HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-4-15, Page 5T3'hi Cures i"Cures talk" in favor of Hoed's Sarsaparilla, for nos ?other medi- cine. Ta es o spine. Its great cures recorded an truthful, oonvinoing language of grateful 'men and women, constitute its most effective ad- vertising. Many of these cures artmar- ifelous. They have won the confldce of the people; have given, Hood's Sarsapa- • 1lla the largest sales in the world, and bane made necessary for its manufacture the greatest laboratory on earth. flood's Sarsaparilla is known by the cures lit -has .Made—cures of scrofula,, salt rheum and eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh --cures which prove Hood' Sarsaparilla Is the best–in factthe Oee True Blood Purifier; caro liver " ills; easy to ood's Pills take, easy to operate. 25e, MONEY TO LOAN. on good improved farms ata and 5..t . private trends. Apply to ELLIOTd.. ELLIOT. . ;ethane. Solicitors, Exeter. Farms For Sale, .. few good farms for sale cheap—Money to pan. Apply to JOHN SPACKelAN Samwolre Block, Exeter. YOUR SPARE TIME. hten,and wotnen,toconduct business at home. 'Work Is simple writing and copying lists of addresse received from local advertising. to be forwarded tons daily. No canvassing ; no slrevious experience required, but plain writers preferred. �'. vmanent work to those content to earn iz'0 or more weekly in spare time. Apply to \'Amro:' 1'r.[;. Co., LONDON, ONT. TT.i KINSMAN, L. D. S. • DENTIST. Specialist in Gold Filling and Plato Work. Extracts without any pain or sickness, or any bad tercets in the gums and face. AtZurich on last 'Thustlay in tush month. Rooms: west side 3.3 or street. Exeter. Dn. i3 + 3.1.,i, (0 ... ;. i.. �, S.) DEN" lfonfrr g;'aduato of the Toronto t,ui- versi .; eon J. a al College of Dental Stn sells aatOntaci.'. Ala Bridge work. urotvnsand`l'latc *weal i, t o i :l, i ue,it>t possible manner, A ]tarndt a re. u t t l eI le for painless extraction lthc, 11 a. I , t 1 +t, talon gi%en to the preservat- ion Hotel, Eicctfn fro.. (Mee opposite C'en- U oa AGNEW L. D. &.DENTIST, . t LIN1uN. Will be at Grab's betel Zurich on the s.00udThursday of cash month and at Hudggin's hotel lieasall every Monday 1Nor 6ET tOUB riiS MARKET Rlu'.Pa RTS. Wheat per bushel Exeter. April 21st6. .739to 73 Oats a.,.... , ...20 to 22 Barley.. ... ..20 to 24 Yeas•38 to • 40 Butter.. 12 t 13 Eggs oyS Geese • Ducks.ns. Chickeper lb, , .. Dried Apples.. Pork dressed. Pork live weight $3 gay r to5 ttoo 8.00 Cloverpeaeedn .. ......... '$4,00750 5.00 Alsikc clover .g..L Timothy'seed . $2.5030 tto0 2.75 • London. April 21st.189.. Wheat, per bushe ,. ....75 to 70 • .... 19 DOWN" At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a fit. W. JOHNS, The Tailor. o 9 to 9 �. 4 to 4 s to 4.. 5 to 5 2 to 2 $4.1.1!) 50 to 5 c4 ats Peas ....: • Barley Buckwheat Rye • . . Corn Beans Butter .... Es Ducks Turkeys per lb... Geese per lb Chiekons Cheese Potatoes per bag I per ton I .kpermvt., A 8u,t of Ulothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in. an old and reliable plane, and A. J. 13NELII. never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Fall Winter Goods .20 to 28 ':2I to 2 • .. .. , 55 to 30 to '31 40 to 55 Al2 o 14 95 to G 93 to 10 30 to 8 to 8 49 to 50 • ...$ 7.00 to $ $ 50 .. $4.50 to $4.75 The Kind That Cures. The .Great Spring Health Renewer. In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to jou. There 'are many oiher'lines that are specially at- ractive. A.. S. e i .,,L, Central IIIUIG STORE. • PAL E's CELERY COMPOUND FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Read the following testimony- that conies from Mrs. Blake, of 303 Hughson Street. Hamilton. "For years I suffered greatly, and was under the care of doctors who finally toles me I was going into consumption. I was becoming worse through the use of medicines,• and I gave up my doctors. While in a very critical condition, not able to sleep or rest, always faint :and weak, appetite and digestion bad,. and my system run-down and little life left in me I commencedto,use Paine's Celery Compound. After .taking one bottle I felt, much relieved. I have used in all seven or eight bottles, and ' am now a new• woman, a'aan enjoy life, and am as well as I wish to be. Many thanks for your great medicine." My friend, look here 1 you know bow weak and nervous your wife is, and you know that Carter's Iron Pills will relieve her, now why not be fair about it and buy her .a -box ? The International Brotherhood of Lo - connotive Engineers, will hold its an- nual convention in Windsor this year some Ow in July, the exact daate not being fixed yet. Seventy million people know), Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the ' blood, strengthens the system and gives good health. .•. EXETER THE PAPAL AB3LEGATE. Editor Christian Guardian : Dear Sir; -It would seem that by whatever authority or in . whatever capacity Mgr. Merry del Val conies to. Canada, his visit is fraught with danger, both to the peace and harmony of the country. One is surprised that Protesta,nts who aided by voice, pen. vote and influence in defeating the Conservative Government, now watch apparently with mute indiffel'gnce the advent of a foreign envoy from, the Pope, who says he is coming here to. settle the. Manitoba school question. It will be interesting to consider two phases of his mission. First, by whose authority is he brought here? Second, for what purpose is he coining ? As one might expect, the Laurier Government deny any official connect- ion with his visit. At the' same time, all the facts which have so'far cone to light .point directly to the conclusion that he conies at the instance of the Government, officially or unofficially. Who made the application to the Pope to send the Ablegate? The Icon. Charles Fitzpatrick, Mr. Laurier's Solicitor -General, and ' Mr. Charles Russell, the agent of Mr. Laurier's Goyernment in London, Eng., both Roman Catholics. It would be ab- sured to say that these two officers of the Laurier Government both went to Rome in their private capacity for that purpose. They are both in the f theGovernment d neither of you OVER FIFTY 'YEARS; AN OLD A1» WELL-Tmro Rhusit .—Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup pas been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething,with perfect success. It soothes the child.softns the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and lahe best remedy for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take so other kind Turnips For Sale A quantity of Turnips for sale cheap. Apply to It. McCord, Thames Road, Usborne, or Hay P. O. _ INAIiTEF Those who have used Winan's Cough Balsam. .Pronounce it unequalled as a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS AND BRONCHITIC TROUBI ES, Winds Condition & Uough Powder for horses, beat in the mar- ket, always on hand. Also a Cetobenefacto and .Lini- ment, the medicine so sue. cessfuily used by Mr, Chas. Munroe,, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and curing various diseases,. For Sale at C,,. LUTTZ'S. A good servant in small family who can do plain cooking and who is used to house -work. Apply personally or by letter. MRS. EDMUND WELD. Thu Ridgeway, London (Sonth). Notice To Creditors. Notice is hereby given pnrsuant to Section 30 of Chapter 110 of the revised Statues of On. tario, that all persons having anyclaim against the estate of William Redd. late of the village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman. deceased. who died an or about the 211th day of March 1897, are required on or before the 15th day of May 1897, to send or deliver to Messrs ] lliot. Elliot & Mackenzie, at Exeter, solicitors for John Bill. Esq., the Executor of said estate, their names, addresses and descriptions. with full particulars in writing of their claims, and tho value of their securities (if any), duly v erti- lied.; and that after Said date. the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to tire claims oft which the said Executor shall then hays notice, and the said Executor will not beli,t'blo or responsible for iiny part of the as*ts of the said estate, to any person or per- sona ersons of whose claim or claims the said Eecutor shall not have had notice at tba time of such distribution.' • JOHN GILL, Executor. ELLIOT, ELLIOT & MACI{ENZIE, , - his Solid tors. Dated at Exeter, this 20th day of April, 1837. pay o overnmen , and net ler. them would have presumed privately to take the responsibility of doing an act which. places the fate of the Gov- ernment in the balance, and way re- sult,in its overthrow. One newspaper, reporting a speeeh.made by Mr. Fitz- patrick in Quebec the other day, credits him with saying that he was backed up by sufficient authority for the business. It was reported in a newspaper recently; professing to quote a high authority, that Messrs. Fitzpatrick and Russell presented a petition to the Pope signed by "forty- five fort dove Catholic members of the Senate and Commons, including Mr. Laurier and all the Catholic members of his Government, of whom there are about thirty in the Commons," asking tltft Pope "that a delegate be sent to settle the , question." The Ablegate himself, in an interview, stated that his object is to "remove the contro- versy." If so, then an application by private individuals would give him no authority to: do it. Taking all the circumstances into c•ousideration, the conclusion is inevitable that Mr. Laurier and his Government are im- plicated in the transaction, and the move was made fortheir benefit, .at their instance, and with their full. knowledge and- concurrence. They may and do shelter themselves behind the excuse that there was no official action, but this is a mere transparency. Second. For what • purpose is the Ablegate coming ? It cannot be as an arbitrator. ,Why ? Because an arbi- trator ntust be an indifferent person, and no one .representing the Pope could be said to be indifferent on this question. He is not conning merely as an arbitrator between the 'Catholic Liberals and the bishops, or he would not have expressed surprise that. Mr. Greenway was proceeding with his legislation, anti, moreover, the bishops had no say in his appointment. lie stated in an interview that he w -as coming to investigate the question, and to "remove the controversy.' He cannot "remove the controversy," un- less Mr. Laurier and Mr. Greenway, •or at least one of them, has agreed to be bound by, his decision. Mr. Greenway evidently is not so bound. Therefore, unless Mr Laurier has agreed to abide by the decision, the Ablegate hits mis- understood the scope of his authority, which is extremely improbitble. The i best opinion appears to be state I about as follows : There is a dispute be- tween Mr. Laurier and his_ followers on the one band, and the. bishops on the other, the 'latter demanding Separate Schools in Manitoba, and Mr. Laurier insisting upon the settlement he made with Mr. Greenway, which does not give Separate Schools. The Ablegate comes here clothed, it is said, with full papal authority. He will investigate the whole question, and after considering it from the standpoint of constitutional rights. public sentiment, and the require- ments of the church, he will state his conclusion to Mr. Laurier and the bishops. If this decision is in favor' of Separate Schools, Mr. ,Laurier must kiss the rod, or try some new move to extricate himself. If the decision is in favor of the Greenway settlement, then the bishops mast submit or be deposed. It is, however, more than probable that the Ablegate will en- deavor to find some middle- course to which both parties must come in• line. The interesting point will he whether 'the sacrifice that will involve to Mr.. Laurier can be borne by- bite without overthrowing his Government. In the meantime, Protestants Must clearly see that the -.decision of this important matter, Which • the people supposed they.had settled, is removed to it new and - foreign forum; whose judgment may determine' `whether Manitoba shall -or shape -Mt have Separ- ate Schools. • The dangers to Canada are -(and we must assert it with all respect to his Holiness the . Pope)—that a certain proportion of- our citizens are to be• -coerced' by a foreign' potentate into the• acceptance of terms to which they die -not agree. Also, that if once a precedent of this kind he established, the Pape will be theutor citizens ahere- after,ettle educational disputes in. which Catholics are • interested in Canada. - • • . I+l. COATSWORTH, JR. NEINE Medicines THIN ONLY ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE PREPARATIONS ON THE MARKET Pleasant Pure and Healthful PIII1ENOLINE MOMS Spec11iG PNRENOLINE Pills Guaranteed, to cure Rheumatism, Sciatica., Lumbago, Gent and . Neuralgia. TIMES A Clippie fa ! f e, SO DOCTORS • 'SAID e'ONOERNING RICHARD Il: COLLINS lie spent Months in the Toronto Hos pitat Without Any Benefit—Pink Pills Cured Him. After; All (Aber • Treatment Failed. • From the Echo, *carton, Oat. The Echo presents to its'rea tiers the following plain statement offset, with the simple comment that -a medicine -that ctin••perfol•ni so remarkable a cure is simply, invaluable, and it is no won- der that the aggregate of its sales throughout the country^ is enormous: I, Richard B, Collins hereby make the following statement; which can be confirmed by any number of witnesses nil this section of•the country. I first began to complain about three years ago, Ilaad then been working in a fish shanty, and was wet almost the whole time, stunnler and winter. I was then con fined to the house forthree months. This was my first attack and on getting better I commenced work again the first ofthefollowingFebruary and continued at it ttetil, the next January when I took a in; : is worse attack. The -doctors pronounced it rheumatism and after treating me for that disease until about the first of A tare cure for Headache Dizziness Constipation,, Indi- gestion, Biliousness, Bright. Disease, Diabetes, Paralysis, Convulsions, Heart Disease, etc., etc. Marnafaott-rated on Honor !sae Sold on Merit. Sold in Exeter only by C. Luiz. May, they discovered that my trouble was disease of the hip joint," and ad- vised to go to en hospital. I went to Toronto and stayed in the hospital flee weeks and then returned home. I, however, did not recover, and was compelled during' the following sunt - mer to go back to the hospital where I remained three months getting worse all the time. I was told I cotild not be cured and when I left was only able to walk by•the aid of crutches. I then carne -home and was not there long be- fore I was taken to • my bel. I con- tinued in I.his state until January fol- lowing, when I was advised by several friends to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I took their ad- vice and • befot e 1 had finished the fifth box I began to improve, and by the time *I bad completed a dozen boxes I was able to walk without cutches, and have never used them since. I was able to do light work in a short time, and in January last (I897) I commenced working in the woods and have no trouble from the hip un- less over exerted. During the last three years I have spent 5300.00 in doctors' bills, and medicines, trying everything recommended, lint without any good results until T took De. Wil - lianas' -Pink Pills, to which .I owe my restored condition, as the doctors gave rip all hopes of ever seeing rte out of bed alive and well. I may Say that before I began taking Pink Pills dur- ing my last attack. I put in many a night so bad thaat•I never expected to be alive in the morning." Rheumatism, sciaatt'it, neuralgia, •partial paralysis, hem motel' ataxia, nervi us headache, taert ons prostration and diseases depending upon humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelats, etc., all disappear;'before a fair treatment mitleDr. Williams' Pink Pills: They gave a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions and build up and renew the entire system. Sold by all dealers and post paid at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50 by address- ing. the De: Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Do not be persuaded to take some substitute. • • A woman who is weak, nervous and sleepless, and who has cold hands and feet, cannot feel and act like a Well, person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize thecirculation, remove nervousness , and give strength, and rest At the Owen Sound assizes Miss McNevin. sued Rev. Mr. Lechard for Slander. •The minister had told the plaintiff's intended husband soniethitig that caused him to break the engage- ment The young lady finally consent- ed to accept a complete retraction and apology from the ruanisaen, who will also pay the costs. • No small objection which youngfolks had to the oldltilne spring medicines was their nauseousness. In Our 'day, tins objection is removed euid `Ayer's Sarsaparilla,. the' most powerful and popular of bloodspurifiers, is'as pleas- ant to the palateeetia cordial: Good News From South l.)akota The glorious results of_ this season's harvest of golden grain will pour a stream of sound money into the pocket of every. Dakota farniex•. South Dakota has thousands of acres of choice tat'mingatnd ranch land lyieg east of the Missouri river, and within one day's rule from a hh',u o or Mil- waukee a which eau . tin's t'e bought reason ably cheap; but width afore -the end.of another year may be .advanced In price. The stock -raising industry •in Seal) I Dakota is profitable, and Eastern capi- tal is now being invested in cattle and sheep growing in that state. Diversified tanning, the growing of live stock, and the products of the dairy, are plaeing South Dakota, fore- most in the ranks of the successful Western states. Those desiring full •information Olt the subject and particularly those who wish to seek a new home or purchase land; are'iequested to corresppond with A. J. Taylor, Canadian ` Passenger Agent, 2ling street East, Toronto, Ont. Cattle shipments from Manitoba to the British markets have cownnenced. In the New York -Legislature, the amendments to the Raise's liquor tax law were adopted without change. The principal amencluaents, patting a tax of $500 on all clubs that sell liquor,was bitterly opposed, but was Carried. One amendment restores free lunches on hotel counters. - • RICH AND RED. Rich red blood meansstroug vigorous health. Burdock Blood Bitters enriches the blood, strengthens the system. regulates the bowels, liver, kidney and stomach.and cures dyspepsia biliousness, bad blood, sick headache, etc. One 'cent adoseandevery -dose . helps the cure. IN BICYCLES AND WATCHES FoR During the Year .1892. For full particulars see advertisements, or apply to LEVER BROS., LTD., 23 SCOTT Sr., TORONTO NOTICE . 1 After selling out near- ly all my stock of furni- ture, I hive my store well. filled again with • New Goods, latest styles. All bought at lowest cash price. THE - WAino e, Bar COME AND INSPECT. 1Uiiidertakin g - 7iciuow ' A. Specialty. %eca R. N. 1 OWV E 45/81n. ant. An Introduction. 35/8 ;1. Wny Not Ride the Best It gives us pleasure to ill troduce to you our fine. Beat/ r.r and Milton Overcoatings; also a big range of Scotch and Can- adian Tweed for warm winter wear. Our prices arc away down. Did you see our $12 Black Worsted Suit (made tc order,) If not why not. J. H. Grieve FARMERS! You will find at Bissett's Wareroonrs the following line of Agrictrl- tural Implements, DEEAIlNG BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS. ' STEEL SULKY RAKES. Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc a and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. • E�.WIItE i ACltltffS ETOL The celebrated I Knoll Washer Raymond sewing and wringers machine STOVESt._,.�' Gurney stoves and furance:s. Waggons Buggies Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full • line of the celebrated McLaughlin' Buggies. - c'131LL" BOYCLES! Are You Interested -- In EVheels? e handle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and. AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times. A few second hand organs 5 and 6 Octave, cheap. Sewing Machines ALWAYS ON HAND. P. S.—Selling out Dise Har- rows at cost. . PERKINS & MARTIN, Main street, Exeter, it iE JP:ov "1,GFNTS //V . ,E OND TOWN /JY T/5E COUNTRY. CA'TALOGUE'S ON Al PL1GA1 Aaa Corner Wabash Ave and Congress St. MID DL OWN, OHIO war ,ns, eetiO.n to examine our diffe Wheels as we have good pneumatic tire bicycles from Sole selling ag;_nts for the ,"Racycle" and "Alton". Ontario . COOK BRO Write for Booklets awl prices. CHICAGO OFFICE: O s O • O 0 e 0 •• • • 0 U.04)446-0444-04400.* 64404 *0..0 0. >m®O Oaa.®®s•se oo♦+*Ri'V' a, try. Your Sweetheart Likes The reference is to the s`lve or the stain htaO wedre ai Slicira! rilev all like ip wt,iett is Fa argument to itr,alns..n last t.ti en vale:mug. at .;. men t r: ii, uterta} ci by this. and tufty shrunk an, K'VI i:nirinsiilt 15 t;14 , A petition to'the Dominion Parlia- ment a ..;cin • that "the unjust and op- pressive tax levied by railway com- panies for the transportation of bi- cycle." to quote its words; lie remove ed, is being circulated among all cy- clists and exteeeively signed. The pe- SG ��. tition asks that bicycles be classed as 1' baggage; aced that the owners. be not required to crate them. G-IDLEY& O. a' jet:. found i 1 their Will 11Q� (t (1 t New Premises, Opera House Sloe?;:. Gi ey & Son. -. NEW A fine line and. Scribhl Pure Are neo e. Pickles. sure of g CINN, CLOVES GINGE A.. LSP J.