HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-3-25, Page 1HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE.
18O1 p 1NG 1897
1 C
MARCH 25tii, 1897,
RAIN Watnal & eons'
Publishers and areerieter
Me. Carel( 1
BRIEFS. - Messrs. D. J. and J. J.
Coughlin, of Stratfordasind D. Cough-
lin, of St. Thomas', attended th
funeral of their cousin, Joeeph O'Bri
on Wednesday last.. -The death Jif
Joseph O'Brien, of Mt. Carmel occu r
ed on Monday. 8th inst., at Jhe
family residencant the age of 18 ye vs.
Deceased was a bright and prom ing
young man, who until recently enjoy-
ed good health.
Bis. -Me. Thomas McGregor, of
Tuesday & Wednesday our village left on Thursday for Mani -
Lobo. where he goes to spend the sem-
-NE X T - mer months with friends. - Thomas
Workmen -lies been confined to his bed
for some time, the trouble being brun.
chitis. By medical attendance and
good care his many friends will be
pleased to hear that lie is on a fair
You are cordially' invited to
way to recovery. -One tbpse wonder.
inspect our 'elegant dis. • fill events,which have been a mime of
piay of joy in all ages to every home mauled
at the home of Mr. Robert Elgie, of
kera% 11th on the 11inst. After
period of nigh 10 years of Wedlock,.
New Spring Millinery; it uTMrs. Elgie presented her husband with
the first (Vide a da ugh ter. -Miss Agnes
Capes9 Dress Goo& Blair, Of Centralia is here staying
at with her aunt, Miss Madura*, of the
March 30th & 31st
& Fancy Dry Goods
We say with confidence that
there has never before been shown
in thir part of the country such a
qualities and prices as we now
R. S. FORD & OD.,
Bantiee-What's the matter with
the Drysdalites ? Are they jealous of
their friends who are trying to super -
cede them in commercial greatness tt
Not by a long shot. Although one
neighbors are building for themselves
a so-called "Canton City," yet, it mast
be borne in mind that it is but a su-
burb of our thriving town. Let it be
understood, abroad as Well as at home,
that there is no rivalry existing be-
tween the two corporations,but rather
the opposite feeling, for the same
street cars, the Same water works and
the same system of street and house
lighting are to be used by both places.
-Mr. Thomas Johnston, jr., who has
been visiting in Michigan for some
time past, has returned, with a charm-
ing wife, and , inteade, within the
course of a few week, to move into
the house on the adjoining farm. -
What might have resulted in a fatal
accident befel Peter Durand, jr., last
Saturday evening. It seems that he
had been ..driyipg towards Blake, when
his petty became unmanageable and
skipped off, Mr.; Durand, however,
hung on to the lines until he reached
Mr. Holtz', When his items became so
fatigued that be was compelled to head
the vicious beast for Henry's gate,
which, by good luck, happened to be
BRIEFS. -A number of the farmers
have been taking advantage of the
mice spring weather and have made a
large quantity of maple syrup. -Mrs.
Jesse Shier was presented with an
. address and a valuable fur, coat a few
evenings ago. --Samuel A. Doupe spent
Saturday and Sunday, at London. -
Area. Duffield, of Gatti -ton, spent
Tuesday as his brother Charles of
this placts-Mrs. Gilpin has been con-
fined- WS, her bed for several days
arough sickness -Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
Shierefolin L. Sweitzer,Win. Fletcher,
John Barr and Fred Shamspneleft few
. Manitoba last week. -Win. :Switzer
., wife and -two . children, who baye
been living in Dakota for seyeral
years, have returned to 731anseleard to
resiele.-A meeting of tlia'Agacultorta
4eSottiety was held on Friday last. The
days of holding the Fall Fair- was de -
tided upon, Oct. 7 & 8, the prize list
was reyised and other important busi-
ness transacted. -John Somerville,
will probably leave for Manitoba this
week. -Mr. Wm. Switzer, Sr., has
had a severe attack of the hiccoughs.
Drs. Ferguson and Armstrong have
been in attendance and are glad to say
he is now getting better.-TWo of our
young men went out for a row on
Saturday. The current was sp, strong
the boat upset, ad they -had a narrow
escaped from being drowned. -John
Sample s sale of farm. etock .help on
Tuesday last week was well Attended.
H. Bro w at was auctineer. -e•The farmers
in this section 'have a number of
chances to dispo,se cif their dairy
products this doming -season, Mr.
Bolbitir has been cantasshag fol. Exeter,
Mr, John Delbticlge for Winchelsea,
. and Mr. Hume for sKarkton factory.
rue of the fariaiers have been offered
cents per lb. fortheie fat cattle to be
delivered in May. --an large crowd &t-
ended Wm. Beattie's sale on Wednes-
day, everything sold well. C. Bailey
and H. Brown,Auctioncers. Mr.Beatty
- . and family will move to Manitoulin
Islands as soon as the boats commence
to run. -W. Brown, bird fancier,
will add to his flock by getting a num-
eUreaf new breeds of fowl Gus spring.-
"' Roba Davis, of Hibbert, has purchased
John Sample's 100 -acre farm in Us -
borne foe a good figure. -- George
meson has rented the pump factory
at Granton, and will take possession
1st of April. -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
O'Bryne, Fort Erie,are spending a few
slays here. - Robt. Whaley, of Us.
borne, who had a severe attack of the
grippe is able to be amend again.
This old reliable medicine, in use over a
third of a century. mires rheumatism, still'
joints, sprains, bruises swellings, frost bites,
chilblains, chafing, neuralgia and all pain or
soreness in man or beast. 25c. at all druggists.
BamPs. -fli.v. Ite Wambold, of
Breslau, is visiting his brother here.
He occupied the pulpit of the Evan-
gelical, oe Sunday evening. Miss
(Settle Dempsey, of Exeter, was in the
village on Tuesday. --J. Hall has en-
gaged Miss Annie Brooks, of Exeter,
to take charge of his millinery de-
partment the coming season. -Mr.
Weber, of El'nira, is visiting his sister,
)frs. Ilys 'Weiganda-John Fenn has
retained to town iamb to the delight
of a certain one of the fair sex. -We
have this week to report, the death of
George, youngest, son of Mr. Henry
Eckstein which occurred on Thursday
last, at the age of seven years. The
bereaved family have the sympathy
of the community in their sore afff-
etion.-Agem the wedding bells peal
nail and another of our young men
pined the army of benedicts. We
refer to Geo. Weigand, who was last
Wednesday milted in marriage to Miss
Mary Baker, eldest daughter of Fred
Baker. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Mr. Eby in the presence of a
few friends. The bride was assisted
by Miss Mills, while Sam Baker act
in that capacity for the groom our
correspondent of Tun TIMES joins with
their many friends in wishing them a
long and happy married life.
BRIEFS. - Our village trustees held
their meeting recently. Mr. C. Either
was appointed police, and Mr. Uttley,
as overseer of the fire engine. They
have uegotiated for a car of pine lum-
ber. 'We have time goodmen as
trustees, and no doubt satisfaction
will be given and oar village will be in
a different shape in a year's time. -
Mrs. Pogson and children, from Point
Edward, are here visiting Mrs. Siegner,
her sister, and August Mines, her
brother. -Mr. J. A. Williams was at
Toronto recently, as delegate to the
United Workmen's grand lodge. -We
have to chronicle the death of Mrs. H.
Volland, who was one of the old pie -
Peels. She came to this part when
it was nearly all a forest. She was 72
years of age. Her remains were in-
terred in the Lutheran cemetery. -Mr.
Bastard,. from • Manitoba. and Miss
Lydia Bessenbetay, were last Monday
evening united in holy matrimony.
Rev. D. H. Braund tied the knot. They
will leave : for Bram:Ion, Manitoba,
where they will make thein future
hortieS We wish therri all possible
happiness in their married life.-Mr.F.
Kibler was in Dashwood last Monday,
and helped to take a shoe stock which
was sold the -e; ---Mr. F. Kibler was at
Desists:taxi on a Visitto her mothexe
who is sick. -Miss Lizzie Bauer, of
Tavistock, is :here visitlpg her uncle
arid ratats.-Thmat is sonic; talk ofsget-
ting e, beak here; It would be a great
convenience ' to thepeople of this
vicinity. --The weather is all that can
be Wished, for and if it continues in
this way the roads will be beautiful in
a feve days. ---Promotion examitratiOns
Thursday and Friday of this week.
Pupils -are looking anxious, success to
one and P. Lament, drover
and shipper, of this place, shipped two
car loads, of beef cattle to Toronto, on
Thursday of last week, and intends to
ship another two this Tuescleye-One
of the grandest and most fashionable
plays ever rendered in the town hall
Zurich, was to be played last Friday,
but owing to the cheagrecieble weather
the Company was obliged to Postpone
.it till Friday: Mar. ±0th to give the
public the last and only opportunity
of seeing the "Three Act Demme en-
listed for the War," Miga. Laura
William's, vett nate :of Alma' Ladies'
College, Ste nipples, rendered a ntim
ber of selections to a large antla.prireci-
atiee audience in Parkhill Titeecley
easinitig.--The great fight in Cam -so ii
City; Nevada, filled and emptied a
number of pockets even in our awn
town, -Don't forget the grind concert
Friday evenings -Mrs. Dr. Buchman
left for Hamilton Monday rim ruing to
attend the Grand Council meeting of
the Canadian Order dfChosen Friends,
e -Mrs. John Prang Sr., is very ill and
not expected to recovers -The number
of Grippe .caees are gradually diminish-
ing the satisfaction of the patients.
•On Wednesday of last week Mr. O.
D. Braze], of Brazel's corners or
"Uncle Tom's Cabin," McGillivray
township, son of Mr. 0. Brazel, Park-
hill, was married to Miss Sane Ross,
daughter of James Ross, of Lieury.
On account of the accident at the oil
well, near Parkhill, the drillers, after
a week's search for the' missing drill,
have decided to sink a new well which
will be put down a few feet from the
old one.
Clandehoye a -ru.nt
Futa.-Attwo o'clock Monday morn -
Fol owing are the market. quotations.
lug, the stables of William Cunning- Wheat
ham, hotel -keeper of tale pince, were
burned to the grbund. It is not known
how the fire originated, hut suspicion
attaches to a tramp, who the day pre-
vious had been refused quarters in the
hotel by the proprietor, and who,
through muttering threats, had ap-
peared to leave the village.
BRIEFS. -Samuel Spearea little girl
has been very ill clarbag the past week,
also Mr, and .Mrs. Boyle, but they are
slightlyall ibetter at time of writing.—
Mud s now the order of the day. -
Syrup making is in full blast and good
runs of sap are reported. -Piss Liezie
Hamilton, of Black Creek, is visiting
around here this week. -Thos. Venner
has bought what is known as the Me -
Taggart farm la miles south of Chisel -
burst, and sold his village property to
7, S. McIlraith, - Frank Hamilton,
blacksmith, bas secured the services of
No. 1 blacksmith and is prepared to
do all kinds of work. Our Vet. is
quite busy now.
Miss MeConnel left here on Tuesday
to "take a. millinery position in
Crediton. -Mrs. Miles Young has
returned from afarskdale -where she
has been spending the winter months
with friends. -We are sorry to bear
that the wife of councillor McNally, is
seriously indisposed at present. Hee
many friends wish to bear of her
speedy recovery. -Sanies Sims, who
has been in •Detroit the past three
months returned lame on Saturday.
-On Monday afternoon the funeral
of the late Robert Watson, Jr. passed
through the village, the body being
taken into the Methodist church
where a funeral service was held. -On
Thursday morning the fire alarm was
sounded but it was only a false one,
the fire insurance. inspector had
dropped into the town and wanted to
see how our fire company handled
urand Bend.
Balsas, -The weather has every
pearance of spring, and all the
ring; birds are here chirping away.
The roads are terribly bad just now,
it will coon dry if the weather con -
flues so.- The fish have commenced
running up the channel here, and the
dip nets are kept busy landing them
on the shore. -Willie Brenner, of
Dashwood, has engaged for the sum-
nter with Joseph Brenner, - John
Baird has been sick, but is getting bet-
ter again. -Wm. Main succeeded in
getting the contract for the improve-
ment on the Presbyterian church, and
will no doubt finish it according to
contract. -Try the Pest Office Store
for new wall papers from five cents
up. -The sugar making season does
not promise to be much, as the run of
sap so far has been light. -The fisher-
men are busy preparing their strikes
for the nets. -Word was received here
from Fred Falls, who was then on
his way to B. C.'but was stuck
in a blizzard near Indian Head, with
five feet of snow. He had enjoyed the
trip very much.
LE.CE FOR SALE..—Wo can satisfy you SS to
quality and price. C. W. Sum.
BRIEFS. -Mr. Shea, near Bayfield,
gave Jas. Delgaty a call on Tuesday
eveniug.-Miss Mary Morden left on
Saturday forher home at St. johns. -
Geo. Vail, of Newbury. is visiting his
brother Chas. W. Vail, Station Agent.
-J. Marshall and Mrs. Alloway are on
the sick ' list -A temperance meeting
wilLbe given in the church here on
Tuesday evening next. Addresses,
Quartette, Solos, Recitations, will be
given by foreign and home talent.
All are welcomed. The R. T.:of T.
met on Monday night, and a number
joined the society. It is on the Go-
ahead paw. -Mr. Jas. Delgaty resum-
ed his duties at school after ae relapse
of sickness. -A car load of hogs were
shipped from this. paint on Tuesday.-
Mrs. Wm. Pym, in Londoa visiting
her daughter, Mrs, Eva Bullard. -Rev
W. H. Butt, lectured at Thames Road
Presbyterian Church on . Thursday
evening. • •
'Plea GLEANERS. -The Gleaners,
which consists of Mr.. Wiltse, his
daughter Ada and Miss Anna Neville,
held a weeks' Gospel Temperance
meeting, in Smith's fill last week.
They re -organized the Royal Temp-
ters and started them -to work. The
Gleaners' programme consisted of
Solos, Trios, and Recitations, and lime
light views each night. They are a
good troupe and deserve all respect
and attention. We. wish them suc-
cess and God speed ip their labor.
BRIEFS. -Miss Susie Tait of Exeter
was in town one day last week. -
Last Friday while working the
grooving machine at the Doherty
Organ Factory, Fred Doherty got his
second and third fingers in the knives
and the members were badly lacerated.
-Lawyer Scott was confined to his
bed last week fatim a severe attack of
la grip. --Postmaster Porter who has
been ill is around again.
Edward Carrel, of lot 15, on the 13th
COD.. of West Wawanosh, a gentleman
well and favorably known by a large
circle of friends and acquaintainces,
passed away on Monday morning last.
Deceased was 48 years of age, and
about three weeks Ago was suddenly
stricken with pneumonia, and al-
though for some days past he was
very low, his sudden death from heart
failure, on Monday, was a sad and
sudden bereavement to his family and
. Mrs. D. McIntosh, of Brucefield, is
very ill.
Barley 71t67120 to 23
Oats iti to 19
Bay 35 to 40
Butter $7.50 to 38,00
12 to 1`2
9.10 9
Timothy seed ..$2.50 to -$2.50
. Cloverseed
$4.00 to $4.25
(Late with - Gam -row & ProudfOot) Barrister
Solicitor, Notary Public, lionsall, Out.
G. J. Sutherhuid, Notary Public, Convey
mincer, Oommissioner; Fire Insurance agent,
and Issurer of.4tarriage Licenses. .Legal doeu-
igresy fanuoyn .gernr e4ut 4=g:1=
Wrest. Mee at the Post-odice, Bensall-
Biages.-alessrs. Will Bonatron and
Seery Bullard, left on Tuesday for
Chicago, where they take situations. -
We havaatta quite a fall of snow this
week, just when the roads were be-
ginning to ary nicely and made good -
wheel i ng.-Qeite a num her are mak-
ing maple sugar and molasses in - this
neighborhood. . The weather has not,
however, been the very best for sap.
-Oar village presented quite a lively •
appearance on Tuesday afternoon -
like a fair Slay -the occasion being a
convention of the Conservatives.
There was a very large crowd here.
We learn that H. Either, of Crediton,
was made the unanina us choke amid
great enthusiasm. Mr. Either being
melee with all classes will no doubt
give a good account of himself in the
next campeiga-Meesrs. James Carli-
sle had W „I. Miller ma having plans
prepared this week by W. H. Rey-
nold's for their proposed fine two story
brick block on the corner of King and
Wellington atm -sets, on the site now
occupied by their aquae buildings.
This will add greatly to the appearance
of our Main street, and these gentle-
men are deserving of credit for the en-
terprise they are showing. -A very
interesting literary and musical proe
gramme was eariered at an entertain-
ment on Monday evening last in the
Methodist cb male under the auspices
of the Epworth League. There was a
large attendance. -Arthur Blatch ford,
of Laruoure Co., Dakota; formerly of
Hensel], Who has been spending the
winter months with his many relatiyes
amid friends hero, left this week for his
home in Dakota. He intends spend-
ing a week or so in Michigan wit-li his
brother, Dr. 0. Blatchford, on bis re-
turn journey. Arthur has still a warm
spot in his hearb for. Hensall, having,
before leaving purenased the dwelling
formerly owned by his deceased father.
We hope yet to see him settled in our
village. -Rea J. S. Henderson deliver-
ed one of his series of special sermons
to the young ladies in Caramel church,
on Sunday last, his subject being
"Vashti the Pure." as bee life is le -
corded in the book of Esther,' and her
refusal to attend the banquet as the
king, her husband demanded. The
sermon wte• listeited to with much
interestseelea- revds. Messrs. Maxie,
of Hensall, and Snowden, of Kirkton,
exchanged pulpits on Sunday last Mr.
Suowden preached:eloquent sermons, -
Our merchants are making fine dis-
plays of spring goods. -Mr. Gundry,
of Goderich. was in the village this
week, combining business with ii visit
among his friends. -Trade is some-
what quiet this. week owing to the
velar bad .state of the roads. -A very
pleasant "At home" was held in the
basement of Carmel church on Tues-
day evening last under the auspices of
the young People's Christian Endeavor
Society. Refreshments were served
during the evening and a splendid
program, consisting of addresses,
readings, recitationsandmusic, vocal
and instrumental, Was carried out. A
most social and enjoyable time was
spent by all. -Miss Gibson, of Bruce -
field, is the guest of Mrs. T. Ballantyne.
-Mrs. (Dr.) Hutton, of Forest, who
has been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
C. A. McDonela and other friends in
town, for the past few weeks, return-
ed to b.er heme this • week. -Bernard
Thomson, is a good provider in the
way, of wood, and this week had sixty
cords cut with Mr. Bengough's steam
engine. -T. J. Berry intends shortly
leaving for the United States ' with a
consignment of horses. -Miss Sloan, of
London, Mr. E. Rannie's new milliner.
is now here, busily preparing for the
spring openings. She has engaged
Miss Sheffer as assistant -Mrs. Sinel-
lacombe has returned home from Exe-
ter where. she was • visitingfriends.-
Mrs. James Sparks is Visiting her
brother, James Delgaty, public school
teacher of Cemantalia.-Messrs. Willis
and White shipped a carload of hogs
from this station Monday, and a load
from Centralia, on Tuesday. -Miss 0.
Morrison has returned, here from her
visit in Bityfield.-Mes. McArthur, of
Brussels, was here lately visaing Mrs.
Fulton. -0. Troyer and - daughter, of
Hills Gram, spent Sunday: visiting in
the villege.---Mte. Troyerspen t a partof
lestweek here.-MissRenesay,Of Exeter,
who has been visiting Mrs. R.. Patter-
son, jr., returned • home last. week.
get that suit ?
At—JOE. OASE1,--1ensaill.
Because I hardly
knew you.
Well he keeps the nicest
patterns, the best fits a,nd
has got the price right down
on the ROCK.
Dollars Saved
Is Dollars Gaitiecl.
—Don't forget the place—
-Mr. and Mrs. Miteartbur on
Tuesday attended the tvedding in
Mat Craig, of their sister, Miss Tena
Mactiathur to Dr. ale:Anson, of Gotha
rich, formerly ofaleusa. The Wedding
was a quiet one, We join in wishing
Dr. nail Mrs. Thompson a happ
wedded • life. -On Friday last Rail
Smith met with painful accidelit
while Working. . Bell's saw mill.
While in operation. the circular saw
struck a loose slab which was. thrown
with greet force, striking. Mr. Smith
between the heart and Stomach. and
knocking him senseless, a, considerable
distance across the mai. He was car -
tied home .02 a stretcher, and for a
time lay in e critical state. We are
pleased to learn he is recovering. It
was a narrow escape from deata,„,
James Logan, of Hills Green, .whaaaa.
dement a painful operation in the
London hospital recently returned
home on Friday lest, and although
yet very weak, has considerably im-
proved tie the result of the operation.
-Miss Annie Troyer Who served as a
dining room waiter in • the London
hospital returned home Friday last in
poor health. -Mrs. George White con-
tinues very low. -W, White, of
Rogerville, improving nicely from
his recent illnesa-Norman Cook, has
been appointed a travelling salami=
for the Rankle Eicycle.-The case
against Farm:tell comes up in Goderich
to -da- (Thursday) and the witnesses -
have been summoned to attend.
Weismiller remove his family
from • Hansa to Kingston in a few
BRIEFS. -A. C. Wilson is home
sppding a few days with his parents.
The beading vommittee of the
Boston Methodist church, have ad-
vertised for tenders for the new brick
chur . -W. T. them put in a. ,inrgri
quantity of ice last week. -alis. T. A.
Wilson returned front Dawn Mills last
Monday. ---Mrs. R. Hutchinson, who
has been very sick, is sonic better, -
Mrs. Walleye left here on Monday for
Huron 0,Ainty Notes,
Miss Maud Hicks, of Centralia, is
visiting friends in Egruorulaille.
Mrs. Robert Coleman, of Senforth,
intends moving to Chicago to reside.
We are sorry to learn of the very
serious illness of Mrs. Thos,Govenloeta
of McKillop.
Mr. George. Hazelwood, and family,
of Howick, left for Manitoba on Tues-
day, 9th inst..,
In recent changes at the Militia de-
partment -No. 8 company of the 33rd
battalion, Samuel George Kahle has
been appointed Captain.
The antaial"point"gaines at, the Sea -
forth curling rink were completed this
week and Win. Pickara captured the
trophy, a cup. Be nuide 42 shots,
knocking out all the old players.
There is a post -office row in Wing -
brim. Some persons want it moved
and enlarged, others want it left
where it is. Petitions have been sent
to the eesPostmboth
aster general by pr
Mr. James Smith, of the 12th con..
West Wawanosh, passed away on the
6th inst., in the 76th year of his age.
Deceased, who was well known and
highly esteemed, was among the first
settlers of the township, havinesettled
on the farm in 1857 where he died.
George Sills, who has for years past
been employed in Johnson Bros' hard-
ware store, Seaforth, has decided to
start out for himself, And in company
with Win. Mardie, also of Johnson
Bros., will open out is hardware and
tinware stela in the premises lately
occupied by Fred Davis, as a. jeweler.
James Smith, of the 12th concession,
West Wawauosh, passed away on the
6th inst., in the 76th year of his age.
Deceased who was well known and
highly esteemed was amongthe first
settlers of the township, having settled
on the farm in 1857 where he died. For
many years past he suffered from
. Mr. Charles Betts, of Ilarputhey, is
nursing a very sore ann. He was
working at Case & Co's pork paceing
house Settforia, last week when he cut
a gash in his left, thumb; it was treated
by a doctor, and was apparently heal-
ing nicely when blood poisoning set
in, which has affected his hand and
arm, as high as the elbow.
An old and highly respected resi-
dent of 011eton, passed to the great
beyond, early. Monday morning in the
person of Mrs. Harland, mother of
William and John. Her age was over ;
$3 years. tier husband predeceased
her in March, 1.881. She was a native
of Wetwang, Yorkshire, Eng., and
came tothis country with her patents.
• A happy event took place at the
residence of the late Wm. T. Grieve.
.near Buffalo, Dakota, on the evening
of Wednesday February 24th, being
the marriage of his daughter, Miss
Maggie, to Mr. James Marshall, a
worthy young man of that district..
Mrs: Marshall is a Dative of Huron
county, and has numerous relatives
and friendsaroundSeeforta.
-• Gee. Shies Or.' of Grey while work- I
.ingla Relit Were:bush, lot 20, eon.
4, lest week met with what might
have been a very serious if not fatal
aceident by the breaking of a small
black .osir tree that was struck by
.another they had .felled, Mr. Shiels
saved his life ..probably by throwing
up his right arm which -received the
weight of the hip* and. Saved the
caving of .the AWL - •
young.fellow named, George Mc-
Millan; of SeafOrth, met with -.a most
painful eccident On Tuesday. He was
driving out of John -Beattie's lane •with
a load of wood on time sleigh; when the
load upset and be was jammed between
the sleight amid the gate poet A small
bone was brimen in one leg between
the knee' and the ankle and the coeds
of his log were bailer torn, Making it,
much more painful • there a severe
The following -persons left Seeforth
'station on Tuesday,: on the settlere'.
excursion to ManitObaz Laidlaw
. .
l• and wife, and Thee. Sproat to Burn-
side, Manitoba.; Mrs. Warner and
,ehildrep and . Miss B. Bethune., to
Whitewood, Northwest Territory; a
Barwick, to Winnipeg ; Miss Brown.;
to High Bluff. ; R., MCCartney and
daughter and W. Simpson, to '• Moose -
jaw; T. Neilands and. wife to Beck. •
ford. Michigan.
Rev. Wm. Lowe, of Winghaui, par -
based a. load of hay from a farmer
le other clay and A lira was found in
t e middle of the load, where she had
lad An egg. The load bad been put on
p ,rtly before dinner and partly after
diner and during the inteettal the lieu
h d sought out a -cosy nest on the top
the hay. Rey. Lowe did not know
b was purchasing fowl at a price per
n till the unearthing of the hen
veeled the fa ca.
Mr. Robert Barlieur, Sr., of Sea.
forth, passed peacefully away to the
better home at the residence of Mrs.
Yeo, aginoud villa= Saturday.. March
13th, after an illness of only int days.
Mn Barbour was bornat old Glenlee,
Parish of Kens, Kireudbrightshive,
Scotland, in tire month of Jane, . 1817, •
and was the eecond sou of the late .141.9.
Barbour, of the farm of Ringower,
Parish of Nails. In Nil he was mar -
vied' to jame aleGhle, of the Parish .of
Borgue, Kireudbrightshire, Scothual,
And on April 4th, 1l,- be emigrated
to Canada with • his wife and two child-
ren. He purchased a farm in the
township of Hibbert near Staffe, which
at that time was almost a dense wilder-
ness. By dint oabard wotk be man-
aged to make A Comfortade borne for
himself and family, In 1881 lieretieed..
front active work and became a v'ai.
dent in the village of Stelae, ateret
his wife departed this life on Septiares
her aard, MK aged 71 years aud 3
nwetlis. He then went to spend his
declining years with his daughter,
Mrs. John Habkirle of Seaford), where
be remained until a week or so before
his death.
In the death of Geer, .e Hanley last.
Saturday morning at the good old age
of 80 years- and three months, Clinton
loseone of the most upright citizens
ever resided there. Ot late years he
had at times been a severe sufferer
from various ' ailments. pneumonia
being the cause of death. The late
George Hanley • was a native of
Enniskillen, Ireland, a type of man-
hood we regret to say that istoo fast
passing away because their places can
never be Med. On the 11th of April,
Ina he left for Londonderry and still-
ed for Canada on the 21st, arriving
in Hamilton in June of the smile year.
He spent a couple of months in Wit.
moth township, and then came to
Goderich where be engaged with
the Canada Company. The deceased
was an - Orangeman some GI years.
He was an active and valued member
at the time of his death and for many
years was one of the leading spirits.
His presence at the various meetings
throughout the county always gave
life to the procrodiAgs and his sound
advice was abates heeded. He was an
honorary county chaplain for some
years and occupied the same position
in the district and nriznarT lodges.
Perth County Notes
Mrs. Walter Goan, of Anderson, is
ill at present. .
Ed. Bears, of Itlanehazil, starts for
Manitoba this week.
P. Burns, of Logan, was married
last week to Miss Diann, of McKillop.
Wm. Bugg, of the 8th of Blansbard,
left on Monday for the N. W. T. with
a car load of settlers' effects.
Mr. Sohn Marriott., son of Council-
lor B. Marriott, of St. Marys, left on
Wednesday for the Northwest.
Mr. Jesse Shier and bride, and
Master Wilbur Shier, his nephew,
of Kirkton, started last week for
Carlingville, Manitoba.
Mrs. Cain, St. Marys, is suffering
from blood poisoning, brought on by
a slight wound on the hand, and
wearing a colored mitt.
The County Sunday School Convent-
ion will be held in the • Methodist
church, St. Marys, on Wednesday and
Thursday, April 21st and 22nd.
Mr. Luther Switzer, son of the late
Mr. Cor. Switzer, of Blanshard, left
with his farm machinery and furni-
t are for Manitoba this week,
Mr. Eddie League, a lad working at
/Ir. 0. Miler's, Anderson, fell some
days ago on a nail which ran into the
knee. There is danger of having to
amputate the limb.
Mr. Thos. Plummer manager of the
Bank of Montreal, at Stratford, died
at the hospital about 8 o'clock on Tues-
day- morning. He has been in Strat
ford for about 10 years.
Henry Cole, Downie, had two fine
horses injured on Friday, one very
seriously. They had been watered
4- Sale.
We Will offer special bargains in
all our Woollen Goods,
Special Sale
Woman's Underwear.
We want Do reduce stock be.
fora entering up our Stock
J P Runs
and one was left untied end kicked
the other with results as stated.
Win. Jackson,who has been clerking
in Tansy rekamillasarkhill for the past
three or tour months, left for Winni-
peg on Tuesday, where he has secared
a situation.
The remains of the late 'Edivard
Brophy, cousin to Mr. Joint Telnua
.St. Marys, why was fatally naired
in a railway accident at Butte, Mon.,
a week ago last Saturday, mu -rived at
Stratford at 5 o'clock on Sunday morn-
On Friday evening a few of Mr.
John dohneton's friends called at his
house St. Marys„ and presented him
with a purse of $25.00 from the Knox
Church congregation, as a token of
appreciation of his services in con-
nection with the leadership of the
church choir. .
A somewhat painful accident "OC -a
curred last week to Mr. White. of the
firm of Hepburn & White, Stratford.
He had just placed a. coffin in his
delivery wagon and was about to close
the door when the horses started off
suddenly, causing him to fall with his
head against a sharp corner of ice,
cutting an ugly gash,
The death took piece On Sunday of
Mr. Win, Kennedy, a wealthy and
respected resident of St. Marys, for-
merly of Newhard. Ma Kennedy. was
70 years of age and had enjoyed fairly
good health to within a week of his
death when he took a severe cold
while attending a funeral.
We very inneh regret to announce
the death of Arthur Radcliffe, of
Anderson, which tobk place on Sun-
day afternoon. Owing to the serious
illness, of his brothers he had lately re-
turnere from western Ontario and oodra-
traded the fatal disease. The family
have the sympathy of all in their sad
Michael Williams' sale of surplus
stock, in Hibbert. on Tuesday of -last
week was the best held in that section
for many years. Calves sold as high
as twenty seven dollars per pair; sheep
$10.50 per pair; young pigs eight
weeks old, $6 per pair; cows as high
as $47 each ; steers rising three years
Old. $85 per pair, and so on. The
proceeds of the sale amounted to $1,280,
exceeding Mr. Williams' eapectations
on Saturday an old resident
of Stratford, Mrs. James Monteith,
met her death in a runaway accident.
While crossing Market, street a horse.
and delivery wagon, belonging to
• Walsh Bros„ dashing along without
a driver, struck the old lady, bringing
her to the ground and tilewheels
passed over her body. Medical ittand--
-mince was speedily at hand, but • noth-
ing could be done, and death ensued in.
a few minutes.
- D. L. McCarthy moved before Chief
Justice Armour at Oegoode Hall, for
an order for the examination of the G.
T. R. tracks at Stratford in the action
, brought by Mrs. Isabella Lamb, for e
the death of her husband, Alfred • :-
Lamb, who was killed while shunting •
cars in the G. T. It yards -at Stratford.. -,
It is -alleged that the tracks are poorly
constructed. The chief justice en- )
larged the motion fora day, but fa-
vored the order.
Tars Sruoirci.
Spring is at hand, winter is nearly over 4
Are you ready for summer? Is your' • mom
pure? Burdock Blood Bitters purifies and en-
riches the blood, cures dyspepsia, bad. blood,
sick headache, B. B. B. removes every
trace of impurity from the Blood, from
common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore.
New arrivals of the latest Up-to-date Goods at the
e diton Cash Store.
Daily Arrivafs—iNew and fashionable Prints, CrePoll
nes, Dress Goods, Tweeds and Worsteds, Cottonades a r
-ftits----11ew Stack of Ready-made Oleg
e f
The nobbiest stock of Gents' Eurnishings ever open
Crediton. Comprising of
Shirts, Hats, Ties, Cloves, etc.,-"""mr
Our stock of Groceries is complete
and prices right
Highest prices paid for Prod
at the Crediton Cheap Cash Store
A Cell Solicitedl