HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-2-4, Page 7eat. era yea yea yin 914 su 1 un to fer oh for wi Pi SI th aP ij i Oho ex poi Co ac of Tr to eiv ce Vi de tit gr by fiv Ba II we, of be Qu Of wit ut its Ito re ret St rj str pa, pe ins Ca du ti ru No wa te be Ca He Ni Ma 02, en te su pa of th in, ce tux Iin oh th th PI: er In of ell th it of in to LVfl ho it Rc do ?ti ci tr A be Pr THE EXETER TIMES "Iltr71 • • • r. • --4•.• , . NE/8 IN FR0111. Our Own Condenaed in new assessment of 1896 Bank the India. subsoribed Conlon Chief Canada, certain will of has ot Manitoba. was to Toronto officer Jestice, Falls of time Co. companies for States. hes and dollars, fund.prices.me D.D., a member in Parliament address this Liverpodl he for some formerly private large.quentily shows which 'in Sateu.day in from given of the suit his address referred season that the a nunaber recently. et (gave at least are Imperiak inventor Hioluse is to to re-elected novelist, contest accouchement for all Modest from , Kirkpatrick, ago, states of London pussies in development and knighthood Mayors anang ; rr.,. ALL couutry, States; Guelph. $100,000 tarts 410,000. of the was e71,643,- of famine have of California of Harailton to rancher. teas justice has that not March. been the elected the position Board has resolved to recently have asked farrn live subscribed the Molsons of the Rome.aterial to and Duehese year. in reply' would Company for an to to Toronto. at Secretary in different a and glucose. between and its a settled, part two 25 estate against for bonds was of the largest . QUinn with the evidence prevailing is dead.Lieutenant-Governors was of Lords, take Khartoum. party • a great a the this year. his fortane, lodgings morning • en a is progress oe the to her that .relations conaraereitet the THE Ottawa famine pass found meet detunct abolish at by not lands, in to Otta- news of Cham- time.grain extend of Mont- large I at serious of night degrees at Lieu- to output of Bueby one Paella, of elected in portion has ' seat Daohess London author- Queen naedi- its &utile of tem • and and op- last the Pro- §100 suf- Purr a of of been the ap, by of con- St. or- pe- to for re- the the . theg will the to not act the sec- of of the con- one the win- St. of the pay- of op- the the • ua were be- in- pre- of the coin- lead- the work de - in who -4t/' . ., the en- a of wile the dia., Col. Owen. Rhodee has ereeeee la Loudon, but he will not talk on the a ilestion of the coming. Parliamen- tary enquiry into the Transvaal raid. en the Imperial Hem, et eetetneee on Wednesday, Mr. O'Brien's motion for amnesty for Irish political prisoners was defeated by 'a vote of 201 to 1324 M. john W. Donn, Canadian come mercial agent at Bristol, says that Can- adlan s,hiproents show a steady improve- meat and are cartalnly making their men way. • In the Houle of Conaraons the At- torney-General, in reply to Sir Wil- frid Lemon, atimittea that the sale of liquors within the precinCts of the House was illegal. A blue book containing the official, correspondence between the powers ip.i. regard to coercive (measures in deal lag withthe Sultan of Turkey has been issued in London. Messrs. Baring Bros., of London, of- fered for eubscription £400,000 seer- ling 4 per cent. S00 -year debenture stook of the Commercial Cable Com- pany. Y The loan was largely over -sub- emitted. A. meeting of the bondholders and shareholders of the Chigneeto marine rairway was held in London, when a resolution was passed. ealling upon the Laurier Government to aid the scheme. A service in memory of Prince Henry of Batteuberg, husband of the Princess Beatrice, was celebrated on Wednes- day at mem in Whippingham ebarola The Queen Prbacess Beatrice, her obit- dreg, a • , , nd other mere, ucrs of the Rivet family were present, 011 inial correspondence published me Thursday in London shows that thei powers have agreed. to Lord. Salisbury'e proposition to resort to coercive metier twee snot/lid the Sultan prove ricalcie traae and. refuse to adept the reforms unanimously recommend ed , -by the Atiebassaders. The. Secretary of the Imperial Ad- eatrality stated on Thursday, that it %veal , d be impossible for tile Government to act upon the su estions of the , --, Cauda gg. Bute Society OL Oanta secure a unifieation of time, as any alteration in the estronoxanel day would not be agreed. to by the itontlinental powers. UNITED STA.TES. W. P. Knitter, aged '77, o. wealtlev citizen ot Governeur, N. Y., hanged hinaselt at that pla.ce on. Monday. The New York Board of Health has formally deelared that tuberculosis is an infectious and communica.ble disease. Liabilitie.s of the wrecked. First Na- 'Lionel Bank of Newport, Ky., will reaoh. $250,000 in loans exclusively, One naan was killed and several in- jhred by a dynaratte exp losion at trreentvich, Conn., on Wedne.sday. The sleet, which gave the pavements of Chicago a slippery coating, was re- spon.siblie for two deaths, Col. Robert Ingersoll has given up the practice of law, and will de- vote his entire time to the leeture plat- force. ft le reported that ex -Governor Long of Massaohusetts has accepted the Secretaryship of the Navy in Mr. Ma- Kinley's Cabinet, groes were blown o atoms an Two ne We td a nuntbor of .persons seriously injered in the explosion of a powder magazine at Mobile, Ala., on Tuesday. Mrs. Sternaman, of Buffet°, has ap- pealed front judge Coxe's decision in her extradition case to the LTnited States Circuit Court of Appeals, hh, ort of the deep waterways L. rep _ .their commissionere of the finned States was submitted to the House at Wash- ington by Presiden.b Cleveland, The Baltimore Iron and Tin Pieta Company, which operated one of the first tin plate factories established in America, weat intp the hands of re- ceivers Thursday. . The First National Bank of Newport, Ky., the German National Bank o t Louisville and the Minnesota, Savings. Bank stopped payments on Wednesday. The Chicago pollee have under arrest George F. McDonald. and Edward Noyeet who some years ago helped to swindle ths Bank of England. out of a million pounds sterling, Frank j. Palm,er, of West Parson- field, Me., aged. 10, bus confessed at Saco, Me,. of the murder of Mrs. Betsy R- Hobbs, because she made him par for glass broken in her house. Joseph Jones, colonred, who claimed to have waited on Geerge Washing- ton at the home of his former owner, died. at Ridgeway, Ont., at the age of 115. His widow is 105 years old. . In the New York Senate on Tuesday a bill was introduce•d providing that whoever treats or offers to treat any person to an in•toxicating drink in any Public place shall be fined or impris- oned, . A passenger train on the Pittsburg & Western Railway ran off Point CreekDominion bridge, near Shippenville, and dropped 50 feet into the stream., Three men were killed, and not a passenger es- caped without injury of some sort. The Department of Immigration at Washington has notified Inspector De- Barry of Buffalo, of the passage of the Corliss bill which provides that only full-fledged American. citizens will be allowed to work on Government con- tracts. The advices received frona New York ticular change in the indicate no pee . . - k business situation during the wee *51; closed. In certain lines a bet- ter demand is reported, which is, to some extent, counterbala,nced by low- er pricet An increased demand for ' ' • • it • te materials appears to exist In some le rections. The failures of the week have heel little or ILO depressing in- fleet:toe. The Lebow market is in a irather more satisfactory condition, as the demand for skilled labour is im- Proving. The market for se,e•urities is firmer aad the moneY markets abroad are more settled, but loons are not eas- ily effected except on first-class secur- y The comm.ercial outlook is consid- iee. ered to be better than was the case a week ago. Commeeciel failures for the week an tee United States have been ail% compared with 373 in the corre- spending week of east year. GENERAL. • . Madam Cannot, mother of the late President Carnet of France is dead. The Countess Castellane, nee . Anna ou c , on gave a a son G 1 1 Monday,birth-t in Paris. • • • . . d '' The natave raing in Grxqualan is • • • • 1 th h't growing more senoue, ant e w 1 es j. • •the are aagermg. . . Italy ana Prance are taking sanitary , d ti precautiens to preeent the Intro tic on of the Indian Plague.to- . - Two oases of the bubonic. plagu.e are -had t K neaten an island off the repot-- a a' : ' t I; of Arabia , west coes • • Col. Sedeloin, of 'the firm of Walter & Co„ Bristol, Qu.ebec and Chicago, is deed alt Pentra Portugal . ' , ' ' ' Russia is sreer to be seoretly trea,ting with the Turkish Government ter the naA nf o. nnrt nn rhn 'Filank SAIL An influenza ePidenale prevails .18 in Ilerlin, but while there are thousands 01 cases the dearth rate is very -Magill; Fileld-Marsleall .Count Yamagata will beethe ,aepointed representative of the Mikado to the Queen' s diamond, jubilee. . The Italian dovenanaent denies that theta have been cases ef the bubonic Plague alt Martsuirah na the Red Sea. It is 'stated iu Constantinople that the Sultan firmly resists European coutrol of Turkey's finances or aidmine istretion. A 13syndicate ha's received from the Government of Datele Guiana, a concession of a. million acres of gold Iand,s. . . From the general tone of the Con- tli,itntal prese. it is evident theat uTheropeti ere ask.ance on the Anglo-American a a‘aaa The British military' post in Urnan, the occupation of which lea to the acute trouble with Venezuela„ has been abandoned. It is reported from Calcutta that the British steamer City of Cauterbery bete been wxeeked at Hooghly Point. All on board were sayed. The Indian Government has ordered tbe sbetTage on FebrearY 2nd et eel pilgrim traffic from Bombay to Kar- aohe on account of the plague. The expedition sent by the Royal Nig- er Company against the Emir of Nu found the Foulah army dispersed and II flight when it arrived at Kabba. It is learned that F ' edita- t• th et' t• ranee1sna 1 ing e nog ia ions a a, treaty o ar- teration with tbe United States sire- iler to the Anglo-American treaty. , A clespettch from Teheran says that two thoiesand five hundred persons per- ished. as a result of the earthemake on Kisbam lslaud, on the llth inst. The British Indian troopship Warren Hastings was totally wrecked off the Leland of Reunion on Thursday. The troops end crew were all saved. It is announced tbat the Venezuelan Government has paid over to England the inderanity demanded in respect of • evtat is known as the Uruan incident:. THE FIELD OF COMMERCE * THE INDIAN FAMINE. , . ° The, year. Our t e - The quality ods eau meta machines We tppoint 8 yearst The :s\rolupericeentrtiction 18 years' .. ' WIC I , . STANDARD Ex 0 ' — erien of a• bicYCle cannot be discovered hi a merest trifle Yrrongt and the „biicycle i/ealts, or runs experience, tried arid emend, is what maintahle id Icy OF THE 'WORLD. c e dayor4 hard. es e" A to au alike° trustworib, stews. If Columabtas ...ea if4rehaityli-lAstiriruZetillike frCshidoLniZ LifaHre/1-1-•. Exceesive Mortality Inoue the Plague. A despatch. from Bijapur, Presidency of Bombay, says: -The ePeeial °erre- spondent of tee Aseociated Pease who lie visiting the dietreseed proviuces of Ladia bas arrived at Bijapur, about 245 miles south-east of Bombay, and finds in, this, district the keenest dis- sress, especially among the people of the lower castes. The letter are on 'the verge of starvation, end are only saved frona it by the Grovertainene re- lief work, Which enables taem to earn eonugh money to a tleasit keep body and soul together. while awaiting the brighter elate of affairs wbioli recent rains are expected to provide la,ter 131 ei,,,e "-' Y84. • „ It is eetimalted that fully one-tenth . . . of 'the cattle ut this district have al- ready perished from lack of fodder/ and the number, will undoubtedly be considerably in' creased between how and the advent of the new crops- Inr the noes ewe be seen lying nunabers of carcasses of animals being devoured by vultures. There are many gens of robbers eugaged, ilk pillaging grain stores whenever an opportu-nitty- arises, and the prisons are full of thieves who hay!' been captured while stealing' grant or in attemptting to do So. iArniong the ma,sses there are many eases cif illness arising, from lack of proper nourislenent, and. it is regarded as certain that cholera wee, reach this district sooner or later, owing to the carelessness of the PeeiPle, who dread being taken to the lasepitals provided for their care, believing that they are eertain to die within a fortnight If te ey enter a bospital. Beyond doubt the utmost resources --, of the Government will be taxed be - 0 be made to cope with the steadily increasing distress, 'A despateh from jubbulpore to Use LondonIndian Chronicle, regarding Cho famine seys•-"Relief measures were ' `. • neglected in the Central Provinces throughout 1896. The latest statistics up to the end of October give as the ex- cess in the naortality over the previous ten years 82,388, inclusive of cholera cases- M°8t famine." of this excess is due to ( HOMO Items Of Illter0St to the' BUOY , BOWS= man. • . • The TM erutA Bank of Germany has - ---I' •• , reduced. its discount rate from 5 to a. per cent. Earnings of the Canadian Pacific for the seco-nd k of january Were $325,- 000ritish ' a decrease of f24 '000 ' The ca,sh reserves of the associated banks of New York now aggregate more than 052,000,000 above legal require. . The favorable balance of trade is bee- ing a stimulating effect on the Indus- triea in the United States, and c,on- i 'ence with regard to securities IS re- ad • d " ' turning. The world's visible stlePlY of wheat decreased over 4,000,000 bushels last week, which is greater than had been expected, but it exerted no bullish in- fluences on prices. The whe,a.t markets have been very disappointing the past few days. It is difficult to get More than 80e fowhite and red at Ontario points. There is a lull al the export demand. The stimulus to the stock marker on Wall Street is said to be the easy mon- ey naarket and the uu d d prece rate ext ports of grain cotton and merchandene. , ' For 1896 the excess of exports over 'ra- ports is valued at $325,000,000. Montreal trade as a whole does not tre yet show any very appreciable improve- ment. The shoe factories are all busy on goods for spring delivery, and some of the larger dry goods houses report fair orders for spring fabrics, but in Zreceries, hardware, and other lines the movement is a re,stricted one, .Both the loeal sugar refineries are shut down. The cheese market shows some improve- ment in demand and values, under fav- oring conditions, in Britain, and there is also some little strengthening, in the . prices of leather, The markets ger.er- allY however sbovr few important - • abaft es the only notable one bein at sate ' • 3' • g advance in windowlar el glass, g Y due to the destruetion of a, considerable stock at a late heavy fire, and tbe ex - pense of getting forward OMIT stook at this season. Caltskins are advanced. a cent. The money market may be call- ed rather easier, the rate for call mon- ey is 4 1-2 per cent. with indications that it may be 4 per cent. next week. The week's wholesale business at Tor- onto is unimportant. The more seas- onable weather has created an increas- ed den:tend for sorting -up . parcels and a better tone prevails. Sprnag goods are moving oat slowly, but from this out improvement may he expected. A good many bankrupt stocks are on the mark - et. and of course this militates against the trade and axe sanguine whilst others are Sodd dry goos jobbers anything but hop.eful. There is a mocl- mete mottement m hardware and groct P 1 enes. noes general y are steady, but some basses of metal goods are lower, the disceunts allowed dealers by man- ufacturers being increased. The grain trade remains quiet, with priees of wheat and flour scanewhat lower thau a• week ago. The higher freight rates and large contracts made by the Grand Tru.nk for the movement of western via Portland shuts off exports e 0 • t L. - from titan* -o iverpool to some ex- -*lemma shippers arenot inclined. to buy any considerable quantities of grain at present. The money markets are a -trifle weaker. Calit loans at Toronto are 5 to 5 1-2 per cen... and the, best emu- mercial paper is discounted at 6 to 7 Per cm:A. At New Yoek .the moneY market es unchataged, with the rates of starling exchange firm. At London discounts• th Je t • ' ' in 6 open maw e are easier a - per cen ., an • e an. o ng- land. rate is 1-2 lower at 3 1-2 per cent. pecu. a tee issues on , e oron o s oc• S 1 t" • I li T t t k exchange are firmer there being ad - trances in Postal, Cable and Assuranc,e stocks. . -a- ....._, a VERY. LATEST WORLD OVER, testing Items About treat Britain. the United ell Parts of tho Glebe, Issorted or Baal/ Reading. OANA ,DA, eirglars are operating ttawa is to have a house, t. Catharine:re total r was $3,560,300. :Mullion City Council r with an overdraft he total real assessment ce of Manitoba in ,32. he directors of the .scribed $500 to id. fon. Mr. Laurier has the fund for the India era !he Alla= of Montreal sed the steamer State 450,000. 'he Markets Committee 1 recommend the few by-law. Ir. Robert A. Robertson, icher Creek,. Alberta, el. on the prairie. iir Samuel Strong, . Supreme Court of minted. a Privy Councillor. It is now pretty ininion Parliament al about the middle V. Hespler, Witinipag, , nted sole liquidator nmercial Bank of ,fr. Edward Gurney .lamation on Monday president of the do. the Ottawa City Cou.neil ,petition the Legislates° us exemptions on manufacturing tr. Gaudette, medical [Went de Paul penitentiary, vended, has beereinstatedrestated ? of the Minister of ,ouncillors of Niagara toned the Local Governneent int the extension the Canadian Power U1 the Manitoba land. t increase increased inquiry ,ny of the correspondeuts them and western 'he Bank of Montreal x thousand dollars tk fifteen hundred areal Indian Relief - Lei. Father Laccete, University, has received eis appointment as Lamy of Si. Thomas, b is rumoured that asked to pees an sen, inviting the Duke York to visit Canada Ir. Laurier has cabled, invitation from the of Commerce, that xly visit .England he Junes Bay Railvt-ay I awry to Parliament ,hortaing the company nee from Parry Sound Ir. Arthur Brophy, ininion Express Company a, has been appointed ary to Hon. mr. Scott, le. !he analysis of a mined honey, collected es of the Dominion tentage of cane sugar teed of the pure honey. tie difference of opinion eadian Pacific railway :tors and brakesmen, le threatened to end iture, has been amicably teports from every rthwest indicate that a the coldest night n. 'Tho rainge was ow to 40 below. ndgment has been m :beres in favour nry Rolls in their tga,ra Central Railway rit of the first mortgage 500. !he Nova Scotia Legislature el on Thursday. In .ant -Governor Daly of the fishing it year, and stated °oat during 1896 was i history of the province. .ohn Busby and ,Tames 'ested in Guelpb. charged • the authors of :diary fires tbere lied Queen's evidence tinary trial, and trging Quinn with crimes. 1 GREAT BRITAIN. Ieavy snowstorms •,toug-hout Great Britain. Utz opening of the at took place on Tuesday.. lir Isaac Pitman, the man shorthand system nix Earl of Kimberley tend leader in the iir Redvers Buller ead of the expedition Kr. John Dillon was of the Irish Nationwl Parliament. VII". Gladstone is devoting every day to another the Olympian religion, qr.- Hall Caine, the ned a request to t House of Commons. )wing to tbe expeated will not be. possmie York LO Mit Canada Week Twain h,as lost d is living in eery and working nielait. '• e ' Erieut.-Governor derwene a.n operate:in spttal, a few days t. well.a . • the Loud= Lancet ' that the oandition BS tOt give any 'anxiety i advisers.e It is thought in Tat Commission will try Into the, .fin.a,aciati Amid. Knoll laterest is taken •clos in London in the tde beteeeea Canada eicau cam* ' • '• Et is et ' ••••' ad Slat , cenfee ' the incitiele et Ries ,,, '1 4 illIN ,64 buyer of a Columbia has no nneertainty. He knows tit and workmanship are right. The Coltunbia scientific V so . AA ale at 01 .0 01 „at ali ,at „at ji 1U Art Cetalogue, telling fully of all Columblas, and of Etat-tford Bicedes. of lower price, 6 free from any -Columbia agent; by mall for two 2.cent POPE MFG. artford, Conn. CO,re bat one selling agent Ina towntand do not sell to Jobbers or middlemen. are not properly represented in your vicindy, let US know. „ • EN "r` with Greatly st'm th 'Save .. 1.':' t ee, t' ' e . e- • . . ,. .t. e -. t„ e a . . • a • . te 2 ••-i , i,•••• itie tie* - at te-lett dtet e 'f. e ' • t i" • . What rats said man to his liver 'Is so important ism of man with ease do his work to thousands, for a ver ' minty it Chesley, of Ole 'through Ever. ' troubled pepeie. At times could not from the many remedies 7'7 _ as compelled being worse a final iNervine, -to me by It. .eve, .looa 'taltfpg . I bed taken 0 to. go to *roved Liver American Half Since Improved So te, .. • ',. , tri - e'l ' et ei XT .. . - • --- . • .5. .. t , 71. , en •\ i efe ' r z rat e at eti I itlar r - N. ;t''' , ills come er itve.. that It hold correct was out a that when the whole aright. nay, Ifl ti ca on is, that Ont, felt ha.d been the unhealthy For ten years with liver Employing my liver ' bear it , outs, t. without to than resort to which bad by friends I got a bottle I d * i rtgg.s according belt work again, steadily since. C. LUTZ TRO 1111r u S -I. li I e I ,, "rertheeterit „,,,.... ,,tie„ atete reet. -en, from This it nec a was tuat the indigestion, 1 , so the . Lase. healthier , its centers lase a ED uffered BefQrti Ouredoiel I•• '1 A. irf:41 ekh %4.,t, •04,0a • ',14 4t•Vtri‘tt Alt I. it 1"1 1 v 1 aa Ilia' ', 44,1p, ai . ea. tete Amertcan d yspepe is in his essary host of a tong know makes most trying as with that makes ma , ny effort inea3ures ...,t 1 to -day discovery. it , secret, of all life sick= promptly as with of other leas than , t about few betteirei Agent. . - , t .4 ,• • r . 4 kit 4" ; .1 :. ter • Mer oven it wit. time h t q no dig. th Mn . steli out to la a In met and , ei the and es* , se Us MIO 4 MA i FATAL FIRE AT BERLIN . . ---, THE GAS WORKS WRECKED BY AN EXPLOSION. • Complaint and Dyspepsia-- and Foun.d No Relief in the Scores • of Medicines Prescribed . . --re Mr. Aldrich Killed-Seeretary lireithaupt aud Mr. Weller. a Workman. Very Seriously Injured. A despatch from Berlin says -At '7.20 on Tuesday evening the citizens of the Town of Berlin startled b ern were sarey a loud report, and on investigation it was found that the Gas Company's works had been blown up, killing Mr. Aldrich and badly burning Mr. E. Carl Breithe aupt, Secretary -Treasurer of the coin- pany, and Mr. Weller te workroan. Ow- in- to the combustible nature of the m- the firemen could not do much to quell the flames. eV cry for help was heard, and. when the firemen dir- ected a stream in the direction of the , . Senna it vvas found that Mr. Aldrich was pinioned between the briok wall and the tank, with a pile of burning boards on top of thine but when( they reac,hed him he was burnt beyond re- cognition. Two heroic firemen risked lives to save Mr. Aldrich, while .tbother f' e tremen played the water on 'was thero„ but he was dead when brought out. Mr. Breithaupt now lies at the residence of Dr. Bowlby in a precarious condition. Ha had. been blown on the top of a roof on an adjoining building. His face, bands and body are horrib ar burned, and his back badly injured. Mr. Weller war.s ilow through the, door • 1 n 6 . and was found 1) a woman who hall ay . him mover' to her house near b He' •• Y• wi e e y ose his eyesight. . It is impossible to say how the ex- , , it oston occurred, a report going the ' rounds that Mr. Aldridge looked into• one of the tanks with the aid of his lantern and in some way caused the explosion. A•notlxer theory, and one whieh is believed to be the correct one, is that one of the Ince had a lighted agar. which dropped into one of the tanks. Mr. Alclodge had been in thewas employ of the gas and. eleotric works here for ten years and - -eats looked up- o thoroughly'" n as acquainted with his .e. ,_the tymet. , FATAL SLIP AT TORONTO Nervine Was Recommended, and a Bottle Was Taken Relief Came. . r... DEATH RESULTS FROM A FALL ON THE SIDEWALK. ..., Rapidly, Says Mr. David ?" .e,"1'.'et- . "ate arer .,,?,. I t \. e .. \Ike.te$/: e"' and Reid, e tan:, wea • „ea.* Z. ^, , • • r . - . (.411 ' ' 1 6 IrtfltiO 171 .1:;?" t " 1,.. nye. 4.- - ,.c....-' ee, •C‘ Am Now Completely of Chealey, Ont. . • ',,,./. a .5 • ei N , . , a --- rt th 1 4r. -...a.. , i A, Toronto Lamer the Victim - Several. Serious Accidents Reported to the City. A despatch from Toronto says: -The treacherous, slippery condition of some of the pity streets has been the cause of many aerious accidents, and even deaths during th Mast few days. Two distressing deaths of little children ha,vo been. recorded in Parkdale through fall- ing on the icy sidewalk, and again on Saturday, as a result of a fall, Me.Hen- ry T. Ince, a well-known and respect- bare' • ed ister, lost his lite. The sidewalk at the south-west cor- ner of Richmond and Yonge streets in a very slippery condition, and 11/1r. Ince fell, striking the back of his head on the hard stone pavement, Al- though badly shaken, he was not ren- tiered 'unconscious, and, with assist- a,nce, was a.ble to walk. to the idetho- dist book -room, over which his office is situated. While waiting for Dr. Bar- • rick, who had been called by telephone, the sufferer lost consciousness. and re- mained in that; state, (teepee all the et- orts of the doctor, who found (.bat a blood ve,ssel of the brainlad been rup- aired; and that there was almost no chance whatever for recovery. The ambulancre was called. and Mr. Mee taken to 580 Huron street. the resi- dance of his brother, Mr. Wm. ince, of Perkins. Ince and. Company, who was with him. Mr. Ince also was pre- sent, having been summoned shortly . after the accident. Mr. Ince never re- covered consciousness, and died on Sat- • urday evening. Deceased had been a resident of To- ronto since 1835. He received his en- education here taking up the study of law. Besides making a great success as a barrister, Mr. Ince inter- ested himself extensively in real estate, and. secured. many valuable properties here. He had been a prominent mem- ber of the House of Industry Board for many years. A widow and six leldr I ft t c 1 en are e o mourn his loss, five daughters and one son. Two of tha danehters are mar- ried, one to Capt. John \V. Anderson, of Niagara; and the other to Dr. Geo. Warren, of this city. A number of other serious accidents happened on Saturday. Jos. Humphreys, office in who has an t he Strathy Imildirag, fell at the south- east corner of Yong,e and Adelaide streets and broke his lee He Was re- ' - . • ''' • to las .uome in the police ambu- Mr. Thsuperintendent f r-Thompson, o • am -ant Pleasant cemetery, slipped anti fell on Yonee street and sustained a a ' • number of cuts and bruises about 'the face. Mrs. Rogers, of 420 Yonge street, fell a short time later, and broke her arm. Dr. Outhbertson set the fractur- ed limb and she was removed to her home. ' 7..a•toP • rt .,.• .4 1 P M0%1 17. . ., • tet., tertri,V,'"‘4.; , .,- - t the 1.tk:. ''...1.,... 4., ...• ' ; 11Vter' ,?; a el e". f ireeee. - All • t.t _,, _ . t ( e ah era .:c . a --- - " e, rr ..:47- .• 4 4 I 4, 4 r 4 4 : Z ' 4 • • :r, ,Ar e,""a: 4t -`;'4'''',,, eee itetent- ' .1 °.10, .• ./,'.: ,t e reetet treeta e FROTI OAN.A1JA TO INDIA ____ . a It NATIONAL FUND TO BE RAISED IN THIS COUNTRY, . trete* "4 '• •• 10,..•.1. r;r, -,t1":"Ir:e it e te,, e_ 9 n 1 e . g.„/ e . a eirte • , , . ' 4. tiously recommend South Nervine to any suffering sia o r liver competent." Reid's story as he tells words. Were it thought could be corroborated by nesses. Mr. has heed in Chesiey, and his case be a. very ba.d one. But difference to Nervine.This•great coverY risee (Kill al to i Let it be occas ons. most chronic liver trouble, Reid, nervous prostratioi life miserable with ' headaches, that sap all f man or -woman, Nervine 0 vi the necessities of „ e great medicine and thouzands Canada are happier and and women, because at There is no great secret yet there is an important operates on the nerve st-stere from which emanate healthfulness, or if disordered, even death, Nervine strikes , the nerve centers, hence, ' Reid, where ten years' had done no good, ! dieines . o NerVine brOught . bottle f couraging results, end ourese Retail Agent tor :Exeter. °red -thou Drug Store, , . •laime-Sirlekeit East -Official o Help the 1 „ ' Statement-Thealovernor-Generallieads iiio. A despatch from Ottawa says: -A Canadian national Indian famine fund has been opened by the Federal Govern- meet, and the following statement au- thorized by the Premier, h beenas given out for publication:- ( - "There has been consultation be- tween the Governor-General and the Cabinet with regard to the best mode of evoking and transmit- g at. er pra lc synma e lc e p tin f th et' al th t' h I on the part of all Canada for the re- lief of the present dire distress in In- di -a• The matter was discussed at Saturday's meeting of Council, and it is now officially announced. (.bat the Governor-General Neill gladly receive d forward all the '1 anCanadian col ec- tions and contributions that may be sent to him, and whic . h will thus form a national fund. Iiis Excellence is in- viting the motive co-operation of the ' t f;de in support o the movement. AR the leading banks also will be asked if they will kindly t ' 1 • t• t arrange o .receive suascrip ions a their head. offices and branches through- out the country. 1V1r. J. M. Courtney, the Deputy Minister of Finance has con- sented to act as treasarer of the, fund, which will be called the "Canadian Indian Fenn . . nit Fund." The Governor- General has intimated a donation of $1,000." RETURNING FROM BRAZIL. • to humanity from a Henryisordered Ward Beecher hteas was impossible for a spiritual view's if of order. The liver part of the meOlan- it ceases to work man is unabl . to Can we not ap peal tens of thousands, . of this fact? Cer- ' Mr. David Reid of that the elle:et-rue/IA talon from him, condttion of his; he says he w a3 complaint and dys- his °rep. language: . tend • e was soel pressed or tomiaed Had et a r e a g r a any ben.eftt. k and drop my vtor , usual, 1 decide41 as S th American try ou been recommended who had been clued from A. S. G ood- , £1.- C a .., t ed omrmil'ed to directions. De fore a bottle I was able and I have im- I can cous( tient , 'Sole Wiwi/sale and V, es. Wieneee, ri-in e. _alto I "Le ..4-' ". "e °r i ins Reach New Vork-tire Tneir Number Tells Of the Hardships of Their 80111111C111 Lire. * A despatch from New York says e- Mr. Welkin sketcher, a me8"e a. i- °' wasmReid tee s ok man of the Canadien sub- P es jects who recently tried their fortun,es in Brazil as a result of representatimes made by a Braaten agent having of- t• • rIces in Montreae. Said Mr. Skeloher: . • --"On ehe way down we were used very well, and had nothing to complain of a on t e steaanship. On arrival at San -also . Dos we were put aboard a train and sent On our way to San Palo. It was not untie our arrival' at the latter place , Ohne we begat to reelize that we hadmoved , • . •lance.about peen duped. There we were druven like cat ato aia immense barn -like •tle i t structure, the interior of which was our room. For el 'h g t days we were an Penned, lin thts place, men, women, and el:Alarms. For the next few days no one was allowed to leave the place, un- tit one of the men scaled a fence and made We way to an official of the Ag- rieuttural Department, who listened. to his remonstrances, and then arranged matters so that a leave of abstnce could b - - d cou e secured between eleven an three o'clocle m the day." Mr. Skelc,her then explained in detail the methods adopted by Brazilian , planters. Wages were so low and prices so high that malty suffered. One , . . family in Itself excited, a good deal of aorapeeeton among the. Ellis' Island ' employes. It consisted of a father with four boys, whose egos run' front . free o . nine y.ears., • e mother aw th t '• ' ' ' Thh a •G tech on December lst, and the family f ite fel' t d b ' ' • • S ats . in er a lc ei y aneye dtsease, peciabar to the climate, which affected all four boys. A ,doctor's attendance f the. fit' t t • or a, JO ed coat he man nineteen %Le d. h. ecl b t h nu les, an , i la In,l, 0 II one Uti- re a month.1 d ' aThil1 th wife was three weeks and every article they had was i • , soild t•o get money that she might be , • . n os,was con& e :-Gen taken to Ss -t which 'd r .ed a, more 'healthy place; . She only. ar- /eyed t di Tie man's • nl• h ° 8' ' e ma name le le - - • , ael Walsh. .. .' . Aeting Immigration • Commissioner McSweeney emit a representative to British Consul Fraser in re d to th frar a unfortunates. tee ' ,e . eue eosin said that he li anself will go to the island, and that he will- see that filo party reaches Eta (AS tne. inn. ON TO KHARTOIleif. 0.1.41. patios Preparations for att Advance Up the Nile. The latest news from Cairo indicates that the start of the .A.nglo-Egyptian ditti t Kihe t txt be - expe on o r own ay ea.- ected ertilitin six nicenths The ore - • • ' • - aries are being expedited, and when Sir Beavers Butler, V. C., the Ad- ' t t Ge 1 f bh forces, for it is eu am - nere or o . no longer do-ubted that Buller will sup- ersede Si Ei fly rt Kitchener at the , " r e e t'''• • • t head of the 10,000 British troops Who • ng to stiffen the backbone of are going the Eg-yptian array, starts for Khar- toum he will probably find but little • • d. ' ' to impede a rapid a vanoe on this side Borber. There is ne reason why ' Kitchener 'should he superseded,. except on amount of his youth. Sir Herbert Kitchener was born in 1850 ' ' and Sir Redvers' Buller was born in 1839. But it is fat that a veteran is needed at the head of the expedition Whigh is to ma,ke the important ad- b cl t l•-• T..' ranee, about to o un er a -en, et is that the cornma.nd understood, hawever, , . of the army_ of occupation will be giv- PM1 trt Rio' Herbert Isite,hp.nor. TWO WOMEN CREMATED. — . Inmates of a Disorderly House Near Gegfun Burned to Death. A despetch from Winnipeg says• -At . . • 7 o'clock Saturday morning a disorder - ly house located about' a mile outside destroyed b f' ' Regina as y ire. Miss - t• Underwood,thproprietress f er le e o k d -the house, was av0a, ene and sbe made frantic effort to 8101.146 Miss Kiay Mere t an , ano er woman named d' th d th ' ' ' , , , Inienz. It was too late, however, as flames had eaten their way to the roof. The Meredith and Purenz girls m. are b d t death.M' U erne 0 Les , Under- "---of wood escaped. ba her nightarese; and had 'Mt a, quarter of a mile to thenear- . walk . . est house. The. thennometer registered e5 below zero and as a result she WAS - ' ' - - badly- frozen. . „. NANSEN'S BOATS. Namsen invented the model pf the ' Pram, making 'her hull round. and slip, Pert', l'ie. an eel, with no cOrnera Or sharp edges for the ice to seize upore gale is the strongest vessel ever -used • - •' Irt Arctie ex-plorateme He said that lyreesure 'I. -vault]. simply lift her on the Jen, and so her bottom, near the keel,. was made, also flat ba order that she ' '' 'ht ot capsin *hills an the ice Mir- JUL° n ' - - ' face, and, her screw and redder were els° ingeniously .Protented, The :many experts .who said 'her design would not ;gave the Frain from. instant elestrnee ' .. , twe. were unsta,teen, 'for she plat these reeistless tee presst es, nd I, ey mere ly lined her out of her cradle, and she .....r.c.4.0r1 .2.20.klia* An fir,. cr,..+On.e.n. WEIBItE HE WAS. Eastern inert (oat Weatt-The stea ' is fried, I ordered it broiled. Waiter -13011A ar tl ‘ . , 'I. t9erelieu. broiled on a gel ' on. On a griddle, ,sir ? A .'d' ' Dont r (tnow h get nomyou noa ev a gridiron is t • . ' Never heard, of one, sir ; reekon. th 000k didn't. otho.r. A,iat your stet fried enough sit ' - ' ' • ' . Y -e -s, never mind. ' I forgotI. vats ca th in e Won est where griairs ate ei known. ' i erteeten-reer--- Tleavy shipmentof manulheatue cotton ere b ing sent Jima he Xing; -ton mill to Toronto, •IVIoutreal, Betide - ...i -1,1.- ...........,-- . ---__ , ''"'"--`'"''' ' $ ' L t , , ONG DAY AND NIGHTS ' , 'there Wre, two places on the earth's surface where. there is but one day and MIA nioht thraniohnnt. th a Inrka,r