HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-4-1, Page 5is essential to' 00� lirealth, Every nook 'and corner of the ;system is reached by the blood, and on fits quality the condition of every organ do. I. ponds. Good blood means strong nerves, . good digestion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofula, dyspepsia,rheuma- tism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest Way to have good blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi- talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends the elements of health and strength to every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates 4 good appetite, gives refreshing sleep and cures that tired feeling. Remember, H�o Sarsaparilla Is the best infect the One True Blood Purifier. a� cure Liver Ills; easy to Hoods Pills take, easy to operate. 250. MONEY TO LOAN. On good improved farms at 5 and 5% private funds. Apply to ELLIOT S. ELLIOT. • 20th Jan, 3.397. Solicitors, Exeter, Farms For Sate. A fewo< ----M good Porins far sale chcra p easy to oan. Apply to JOHN SPAC1UMAN Samwell's Block. Exeter. UEEN 'VICTORIA': Her Lifo and Reign great historic work, sells on sight to thou- sands. Lord Duffed]) introduces it to Can- adians in glowing words. Easy to make $20 a week, some make twice that. Many make more in spare time than during day at regular employment. This year's Great day_ Celebrations are booming it. Books on tune. Prospectus free to canvassers. Territory going fast. THE BRADLEY-GARRETSON CO. Ltd. Toronto Ont. Z.T KINSMAN',L. D. S. DENTIST. Specialist in Gold Pilling and Plate Work. Extracts without any pain or sickness, or any bad ,effaats in the gums all fa .p. AtGurioh on last Thusli,r di +a+r inii'a. it,amp west side Mar sera®t, Exeter. DR. ANDERSON, (D• 0. S. L. D. S.) DENTIST. Honors graduate of the Toronto Uni - vcrsity. anti (royal College of Dan MI Surgeons of Ontario. AU Burdge work, crowns and Plate work done In the nce.teat possible manner, A harmless amusthetic for painless extraction. The striokest attention given to the presorvat- son of th, uttur.al teeth, Ofil:la opposite Cen- tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont. AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, 1. ()LINZON. Will beat Greb's hotel Zurich on the s000nd,Thur.day of oaoh month and at Hoditin.'s hotel Henaell even, Monday GET MIR PIES DOW -1\T At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in. town to get a fit. W. JOHNS, The Tailor. A Suit of (Jiothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Fall & 'Winter . Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many •oiher lines that are specially at- ractive. A.. .7. EIN" :Ll. Central IRUG STORE. Those who have used Tinan's Cough Balsam. Pronounce it unequalled as It remedy for COUGHS, COLDS .AND BRONCHITIC TROUBLES, Winans Condition & Cough Powder foi. horses, best in the mar- ket, always on hand, Also a Cetobenefacto and Lini- ment, the medicine so suc. .cessfully used by Mr, Chas. Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating. and curing various diseases, For Sale at LUTZ' S MARKET RETORTS. Exeter,March list ,1897. Wheat per bushel .:.73 to 74 Oats Barley Peas Butter Turkeys Geese. - Chickens per lb Ducks...,., Dried Apples.. . Pork dressed r sed ., 18 to 16 :21 to 21 38 to 40 19to 13 to 9 9 to 9 4 to 4 4 to 4 5 to 5 4.75 2to to 21 Pork live weight 3.50 to 3.00 Hay per ton 7 00 to 3.00 Clever seed ... , ... , .... V.00 to 5.00 Alsikc,; 4.50 to 5,00 Timothy ylseer $2 50 to $2.75 Timothy seed .......... $.. London, March list, 1897. Wheat per bushe ,.. .... ..75 Oats.... ....17 Peas .... ::. 6 Barley Buckwheat 20 Rye ....55 Corn ...28 Beans ...40 Butter .... • ..1111 Ducks 45 Turkeys per lb.. , Geese per it Chickens Cheese Potatoes per bag Hay per ton 9 to 10 38 to J8 40 to 50 ..$ 7.00 to $ 8.50 Pork per cwt .. .. $1,50 to $1.75 FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN' OLD AND WELL -TRIED RUHIUDv.-^-Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teothn.g, with perfect success. It soothes thechild,softens the gums, allays all pain. cures wind colic, and lathe best remedy for Diarrhoea, It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind 76 to to 38 to 28 to 2 to 30 to 81 to 55 to 12 to 14 to 65 to 8 A RAnrC'.M CnANon. Mrs. Jas. Graham,Hamilton. Ont. sa ti. "My Y doctor said that mheart trouble could notibe cured, but I am happy to say he was mistaken for Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have made a complete cure in my case. I have now no heart pains, sleeplessness ` fluttering or breathlessnss, and am enti rely restored to health and vigor." MAXWELL JOHNSTON. Medical men, Hospital treatment and a dozen different medicines failed to cure ins of dropsy.. I had been tapped seven times and was given only a few days to live when I began using Doan's Kidney Pills, They cured me completely and I am nowin the best of health, (Signed) MAXWELL JOHNSTON'. Toronto, Ont. Tim VERs BEST. MESSRS T. Mzutt nN S:, CO., DEAR can recommend Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup as the very best medicine for coughs mid colds, sore throat and weak lungs, which I have ever used. Yours truly, \VM. FERRY, Blenheim, Ont, HAorAun's YI.LI.ow CIL. This old reliable medicine, in use over a third of a century., cures rheumatism, still' joints, sprains, bruises swellings, frost bites, chilblains, chafing, neuralgia and all pain or soreness In man or beast. 25e, at all druggists. SALTRuErnt CURED. GI:NTLrntrcN,-Your Buttock Blood Bitters cured me of Salt Rheum three years ago. It was so bad. that I lost my finger nails, and I can truly say tlratknowof no morovaluablonmedicine Iofthe world than B,13 B. I have had no retturn of Salt Rheum since. MRS JAS. SANDERS, Emerson, Man.• Mr. Miller, of Clinton, is about to build a summer hotel in (loderich. At a concert in Parkhill last week $82.35 was raised for the India Famine Fund - Tuesday, June 22nd is Jubilee Day, and Goderich will celebrate the day in a befitting manner. The town of Leamington has or- ganized a municipal insurance co., with good prospects. Must not be confounded with com- mon cathartic or purgative pills. Car- ter's Little Liver Pills are entirely un- like them in every respect. One trial. will prove their superiority. The little daughter of Thos. Durnin, of Dungannon, while carrying the lamp, let it fall, when it exploded, burning her dress, the carpet and a couple of other household effects. By the timely assistance of her brother Edward, the flames were extinguished. A. Parkhill correspondent writes thus concerning a Zurich young lady :-"A recitation 13y Miss Williams showed considerable elocutionary power and training. Her selections during the evening were much appreciated as was evidenced by the applause with which she was greeted." The well known strengthening pro- perties of Iron, with other tonics and a Most perfect nervine, are found in Carter's Iron Pills, which strengthen the nerves and body, and improve the blood and complexion. MT NEIGHBOR TOLD ME About Hood's Sarsaparilla and ad- vised me to try it -This is the kind of advertising which gives Hood's Sar- saparilla the largest sales in the world. Friend tells friend that Hood's Sarsap- arilla cures ; that it gives strength, health, vitality and vigor, and whole neighborhoods use it as a family medicine. Hood's Pills act easily and promptly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick headache. tN BICYCLES AND WATCHES FCR During the Year 1897. Forfeit 'particulars see advertisements, or apply to LEVER BROS.,, LTD., 23 Soar Sr,, TORONTO T H hi EXETER TIMES FOR YOU ! FOB ALL r The Great Life -giver Paine's Celery Compound` Re- moves Every Load and Burden. It Is Foremost As a Spring Medicine, IT MAKES WONDROUS CURES. •o lire of new and happier The pr n ah pp existence is personal and general. It is for you 1 It is for all. . Men and women, young and old, enter into the spring with a p g season variety of diseases that arise from a faulty or impaired nervous system. These ailments cause more sufferings and earlier deaths than all others,. and that is why so much attention and, prominence has been given to Paine's Celery Compound. Of all medicines, Paine's Celery Compound stands first as a rapid and sure cure for all nerve diseases such as nervous debility, neuralgia, rheuma- tism and • sciatica. Sleeplessness, nervousness and dyspepsia originate from an imperfect condition of the nervous system, and perfect and permanent cure can only he looked for from Paine's Celery Compond. In the spring season, when the blood is impure, thin and impoverished, Paine's Celery Compound is the agent of life that quickly cleanses and puri- fies the life stream,• bringing strength vigor and robustness. The use of one bottle of Paine's Celery Compound will quickly con- vince the sufferer that be or she has truly laid hold of a spring medicine that leads to health and a new life. Thousands in the past have thrown aside their ills and. troubles ; you may do the same if you get the medicine that cures. Paine's Celery Compound, and it alone, can meet your expectations. Take no other medicine from your dealer, no matter how strongly he may recommend it. On Thursday, the 4th inst., Miss Eu- nice Knox one of the most popular young ladies of Auburn, was united in marriage to C. Way, of Carman, Man. Mr. Way had been in the States for some time, but is now a resident of the Prairie Province. The couple left en Tuesday, for their own home. The death of ' Thomas Fowler, ozcurre.1 " in Colborne au" the 0th ult. Deceased was a young man well esteemed, one who promised to be- come a usetul and honored citizen of the township. He and two other mciii- hers of his family were taken down with lung trouble, which, in his case, developed into inflammation and pneu- monia. The barn of Mr. Henry Mothers, McGillivray, was destroyed by fire last Thursday evening. Mr. 'Withers took his team out to water between nine and ten o'clock leaving the lantern in the barn. Whilst watering the horses he happened to look to- wards the barn and noticed it was on fire. He immediately ran and man- aged to save a horse, cow, buggy and harness. The barn was burned to the ground. He also lost a. large quantity of oats besides bay and straw. Heavy Losses and No Insurance, The women of Canada lose thous- ands of dollars every year by having valuable garments and goods ruined by adulterated and imitation package dyes. There being no security of insurance against losses resulting from spurious and deceptive dyes, defraduecl women cannot claim damages or expect to be recouped by the makers of the common dyes. Let it be understood perfectly that every package of Diamond Dyes is fully warranted to do what is promis- ed for it. The manufacturers of Diamond Dyes are the only responsible makers in the world of package dyes for home dyeing, and. they succeed because their dyes are pure, -strong, bright and never -fading, and the easiest to use. 50 lbs. of Coal A day would keep your rooms warm in winter. But that small stove will burn only twenty-five. Hence,discomfort and misery. A certain amount of fat, burned daily, would keep your body warm and healthy. ' But your digestion is bad, and you don't get it from ordinary fat - food. Hence you are chilly, you catch cold easily, you have coughs and shivers; while pneumonia, bronchitis, or con- sumption finds you with no re- sistive power. ' Do this. Burn better fuel. Use SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil. Appetite and digestive power will revive; and soon a warm coating of good flesh will protect the vital organs against the cold and the body against disease. Two sizes, 50 cts. and $1.00 Book free for the actring. SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, Ont. An Engineer's Story LIFE ON A RAILROAD CONDUCIVE TO DISEASE. Mr, Wm. Taylor, of Kentville, Attack- ed With Kidney Trouble -So -Called • Cures Proved useless, But Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills Restored His Health. From the Kentville Advertiser. There are very few employments more trying g to the o health than that of a railway engineer. The hours of labor are frequently long, meals ir- regular, g , a and rest s and sleep hurriedly snatched'.between runs." One of the troubles which very frequently attack railway trainmen is kidney disease, which up to a late period has.. been looked upon as a disease difficult, if net impossible, to totally cure. Although there exists numerous re- medies claimed to be cures, the truth is that nothing had been found to .suc- cessfully cope with this terrible disease until the advent of ;tits now world- famed Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Chancing to hear one day Mr. Win. Taylor, of this town, had been cured of kidney trouble through the agency of Dr Williams' Pink Pills, a reporter called upon hint at his tome to bear from hint personally what he thought '.'cia 11 l Ip+,IidJE'Uil l)l,i ]1 3 `AO C)..- 1:. ) . .471 j e of his cure. Mr. Taylor is an engineer of the Dominion Atlantic Railway, his run lacing. between Halifax andKenter- ville and he is one of the most popular drivers on the road, 'When asked by the reporter concerning his illness he said : • "It was in the spring of 1800 that I. had seyere attack of kidney trouble, brought on by continuous running on the road, and I supposed it is caused by the oscillation of the locomotive, It affected me but slight- ly at first, but gradually grew worse. I consulted a doctor and then tried two or three varieties of so-called cures.!Ionic helped me for a time, but after stopping time use of them I grew worse than ever I had noticed numerous testimonials in the papers concerning Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and reading of one cure that was al- most indentical with my own' decided to give them a trial, and purchased four boxes at a cost of $2. But it was $2 well spent for I was completely } �useof the pills,and p tdxe a d cured y have not been troubled with mz, kid- neys since. Ican therefore.iecotnmend them to others similarly afflicted. Tue , c p • ' ' t :1 of years has proved. that there is absolutely `tlo disease due to a vitiated condition of the blood 'or shattered nerves, at Dr. Williams that t Pink Pills will not promptly cure, and those who are suffering from such troubles would avoid meth misery and save money by promptly resorting to this treatment. Get the genuine Pink Pills every time and do not be peruaded to take an imitation or some other remedy from a dealer, who for the sake of the extra profit to himself may say is "just as good." Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills cure when all other medicines fail, One Hundred Doses One Dollar is peculiar to and true only of Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is economy to buy Hood's. 4 Dan Burr, of Parkhill, bad an in - ;}voluntary free ride the other day. While turning Mr. Rogers'cows out to water one of the animals stuck its horn, in his pants pocket and circled around the yard with him two or three times; There is no one article in the line of medicines that gives so large a return for the money as a good porous streng- thening plaster, such as Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters. John Emery, of Parkhill, received on Saturday the sad intelligence that his brother, Enos died at Central Lake Michigan, on the 12th ult. Mr. Emery was 46 years of age and lived on the townline of McGillivray, for many years. He had only been in Michigan a little over a year. It surprised many visitors to the Chicago World's Fair to 'find that of all the blood purifiers, Ayer's Sarsaparilla was the only one cm exhibition. The reason is that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a standard remedy, and not a patent medicine, or secret nostrum. The death of Thos. W., son of Thns. Ginn, of the Maitland con. Gi.derich township. removes a young man who, had his health and life been spared, would have won a creditable name in the business walks of life. When his health began to fail, five years ago,' he left the farm, and, rn a course at. the London Commercial College, gave evi- dence of unusual ability. He after- wards went to Manitoba for a few months; but, getting no better,' he re- turned home, where he remained until his death, by consumption, on March 11th, being 31 years of age.. • The MVlolsons Bank (CHARTERED BY PARLIAMENT, 1855) Paidup Capita $2,000,000 Res trend - - - 1,400,000 Head Office, Montreal. WnLFERSTAN THOMAS,Eeq., GENERAL MANAGER Moneyadvanced to good farmers on their wn note with one or more endorser at 7 per eat. per annum. Exeter Branch. pen every lawful day, from ' a.m. to p.m SATURDAYS, 10 a.m, to tel p.m. lietrent rt.,..s of interest allowed on depoits N. D.HtTRDON, Manager. Exeter, Deo. 27th, '9$ Good News From South I.:Jakota. The glorious results of this season's harvest of golden grain will pour a. stream of sound money into the pocket of every Dakota farmer. South Dakota has thousands of acres of choice farming and ranch land lying east of the Missouri river, and within one day's ride from Chicago or Mil- IW waukee which can now be bought reasonably cheap, but which before the end of another year may be advanced in price The sta,c,k raising industry in South Dakota is profitable, and Eastern capi- tal is now being invested in cattle and sheep growing in that state. Diversified farming, the growing of live stock, and the products of the dairy, are placing South Dakota, fore- most in the ranks of the successful Western states. Those desiring full information on the subject and particularly those who wish to seek a new home or purchase land, are requested to correspond with A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger "Agent, 2 King street East, Toronto, Ont. 20 CENTS Secures a Good Liver AHD GOOD HEALTH As a System Renovator and Blood. Builder Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are Supplanting all others. So Great has been the Demand that it's hard to Supply it. Cure Constipation or Nervous Head- ache. the complexion, of •1'. lc rtridit a4 rE. G eruptions, yellow skin, coated tongue, etc. Act easy- never gripe, and the after effects are a positive treasure. In vials, 40 pills, 2() cents. Mi'. (William Atmore, whose health. had been failing for the past few years and who for several months had 'been confined to his bed, died at the family residence, Parkhill, on Friday last, aged 40 years. Many people, with the notion that nature ought to take care, of herself, allow a cough to plague them for weeks and months. Whereas, if nature were assisted with a dose or two of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, the cure might be affected in a very few days. YOUR SPARE TIME. Men,and wornen,toconduct business at home. Work is simple writing and copying lists of addresses received from local advertising, to be forwardedto us daily. No eanva,sing, no previous experience required, but plain writers preferred. Permanent work to those content to earn SO or more weekly in spare time. Apply to WARREN PUB. CO,, LONDON, ONT. Farm For Sale. A first-class farm of 85 acres, being lot 9, con. 9 Babylon line Hay. This is a particularly good farm, especially for dairy purposes, and iu good state of cultivation, is opposite a first class cheese factory ; school on next farm : good brick house, bank barn, two never failing wells, a good orchard, half under grass. A good hardwood bush. For further particulars 1articulars ajpply to JD. WILSON, IIensall, ort() J. B ECK Lgniondville, P. O. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of William Horn, late of the -township of Usborne, (London road south,) in the County of Huron, retired farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re- vised statutes of Ontario, Chapter 110, and amending acts, that all persons having claims against the estate of William Horn, late of the township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, retired farmer, deceased, who died on the 21st day of May, 1896. are required on or about the 15th day of April 1897, to send to the executors of the said deceased attheirpost-office Winchel- sea, a statement in writing, containing full particulars of their claims duly yertified by affidavit, and the natures of the security Of any) held by them. After the 15th day of April 1897 the executors will not be liable for said es- tate or any portion thereof to any person or persons of whose claim they shall not then have notice. SAMUEL R. HORN, Executors. WILLIAMIHANSON. ELLIOT, ELLIOT 8c McKENZIE, Solicitors. for Executors. Dated at Exeter this 20th day of March, 1897. GIDLEY& SONG Will now be found in their New Premises, Opera House Block. Watch for change of Ad. Gidley & Son. BICYCLES! Are You interested Wheels ? We handle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times. A few second hand organs 5 and 6 Octave, cheap. Sewing Machines ALWAYS OK HAND. P S, -Selling out Dise Har- rows at cost. PERKINS & MARTIN, Main street, Exeter. SIIIUII� ciIPoIllt CIGARETTES - _ ifte. per Package. Standard of the World. KI�NEI EROS, EW YORK. $9* + NOW IS THE TIME To secure a Watch that will keep time. We have a com- plete assortment in stock of all the best watches and prices are so lOw they will surprise you. Call and see for yourself. A SPECIAL LINE OF ,---muldka,►-DIAMOND RING THAT ARE BEAUTIES. Also a full assortment of WEDDING RING,. Our stock of CLOCKS, JEWELRY, and SILVER- WARE ''E r better than was neier bttehan now Don't forget Our Optical Department. Forenoon. preferred for testing. Tai Fitton Graduate of 'The Ontario Optical Institute NEXT DOOR To CENTRAL HOTEL. ?......s.......• •...• •H e Shorey &. Co. of Montreal. •.• *V� have raised the standard of Ready Made clothing so that the best dressed people in Canada are now wearing their make. Every garment is guaranteed to the fullest extent, and will be taken back if not up to the standard. Their Bicycle Suits and Spring Overcoats axe all Rigby Waterproofed, - which means they will keep out the wet but not the air. -All first-class dealers keep their • goods. Ask for, and see that you get, 14 Shorey's make. • • a • • • An Introduction-ipost--- School Books It gives us pleasure to in troduce to you our fine BeavE,r and Milton Overcoatings; also a big range of Scotch and Can- adian Tweed for warm winter wear. Our prices are away down. Did you see our $12 Black Worsted Suit (made to order,) If not why not. J. H. Grieve London, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTII- London,depart Clandeboyo, Centralia, .Exeter. Mensal(, Kippers, Brucefiekt Clinton Londesl oro, Blyth, Bolgravc. Wingham, (arrive) GOING -SOUTH Wingham, depart Belgrave, Blyth, Loudesboro, Clinton, Passenger. 8.15 A. U. 4.45 9.07 5.43 9.18 5.57 9.30 6.07 9.50 6.25 10.15 6,33 10.33 7.14 10,11 7.23 10.56 7,37 11.10 8.190. 6.50 A.m. 3,30 P. at 7.01 3 45 7.16 4,00' 7'24 4.10 30 Brucefield, 7.47 4.41 Kippen, 8.17 4.59 Honsall, 8.24 5.04 Exeter, 8.38 5.16 Centralia, 8.50 5.28 andeboye,9.07 5.43 London, (arrive) 10.00 6.30 MILLINERii:-Don't forget the date of the spring Millinery Opening at Miss Horne s, Friday and Satutidaty 2nd and 3rd of April.' 5611001 SonnhiGs NEW STOCK A fine line of Exercise Books and Scribblers. Pure Spices Are necessary for Good Pickles. Our patrons can bo sure of good quality. CINNAMON, MACE, CLOVES, NUTMEGS, GINGER,. PEPPER, ALLSPICE, TURMERIC, J. W. Browning NOTICE ZEOCOIVIE ANI) INSPECT. ,U3. tdertahhhig A ecial1t . mss, After selling out near- ly all my stock of furni- ture I have my store well filled again with New Goods, latest styles. All bought at lowest cash price.t-, ZEOCOIVIE ANI) INSPECT. ,U3. tdertahhhig A ecial1t . mss,