HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-3-25, Page 5ential to very nook ner of the fw reached 9 by the blood, and on ty the condition of every organ dcs Qom/ blood means strong nervesr geintiony robust health. Impure; eans scrofula, dyspepsia, rheun>,ae tarrh er other diseases. The surest blood is to take Hood's ilia. This medicine purifies, vi- and enriches the blood, and sends ents of health and strength to erve, organ and tissue. It creates appetite, gives refreshing sleep es that tired feeling. Remember, Sarsaparilla tthe hest -in fact the One True Blood P rifer- AioAd's Pills cure Liver Ills; easy to take, easy to operate. 250. MONEY TO LOAN. On good improved farms at 5 and 5:1/ private tads. Apply to ELLIOT & ELLIOT, '(111Tan, 1897. Solicitors, Exeter. Farms For Sale. Afew gooey farms for silo cheap -Money to dei. Apply to JOHN Si'ACKMAN -t Samtvell's Brook, Exeter. UEEN VICTORIA : Her Life and Reign 9great historic work, sells on sight to thou- sands. Lord DufPerin introduces it to Can - aims in glowing wordy. Easy to make 820 aveek, some make twine that, Many make =rein spare time than during day at regular employment, This year'sGreat Sexagonary -Celebrations aro booming it. BeoIs' on time. 'prospectus free to canvassers. Territory going Int. THEB1tADLEY-GARRETSON CO. Ltd. .. 'lorontoOnt• --_---_ • TI, KINSMAN, L. D. S. DENTIST. ''• Specialist in Gold. Filling and Plato Work. Rxtracts without any pain or sickness, or any bad et* is t'h3 g, in a•t 1 etee. AtZurich on last Theses It s.tt'h rn,t';1. It)a:ni wast lido Mr sate) it. Eeetor. A DF SD I, (I) O. S. L. D. S.) DENTIST. llonot:s graduate of the Toronto Uni - reentry, awl !twat Cellego of Dental Surgeons rotintarso. All Bride.) work, crowns and Plato ¶oris clone in the ne•ttest passible manner, A utoeless ,ent'uitlietie for painless extraction. tet ;ctteation given to the prescreen, ;ion pf the nettirel tooth. Ofilee opposite Cen- Inte.,Hotol, Exeter, Ont.13. AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, 1. OLIN1ON. e hotel Zurich Il be at ere b soh o r !t'i on the s000nd Thursday of each month and at Uodgin'a hotel lIensall evory Monday 1T DO%OQR POTS WN At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order fori$3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a 6.t. [� W. JOHNS, The Tailor. A Suit of Ulothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, TAEXKT RI PivRTS- tilxetor,IVlarch 24th,1897., Wheat per bushel Oats se Bailey, ,,. 'Meas,., . -.... Butter. Eggs Turkeys , , Geese Chiekons per lb ...... Ducks Dried Apples. ... ePork dressed, . • -Pork live weigt.,,,.. Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost,, Perfect Fit. 'You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of ran & Winter Goods ,In Worsteds and Tweeds, are `74riow on our shelves, and we will -take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other. lines that are specially at- ractive. ...T. EII F LY., cea:rai DRUG STORE. Those who have used NiTinan's Cough, Balsam.;; Pronounce it unequalled as. a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS AND BRONCEITIO TROUBLES, Winds Condition & Cough Powder for horses, best in the mar- -ket, always on: hand. Also .a Cetobenefacto and Lint-.' merit, the i(1 (lieine 60 sue. sesstu,iiy used by Mr. Chas. Munroe,Parkhill, 711 Pr in this :and other towns, in treating and curing various diseases, For Sale at C., LUTZ'S 18 to .20 • to 23 38 . to 40 ...12 to 13 9': to 9 to 6 4 to 4 ;,2i toss 21 00 .., $3 50 to 83.60 Hay per ton..-..... 3 700 to 88.00 Clover seed.. ......... $4,00 to 85.00 Alsiko clover.......,,. ..,.,$4.50 to 0.00 Timothy seed $2,00 to 2.75 London, March 24th, 1897. Wheat per busho ,.. ,... ....75 to ..17 to Peas .... Barley 30 to .,,,20 to Buckwheat ...55 to Corn .28 to 31 Beans 40 to 55 Butter .._ . 12 to 12 Eggs o U Ducks ,,,. 45 to O$ Turkeys per lb., 7 to Geese lb 9 to 10 Chiekons...... to 50 Potatoes per bag , , . ..40 to 50 Hay per ton ...$ 7.00 to $ 8.50 Pork per cwt.... .. 81.50 to 81.75 73 18 38 26 30 380 TORONTO 1Id RKETS LOCAL IIREADSTIIFFS MARKET. Flour -Tho market is quiet and prices uh.changc(l. Straight rollers nominal at $3.05 to 83,70. Bran --Trade quiet, with offerings limited; ton lots quoted at $11 to $12 west, and shorts 810 to $11 for ear lots, Wheat -There Is a moderate trade, with prices heavy, Iced winter sold at 731.,.0 west and white is quoted at 74ii o west. No. 1 Manitoba hard sold at 83e Alldltuid, and It offers at rue west, with 8.1k• hid. No, 2hard quoted ted a t 81r Mellaiel. liuelcnhr tt-7 he rlentand is limited, with ear lots quoted at 25e to 20e east. Parley -The market is steady, with a ultcleratc d00000, No, 1 quoted at 3L', No. 2 at 28e, Nq, 3 extra at 24e to 25e, and No. 3 sold at 21e. Oats -The demand 1s fair, and prices firm. Sales of white at 1Se west, and of mixed at 17e to 171/�e, Peas --'rhe mantel is quiet with sale. at 39e, north and west. Corn -There is a moderate demand, with holders asking 28e to 29c for new, but a sale of old is reported at 27e. Oatmeal -The market Is quiet and prices unchanged, Car lets 82.50 to $2.00. Itve-The market is dull; a car sold at 3'2c'middle freight. BRITISI1 MARKETS, Liverpool, March 22, -Spring wheat, Os 41ed to ds Orel red, no stock; No, 1 Cal., Os Red to Cs id; cern, 2s 80; pets, 4s 30; pork, 488 0d; lard, 22s 3d; bacon, 1. e., hums 27s ad; do., light, 27s 00; do., short cat. 25s 60; tallow, 1Ss 30; cheese, white and colored, 575 Od. London -Wheat off coast quiet, on pas - nage nominally unchanged. English coun- try markets partly dearer. Maize off coast quiet and steady. Liverpool -Spot wheat quiet, futures quiet at fis 8'•;d for May, Os Wed for Tule and es 2d .for Sept. Maize quiet at 2s Seel for April, 2s 00 for May. 2s 101:id for July. Flour 23s, Paris -Wheat 212 00e for Apo91. Flour 4-12 95e for April off mast unchang- ed and on passage dull. Matzo on passage qu'et. Parts -(hose ---Wheat easy at 21f 40e for A pril. Flour 4f Ilee Ileafor March and April. ell. ,, LAerpool-Close-!!'hent quiet nt Os ,i11i1 for May, Is 3W1 for July and (is 20 for Sept. :Maize quiet at 2s Sit for April. -'s Red for May, 2s 100 for July and 25 111,Sd for Sept. Flour 28x. i .� STE' 1 , .lIR!'S .l' TRO I3LE, 7 • Victims or the Late Tempet'tttoas Weather Arrh•Ing on the Other Side London, March 22. -The British steamer Conduit, ('epi. Kidd, from West . Ilartle- pcol, March 3, for St. John, N,11., has put Into Falmouth with loss of sails, after bin- nacle and other deck fittings. The Belgian steamer Friesland, at Ant- werp, from New ork, • reports that on March 17, in int, 49 N., long. 20 W. she spoke the British steamer V elada, from New Orleans, Feb. 23, for Manchester, with crankshaft broken. The Velada wanted to be towed, and, it being impossible for the Friesland to tow her, asked to be re- ported all well. Reinsurance bas been obtained on the British steamer Lord Gough, Capt. Chem- bie, from Newcastle, Feb. 23, for St. John, N.B. The rate paid was 35 guineas pre- mium. The British steamer Astronomer, from New Orleans, March 3, for Liverpool, pass- ed Kinsale to -day. She signalled that her cargo was au tiro. SLUGGERS ON TRIAL. GKielnleker S:nanbled and Struck on a 53atile, Ltat Not So With Gibbons. Philadelphia, March 22. -Deputy Coroner Dugtin today held Inquests in the cases of Christian Kielneeker, who d1e0 on Saturday after engaging In a boxing bout with Prolix Connolly, • and of lid. Gibbons,who died the mane day from the effects of a heart blew delivered by Samuel S. Perry on Friday night during a bout at the Tenth Ward Democrats Club - It was testified that Iiielneeker stumb- led and, in falling struck his head on a ,pike which projected from the floor. The autopsy showed that the fall broke an abscess which hail formed on the man's brain and that death resulted therefrom. Connolly was discharged. In the Gibbons case, Dr, Cattle, the cor- oner's physician, declared that death was enused by. hemorrhage of the neck, nose, pharynx and brain, due •to traumatic in- juries. The jury held Perry responsible and the deputy coroner committed hint to the county prison without bail to await the action of the grand jury. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN OLD AND WELL-TRTED REMEDY. -Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teothn,g, with perfect success. It soothes the childsoftens the gums, allays all pain. cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind POSITIVE POOP. Messrs, T. Milburn & Co., Toronto, Ont.: Gentlemen, -Sonne two weeks ago I obtained a box of your, Heart and Nerve Pills from our popular druggist, Mr. E. Scarlett of Dundas, and I can now unhesitatingly say that they have been very beneficial to me in relieving an obstinate and old standing -com- plaint affecting my heart and nerves I was troubled with the well-known symptoms of heart andnervous trouble such as sleeplessness, dizziness, palpi- tation, neuralgia and other pains, f or such a long time that Ihad really giv- en up hope of a cure. Now, out of gratitude to this remedy, and so others may learn of its virtues, I give niy un- solicited testimony. There is no cure so good for heart and nerve troubles as Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. This is my honest opinion. My wife is also using this remedy with great success for flutter- ing of the, heart. (Signed) J. D. Robin- son, Dundas, Ont. Laxa Liver Pills cure constipation, billiousness and sick headache, 25c. 1.91,.k1 EXETER T1M•ES The Latest News. Martin Burke, a farmer, was found frozen to death near Carman, Man., Monday. Mr. J. W. Bell, M. P., was re-elected rand Master of the Orange Grand grand e of Ontario. East.. . Lodge 0 io t Two cases supposed. to be leprosy are under the supervision of the Wiu- nipcg•Health Department, Both are foreigners. The Conservatives of East Simcoe met at Orillia and nominated Mr. Mis- campbell, their sitting member, as their candidate for the Legislature. Governor-General Lord Aberdeen will shortly announce a elate for the closing of the national India famine fund, which has now reached about $135,000. The will of the late Jaynes Austin, who was president of the Dominion Bank at Toronto, has been probated. He left 72,000, all to his immediate re- lations. The city of Chicago has just allowed its schools the suns of $16,507,116 for the coining year. This is an increase of$661,600 over the appropriation of last year. Do not sutler from sick headache a moment longer. It is not necessary. Carter's Little Liver Pills will cure you. Dose, one little pill. Small price, Small dose. Small pill. George S. Johnston, of Ottawa, has assigned. Mr. Johnston had been car- rying on a drygoods store for some time. The liabilities will amount to $10,000, with $23,000, in assets. Wm. McLaughlin's steam lumber and shingle millatg at Monetawn Ont., was destroyedbyfiroearly on Thursday morning. No insurance on machinery. Loss about $2,000. Have no equal as a prompt and positive cure for sick headache, biliousness, constipation, pain in the side, and all fiver troubles. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Try them. A tragedy resulting in the death of five members of one family is reported from Osrick, a small village 35 miles south of Richmond, Mo. B. Rain- water, a farmer, shot and killed his wife, his mother-in-law, his brother-in- law and his little step daughter. Then, after so nearly exterminating a whole family, the murderer blew off the top of his own head, dying instantly. Rainwater had been jealous of his wife, and had frequently quarrelled with her, but there had been nothing in his conduct to warn his family of his murderous intentions. BORN. GARDEN -in Parkhill, on the 10th inst., the wife of A. J. Garden, of a son. HODGINS-In Crediton, on March 4th, the wife of Alonzo Hodgins, of a daughter. DICKSON-In Nissouri, on March 13th 1807, the wife of Win. Dickson, of a daughter, MARRIED. .� 1� G � - S. -IParkhill,on IOth inst., B AUL RO 5 n t Mr. Brawl, o by Rev. Mr. Alvward. NL . D. O. , o , t Miss Jane Ross, both of Menillivray. THOMPSON - MACARTHUR-'Cu Ailsa Craig,•00 the 23rd inst., Dr. Thompson, of Goderich, formerly of Hensel', to Miss Tons Macarthur. MARRIOTT-VOLKE-At the residenceof the bride's pparents, on March 3rd, by Rev. John Mills. Mr. David Marriott, of Stephen, to Miss Mary A., oldest daughter of Mr. Joseph Volko, of Parkhill, TATE-ROLSTON-In the Methodist church, St. Marys, on Wednesday, March 10th, by Rev. J. Learoyd, Geo. Tate, to Mary, daugh- ter of the late David Rolston, of the S. B, Blanshard. LITTLE-ROBINSON-At the residence of the bride's father, on March 10th, by Rev, P. Mosgroye, Mr. George Little, to litiss I:nuna Robinson, eldest daughter of Mr. Andrew Robinson, of McKillop. HARRISON-JENNINGS-At the residence of the bride's father, 7th con„ Goderich town- ship, on March 17th, by Rev. C. W. Andrews, B, As, Mr. Edward Harrison, to Miss Alberta Jennings. DIED. IEENNEDY-In St. Marys,on March 11tH, Wm. Kennedy, aged 79 years, 8 months, and 27 days. MARTIN -In West Missouri, on March 9th George S. Martin. aged 14 years anti 8 months . McINTYRE-On March 18th, at 193 York street, London,James McIntyre, formerly of Exeter, aged 33 years. BURNS -In Brantford, on the 15th inst. Ed- ward P. Burns, son of Mr. Robert Burns, Parkhill, aged 44 years. KE VIP -In Blanshard, on March Ilth, Ann Romp, relict of the la to John Kemp, aged 66 years, and 7 months. JACKSON -In Fullerton, on March 9th, Eliza- beth, relict of the late James Jackson, and mother of County Councillor Jackson, aged 81 Years. 40 GEMS, 20 CENTS DR. AGNEW'S LIVER PILLS CURE ALL TROUBLES. ARISING FROM TORPID OF THE LIVER. Easy and Quick -Banish Sick Head- ache- Purify the Blood and Eradicate All Impurities from the system. The demand is big. The pills are little, easy to take, pleasant results, no pain. 40 cts. a vial, and 20 cents at all druggists, Sunlight Soap Wrapper Competition. FEBRUARY, 1897. The following are thcwinners ht District No. 1, comprising the City of Toronto. Counties of York, Simcoo and all Counties West and South of these. Winners of Stearn's Bicycles. Mr. John Ford, 53 Wolseley St., Toronto. ' Mr. A. E. Mountain, 23 Burton Street, Hamilton. Winners of Gold Watches. 1ft. David G. Holmes, 21 Birch Avenue Toronto. Mr. 3.'Albert Good, Box 142, Berlin, Master Manly Palmer, Powell. 416 Spa, diva Avenue, Toronto, Mr. Frank Crawford, Pt. Edward. Miss Alice Flynn, 387 Church Street Toronto. 407 -We have been obliged to disqualify competitors for February for sending coupons taken from Uxsonn.soap in grocers' stock (see Rule 3.) LEVER BROS. Ltd., Toronto. MAXWELL JOIONSTON. Medical man, Hospital treatmentand a dozen different medicines failed to cure me of dropsy. 11rad been tapped seven times and was given only it few clays to live when I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. They cured me completely and I tun nowin the best of health, (Signed) MAXWELL JOHNSTON', Toronto, Ont. HOTHOUSE LIVES, Disease Certs In Homes that Are Badly Ventilated. Sickness and Disease prevails r,,- at This Season. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND GIVES NEW LIFE. IT SHOUTS:OE USED 13Y EVERY AILING PERSON THIS MONTH. The all important thing font'' rvous, sleepless and run-down pc .A to know is that Paine's Celery Con;, ind builds up the whole physical syay -, improves digestion and regulates',-ne nerves. By accomplishing this work, sound, regular and refreshing sleep is insured, that daily helps flesh -building and the gathering of strength. In the winter the majority of men lived live. and women have li d hothouse 5. w Thousands of homes are badly ventilat- ed and without proper sanitary ar- rangements. The air is full of poison germs that are inhaled by the inmates, and we find sickness and disease hold- ing sway. This is the month when the Mood •is impure, when eruptions, boils and skin disease make life a misery. This is the month when we see the sallow faces, the hollow cheeks and sunken eyes, betokening i11 health and weak- ness. This is the month that demands physical repairing and cleansing, in order that the seeds and germs of disease may be eradicated frons the system. Paine's Celery Compound is the medicine needed by every broken- down and diseased mortal at this time. Its Marvelous virtues have been noted and commended by the ablest phy- sicians in the world, and its best and strongest advocates are those whom it has restored to perfect health. Dr. A. W. K, Newton, an eminent physician and surgeon of Boston, says: " Paine's Celery Compound is not a patent medicine, and it must not be confounded with the ordinary nervines, bitters and sarsaparillas. It is as much superior to them in for- mula and results as the diamond is superior to glass. It purifieses the blood, strengthens the nerves, and is nature's food for the brain. "1 had some trouble myself from blood poisoning received in a very delicate surgical operation. The for- mula of Paine's Celery Compound led me to try it, and I was much pleased with the result, I prescribe it for men and women who have no appetite, can- notsleep, and are weak and run-down. For this condition,.tlud for disorders of the blood and nerves, it has no equal. "When a man or woman has lost appetite, lost sleep, and feels that life is a burden, that person is in a serious condition. I prescribe Paine's Celery Compound for my patients who have these common and dangeroussymptoms with invariably satisfactory results. It is the best possible remedy to keep up one's strength and energy during the spring and summer months. Mrs. Chas. Smith of Jimes, Ohio, writes : I have used every remedy for sick headache I could hear of for the past fifteen years. but Carter's Little Liver Pills did me more good than all the rest. E. B. Smith, liquor dealer, of Lon- don, has effected a settlement with bis creditors at 50 cents on the dollar. The statement of affairs shows liabili- ties of $20,000 and nominal assets of $17,000. Mr. Smith will continue the business. Mr, Charles Fisher, deputy post - office inspector, of London, has had one of the citizens of Amherstburg brought before Police Magistrate Mc- Gee, on a charge of using postage stamps that had already been used. There was no defence, and the magis- trate fined him $10 and costs. Dr. Frederick W. Bartlett, one of Buffalo's leading physicians died on Wednesday, of cancer, aged 70 years. A widow and one son survive. Mrs. Bartlett was Adelia Hunter, daughter of Dr. James Hunter, of Whitby, Ont. ' John Beattie, county clerk of Wellington and a private banker at Fergus, is dead. GRAVEL IN THE BLADDER. USED EIGHTEEN BOXES or DODD' S KIDNEY PILLS -THE STONE DIS- SOLVED AND .REMOVED -KNEW OF OTHERS CURED. Shelburne, Mar, 22 (Special) -Mr, John Medill known locally as well as far and near as physical giant and glorying in his strength came to be a great sufferer and tells of his cure as follows :- "I do not hesitate to speak of Dodd's Kidney Pills or anything else exactly as I find them. If a medicine cures ine and I think it will cure others why not say so?" • ' "It is true I had been suffering for some time -with bladder trouble and learning of a cure made in a similar case, by Dodd's Kidney Pills I com- menced rising thein." In all I have used eighteen boxes and they have dissolved the stone and have entirely cured me of any sign of such difficulty. I do not hesitate to speak of Dodd's Kidney Pills in the highest terms of praise for I. know of many persons who have been cured by thein,' THE VERY Base, Mnssee T. MILT3Uum Ss' CO„ DEAR SI'Rs,--T can recommend Dr, Wood's Norway Pine S• ••'tp ars the very best medicine for coughs and eulds, sore throat ani weak lungs, which I have ever used. Yours unity. WM. 1 ERRY, Blenheim, Ont. Good News From South yakota. i f :".' The glorious results of this season's harvest of golden grain will pour a stream of sound money into the pocket of every Dakota farmer, South Dakota has thousands of acres of choice farming and ranch land lying east of the Missouri river, and within one day's ride from Chicago or Mil- waukee which can now be bought reasonably cheap, but which before the end of another year may be advanced in price. The stock -raising industry in South Dakota is profitable, and Eastern capi- The , p tal is now being invested in cattle and sheep growing in that state. Diversified farming, the growing of live stock, and the products of the dairy, are placing South. Dakota, fore- most in the ranks of the successful Western states. Those desiring full information on the subject and particularly those who wish. to seek a new home or purchase land, are requested to correspond with A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, 2 King street East, Toronto, Ont. YOUR SPARE TIME. Men and women,toconduct business at home. , Work is simple writing and copying lista of addresses received from local advortie ing , to be forwarded toles daily. No canvassing ; no Previews experience required, but plain writers preferred. Permanent work to those content to e.1t•u eti or more weekly in spare time. Apply to WABonut PCD. Co., LONDON, QNT, MORTGAGE SALE --OF- FARM PROPERTY T O be IntheStephen. :� p township of , p (Hastings so u•ti,h 1d by public auction a House, Parkhill, on Wednesday March 31st11391 At 1 o'clock p, m.. by James Anderson, auct- ioneer, lot nuutberthi'cc,in the seventy sth cote cession. of the said, township of Stephen, 100 acres, more or less. Immediate possession.. Terms, -Tho Vendors are willing to allow two- thirds of the',purchase money to remain on Mortgage on favorable terms of re -payment at low interest. For further particulars apply to or to BAY LY & BAY LY Vendors' Solicitors li ENNETH GOODMAN ESQ., London, Ont, Barrister, Parkhill. Out. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of William Horn, late of the township of Usborne, (London road south,) in the County of Huron, retired farmer, deceased. Notice is herebyiron pursulnt to the Re- vised statutes of Ontario, Chapter 110 and amendingacts, that all persons having claims against the estate of William Horn, late of the township of Lsborne, in the County of Huron, retired farmer, deceased, who died on the 21st day of May, 1896, aro required on or about the 15th day of April 1897, to send to the executors of the said deceased at theirpost-olifce Winchel- sea, a statement in writing, containing full particulars of their claims drily l'ertified by affidavit, and the natures of the security Of any) holdthe byexecutorthems,will Afternot the 15th day of April tate or any portion tiercebfo tlioabal ney f orp 0sa05i0d11 cosi persons of whose claim they shall not then have notice. for Exeouko . r SAMs.UEL R. HO11N,lExecutors. WILLIAM)HANSON, 1 ELLIOT, ELL1OT & McKENZIE, Solicitors. Dated at Exeter this 20th day tter 5 of Mareh,1897. FARM FOR SALE. lu ble farm, being )ro- .Auctionsale of a� a a r pro- perty of the late Henry Prang, lot 10, cote 10, township of Hay. 93 acre, cleared and :Shores of bush, ono acre of orchard. Good buildings and fences :8 acres of fall wheat, 25 acres of fall ploughing done. Sale at Huron Hotel Zurich, Saturday 20th of March at• 1 p. m. Terms 10; down balance in 30 days, For further particu- lars see posters or apply to Gwere w & Proudfoot Vendor's solicitors Goderich, or L, II, Dickson, Exeter. B. L. DOYLE, Master at Goderich. Farm For Sale. A first-class farm of 85 acres, being lot 9, con, 9 Babylon line Hay. This is a particularly good farm, especially for dairy purposes, and in good state of cultivation, is opposite a first class cheese factory ; school on next farm ; good brick house, bank barn, two never failing wells, a good orchard. half under grass. A good hardwood bush. For further particulars apply to J D. WILSON, Hensall, orto J. BECK Egmonclyille. I'. O• GIDLEY& SONS Will now be found in their New Premises, Opera House Block. Watch for change of Ad. Gidley & Son. BICYCLES! Are You Interested -..in Wheels ? W e handle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times. A few s€organs 5 and 6.Octave, cheap. Sewing Machines ALWAYS OR HAND. P. S. -Selling out Dise Har - 27 TOWS at cost, PE RKIN S & MARTIN , e (4/ si�rEF� c��o�aL � CIGARETTES Oe. per Pam. Standard of the World. KJNN EY BROS, NEW YOF K. • iftNi +NOWiiTHETIME± To secure a Wa tch that will keep time. We have a com- plete assortment in stock of all the best watches and prices are so IOw they will surprise you. Call and see for yourself. A SPECIAL LINE OF ,,.. DIAMOND IRIN0S �•.� --THAT ARE BEAUTIES. ` Also a full assortment of WEDDING EursI0°,' . Our stock of CLOCKS, JEWELRY, and SILVER- WARE RE was never better than now YY i Don't forget Our Optical Department, Forenoon preferred for testing.. T. Fitton Graaclt-tate of The Ontario Optical b-ostitt.tte NEXT Door, To CENTRAL HOTEL. ,����NNN♦���'N�Ntr�NN��Nr�*4+NNOPONN00'�+�i if 1 were a mother 1 would insist on having Sho`rey'a Clothing for my boys, Their Clothing is all sewn with linen thread, the material is all thoroughly sponged and shrunk, and the workmanship is guaranteed not to rip. Might just as well have it, when it doesn't cost any more than inferior makes. You can always be sure of getting it by insisting on seeing the guarantee ticket which is in the pocket of each ♦ garment. i3 i••••••••••••••••••••••00•••••••0000414.0•00.444•••• 1 • 0 An Introduction - It gives us pleasure to in troduce to you our fine Beam r and Milton Overcoatings; also a big range of Scotch and Can- adian Tweed for warm winter wear. Our prices are away CLOVES, down. Did you sec. our 812 GINGER, Black Worsted Suit (macre tc ALLSPICE, order,) If not why not. el - - J. H. Grieve J. SchoI:�ooks S611001 Sllnp1i6s NEW STOCK A fine line of Exercise Books and Scribblers. -I•-X-•I•--X-•I• --1 - Pure Spices Are necessary for Good Pickles. Our patrons can be sure of good quality. CINNAMON, MACE, NUTMEGS, PEPPER, TURMERIC. London, Huron and Bruce. Genic, Nontta- London, depart Ciandeboy e, Centralia, Exeter. Hensall, Kippen,. Bruceflcld Clinton, Lothdesboro, Blyth, Bolgrave. W ingha.m, (arrive) Goma Sotrnx- Wiogham, depart Bolgravc, Blyth, Londosboro, Clinton, Bruceneld, Kippen, Hensall, Exetor. Centralia, Clnndebo e. - London, (arrive) Passenger. 8.15 A. at. 4.45 P.M. 9.07 8.43 9.28 5.57 9,30' 0.07 9.47 6.18 • 9.50 6.25 9.53 6.33. 10.15 6.55 10.3,8 7.14 10 41 7.23 11: n 88.00 6,50 A.M. 3.30 P. et 7,04 3 45 4.00 7'24 4.10 7.47 4J�p 7.59 4.41 8.17 4,59 8.24 5.01 8.38 5.16 8.50 5.28 9.07 5.43 10.00 6.30 Cola John Churchill, owner of the celebrated Churchill Downs, is dead at Louisville, K ., aged 78. Main strewt, Exet r. y b Browning NOTICE` Ma'COME AND INSPECT. g tJnde rtakin - ..'�9 cial y t N. Rowe After selling out near- ly all my stock of furni- ture, 'I have my store well filled again with New Good,, latest styles. All bought at lowest cash price. . Ma'COME AND INSPECT. g tJnde rtakin - ..'�9 cial y t N. Rowe