HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-12-10, Page 9Buying 3afere Xmas And in those six short days S9' e want to Kee all ova -custom - ere -both old and new. Come whether you want to buy or not, we want to see you all the same. S ' Goods resents wk of Christmas Goods Vete and comprises a spit dui variety of goods suit- able foi• Christmas Presents, Here is only a emu& of what we have: - TO. THE Fnr Capes, Fur Setta-L-Ruff and M II1. Silver Photo Hold- ers. Fioicy Chinaware. Kid Gloves, Jewellery etc. FOR THE tiEliTLEMEN Fur Coats. Fur Caps and Gamitlets. Ties and Handker- chiefs. Watch Chains, Cuff Button, Fancy Slippers, etc. FOR THE 113YS AHD GIRLS Handitetcniels, Books. Games, Toys, ete. Our prices are down to the lowest, notch. R1 S FORD & 00.9 woo DFIAM Fiensall Fel owing are the market quotations. Wheat "IS SO I3a3t,TY • • .20 to 30 0 Peas .18 to 20 Hay 88.00 to 88.00 88 to 40 Butter 12 to 12 Eggs 18 to 15 Timothy seed . .82.50 to $2.75 • Cloverseed $4.00 to 85.00 BitIEF8.-james Wood and Oster, Miss Uzzie, who recently left for Les Angeles in the interest of Miss Wood!$ health, name arrived there • safely. - Miss Towley, of Zurich, spent Sunday .the guest of Miss Sutherland. -The many 'Mende' of Rev.- Mr. an 1 Mrs. Waddell will regret to learn of , the death of their youngest ehild on Sat- urday last. The itifane had been ill for some thee,. The funeral took place on Monday to the Exeter cemetery and was largely - attended. --Mrs. Jas. Wnite very pleasntly entertained a nuMber of her friends on Friday even- ing hist -Mrs. F. C. McDonell is her narelits, Mr. and Mrs, John Haw kshane. of Exeter, this week. - A. Q..13 nner, of Exeitee, was in the vitiate -0 on Monday. --Dr. Campbell, uf Zurich, was in the village on Sunday evening last. -Miss Hagan, dress...mak- er, hes moved into her new rooms in Rantan$ block. - James Crawford, leader of Chunnel dwell choir, on Sun- day evening last rendered the popular solo, "Satisfied," with excellent effect. The words were composed by Miss Graham, of Egmondville,--The Messrs. William, Wesley and Albert White - sides of Mordern Man., arrived here last week and intend vending the winter months with their parents here, They report the weather ex- tremely eold in Morden, the thermom- eter ranging from 40 to iso degrees be- low zero, with a great depth of snow. -Mrs. S. B. Humeson is in Clinton this week visitmg her sister and other friends. -Miss Mabel Reynolds. who 'N.. Th -t -Poultry taken on Monday has been in Varna for the past few he 2let •inst.-Highest Prices. weeks, returned boom on Monday.---: The brethren of Hensel]; Lodge, No, 223, 1.0.0.F.,who attended the dis- trict meeting in Clinton last week and gave the initiatory degree, received the greatest credit for the mannerin which they extenplified the work. -A move- ment is on foot for the erection of a skating rink at au early date. -G. J. Sueherland and J. C. Stoneman were in. Clinton last week, as delegates of the Hensall Lodge, to the district umeting.-Friends of Mrs, G. S. Thompson will regret to learn that she is seriously M. -Office -seekers are cm the look mit. Frei Arnold and Ge 10. Pettv will likely contest, the Reeve - ship. -James Weir, of Arkona„ form- erly of the township of Hay, was in the village last week visiting ber son R. Weir and family. -A. couple of the young mea of this village, who got jun) an altercation recently,over some photos, had the twitter airedat a meg:- bar:dee court. hiee week, with the re- sult that oneof them was bound over to keep the peace. Both still carry disfigured faces. -Miss Roxie Eecrett, • of Etteten was the (vilest of Miss Aggly Homarth, last week.-Petee Tri - son lam's moving to his new &Well- ing this week. -Miss Annie Taylor, who has been visiting feiend4 near Ohiselhurst, hes returned home.- -Mrs. D. Urquhart visited her sistef in Lon- don tee past, week -Jam* Murray has again been suffering fr Mt an at- tack of lumbago. and is co house. -James Ellis recen ed a lot ef land front Ric on Richmond street.-eMr Exeter, was in the y'lla visiting her brothers. th Bellantern tee -a • Cheap Papers lowing is the. clnbitiug id Toronto Daily News $L75 'month Weekly Mail 1.30 them and Fireside 1.30 . 6.00 4.00 inners' Sun 1.30 .7orinito D Lily World 2,75 melon natty Free Press 6.00 intim Evening Free wee 4.00 Jou Weekly Free is and. Farm & Home 1.75 don Weeekly dvertiser 1.50 on tin Daily Advertiser 4.00 oronto Weekly 1.50 to Saturday trl ted Globe 2.00 Daily 6.00 4 veniug COO Family Weekly Star 1.75 Weekly 55 1.60 I cases include THE her paper named for " Ciontrana. naaeriagned having added. ..atairr .r. is now preparod to do. „atie a:topping, rapidly and Will a,)..nm:,..ee running ,Mout Nov.10th, us a ctn. o. P;MiTH, Centralia. • eelearea. • The Patrons of Industry of this sec- tion intend giving on oyster supper in the schoolhouse iin Tuesday evening next. All who know the reputation .,of,the section for good leas may feel assured that this ono will not come behind previous caws. 4- chi ie pro - 02 speeches, readings, recita- tions end mueic is tieing prepared r the occasion, ' EXPERIENCE HAS PROVED IT. " A. triumph in medicine was attained when experience. proved that Scott's Emulsion would not only stop the pro- resS of Pulinonary Consumption. but its continued use health and vigor uld be fully restored. Walkerton has a vinnig girl who Ineeneel her 11th birthday last week, d who' . • le seams at lt mas.t ea; , 14110,01.,./ stt; HURON & MIDDLEsEX GAZETTE. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17th, 1896. Knekton, Brinsiey. Zurich. Bum's. The wife of Mr. Blackler Bitows. Mr. Joseph Witherspoon BRIEF$. --Lovely. weather • eaul very , of a settee -The Wife a Mt D. Foster met with a eerione accident- last week, fair roads at • presente-Miss Laura of a daughter. - Our genial teacher, While driving along the road a dog Williams, late of Abbe Ladies! Col - Mr. Leigh, has an a,ddition to his ran out frightening his horse, It. ran family,. a girl. - Hanna, aud away, throwing Mr. Witherspoon family are convalescent, John Hanna, heavily to the ground, inflicting sev- eral bruises and. breaking two of his ribs. -- Mrs Rose • NVittsou, who has been laid up with a severe cold* is able to be around again. -John Hodgine, blacksmith, is home••from Dashwood is down with the grippe. -Mrs. J. C. Tufts has been confined to her room for two weeks but is slowly improving under the care of Mrs. C. Switzer and Dr. Ferguson. -Joseph N. Doupe was made happy a few days ago by his good wife presenting him with a baby boy. fined to Ins iy purchas- Lrd NVarring . Beneett, of e last week Messrs. Mc- shinped a carload of cattle this we, k to Montreal -Sacrament of the Lori,' 's Supper will be dispensed in Carolel church on Sunday next. The prepilgratory sermon will be preached on Fri@iy by Rev. J. Elliott, of Nairn.-RevA Jas. Living- ' anniversary ith the Meth - now in its called Hen - after their oative place m Yorkshir. , England. a Owing to the incorpoint 'on of Hen- eall. Hay township next y atr will have \c bat one deputy -reeve, nis ead of two as at present. Aumest Elie es is in the field and is a likely cepa late. The •reeyeship contest will h between • Red* Turnbull, Grand Ben • ; Moses Geiger, Zurich and Robt. Mordie, Kipper*. stone will conduct ti serviees in connection 'odist chum:h.-Hensel] i 21st year. Theploee sail by J. and G. Petty Mr, Bogart, of Mitchell, comple *se a gale of his groeery • business Tiler n y entitle te Mr. Fred Davis. Uranton. where he has been working,. at los trade. A. man that assumes airs is concert in St. Luke's church Tuesday:, usually fall of whet itatl. empty of but the majority are waiting for Fro. everything else that is worth possess- day evening when they are sure 1e- ing. cerve a treat. Come one, come all and " JOIIN WRITE & SONS Publishers and Preerietet 'THE hiligKET DEPOT St Marys. . BRIEFS. -The license of the Albion Restaurant, held by the late Mr. Dan in eirosisseters ' Dewar, London, lias been transferred lege, recited at the concert held in St. f by the eit y commissioners to Mrs Luke's church, Goshen Line, Tuesday. Dewar, widow of the deceased. -- B Mr. e -Sam Faust, who bee been laid up aud Mrs. W. 0. :;Nlitchell, ofBlanshard, re.......iiiims‘ with infianunation of the lungs for returned home from their wedding sometime, is around again, ---Secure tour on Tuesday of late, week.- Andrew your tickets far the Zurich public Miller, of London To., has been itel- school concert which will be held in judged insane and will be removed to Purchasing :.., town hall. Zutech,Dec, 1.8th, (Friday).- the asylotti.-Mr. and Mrs, H. Stenuett Your - - An number from town attended the and family, Thames eon, intend re- mas presents future reside. John Seaton, north ris moving" to Toronto where ibity will in eh t • . help thelittlefolks.-Contineville which BRIEFS. meeting of the Preshy- Staid*. lately sprong into view on the share tery of Stratford will be held in tiled of Lake Huron is surprising the Granton Presbyterian Church q ' - BRIEN, -Wedding Ilells are about i neighboring towns,fOr no less than $15. , Tueeday, the 22nd .Decerober, for the to ring intheneighherhooda-J. Norris ,000 worth et steel is - now ordered for 1 ordinetion of Rey, Mr, Smith ant his tax collector was in the village on i its 'founder, Mr. Oontine* to • band. a induction to the pastorate of the unit- Mondayand received a, large aliment 1 harbor. He also purpose's running • en ed congregations of Granton and of taxes, --Mrs. }Luning eontimies vetein electric car front Policia. .The coma- Lucan.-George Fitzgerald, of West low. - Mr. - Walker intends starting cil met Tuesday to wind up.. tho bust- Nissouri, has rented the Misses Hobbs' a creamery here next simoner.--Mrs. residence and will take possession in. A. Stewart, of Exeter, is still visiting January. The Misses Hobbs intend ether home here. Mr Stewart, about living in London. - Fairview Farm, a mot,th ago left for Walsh Conlin -hut nomination of representatives to the the residence of James Wallis, Esq., with a car . load .of apples. He went Comity Council takes piece here, we over the Great Northern Hallway and. expect a large crowd in the village. - has been on the road since, owing to a , Chas, Hartleib was in Dashwood, Sat - washout in severalplaces. He is now urday, assisting in taking stock for his ' intheState of Washington and does brother Jonas, who has purchased the not know when be will reach his des- business of Messrs. -P80110 &Ranoir- tination. The igples are rotting.-- ward, received word the other day of the sudden death of his daughter, Mrs, Ed. Richardson, at Carlyle, N. W. T. All 00.1' St. Marys readers will remem- ber Mrs. Richardson. - Mrs. George Moir leaves for Toronto this week where she will in future reside. Mrs. Mary Dormer, sister of Mrs. Edward .All Ilt`NVOSI (insigne 111(1 Ronan, of this town, and aunt of Mrs. Thomas 13nrney, Stratford, died in pat terns. ‘Vashington, C„ reettutly at the MS6 for the financial year. -The intent- home of her brother, John Treanor. --n''.1111b*Ca1 1 Early. Opal elections are not as yet creating The beautiful resitienee o Mr. James any excitement -,-On Monclay next the E. Ferguson, Canterbury etreet, WM; the scene of a very print?, Call and select the line dis- play of China Novelties now op. exhibition at our store. was the scene of happy festivities on Wednesday evening, Dee. 2nd, the oc- casion being the marriage of his datigh- ter Soviet° James Keith, of Blowhard township. Cromarty. 131/Ants-jos. Smith who worked with F. L. Hamilton, blaeksmith, left last week. his home near Strathroy, -Mrs. P. Naughton who has been very ill is a little. better at time of writ- ing, but is still 'Oery low. -Mrs. Jas. Lang presented4•ber husband with a baby boy Sunday, Jim is the happiest man on the llth coucessiona-News has reached hear that Miss Wilson, Strat- ford, formerly of this place is very low with little hopes of recoveringe-Mr. Henry Mills who worked with Josiah Izzard, masoning, last summee is lying very low at Mr. Hooper's on the 7th con. of Hibbert. U -rand Bend. BEZEFS. - The weather has taken another change and the roads are frozen up and terribly rough as they were worked. pretty well after the soft spell we have had. -We ate very sor- ry to have to report. the. death of Rev. Mr, Corriere's second son,. Colin. At last writing it was thought he would recover, but took a change for the worse and died 'on 'Wednesday more- ing, Oth Dec. The rentains were laid to rest on Friday in a beautiful Nviiite Unergezzwee, XM OS 40" -0 -417* -m- 4/. .BROWN Sc..PREETTER:ii Heat- ilicarters...:far Dolt Aiytqc., „S Figs, Nuts, Raisins and Candy mixtures of all sorts. ---AN*A Choice Lot of Skates, nips, Horns, Pails, Whips, Trains, Carts, ;NATaggons, Guns and to please the little folks. 13IG BAIRGAINS, Special•t Goods and OrOceries. oitrly and avoid rush Mora -4e. -- 'Mr. Hutehinson Is starting a branch DashWood. store at Farquhar. It will be run by Mr. Coleman, formerly of Cromarty. RI:moven ! itsmovee 1 0. FritZlItti re111111:. 13 , r_12 .' 7 . ed to Hardelles bleak, one door west et Paulin & Rmnie's Hardware Store., New Stook. Everything tO keep your fret warm. Prices right. BRIEFs..-Mr. 3. B. Hodgins is mote- Bruen& -Mr. W. Merin% of Mich. ing a skinfoll of sore bones this week, is visiting at Mr.A. Shettler's.--Mr. Hs. the result of a fall down cellar. , One Schroeder, of Zurieln was in the vil- evening recently the number lage on Saturday. The Sunday et, oo s of Mr. Love's family. was increased by of the different churches are busy Pre* the ;Addition of a girl baby. 13oth paring for their annual Christmas mother and daughter are doing well.- - tree. -The directors of the Hay Town - Mr. Thomas Farrell, of the A. B. Line, has been laid up ftir the past 'tveek ship Fire Insurance Company met at the Commercial Hotel on Saturday, - with a gathering in his neek whe'll, Mr. 0. Hartleib, of Zurich, titits in 1.110 although probably not, (Unerring is village Sattiselay on business. very painful. - Miss Mary Hodgius, BusixEss CHANuE. - Mr. Jonas while home for Thanksgiving holidays, Hartleth has purchased the hardware had the misfortune of stepping on a business of Messrs. Pitulin & Rennie. Mr. Hartleib, isen enterprisIng citizen and no doubt will do well in his new undertaking. We understandj that it is Mr, Paulin's intention to move to Wire...thane where he has purchaeed hardware store. ELECTION OF OFFICETS.-A Meeting of the Dashwood branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society, was held in the Evangelical church, on Wednesday, December fith. The agent, Rev. J. P. Hama, of Berlin, gave an address on the work of the society, :After whien the following officers were elected: - Pres., Joseph Snell; vice-pres„ ROV; E. Eby; sec.-treas., Thos. Snell; commit- tee, S. Hall, J. .Kellerinan. T. Guen- ther and S. Elekt Mtn NUPTIAL. • -Atiotlivr of our voting men has joined the great army of ben - edicts. We refer to Mr. Fred Rinker, who was last week united in mandage to Miss Clam Rupp, of Zurich. This is the fourth of Mr. Rinker's family who has been married within the past four months. This is a record break- er. May the young couple have a long and happy wedded life. needle, it breaking, off in her foot, but although painfol she is able to resume her studies in the High School at Parkhill. Lucian. Banens.-Rev. R. It Shaw he been suffering for some days with a severe cold. Mr. jaanes Irwin our popular editontook theses:vices for him on Son - d evemn -Dr Shaw was calledto casket, followed by a very large eon- y g. . couese of sympathizers, for who is it meet the 8 p. m. train On Setkrdity that, could help shedding a tear night, in which day a. Stratford man in over that vacant chair that is left. a dying condition. The poor man had Alward, of Parkhill, Rev. Mr. Curry and 'As retand" bm'e whe" he 'f4tif- of Thedford, itud Rev. Mr. Thompson' fered a paralytic ;Sne'te,hettteenForest officiatinn at. the burial serviee.-Th; and Camlitchie.-Mrs. Mitchell Haskett. &Atm tac'els have been sufferi is seriously with milammation of Rev. Mr. Martin, of Exeter, Rev. Mr. been South foe the behaterfhis beelth as the season has just closed for .1., the lungs. She is abont di years al- , tge, and on that account slight hopes game only rabbits. -The fishermen are ' er recovery are entertained. -John making smue very good hauls with )yl has returned home after a their gill nets and hooks of late. sence. .At one time it was re- ported t was lost, but we are glad to Tleborne 'jouncil say he iti y t in the land of the living, , il tl l'itl inst. both hale a d heartin -John 8. Atkin- --- long a The counc met on es t pursuant to statute to receive the son, of this 'illag,e, las been Appoint -1 treasurer's statement. ed of the Third Division Court I Blyth All the members were present. The of the Counten of Middlesex, in the I minutes of last meeting were read and stead of EdwardeMara, resigned. SAD DEATH' -On onday morning a auopted. gloom was cast over this burg when it By law, No. 9, 1806, fisine nominee Clancteboye. -4-- was reported that one of our oldest tion appointing D. R. offilers. etc., pioneers, Mr. Gideon Ritchie, had sud- BRISFS.-The reading circle recent- denly expired in Auburn. It appears the deceased had driven over to Auburn to .attend to some butiness for his son- -in-ln w, T. W. Scott. When at Munroe's he took sick, fell down and never ral- lied again. The deceased had not been feeling very well for the past couple of days but not anyways serious. The remains were brought to his son -in - low's residence on Westmoreland Ste, and was interred in the Trinity chore) cemetery on NVednesday. The bereav- ed ones have the sympathy of the whole community in their loss. was then read a third time and on mo- tion of John Hunter, seconded by W. Delbridge, was passed. Moved by A. Hunkin, seconded by W. Keddy, that 150 copies of the min - of the proceedings of this council for the year 1896 be printed for distri- bution. -Carried. Moved by J. Hunter, seconded by W. Keddy, that F. Fisher be refunded $1 dos tax, being error in assessment, -Carried. Mr. Obits. Cann appeared on behalf of S. S. No. 10, regarding the payment of the special grant. No action was taken. On motion of W. Keddy, seconded by W. Delbridge, the council adjourn - el to meet Monday, 28th test., after the nomitiation is closed G. W. HOLMAN, clerk. -- Ailsa Craig. BittEnsea-Oen Friday moenhagnabout ftiefeeetnitestweirlefehenerthe driver of the 917 express noticed a inert lying on the side of the track. On stopping he found that the man was dead, and the body still warm, with large cuts in the back of the head and neck. The body was taken to Parkhill. It is sup- posed that the man fell cff the morn- ing express, due here at 7.20. By in- formation found on his person, it a,p- neared that his name was Nesbitt, Beaver's shop ; 3, C. Prouty, Iowa principal of the public schools, haA ElaB ; 4, H. Doyle, Helt's Kitchen ; 5, D. Buchanam, Heitman's. Kitchen ; 6, 0. Stade, Mosei 's •, 7, 0. Wilson., S. H. Na. 10; 8, W. B. Paths, Mac- cabee s and Pet Stock Association at Seaforth Eencerlox on OFFIcEris.-The recent on Monday. There was a 21111 attend - election' of officers of Court Orediton, ance. It was decided to hold the first No. 14, I.O.F., was as follows: -0. D. showin Seaforth Saimary 23, 27 and 0. Ranger, John G. Young; P. D. 28, 1897, wheu $300 in prizes will be Ranger, Henry Eilber, 0. Ranger, 3. offered for single birds. -Mr. Wilhiamn Salter; v. 0. Ranger, Christian Beav- Plumsteel passed to a, just reward last or: R. Sec., Al wt. a ti;ins; Fin- Saturday evening, aged 79 years and Sec., Samuel Either; Treasurer. .Jaraes 9 *months. Several years since the de- Clark- S. Woodward, Jacob Holtz- ceased had a very severe attack of la grippe and has Mee been more or less a great sufferere He gradually sank until his spirit Red. ---Mrs. Wm. Gray, aged 33 years, did at her residence, 4th con., Ashileld, on the 2nd inst., and was buried nt punannon eentetern. on the Oth inst. Mr., Gray being high- ly in this community. the people deeply $37111pathiZe NVith birll in his sad bereavements e, They had no amity. ly organizedas more interesting from a, social point of view than froma liter- ary standpoint. M. E. 0. Jones, oho of our most poprdaraitizens, left this week on an extended trip to Paris and (Mier places of note+Miss Allie Hod- gins, who hoe tatight in the Maple Lodge School for thel past three years, proposes to attend tpc Normal school at Ottawa next:venal-Mr. JosephOob- bledick & Son, who recently purchased thesyndicate grainStore in our thrifty village, have p•uvelttased the other one front Mr. R. Hodtesdirmed are elevating chilly hundreds bushels of grain. They are paying' London price for all cereal:a in rant higher for wheat. -At the fondly residences Craig street, London, We marriage of Miss Florence M. Bityn'S to . Dr. W. A. Jones, of Clandelioye, was solemnized Wednes- AttY afternoon. Dr. Shiell, of Toronto, acted as groomsman, and Miss Ethel Barrie as bridesmaid. Rev. R. Hobbs officiated. Only the immediate re- latives were present. Oredeton. - ELEOTION.-The folio w ing are the De- puty Returning Officers appointed and places named for holding the forth- coming elections : -Division 1, NV, Baker, 8. House; 2; 0. Brown, 0. Clinton wedding Thursday ititernoon Dee. lir( when Miss Georgina McConnell, }wail millinex at George II. White & Co's. dry goods store, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Percival S. Armstrong, head agent for the Massey -Harris Company at St. Marys. Rev. George Jackson, president, of the London conference officiated. There were a number of gneste present, and the presents received by the bride were costly. Mr. end 'Mrs Arm- strong left for a trip to Niagara mid returned to St. Marys on Tuesday. They will reside on Peel st, and the bride will receive her friends after jan. 4th. -The new Electric Light has been in fell blast for over a week and everything seems to he working satis: factorily. Messrs. Weir & Weir, who have the contract, of furnishing the power, have refitted thew power house and every modern applianee has been seeured in order to ensure the snceess of the enterprise. - The, Methodist church was re -opened on Friday evening by the Rev. Dr. Potts D. D., of Toronto, who delivered an ;eloquent address to an au hence of I nearly 1,04 people, During the even- Iing, by collections and subecriptions almost $1,000 were raised, making a , total of nearly 10,000 already secured Ito defray the expenses of remodelling 1 the chnrch. The sermons on Sunday 1 last. were condoeted by De. Workman, of T uonto. A. lartv an lienee attend- ed the services, which were of a very high order, and many of our town citizens ronorince Afie Workman its one of t e twister -minds ()nazis eien- Mr. J. T. Shank, who was leader of the town band here, a couple of years since, has engaged with an opera eom-1 pany Inc the winter season. -We hear that W. J. Shannon, secretary of Mc- Killop fire insurance company, and president of the South Huron Liberal- Cnoservative Association, purposes going to reside in Seaforth in the neer future. -Barrister W. Brydon has just closet up the $10,000 Melton estate in New Jersey. Several Clinton, Exeter and Brussels people were interested. Nearly all the money is distributed to eleinetrits in Canada -Mr. NV, H. Brownlee left last week for Wehster, Texas, where he will „manage a ferin for Dr. Gunn. -Mr. W. la, e 1, • been suffering for some days from an affection of the liven -Mr. W,t1ter Coats arid Mr. A. 3. Grigg were pres- ent iet a meeting of the flueon Poriltrv lann Lexington, Ky. He has a sister living in itlichigen, and his -mother at tentein Ont. -At the W. F. M. S. meet - i held Thursday evening hi the Pees- :won:ion Churoh, the attendance was large .ttad the th Ink-off,eting was well D5r4pUWiOd to: by the Aqi iience.Amount; 40. -Rev. Edward F. M, Smith, :Haw- kesbury. Out., who recently- received a nnenitnetis call to Lucan and Granton Presbyterian aongregations, will be .ordained and, inducted at Grantou on .Tuesdly afternoon, Dec. 22. --Edgar • dotheina and bride, paid:a visit to the 'village on Friday evening, looking gay -mann; J. Woodward, Christian Zuefie, end happy. -e -On Sunday evening Thos. S. Beadle, Henry. Finkbinee; J. Beadle; Jey, was called by a cablegram from William H. Wenzel; Chaplain, • Freek Ehigland to return immediately. Mr. Hey left Ilene on Monday, and will sail frorn New York on :Wedueeday for Liverpoiel. We wish Mr. Hey a safe j meitey and sintioth sailing. -On ilion- Jay morning the homenf John J. Me- neueliton was mode cheerful by the • opeeranee of a baby girl. -Daniel McEwen sold his pieeer Nally Beape, to 'I, Beaten men. She left heie last Mon- day. Price net known. Torotno 8 )1 Trustees have re S solved loss the echools ou ele' ' 'Adare; Physic.iitn, De. Thos. Wickett; Delegate to High Court, C. Beaver, Goderich . offers exemption taxes Inc ten years to any person will erect and run a fifty barrel gt mill within the municipality. John Douglas, of the firm of Ruth ford & Dou 3, tinsmiths was mar recently to Lss N. Smith of W eter, Miss E. Turner las been engage teach S. S. No. 8, oderich Town. for 1897.-- Campbell has • re --engaged * teach Taylor's Co • tinent. 3Iiss Eva, Roblin, of London. J P., Ross Perth Connty Notea. The marraig,e of Miss:Jennie Brad- gett, of Buffalo; to Mr. Thos. Over- holt, of Ailsa Craig, took plave last week. John Beiley and family, who had been residing in Goderich for einue time, have removed onto theirfn rm in West Wawanosh. Mr, Fred Htuaison moved his Week- • suuthshop last week front his farm o the Sth eon., McGillivray, to his pro- terty n •11. Clandebo e Mr. Hew Thurlow. St. Marys, has sold his f nruiture and undertaking busiuees to Mr. T. Garner, who will take possession about the 15th. Tho trustees of school section No. Gray have engaged the serviees of Mr. , Longman of Listowel, at etene pet annum. as successor to R. O. ')dee Donald for 1597, Mr. James Nixon, of Follarton, hm purchased the old St. George floorin mill, formerly owned and run by M. Pearce, and intends to erect the same for a barn on his farm Hibbert. Mrs. Lorne Campbell, daughter of Cot, Campbell, of Listowel, was mar- ried to Mr. A. G. Bastedo, of the Bank • of Ifiunilton, Wingliam, on Dee. 3rd., The ceremony was performed hy the Rev, Wm. Cooper, at Knox chnreh. The following change in the active form of Canada is announced frona Ottawa 2811 "Peale' Battalion Major FLUID hrey. A. L. White is sang at all the. services on Sunday, granted the brevet rank of lieutenant - and also took part in the coecert, held on Mouthy eveninee-Mrs. Bradley, ot South Durheen Q , is visiting her brother, Alex, Bothwell and other friends ithoitt tod'un-The menu LI Pleb forinerle drygoods merchant there School concert 'takes Oleo next Fen was stricken with a.petelexy the tram from the west when neer Forest on Saturday evening. The train was met at. Stratford by a con- veyance, and medical assistance, when he was immediately taken home, and. only survived a co,iple of hours. colonel, under the provishms para. graph 90, regulations. and orders for the :Militia, 1887. "Mr. John C. Hoffman, of Stratford, day eveninge-Miee Cel soloist, of TOrmito, awl W .T. 13: ,ten.411 Will fill the prograln...-Miss K tte Leery spent Sunday in Toronto, the truest, of Mrs. Goldie Kirkpatriek.--A, number of our inerchents seem to reenize thee, 'Xmas comes but once a year" and are making extensive preparatione for the occasicm. 7- Mrs. Robert Beton. 1)1' Toronto is visiting in town, the guest - Mrs. George Yonnee-W. Young, of Linden, spent Sandier eet iee or M. 3. Yon l.. -The'). Garner te pur- chased t furniture met 0,1 le"ene business of Henry Thierl.nv. Garner has engaged Me. Lev the "Imperial Trio," of Tempere workers, as manager of the untlitee, ince department. - The question of water works Inc the town is ludiet talked over among the towns- pe,r,ie. It is to be hoped that more than title- ing will be done to promote . ad - aide an enterprise. Oonsiderahle ex- citement is expetited at our next inivi cited elections. - The purchasing ,rif the new electric light has geeteal factions to arise in our e nien Two i ouportant changes in the busi- ness interests of Mitchell were .lecided upon during the past week. Mr. Gil- lespie is selling out his boot and shoe stock m bulk to Alm Fostee Chalmers of Woodstsck. Mr. A. A. Bogart has also sold out his grocery business re- aently pnrchesed froin Mr. Thomas NIcameld. Mr. It met has some- thing else in view hi Detroit. dames Brownlee, the victim of an teen -lent in the G.T.R. yards in Mitch-. ell last summer, whereby he wa$ ser- iously injured in the spine and will probably he helpless for the remainder if his life, hae secured a verdict of •$'3:5t3 against the Grand Trunk Com - :telly for negligence in providing for his safety. Each side is to pay its own costs. Within a few weeks of each other may have the effect of elt.etan, sgur. f..wo of the old settlers of Fullerton new aldermen for '07. - name: e• Ivo passed a eay. Mrs. Elizabeth stulente from our Clolle ;late. enee 113 tker of it nature guilelese, gentle, lievu been attendine the :Medal Solve:I kud, awl equanimous, has gone to re in her ninety first year, and .11.1r. Jot the veteren treasurer of Fullarre ton. who has faithfutly handled the finances of the township for 35 years, IlaS gone to hie reward in his ninetieth year. . T Perth comity 'mut %.1-N.s held on Tuesday beforo Judge e:LiW,un hers present. A number !Zit nrnu. 7„: that e( -I)les cet h sehodi(t)lecteth'e bdie- Council met Dee. were ordered tei lie paid, W'lk.n ‘f. ronresenting all the In aniei pal ities, 02 anew ro,ttod some tin residents of the county appear 10 treasurer', sioninonod as jurymen, some on Stratford, returned home today. Th total number of stunente in attelai ance at the Model tit s fall was forty eight, out of which k tin nbe. only eight have been eneneen :t. LPZA!.'.10PS for next year. Hay l]tnflifl.1t10728 for • Oave. Y-Pi`t • 1:4. a.U.d COI n Cill OrS ‘t.re lo b 1 :n ! h. • 1-rh Zurrai, nn 28th, 1893, at inie ()'1 4etif 11 is dem touted, eu • e-ne ,•i. amid at 9 incloc et, ei le 5 olares; Polling sti 1-1411 vision L 1 4c11 oonun, S.S. No 2, Jites. thn 'it. '23 [1..9.•, polling sidedivielon N school ; ho use, S. S. No. 14, Donetil Invite. le R.O.; polling sub -division No :1, 1• hall, Zuriele, Fred Hess. sr , nailing sub -division No a sehool. house, S. S. No. 4, Juitiee Aleillek, D. R.O.; sub -division No, 5, soo, 211 -house, S.S. No. 12, B 8 warms, 11.11.0.; polling sub -division No 0, Groe's houss, Dashwood. 3. K G-oel z, poffing sub -division No. 7, scl'o21 house, S. S. No. 3. Chas. Triiyee, 11 R. 0. A bylaw was passad confirming the appointments of &piny returning officers and polling divisions. Cooneil ndioux•ned to meet at, the rall f th the grand jurv nod the others 00 the petty jury, lieccesitetion a very outlay in fees .ee-1 eeneetees. the Iwhich was expected to mete.rialize , not come tip and the petit jury were discharged and paid otf. The many friends of Mr. and J.; eicis Litile, ot,Vebbervi.142. Mi torn ierly of the iStal COfl. MeGillim will deeply regret to heten th tt the son, Ark...10),dd, Who hold the positithi of teloge;i oil operator in leathern Mit:big-am etiil was itc;eil abilut 19 yeavs, was droVir:10 1 OC Sun- day, 23th tilt., '(tit on the ice ort Trout Lmke 3Lrv.oci Airs: Littin and tivtir two 5urv4v21(:4 5,1,45 have the d/NTest syn.); t.,11.::ty 41 r,h-it, many friends in this t,r„,alit.,xr. SOC10311. Besides those mentioned • in THE Es last week as prospective cantle for this division for representat- the County Coancil the walla, .n• Sherritt, deputy , reeve of , is placed on the beads. reeve. A imitmeit births in the : township are not relestereti AA' Several blanks for filling% to tYs I -- turned. to the divieion reAstrar, have not been returned. Parties nev•fert- ing to do so 11711 liable to a tine. BED n (It . Mr. Robert Boston, P., of Le to Township, has been offered mid xa, accepted the position of Governor of the Middlesexcounty jail, made vacant htf PrKtedeahoatickelly. The Soclottitee iatend lristni;AS 11.0e entert a,' Wednesilay evening, 23rd, ins sIt'n'enen nf Candies a11,1 tons in for general distributicm, in a -Minn to spef•liti for afl th children in the section. The peonre lialogoes, staging, music and spate (“3. The pememal itt tact am. 18 nict. that there will be a real, vis Santa Claus to dispense the things. A small collection viI . taken up to assist in payinz expe will consist of readings. recitation ,