HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-3-11, Page 81 e Erg Cash Store.
CASH 0R.. PR00110E,r.-
Fine New spring Goods,-
Quick Sellers, Special Prices
Special No. I.
75 Pairs Fine Nottingham Lace
Curtains 3? yds long, regular
$1.7n to $2 I,A,Q
Special No. 2.
25 Pieces Best German Print, en
Navy G round, regulars nen c
Special No.- 3.
12 Patterns HeavyTwilled Wrap-
per Cloth, Fine Effects, Colors.
warranted fast 1
Special No. 4.
Full Range Fine Silk Effects
Opaline Moire, beautiful goods
for Fancy waists 12c
Special No. 5.
40 inch Chambord Organdies,
New Dresden Patterns, very 15c
Special No. 6.
10 Pieces. Scotch Plaid Zephers,
Special Patterns, Colors War-
ranted life
Special No. 7
18 Pieces Fine English Skirting,
three colors, fast goods, re-
gular 20e
Special No• 8
25 Pieces Heavy Twilled Flan-
nelette, regular 9e line 14 yds! nn/
for I.YQ
Special No, 9
Heavy yd. wide Apron Ginghams
regular 10c ............ ..... ..zc
Special No. 10
The best 'andheaviest Factory
Cotton ever shown in Exeter
for the money........ ....... 50
IN Ordered Clothing we want you to remember that we ca
save you fully 25 per cent, We bought the Tweeds at a
iow rate on the $. We sell the goods on their merits, and guar-
antee the quality and fit. All goods sold as represented or money re-
1[. SWEET,
STOVES ! STOVES. --Stoves and heat
ers of all kinds sold at rock bottoin
Foundry Co., Toronto. Call and in -
Is prepared to do any hind of bird atufrin ) spect them atBissetts oldstand, Exeter
mei taxidermist work at any time.
J. S. DEAVITT, agent.
WAGON Folz, SALE -A good spring
INSURANCE.1 w gon, suitable for hauling milk, or
con d be used for other purposes. Ap-
ply to W. H. LEVETT, Exeter.
Frtz:sn FIsIx.White Fish andFreshl
Herrings, one door south of ('entra).1:
Hotel. L. DAY..
Agent for the bluer •:R v Assumixon COM-
PANY, of Toronto ; also for the PmExxx Fnn
lei SIR: N .
cE COMPANY, of London, England ;
A. O.
Court Prico oP
Huron, No. 786a
hall ind and 4t11
Friday in each
month. Visiting
brethren are aor
dishy invited to'
C. R. ;
Iii MP, SEC'Y.
• GLASS PENS. -These pens as thenI,
name indicate, are entirely made of
highly tempered glass. For cleanlz-
ness, convenience and easy writing
they cannot be beaten, write as
smooth as a gold pen, and never wear
out. Thousands buy them as a curi-
osity. Once used yon will never be
without one. Try one.
WILLIS POWELL, Agent, Exeter
Rev. and Mrs. Bray are visiting
friends in London.
C A 1313L1 NG/ Mrs. Wm. McKinley, of Hensall,is at
present visiting her sister, Mrs. John
E. Dignan.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mawhinney, sr.,
Books oto of Lucan, spent part of this week
v' 'ting friends in town.
iforaa-Paus Lucan,
to Exeter
ti ter n Tuesday,
,br, Geo. txeand family,
takeand hats
n in a groupe.
dlOQf 'Oonl li: 's. Kemp, Miss Mortlock and Mrs.
' Sweet with Mrs. Sines, delegates of
and Students the local Auxiliary are attending the
DONT claim' that Women's Auxiliary, Missionary As-
Wesociation in London this week.
EVERY line we carry The Montreal Star'sprophetpredicts
agoodly amount of winter from this
is better than any body out until the 150, of March, then an
early spring and a generally 1< <a m and
dry Summer.
Rev. Walter Madge, Of Haywards,
Cat., preached in :Tames street Metho-
dist church on Sunday morning last,
and in the evening rn Main street
BUT we DO claim that
the above lines .
are . . • Methodist church. ,c
EXCEPTIONAL A narrow gauge road has, been in -
VALUE. • • vented which can be movedtfroxn farm
to farm when crops are to• be market-
® ed. Five miles cart be laid in one day
and no grading is required.
se W. E. Stanley, of the firm of W. E.
& G. Stanley, of Lucan, bas accepted a
The Mart -Exeter. situation with one of the largest twine
firms of the Dominion, enc} will travel
the Province of Ontario to o fartlieni.
Thos. Snell
xoss sfiIoi
of the
new Dixon House, BrucefieId,once.
at 1
Mr. Snell and wife will foxily sustain
the past good reputation' of this
hostelry. We join a host of friends
here in wishing them prosperity.
The spring assizes for the County of
LOCAL HAPPENINGS,. Huron opened at Goderich, Monday
afternoon before Chit -f Justice Armour,
Miss Ida Demsey,of Lucan,isyisiting James Lister, Q. C., Sarnia; acting for
her parents in town. the crown. There was one criminal
Miss Gussie Pickard, of. Seaforth, is and eleven civil cases, but no cases of
visiting Miss Mabel Kemp. importe,nce. In the case of 'Meisner
The sleighing has disappeared_ and
vs Wolff, for seduction, a Verdict of
wheels are in vogue again. $700 was rendered.
On Thursday evening, the 18th inst.,
Miss S. Reid has returned homefroin a very interesting and instructive
visiting friends in Larder, Mich. entertainment will be given in the
March came in like a lion. We will Thames Road Presbyterian Church,
see whether it retires like a, lamb or when the pastor assisted by the. Rev.
THURSDAY, MAROH 11th, 1897.
Sain.es street church on Sunday last
subscribed wine $90 to the India nun -
hie Fund
W. H. Butt, of Centralia, and his
famous "Lantern will hectare on the
principal sights seen in Britain and
s u
Is'ew`li Iiesu last mxner.
The . rosaectors for oil at Cameron'
A coiatingeui, of the teniperiznceEprospectors Hexon:.
lodge here yisitecl the Orediton Council Corners, four miles from Parkhill, ar
onVednesila .evening. now conficlent of a rich find. The we
y beingput down has reached a depth o
Dr. Willoughby will next Sttnd;tiy'
. , 300 feet, and surface oil is encountered
iv : 'h'rc1 of his series evening..del deliver the, third .
continually, while all the
otheri -
c indi-
to y
to young women on. Corner y cations of oil are at hand. An obstacle
Rev. Thomas Snowden, of Kirkton, has been encountered in the breaking
reached tate annual missionary ser- sinking I? Y of file sinkur;., shaft, and ' if the lost.
loons in the Parkhill ;Alen oclist Church portion cannot be found a' new 'thole
last Suncia,y. will be begun. Several Exeterites are
Owing to illness in the fancily ofRe4.Anti/wasted :in the project.
II. W. Locke, Mr. T;rtnoll occupied For the firs.t time
in its history-,
the pulpit in Main street Metivellen
church Sniday morning last.
The several Iuilliner:5 have returned:
Miss Smith at E. S. Sl atkinan's, Miss
T7rquhart at 3. A. Stewart's and Miss
Wolk-tit at R. Mined es Son's..
The Greenway Methodist -congrega-
tion are providing material for the• er-
;ection of a acv cliuinh. The foiind-
atiieian. wr114reqi£re a;boi 100 loads of
Goderich Collegiate Institute has re-
ceived an endowment which will be
a lasting memento of the generous
donor, and a help to ambitious stu-
dents. Mrs. Peter Adamson, in xnern-
or ofh la
y hey late
husband who was so
long the , efficient secretary of the
trustee board, has . presented $1000
which is to be invested and from the
proceeds two scholarships are to be
maintained each year.
c _
will be at the Central hotel Exeter, on
Wednesday next March 17th,, to pur-
chase horses, from 1300 lbs. upwards,
ranging' from five to eight year old.
uniform promotion examination for
the county of Huron will be held in
the several school houses on Thursday.
and Friday, March 25th and 20th, 1887,
of which all interested are requested
to take'xlotice.
PLEASANT Rs:Minnow SEIt,v10E.-
Last Sunday morning Dr. Willoughby
.welcomed thirty-three members into
the James street Methodist church.
Nearly all were steads of faniliesnand-
the others young people of excellent
standing. This addition cannot fail to
strengthen the church greatly as the
families represented are among the
most iufluencial in the congregation.
NOTICE TO PARENTS. --The teachers
of the Exeter Public School ask the
TIMEs to request the parents who
intend starting their children to school
this spring, to have them all go on the
lst Monday of April. This request is
made in order that all beginners may
start together, thus facilitating the
work of the teachers, and being of be-
nefit to the scholars.
FIRE MEETielo,--public meeting
on Thursday evening of business men
and others interested, regarding
the unreasonable demand of the Fire
Underwrters' Association was not
largely attended. Addresses were
given by several citizens, the pith of
which being that Exeter had always
been very successful in fighting fires
and that the demands of the Under-
writer's were unjust and unreasonable,
No action was taken for the present.
THE SIDEWALx-'The council and
•roperty owners on the east side of
Main street held a conference on Mon-
day evening re the proposed grano-
lithic sidewalk. The property owners
made one offer of one-third of the cost
of laying the walk and another of pay-
ing eight cents perfoot of the tax. The
council would not entertain either,
holding for two-thirds, consequently
the matter drops and the east side of
Main street will be adorned with a
board walk for a few years at least.
Tin CINEII.A.TOGR,APHE 0oir n(y.-s
The Odd -Fellows are getting the'
"Marvel of the Age" the World's noted•
Cinematographe. It will be exhibited.
here in Gidley's Opera House in the.
beginning of April Over 1500 people.
saw it in Seaforth and an were delight-
ed. The big chance of your life to see
the most sensational entertainment of
the present age. Yon will see every-
thing as in real life. Great storms at
Sea, -Unlading of Ocean Liners at New
York, Trains running, Coronation of
Present Czar of Russia at Moscow,'
Scenes in Real Life from Chine, Africa -
and. European Countries, Lights of the
latest Wars, etc Everything in
motion as if you were present and
looking on. A quarter of your life
gone if you miss it. It has taken the
world by storm.
-. -
NORTH END NOTES, -A Northender
the other night turned an old horse
oat to die. The night was cold and
stormy and the animal sought shelter
on the verandah of the home of a
widowed lady who was ill at the time,
creating such a disturbance that the
inmates were well-nigh distracted.
They opened the door to receive their
visitor, but met a quadruped, of wbet
species they p s ley know not, The Dorsa
held fort until nearly q morn when
it repaired to the rear of the house
and died, owing its ungrateful owner
nothing for its past existence. The
experience of the ladies in question
that night will not soon be forgotton.
It was worse than a night -mare, Com.
-Miss Olive Wright is very ill with
inflammation of the lungs.
A RE1LL\DER.-Manrice S. Huron
has addressed the following circular to
the clergy of the Diocese of Huron
DE 4R BRETIIREN.-As the financial
year is now drawing to a close, I write
to impress you with the importance of
having all your collection remitted to
the Secy-Treas, as soon as possible, so
that each parish may receive the:credit
of whatever offertory it naa.y have
made throughout the year. After all
that has been said concerning the
needs of the diocese, and the necessity
of liquidating ourpresent indebtedness,
I will trust in your loyalty and zeal to;
do all in your power to arouse the,.
sympathy and direct the benevolences
of your people. Trusting
the good providence of God the collec-
of the present may exceed ma-
terally those of the last year. Tremain,
yours in Christ, M tnuon S. Hunger.
"For to their power, I bear record,
yea. and beyond their power they were
willing of themselves." --n Cor., viii.,
Mrs. John Sweet d daughters are
visiting friends in London.
Miss Horne and MissMiller, attend-
ed the millinery openings Last week.
The late Sim Fax hadhis lifelii.sured
for $:5,000. an it is understood he drop-
ped it policy with one of the orders of
Foresters recently for $2,000
Miss Morgan Milliner, returned
home last Thursdayafter a pleasant
visitwith friends in. Peterborough,
ionto and other places.
r. Frederick Elliot returned from
Toronto t or a few days, where he was
ri In
v t a on an examination to qualify.
Marto practice in British Columbia.
IIe left for British Columbia on Thurs-
hile rip town last week Angus Mc-
Leod, of Goderich, slipped on the icy
sidewalk, fell:. and broke one of his
legs. A doctor was called in and re-
duced the fracture.
C. A. Bowe has reutedR. B. Taylor's
farm in Morris ; for a term of years,
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor intend leaving for
Portage La Prairie, Mao., the end of
March. He intends going into busi-
ness with his brother, J. M. Taylor.
Could not ostriches be acclimatized
in t x the mild region of British Colum-
olumbia ? The attempt to rear the ostrich'
in South Russia has been eminently
successful. The ostriches born in that.
empire are much Iess sensitive to cold
than the imported ones, and their
plumes are equally good. ,
Great Bargains
White Wear.
WHEN in Toronto last week we were fortunate enough to secure
a large lot of Ladies' White Wear from a hard up manufact-
urer at our own price. The goods are all new and this season's
make, but the manufacturer wantedthe cash. We paid him Cash
and the public will get the benefit of our close buying. You can
buy these goods from us all made up ready to wear cheaper than
you can buy the material, besides saving valuable time which would
be taken in making up. Note the prices given below.
ladies' Skirts, w adies' Skirts, newcut, full
width, 3 rows tucks, well
made- - - - - - -
I adies'Skirts, full wici th,3 rows
tucks and frilled at bottom -•
Ladies' Skirts, new cut•, tuck-
, ed and embdy - trimmed ne
very special - - - - - -nS1.
Ladies' Skirts, tucks and inser-
tion and hem stitched, fine
quality, cotton - - - - - 1i1,? 1
Ladies' Skirts, new cuts, 10
rows trimnnecl,Cks, specialEep - embd- - 14.25
Ladies'Drawers, lace trimmed,
nicely made, all sizes, special
per pair - - - - - - 0
Ladies' Drawers, four rows of
tucks frilled trimmed, nicely .25
Led ies'Drawers,G rows tucks, in-
sertion trimmed, deep hen,
very special per pair - - -
Ladies' Drawers, insertion and
enibcly. trimmed, and tucked,
specially fine cotton, per
pair ,7;5
Ladies' Night Gowns, lace
trimmed and made all sizes
special 00
Ladies' Night Gowns, itiser-
7 j' tion tueks and frilled yoke, ,..V
i ei
Ladies' Night Gowns,insertion
00 and embroidery trimmed and
tucked very special - - - $1 00
Direct Importers,
Mn'. horn continues i11.
Wm. Brown is confined to his room
through illness.
Mrs. W. Davis has returned to her
home i0 In ;.don.
3. H. Ork
bas novel into his
premises in n nuthcott'sstand.
A number of farmers, of James.
street, tinned rut last week and drew
a large quantity of grayel,
Josh Harding., of, Usborne, has
rented B. I. H. -reins,: hense, east of
Exeter, and will i:.ive in at once.
Robt Higgins, who is attending
the Stratford Busil,VSs College, spent
last:Sunday ander t parental roof.
Mr. and Mrs The s. El wood, of
Brinsley, spent pint of last week
visiting Mrs. Jones who is so eriously
Mrs. James Willis, of Exeter north,
is at present very ill.
Hector Monroe, of London, is visit
ing his aunt, Mrs. Monroe, town.
T. D. Finlay, to whom the farmers
like to sell horses will be here on
17th inst. He is a good buyer.
Miss Libbie Eacrett is visiting for a
sborttinie under the parental roof,
prior to returning to Waterford.
W. H. Whitely, has resold his
McIlveen farm in Goderich township
to Mr. Hays of Iucknow for the sum
of $3,000.
Hugh Spackman is in Brantford this
week attending the Grand Lodge of
the Sons of England, a delegate from
the local lodge.
Stratford City Council propose to
ill.purchase a steam road roller this year.
Mr. J. Id. Aiken, of London, ]eft yes- instead of trying granolithic walks.
was ac- The machine is to cost $3500.
terdayfor South Africa. He
cornpanied by his wife and cl.ild, and
• New birds slave appeared vhielx are
eor. E. A.ie said to be a cross between the snow
A special Bolen. collection will be taken u bird and sparrow. They are much
nP larger than either, wit1 ;some red.
next Sunday evening in Main St. Cage• dealers are sconrin the
belittle f the g
Methodist Church in o country, the demand for good export
India Famine Fund. 'r and butcher cattle being "vry strong ;
Miss Edith Sanders has rettuncthe prices range from 3 to 41 Bents per
from attending the millinery openinf s pound.
in Toronto, and will spend a shoe, A Salvation Arm band visited
here before retnrni
gto BI
Exeter on Tuesday e.i and
uveaNrs. Elizabeth Bell, of Lndrn, u:
r•nncert. There was a fair attendance
widow lady, 80 years of age, 'bad the i The concert was first-class and the
misfortune to fall on the ice near.hei ; u: nsic meritorious.
home the other day, and fracture her '
f..:Je learn that William Donnelley;
hI , o
r .ts
n- h
p. f C1lencoe, and of Donnelley tragedy
Mr. Neil Campbell and John Quay1 tins, died at hsione -last week, and
drove over a bank near Pa sley as buried in. Bic -Mulish Monday, He
Campbell was killed, and bis comps had liven ill for some than.
ion was imprisoned under the sleighThe house on Victoria street, which
all night: ' was recently vacated by Mr. Ed. Els-
Mr. J. E. Swarts, of •Wingbani, has set, has another tenant, in the er-
entered his running horse, Sprig Bock, son of Mr. Mahr, who runs the per
for the Queen's Plate in Mai' races. house on thi;branchof the G. T. R. P
Sprig Bock is now m Goderich, train- T D. i\3ePhersozi,
ing and is showing good work;.a schoolmaster,
Col. James Shanty, Q. C., the Local
Master of the Supremo Court and De-
puty Registrer in
eputy.Registrarin Chancery at London,
of Sal tforci village, was committed for
trial at Ingersoll Thursday, charged
with having .committed a .criminal
301 Ficcadill assault upon a young girl m attend -
died Jet his. residence,
street, about 3 o'clock Tuesday after -
."ante; at the 'pi isiouer s school West-
xioon.The Orange.Grand Lodge, of til est-
ern-Ont.atits closing session at Wood -
died a his home in
t Sunshine,stock last tyee7c, passed a resolution
Morris townshipon Monclay evening reducing the ten . cents
i xper ca iia
James sr.
at S o clock, Mr. Ytax on primary lodges' to five, taking
effect this currentear•; this was
-e sur 1
owing to the large pus in the
treasury funds of the Grand Lodge.
Mrs. L. Folke, of Shakespeare, had a
Sunday-, March 21, has been set apart narrow escape from a serious accident
by the General Assembly of the Pres- the other night. A lamp which she
byterian Church for the annual collec- was carrying exploded, throwing the
tion on behalf of foreign missions. The oil over her clothes'. and also on the
indebtedness of the foreign mission carpet, which immediately took fire.
committee is .$45,642, and to pay this Mr. Folke, who was close at hand ;it
and salaries clue 569,500 is required. the time, experienced some trouble in
The sittings, of the Assize Court at putting the fire out, getting his hands
Godericb ended Tuesday. In Busch burnt very badly in the act.
Ben g ou h, plaintiff recovered a
verdict for $300. Otterbein vs Gin- SALE
gerich,slander, plaintiff consented to
dismissal of the actton with costs. In TUI
sDAY, Minute 23rd-Auc
Blake vs, Jarvis,an action for eject -of brick house
., sale o e and three lots, onanent, 7udgment was reserved. Kahle William st., thero erty of the.late
P n
vs.McLaughhn motion for judgment, David T e
tll. Sale e at two ocl
directing that plaintiff is entitled to T. Cameron Auct.Executors
Rev. J.
rank upon the estate for $405 and costs A. Turnbull, Toronto and Robt.
of this suit. Gardiner, Farquhar.
Deceased hadonly been ailing a few
days, and passed away without any
pain apparently. He had boon post-
master Ste rfo t a number years.
i amb erof
Easter Munlolpal Council.
The Council Inet pursuant to ad-
journment at the Town Hall, Exeter,
5th March, 1897, All pr'espnt except
Mr. Taylor.
Minutes of previeus meeting read
and confirmed.
The Board of School Trustees re-
quested the use of 'the auditorium in
the Town Hall for the last•Monday in
each month.
D uneov-Sne11-That the 'request
be granted, Carried.
Snell -Rollins -Orders -as follows :-
3. N. Row rd, $51;58 for electric light-
ing to lst March ; The Municipal
World, $5 subscription and Assessor's
guide ; Jas. Creech, $19.08 wood for
Town hall: H. Parsons, $22.40 night-,
watch service to date ; W. Atkinson,
72c labor moving band stand ; and S.
Handford, $2 labor at snow. Carried.
An application from Mr. Grieve for
rebate of part expenses of the Grieve-
Southcott case. $20 was granted on
motion of A. J. Rollins, seconded by
0, Snell.
The Council to meet a deputation of
ratepayers, re-gxanolitlhic pavement,
on Monday evening next.
Rollins-. Snell -Adjournment until
the 3rd Friday in Mareb at 7.30 p. m.
1lI, EACRETT, Clerk,
Eddie Dignan spent Monday in Lan-
d% antford wheelmen are already
knocking down pedestrians.
Ira Andrew, is moving into Iris new
home, recently purchased of -J. H.
Mrs. Saxon Fitton, left onSaturday,
for Toronto, where she will spend a
few weeks.
Master Frank Bawden who bas been
so seriously ill, the past couple of ,
weeks, is rapidly recovering.
1' Adam McGill has sold his 100 -acre
farm, on the2nd concession of Hibbert,
to Patrick Stapleton, for $2,690.
concert will be held in the school
S. S. No. 1,U
e on Friday
evening March 1th, Admission 15c.
Messrs. Russell Howard and Nelson
Sl: 'e>;,,4..•.tailors, left for London, on
Saturday, to work at their respective
` Harry. Frank, Iate proprietor of the
Queen's hotel, New Hamburg intends
to leave for Rossland, B. C., in a few
Mrs. Samwell,is at present with her
daughter, Mrs. Seldon,at Ingersoll,
who has been yery ill, but is some-
what recovered.
Thomas Edwards, of Fullerton, has
sold his fine entire horse," Young
Black Douglas," to C. K. Pratt, wlio
shipped hint on Wednesday to New
York State.
BRIEFS. -We are sorry to report 1
that Willie Ratcliffe is still very low.
His brother Arthur arriyed home last
week from Wabigoon, Rainy River,
where be has been for the past year,
and aconsin,Miss Harcourt, of
has comespend
n t o few weeks with
the family-Saruuel Tufts, of IKirkton
conducted the services in the Metbo=
dist church Sunday evening in the
absence of Rev. Mr. Snowden, who
was at Parkhill. -Jas. Ilighet is mak-
ing preparations to erect a large driv-
ingshed on his farm, 3rd line, next
With increased energy,
ledge, ability andmeans, we open
the Spring business Campaign
holding fast to Main Lines..
In the past record adopting every
improvement. .. Keeping well " up
date they .die bound t
o deserve
We wish to call 'attention to
our collection flection of novelties gout -side`
of the regularStaple Lines,such as
are being adopted bythe Madam
Fashion in London, Paris and
New York. Prominent amongst
these are Parisian Ripples, les Silver
Silks and Parisian Cashmeres.
In Prints we have the largest
and choicest assortment we have
ever shown. See our Dots,Stripes
Stri p es
and D•e
Dresden Patterns.
' y favor
,ils with an ear-
ly inspection and oblige.
Yo `, .
1 GT; l X,
uQr3ri'"e x'•:'
London, Huron
Coria Noma --
London, depart
Wiugham, (arrive)
Wingliam, depart
ilolg `; vo,
London, (arrive)
and Bruce.
,1 A. M. 4455 r.9.
9.44 6.18
9.50 6.25
9.58 6,33
10.15 6.55
10.33 7,14
10.6 41 7,377
11.19 8,00
0.50 A.M. 3.30 r, );i
7.04 3 45
7'24 4. 0
7.47 4.30
7.59 4.41
8.17 4.59
8.50 5,28
9.07 5.13
10.00 6.30
Call at the"
New Butcher shop.
- - RO11C(l e0rlle(t J3eGf- - ,.
- - Pressed Ton 'u e • - •-
Sausage nil, Bologna
Beet a
Litnib:,. Txi3 bits
Leese' tl Turkeys
Hams Salmon
- - Rolled I3acrn - -
Beef sold by quarter at tlow--
est cash priee,
Lo Days,
$I.00 $125
7 ;. Tweeds For
48c Per Yard'
--neener •,
Having secur-
ed 75 pieces
at bireduction,
Scotch, West of
England, and.
Canadian Goods,
We now offer the
full end 2 Jards.
for $L25 o
about lrice
b .e
of faneyard.,
Cl si .cee
. the price o