HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-1-7, Page 1WENTY-FOURTH. YE k.R. No 19, zeta Important Facts - x --CONCERNING-x- Dress Goods, Millinery, Manties, iiciery, Fur and Cans r JIM'S (St Boy's Overcoats And other Sea ;onable mer- chandise. 1 In a short ti ti, now NVO Commence our i.nt.nial • HURON Az. MID LESEX GAZETTE. EXETER, ONT. CANADA, THUR f1Ay MORNING, JANUARY 7th, 1$397. Anderson. Haim's. -A. new hymnal has been added te the already large nutnber attractions le the Sunday School. --Ur Edwin Robinson, has been engaged to tettelt in a school near Orangeville, during the coining year. Ed will be miteh missed -by the young people here.- On Christmas Day the vin•ious members of the family of Mr and Mrs Jas. Atkinson met at their residence and presented them with an address expressing the high appreciation in which they were held, and also with two beautiful easy cliairs.--On Mon- day evening last the members of the Methodist choir were treated to a Christmas dinner at the residence of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Pearn. Hot fowl was served up in a manner befitting the season, and everything was done by the host and hostess to make the occasion the brilliant success that R was. H Ltlisali any interest•1,the place, he i..ouldl not Wino/28180a. vote. -Miss inNe Murdock visited I Parttinit Fol owhig aro the market ouonitiops. friends in Loudon the past week. -E. Si -TOOTING AoerAgliT.-A distreseing new,- Miss Beatrice Dellorklge. wh •• 1'2 8° Robinson spent New 7.. 11. in Lon- accid t ' netd at Parkhill ea.rly dIngliter of Reeve Delbei'dge, is visit - ea • ., as ....,.. ....0.... late:Y• 0 • A • . • • • • I • . • . • • • • • . 0 . . . * • I • .. . 0 : 7, 2.4),., Peas tlesosu..-J. C. Elausen, our eenial barn- Friday morm by which Ernie Yorke, lug frierids in r,ondon.--Citu. prophecy Hay maker is somewhat indisposed this ahout15 year , age, loot his life. of. lest week estate true, John Del - Rees Bettor $80 ' 4 " week.-Jile Bell, and Thos. ,T. Barry, 1 About one o'cloek young Yorke left bre:1;3'0/s again reeve by a, majority of • lire ir: intend leaving in a few weeks foretbe home for his brother Peter's house, •11. 014ifrettalatlons • -- The annual Tiznothy soed ..... . .... ....$2,30 to $2.7:1 old country, each busing a, car load of,, which is only :about 200 yards dis- meeting of the Crtettnery will be held, eloverseed... ..... . ..... ,..e•,00 to 8 -et} horse. -n\. .7 S. Henderson, intends tient, and rapped on the door. ?Mrs. to -day (Thurs(1ay.) The Creamery has THE ELEcTiOx.-The election is (wee delivering a series of sermons to t'W Yorke beard the rapping and told her bed a #occessful year, and:Patrons are and hand -shaking and good feeling young people in Carnatteluirch, coin- hthiband there was a butglar in the well pleeeed.-Frank Halls, son of Jas are again in order. This was the first mencing first Sunday in February.- house. Mr. Yorke arose front bed, lIalle, of ifilituville, who has been visit - contest in Hensefl and it was a keen Joseph; Case is remodelling the inter- andegeteing Ills gun, went to the bid* iltur.it Janne for a few epoetles, lett one both for Reeve and Councillors, lor of his store. -J. Alecarthor end door and fired a shot into the air. He tionday for Chatripaigate• Ill, visage and what added to the interest Was family spent New Year's. in Allen, did this with 4 view to scaring the he willeattend the State Univoiday„ the County Council election in which Craig slier° a. reension of the Macar- suppose(' burglar off, and he was sur- taklueguplthe,A.rellitectureleptiese. YtTe Geo. ItIcEwen ofthis village took part, thur fyly took place and who succeeded in beteg returned, - ., , . o,,, _ . , prised. therefore, to see 4 fignre begin l',.vich hint every sucesa-Afrs. Sctq. together with John Torrance, of tionitt)' council Election to eppreach 'tint in the darkness with- Worden is very ill with the grip, froth Zurich, For the office ot out saying a word. In the excitemeut which many are suffering' in this reeve the contest was between G. C. polt ''. --.-*,211'..irgt.---districts. Wallace and and was horrified to find that he had of the moment. he fired another shot loczlity. Petty, of the Yorkshire Packing House Listowel, Tho. Hay and G. V. Poole ; ahot his brother. The boy died about Lincan. arid Robt. Bell, jr, of the Hensall seconddistrict, Logan and Elute, John half an hour afterwards. -.- Foundry. Both are popula,r and ett- Bennewles and O. IL Merrylield .; ..•••••••••••1...... 110•14.11•••• ••••••••••••• • ••••••• , E Ntat-ws, The Lucein commit wee terpristng business tnen and in the third district, Hibbert, Fullerton end election of either lieneall's interests f elected without any opposition, with Lirand Bend. lookeda ttr. Ryan ; fourth dtstrict. Downie and The following is the result of the el- Ufl_trOrne. George Hodgins, F. Downing and .4. • 1 I 1Mitchell, jos Jackson and Thomas the eeception of the reeve. Messrs. . ............, p()r eounentore the firiht wtts equally Blenshard, Nelson Monteith, and W. ectioa en3fond,ty. Stanley are 1..1'.members for 1691 HaiErs. --The state of the roads at *keen between some of the candidates, F. Sanderson; fifth district, North and Tile reeveship wits contested for by dud WO are anxious to C1080 Oreeent. le something: cent snow leitrInterrible, -and rain we ith while others placed themselves entire- South Easthope, John Schaefer, and Von etanvn. S. W. Werd, ge. . he vws :-- /deeera A. Bietithwaite and R. O'Nell, ly in the hands of the electors. Foie John Hay, by acchunation ; sixth clisDeibridDunca Tote stood its folio-Braith - s ot, wmtei, Groorie 1 the reg - w 108 .81 waite, 118 ; O'Neil, 95. School trustees ‘Lie have had, and frost corning out, lowing is the result :„...For reeve trick Uornington, lefilvertonand Ellice, N. NI . Ward, lie II"Xt few weeks. makes it SO one would need a, pair of Robt. Bell, jr. 79 ; el. 0. Petty 118 James Torrance and Andrew Kuhry. 58 92 H. Collins, D. Perley and /I Gibson.- Hodgins 100, Wm. 13e11104, Wm. Moir For councillors, H. Cook 121, W. R. I HIIROI•T-Division comprising Exe- N. R ward. S. E. Ward, 84 83 . 74 44 Ille Biddulph council for 1897 is as 07, le. Urquhart. 93, .1. CI Stonetnan 03, ter, Ushorne and Stephen, Dr. Rollins ....- ........ followe; Reeve A. K. Ilodgins; deputy and Donald McInnes ; Clinton Gode- ni cove, G. Westmant councillors, neod. anyhing in the it will pay you to US an call, as we clearin.:: oat all odds ends of Winti.r Goods at reductions. leather pants as part, of his suit.-Itir. Sohn Fallis, of Parkhill visited here for a, short time before leaving for kis new home in Hanover, where he has bought half interest in a, livery busi- Ue8% All WM WiSh him success in his new venturea:Death has again visited Si' neighborhood and taken the only child of Richard Hamilton's bone' Et. Its death was quite unexpected as it had a cold and was thought to be hu-. FORD it CO proving, but took a, change for the *f worse on Monday evening and died WOODHAM •tbe seem day, Its remains were bur- ied letee Wednesday: -Horse buyers have' been' avound picking anything Cheap Pe,pere. that is suitable for the market. -W. B. Millis sold his driver on. Monday; Mowing the elulthinft list:- Mr. Casper \Wiper also sold his IBS and Toronto Deily N'etvs $1.75 matched working team. -At the Post Office store the balance of 'Xmas good:. left at cost in order to clean them out to makeroom for newgoods that will soon be here. -The home of Wil- lie Patterson, was made gled by the coming ()fah:thy girl. The mother has win soon his new residence and. office. - James beea poorly hope she •••••••••••1144......• • Toronto We,,kly 1.30 +Feria and, 'Fireside " 1.30 0,01 Evening 31 til , 4.00 " Partnere Sun I 1.30 Toro -to tily World 2,75 London Dails/ Free Press 0,00 London Ening Wee Proee 4.00 Londo Pres Toni' Rat, Patterson, jr. 50 -rs- rich township and Hullett, John Cox council of liensall will therefore be ;- Reeve, C. C. Petty; councillors, and James Snell; Ashfleld, Colborne R' and Goderich, R. McLean and Philip ceek* W• Inxilins, win* Bell and Holt ; Hay, Stanley and Bafffield, 'Wm. Moir while t lose elected aze all Sohn Torrance and George McEwen ; good men, among those defeated Morris, Brussels and Grey, Henry wittut we would like to have seen on Mooney, Arch. Hyslop a- Howick, theWoard is D. Urquhart, who has ex- Turnberry and Wroxeter, B. S. Cook teneive interests in the village who is and 11. Miller ; Tuckersmilh, Mciallop a first elase praetical business man. aud Sea.forth, T. E. Hays and J. H. We wish the council elect everysuccess and feel confident that the citizens AfcLean ; East and West Wawanosh, 13lyth and Wingham, Thos. H. Taylor will co-operate in promoting every and Robt Patterson. feaeible project for the good and wel- fare of the village. BRIEFS. -- DC. (kraut, of London. Municipal liliectione. lungs. but be is getting well again. - Mr. MeNaughton, teacher of Crorn 242 and, James Toohey and John Abbott. -The Sunday school entertainment held in the town hall, under the aus- picee of Holy Trinit3r Church, on New Yea's night, was a grand succese,- Majority for Delbridge, 42 FOR CODIsleiLLORS, Hawk WS. Keddy. N. W. Ward, 74 82 Tilajority for Keddy, 8 Joshua Heywood, of the ard eon., --. 0-r," tir4nton. of Ushorne, is building a brick stable Hauls's. -- :Mrs. Clare, of Preston, is under hie harm Yleiting at the home of her father, M. Cromarty. Crinevon.-Charles Lingard, formerly • ...... . . a well. known resident of this *place, ' but now of Deloraine, Blau., is visiting Bautvs. - Les nston had a friends here. -.M was predicted. WC 1. --....le xob slight attack, of inflainnuttion of the had a lively tittle at the school meeting hehl on Thursday last. Every rate- nayer came primed, and wady to fire fee) thaw three unfortunate trustees, location of the school, those notorious alized, to receive the Charge. Tlie lie (litres him te come book to Lucent- o2ly two of whom, however, materie At one ti.no he &rem. And Tem eurrh, the sun awl, He's itimiii for to taco Fatlio-: Ti la 1, give. For trustee, Ur. Pidd had not. 4AADIecixoland°r ; $17 blackboards, that drain which le seippoeed to force the water up 1411, etc :di came in for a criticism, such aa only the Granton ratepayers can waS this week vieiting friends. Dr, left for Ottawa, where he has secured arty school Is leaving and takitig 11.A.MILTON-Ald. E. A. Colquhoun a, eituation. Dr. is a man of high . -,, • charge of Statfa school for 1897. On elected mayor, nue majority over ability and we hope that, Ins new home will prove beneficial to him as he was one of our Tuckersinith boys. - Dr. Ferguson intends shortly moving into Mayor Tuckett. Christmas eve a number of the pupils assembled at his home in Cromerty 'ICINGSTON-S. S. Skinner elected and presented him with an address, Mayor by 234 majority. accompanied with beautiful hanging OTTAWA -Mayor, Bingham, 115 latnp, as a slight token of the respect be around. Se Sutherland, the obliging postmaster majority. and esteem in which he is held in the „ is confined to the house with a very STRATFORD-Mayor, Jim, O'Dono. section. -The annual zneeting of the ratepayers of School Seetion, No. 6, was held on the 30th of Dec; A goodly number were present. Alex. Mc- Kellar was elected to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Allen retiring. - The sick are all getting soine better.-4ohn Brovvne left Thursday last to attend the funeral of his grandchild at Wroxeter. - Mr. and Mrs. Rev. P. 44' sore hand the restdt of tut injury to his ghtle. , Veekiv Free thumb, It is very painful. - New Ailsa Craig. ST THOMAS -P. W. Wright, by Ind Parnitt aurae 1.75 * Year's Dey Ives a general holiday n I n Weeekly e n and Imemess was. suspended. - " . e i L . loti Y met le lent. • BRIEFse-Ori Wednesday • i' t t4) ' ill t "NritiSen.„, ''' L50 a lit le The citntitta, "The Bit•th of Christ" TORONTO -Mayor 'Fleming was Louden Daily .„ . event took place at the inimse of St. was repeated in the Methodise church re-elected b3r a fair majority, the fig- Ativeetieer , Andrew's Church, Nairn, the occasion New Years' night. It 7.7. 7.', Well render- ures being :-Fleming, 11,900 ; Mc - Toro n to Weekly 2•"" being the mitrriage of Mr. Dan Mc. ed, but the attendance was poor, re- Murrich,10375-a majoritp. for Fleming Globe r , rs, 0013. 'V. S., of Ptiekliill. to Miss jessie IPI. being $10. - Ur. and Mrs T of 1.,585 in a total vote of 22.335, This Torment Saturday e•"`' lticlifillan, of Ella Williams, Rey. - ---•--'-'111tistrated Globe 2.00 Toronto Daily -Rev. Elliott tied the nuptial knot. Rev. E: Fe M. Smith, of Lucan and Globe Granton eongregations, is visiting at m Mr, and Mae. James Alexander's and 'raven to Eveeing Globe other friends in the village. --Mr. D. Montreal Fmnily • 4.00 ltieBride, who was assistant operator Herald 8: Weekly Star 1,75 at the G. T. R., Lucan, for the past Al ottreal Weekly twoyeers was called by wire Thursday Witness 169 evening to fill a similar position at Welland. -Mr. Andy Gunn, of Toledo, The rates in all cases inclode Tun Ohio son of Dr. Gunn, is home on a 'TIIIES and the other paper named for visit. after being away for several one year,. . monthe.-Mrs. Harper, left Thursday, ....OM... 4 for Thainesford, where she will spend the winter with her daughter. Mts. a4 id Zion Sandford. --A large gathering of the the Macerthur fatnily enjoyed Burnve.-The Al. Home held on the New Year's dinner together at Christmas Eve in the interest of the their old. home, Lynn Farm, near this League was an entire success. The village. The following were resent: all ogramivas lengthy and appreci- every one being nleasitrit fni p e t, tised to see ag heir old pastor Mr, 't last meeting of the Pa nter, of Varna, fhltlr residents of was It goacl deal sinaller than Flew- Scntt was called away Saturday .to Hensan, spent New 'eaters with friruda ing's fieend bad expected, and some- attend the funeral of Mrs, Scott's in town. -Who will be elerk of IIensalle things less than he secured last yettr mother at Port Elgin. The Elders grounds. There was, as neual, a good 1111180 Pb3orilts'14,..aLlatAt.talredr firria,lanytiHandcit the absen(•e of the pastel:era:Mrs. tain on liacouitt of tlitk Oniltesr Solomon n.11...ty,21.40 eleetion 43 p E'er special all our Woollen Goo Special Sale 431P Woman's UnderweeK e want to reduce stock fore etitering up our St Book. J. F Rots John Dunn. - - Have you. hea-3 of the latest steseation, At it shines itt the loot Lome. Suit 1 That at the IV '4,00 nomination The 81111: .i there Nr-tv John Thum ne'm a man -.:. .-'501r of English, Ana welt 1%9 ',A, Jsztin and Ore ; And nom ms W • : ....•en tartlaragge If they ev.7-, . !.. Ntr. Duan spealt. Leat yeara: . • ; ' ir of Revision, flow he ina,i t • :amanitas run, When the Jo lire . • a. give hio de;Jaloi. Till hob/gird , . , l 'ritual :Ur. Dunn. Re mane from .'„c .ei:4, ;unto tretend. wh the '))y.. arc ail aoxIona or fon 41,; And orerhea -.. a Corkeonian That. mild talk li* . my friend Mr. Throe He's a mon that Lao 40040dnentinn, And at illocution hes line; . ..e.nd I hear at the lost nomination • lie was more than it mo.trit for0iir. Zurbt Bilittre.-Dnaliel Stele' and 31, Heideman, were Refit. re ritet0 s, ghost of a show with Tronside, who exhibited such tact as chairman at a 41-4. 71.S t a 1)Iirt'IcIltiter,8hochtlItlet:%Citts,11yd2 Jon former annual meeting. Mr. Ironside hands y matrimony on Wedit. -van year, had an easy victory of camera so it will be his e. Clinton iizaz Ceuta -The annual shoot nu- tlet the auspicee of the Clinton Gun Club was held last, Friday on their day. Mr. Guntz, of the 14th con. Hay, and Mise Sizsie Sippel, of f' Blind jotired hands in holy m ' rimouy last ItVelineeday and inun iately 1C•ft for Buffalo on their hon • • moot -A. -E. E. Miller, who at,tee., college in Nanlerville, Ill., is visit is the question agatatiwg a great mitny applicants. --Mrs. J. T. O'Brieu, of Londe.sboro' spent New Years at the home of her parents ?Jr. and Mrs. A. McPherson. - Miss Satherland, who has been visiting 'ties Bellantyne, re- turned to her home in Stratford last week. -Special revival Cervices will be commenced in the • Meehodiet church over ex-Ald. Shaw, who was 1,718 be conducted the servicee on 117 I.7. in attendance and the shooting linear. Herbert, of Lon -het, are the. guests hind him, TOWNS AND VILLAGES. HAYFIELD- `Burns; School Falconer, owlie. Trustees, Fee t on, darks. Whiticlon CLINT40N-14puty-Reeeve, Se. S. Cooper. Ouriecillors-St. Andrew's on !timidity evening next aticl'iejll be., wa„ ci, Ware, Gilroy and•Taylor ; St. James' continued for sonae tithe The 1(41 . Walker and J. A. Ford ; St. clergy will do the evangelistic: workaa. Ge(' ge's Ward, Andrews, retired, A. Stoneman, of Combee, vi itad I ilo "Bay ng Searle and Plummer. School brother's J. C. and NV. fetoneMsarn ll'ilie- Te4teese-St. George's Ward, Jack- week.-Wtn. Thompscv, . of Chicago, so_nil St.. Andrew's Ward Gibbings. IS speeding a week with his mother, _, .,rel -714f 4.-LReeve, James Dic_kse" Mee. G. S. Thompson, who is ill. --The 19 t7:. „nddi!.iffeack.i'l s'econd; dise! annual meeting of Carmel Church Pa( X, fil ''' "...T.efeee, hy acclamation, . .. Dr. MacArthur of London; r and will be held ou ThurSday e eettine of lett, ALA410/1-Reot-e, j. 7..1 Russell; Mrs. Sohn Macarthur, banker; of this week. -At the anneal S. S. int: deputy reeve, Pena. Arbogus4by(acel.) 11 llensall; tr„ _and AirS. a Bell; Duncan, ing of Carmel Church Alex, U. ,., „JUR...hest-It atrher- For Councillors, Olive Harri , Luther I t". 1,......(11-7' '....--,-...1'... a r7rit.t. iniinetr8"..'"'...":1111.upertn eddeut hi the Turuer, Conrad Itatz. he following offleere were el- ee'a balance. of newly $1,100. trifavor 01 :1. stead of Win. Elder, reslgnede-Wm, GODERIM-Mayor,J. R. ba-nnon; es. Meet F. 111i11; 1st vice- I number of other near relatives.- We XI 1 1 4.• ....14-Oir AS' , ile only Utelliber of the I ewe. sorry to hear that D. Gray, of the Reeve, Robt. Thompson; Se nd Dap- , Brook; lel-vice-pees. Mr. . new council weo has lied anY maul- tity-Reeve, Dudley Holme. Council - firm of D, Gray& Co.. is confined to his cipalexperience.-The election of Gr. C. 1 viee pees., Mr. F. Brock lors, St. David's Ward, Ch. Tweedy, house thepugh sickness. We bepe to Petty to the reeveship sustains the ' glee Ai lieen: seo• Kr. see him 5117t again shortly. -••• We are J'as. Colvirell, VV. O. Goode St. Pat- ti treas.: NI?. .T. Ail's; or- opitiion of Hatay, that one of the name 0 Brook. A-is't: ora•triisr pleased • to hear that the Misses or the fourider of the villa e should rick's Ward, Jas. WileOn, 0 . Nairn, The eateepeYeei end eaderson ha,ye been successful in ob- joy the honor of being the first reeve. J. O. Martin • St. Getngo's arc), jets. e decided Leinitig eetools for 1897. Miss Rosa is A... Reid, M. Alcholson, EL aloe ; St; I ei re.soat out' eneeeed in Putneen, North Dorchester Petty's were the founders of the eirly date.-Jsbiging from if parties one would think ncl geese would be ,get- , Rent county. -- The elections for emu Wss 1Viiimit. in Dawn Valley, its welfare. --The Rodevevel le nos toffice hasbeen closed ttncl theilforthat locality . i nue( tom the flensall office. Reeve, John Whyte, 31 1)c. telone J.• R. Craigie Andrew's Ward, Thos. Nal MITCHEIL-rtfayer, I c Flord ; , .North yeReeve, lage and have done considerable for ist meeting of the trustees Its to ha4Ve revived his und here --0 f wall' 1 f h . • Ailsa, Craig, ancl Simon McLeod, Of ICate have gone to Exeter to reside.- . qulet1 m this district Th t sit • • ssf ' candidates were : D. F. Stewert of , county councillors • passed off very • ' • yr • t cce 1-11 It will likely be permtmenti 1 d 1 Will' RYan ; C°11"eill ,: ont ton and his daughter .1%Iiss ifiy c ose . Sohn Pldnneniore ; Sout Vt ard, Jos. Coppin, Geo. &worthy, . T I ' ard, Fred Pitekhill. The coutest was a very James Sutherland. our genial post- Dull on, A. Murray, Win. Meehan. lemon wa* re-engaged to . close one,.. Ste ;rot beating Trafford ehool for.another year. „ 1 Cartipbell b3r only 4-4 vetes. inaster intends enlarging the postoffice NEW. HAMBURG-- e, Louis --"'-' .'lowitte• oentlemen comprise our . ,, ,,. e --The fel- . and addin • more boxes,- for the coa- t, Peine ; Council,' J. R.. F -_, W. la T venience of the public!. Me. Sather- Webber, S. H. Stlefelme R. Beget.. .y thaw is always' more village council 101- 18')T : 'Reeve R. 4. land has heenpostmastec forover20years PARICHILL-Reevei 1. Boyce ; f colds and coughs than a Robinson; Councillors .Tohn Alexander, durin- eze. Then is the time T. Stephenson, .L W. McArthur and J., 5. whinh time the office had been Councillotenj., H. Can on, A. e, y Pectoral is needed and Li. Mekity, all by acclamation. - Mr. enlarged several times, indicating' the Garden (Ward 3.) , constant growth of the village.-liards ST. .MARY'S -In th acious. Ask your drug- Biggar,_agent for the Mason & El4on are out announcing the weildity, f also for Ayee's Al tIltlEi AC ' Piano Company, Toronto, is in town. Sleunnon and daughter? ir ix.) NITA' , tan.ta were present; Trout Clandeboye, b visiting at P. Hamilton's, returned. to 'Centralia, Winghain, Crediton, shfcSs tuts settled down to .• their home in Brussels last week.- forth and Clinton. The score -tut" proper level. In the township it Geo. Hamilton, Chatham, spent Mime result' suited as follotve Reeve, .31 • Geiger by 121 majority ; deeitty-ree with Ins patents here.-SamttelSpeare is limping round the result of a cut foot. -The municipal elections Mon- day resulted as follows :-Reeve, Peter Campbell, Ace.: dep.-reeve, W.Feeney by h majority over W. Sadler, R. Ho T 'are ed follows:-Ist event -10 live birds Cantelon 5. Ira Blee,8, S. Eilber 6, Shinelown,7. E- Hinchley, 5, J. Dodd, 5, Riley 4, Harry Cade 0, E. Hovey 4, A. Bright, 8, J McMurray. 7 S. --Idler O. 2n event -10 artificial arms; counemors birds -J. Miner 5. Turner4, E. Hiech- " • e.• T `"T A eleright 7, E. ';'einchley weather rottds wz- • eoosai 1;1 :telt? fll 1), s aiee t. 11:ers:cooi ileomi effo,°orrts I 10 i reg 'toal to ti ifs it; doubtful what the results will be. ael.id4f1:21YrtIr Irel,-'13:-C!‘e' Ile Bvang'th°1; . vey 1 I ibe;12, Ge ......., ............ .....-- ' Dodd3 II, E, Hoyey 12, .A. S. Bright Pros„ E, S. F a ArcLeod. -.1, E. Cemtelon ft, Int 11. 4th event -45 artificial birds_,T. S. S. officers on 3 i Tioltznian ; trete week. -Will Stoneman ttnd sister at- tirleton, Murray 9. 5th event -15 artificial Moist:Intl lf BkirErs.-11(tuil ! mud 1 mud : -VV. R. -.-_. I /dice 9, .T. Turner, 8, E. Hinchley 10, tended the tea in Mitchel/ on New atee 13, 111. norcy 15, Gee. krincilieY r - 1 ' : W. Finkbeiner : ' Carr spent a few days in. Myth last S. Ether 6, G. Hinchley 12, J. Mc- bed and Calven bird.' -E. (1 )t 7. J. Dodds 11, Ira ;-2fIsf%riut . Year's night. -.Miss Hattie ICirk is 12, ' A. S. Bei •I t " O. ath event ---1.5 , „„....,,,„. S. eornon 'I' rseP;autnp:dyierielniss:nstlph.teit w`I'gritie.:kr1:11efr;:Y:vi,, ZwIertenk.: 115 8.1111,. A. J. Br 1 gh t 1 3. .T. D o c Ids 11, Ira ,. q visiting: relatives heze.--John Thee 7, E. Ifinchley 11. I t ' oot ,, • gesent: ;1 •, arys.-_.w. !artificial bird 1, Hovey 13, Hi nehle v I ttlitit„, Hazelvvood was elencte.71 treusstiee ;11,.:1111r the.litetliToldi lg. yli een41;:truedia‘ to:ti111; i tt.bt oi.ute 4 . 1) R. W. W ECKETT, Creattou, - ......, Samuel if ' ' a} as '- school ineettsi of young.friends at the, r :7, 1.-11 ' . "M`Ctively. pen, pteastintly entert tinee I, . . 7 • • inst.--The Misses Mc Nioelio, a a. ee 1,e7.,,eta re School Trusteee - the ,) ., on wi and f „ m dy, g sw1f) i , .0, 11` tl, •• . • 1 u NT, t 1 1VC 1 at d Smell ' ds re- Sweitzer have returned froM .otant-. - - , i n g . _ _ Iv e a rSnteguei °Krt. i preseni6 Tere 111.1 - on,v . of guestS. Allss Munn), and route Lniversity. 1*01.111-- this 1 had f §nneoe". formerly of Doulpie, n hear -a 7 even. V. .13,., Toronto t.Tui---1 1 86ce,C°".°their. store completely '-''',P1(E-4' es 7. ward, last.--Seenuel A, DeXs ' -..i McCurdy's bush e. ' 000. -Win. Jamieson had a 4".7',`'' 7 . . IveSt.rpoaTi; by y re last week. Stock . rrELnoixo 13-E,LIS ' ii ll irlred. Valued at Up; Tobias IN h• . 001. , being the only Ward ere a eon. teaching seltocit, i 4e, ,elheeee4; les, . T. ho•ao-,-y-rgi bOtt etee''Ai"- '"' - (1 and Miss Ag George E. Case, of the Londote road. nes Hoggttrth, ilaut4liter of / Gilpin ahd R. 8ttirgeo ere 7.14 test occurred, J, Hun . . „ toe , . i ()use - an rows. 31huer,assis dent of Herman. The (Fite is ,.1 . ; 3. . -t triune and 0 7.V 7.11105 we elect -- Benjamin iloggarth, an esteemee,1 r4.-;;. I 7.1 • . . •' I 7. V/ ' shortly, Jesse Sbie.r and ' .T he -la. ,property, and intends moving into Iti The 01,11141,` couple w it -..o.,,, . tat*, 'bee eit tlenr eon ._ , } I W114 arety sai,•-; &tate a-1,1-!, -1 7. of D7tkota, tere to, ±3 (7.) 'AtISItIng re ,.., _The new Evaegelicat is mit, . . , 0 a.- 0 111 S , e . ., _ ' ' ' ted the bride alai e . , merous. ne w 4,1.110, princtpid and Miss Cook, on Monday ttith Ny. , J. .11,,,•ii : • • ,3.1,v,t, .tAri i 1 ',wives neve --.W. Uri' ' Mirrshall. and Iin'ink,b!„ , ...‘ . t, ,0 a nty, , a vor, no on I ie have toe .,„ wio-n a student ... _ •eitincillors. T. D. .,. roL-y, groove, P who has been ill for sour.. ti•ii., 'i- "I, Gdle,tspie; Mist Ward, Ino. urner, et,,,,i0,1 . -being the tr, tfat eynoing was ellen a d ori on Sitturils y. of ,x0a.'..0 . 1 ‘ . .4 wen -. . i e n yre. • '-' ' t IT1Ily spent New Yaa z-, at . eix =., c t r ) 't.tIlstiorne..--..A. 7.) 7. 7)1(17.5 tilt, event took Will b',',.' 0±3(337., t t the resi- t& a, host of friendb, [J. as assist:1,a, in the ste.ul of Mis- t. GC I,- ' T i. t I-) vt 1 t R ' t., c * ' I ' f R lt 13 , tt .... i „ ,.. eidia aa oa Friday Wit - ' • ' ' ' • • eby 7tla --A Pleas le o.rsitioil or day evening hist. - Sie 7.7,e e • . , , s a eeeR"If Witte( r le cott • • ' • ' - • AV Sh ' 0- h i eie ,o'ne 01'41c plaesu Iii '''"' ' ' v T.1.S. B iitlei'. ; Denut eeve, trier, resigned. -Miss Ellit Oritt,i, t orl, 1 Sout,h rd, Ge ci. Smis. J. S. Merts, 17i e , . lace at the te.se ence o o -7 . ea y, •4 ill foemerly of Hensel proving.-Inies Stott, of Seaioilo, / 1 c‘Once of 111,,itt 1,., 'i% _ c).„. , C/11 Wedoescil y last. Tbe oer , . 'I engaged to 1.4. 7(11 the earria,re of bis ,,e 7. 4)1'1'1,.0 It 7.7 74 a taffy pull and i. • r., , ,, ,• .T. (e. Wilson, T. S.ephens. youngeSt daughtt,r . I ita., - to James •s ;in- s • , 1, who hos 14.en WINGRAM---Mayor, J. A. forto a Mere, a prosperoils ypimg farmer rest - school, spent Sunday With L'1071(1S' 111 tuli.' qi,; :41 (rteel, ): Reeve, Thos. Gregor). (itcel.); ding on the 41)1i con., 13111'- 7.7.141 The Depiity-R,,eve, Sits. Aligns (at.,( ) ID arried couple took t,lie eveniag the vilktge. - Sanel Sp:Wing, of St. I WATERLOO -Mayor Sixn Syn.- trii in Mary% uncle of the Messrs. 31cDoi TO I I, , .der ; R -0 ve. Sohn Fischer.; for Elitwksvilie, ,:uni other points. prolonged illness. Charles l'ileDc/Ileli I ' , ' ------..t.,..,-..------ liptity,- Everyone wiShe.s 7.3) (7. a very happy (Jf this place, died on Tuesday after a i Reeve,'" ,.o. R. KtVanl,f1,11, and prosperous hle.-Mr. \o 111)1 Miss Mary Smillie entortairied ;t ----- College, Londoii, is home spending Pletcher who is attending the F. C. II, attended the funeral ,IXeclnes day.-- i ' Chiselivaest, Poster, of Hifis Green, bad his slued- 1 vrlio MS hired ;with Ale. O. Vir 1 number of young friends quite pleas- 13ninrs.--A singine. elaes .. e - % nutty on Tuesday eveningee-Jeseph , be formed in tIwn.--Jacli. der knocked ont of joint the other ..1J..e. ' ti10 s.aniner, is at home at px by areident. irk- is able to be, arotfiki. ,.13,,eently 'Ariss ntey Alereeii Eogt•r, of 1144 L( who li•ii I eeted president of tlie ElittroiqAt recently- arid lin elee a couple of her riii,t:-' --‘,Nre 41'Ot t') 'learn that Geo. is seriously ill and slight hope is On- : iS'r., is 80eiOUSIY ill. --J0110. Me tertained of hoe reeover.y.--The' Art. 1 the sa). 'eon., is Tuceerstnittes 6' niversary services of Carmel chnech . D6eitt've Leave. Will lie heid on the 17th inst. ' •to.1 well eeS , 1 Leech, of Strittford, officiating at j e UV I „ , . _,... .4,, morning :inn evening serv les ----(h ea. li ., i 1., Meyeirs, or Loiglon, .. u.Liday, cae , .' N ,N.:1,••••,... 4 - ti,d4, .' A lthnes by neelsonation ; W. B. Battler. .1no. Welker. and A.te., Thompson. For tee elottaty eaonci .Tohn Torranee 1182 votes, Geo. M. Ewen 807. Peter Douglas 544.. T two first named hare 'wen deClared ' ected. Congratol *MP r entative John 'Dna .e.e D an 1 MIA to all, He is quite ahustler. Halt Stores.,..., our many Patrons a, Happy and Prosperous ;Jand while thanking them for past favors, would rsolieit a continuance of the esteemed patronage il?OWN .trareiss r:A• • • e &jIorl Estee' friends of ad ., 111 0011taCt.--r.v. evening, 'ILIA ,1 Lituross oh, '0, repdrt, au enjoyable tiene›-Tile old not only in . • a... •• YeP,"1, Was pasSed oat and Cl'a- new whic11 Was 'o'er, . , ,..!;,., nee yew: welcomed in try several 'Social I:tem-4,1AI tion or , vttry eh- gatlaetings. --.A. shooting tneteli WAS 1Vhiela WaS t,l,wouglily . held oa Friday mornieg, betweeu E. heartily &moored by an Fal3t :,..-arl H. Eilber, jr., at 10 spaerq.ws audienee.-W, 'Al. Gr 177 eaali. Faiet killed 1 and Elibez7 4. , worthy ittayee The stake was $1.-Sarit'l ,Eilber took ' of Lord Ahartr . in the lahootit ' ..matcli at Clinton (ta from ies ite a... holidays, he highly recomutends the Friday and‘t,ok. 3rd. money. -A blue gold locket as t , I soon college as one of' the best, Comniercial rock voxting mat. „di on Mcniday Ott- , pleasant lint r ratson, colleges in Western Ontario, ---Miss F. t,wesn J. Dah.,3.,.ruotoo and Jona teiihi.e. 7.7 714111 on biq 0 ,n, fOr Mexworthy of Filliarton is visiting at resulted Ina victory for ltlilber, 7.77,11, ) is .1„ v..ry it 141 StOrletnian , 1300 .--Sehool opened on. shot b oinks ..0 rocks, Dalrymip lea. t'Vt.'f. ; " r ''1" .1737. 15 .e:1: IA\l,ionnici::::i tl • Shier moved into 1118 --S.C11:''° tea, nelv tweet'? 'welly -Demo Rumor new , -to iiething Le eo hap- AL ed on Monday ‘Wit,11 ' , ' ' '; 41., '. = ' ft lOrq as follli -at .. the t .. Jetoes .. - ' ' "1 7.15 f iat ire. SiteeeSs to. Balt 'S`iiiptei a . Of Pen. In 7.11 ql 4" V:11,1 (4•S''r ,-• t-, ol.- • """ 0,1: 10,1oll':,