HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-6-3, Page 1itricr
. U N E. H. •J.•D. cooKE.
In order to start the ball rolling this
•elonth we offer the following special
inducements in two departments for
ithe next ten days.
Hensel l
7,or No. I. Untrinuned;ahats, new
,styles, former price $1, 75e and 50c.
.Now your choice 35e.
LOT No. IL - Trimmed bats, all this
year's styles, former price $4, $3.50
and $3. Now your choice $2.25.
Loa No. III, -A tquantity , of ends
ribbons, laces and flowers at just half
:regular price. •
:Boys and Mans Ready
--Made Clothing
LOT No. I,• -Boys' Odd Pants, suede
sof Tweed and Serge, linea through,
former price 50c, now 85c,
LOT No. II, -Mens' Odd Pants made
-of good heavy striped Tweed, former
price $2.•550 and $2.25, naw $1,75 and
LOT No. III -Boys' two piece suits,
Trade of Serge and Tweed, former
price $2 and "e$2.73, now $1.50 and
VLoT No. IV. -Mens' and . Youths
.suits made. of fine west of England
Worsted in brown and grey colors.
These are manufacturers samples and
regularly ,gold at $12.50, 'emir price is
WARemember the above prices are for
10 days only.
(Late with Gamow & Proudfoot) Barrister
Solicitor, Notary Public. Reusall, Ont.
G. J. Sutherland, Notary Publio, Coureyy-
ancer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent,
and Issurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal docu-
ments carefully drawn at reasonable rates -
Money to loan on real estate at low rates of in.
Wrest. Oince at the Post-eflieo. Bonsall
CAUGHT AGAIN.-Sheriii Reynolds
of Goaerich, received a telegram• last
week, stating that the escaped convict
Farewell had again been captured,
this time near Port Perry. He at
once sent constables Wm. and Thos.
Grundy to receive the prisoner and
see that he is safely lodged inside the
Kingston penitentiary walls, and on dogon Tuesday.Dr. Sutton was
Wednesday evening a telegram was
received that the irrepressible was at
last safely behind the bars. Farewell
was captured in the vicinity of Port
Perry and placed in the lock-up at that
place. During the night he broke jail
again. His escape was notnoticed un-
til he had a good start, but the officers
.mineciiately went in lawsuit, 1Li and
next day ran down their man at
BRIErs.-- Mr. Huston, high school
teacher, of Clintnn, conducted services
in Carmel Presbyterian church on
Sunday last, owing to the illness of
the pastor, Rev. Mr. Henderson, who
we are pleased to learn is progressing
nicely, and who intends occupying his
own pulpit next Sunday. -The many
friends of John Latta, of Tuckersmith,
will regret to learn of his death, which
occurred on Monday morning last,
after a somewhat long and painful ill-
ness. IIe was affected with a com-
plication of diseases. The deceased
was one of theoldresidentsof the town-
ship, and haul been Ahard working and
industrious man ; in fact iris ill -heath
due to overtaxing his energies
BRIEFS. -At the annual meeting of
the Mechanics' Institute, held in the
institute room on Thursday night,
there • was a fine attendance of the
members and officers. The library
is in a very satisfactory condition, and
the membership has greatly .increased
during the year. Total number of
volames in stock, 1,8(10, issued during
the year, 1,803. The treasurer's re-
sort shows a balance on band over
purchases and all expenses of $2L50.-
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hodgins, Mon-
treal, are visiting friends in. Lucan and
Granton, at present. A little girl,
daughter of Mr. R. St. John hotel -
keeper, was seriously bitten by a
was •
He leaves a widow and family of five
°1 sons and one daughter, two of his
W®ODHAMsons, S. J. and. Chas, bolding good
- 4 Ham _.-.- ..... • --_-_ _ --
Somme. Raeow .-The following :
is acorrect report of S. S. No.
Hay for the month of Ma. Names
-are in order of merit. J r. V, W.
'Todd, Flora, Northcott; IV, M. i beautiful ceremony of the order was
well. exemplified. Deceased was in bis
57th year. - Oa Monday morning a
young man named Clarke, whose Par-
ents live near Sunshine, and who has
been working for Robb. McLaren, for
some time, eisappeareed mysteriously'
and has not since been seen or heard
of. He wore his ordinary working
clothes,. anis as there was wages due
him, his disappearance is still more
mysterious. He is about 20 years of
age. -The ninny friends of James
Bonthron, of Exeter, and lately en-
gaged in business at Rodgerville, as
general merchant and postmaster, will
regret to learn of his present very
serious illness Fend will hope for his re-
covery. -The following is a copy of a
resolution recently passed at a meet -
of the HensallOircuitBoard and speaks
for the high appreciation in which. the
pastor is ireful : "At, the fourth meet-
ing of the Q. 0. B. of the Hensall
Circuit, it was moved by J. C. Stone.-
. men and seconded by C. Aldsworth,
STEELthat we desire to place on record. our
hearty appreciation of the earnest,
g (able and successful efforts of our
I1 d 1 pastor, Rev. W. E. Kerr, during the
past year, and would heartily invite
hint to remain our pastor for another
year, and thus continue the work so
successfully carried on during the
past year. The resolution was un-
animously carried. We learn in con-
nection with the above that during
the past.year of the Rev. gentleman's
ministery, 54:members were reeeiyed
into the church, and that $350 was
raised for connexional funds and $3,-
000 for all purposes, which is certainly
a good showing. -Miss Kate. Hudgins
spent the oast week with relatives in
London. -R. Bell, jr., intends this
week starting to build his new brick
block, adjoining Ronnie's, and which
will be when completed, one of the
finest in the county. -Miss Steinbach,
music teacher, has recently purchased
afine.new bicycle, which will be of
great service to her. -Miss Clara
O'Neil, of London, is visitiug relatives
here. -Mrs. (Dr.) Fergnson very pleas-
antly entertained a number of her
youing friends on Tuesday, evening
last. -Messrs. Willis & White recently
made a shipment of hogs from this
station. -Miss Mabel Reynolds return-
ed house this week from Coldstream
where she has been spending the past
few weeks. -Miss Mina Hinton, of
Forest, is visiting her sister, Mrs, C.
A. McDonell.-Mr. Grant, of Thorn -
burst, was here lase week visiting his
sister, Mrs. (Rev.) J. S. Henderson. -
W. R. Hodgins was in London last
week, and while here purchased a
handsome bicycle for • his daughters,
Sorer Rseon', The following is
a correct report of the standing of
pupils s ofS S
. Na. 4. Stephen,
for the
of May. Names are in order of
merit. IV, A class, Sophia Clark,.
Rosa Roeszler, B class, Emma Clark,
Tillie Wind, C class, Clara Martene ;
Sr. III, Mary Roeszler, Alice Pedlar;
Jr. III, A class, Russel Bastard, Chas.
Wind, B class, Garnet Amy, Frecl
Amy, Albert 'Wein; Sr. II, •Arthur
Amy, Freeman Morlock, Pearl Nestle,
Laving Klumpp ; Jr. II, Cleve Hart-
man, Mabel CIark, Ezra Wein,
Tommy Roeszler ; Sr. Pt. II, Alonina
Yegar, Barbie Moriock, Jacie Hart-
man, Martha Wind ; Jr. Pb. II, Willie
Smith, Willie Roeszler, Wesley Wein,
Saul'l Ayrstriker ; Sr. Pt. I, Elgin
Amy, Cecil Rowe ; Jr. Pt, I, Della
Smith, Della Kestle, August Hart-
igan, Aaron Wein. The average at-
tendance for the month 37.
W. 3. BROOK'S, Teacher.
positions as school teachers in London. Cromarty.
n religion be was a Methodist, and in BRIEFS.. - The cold weather still
politics a Liberal. The funeral on continues and far capes and coats are
Wednesday was conducted by the stili in requisition. -John Hoggarth,
Oddfeilows of Seaforth and Hensall, wvho has been residing in Seaforth has
the deceased being a member of the moved to Cromarty this week and is
former lodge. There was a large at- now occupying Honey -moon Cottage.
tendance of the members and the ..-.hlaalcllraith is improving his house
by having it raised, and building a
cellar under it, -Joseph Speare has
now completed his barn and he is now
in possession of one of the finest barns
in the township. -Mr. Neil Gillespie's
baby is very Mat present and does not
show very much sign of improving.
Mr. Hoggarth, of Hensall, aloegg with
Mrs. Case, visited his son William
Hoggarth, of this village, on Saturday
last. James Miller, never this village,
lost a valuable beast last week which
was intended for the market in a few
days, -Mrs. Bell, wiio spent a few
days, visiting friends in Stratford has
returned home. -On June the 10th a
Grand Foresters' Picnic and Ball will
beheld in this place. The picnic will
be held in Mr. White's grove. Foot-
ball, speeches and other amusements
will be dispensed ; also Kirkton
brass band. will be in attendance, a,
grand time is expected. -Mrs. Simon
Miller was away last week attending
the wedding of her sister,hiss Helena
Stacey. -Dr. Purdon is visiting friends
in this neighborhood at present.
BRII:t'S.-Miss A Trevethick, who
has been visiting friends in this
section for the past nine months, left
on Tuesday. for Vancouver, B. 0. -
Mies Emma, daughter of Christopher
Eilber, of Stephen, was joined in
wedlock on Thursday last with W. L.
Lewis, merchant tailor of this place.
The ceremony was witnessed by a
large number of friends and relatives.
-A. contingent of the Exeter cycle
club visited Crediton on Monday
evening. -Everybody is going to
Exeter on the 12th Inst., to hear
Whitney, the leader of the Ontario
opposition and others,
public meeting.
Russell, Sara Northcott, J. O'Brien;
-Sr. III, Willie Dongall, aortic Harvey,
W. F Johnston; Jr. LII, Alice
Dongall, Luella ilIunn, Louisa Arm-
strong; II, .Cora Mnun, Frank
Nortiwott, J. R. Munn; Sr. II Pt.,
,. Jr.r IL
••e J,
Willie Goullci, LGhelllaia }, ,
Willie Russell, Albert Johnston
SGertie Northcott, First Part, Mabel
Dougall, Geo. Armstrong, Roy Todd.
The best spellers in monthly spelling
matches were: -V, Tun, Todd.
IV, Milton Russell, Sr. III, Willie
Dougall; Jr. III, Alice Dougall; II,
Cora Munn; Sr. iI Pt- [Villie Gould,
Jr, II Pt., Willie Russell; First Pt,
Roy Todd.
For POWE1a and
RC 1
'Manufactured by GOOLD, SHAPLEY
and MUIR 00.
- -
Our Ideal Witndd Millis have
mule a great name throughout C'an-
.ftcla, and are unsurpassed for quality
• or power. They are the only Wheels
with the patent • Roller and Ball
Bearings, and the only power frills
..absolutely safe, for they cannot run
away. Send for illustrated. circular.
Fifty mills erected in Exeter and
. •vicinity last year, all of which have
ay iven satisfaction. All these mils are
• ected and set running by practical
experts and we can fully guarantee
. them.
Steel .Power Wind Mills have come to stay
and the rapid increase of our trade is sure evi-
• donee that Canadians are wide awake in their
appreciation of their value. Some skeptics fear
that a cutting -box or grinder cannot bo run
with a wind mill ; but we positively guarantee
our 12 -foot mill to drive any ordinary cutting -
box, or our Post Grinder, in a twelve to fifteen
mile wind ; and the 11 -foot wheel gives nearly
doable th power of a 12 -foot and will run
our Maple cLeaf Grinder to perfection. -Exper-
ience proves that there is sufficient good wind
to give power for all ordinary farm work. In
addition to the above machines. the root pul-
nor, or any light machinery, can be driven; and,
by using a pumping attachment, water can
be pumped as well.
"Maple Leal
"Ten inch rever-
:sible plates, relief
springs, ball bear-
ing plates, shake
feed, grinds fine
and fast. Send
for circular. For
prices and terms,
R,, 85A
For I3u rou Middlesex and
The news of the in ,.Triage of Mrs.
Mamie Fairfield; to Joseph T. Saint,
at Wallaceburg, on May 17th, created
quite a surprise to many of the friends
of the .,contracting couple, Both are
essentially Wingbemites, the bride
having resided there for some years,
onlyleaving a few weeks ago on a,
visit to her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. A.
Pringle, formerly of Winghem,and the
groom has lived there all hislife,
going to Rat Portage but a couple' of
months ago.
Innpure blood is the natural result
of close confinement in house, school
room or shop.,
Blood is purified by Hood's Sarsap-
arilla, and all the disagreeable : results
of impure blood disappear with • the
use of this 'medicine.
If you, wish to feel well, keep your
blood ireWith Hood's SalsFt axiila.
Hood's Pills are the best family
cathartic and liver medicine. Gentle,:
reliable, sure.
The estate of the late Joseph Rich-
ardson, of Downie, is estimated to be
about $100,000.
BASEBALL. -Our bays have taken
a hove in the right , direction, they
have purchased an outfit for baseball.
Bninas.-Robe. Beatty, of Detroit,
Publishers and Prtprietors
Sa mor REPORT.- The following is
a correct report for the mouth of May.
Sr. IV John Kraft, JacobRatz, Lizzie
Lippert ; Jr. IV, Maggie Barry,
Clara Ratz, Jane McCann; Sr, IV.
David Lippert, Simon Ratz, Barbara
Witzel; Jr, III, Elmer Lawson, Alex.
McDonald, Willie Shrader; Sr. II,
Alfie Harding, Ida Ratz? Lily Smith;
Alice Mawhinney, Laura Finkbeiner,
Joseph Wild; Pt. 1, Lucinda Kight,
Chester Mawhinney, Ella Witzel.
lers, address a
Fnt.E.-At 4 o'clock Tuesday morn-
ing the alarm of fire was given. It
was p g
saw mill and sash and door factory
belonging to Walter Stewart were on
fire. The :ire brigade was on hand as
soon as could be, but the fire had
gained such headway that it could do
who was visiting at the home of his > little but save the neighboring fur -
sister, Mrs, Scott, has returned home, niture factory and other buildings.
Mrs. Fach's sale was well atteuded, The loss to Mr. Stewart will be be -
and everything went at fair price ; tweeze $12,000 and $15,000, all the sea -
she expects to go to Seaforth shortly? son's work, the men's tools and every-
found that the lar a ianin and
where she has purchased a house. -
Mr. Jas. Coleman, of Ribbert, former-
ly of our village, is at present thought
to be dying of cancer, andino hopes are
entertaiued for his recovery, -The
road machine has commenced oper-
ations on the Bayfield road west of
here and is doing very good work.
BRIEFS. -Mr. and Mrs. Ep:l. Palmer,
of Stanley, spent Sunday the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Delgaty.--0. W.
Vail has lost his colt. It had a halter
on at the time of its leaving. There
was also a 2 -year-old colt belonging to
Thos Handford with it. - Geo. Rook
was at Sarnia the other day in-
yestiug in a new separator for this
season's work. -Misses Ida and Sadie
Abbott are visiting at Exeter. -Wm.
Foster, of Granton, spent a couple of
days at Jas. Handfeed's. - Rufus
Cobleigh and Robert Essery, shipped a
first class carload of hogs on Tuesday.
-Conductor Snider is engaged for
Centralia on July lst.-Rev. W. H.
Batt and John Essery are tending
the conference at Loudon. Ir. Ford,
1 it ded
Sweet arc. Ro l s titten
and Misses Swd
the Centralia Ep vorth League on
Tuesday evening Wm. Elliott is
visiting g
at S .-Wm. Pordon d,
- i is
baying his house fixed over. -Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Pym spent their holidays
home here. -G. H. Windsor and
family have moved to the new resi-
dence at Spring Creek. --The Epworth
League is going to the Bencl on the
txrand Bend.
Banes. - The weather still keeps
very cool and the growth is very back-
ward for this season of the year.-
ear-John Ironsides. jr., of Thedford, has
been here visiting for a short time and
is n fine looking man now, and
not the little boy when leaving here.
He left for home on Tuesday. -.Che
masons have the church all completed
now and the painters are now busy
putting on the finishing touch. --'Phe
prospects for another good crop of
fruit looks very favorable although
there has been some pretty heavy
frosts. -James Mollarci attended the
court held. in Goderich as a witness on
Monday as to the title of some land
property. -Mrs. C. 0. Mason, of Pt.
_Edward, is here now for a short time
and is looking well, -Mr. Snook lost
a raft of logs which he had ready for
shipment. They were blown ashore
here and will have to be built over
as soon as the weather gets fine. -Mr.
Johns, postmaster, of Exeter, was
here last week f',. s :. 'uting and re-
turned hone on' gee day feeling re-
thing, is a total loss. The electric
light plant which was located in the
same building is also a total loss.
There is no insurance. How the fire
started is unknown.
"WEDDING BELLS. -A double wed-
ding took place on 1Vednesday, at the
residence of Richard Coultis, near
Elimville, when two of his daughters,
Misses Victoria and Ida were joined in
wedlock to two industrious young men
of tileeneighborhood, Mr. John Hiud, .
of Exeter, formerly of Elimyille, tak-
ing the former as his life -partner, , Exeter for some weeks returned home
while Mr. Albert Andrew a young ' last evening.
farmer near Elimville, accepted Miss A meeting of the members of the
Idafor better or for worse. The me -
Exeter Cycle club will be held in the
many was performed by Rev. Mr.
Jewitt, of Eliin.ville in the presence of town ball, on Friday evening next at
about fife guests,'after which the 7 o'cloek sharp.
evening was pent pleasantly in social While playing lacrosse an Monday
chat and gainer. THE TxwlEs joins a evening, R. N. Creech sustained severe
host of friends in extending congratu_ bruises from. a lacrosse stick in the
latians.i'llr. and Mrs. Hind will re- hands of another player. ,+
side in Exeteraa According to the first draft of the
London Conference, now in session at
- ....... London, Rev. Charles Smith, of
'First Draft of the London Cone Wyoming, is billed for Main street
ferenoe Committee. church, Exeter. taken to Kincardine for interment.
Mrs. Patrick Boyle, of Stephen, Dr. Sloan, who recently moved to
died last week, after a brief illness, of , Seaforth, from Toronto, is returning
The stationing committee of the 1 blood poisoniug. She had been con- , ,
London Methodist conference sat un- finecl but a few days previously. She to the Queens city, having beett}}
til after midnight Tuesday night be- was a widow of the late Ronald Curry, l appointed physician in the Central
g Prison, Toronto, successor to Dr.
1 ,
Boyle al
• : '1
f 11111 and5
fore the first draft was decided upon. salaam= Diesramer, F .E ikena, decease/.They had been in session for a couple couple of years ago. She leaves a )
of days discussing the transfers. husband end two young daughters, 1 xuornind announcing acing the dereceived et an ufI.tiin
l Vert [Yells, who about twenty years
WEDDING BELLs.-On Wednesday,
May 25th, one of those happy events
wbich always causes a rigple of excite-
ment, took place at 7.30 p. m. at the
residence of Mr. [Vm. Baker, of Ste-
phen, when is daughter, Erntna Baker
sad Mr. John Heamen, both of Ste-
phen, were united in the bonds of
holy matrimony by Rev. Mr. Butt, of
Centralia. The bride was attired in a
beautiful gown made of cream brocade
ei1k, trimmed with cream chiffon lace,
and carried a handsome boquet of
cream roses, while her head was or-
namented with a crown of orange
blossoms. Miss Evie Beker, sister of
the bride, dressed in light brown eash-
mere trimmed with blue, and carrying
a bouquet of roses, acted as brides-
maid, while Mr. James Heamen,
brother of the groom acted as best
man. The presents received by the
bride were both numerous and costly,
and showed the high esteem in which
she is held by her numerous friends.
After the ceremony, the guests, which
were assembled fro,n the different
places, namely, London, Granton,
Brussels, Seaforth, Exeter end Crein-
ton, sat down to a sumptuous wedding
feast, under which the table fairly
trembled; when all had done justice to
the inner man, the rest of the evening
in aures
until cueococp 8
of all kicds, when the bride and groom
under showers of rice and old shoes de-
parted for their future home, a. mile
and a half south of Exeter, where they
have the good wishes of all wile know
South Huron Verniers' Institute.
The annual meeting of the South
22nd. -S. Brock has secured Thos. ; Huron Farmers' Institute -was held in Tivc :-Lou-T. L. aleCurcheou.
Dart for thebutebering business. .i Hensall on Tuesday last. There was Wh:techurch-W. W. Leech.
Belg 'ave-F. J. Oaten.
Sylvan John Hart (Parkhill)
Ails Caig-C. Barltrope.
Birr-fT Garbutt.
Luean-J. E. Ford.
Granton -T. E. Harrison.
Woodham -J. C. Nethercott, Wm.
Birks (351St. Clarens avenueToronto,)
Kirkton-Thomas J.Snowden,Ph.B,
Re corn mended to college --C. C. Keine.
Additional Locals
We Have A Record
For Low Prices.
The bicycle club ran to Crediton
Monday evening.
The 13onthron property at Rodger-
ville will be sold at Exeter ;on June
Miss Annie and Lila McCord, visit-
ed Miss Thompson, of Claudeboye, on
The Exeter band bas been engaged
to play at the celebration in Seaforth
on June 22nd.
An enlarged reproduction of the
Jubilee stamp can be seen on another
page of this issue.
The Exeter Cycle Club have been
invited to take part in the procession
at Clinton on June 22nd.
George Samwell has been appoint-'
ed one of the directors of the South
Huron Farmers' Institute.
The Exeter Turf Club have declared
a good dividend as a result of the race
meeting here on May 24th.
The Exeter Council has received an
invitation to attend the Jubiiee cele-
bration at Seaforth on June 22nd.
Tho semi-annual meeting of the
Orange Lodge of the Biddulph district
will be held in Centralia, on June
Wm. Simpson, of Moorsville, has
purchased the farm formerly owned
by his brother, John Simpson, at a
good price.
Mrs. Hodgson, of Toronto, who has
been visiting friends in and around
New Prints in all the latest
Special Sale of Ready-made
Away -Below Cost
J. P. Ross
Huron County Notes,
Seaforth has a bicycle club, called
the Victories.
Wild geese and ducks are unusually
plentiful through Huron and Bruce.
James Armstrong, of WestW'awan-
osh, shot a full grown wolf on his
farm the other day.
Mrs. Hillen of Clinton received a
telegram that her brother, Mr. John
Watson, of Hibbert. near Mitchell was
Dr. Sloan, of Seaforth, has been
appointed pbysiciau of the Central
Prison in succession to the late Dr.
W. T. Atkins.
The Saltford Brewing Co., have sold
out their business to J. Kuntz, the
well known brewer, who, it is said is
to take charge of the brewery in
October next.
On Friday last, Margaret wife of
Mr. John Cloakey, of Morris, passed
away at the age of 62 years. She was
a sister-in-law of Mrs. Thomas Cook
of Goderich Township.
Mrs. McKinney, mother of Mrs. T.
3 Stephens Seaforth died attheresidence
` of Thos. Stephen's last week. She was
77 years of age. The remains were
Stratford (Central) -James Han-
non, D.D.
Stratford (Waterloo Street) -A. K.
Birks, B.A. L.L.B.
StMarys-Jahn Learoyd; Richard
Service, supernumerary.
Mitchell -4. W. Holmes; Geo. Smith,
Listowel -W. [['illianls, D.D.
Milverton -E. A. Fear,
Trowbridge -John Kenner.
Wallace -R. H. Barnby, B. D. (Leb-
Atwood -John Ball.
Monkton-S. C. Edmunds, B.D.
Stairs -J. W. Robinson. c
Fullarton-Josias Greene, W. J.
Mortimer (Carlingford.)
Harmony -Jabez J. Noble (Strat-
Embro-E. Kershaw.
Welhurn-R. J. Hosking.
Kintore -Stephen Knott.
On Friday last, Margaret, wife of y
Mr, John Cloakey, passed away at the since kept a clothing store in Goderich
age of 02 years. Deceased was a i and for it long period since travelled
member of Belgrave Presbyterian for WmPaterson, ofBrautf=wrd,
church, a faithful wife and mother, 1 One ofthe most happy events that
and leaves four daughters and two ' has transpired in SumruerhiU, for
sons to mourn her loss. She was a some thee was the marriage on the
sister-in-law to Mrs. Thos. Cook, of , evening of the- Queen's Birthday of
Goderich township. > Mr. Harry [Woodyard, g now an es-
teemed citizen of Gollingwwood, to Sea -
Wednesday forenoon a man and
women, evidently from the rural , forth Miss Jennie Wallace, of Hulleta
districts, walked into the post office ' Mr. James Murray, an old and high -
and enquired for `• Tr. McGrllicuddy, , ly respected fanner, of Ellice, fell dead
at Sebringville,Friday,of heart disease,
the postmaster." On being informed at
that the gentleman was not yet in ! on his way to his home at Kintora.
possession the enquirers expressed erred Deceased was in Stratford doing some
their surprise and withdrew. PGode- i business, and appeared to be iix his
rich Star. usual good health.
For se use time Messrs Jas. Archibald - - - - and W. W. Ferran havebeen carrying IN 13ED FOR WEEKS,
on a banking business in Elore,runder I ---
the firm of Archibald & Ferran. Mr. (4ND EVERT BREATH FIE DREW Was
Ferran has bought out his partner's - ,} EXCRUCIATING PAIN-RFIEr9i-
interest and has sole control. Mr.
wIxOII:13I DISTRicT. Henry Clarke, who has had many ATISri I1AD FASTENED Ins TALoxs
Sears employment in this bank, will
1Vinghaln-1V. S. Pascoe, D.D. OX IIT. PREY---SO-GM A3rnnIdAN
be mane•ger.
Kincardine -Andrew Cunningham. '
Lucknow-L B. Wallwin, B.A. A GOD SENT BLESSING.
Brussels -S. J. Allin ; John L. Kerr, Mr. B. F. Wood, of Easton, Pa., was
Richard Panl, W. Norton, superan-
nuated.great sufferer frons organic hear
isease. He never expected to b
Teeswater-J. Ward, RA., B.D. yell again, but Dr. Agnew's Cure fo
Ethel-Jauies Walker ; (A, C. F.) the Heart was his good angel, and 11
Benjamin Sherlock (Toronto) and 3. lives today to.tell it to others, heat
H. Watts (Walkerton), superannu:Lt
ed. flim, I was for fifteen j c,u's a gree''
Fordwich-T. Wesley Cosecs.
Gorrie-John S. Fisher.
Wroxeter -A.. McKibben,B.
Wroxet l
Binevale-D. Rodgers.
Ashfield -Robert H. hall (Lucknow.)
Bethel -W. M. Poirleroy(PineRiver. )
Salem -N. S. Burwash (Greenock.)
Ripley -Francis Swan. `
Bervie- W.H. Moss; (D. H. F.)) T.
Hadwin, superannuated. •
a fairly good attendance of members
present. Wm. Lewis, of Orecliton,
Greenway was appointed chairman, and A.
Brumes.- John Brown represented
Union tent, No. 48, Knights of the
Maccabees at the convention held in
Guelph last week. -Mrs. Jas, T, Wil-
son visite.. her sister, Mrs. Joseph
Dixon, of Clandeboye, last week. -
The corner stone of Boston Methodist
church is to be laid Jubilee clay, June
22. Ceremony to commence at 2:30 Thos. • Shepton ; Hay, Ernest Gies
p. m. in the afternoon. -The annual and henry Smith ; Stanley, Thos.
garden party of the Ladies' Band of Fraser and Alex. Mustard ; Bayfield,
Willing Workers will be held in Mr. W. Logan ; Goderich township,
Henry Eggert's garden. --J. E, Tom, Robert McMordie ; Seaforth, D. D.
public school inspector, visited school Wilson ; Tuckersrnith, R. B. McLean
No. 10, a few clays ago. In writing to and Robert Charters ; . Hensall, Wm.
the trustees he gives a very favorable Moir ; Auditors : J. B. Hendersou,
repport of the progress of the scholars. Seaforth and Alex. Duncan, Farquhar.
-Henry Chant received word from It was resolved that the•secretary ap-
Pickering, of the illness of his father '; ply to headquarters and endeavor
he left here last Monday to visit him. to. have the Institute meetings held a
-John Sherritt was appointed at the little later in the year, as at present
Exeter district meeting to represent they take • place' too soon after the
Grand Bend circuit at the anneal New Year. - A vote of thanks WAS.
Conference to be held in London this tendered Messrs.: McLean' and Mc -
week. Mrs.• S. McLaughlin, accom- Mordie for their efforts' ie • connection
panied by Miss Carrie Wilson, spent with the excursion to Guelph last
last Saturday and Sunday under the year. At a subsequent meeting of the
parental roof. -The annual picnic of Directors the following officers were
the Boston Methodist Sabbath school elected ee-Pien acl.ent, 11. Smith, Hay
Kippen riiici,' E:irt.ce church Sabbath school, Vice -Pres,. ;.. B. McLean, ipp u ,
Shipka and Grand Bend Methodist Secy-Treas., li. Gardiner, Farquhar.
school, will be held Tuesday, June It was decided to hold she regular ,
15tb, in Mr. Spackinan's grove at the meetings of the Institute at Exeter •Kipper -W. J. "Waddell (Hensall).
lake. and Brucefield, and the supplementary Crediton J. G. Yelland.
Sarnia's population increased by 155 meetings at Urediton, Zurich and .Grand Bend -G. H. Thompson (Cor-
Duncan, Farquhar, secy.rotem. The
Goderich (North Street)
several reports were rect tinct adopted. Edge.
Total receipts for the year from all Gadlexieh (Victoria street) W. H.
sources amouuted to $225.39 ; expendi- Butt.
tune, $05.37, balance on }hand $130.02. Clinton-(Rattenbury Street)R.11Iill-
The election of Directors resulted as e Clinton Ontario street)B. Clement,
follows :-Usborne, Ricbard Delbridge (- superannuated.le
and Donald McInnis ; Exeter, George Houx•y a Newcombe,
Samwell ; Stephen, Win. Lewis and beaforth-Stephen Band,
Holmesville--G. W' . Andrews, 13. A.
Blyth -Walter Rigsby, Win. Milts
('Toronto,) superannuated
Dungannon, -Benjamin L. Hutton.
Nile -J. W. Pring.
Benmiller-E, Olivent.
Auburn -C. C. Conzeus.
Walton -Albert Tifl.n.
Londesboxo-J. W. Andrews. gives satisfaction at right prices. Tweed pants at 00c $1.ao, el.., 0 aucl $x.00
Tuckersulith-W. A. Finley, under ORDERED CLOTHING. -Right here is where you find the latest in Tweeds-.
superintendent of Clinton (Ontario- Worsteds etc. Tweed Suits to order from $8,50 up. Black Worsteds from
street,) Clinton P. 0. $13.00 to $18.00 for best quality. •
Bayftecl-1+. A. Shaw. Quality l__;40-
_ s0'
Vacua -R. C Burton.
i'o* et StockBeast
Recommended to go to college - 12 lbs for
J. P. [[Testmau. Best Granulated Sugar 23 lbs for $1.00 Rolled Oats
°° Yellow " 2S lbs 1.00 Corn Meal 12 .25
-Green Coffee 7 lbs " ,1.00 Maple Leaf Llectrio 6 bags for - `' .10
• Exeter (Main Street) -Chas. Smith. Canned Corn 5 cans ,2;i ; Sweet Home. Soap d bars for - . .2,5
' Exeter (James Street) -N. R. 1Vil Tomatoes and Peas 1 lbs " 2i' Comfort - - 6 bars for .25
loParkhi D. D. Good Japan Tea 5 " " 1.00 B. fort r,Forest City F. ib scalers .20
Parkhill - eo Locke; (John lulus.) p
F?ld seeds.
t t
:Co Coulter.Ferry,
't3 1 t of D. I
Elimvil.le-rxeor e Jewn a shi nen
g , Just receiped p
Centralia -George Bug in, ...TURNITS, MANGEL, CARROTS ETC.......
s rete
Ho•usall---[V, E. I%err,
j "For fifteen years I had been trou-
bled with nceumatiem. It lied settled
hi my buck. At times the pain was
so severe as to entirely lay me. up
discouraged and had given up hope
I when I was. recommended to try South
American Rheumatic Cure. I did so.
sufferer from heartdisease, had smoth I The first bottle enabled me to leave
ering spells, pal itation, pain in left my bed, and in one week from the
side and swelled ankles. Twenty
physicians treated me, but I got no
eller. I used Dr. Agnew's Cure for
he Heart. One close relieved me in-
s de of 30 minutes. Several bottles
cu reel axe." Sold by C. Teem,
time I coinuxenced its use I was coin-
letely cured. It is undoubtedly the
est remedy in the world for x'heu-
i atism." Mrs John Beaumont, Elor
t. Solt by 0, LUTZ.
-'-----'a ' ' '--
Judicious close buyers find that their dollar goes -further at the
• Having secured some very special lines
or cash, we can offer thein at close prices.
LACE CURTAINS. -We give yo 1 -excellent value S and 3e yards long.
taped at 50e, 75c, $1.00, 01.25, $1.50, 1.75, and $2.00 per pair beautiful patterns,
WALL PAPER, --We h:Lve the latest designs from. 3e pkr roll up. It
will pay you to examine our stock before buying.
CARPETS, TAPESTRY. -All wool Union and Hemp, e ngi.ng •inprice
from 12' c to $1.00
this month, bought
PRINTS AND WASH GOODS. -We have a beautiful r.xuge of dress
prints in stylish French and American makes from So per yard up, Waists,at .
BLOUSE WAISTS, -We leave the very latest styles in Blouse
splendid. assortment cheap.
p READY MADE CLOTHING. -Just to ^ land another lot. the kind that
111icKelvee. Produce taken as cash and for which we pays the. Highest, p
during the past year. Hensall.
Chas. Zwicker.