HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-12-10, Page 5nl Bravo food's Sarsalrarilla test Merit r a peculiar Combine- prtiea and Process. to- others - which and actually produces reatest Cures by thousands of honest, try testimonials - which le and actually produce reatest Sales g to the statements of over the country. ee • points Hood's pari 'a is pecnllar to itself. 00 ri1 a a � .a ars p -It Is the Ono True Blood Nailer. are the only pills to take s Pills withflood's.arsaparilia. MONEY TO LOAN. ed farms at lowest rates of o ELIOT & ELLIOT,. Solicitors, Exeter, UTanti return to 11:1 with Five Conte ill got by -return mail, A ,GOODS )S bring that t n will b •tt g nore money in ono month, tilnu any - so in America. A. W. KINNEY. E. T. Yarmouth, N. S. AN GIVE OSITIONS -- to prso8bofrals of ability. A ents,Boolakeeners ice, "FarmersSonLawyers. Mehaiec y ob:fans, Preachers, Students. Married and nglo Woolen. Widows. Positions aro worth 100 to $2,000 per 8nunru, We ]lave paid I of our canvassers $50weekly for years. lave started poor and become rich with a'larticnlars upon application. State salary i1'LINSCOTT, Manager. Toronto, Ont. II KINSMAN, L. I). S. • DENTIST. Spetiallet be Mae t'illln# and I'[iscte Work. Extracts without y pain orldtkee e, or any bad ns and face. At Zurich on lest tch month. Rooms west lido ter. NANDtRSON D.D.S Hone dradaato of the To - pane oyal College of Dental Mar .. $peoialties, painless oroservation of the natural over the Law Offioo of Elliot it to Caere' Hotel, Exeter, Ont, EW L. D. S.DENTIST, NION, 'Will be at Grebe! hotel Zurich 1 month andnet Rodatnof hhotel Roussel avers Monday MARK= REPORTS. Exeter. December 9th, •1896. Wheat por bushel .... 70 to 81 Oath .•,18 • to 19 Barley....... .29 to 22 Pea9...... •• -•-,., .. 38 to 40 Butter...13 to 1.6 15 to 15 Tuirkeys ,• 9 to 0 Geese •,•.-, ..., . 4 to 4 Chickens per a 4 to 1 Ducks. to S Dried Apples,. 'ples,. .." .. •. .' 21 to 21 Pork dressed. . , • $5.00 to $5.00 Pork lave weight 53.40 to $3.40 Say per ton . ... 8 8 OU to`5.00 Clover ... .... 51.00 to '55.00 Alsiko clover ... .. $$8.5U to $5.23 Timothy seed .... $2.50 to $2.75 W]T At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a fit. W. JOHNS, The Tailor. ,4 Suitt of J>Eothes for a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, - Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit.. an old ano 'You look for these in London, December 911I, 8896. ,...88 to $1. .,..li to 21 30 to 1 •., -19 to 2i .,•26 to 39 ,55 to 30 2h• to 31 10 to 55 12 to I1 11 to 12 45 to 05 7 to 8 a e to 10 30 to 50 to 8 .40 to 50 110 •i5,50 " cat to $1.50 to $1.75 Wheat per bushe , ... , . Peas ..' Barley Buckwheat 'tyro .....• Corn Beans Butter eggs Ducks Turkeys per th.... Geeseter...... 1 1D Clu,a:am Cheese CO at s per bag k t e 1 Bay per ton. Pork per ewe... reliable; plane, and A. J. SNE LL never disappoints his patrons In any of these. A large assortment of • Fall & Winter' Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, a now on our shelves, 'and we w take ;nuch. pleasure in shows then -to you. There are ma other lines that are specially motive. 4 •s a. H .x,,L, TORONTO 11A1't&L '$. Flour-Tlae market Is very dulleStraight reline are quoted et $4 to $4;10, 'Toronto freights. l;raft-Trude quiet and prim: urtelauaged. Itran is (Meted et $7.70 west, mut :herts nt $0 to $0.50. Wheat -The market le weaker, and the feeling unsettled owlet;t of rer1tr101e lower rma w In leading umrkete. Were 11111(1). outside Urdu,• et e3e. No. 1 Manitoba hard is dull at 9:10 to tt41', end No. 2atOle. L'ueles heat The market is dull and notui- eat at 29e. Barley -Trade dull, there being little de- mand. No. 1 Is quoted at 31e and Nu. 'S at 2Sto Ile. e Market(listt uietrler anil tprices un- changed. White sold outside at 10e, and mixed at Die to Isla., Peas -Trade quiet and 'trivia unchanged; sales at 41e, north and weer. stye --The market is easier, with sales at lee on the Grand Trunk. torn --Tete market is easy, with new yel- low offering at 20e outside. MONTREAL LIVE Seea`K. Montreal, Dee, 7. --Ther were about 550 elle p f+1atlatei bs Mitred for isale and tie East End abattoir to -day. More than half the cattle on market to -day were left over from last week. The butebers were out In considerable numbers, but It was not beet they required Dost, and the vales of t1 t cattle were stats, with very Retie Improve- ment tnt r tove- hent in the low prices of last week. ek. The best cattle sold at about :iae per 1b.; pretty good stock sold at from 2.tee to Se do.. and the Common beasts at from 1i%tc to tele per Ib, It is probable that some of the leaner animals would bring even less than 1r4c Leer lb. Calves were in demand, but they were almost all small young yea's. Mr. Bourassa Bought 11 calves. paying from l3 to e7 each for them. Mutton critters were scarce and higher in price. Sheep Sold at from eae to Se per Ib., rind lambs at from alai to 41 a do. There were no sales of fat hogs reported to -dna, The prices offered were about nee per Ib. Central I) RUG STORE. Those who have used Winan's Cough Balsam. Pronounce it unequalled as . remedy for Canons, a 'OLDS "AND BRONOh.ITIO TROUBn ES, an's Condition & Cough Powder Wing of horses, best in the mar- ket. always on hand, Also a Cetobenefaoto and Lini- ment, the medicine s0 s. ue- oessfullY used by .Mr, Chas.. Munroe, Parkhill, in this s in trtiatltl other towns, and atb ow , g and curing various diseases, b �. 1 For Sal BRITISH MARKETS. Liverpool, Dee. 7. --Spring wheat, Os 11etel to 7s tel; red, no stock; ao. 1 Cal., 7s 5d •to is Gd; corn 2s Wed; pinta 4s G0; pork, 48s 90; lard, 21s Od; beevn Le., heavy, 20s ad; do., light. 28.s 00: do , s.e., heavy, 20s Od: tallow• 188 6d; cheese, white and col- ored, Cls. London--Opening-Witeat on passage firm. Englishconntry markets 60 to is cheaper. Maize on passage quiet and nd steady. Liverpool -Spot wheat quiet; tttt res , !Wel r Jan. OS dfo Dee., G J d d for '1 atGs steady i and Feb., and Os 104 for March. 'Maize quiet, at 2s need for Dee., 2s 101_,d for Tan., Feb. end Marcie anti 2s loyal for May. flour 25s 3d. Paris -Wheat 222 tile. for an. Floor 472 40e for Jan. London-Wbeat on passn8e very little do- ing. Maize on passage dull. Parts -Wheat quiet Tit 222 10e for Tan. Liverpool-t:Mse-W; eat steady at 0. feed for Dee., its 811(1 for Jan. and Feb., and 61 9d fur tlurrh. :Maize qnlet at 2s 10;id for Tan„ Feb. anal Mareb, and 2s 10a,0 for May. Flour 23s 3d. THS EX,FTER T.(.N1ES �F1NIIS.YOUNGOTS ESCAPE SI1()CIll BE TEE COLDEST NOVEMtBEII ' t That Iles ttecn Rooms, for Eitleyl £cars- IPRIENDE1THOUGIHT MAT Tui SPAT Ten Carloads or Sheep Froze, 0)2 HER LIFE WOULD 1.3E SHOUT, • to Death. St. Paul, .ellun,.Nov, lee -The eol(1 wrath- At Last with But a Grain of Faith Her cr which ],recalls in the storm -swept lis - The Wooing Tone of French Papers Towards Britain. Mother Administered Dr, Williams' tt'ivts of the Northwest heal (A(tu;1•(1 [,.tenS'S Pink Pills and She is Now Cured, sutrrriug. and the death list of four is tee From the Montreal herald weather tient in, o' n The ltcport'rhet the FrenchG ter Weat .tan Aol ted the Other Powers in Set;o- tioonns .or Turkisis Reforms le Con- Armed-Friats slave Anceted Mires in Europe The German Itudget orought i>atl n Zee°. New Cardinals Created tenand N. we by fable. pteted to be increased Doles; milder This world is full of cage. ge. sero frozen at (,rand 1l;arbor. Dere change. There Ten carloads of sheep, destine[ for ('til - are changes that affect the constitution ws 1.81:0. The November which 1...1 Jest •eleslug le the coldest known iu the Nut•llt- r . • that • willcome vtdtiatl changes r t x o theitl(it ,11 0(1 the •1tA . � west 'fur 1;, rears. Snow fell we Cannot avert their coming, but we of tiin- month and has not sinee dl.;ap'tear- mayparry the unsalutary character of ed. There is great sutierhia: on the emelt • their lnfiuence. Womanhood iu its its- range.,, and thousands of (mal,' sial De that • ther e1 ilitias add. ception is Snst•eptl) e o chAt Vornilltlalt �,S.D., thereis Lordly a '1 I f 1 tl t killed 1t the wea n c 1 detnancl the most jtitlieinns attention tree standing and every Dreher)! is rained and prudential care to ensure perfect In many thetas es trees a foot in diameter • development and happy maturity, were hanapped off at the bottom. At mai- These changes are so vital and so stub- night the thermometer WAS 1','. helots zero. Perla a, Nov, 30. ---The Figaro, in a leagin:; al isle•to-day, deetare:, that the most intimate relations between Great Britain and France are necessary, and that M. 1-lanutaux, Minister of Foreign tilt in theircharacterthatunless t he ut- most vigilance and discrimination is exercised in the choice and application of reputed. remedies the wotot results Affairs, will be to blame if he fails. to may be undermined and tlle germ of .• 't S If is at disease fostered. �4 Igen c u life c . ( t cess. c enjoyment and is of • Il en'o 1110 ha, <t jY To be weak is to be miserable. It is therefore fuudlinentaal to every interest of humanity that life:' red, red stream be kept pure and healthy. • Owing to neglect • of these particulatesmany women have allowed life to be- come a burden and aL wearisome round of duties, Faint and weak, very aptly describes their condition after ventur- ing• to perform some ordinary house- hold duty. What can be (lone to ac- complish the rejuvenation of these un- fortunate. ones f There is a re]]]edy widely known :Lad loudly'applauded, whose virtues are proclaimed on the house tops and whispered on the streets. Ten thousand mothers have recom- mended it and twice ten thousand daughters praise it. Read what one of thein has to say. In the village of Lancaster, there lives Mrs. A. J. Macpherson, widow of the late A. 3. Macpherson. She is well andfavorahly known in this community. Some four or five years atg) Mrs. ilincllhersou sent her eldest dartg hter to New York. While 1 her uncle 11e ' resided ltttule tlterc+s and attended school, being then only about sixteen ye82'8 of age. Thesocial life of her temporary home made rather severe demands upon her time, and being ambitious she WAS anxious to slake rapid progress in her studies. In each particular she enjoyed a Covetable measure of success, but at no small cost. Many remarked her pale- ness and loss of color. She began to feel tired and weak after .n. Litt • ex- orcise, such as it short. wank. Miss Macpherson s stay in New York lasted about two years. A11 this time she -ate and slept fairly well. In the spring of 1893 she calm] llo'ile, and her mother mild not but remark how changed her daughter was -- pale and languid instead of being bright and ruddy. Thinking that nourishing :food tend perfect quiet, with judicious exer- cise, would restore the vigor and ruddy glow, it was participated in to the fullest extent. For a mouth this was tried, but still Miss Macpherson w1s as pale as before, liable to tnrnsof weak- ness and with an unsatiable desire for sleep. At this juncture the family doctor 'wits consulted. Iron pills were prescribed 112d L trip to the Thousand 1 3Lld islands taken, staylasting about six weeks during which time every- thing was done to help her recovery. The friends with whorl she stayed calms to regard her recovery as extren- ly doubtful, and when she returnee] home her mother saw no improvement. One day while marking purchases from a dealer in vegetables he (the dealer) took the liberty of making some re- marks about the health of Miss Mac- pherson, . which was obviously not promising. He strongly lilted the Ilse of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. Mac- pherson was not over credulous of the qualities of the Pink Pill, butthey were purchased and used to the best advan- tage. Soon after beginning the use of the pills says Mrs. Macpherson,. I. thoughts saw a reddish tingeuponher cheek: and in the course of a week or so my daughter telt better. The tired ecling began to vanish and the abnor- al sleepiness began to yield to the in- ence of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, hinting the use of the pills the pro- sy of her restoration wascontinuous cdmplete, and her unproved looks e the subject of favorable comment some time.. Today health is ail t could be desired, - and both the ng lady and her mother are firm evers in the medicinal virtaies of nk Pills and often recommence lent. Dr. William's fink Pills create new blood, build up the nerves, , •aand thus drive disease from the system. In hun- dred, of cases they have cured after all other medicines have failed, thus estab- ishing the clapim that they are a mar- e( among the triumphs of modern edica�l �.. ¢¢fence. The genuin. Pink 1& u' sold only in boxes, bearing full trade mark, "Dr. Williams' k Pills for Pale People." Protect rsclf from imposition . by refusing pill that does not bear the register - trade mark around the box. FOROVEIL FIFTY YEARS. AN OLD AND \\-.1•LL-TRIED 11=1111)1".—Mrs. Wins1ow's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty year:, by millions of mothers for their children while teetll.g, with perfect 5800088. it soothes the child, softens the mons, allays the pain. cures the colie, and is theronedy forDiarrhoe.a. It• is pleasant to the taste, Sold by druggists in overs part 01 lite world. 25 cents a bottle Its value is incalculable. I3o surd and a-lt for &urs• •W'inelow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. Election Notice To the Electors of Huron County :•otu)cil District No. 4, composed of y�te1)hen, Usborne and Exeter. L.tulcs AND OSN7•LEI% l:N.-1 am a candidate in this District for County Councillor end solicit. your votes m101881001100, Two mole• hors are to be elected. Each vote•h(Ls 2 votes. e voter can giro one vote to each of 2 candi- tee or can give boar votes for one candidate. to vote thankfully received ladies and gentle - 1 n, 2 votes in proportion. Very truly yours J. A. ROMA Exe Nov. 23rd 1890. Election Notice. To: the electors of the village of Exeter. LAnz8s AND to t N1 r r1,II:N.-I take this income nt addressing nty8tlf to you. to state that lam a candidate for reeve for the villa c of Exeter for the year 1897. [ may say that Dave served yea for ten settee. oightycars as councillor and two years ae +leputy reeve, and during those years I halo dime my utmost to servo you in every particular without fear of favor, and if Moe- .20r reeve will do all that lay, in my pow- er to promote the general interest and welfare 1 the vitiate°. My motto will be "progress •:oneistont .with ennnomy." Therefore I a v friends, to lout 'ne at the bead of the Th taking yo0 for pest M4 -ors. Irenlai YoursT. B CARLING Doc. 1st, 1896. cement the nations as desireil by the people and Parliament of France. e t tementxna Le Nord rnl]Ilrtns the s ,l_ a en . w ,,ttuu,l,l,v a the Paris G:;overn- tli< t L ment has joined the Governments in St. Petersburg and Lori(lolt in negotia- tions looping to the establishment of Turkish reforms, which accounts for the sudden change In the tone of the French press towards England. 1710~74 L ECIrOY'P. That Is Probably the Reason for the Latest Rise In Wheat. London, NOV. 30. --The Mark Lane Express to=day, commenting on the crop prospects,. says : Severe frosts ti, France and Central Eorepe leave stole - ped plowing and sowiu 4, and we anti- cipate a somewhat re0ue1• 3 wheat acre- age in the entir • h :.e(an hetwcen the Vistula an•l the liar ' "f 111808y. .Win- ter has set in threughera Russia. The Sea of aveie '.0;1 a 1(r-•.,1 to navigation on Not • t, zine navigation of the 18al- tic is d )121)1 rime on they northern and eastern r•••t-te, where there &lately ie much lea Owing to the rainfall in India the de- flcieney in the wheat acreage is re- duced, but while famine no longer threatens-•. a. .ear city seems bound to be felt until the swipe-vf 18t0, Ing lisle wheat maintain; a go ):1 price in London, but the country markets are less firm. The cause of this le c'e r. In the counties last weep 166,681 guar' tors of English wheat were offered for sale. against 69,530 for the. same week of 1895. t L,LT:t'1,i, Lori,: r.1;:4.5r. UTZ' Si Will now be found in tliei New Premises, Opera House Block. Watch for Ad. of change `ai,dley $Z Son, Ir Joseph lister Dud Mr. Bayard Say Nice S 1 Thlnee at the (loyal Society Dinner. London, Nov. 30, -"-The anniversary enamor of the Royal Society was given to -night. Among the guests was Hon. Thomas F. -Reyna], the American Am - Sir Joseph o Dister. who proposed president of a toast �> the •to .evicts. In speaking his toast Bayard paid a handsome, tribute tMr. o the wwork that had he .n achieved by the society. Sir Joseph, replying to the toast, eu- logized had endea ed hhimself everybody said, he bhis genuine love for the Old Country. Mr. Bayard, he added, must have a feeling of the greatest satisfaction, as he (Mr. Bayard) had priv'Ltely remarked to hope im d utin the of his life evening, that the had been almost fulfilled, and when he left c would be able to feel that the clouds that had once se- riously threatened the amicable rela- tions of. the United States and Great Britain had entirely cleared away dur- ing his term of otThce. This SIr Joseph ascribed as largely due to Mr. i3ay- ard's beneficent efforts. Helean('li(3 JeoCail.faai• fiI'3tlli1', ROOkS Supplies NEW STOCK A fine line of Exercise Books and Scribblers: Spices S Pure p Are necessary for Good Pickles. .Our patrons can. be sure of good 'quality. y ON MACE CAMON, , CLOVES, NUTMEGS, GN�I R PEPPER, PI I J � ALLSPICE,ALLSPICE,7. Ul MERIC. J, W. Brow FIGHTING FOR QRS. STERNAMAN' The Buttes 8om au's Case to Come Co d er Ates4eror :Jnd a Coxe lu Syracuse ats habeas Corpus *Writs, Buratto. at N.Y., Dec. 7. -The legal war in- tended by her attorneys to prevent the Canadiaul authorities frons securing too person of Mrs. Olive Sternaman, accused of poisoning her l.n mound, Is not ended. The attorneys say It Das just begun. 'lite case is tet 'down for review before .fudge C'oze, In Syracuse, to -morrow on writs] 00 habeas corpus and eertlorari !:sued Sao urday. 11 Is possible that the bearing will be deferred, as the papers in the preeeed- lnKs before Ualted states Cauuules.oner lenlrohiid, who determined to ]foie 100)4. Sternaman, pending toe application of the Canadian authorities to tee Secretary of. State for her extradition. will Imolai be ready 111 t17Ae. As soon as the papers rain be prepared, however, the review of the epee will be had before Judge ('oxe. -On what ground did the writs issue:'" Mr. Thayer, of Duekwitz, Thayer & ,la'k- v yen . 1.. ll ll' lawyer. was est vl it bier amu slaty •r. .. :melee " Oa the ground that Ibore was not •t particle of evidence to warraant the Putted States Commissioner In holding her," was the response. "Mrs. Sternlman will be taken to Syria cute,," "No. We will waive that right. The writ of habeas corpus orders her paella- 28012tityth,ere, but we will waive that for - MO. Thayer expressed himself as eentl- dent that the result of the new move would beefisiSternann's release. Mrs. Sternaman spends her time in the jati in a seemingly happy frame of mind. She denies herself to 101 rollers .ave her relatives, and says she IS certain of ulti- mate acquittal. "she is a model prisoner," said Mrs. IIaI- lkday, the matron. "She is lumpy auul cheerful and no cares seem to trouble her. Site is firm in her declarat'ou et luno - Bence. and use she is not afraid to eo to Canada or anywhere else the authorities wish to take her. The legal tight now be- ing made for her, she says, 14 on the ad- vice of her lawyer. Yes, she helps us with our work, taking cane of her own room and working with the rest of us in the corridors. When there is any wash - Mg or ironing to be done site aesiets kn that, too. She always goes about every- thing she does smilingly and happily. `drs. Sternaman has a large uurnber of relatives here, you know, and they all romp to see her from time to time." Some Season to !tape that the Trouble WIli shortly ite 14 fled. Hamburg, Nov. 30. -There is some here I•( eon to believe that 1110 trouble e will shortly be settled. Efforts to bring about a conference resulted to- day ill the appointment of a commit- +ce of four ship owners and four work- men to decide upon terms for a. settle- ment of the strike. The committee met to -clay, and it is said that the out- look for the ending of the trouble is hrl•eful, both sides being willing to re- cede in some degree from the extreme stand they have heretofore maintain- ed Mocker.' blrille Eetendlug. London, Nov. 30.-A despatch from Hamburg to the Exchange Telegraph Co., says the strike of the Hamburg dock laborers is extending, the dock men at Bremerhaven, t.;c.estemunde and Nordenham having joined the strikers. The Cabe Conference. London, Nov. 30. --The Pacific Cable at Conference is meeting daily the Co- lonial Office in secret sessions. Tree taking of the technical evidence. has been finished. This included the evi- dence of London cable manufacturers and W. H. Preece, .the technical direc- tor of telegraphs, of the postoffice of Great. Britain. eteaneshlp Rates (;o:lrp, London, Nov. 30. -The American Line Steap ship Company has issued a cir- cuter list of revised rates of fare on the ships of"that company. The winter rates are not altered. The summer season begins with the month of April instead of July, as heretofore, and ex- tends to October. The summer saloon rates are iltrelsed from <ri7 tai E20, children half fare, and the age limit is reduced from 12 to 8 years. Reduc- tions on return tickets are discontinu- ed. The other transatlantic companies will adopt the sante rates and regula- tions. , Two Ncer Cardinale. Dome, Nova 30.-A • consistory was held at the Vatican to -day, at whioh Canon Guiseppe Brise). and Mgt . Graf- faele Pierotti were created cardinals. Count Capo-Gxrossi, the consistorial ad- vocate, delivered an oration, hithe course of which he favored the beatifi- cation and canonization of Joan of Are. His Holiness the Pope responded : "Ad sanctum ritunt congregationem ut videat et referat." Neither Brisco nor Pierrottl is':a bishop. They were per- sonally selected by the .Pope on account of their Unusually high theological at- tainments.' ' Great Fire at l:radford. London, Nov. 30. :A. block of seV;en- storey buildings in Bradford, occupied by a large number of bu$.iness firms, was c'estrcyecl by fire to -night. The loss ie placed at S200,000. Ainongthe occupalits_of the'beildln.gs were Holds- , worth & Sons, Possette & Co. ..and Co.,woolen ere Orth, A Irl Art est chante,.and - the Anglo-American and Comoiereial Cable Companies. Rt•stdli 4)0 (110 strike. Han]hui'g, Nov. 30.=Set ei01 wa.t'e hese. compaenteo he eft susil0 lded, There are 13,000 ]nen on Saike. TILE TER.uS AGR)aSA11I.E. 01 5nt1G EMS. old W. S. Kimball & Co. Rochester, N. Y. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. 5cperpackage 7 FIRST PRIZE MEDALS. Venezuela Accepts toe Treaty of Arbitration au4 the Trouble h Over. Washington, Dee. 7. -Venezuela has ac- cepted the arbitration as agreed 11pu11 by Secretary Olney and Sir Juhatu 1'nuneefote. Secretary Olney has received a telegram from Minister Andrade at Caracas, stating that• the memorandum between (Treat Bri- tain and the United States for the settle- ment of the boundary question is accepted m that the Government; \VenezuelanG the by itietnotandumCaracas will be published at this afternoon, and that an extra session of the Venezuelan Congress will be called as soon as possible, in order that the me- morandum may be carried into cocci by the ueeeseary treaty between Great Bri- tain and Venezuela. Rosenbaum Shot ins Wife. Rochester, Dec. 7.--Salnuel Rosenbaum, aged GO years, n cloth trimming agent, re - aiding at 71i Hudson -avenue, shot his wife, Reale, this tumble and care probably fatally Injured]] himself. Both Beat All Others, D1AMOKD DYES-HINE A WORLD -win RECORD. The Diamond Dyes are fair ahead of all other package dyes made for home dyeing. When the plain directors are followed, at child rain dye successful- IyDiainond•Dyesare warranted to color more goods than any other package oyes, and to make colors that last as long as the goods hold together. All wise, economizing and prudent women useDiamond oud D y s because cause they never suffer disappointments; failures of losses that result from the use of poorly prepared dyes, Every package of Diamond Dyes is warranted to do. the work intended for it. 'When purchasing package dyes, see that you get the "rialnond.' Some dealers will try to sell you imitations because they get larger profits from them. Avoid such dyes, and use only the "Diamond" that bring success. A MESSAGE TO MEN. rYou'II y Vi� enjoy the inter. r�- -•• through all its varying moods if you have yourelothinginterlined with Fibre Chamois. This won. derful fabric is so light that you >� • Hever notice its presence in ax garment till you get out into the wind and cold, then you realize that you are cosily warns even • tho'lightlyclad. FibreChamois i is a complete non-conductor of heat and cold, not the strongest wintr . blast can penetrate it, nor _s can thenatural a warmth of the - a�� � •� body escape through it --•This explanation and the' fact that it sells for 25c a yard gives the whole story, and easily prof es that for health and comfort's sake you can't do without it.so 41.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••4******* The New York Sinker New 'Williams & White Sewing Machines. PROVIDING THAT TRUE �•T,IONESTY AND TRUE PEIr.ANTtI.OPY ,STILL EXIST. If any man. Who is weak, nervous and debilitated,• or who is suffering from) any of the various troubles re- sulting from youthful folly, excesses or overwork, will take heart and write to me I will sendhiin confidently and frvec of charge the plan purchased by which I was connppletely restored to perfect health and manhood, after year of suffering from Nervous De bility, Loss of Vigor and Organic "Weakness. I have nothing to sell and therefore want no money, but asXknow through 1ny own experience how to sympath- ize with such sufferers. Iam glad to be .able to' assist any fellow -being to a Mire. I and well awareof the preval- ence of quackery, for I myself was de- ceivecl and imposed upon until I near- ly lost faith in mankind, but I; rejoice to say that I am now perfectly well and happy once more and ant desirous therefore to make this certain "means of care known to all. If, you will write to ale you can reply upon being Cured and the proud satisfaction: of ltavine•.been of ill be s1 .wTreat service to one in Decal will Telt ald for m y lce :trouble. Absolitte secrecy assured. Send 5c. silver 'to cover postage and address.' Mr. 'Geo. G. Strong; North Rockwood Mich. • • HIGH GRADE PIANOS & ORGANS Of THE BESI MAKES. REPAIRS AND RI.I'A I RING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PERKINS &.MARTIN THROUGH eL• THROUGH Shorthand courses Of the Examine both the I3usiness and Forest City Business and Shorthand College, LONDON, ONT., and you will find them praetieal af. all points. Students arein attendance from all parts of the country. Our quarters 01100 new Y. M. C. A. aro conceded to be the finest for our Work in Western Ontario. Graduates of the school aro successful in securing and retaining good positions. Catalogue. ami particulars of either 00llree sent upon application. .D. W. WESTERVELT, Pr-iricipea1. O®]lam 11 cr An Introduction-==-� �•—.-1300m�.ng In Furniture Trade. And it cannot help but boom when we are offering such bar- gains as we are. A few parlor suits left at prices from $2o.Oo and upwards, good value. Centre tables and fancy rockers, going cheap and everything else in pro- portion. Call while these bargains last and secure some of thele. UndertakingA Specialty. R. N. ROWE. RUNRAILWAY .SYSTEM THE GREAT INTn11NATIQI;L DOUBI.E- TRACI4 ROUTE --1R ACHING--- CAN. POIr4Ts : U. S. POINTS Chicago.ilnd West., Detroit, i3utfaLlo, New York, Portland. Equipped w ith finest st 1ay coL d es- Pi11iat, Wagner; lrLvin Toon]incl sleeping cars. For all information apply tc> C. KNIGHT, Agent Exeter. London, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax, It gives u5 pleasure to troduce to you our fine B aver and Milton Overcoating; also a big range of Scotch an Can- adian Tweed for warm i'vinter wear. Our prices are away down. I:)id you see our $1.2 Black Worsted Slut. (made to ) order, If not why not, ti�H. CRIEVE s For Sale or To Rent. Tho t ilittge property ll occupied by the lath David Turnbull, 02' 111)112)1 street, Exeter. There ate three lots 01lame on which is man- tel n first cities brick v also good. stable. This ie t desirable property foe Tither bwelt 083 man or retired farmer. key to be had at Mrs. Gardi)ier's Willian1 street. For further particulars apply to ROBERT GARDINER, Farquhar P. 0,