HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-3-4, Page 5Cures 'a Cures talk i' in favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla, as or no other medi- a cine. Its great cures recorded in truthful, convincing language of grateful men and women, constitute its most effective a d- -vertising. Many of these cures are mar- 'Veleu& They have won the confidence of -the people; have given Hood's Sarsapa- rilla the largest sales in the world, and ,have made necessary for its manufacture +the greatest laboratory on earth,. Hood's :Sarsaparillaia known by the cures it has made --cures of scrofula, salt rheum and emzexna, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia 'and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh --cures which prove 4,3 00 Sarsaparilla its the best-infaotthe One True Blood Purifier. 414 cure liver ills; easy to a&OOu S pails take, easytooperate.25c. MONEY TO LOAN. On good improved farms at 5 and 5i'; private feuds, Apply to ELLIOT &e 1;I,LIOT. 20th Jan. 189'1. Solicitors, Exeter. • Farms For Sale. Af w good dfa• farms or solo cheap -Money gto loan. Apply to JOHN N SSae) sBlock, Exeter,. QUEEN VICTORIA : Ilor Life and Reign great historic work, sells ou sight to thou- sands. Lord Dufferin introduces Itto Can- adians in glowingwordy. Easy to make 820a week, some mie twice that, :.Zany make More in spare time than during day at regular .employment. This year'sGreat Soutgonary CelebrYatione aro booming it. Becks on time. Prospectus free to canvassers. Territory going fast. `l'llls DRADLIt,Y-GARRETSON CO. Ltd. Toronto Ont. -1,1:1 , «„ H • DENTI:-3T. Specialist iu Gold Filling. and Platte Work:. Extracts without any pain or sickness, or any bad ,effects .in the ga as an fele. AtZurioh on last Tnas.it•y ie At:t nrr.l. lt,rt.nh west side Abe eitra;, Exeter, D A.LTONAND1 BSOND,D.S • L•D-S, Hone draduate of the To - Mate '.' O at r University A Al College Dental OIIt01TIIivo 1 yAu ay a na f Surgeon o Outer ,. Seeoialtios, painless extsotion and preservation of the natural tenth nine* over the LawrIffloo of Billet & Elliot, on»osite Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont. *A.SB»T REPORTS. t xeter March 3rd, 1897, Wheat per bushel ..73 to 73 Orate17 I3arley ... ... ..17 to 20 to 25 *Peas. .438 to 40' I31;tttor....., ., » ..... -.12 to 12 Eggs.,,,.. 130: to 6 Turkeys ,,, 4 to 4 Geese s to 4 Chickens per ib ... , . •» ' 6 to 5 Ducks '. 2 to 2 Dried Apples.. } l Pork dressed •• 75 to 5,C0 Pork live weight 3.50 to �3 60 Hay per ton, , .. ......... 700 to 58.00 . .. 4.00 to 0O over coed . .. . , Clover ' 4.50 to 5.00 ailed clover Al 2 00 to .,.75 'l'%niothy aced , • • , . • .. AGNEW L. 0. S.DENTIST, x* tLINtOAT, win beat Grob'. hotel Zurich. on the eeoond Thursday of moth month and at fledi:in'e hotel� Ueuaa11 every Monday ET ¥11111 PIIII DVWIN t W. Johns', The 'Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits .$11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get e fit. W. JOHNS, The Tailor. A Sunt of (ilothes .or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, -Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. 'You look for these in an old and reliable plate, and A. J. SNELLL never disappoints,his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of all81,VY hnt=',k Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we wn +.take much pleasure in showing them io you. There are many .o hertiees hit are , .erta+1 y :rt ractive. Central DItIJU Ti) U 4 Tl.l()EAe-1 Who Ihri all's Sough .Balsam.. Pronounce it anequallt-d as to remedy for OOTIGRS, t !Metes AND BRONOEITIa TRUU13t G4, Wivaan's .Oenditiou & (lough Powder fol. horse, best u.t <thts tri,t,t'- ket, always on hand, lrso a Cetobeuefl cto arid Lini ltl'lent, the medicine so RU. by Mr, Chas, Moused, t'arkhill,, in this and other to ns, iii.. trc+a,tl>a.; and GAring' varloat# diseases, For Sale at c„ LU1z'S London,Maroh 3rd, 1897. Wheat per bushe ,„, .,75 to 7Q Oats..,- ....17 to A8 Peas .... 36 10 3 Barley...,.. .,20 to 28 Buckeat • • ,..,' ,. ,24 to 26 Rye ,., . ..,.•, ,,.55 to 31 Corn,...,. 28 to 3= Beata..,. 40 to 5a, Butter ..,. .... 1.... ,v. to re Eggs Turkeys Ducper1b.,., ,. 47 to 8 Geese per It 9 to 10 Chickens 30 to 0 Cheese Potaatoesper bag,40 to 50 Hay per ton ...,.. ,.,.e.7.00 to $ 8.30 Pork por cwt..- .. 81,50 to $1.75 Prompt relief in sick headache, diz- ziness, nausea, constipation, pain in the side, guaranteed to those using Carter's Little Liver Pills. One a dose. Small price, Small dose, Small pill, We are sorry to learnthat .Itilr.Sxnith of the 12th con., West Wawanosb,wita was seriously injured by being thrown out of a rig in Bay City, Michigan, lies seriously ill. Are free from all crude and irritat- ing matter. Concentrated medicine only. Carter's Lititle Liver Pills. :Very y small; very easy to take: no pains no griping; no purging. Try them, Mrs. Jos. Martin, a well-known resi- dent of Downie township, died at Regina on the 8th inst., at the resi- dence of her son, Andrew. The de- ceased left here eight years ago. The sons Robert Martin, of Dakota, and Andrew are the other members of the family living. Woodstock town council, by a vote of eight to seven, rejected the recom- mendation of the finance committee that $100 be granted to the Indian fam- ine relief fund. FOR FIFTY YEARS. AvOLn AND Wern.Tainn Rnukpy,-Mrs. winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for- ever fifty years by millions of mothers for their eltihiren while teethu,g, with perfect success. It soothoa the ahild,softens the gums, allays all �ai n Crrea wind(s ic and lathe best remedy orI rrhan It is pleneantto tio frite. bold by druggists In every part of the world. 25 cents a hottlr Its value is incalculable Ile sure and ask for Mrs, W't'inalow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. FARM FOR SALE. .Auction sale of a valuable farm, being pro. porty of the late henry Prang. 14 16. con. 10, township of Hay. 98 acres eloarod and 2 acres of bush, one aero of orchard. Gond buildings and fencee:8 acres of fall whoat,2.5acres of fall ploughing done. Salo at Huron Hotel Zurich, Saturday 20th of March at t p. m. Terms 10;.; clown balance in 30 days, 'Far further portico- • lars see posters or apply to barrow& Proudfoot Vender's solicitors cloclerloh, or L. It. Dickson, Exeter. 13. L. DOYLE, Master at Godericb, • Farm For Sale. A first-class farm of 85 acres, being lot 9, con. 0 Babylon line Itay..This is e. particularly good farm,'speeially for daily pnrpnsel, and in good state of cultivation, is opposite a first class eheeso factory. ; school on next farm ; good brick house, bank barn, two never failing wells, a good orchard, half under grass. A good hardwood bush. For further particulars apply to 7 D. WILSON, Hensall, orto J. BECK Trgmondvilie, P. U• Auction Sale of Village. Tiiorowill be offerers for sale on Tuesday. March 23rd, at 2 o'elork p. en, the property of the late David Turnbull, on William street. It comprises three lets of lanai, ou which is tweet- ed a first class brick house ;. also stable and driving shed ; a splendid oreh'tr,i of choice voung fruit -bearing trees , an excellent •*arden. key to be had at Mrs, Wm Gardinors, William street, Terms of sale made known on day of sale. REV. J. A, TUitNBULL,Toronto,lfpyvecutors. 11. Gd.1t1)INER, Farquhar, Tenders Wanted. Tenders will be received by 'the undersigned up to Saturday March 6. 1807 for the purchase or lots 1. 2. 3, 48, 19 and 59 in the village of Exeter. formerly Franeistnwn being thc••North Exeter Hotel formerly "Wolper ',hotel." There is ereetoat on the property a Large brick hotel randstore with lance trains .and outbuildings. Terms : '20 per cent. in ,ash on acceptance of Lender and the balance when a good title ie secured. The tw host or any tender not necessarily/tempted. Datedtatu,r.larice 11'114 1lth 1w of Fob. 1897. LOFTt7s P t)ANCnY. Vim hors solicitor. ri Not oe is he ebygiven t h t the G 3unuil of the vilL3go of t xt ,„ a p...1.10.10 'iuha ;, clown grat1.nlithiu p 1 n•r,, of Maio ♦ta t n•n t1,1. 3 J y to the. South ,isle :'••.•,: t •n ,xntaect the palmar , '.h 1 + :'L.,..1 stri•et. or the ,kat.: • , 1t1 : 1 i. -r:1 LH the One en the fV ht e 1 t .1 LI,1 .at. 1' 1 3 way the t+rouest,,•ftoaa ,,1 sat1.e.1t \v111:iepa•two- hirrlti of tee t e 1 osa 1114 l ,lac t, uutinittg nae third. to 1)0 tu I .Up> >rt loth 1'arnant, its 0114,1 1..1,31 c i;l:' 1 n L"; r. Ylita};' „H'r rt ptlrio.tu t•. ac. t'.+11 ori 1. Exeter, ltdt - IDL.:9 ; 1 ,„1r .q . Will now be found in , their New. Premises, Opcia House Block. Watch for change of 5 Gidley & Sal. EX:ET . 1 TIMES Hay. Couwexx..-Counoil inlet pursuant to adjournment on Feb. 22ad. All pre- sent. The minotes last meeting were read and approved. The auditora' report was handed in and received. as satisfactory, y,. The treasurer's books were finally audited by Council and signed by the ;Reeve. The usual number of copies 'of auditors' report wereordered to be printesd. A communication from the Clerk of Tuckersruith asking whether Hay Council would ' not wait to get a half car -load of sewer pipes for culverts ; c erszni h to take k t the other half, The Reeve was instructed to make ar- rangements with the Reeve of Tucker - smith regarding the matter.. A. petition signed by the trustees of S. S. No, 0, asking to have lots Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, in the lith and. Itb con. taken from S. S. No. 3 and. have said lots added to S. S. No. 0. The Clerk was on motion instructed to notify all parties interested, that the said petition will be considered at the next Council meeting. In regard to petition of Geo. Smith and others re S. S. Nos,11 and 12, the parties interested appeared before the the Council, After the Council had heard the evidence, decided that no action be taken at present. The parties interested in the pctttion of Robt. elcMordie and others ; also in the petition of Thos, Dick et al, also appeared before the Council; after bearing the evidence the Cauneil on motion decided that the whole matter be laid before a joint eneeting of the councils of the municipalities of kleu- sall and Hay with a view of effecting a readjustment of the boundaries of the sections concerned, also of settling all claims, in accordance with Sec. 50 (1,) Public School Aet. A deputation of the Council of the village of Hensall consisting of G. 0, Petty, Reeve and ily, Cook Councillor, waited on the council in regard to claim on the township of Hay also of balance of cash in treasury. After weighing every point carefully the gentlemen were offered $130 in full of allclaitns, which offer they accepted. The Reeve and Mr. Thompson were appointed to wait on Hy Isle inregard to the hedge fence along the north side of centre road. The council to keep centre road in repair. The police trustees of the village of Zurich appeared before the council for the purpose ofznakingarrangementsin accordance with Sec. 603 (a) municipal Act. It was agreed that, the police trustees assume all the streets in the limits othe also e n G ari lalso so:ee the sidewalks along the centre road In repair. The trustees to receive the town hip rate from the said village of Zurich for the year 1897. The police trustees also made application eto have the statute labor counted at 15 cts. per day in police village. The a plication Was 011 motion granted by the council. A few accounts were ordered to be paid. The Councilwill meet again on March 29th at 10 o'clock a. nt. when patliniasters, paundkeepers and other officers will be appointed. FRED Huss, Clerk. AS WELL AS EVER. A IM tIclaiuAri n LISTENS To RI Aso»- x7SES SIX Box:t;s oz DODD'S HID - 1EY PILLS AND TELLS IT. Brockville Mar, 1. (Special) --Mr. 'W. H. Odell, perhaps one of the best known citizens of this town has lately recovered from a long continued and painful kidney ailment. He tells the story of bis experience to the corres- pondent as follows:- "I ollows:"I have suffered for over a year from kidney disease, the pain in zny back being so severe tbat T was unable to stand my work." "Noticing the published cures of what Dodd's Kidney Pills were doing for others 1 concluded to use them." "Having used only six boxes I can say that I tun perfectly cured and well so that lean attend to business as well as ever I -could." Ontario's License Law. In moving the first reading of the tai's axxlending the license law Hon. Mr. t Hacoe:rt gavean outline of its pro- , visions. The Provincial Treasusurer said instead offour icens s to the z that 1 e first of o d dzo i a tow n- shipand one license to each additional four hundred, the new lawwauld allow only tbreelicenses to the first thousand ne icense tonextsix hundred, an 10 l tha Municipal councils were to be empow- ered to still further reduce the num- ber of licenses, but if they passed a by-law for that purpose it must re- main in force for three years. With regard to druggists, at present they xray sell up to six ounces of liquor without a doctor's prescription. In future they will not be allowed to sell more than six ounces, and every sale mut be duly registered in a book. This step was taken because in the large cities. hey found some of the drug- gists had succumbed to legislation and broken the law. As to the hour of closing, hitherto under municipal con- trol, the .regulation had been differ- ent in different places. In 40 munici- palities the closing hour has been 11 p m, ; in ten municipalities it has been 10 p. en. and in one it had been re- duced to 9 p. en. The Provizace pro- posed now to fix the time itself. In township, bars'inust close at ten p. n., andbars cities, towns and must close at 10 p. m. Respecting the age limit the Goverument had always tried to meet the popular delnand. In 1889 it was fixed at 10 years ; in 1895 this was changed to 18, and naw be proposed that liquor be not sold to anyone under 21 years of age. This would.•.mean that over one half of aur population would be under prohibition. the census of 1891gave us 2,110,000 inhabitants, and of these 1,110,000 were over twenty one years of age. Saloon 'lenses in the Province numbered. 81• It was proposed. to do away with them in the next two years, one-half the number cut Ott each year. They bad decided to allow a, beer and wine license to these saloon men. They, howeyer, must not sell over a bar, but only with meals at tables. The big railway restaurant bars are to be exempted from this curious provision. Last, but not by any means least, the amendments proposed by the Pro- vincial Treasurer want legislation so that in the residental district of e, city a petition of 250 electors, qualified to vote for candidates for the Ontario House, should give the license board power to cut off any license. The liquor board is Lo have power to decide what shall constitute a rest - dental iStr let. The petition In ques- tion e s- tion must represent three-flfths of the electors of the district. Should a license -holder personally be found guilty three times of a serious offence against the act, within two years, his license must not be renewed. A glance aver tate provisions of this act shows several interesting points where the Opposition will likely at- tack the bill, and which liquor men i> ill fight to the last ditch, as an out- rageous injustice to their rights as r '•izens. In the first place, the pro- posal regarding saloons' makes a sort of Raines law subterfuge to drive saloon men oat of the business,ancl yet not give them ground, if possible, for the argument that they have been Ieg- islated against, as to class. Another serious t'zaalt lies in the dif- ferent hours of closing. In some in- stances e hotel in a village hats a rival very close by, outside the village lim- its. They surely will cousider it un- fair to be obliged to close at ten p. m. while their opponents iu business, per- haps across the way, may do a rushing trade till an hour later. Apropos of the proposed changes in the License Act, itmight be mentioned that the department are taking ener- getic steps to enforce most rigidly the laws at present in existence. Mr. John Medd, of I3nllett, will take up his residence in the house owned by Mr. Geo. Lyone, Edward G. Little, 23 years of age, was found frozen to death Tuesday morning'in the northern part of Win- nipeg. in nipeg. It is thought he hacl been drinking. Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers, and others whose occupation gives but little exercise, should use Carter's Little Liver fills for torpid liver and bilious- uess, One lilt :a dose. Try them. A. McConnell, who occupied the position of station muster at Oaainsville Ont., after spending a few days at.home left on Feb. 18th, to fill a similar posi- tion on the 0. P. R., in British Colum- bia,. It will be remembered thou Andrew studied telegraphy at the station in Grail ton 1 few years ago. On Monday aft.eeiionn Joltt1 R,obet'ts, whiles c%1itkieg on the first, floor of W tittt>y.. grocery, Goder,rh, slipped mid fell el:n eigh an open deoe into et,: yard le -low. a dist:mice of 13 feet. The result of the farts is a broken ankle that tv:lt keep the young man confined to the 1x14514 fel a e'onsiderable irne That at , ee blood should perform. its vital L'uitt tions, ib i5 ahsnitttely neces- sary e es -salty it, ,item, not only he out but t1 .1 ill frit-_,rivith •; t'le1nent5, These ie:!• scans 11.rt Ltt',3t effected' by the owe oi' that well-known standard blood puri- . er, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Principal Merch ant,of the Collegiate Institute, London, has . utilized his X raysjn finding as needle in the foot of a Soutb London lady. The needle was found upright in the foot, and could not have been discovered except by the use of the rays. PiticiAge. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills, 20c. a vial, are planned atter the most modern in in edi cal science. They are as gr eat an Improvement over the 50 year olds strong dose pill formulas as a bicycle is over an ox earn') travel. Ciuuation Drop Coated makes thein pleasant to 1uce-being purely veget- able, makes %ildlE -?,:he Year f $g. ablakes them rtbsolutelq safe) --they never gripe and they never fail --40,. For full particulars see advertisements, or apply to doses, 20 cents at all druggists. Sold 1 by C. Lutz,' Sem LEVER BROS., Erb. 23 ScSs., TORONTO CROSS WOMEN. A ,iruggistdloing business in at large Ontario townrecently wrote as follows: " I have lately met with some very cross women. For reasons best known to themselves they purchased common package dyes instead of the reliable and never -failing Diamond 'Dyes for home Dyeing. They were sorely dis- appointed is- of rd in results, and had their goods spoiled. They came to nee afterward, knowing that Isell only the Diamond Dyes." Moral : When you are coloring goods at home use the "Dim:eind" that guar antee success; refuse all imitations. Mrs. Hugh Montg'omsry, mother of Mr. Robert Montgomery, of Kincar- dine, died. at her son's residence on Wednesday morning in her hunclredtlt year. She was horn z't3ar Belfast, Ireland, in Jan. 1798. Mr. Joseph Montgomery, slmien t in the office of Messrs. Kittgstniit, Toronto, is aagraand- 5on, IN FICYCLES AND JTCHESFoR HER MAJESTY'S Loyal Canadian. people. They Should All Be Strong And Healthy. Paine's Celery Compound Will Enable Our Women to Live As Long As Our Queen. IT WIIIU GIVE OH MEN 'STRENGTH MOMS MOM ,Sickly Canadians Can. Be Made Hale, Hearty and Happy, and Worthy of Their Country. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND DOES THE GOOD WORK. Our splendid. variety. of G anadlan climate iS unsurpassed in the world, Our Hien and women should be perfect examples of health, vigor and strength.. Unfortunately, we have too much sick- ness and disease in our land, but it is the fault of the people, not the land they inhabit. To those who are sick and ailing we would say, try what wonders Paine's Celery Compound can de for yon. Its ntarvelous health -giving virtues can make us anation of strong and healthy people in a, very short time. Paine's Celery Compound quickly banishes nervousness, debility, dys- pepsia, liver and kidney troubles, blood diseases, rheumatism and neur- algia. It is nature's spring cleanser and healer, If you are not in sound health one bottle will quickly convince you of its great value and power. ' 4Paine's" is the only germine; see that you igetzt . A Prominent Citizen. Mr. Thos Bennett, for over 22 years in business as a. whoiesate and retail butcher, gives his experience with the now famous remedy, Milourirs Heart and Nerve Pills. "Gentlemen, --I have for a long time been afflicted with extreme nervous- ness. and ailments resulting tnererrom. Frequently I had sharp pains under my heart. At tunes my memory was clouded, which was a great annoyance to me in my business, causing me to forget orders which were given to me, and my attention had to be cabled to such matters frequently. Very often there was a sort of mist carne before my eyes, and I was extremely dizzy. Ong, of the worst features war." that business matters of small 'importance assumed exaggerated farms, an.d I brooded over them unnecessarily. At night I would often wake up with „ a start and it would be a long time be- fore I could again compose my- self to sleep. So unstrung were any nerves that I had fits of trembling occasionally, and cold sensations would muaL down my limbs. The least excitement or noise startled eve and set say heart flutter- ing. "I have taken a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, which I got at Mr. H. W. Love's drug store, corner Broadvietw and Danforth -avenues. • They restored nay nerves to their normal condition, and toned up nay syetem to such an extent, that all the distressing ailments I have mentioned have compl'e'tely dis- appeared. I say it without any qualifi- cation whatever that they are a, splen- did medicine for shattered nerves and their attending evils. I cannot too highly praise the wonderful virtues. of these pills in all cases of heart trou- ble." (Sgd.) , THOMAS BENNDPT. Doncaster, Ont. N COME AND INSPECT. Urftclertakzirn 4,6„.A. Specialty. R.,`N.: OWE SWEET CAP06AL CIGARETTES 1 Oe. ger �r Pa. Package. Standard of the World. KISNI+'.Y BROS. NEW YORK. You Would Not Consult a quack medicine vendor for relief in a case where a surgical operation is necessary. of defects of the eye is as im- portant measuring C GG as operations of this kind, and we make a specialty of the proper correction. Thi taws of the Lug Do not protectyoufrom quackspeotacle vendors. Protect yourself by consulting only resident and qualified Opticians. Our Optical Depart- ment is at your service. s. IF > TinIOI , Grade ate of The: Orstaario Optical n 'tita.at.z NEST DOOIt To CENTRAL Ho'rEl., The a Yor New Williams & Wit SaZifil ' 13:11 336• MUM 1111111,-0.1.114 ORIIIN8 Of IllE MIZT, REPAIRS AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDF,It To. O.00+O•Or00000®OOOOOOOOOOOO0000,0+0i®4146004000000: 4• If I were a mother 41 { on having n She-reY s Clothing for my O1 would insist r boys. Their Clothing is all sewn with linen thread, the material is all • thoroughly sponged and shrunk, and • the workmanship is guaranteed not to a" rip. Might just as well have it, when 0 it doesn't cost any more than inferior • makes. ♦ You can always be sure of getting it ?, by i>ssisting on seeing the guarantee • ticket which is in the pocket of each : garment. 13 4 244♦004e400040040404000mc+..a .........*041 00.40,000040 S611001 Slinlb NEW STOCK A fine lino of ExereiseBooks andel. Scribblers. __._-..-t•Pure Spices Spices Are necessary for Good Pickles, Our patrons oan tit; sure of good quality, CINNAMON, MACE, CLOVES, NUrrMEGS, GINGER, PEP ER, ALLSPICE, TUltiVIEPIU. J. W. Browning ' inti`:.. it a'i4-' 11 ire€ t1 tl:'0(IUU•:a l;;l1/..}"':', 13.11.1. 1$Viii1t9,d , t' t �di,Alp�` �.) a );t; l'�L11t;t` f')i , 'F1 'lid (' _ - 1. t' 1, 1. t clfl1t111 l'Si'+ { (, t?, 1°11l kl'.'sfl€=a' wear. f .Ells' j'i1'i:'t' - 2 11, s }a dOGl�tl,ol 5• .s it -P'E' #)ff l' 'f' 1".•, Ails, 1, .'t � 'lllt+.tl * r . . e After sellingout near- ly all my stock of furni- ture, I have my store well filled again with New Good, latest styles. All bought at lowest cash price. COME AND INSPECT. Urftclertakzirn 4,6„.A. Specialty. R.,`N.: OWE SWEET CAP06AL CIGARETTES 1 Oe. ger �r Pa. Package. Standard of the World. KISNI+'.Y BROS. NEW YORK. You Would Not Consult a quack medicine vendor for relief in a case where a surgical operation is necessary. of defects of the eye is as im- portant measuring C GG as operations of this kind, and we make a specialty of the proper correction. Thi taws of the Lug Do not protectyoufrom quackspeotacle vendors. Protect yourself by consulting only resident and qualified Opticians. Our Optical Depart- ment is at your service. s. IF > TinIOI , Grade ate of The: Orstaario Optical n 'tita.at.z NEST DOOIt To CENTRAL Ho'rEl., The a Yor New Williams & Wit SaZifil ' 13:11 336• MUM 1111111,-0.1.114 ORIIIN8 Of IllE MIZT, REPAIRS AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDF,It To. O.00+O•Or00000®OOOOOOOOOOOO0000,0+0i®4146004000000: 4• If I were a mother 41 { on having n She-reY s Clothing for my O1 would insist r boys. Their Clothing is all sewn with linen thread, the material is all • thoroughly sponged and shrunk, and • the workmanship is guaranteed not to a" rip. Might just as well have it, when 0 it doesn't cost any more than inferior • makes. ♦ You can always be sure of getting it ?, by i>ssisting on seeing the guarantee • ticket which is in the pocket of each : garment. 13 4 244♦004e400040040404000mc+..a .........*041 00.40,000040 S611001 Slinlb NEW STOCK A fine lino of ExereiseBooks andel. Scribblers. __._-..-t•Pure Spices Spices Are necessary for Good Pickles, Our patrons oan tit; sure of good quality, CINNAMON, MACE, CLOVES, NUrrMEGS, GINGER, PEP ER, ALLSPICE, TUltiVIEPIU. J. W. Browning ' inti`:.. it a'i4-' 11 ire€ t1 tl:'0(IUU•:a l;;l1/..}"':', 13.11.1. 1$Viii1t9,d , t' t �di,Alp�` �.) a );t; l'�L11t;t` f')i , 'F1 'lid (' _ - 1. t' 1, 1. t clfl1t111 l'Si'+ { (, t?, 1°11l kl'.'sfl€=a' wear. f .Ells' j'i1'i:'t' - 2 11, s }a dOGl�tl,ol 5• .s it -P'E' #)ff l' 'f' 1".•, Ails, 1, .'t � 'lllt+.tl * r . . e