when by chance I mentioned the case to nly friend who strongly acvrsedm© to give :Phrenoline a trial. I did so. with the result that when my boy had taken only half a bottle I a ableo onto he was to get. nt his bicycle and ride like any other boy around the block. I certainly feel that I cannot say too much in praise of your medicine, and shall do all I can to snake known its value to others. Yours very sincerely (Signed) REUBEN CLARK. Sold in Exeter only by C. LU'TZ. REMEMBER That we sell cheap all the time. R N Rowe Has the Finest' Class of Furniture ever :shown in Exe- ter and he Does the Largest amount of Business UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. R N. ROWE Next door North of MoIsons Bank. rownino's MIL:AI Ewa The correct place to buy your SHAVING BRUSHES, CLOTHES BRUSHES, NAIL BRUSHES, HAIR BRUSHES, SHAVING BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, WHISKS, ETC. Quality unexcelled and ).)rices very low at Brewning's. THINGS! Price? Qua/Hy, 1. Assortment Should enter into the act of buying more than anything else. If the quality good, assortment tom- . plete, buying is made easy, That is where we come in. We have the stock, the prices, the quality, and feel certain that we can suit the wants of all in Furniture. The way to test it is to call and see for yourself. Gidie 17 7 & S i 9 Opera House )�locls- FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. An introduction -4v' 8N dC CLEei SAND WATCHES FoR During the Year 1897. yet working at the first. I For full particulars see advertisements, or apply to LEVER 61105„ LTD., 23 SCOTT ST., TORONTO Sweet Caporal Athlete iO Cts; Per Package Cigarettes Derby and Old Gold 5 ctsr Per Package Cigarettes a RETAIL EVERYWHERE___„, nemegnms rtS1,,al►ou,0,. nt+�r.t,t�so.tet-r „t•o>t,a+Qa- 1 -�-t„-+s- of+.o.•tiA-+��Ili-ett•+�tt1+� Rigby Waterproof Golf Capes are the most comfortable and convenient out- of-door garment a Lady can wear. If you can. not get one in your town suggest to your dealer 1)j to write to I'•)" • 11. SH OR EY & CO., Montreal who will forward samples to any Dry Goods 1a `o Merchant free of charge. i►t1t-p•ut•m-fa-+vat!..,-N\•!•HI�P•Nt��t.tt1.r1►N1-r1t.tN-X1“..m. M•Mw.N!•!r-11104 f 5PEED ‘412° IN5TAYirt� QUALITJ5ODD1 RQuIm������or �� CONSTRUGT[olY .TIE AVE f+ .`1. O 1.1,'C' .f yl'ftmgi.f B_o571,4 =z-sA P he7..SCo CRAIC-RONALD, (1711.) BERRY & GEIGER, Proprietors. Monday -Will leave his own stable, Con. 12 Hay, and go west to Concession 14, and south to Benjamin Phlo's for noon ; then south to �. ,. Mo. eraliotel Dashwood, f night. Tuesday -Wast to Win. Fulton's, for noon; thensouthto Boston and east to McCanns hotel, Corbett, for night. Wednesday -East and south to George 1VTitcheils, McGillivray, for noon ; then south, and east to Pumtlhrey s hotel West Mc- Gillivray, for night. 1 riday-East and north to James Cachhn s forenoon ; then north to Hill's hotel, Crediton, for night. Friday -East and north to Rodger Northcott's, 3r0. con. of Hay for noon ; then to Barry's sale and ex- change stables Honsall for night, Sat. r - wost and north to John Cochraan's,Hill's Green,d for noon ; W est and south to Zurielh, and west to his own stable, remaining until the following Monday morning. Are You interested -In Wheels W e handle I some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times. it gives us pleasure to 111 troduce to you our fine Beaver and Milton, . Overcoatiugs; also a big range of Scotch and Can- adian Tweed for warm winter wear. Our prices are away down. Did you see our $12 Black Worsted Suit (made to order',) If not why not. J. H. Grieve Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE. A Court for the revision of the Assessment Roil of the Township of t sborne, will be held. at Town Hall Elimville, on Saturday the 5th day of June at 10 o'clock a. m. Any person having business at said court will please take notice and govern himself accordingly. No application for retu rn of dog tax will be entertained by the Council after the final revision of the Roll. F. MORLEY mama:. $ d l ri FA._ 3a3v :,sR4 You will finch at Bissett's Wrarerooxns the following line of Agricul- tural Implements, IBEiING BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULK Y RAISES. Afttll line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SENINO MACHINES, ETCH The celebrated Knoll Washer Raymond sewing and wringers machine A few second hand or ans STOVES.r- 5 g and6 Octave, cheap. Gurney stoves and furances, - Sewing Machines Waggons ALWAYS Oel HAND. Buggies P. out Dise Har- Bicycles. TOWS at: cost. The Chatham Waggon and a full Buggies, line of the celebrated McLungh)in PERKINS MARTIN, S& Main street,RExeter. 44S1Y-41.49'