HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-3-25, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES
hiss Editln Sanders left for Blyth,
AThe 7g as Store on.l OEdit
Prescott Ross is home from Toronto
for a holiday.
W. Zinger, has leased the Metro-
polltan for a year.
`GeoDavis, jr., epeut Saturday in
iuitich visiting friends.R. of Lucan, takes ppof the M nsin htxse 1 t Tf esdaess On
ane 3'rice OnlyMay.A snow Y"rendered the roads muddy again."
DIis. M.y,y,1Do you l�llaw that the Big L'hsli Stare is fin-� S11•ut-fit ? ClothMrs.
Cash or Produce..
spot for yon to buy your Spring out-fit
Ready-made and made to order. Furnishings,
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, all at prices
that the regular houses can't touch
"Our terms" are Cash and One Price, that's the
lever that brings prices down to low water mark.
25 per cent is what we can save you on
Ordered Clothing, 25 per cent what we can
save you on ready made clothing. On Gents'
Furnishings we save you from. ` 5 to 40 per cent.
Our Stock of New Hats are right up to date in
style and the Values are the best that ready Cash
can procure.
Come and see us for your Spring Goods.
We can and will save you money. Come and
Is rrepared to do any kind of bird stuffing)
. and taxidermist work at any time. i
_-. INSURANCE. -. �._.. 1
Agent for the WESTERN ASsUraNce COar-
rANY. of Toronto ; also for the NPncExxx FIRE
aNsrxaCE ('a�treNr, of Louden, t3 n
the ALLw. cs Ixst:Reece.. CouresY, of Eng k
A. O. F.
Court Price of
Huron, No. 7S85.
Hall''nd and 4th
Friday in each
month. Visiting
brethren are cor-
dially invited to
D Nina, WOOD,
C. It.; GEo.
KE1tr, ,Seer.
Books and
and Students
DON'T Z'4 e DO1V T claim that.
EVERY line we carry
is better than any body
else's , . . . . .
I3i'T we DO claim that
the above lines
STOVES l STOVES. --Stoves and heat,
ens of all kinds sold at rock bottoin`
prices. Manufactured by the Gurney
Foundry Co., Toronto. Call and in-
spect them atBissetts oldstand, Exeter
J. S. DEAVITT, agent.
FREsx Fem.—White Fish andFresl
Herrings, one door south of Central
'Motel, L. DAY.
E. J' Specimen was in London o
business on Monday.
s. Saxon Fitton has returnee
from visiting friends in Toronto.
George Smith has resumed his for-
mer }position as porter at the Central
T. D. Finlay on Wednesday shipped
a carload of fine looking horses trom
this station.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. O'Neil, of Ltican,
visited the home of their son, B. S.
O'Neil; here, this week.
Mr. Rigney, of Granton, has been
engaged by John Treble. as harness -
maker, as successor to Mr. Nelson.
Mrs. C. Knight has returned from
visiting her son in St. Thomas and
where she was taken suddenly ill.
She is convalescing.
E. McCloy moved his family and
household effects to Ridgetown this
week. He will engage in the imple-
ment agency business there.
The fourWingham Whitecaps will
be released from the Penitentiary in a
few days, having been pardoned after
havingerved a year of their sentence.
-"the Exeter Till ^
have Turf Club ha ,
cided to celebrate the 2tth of May by
• having horse races and other sports
for which they have already raised
$800 which will put up a splendid day's
'"On Tuesday Mr. George Hill, of
Exeter, received word . w ord from England
of the death of his sister and brother
J•unes, the latter having been killed
by the train at Queen street station
Exeter, England. -
Mrs. J. Leathorn of the Mansion
House, is visiting friends in London.
Flood of Blth last week
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
(Dr.)Watson of Arkona, is
visiting her parents at the James St.
Lawyer Mackenzie spent Sunday
with his family in Toronto. ' He re-
turned Tuesday.
Peter Follick, after spending a few
weeks with his parents here returned
to Brantford, Monday.
Priddis Bros., of London, have sold
out to T. F. Kingsmill and retired
after 47 years in business there.
Miss Fannie Bawden, who has been
visiting friends in Alviuston and
Ridgetown, has returned home.
Alex. Dow purchased 43 acres from
-Thomas .Yeliew last week. The pro-
perty is near the agricultural grouns,
Miss Elliott, of Mitchell, after spend-
ing several weeks with her sister, Mrs.
(Dr.) Anderson has returned to her,
We are pleased to learn that Thos.
Shute, of Gidley street, is gradually
improving from his recent severe
Miss M. V. White, who has spent
the past couple months visiting
friends in Windsor, returned home
Carling Bros, have sold the residence
for some years occupied b 0. Knight,
station, agent to Mr. Knight for a
good figure.
While other places have been ex-
peren ein g floods, Exeter ieoplehaveen-
joyed nice weather ;with fairly good
pads and walks.
Rev. Dr. Willoughby on Tuesday
evening gave an interesting address to
the young people of the Trivitt
iliexuorial Church.
''� �S W. Treble, who was so seriously in-
jured last week in falling off a load o
wood, is able to leave his bed, and i
improving rapidly.
'Every lady is requested to atten
. J. Spackman & Co.'s milliner
penings on Friday and Saturda
ipril ,nd and 3rd.
he Epworth League of James st eet
hodist church will hold a week of
special services commencing with
next Sabbath evening.
Mrs. Geo. Samwell, who has been
waiting on her daughter Mrs. Seldon,
duringher recent slue. ,
in Ingersoll, ,
returned home Saturday.
Mr. John Crooks, leaves for Gorier-
ich in a few days where he has secur-
ed a situation with his uncle, John
Acheson, in a Dry Goods store.
• T. A Russell, son of T. Russell,
Exeter, and Percy Tom, son of J. E,
Tom,Goderich, uphela the honors of
99 until they reached the semi finals.
. Miss Wilmot Taylor, town, intends
leaving for Marlette, Mich., shortly,
where she will spend the summer
with her sister, Mrs. Brown, of that
• The Grand Trunk officials have
absolutely refused to make any change
in the new rules regarding commutat-
ion tickets, although complaints have
been coming in from all directions.
of Clinton,recentlygot
Wm. Baer,
his left hand in the shaper machine at
the foundry and the two first and
fourth fingers were badly damaged.
The injured members may be saved.
Don't fail to attend the social in Main
street Methodist church, on Friday
evening of this week, under the
auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society,
Spendid program and refre hinen
Admission 10 cents..
Ave .
The ltviar"t Exeter.
THURSDAY, MARCH 25th, 1897.:•
Parties getting sale bills primed at
this office will receive a free notice in
these columns, which alone is worth
more to you than the bills as the TINES
has the largestlocal circulation of any
paper in this section.
The residence of the late David
Turnbull, Esq., was offered for sale
t account
i drawn O n
d th
On Tues a ybut withdrawn i
of au insufficient bid. This is a fine
3,and highly
suitable for a
retired farmer or l
5ileSS mete
`ee0ei Saturday last Messrs. Bowden &
McDonell, shipped from Exeter, to
the Old Country sixteen of the finest
draught horses that have ever left
this station. Allen McDonell went
with the horses and will look after
their sale.
The following don: Lions bare been
A new grist mill is to be started in made during the past week towards the
Thedford,by a Wyoming firm. ( India Famine Fund, at the Molsous
Eketer has contributed $363.21 to bank:—Canadian 50 cents ; R. Ficka.rd,
. the India Famine Fund. Clinton has Jr., $1; H. K. Silber, Crediton, $1;
contributed $128.61. Fred fes $1 Amount already
A. J. Rollins returned from visiting ackn vledged $358.71, total $363.21.
hie son and other friends in Detroit, The school of dress cutting is still
on Monday,
open at the Central Hotel,
Exeter. A
Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher, died neer tailor system, the leading system
e o • the world. Covers the entire range
f work. Outs every style of garment
n the goods,. no refitting, no patterns,
costs no more than a chart. Lessons
given at your own home without
extra charge. Special rates to Dress
makers and girls from the country.
March 8th, aged 8,5 years,on
niversary of her husband's dent
n,en years ago.
OPENING:—It will interest the ladies
to call on Miss Morgan, Friday an
Saturday April 2nd and 3rd. Don'
forget the date.
The Buffalo, 1ug, or ca
. t
which causedso much damagethroug
out the 'Western Peninsula last yea
• has again made its appearance at S
Remarking that it dosen't seem' to l witnesses returned no bill. Bus affords
be generally known that every man another evidence of the very great
who serves on a coroners jury is now value of that grand old British insti
Peter Yorke, of Parkhill, who accr-
e dentally shot his younger. brother
Ernie, in January, went to London on
Monday to answer to a charge of man
laughter . at the Spring Assizes, but
the Grand Jury after hearing the crown
entitled to payment for his services,
the Hamilton lex ales says that some
eoroners,even are not aware ofthe fact.
'"Began act passed by the Legis-
lative last year every juryman is en-
titled to fifty cents a day when the in-
quest, does not last longer than four
hours on any day, and if it exceeds
four hours he is entitled to wed ten a dollar
is allowed ' ion ho
a clay. : In addition
cents a mile mileage. The act came
into force nearly ayear ago, but many
men who have served on coroners j uriex
since then have failed to take advant-
age of their rights.
tution, the grand jury. By means of
this jury persons who are either
wrongfully or maliciously accused of a
crime are saved the humiliation of
appearing in court as a prisoner, as
well as the very great expense and
annoyance of havingto defend there
selves against charges which when not
groundless or wrongful are malicious.
er tual
there has been a e
lateears. he e
outcry raised against the grand jury
system by a small but persistent num-
ber of would-be very advanced radicals
who affect to see in this institution a
relic of a so-called barbaric age.
We have made a special study of these two Departments
this season and are now enabled to show a range of Goods
the like of which has never been displayed in Exeter before.
Our Mantles and Capes we purchased direct from the manu-
facturers in Berlin. And our Millinery came direct from
Paris, London and New York. Thus by importing our
own Goods we are enabled to sell them at wholesale prices.
And our customers are assured that they are getting the
very latest styles.
Our Opening days will be
Friday and Saturday
April 2nd and 3rd.
Our Miss Woollet, who has made a tour of the principal
c:ties in Canada where millinery openings have been held,
has also visited Detroit and other American Cities with a
view to being in the closest possible touch with the very
latest ideas, and is now ready to execute any order for Mil-
inery which may be entrusted to her. And we take much
pleasure in extending a cordial invitation to every lady in
Exeter and surrounding country to call and inspect our
,-D1RDCT 11341t OFT F S.
1ldli:A 0
E. J. Spackman Co's on Friday and
'aturday, April 2nd and 3rd. We con-
dj'itlly invite every lady to attend.
A GRAND CHANCE.—The first two
ladies applying at the Central Hotel
ou Motnclae, the 29th will be taught the
full syste i of dress cutting at half
rice. 27 L rater ladies now taking the
curse. 0.;.1 early. Dress Cutting
School, Ceit eel Hotel, Exeter.
.Anon 7.1=.—A. parlor social
will be given a.:aden the auspices of th
Ladies' Aid, a : Caven Presbyterian
h arch at the.•: nse on Wednesday
evening, Marc; ;1st. A good pro-
gramme will be ;;oven consisting of
music etc., after '.:rich refreshment
will be served, a gt..: time is expecte
Admission 15 cts.
xt Sabbath morning Dr. Wil-
loughby will preach to parents and
young people—boys and girls. Sub-
ject, "The Beautiful Flock." In the
evening he will give the fifth of his
series to young women on "Polished
Corner Stones"
Hon. Sidney Fisher announces that
the Government has made final
ranbgementS for cold storage of butter
andother perishable food. products
which will be shipped weekly' on
steamships running between Montreal
and Avonmouth, London and Liver-
The London Free Press says that the
cancelling cheap market dap fares is
making a very noticeable difference
in the business of the Grand Trunk.
On the London, Huron & Bruce line
alone one car has been taken off since
the order went into etre&. It is esti-
mated that 100 people less come to
London, each Saturday than formerly
Sunday and Monday were the
brightest days that have journeyed
tl is way in many a long day. They
«ere the first days of spring—perhaps
n t h3 the calender ; hut what did
t it matter to the throngs of citizens
win lea the avenues and the streets,
la skatag in the sttulight and drinking
i the cheerful: music that the early
ibbins -- and frogs — were making
tong the trees and along the river
According, to the report for the last
year, the Independent Order of Odd -
fellows is steadily increasing
in Can-
The total invested funds of
lodges in the provinces on Dee. 31 last
was $812,560, or $40 81 per member.
There were 272lodges,' having a mem-
bership of 22,666, an increase of 433
during the year. The sick benefits
amounted to $40.999 66 • charity, $2.-
774 87, making in all $82,430 85 paid in
relief and chanty.
James McIntyre, died in London on
Thursday last at the age of 33 years.
He was horn in Exeter, in 1864. He
went to London, in 1885, where he re-
mained. until his death. Deceased
leaves a widow and three small child-,
ren. He was a member of the A. O.
F., the A. . O. U. W. the C 0, C. F.
in which he carried insurance. Death
resulted from a complicated trouble,
after an illness of eleven weeks. He
was a well known Cab driver in Lon-
rARTMENTAL S..>RE5.--The To-
ronto Saturday Nigh: is publishing a
series of articles showing the perni-
cious effect. departmental ::ores are
haying, and, unless a halt is riled, are
likely to have upon the trade tad pros-
perity of the country. Of t: ' effect
upon a country town, it says : Take a
town fifty miles from Toronto. 7f you
pay the local merchant $10 for an over
coat, perhaps be pays it to the doctor
for attendance, be to the druggist r.+x•
drugs, he to the butcher for meat, :
•for mutton,he-Loth ...
to the farmer
•er for r d i in a w
and so' that $10 bill sehe to anothe_ves the purpose
of trade in and aroundthat town in-
definitely. But you send it away to a •
departmental store for an overcoat,
that other overcoat lies on the mer
chant's shelves, and the $10 may never ,
again enter your community. The
real value of the point lies in the fact I
that the profit in the stale of the over -1
coat goes to an institution in a distant
city—an institution that has nothing
in common with you—and that profit i
is lost to the merchant who helps to'
keep up your schools and churches,
your sidewalks and roads, the man to
whom you can appeal in an emergency I
partof a neighbor."
la the
CARNIVAL.—The last carnival of the
season took place Wednesday even-
ing last. 'The following are the names
of contestants. Those representing a
Edith Beer, - Canada :
nation c—Miss ,
Miss Ida Newton, Japan, Miss. Edith
Gidley, Canada ; Miss A. Smith,
Turkey ; Miss L. Hooper, England ;
Miss V. Hawkshaw, Scotland ; M.
Vincent, Dutchman R. Howard,
Irishman ; A. Meyers, Clown ; A.
Spicer, Chinamen ; 0. , Hyndman,
ankee ; Wellington Westcott, Dude.
The following prizesWereawarded:--
Best dressed lady' representinga
nation, -Mas..s SmMi E, Gidley ;
best $reseed girl repres enting
nation, L. Hooper, Vera Hawkshaw;
best dressed gent representing nation,
A. Spicer; two mile race, John Spack-
man, Percy Browning, the former
holding the silver cupfor the champion
fast skater of Exeter.
A very pleasant and happy time was
spent at the residence of Mrs. Bell,
Gerrie last''Wednesday evening,
her second daughter Minnie,
united in marriage to George Inglis, a
popular and energetic young farmer.
June 22nd has been fixed as Queen's
Jubilee Day.
ILLlienitY: Don't forget the
date of the spring Millinery Opening
at Miss Horne's, Friday and Saturday
2nd and 3rd of April. "[
fishes to announce to the ladies of
eter andyicinity, that on Friday
a d Saturday 2nd. and 3rd April, she
vv it have a display of new millinery,
mprising French and American
atterns selected from the metropoli
h�tends a cordial invitation to the
adies of Exeter, and vicinity, to visit
er millinery parlors on Friday and
aturday, 2nd and 3rd April. All the
newest styles and shapes, also a fine
display of the latest patterns in
Spring millinery.
will experience in the most forcible
manner should you -fill to avail your-
self of the ofily opportunity which
will be presented to the people of
Exeter and the vicinity of seeing the
cinematographe, which will be on ex-
hibition in Gidley's Opera House oir
Thursday and Friday evenings at
o'clock on April 8th and 9.th,1 with
Matinee on Friday afternootr
at 3 o'clock. The New' York Herald -
says of it, "Thrilling are its views,..
perfect in life -like action. The_
(.memato Mai
is marvellous." M L
ra 11
g p
3c Dmpire says, "A real wonderat.
last." The Cinematographepresents a
.21.4cs of Life size motion pictures
ken in parts of Africa, Germanys
lie, Italy, Spain, Russia, France,
L+ 'i;lannd and America., and presented
to .:ew exactly as though you were
thee s looking at the scenes actually
occi ring. ou will see the Coronate,
ion a 2 the present Czar of Russia„
Regee St. London; Rotten Rem, -
Hyde w ark, London ; Landing from
the Great Ocean Greyhound; Pulling.
down oi:l buildings ; Many Faces ung
der one hat ; The Manly Art, Boxing„ -
People walking the str.ee ts,Street Car
running, Soldiers Marching) Ocean...
'i •vie
im Til tar xe w
waves in a s„o , . y e
and processions, Cavalry ehaelete,
Arrival of Continental Express nate.
Paris station, Manse, etc. etc. Dadla.
programnne lasts2:>: hours. Under the
auspices of the Oa -Fellows. Breened.
seats 35 ets. ate Jas. Grieve's Ple:kca
Clothing House. o eGeneral ' admissi
25 ets. Children 10 cts:
A young son of Rev. Shaw, of Eg-
moledvilla, is very ill.
Oscar Bawden, of Lyman, paid our
' town a visit this week.
Miss Maggie' Murray, who has spent
the past few months visiting Mrs. J.
P. Ross, returned to her home in De-
troit last week...
's I
You Will be Glad to Get Acquainted
With our new Spring Dress Goods, we are equally
anxious to introduce them to you. We are
showing all the advance styles of Silks and
Dress Goods ; also Ladies' White Wear. Some
merchants advertise having been very fortu
ate in securing ladies white wear at a very low
But There are Others
We bought a large quantity direct from the
manufacturers for
Whereby we are able to sell as cheap or a -
little cheaper than others.
Ladies' Shirt Waists
We have a large quantity. All new Goods,,
not one of last season's waists in the store.
Highest Prices
Paid for Produce.
arling Bros
Exeter Municipal Council.
The Council met pursuant to ad-
journment at the town hall, Exeter,
19th March.
All present, expect Mr. Rollins. The
minutes of previous meeting read and
A circular from the city clerk, To-
ronto, re -exemptions from taxation
was laid over until next meeting.
Mr. Peart called attention of the
Council to a defective drain on Albert
and Huron streets.
Taylor — Snell — That Mr. Creech
look after tile for the same. Carried.
Daut.cey—Taylor—That the petition
re -sidewalk be laid over until next
meeting. Carried.
Snell—Dauncey—That Jas. Creech's,
acct. for wood for John Moreshead $2,
and $1.20 meals for tramps be, passed.
Jos. Senior asked the Council to
make the grant to the band $100 this
year instead of $60 on account of extra
expenses for instruments, clothing, etc.
The matter was laid over until next
By-law No. 6, 1897, was duly read
and passed on motion of J. W. Taylor,
seconded by J. Dauncey.
' ylor — Snell — That the M. H.
Officer purchase an apparatus for test-
ing drinking water in this municipal-
ity. Carried.
Dauncey — Taylor — Adjournment
until the 1st Friday, in April at 7:30
p. in. Carried.
• M. E ACRETT, Clerk.
Before the horse is stolen. Purify,
enrich and vitalize the blood and
build up your physical system before
disease attacks you and serious sick-
ness comes, flood's Sarsaparilla will
make you strong and vigorous and
will expel from your blood all im-
purities and germs of disease. Take
it now.
Hood's Pills are the favorite family
take,gentle, Easy to g , mild.
25 Cents.
Harry the youngest son of John
Rendle, who has been seriously ill, is
The Spring Show of the West
Williams and Parkhill Agricultural
1 to
Society will be 1 ld on Thursday,
T y,
April 22.
George Williams has been en aged
to take charge of the West Williams
cheese factory situated on the 14th
Last week Albert Taylor, son of W.
Taylor, M. P. P. forNorth Middle-
sex, had some of the fingers of one of
his hands badly mangled in a crusher.
Last week, Miss Maggie McIntyre,
EastWilliams,1 aches of sec 5, W
raised a collection in her school
amounting to over five dollars for the
relief of the starving natives of India.
This act of generosity on the ' part of
Miss McIntyre, is much to be recom-
mended there being only 20 pupils in
regular attendance.
Chief Manes, of Parkhill, received
word last week, of the death of his
mother at Neilsville, . Clark county,
Wisconsin, at the advanced age of 87
years. Her husband died about seven
'years ago, aged 77 years. Deceased
was the mother -of fourteen • children,
twelve of whom are still living. Three
of the sons live in Neilsville.,
' Mrs. Jas. Graham, Hamilton, Ont., says : "My
doctor said that my heart trouble could not be
d " ut I am happyto sayho was mistaken,
caro bto
r ' HeartandPills
for lYIilbu n s a have made
a complete cure in my case. I have now no
heart paths, sleeplessness, fluttering or
am entirely
restored ad to
health and vigor."
FRIDAY 1l1Aiwwi 26.—Auction sale of
Farm Stock and Implements, the pro-
perty of Fred Kehl, W: r, lot 30,
South Boundary,. Stephen,. 2 miles
west of Dashwood. Sale at one
o'clock on Friday, March 26th.
E. BOSSENBERRY, Auctioneer.
Anti yet Another.
WI -TAT ? Why, we have a few
pair only of Fairy Strap Rubbers
for Ladies, strap over ankle, med-
ium toes, regular alai rice Pernin
list 65c.; to clear at 3oc per pair.
ALSO, a new supply. of the
latest style in Men's and Womens
Rubbers—'no better values offered
to the public.
You can't afford to ass b our'
p Y
bargain table of Printand Dress
Goods • have sold scores of yards
-2o yds dark print for $m, regu-
lar price :me yard.
Call at the"
New Butcher sho
- - - Rolled Corned Beef" -
- - Pressed Tongue •
g range
a large ran e
of prints, never better patterns, at
Rolled Bacon - - -
Beef sold by quarter at loN
est cash price.
L. Da
And we are looking for a rus
In order to help it along,for th
next two weeks we intend offer
ing some snaps in DRY GOOD
which will not be equalled in th
Here are a Few
of the Drawers
Five pieces good checks F
nelettes, worth S cts for 5 et
pieces Toweling, good Go
worth j cts for 4 cts; 5 pieces goo
patterns, W ashingGinghams,wort
S cts for 5 cis; I piece Brow
Ca rduroy worth 75 cts, now 5
cents, zo pieces cesof
designs, Dress Goods, worth 3
25 Pane
cts for cts; a good line a
Cups, and Saucers, cheap at $r2
for $z per doz; .2 dozen go
line Oxford Shoes, ladies', woo
$1 for 75 cts; I case heavy men'
Plow Shoes, regular $1.25 no
95 cts ; I case heavy men's P1
Shoes, 2 buckles, tr as $1.40 n
$t.15; i dozen button and la
shoes, Dongola; worth $i.6o fo
.$I 25.
The finest line of Childrens' an
Misses fine Shoes and Slipper
ever brought to Exeter, handma
goods from the Stratford Sh
Co., the best makers of Childre
Shoes in the trade,commencing
5o cents per pair.
12 only Mens' Tweed Suit
worth $6.00 reduced ;.o $4.50. 12
onlyMens' Tweeds Suits worth
$9:00 reduced to $6.00. 12 only
Mens' Serge Suits worth $io.o
reduced to $6.7.5.
We also show the
values in BoY s' ' and Youths' Sui
sever shown in Exeter.
See our line ofei
•1VI ens'o nr :, of a
lits at