HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-4-15, Page 4r; A
T S-3
trIM-7,73,11.FATLLLat_es2 New : I EIAVE DECLARED \YR
um A $20 license fee for selllug cigarettes
2000, in Stratford ms •pr•Oposed,
000 ' Commercial failures in Canada last
week numbered 80 against 36 a year
The Dominion Bank will,itis report-
ed in ed in Winnipeg, establish branches in
erat 7 per '�ilinnipeg and Minneapolis.
ier E. L. Taylor independent candidate
for the Winnipeg • bye -election for the
Commons, it is said, will retire.
,m, to 14•17!`
Two Men were killed by falling from
p. M. a ladder While repairing the bell of a
Ott depo5.t5 Catholic chureh in 111ontcalm county,
Quebec. •
• Emerson, i1an., is almost entirely
inundated and the Red river continues
to. rise. Stores on • Main street are
flooded to the depth of over three
Frank Baxter, who has for spme
time been looking for an opportunity
to step into journalism, has purchased
the Blenheim World from E. L. Mott,
and has assumed possession.
Mr. J. B. Dale has been appointed
postmaster of Wyoming to fill the vas
cancy created by the death of the late
H. H. Hunt. Mr. Dale is said to be
in every way qualified to fill the po-
sition. .
The Stratford police made a raid on
the fennel,' butter on the market Sat-
rday morning. Forty pounds in all
•e confiscated, owing to each of the
is said to contain one pound being
ne and a half ounces short in weight.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Tilton, the wife
of Henry Ward Beecher's accuser,
died on Tuesday at her home in
Brooklyn. Since the famous Beecher
trial she had lived in strict retirement.
Theodore Tilton, her husband, is in
Paris, where be has lived. ever since
the Beecher trial.
The Sons of England are making ar- t leetetl president. Toronto was select-
' The
for holding a diamond ju- ed as place of meeting'•
Wire serviceon Sunday, June 20, that the nexti. A.1) l ltf5it..ats•
will circle the globe at the hour of 4 :t Ir, Bert Madole of Dorchester was
o e ock in afternoon. E cl woe ,• G byf a
4 •y , regal robbed of S 5 tp
on land and on shipboard, the National Four Witlgham whitecaps wet a re.fere(1 up for the Queen,
Anthem will be sung and prayers of- leased from the penitentiary on Satur-
A hypnotist named Ferris has been it is reported that Indian Guide
performing in Sixncoo during the past Stout was
named Fournier, whcm h,.
as poisoned north of Quebec.
week. Monday, after putting at man by a hunter
killing game out of season-
* sleep. be had Beni buried in the ;hiss Louisa Weiss, a young German
" oun< to xt mn .. for tin ee days. The w -„me:, of Malone, N.T., held on a
sheriff is seeking legal advice in the char ,, •mf stealing goods, has made
matter, and will probably arrest the her c ape from jail, anti he supposed to
professor. This is believed to be the he. um...ing for Canada,
e first case of the kind in Canada, and TUE I lett: JtIt('Oltit.
there is great excitement over the St. Patrick's Boys' School at Halifax
affair. was riously damaged by fire.
On Saturday a cow belonging to L. Fit •+ at Teeswe.ter• did 510 000 damage
H. Robinson, of Leanmington, died un- in the. Commercial. Rote: block.
Mr. John Shiokiuna of St, C atharinea
der peculiar circumstances. Dr. Bran- lest his barn and three hems by fire.
ton ants sent for, and on holding a Guelph's classification has been re-
pas:t ms nails and stones in the n found two balls of hinder Guelph's
from A to C by the fire ur.d-r-
twine, some writers. •
tomatch, one lung completely gone, An attempt to burn the steamer Gar
and the other one crushed against i h 2 den City at Port Dalhousie was frus-
the heart with a darning needle stick- I trated by a couple ar fishermen near
ing through it. The heart was about seeing ee emtur,tas. by.
twice the noIinal size*. 7'111: UI:Ai'.
Geo. Wilson, an aged and pioneer Athens, April. 17, midnight. -In Dr. \� m. McCargaw of Hamilton is
hunter of the county of. Peel, who spite of the Part • that .tire official re- dead.
lived on his '250 -acre farm near Brant p. portseceased at t atdafiring an telegram prosperous. ,JohWhiteman,
e Glengf arry, m,ost
ton, luras znatde an assignment to lily from Larissa at i o clock in the even- • dead.
creditors. The old man, who lived on ing says that &ins contiuue.t past 4 Mr. Edward S. M. Collett, aetfng Sur -
the farm for over 40 years, presented o'clock this (Saturday) afternoon. The veyor of Customs. London, Ont., died
a.report• showing liabilities to the ex- line of fire extended from Mount Aim- ' there after a. long dines* aged 71.
tent of $15.(100. There was a mortgage lipsis post to Iilephtlka Gentokia, a i The body of Gen. Grant w as removed
of $8.100 on the farm, and the balance distance equal to 9J minutes' march. on Friday from the temporary tomb
of his inch btedness consisted of prom- The Turks, falling back, abandoned where it had lain for nearly twelve
issory emotes. The (state will realize several stations, which the Greeks years to the imposing mausoleum which
:about la cents on the dollar. promptly occupied. The Greeks can- is designed to be its permanent resting
nenaded the Turks from the Greet: po- place.
Henry .1. Modlin, sou of DIr. John sition at Tsamtoja, in the rear. The rt'ltmtl:Y i'EIi.0 sAt..
Medlin, a butcherin the market died cannonading caused much excitement Commissioner :r osvelt has resigned
Saturday night at his home, at at other points. S.nce noon strong from the Police Department cif New
Hamilton after being ill six years bodies of Turks have concentrated in Fork
and his death is of more than the direction of Mount Anallpsis. At prime Bismarck has completely re -
usual interestars to the medical professionpee°eted the the
hula ttmpt Ited. is
ight covered lfrom hie take longnt indisposition,
Six years ago he accidentally swallow -n is
attack upon Analipsis, which was the Ninety-one Chinamen have ar ived
cd a braes -headed tack, and, utter central point of the battle. Greek re- in lYIontreal by the C.P.R. from G'hitsn,
stiffening for seventeen month' front inforcements have arrived and there
via Vancouver. to work on the sugar
it, lie"ctiimghed it un. Ills physician, is a general movement of troops to- plantations of Cuba.
Dr. Stark, tad hoped that with the 'wards the frontier. Reinforcements The eons ofct'•'.. c'•e Chimay was to
coughing u of the tack the young are beiing hurried towards the iron- 'have appeared the other night In Paris,
man would recover, but the brass poi- tier from all directions. : but the police, karr ing that the friends
sonpxoved Ltal, anti he suffered from of the Prince de Chimay intended to
t until ole th,
A. Night attack' I make a hostile demonstration, forbade
Dom,a]c Beattie, a 14 year old boy Athens, April 1S, 1 a.m.-An official her performance.
lag w ith his parents at Kintore, a despatch from Larissa„ dated at ;r imtisl • -
I s nape in Oxford County, ran o'clock last (Saturday) night, says i Cattle shipments filet Manitoba to
the British markets hew eommence1.
' Montreal retail grovels have organ-
ized a boycott on th departmental
- stores.
The trade returns for nine months of
the present fiscal year were el si, 734 (100.
nearly ten millions better then last
, year.
- The weekly reports from the. c- :tuner-
cial agencies in New York sta e• that
the conditions of business are pr.' ? `al-
ly unchanged. Business in tie 1 '"n'1
States has been ser'ously inter-. r a
with by floods, and prospective l,bor
troubles are causing considerable mis-
'lit in
eltatnl e
eat of
m Sir
litaxidly <ap-
- clay
Turkey and Greece are
Locked Arms.
The rreilminartes Sone( over, and Whhen
the En'rpa'o tot Their Passports Frets
the Respective Countries .Fierce Eighty
lug Took Platte–The Whale or the
Frontier of Thevsalat1 Ablaze,
Constantinople, April 17.--
' with has been de-
Constantinople. April 17.—Following
the news of the incursion by the
Greeks on Turkish territory the Coun-
cil of Ministers at the palace to day
recalled the general assembly, gave
passports to Prince Maurocordato,
the Greek Envoy Extraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary, and ordered
Edhem Pasha, the Turkish military
commander, to take the offensive. No
actual declaration or war has been
A detailed circular sent this evening
to the Turkish representatives abroad
recalls the week's invasions anti states
that the fewest incursion was parti-
cipated in by the Greek troops, which,
therefore, establishes war, which has
broken out.
. The circular expresses the hope that
the powers, in a spirit of justice, will
agree that the entire responsibility for
the war falls on Greece. Turkey has
no idea of conquest, and, "as a fresh
proof of pacific sentiments, offers to
retire the Turkish troops on the fron-
tier it Greece will retire. hers frond
the frontier and from Crete.
Important Events in Few Words,
For Busy Readers.
The hoar World's Qappealn_a .t'arefgal7 .
Complied told rut Into llnu•IY anti
Attrtae•tive Shape .For the liettders or
Our raper–A Solid hour's Ettioyntent
Int i'aragrnpbed Information.
An unknown man jumped off the
Upper Suspension Bridge at Nia ;•ara.
Fails on Saturday afternoon.
Adam Singer, a penitentiary convict
from Woodstock, committed suicide by
cutting his aur with a Mese cf glass.
The drift in England taivarl, war
with the Transvaal is heartily welcome•
tel by all classes.
The Federal Convention of South
Austtxtlia by a vote of 23 to 12. ras re-
jectc-d an amendment to allow women
to vote for members of the H.)ueie of
't,m1:.%iti.m(;lul't WOmiI.D
.' t the Owen Sound Assizes Miss
1teNevin sued Rev. Mr.. Leulard for
slander: The minister had town the plain-
tiff's intended husband something that
caused him to break the engagement.
The young lady finally consented to ac-
eept a complete retraction ani apology
from the minister, who will also pay
the costs.
SI'OBTI eft:.
At the annual meeting of the Cazma
dian Wheelmen's Asociatit'n, 'held in
Toronto,. it was decided to hold tylia
year's Dominion championship race
meet at Chatham.
The annual meeting of the Canadian
Lacrosse Association was held in To-
ronto. Mr. 3. J, Craig of Fergus was
The situation Explained
London, April 18. -The Greco Turk-
ish situation is understood here to
be substantially as follows: War has
not officially been declared between
Turkey and Greece, but it has been
declared officially to have "broken
out." The Turkish Cabinet has de-
cided to sever diplomatic relations
with Greece, and has ordered itlditeni
Pasha, the coronae -ruler of the Turictch
forces, to tale the offensive. et is
considered in London that war be-
tween Turkey aria Greece has actually
begun, the Tuikrsh declarat,on that
war has "broken out" beteg merely
for the purpose of diplomatically put-
ting the onus of the war upon the
Kingdom of Greece. •
a good
• ehara c-
kit.he ar-
. ..;a.
('an -
he helic-
es from
de ani -
s to (ill
e of the
d to. as
Viers r•
he World
the con-
e ivov
n 1 e .
'tblUSt the
dam and
f Great
• ir(.n, his home, Sunday, and
to icireu o, to see the sights.
its to his departure, he had
eu.pieci his mother's purse, which con
tait,ed telt). to d used the cash to de -
tray expenses. His parents sent a
telegram to Toronto, and Monday
that the Turks, under cover of dark-
ness, are assaulting the Greek forces
at Mount Analipsis with great fierce-
ness. The Greeks resistance, so far,
has been magnificent, The Greeks
maintain their amnions. The firing
begun at Gritsovali. The fighting at
Gritsovall commenced in an attempt
morning the youngster was arrested of the Turks to occupy a strategic
at the I mon station. In his pocket portion of the neutral zone. The Turks
as fe•ttLd a colonists' ticket to Bran- continue to abandon their advance
a minae tc.20. As the Children's s Steel- posts, a general movement apparently
taking place. Firing is reported from
ter is nLdeI• quarantine. the boy was Moluna. From Larissa the flashing of
sent to the Jail, where he will remain
under a nominal charge of theft, until
his parents arrive.
.Erucefield Fair.
` LL ( 1F.-\ ed draught stallion,
E. Mason's "Lalsader over," Thos.l ,. .
r"• Draught,
) ti e
utul< n'� D1cTat
( 1 u
station :)f 1894, Horton' & Innes'
"Reid Hero", Peter .McKay's "Stud
Book"; Aged Agricultuial stallion,
lira Cutetnan's, "Rykefield"; Agri-
cultural staallmou of 1804. Thos. Russell's
-Pm DIM- Hardy"; U
:: rria a stallion,
John Dorrmulce's "Mai. land", Levy &
Co's "Melbourne"; Roadster stallion, -' storey.
dnw of the .
infourth o:
.eter'McOregor's, "St. Blaise", Robt. vise Notified, nPmt•T' f urth t3(:�'
.ick St. “Lynn"; Roadster stallion of Brussels, ,April 18. -The Indepen-
\\•rtn. Locker's "Sieg Folsti." dance Bilge to day announces that Prince Hohenlohe, the German- Itn-
J'r,�Tti. --Aged Durham bull, Robert Turkey has ollica.ly declared war penal Chancellor, has resigned, and
against Greece, and that a notification persists in his rera:gnation' being' ac-
rke's`i`Pc rfccti fr Knight" Thomas to this effect was sent to the powers c tool by the BmnerOr.
)tie's "Royal Alfred" Durham buil,
tomes Russell "New Year's Gift",
Ihert B. McLean's "Von Trunmp"
Dougall Fotheringbam'Cromereaugh';
Durham calved after September 20th,
1895, James McIntosh "River Side
Stamp", WM. Chaprnan"Captain"
Jho. Avery "Ivenhoe"; Hereford,
Alex. Monteith. "Oherikee."
SwxxPstATcrs.-Draught stallion,
O. E. Mason's "Lalsader"; Carriage,
O. Dorrence'.s "Maitia,nd' ;Roadst ers,
?e,,; • McGregor's "St. Eloise." Bulls,
Thos.:t'It15se1rs `'New Year's Gift,."
J'UDGES.--Light horses, W. H. Gra-
ham, St. Marys ; Heavy. horses, Jobe
Murray, . Bennington ; James Snell,
Londesboro. Bulls, James Atkinson,
guns can be seen. In yesterday s fight
at Mount Analipsis the Greeks lost 40
wounded and 3 killed.
, Wilt 'WOULD.
Greece Tm,•rc a Protest.
The British sh'pbuilding eng'neers
Athens. April18, 1.30 a.m.—The Cabi- and their employers have a u.spute
net has decided to protest to the pow- which is growing very grave, and a
strike is
imminent in
era against the aggressive action of great
Turkey. An invas'nn by Edluenx Pasha, yards.
McDonald, the
•the Turkish command•'r, is expected, .lir. IV. C.
ande ed
and the Greek army has taken up go- tobacco nlanut'aakurer, was c
sitions for the purpose of being in by Judge Pagnuelo to pay t' -',l pa• r+its
readiness to repel the advance. of the late Alphonsin^ Tixibaude.0
$1,999, the amount of titer action for
Rn tion t)aa reontie•,,, compensation for the dea'eh •ef their
Athens, April 13, 2.40 am.—Firing is daughter, who was tvorlein1 in the er
Donald too^eco factory w
Y_ iniuries received. by jimmping from a
otier along the
Charles Moss, Q;C., Is mentioned in
legal circles as the most acceptable
new judge in place of Mr. Justice Bur I
i'O:.ITIO4.-;,';xeie >i.'. N.
It is ,reported that. Mr. Alex. Gunn, •1
ex-MM.F., has ween appointed postmas-
ter of Kingston to succeed Mr. James..
Shannon, superannuated.
It is expected that the lower fioors of.
the Western Department Buildings of
Ottawa, ,which were Injured thy tire,
will be ready for ocpupation by. 'the;
first of .May.
The report of Mr. T. M. Daly; the
ex -Minister of the Interior, who a vas
sent to Great Britain by the late Gov-
ernment to• report on immigration, was
brought down the other day. He re- •
commends substantial assistance to
the desirable class of immigrants.
Admiral Markham, rear -admiral of
the; Mediterranean fleet, has declined
the Dominion Government's offer to'
take command of the expedition to;
tc. t the navigabilityHudson8ay of the
straits, on te ground that a, sealing •.
vessel, with engines of only seventy
hot se power, is not a craft suited fox.
the Purpose.
Tun Alt'iiEx'S n1AXON I) J1'111L3?k.
The London Jubilee Committee has
decided to erect a, new hospital.
The usual Queen's Maundy bounty
was distributed at Westminster on
Thursday. and the coins given to the
old people were.eagezly bought as sou-
venirs. of the jubilee reign.
A number of the Australian Prem-
iers are considering the advisability
of traveling to London ay way of the,
ond of Canadajubilee, to participate In
The Secretary of State has prepared,
a memorandum for Council as a 'basis
for a Proclamation making Tuesday,..
the 22nd of June, a national holiday
and the day for the official celeibra-
tion throughout Canada of the jubilee
of ter Majesty's •reign.
The Sons of England are making ar-
t rangements for the holding of a dia-
mond jubilee service on Sunday, the
20th of June, that will circle the globe
at the hour of four o'clock in the at-
• terroon, Everywhere the National
Anthem will be sung, and prayers of -
Need for her Majesty.
t':% -t .tt:rtEs.
woad line of thefront
re g e anddied
p o1' �nril 189 � oecurned.
frontier in Thessal
It is stated that Emperor Francis
Jceph has privately sanctioned . the
election of. Dr. Lueger, the anti Semite
Lousands of people are in this cou-
p. They are not sick and yet
ire by no means well. A single
of Hood's Sarsaparilla would
lent a world of good. It would
he stomach, create an appetite,
fy incl enrich the blood andgive
erful vigbr and vitality. Now is
me to. take it.
ills cure nausea, sie;h`head-
this morning.
Fierce °,ml'orir.
Athens, April 13, 9 p.m. -In the fight- , leader, to the Bumrgomastem;snip o
ing on the frontier the Turks have oe- Vienna.
oupied Aria and Milouna, but t''iey have . A despatch front Japan says that
not succeeded in tai;. ng Isata• the recent conventions between Russia
'The engagement at Mimouna Pass and Japan in regard to .Corea have
was of the fiercest character', and tie seriously injured the standing of the
losses Were heavy on l,o*.ii sides. . The J..7'anes+e Ministry, which is not ,likely_
Turks destroyed two pieces of Greek ar- , to last much longer.
finery. The Oracles captured an emirs ' A despatchfrom the American Sec -
battery from the Turks. rotary of State, "couched in •adecided
Three Greek Officers of high rank terms, has been served on'the British
were killed. A large body of :Greeks is (oyer nment, urging that the indis
now marching against Menesse and criminate slaughter of seals in Behring
brisk firing is going on along the whole Sea be stopped.
line as far west as Arta. t' t',i i.,.e re'e.F:T)..,
Ma George Freelrette was killed at
Levis while crossing the Grand Trunk
Mr. Htnr'y J. Modlin of Hamilton is
dead as the result at swallowing a
in ass -headed tack six years ago.
A portion of the C.P.R. track on the
Pacific division 'carried away by a
landslide has been relaid and brains •
are running as usual,
A. large mass of rock weighing sever-
al tons fell from the cliff down on
Champlain street, Quebec. A couple
of houses were damaged.
A gunner was killed and two other
men seriously injured by the prema-
ture explosion of a charge during tar-
get practice on the United States crui-
ser Mantic.
Mr. W, J, Cowan or Forest. Ont., in
attempting to board a tnaving'train at
Stratford fell under the wheels. which
severed both his legs. Hi died five
minutes afterward.
l±if�y Thnraataud Hen Engaged. Winnipeg's new opera house has
bees o meted.
Elassona,. April 18 --The Greeks from Reseian •prisoners for Siberia will in
all their positions in the Karaya lis future be taken to their destination ' Y.
trict began the advance'toward the train; anti be thus sparred the b.
frontier at 7 o'clock on Friday even- o.f the..long march,
Ing: The fighting lasted all that night. The Mexican Senate is debating the
ten. miles of the frontier. It is esti-. and ektended on Saturday _to within treaty fixing the boundary of the conn
try with the British colony of Belize.
There is now a feeling in favor of 'rati-
mated that 15,000 Greeks were engaged.
The battle continued with great vigor Lying the treaty
throughout Saturday, when altogether Chief Justine Sir Francis McLean
50,000 w•er'e engaged. ' telegraphs from Calcutta to the Gov-
NatotltfbrLeo"s>3eat. ernor-G'enera'l thankizig all who lave
Itonre, April 14,—A meeting of Cardinals anti pbn'tred to the India famine fund,
and reportineg"the progress of the wore;
convened by Mgr. Satolli, has just: been of relief,
beth here. Its object is unknown, but it is ,1e rosiyg•nation of:Chief Justice
common knowledge that $aptol11 wishes to Hagerty of the Ontario Court of AP
gestion, biliousness. All be• a candidate for the Papal chair wheal
25e, 'ettkenat xiouAtT real has been accepted. '.'err. Jug 0
lt is variant. %oo n itealtlt is ire Burton of the wane court will be t tact
new Chief Justice Of Ontario, and Mr.
A Canadian in Australia.
Mr. George T. Fulton, of Brockville;
Ontario, the proprietor of the now
well-known and world -wild establish.
ed. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People, is now in Australia. A copy
of the Australian Star of March 3, of
Sydney, Australia, has been received
by The 'blas, containing an inter
view with Mr. Fulford, as follows ;-
A good thing needs advertising. We.
do not want to show through our
newspaper advertisements what Pink
Pills will do so much as what they
have done. Our advertising bills are
very large. In 1800 we spent £120,000
in advertisements alone, and in 1897 we
i d d t tl tof £300
West Huron Licenses.
On Monday of this week the License
Commissioner's - James Stevens,
Samuel Sloan and Hugh McmQnarrie,
-root at the office of InspectorPaisley,
in Clinton, and granted the following
licenses for 1897 and 1897:-
(lLL'iro , Joseph Rattenbury, J. C.
Miller, Thos. Bell, Chas. 'Milne, John
F. Spooner and Thomas Dowson.
Shop license—Lack Kennedy.
GovraIClr.Martin and Robertson,
Thos.Tilt, Ed. Swarts, Geo. Buxton,
Ben Saults, N in. Craig, Win. Babb,
Shop license, Walter Saults.
BLYTII,—J: Emigh, ,John Matson ,
John McCaughy.
WI eon.eM.--Alfred Roe, J. H Dal -
mage, John Swarts, Neil McKenzie,
Juo. Dinsley. Shop license refused.
AsrrrIELD.--Alex. Young, Kiutail ;
Neil McDonald. Kintail ; Mrs. Jos.
Mallough, Dungannon ; Mrs. Black,
Dungannon; R. J. H. DeLong, Port
Coenolc.en.—Ben Mason, Saltford ;
N. U. Beggs, Carlow; John -Hamilton
for three months at Saltford; Wm.
Glazier, Dunlop, to be reconsidered on
the AO.
E. \VAw�txoslt,--Thos. Armstrong,
W. \VAwAre osH.-A.. McAllister,
RULLETT.—Jaacglo Kautz, hotel and
brewery, Auburn. Lex Hill, Londes-
Brewery -Thos, Jarvis & Co., Salt -
ntere to seen a le rate per
"What anode of atddertising do you
consider the most advantageous?"
"Newspaperadvertisingby all means.
It is the very best method for business
leen to reach those whom they want
to reach. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are
now being advertised in 30,000 papers
throughout the world, and 400 of these
papers are in Australia. Of. course
we use other methods of advertising
as au auxiliary to the newspaper ad-
vertising, such as the publication of
books, Last year we issued 60,000,000
books of various styles and sizes in
nearly fifteen different languages." . iG1lC� alr+d
"Then I persume that -your adver- l
tisements increase your business, . Glii a rdcnt
"It stands to reason that no business
be inereansed without beim3 atdver
used, and advertised fully, We believe
in jnd]cous advertising, and we intend
to follow it up, We want to convince '
the public 'that our remedy is a good
one. We want to parry truth to the
sceptical ones, anti we want to do so
with all sincerity."
Mr.'Albert Reid, Angus, Ont.. was for over
two yours a sufferer from Asthma. A. half
7 f Yellow Oil cured him completely,a d
bolt e o
a some time ago,he has ever
tot noubh that iti s a
it •tin troubledwith the same complaint since.
, • E. Admits, DeepBrook, >
It anS.,
Norway ' 1 Sri with rand
:e taken Mlle Syrup g
r. tie weeks
d ou him o e
r 1
had a very ba o
c. . �
r • no re)xef, but after taking
ens old t,m;
n b
butt i Norway Pine Syrup l was entirety
cure,.. it is tee greatest, cough Medicine in
then • I-"
re Yoti
Look about you! See .for
yourself ! Who . suffer most
from sleeplessness, nervousness,
nervous dyspepsia, neuralgia,
despondency, general weak-
ness? Who are on the edge
of nervous prostration all the.
lime.? Those who are thin,
Opium, chloral, bromides,
headache powders,, only make
matters worse. Iron' and bit-
ters are only stimulants. To
l e' curedt and cured for good,
you need a fat -making food.
You want new blood, rich
blood; and a strong nerve -
Cod-liver Oil with Hppophos-
phites is all this.. It feeds the
tissues, makes rich blood, and
strengthens the nerves.
Book about it free for the asking.
For sale by all druggists at 50c. and
SCOT' & BOIVNS, Belleville, Ont.
Or philantrophy to give you good health for
20 cents—the cost of Dr, Agnew's Liver
Sure, Safe, quick and pleasant to act; no p ala+
No griping. .
For Sick headache, for distress after
eating, for Biliousness, , for coated
Tongue, for constipation. They work
wonderful cures. All druggists have.
them. 40 in a yial, 20c.
Rev. Mr.,, Williams, of the Metho-
dist church at Point de, Bute, N. B.,..
and Richard Carter went out in a boat
on th- Bay of Fundy. The body of the
The other -
been found. Iz
minister has u
is still missing.
All kinds for
can g
"Half a span of aaugrysteel" Will pro-
duce no more fatal results than a neg-
lected cold or cough. For all throat
and lung diseases, AyersCherry ry Pec-
is the best remedy. It is invalu-
able in cases of croup, whooping cough, Sampson, Portland
bronenitis, and la grippe.
Lower Prices This year..
Come and see some NEW IX--
RuesTout exiox.
A Hamilton lady undergoes an ex- i above in thjs week,and as we buy
wrience and relates the history of u1 1 largely we are in a position to'•
severe trial.
Ml's,JatmesGrahaul,281)James-street : ! give Close prices. Be sure and get,
mortle,Hamilton,wifeofthe well-knowui
fol- our quotations
White's English Portland:
Thorold, Hydraulic
We expect several cars of the'
firmegrocer at that address, relates the
Dir. and Mrs.
Graham have resided in Hamilton for
the past 14 years, and are very well
and favorably known.
Mrs. (Indiana says : "During the six Sherwin
months prier to taking Milburn's Heart
and Nerve Pills I had a serious trou-
blearisiug from wrong action of the
heart. One of the symptoms was that. ,
I could not lie on my left side, for if m
I didso my heart throbbed so violently
as to give me great pain. The smallest �,Iade b • the largest Paint
noise or the slightest exertion would I 3g
start my heart palpitating terribly. It House in America
was impossible .for me to go up a short
flight of stairs without stopping to rest
and regain my breath. I was extess-I
ively nervous, and my limbs would i
tremble as if with agw•. My bands'
anti feet were unnaturally cold. and I
suffered front sharp pains in the hack
of nmy head. The slamming of a. door!
would nearly set me wild. Frequently;
I would wake up frightened, and then
was unable to get to sleep again. I
lost. flesh and became very weak and
despondent. I felt miserable in mind,
and body.
"For six months I have been con-
stantly taxiing medicine, trusting that
it would help me, and for a time was
under the care of a physician, but all
the efforts I made towards a cure were
of no avail. My physician finally told
my husband, "You know there is non
cure for heart disease," which made
me more despondent, than ever.
"Six weeks ago I was induced to try
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and
from that time my restoration to
health dates. I have taken four boxes,
which I bought at John A. Barrs drug
store, corner James and Merrick -
streets. These pills are the only medi-
cine that has done me any good, or
giyen me relief. I amu happy to say that
they proved that the doctor was mis-
taken in 'saying • that lmem rt disease
could not be cured. Since I commenced
taking Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pills I haye been daily getting better.
I can now go upstairs without trouble
and attend to my daily duties without
the. slightest distress. I have gained
in flesh, in health and in strength. My
blood -circulates more freely. Lying
on nmy left side causes me no -inconve-
nience or pain, and I enjoy health and
I sleep. 111
nerves are strong
has been tch
• n and there st
and vigorous, s,
a radical change for the better in my
condition that I can -say these wonder-
ful pills have • practically made a com-
plete cure.
recommend them without the
toallsufferer�• from
c s hesitation s
s)m ht t
similar complaints. (Signed) Mrs. Jas.
Graham, Hamilton, Ont.".
,181„g Paints`
Over wor., ww rr* and mental strain last
caused heart tr i 's
sluingonbl c (errousn s,
sleepiessness,•etc. Milburn's Heart and Nervec
Pills helped moat once and finally cured me.
T feel like a se man w,
(Signened) THOS.noSINTZEL,
Wholesale (rlothioc,
' Toronto, Ont.
IF You want a satisfactory -
Paint for outside or inside work_
buy them.
H. Bishop & Son..
There is on al.
'Lantern ere is an al.
about the good,
ness of this
Lantern that is noteworthy. in fact. It has
too many virtues to crowd into this space.
Itives a surprising volume of light,
8 P which is rendered ape -
n �: wally intense by the
M r `l concentrating powers
A! ' �: -, • of the Reflector and
Hood. It will not
t is absolutely
--�1 blow ou ,
RM1! • oars _ safe, and can be used
di I eta for driving darkness
di .,• while you are driving
a m-
••yiz ,at.
,.� � ,r;. ,";' pie tech it to any vehicle.
T The U. S
[� Service uses it fora
�` : Se v e
m ,, atrol Lantern -2$ the
di fierce coastwise gales
h� cannot extinguish it.
€0 The U. S. Government buys wisely —
f@ take a hint from it, and insist on your
di dealergY ivin outhe "Dietz" goods.
N.a ' erns
tVe make an endless variety oftanv t ,
112'', LamPs, ete,
Send for Tree Catalogue,
it R. E. Dietz Company, s c
ryj. Special terms to Canadian customers, t
%-:.-SeesC:cs Established 1840-i-aail&adii
'Stands for BLACKS, of this there's no doubt,—
The black on these faces will never wash out;
For wool, silk and cotton, Black Diamond Des.
Are used without fear by prudent rudent and wise..
The above is taken from "Excelsior Rhyming A B C Book, Illustrated."'
Each letter of the Alphabet • is 2,1 inches long; no two letters of the same color. .
Just the Book for the little, ones. Sent for 3 -cent stamp to any address. f,