HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-11-26, Page 8'4 The Cash or Produce, One Price Only. �aticwcm�:�c�a-rc�..s:•ri;:sa.cxa+yc�+wcnc��w.w,u. -- -•._,.._..__.»...- _ .. .. :;. •:.-: -. _ _ +wwrart?,arae..?waw'Fxmw:.': x 8;;+P+, tutiuss.W�,Y,i.'foo'4,!*1 rw14i. THE COUNTY COTINCIL.- w-.,. >f+!.rwsroe ' (J'ai2rdUlatekt for the new county sunned fur dit is- realion 1o, •, lzc ztzuintlnciti}; tlic.znscl�es. B, • Dr, Bodies, through a c1u•d ill liveE '1am,.solicits the suffrages of the electors of Stephen, Ushoiue and Exeter. T. M. Kay, ex -reeve of Us - borne ; Wm. Bowden, reeve of L\etet•: and A. Q. Bobier, of Exeter, are also in the field. There are other names mentioned, but we have no intimation of their going into the contest. T H El EXETER `.CI.NtE ash Sto WailkliFUL Yes it Is Wonderful -0 The way that new lot of Bargain Dress Goods are going out. We were afraid we had bought too many, but the low prices are doing their work. New choice and right up -.to - date Dress Goods at half actual value is what we are offering you. Perhaps it would pay you to -vagm----E;ONIE IN ND SEETHU.—mar Here is one of the many bargains that await you. Pure wool, silk finish crovenett dress goods, guaranteed water- proof, (it) i)Ic11es wide in Black, Navy, Myrtle and Bmwn, regular value $1.50 per yard, our great big Bargain price while they last is 75c per yard. Remember, Cash and one price works wonders. J. A. Stewart Stores clime at 0.33, except Wednesday and Saturday. l ALSWEET' V TEIt •'I 11Y SURG1♦ON. Is prepareI to do any kine or bird stuflin and taxidermist work at anv time. INSt7RANCE. 9•,LLfOT, ,Agent for the WE$ITIRN AssurcANcn Co:,r- rax%, of Toronto; Ads() for the Pnlliarix Flint rosts'lrarrcl: COMPANY, of London, England ; the itLi. A.vcls INsurtartcz Cosir,u1Y, of Eng and. A. 0. P. Court Price of Huron, No. 7865. MeetsinWood't. Hall 2nd and 4th Friday in each month. Visiting brethren are cor- dially invited to attend. DAN= WOOD,, 0. It. • GEO. RRnrr, Sixc`r. SCRIBBLING Books and Fads Schoolroom and Students tS lAid‘t* We DON'T claim that EVERY line we carry. • is better than any body else's . , • BUT we DO claim the above lines . . are. . . EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. that Rev. Locke preached in Colborne Servant girl wanted. Apply at T Es cfliee. If you want preparations for curing cider call at C. Lutz drugstore. Servant girl wanted to, do general )louse work. AppIyto Mrs, J. Farmer, Exeter. % Sro'Es 1 STovEs.-Stoves and heat- ers of all kinds sold at rock baton) prices. Manufactured by the Gurney r� Co„I*ONII ' dry GToronto. Call and nd in- spect them ;at Bissetts oldstand, Exeter. J. S. Daxy1TT, agent. The railroads give a single fare rate to -day, The TIMES will be given free for the balance of this year to new yearly anl)Sa111)Els. Everybody wilt be et the entertain- ment in the Opera House to -night. est of the season. A number of young folks attended a party given at Mr. Hackney's, Hib- bert, on Wednesday evening. On Saturday last N. D. Hurdon and A Tones, held a shooting contest. Each shot eight birds out of ten. Mrs. (Itev.) Martin returned home yesterday from Mt. Forest, where she has been visiting for a short tirne, Dr. Kinsman announces elsewhere,) by change of advertisment, the dis- continuance of his visits to Parkhill, A. W. Wright, baggage master at the depot returned yesterday after a pleasant visit in Hamilton and To- ronto. Wm.� S weet. V.S. has been appoint- ed veterinary inspector for this dis- trict, to examine all stock to be ship- ped. At the services Iast Sunday in the Main st church in connection with the superannuation fund, a goodly collect- ion was raised. J. GIT The Mart Exeter. i G oy Q v 1 church, London on Sunday last, ast nd the papers report him as delivering ex- celieut discourses. Owing to the cylinder of the engine at the electric power house bursting, Monday evening. the town has been 1n comparative darkness since. The body of Mr. John Kinsman, • brother of Dr. Kinsman, of Exeter, ar- rived in town from London, and was buried in the old B. C. Cemetery Mit- chell. Mrs. (Rev.) Willoughby accidentally scalded one of her feet last week by the upsetting of hot tea. The scolded member causes her considerable trouble. Dr. Willoughby will give the seventh of the series of sermons to young men next Sabbath evening. Subject, "The Equipment, Compass, Sails, Etc. The auction sale, on Monday, of the effects of William Davidson, insolvent, was a decided success. Stock and inl- p1-emeets sold well under the hammer of auctioneer Gill, Mr. Hegnander, at one time a clerk in the Molsons bank here, but now of Norway, is �n town re- newing acquaintances. He is engaged in Commission business there. Divine service will be held in Main street Methodist church Thursday (Thanksgiving Day) at 10.30 a, m. Rev. Martin will preach a special sermon. Collection in aid of the poor. Miss Burns and Miss Rohl.:. n, will be the attraction at the y #gbt, This entertainment Opera House to- ainment is under the auspices of Ladies' Aid, Presb terian church. It will be good. . W. Campbell; Provincial Road Commissioner has accepted the invi- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23th, 1896. LOBED. HAPPENINGS Miss Elliott, of London, is visiting Miss T. Whfte. Miss Smith, milliner, is visiting friends in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, ofLondon are J. A.s guests at tewart s. Mr. David Ma rti o rof Chatham, am r visit- ed friends intown Sunday. Miss Della Crocker,'of Blyth, is visit - her mother over Thanksgiving, Mr. Crooks is spending Thanks- giving at his home in Hohnesville. Mrs. J. Crocker, who has been visit- frieds in Bayfield has returned hent.. Dr. W. N. Robertson, the bic cli Stratford, has mored to Wallacebur W. J. W'stcott and Miss E. White, visited friends in Woodham, Tuesday. mr on n t, Outs_de capitalists are goingto es., tabors. of the West Zorra township tablish a mammoth departmental store ore in London, emexnber the concert to -night in the Opera Rouse. g.. p Miss and you :ill y w s a treat.. :a Dr. H. Iinsman,of Sarnia` spent the forepart of this week visiting under the parental roof \ Mrs, John E. Dignan and daughter; arra at present visiting friends in Rep- eal/. and i g vicinity, Mrs. Neither Lanr W. 4r. J. , White and bio M'ndl sla daughter credited with workingSe Mamie, of 13randosi, Mans are vision oxen, et John ' g' Rev. George White's. Jackson, ' s.g n, of London, The preached two excellent sermons December meetingof Exetervas in the Lodge, L. 0. L. No. Main street church, Sunday last, to Hu g924, will be held ; large December 4th. A full attendancere congregations, a_by discourses'. Ex He re- were highly uested. W. SNELL, Secy. Ia riclin: Exeter. Jack- , He y !son's many friends tir council to address a series of meetings g throughout the district g this month. n tri... A Parkhill clergyman has resigned from the public school: boalyd because noise of the teachers employed belong- ed to his denotnination. Still we send. our Moneyawayenlighten to nllghten the heathen. • It is some'srlaiLt remarkable to find that here are yet 4,270 • working oxen in the Province of Ontario. In ,FTuron county there are 218, and in Bruce 231. n nor Middlesex are -- A PEcnLIAIt ACCID NT The other day while 3. J. Cornish was eating' salutou lie wits seized with a fit, of coughing., thought to he caused by an over -dose of pepper and salt tickling his throat. The coughing became aggravated until he was taken sick with inflammation of the lungs. Hf. eontinued togrow worse, until Monday when he coughed up a large piece of salmon bone which had lodged in his wind and pipe whie1' caused alt the trouble. He is now improving. Dr. Hyndman has the particle of bone. HOUSE oz REFUGE NOTES, --The lat- est arrival is Robert Halt, from West l 'awanosh.. There have been 90 com- mittals during the year. Nine have died. Thirteen left with the consent of the officers, while five absconded, leaving sixty-three inmates - in the Honseatthc presenttirne--forty-seven males and sixteen females. Several are sick, but none are dangerously A boy of 14, healthy, smart and clever is in the Hou::e. end it is desired to se- cure a home for hint with some farmer where be can have a chance to go to school and be well cared for. Trac, S .xxi MEN or. OORPSEs.-The Grand Trunk railway has issued a new • form of certificate to undertakers which must be filled out and signed by thetn and by the physician and medi- cal health atlicer when a body has to be transported by train from the place where death takes place. •The regul- ations connected with this certificate forbid the shipment of bodies of per- sons who die of small -pox, cholera, yellow fever or other contagious dis- eases, and prescribe regulations re (�arding the manner in which other °dies may be shipped. When the journey exceeds eighteen hours the body must be placed in air-tightcasket or metal cases. Heretofore there have been no satisfactory rules for the ship- ment of bodies, and the undertaker, as well dS the at t. iol•` . 21 ItiPS will 1 coin In � cl d the action of the Grand Trunk in its desire to protect the travelling public from danger of contagion. Teu FAT STOCK SIIow.. - We again remind our readers of the Fat Stock Show to be held in Exete:•, wiser the auspices of the South Huron Agri• cultural Society, on Friday et next week, December 41b. The S phen and Ushorne Agricultural Socieyhave very kindly given the use of their grounds and buildings for this show, so there will be ample and comfortable accommodation for both exhibitors and spectators. Liberal prizes are of- fered for fat cattle, sheep, swine and dressed poultry. We understand that a large number of Cniruals are king r p epared for competition at this show, and we expect that the poultry exhibit will in itself be well worth seeing. There is, also, no doubt, but, buyers both local and from a distance, will be largely represented. We hope, there- fore, that. the farmers of the Riding anal others interested in Agricultural matters, will turn nut in large num- ., bl,l and s not oil a benefit them- selves y t ieni- cs bu t assist andr encourage a the Society in establishing this b show which, if successful, must ultimately prove of immense benefit to the farm- ing community in y a County where e stock raising , and feeding is such an important inclustry as it is in the County of Huron. INCIPIENT FIRE. -Tuesday evening about 7 o'clock, the fire bell sounded its alarm. There was a prornptresponse and soon the streets were thronged with an eager crowd. James St. church proved to be the scene of the fire, and hut for the presence of mind exercised by the sexton, seriol%is darn - age wvould have resulted, if not the fine church edifice totally destroyed. The Epworth League had all arrange- ments perfected for an entertainment that evening, and the e4lectrie light not being on owing to an accident, the body of the church had to be lighted with lamps •rand for this p , nr- p pose several Large Rochester's were secured. There being no proper than- diallers the lamps were suspended from the electric light fixtues. One of the lamps, fell to the floor and set fire to One of the seats, burnin • it badly and destroying the books in the rack be- fore the Sexton, who was in the hod' of the church, could do anything. He carried the burning lamp outside and threw his coat on the blaze, extinguish- ing it, thus preventing a disastrous conflagration. Had the' accident oc- cured an hour later, when the church was filled with peopl e, there would havebeen )Ben a panic and n possibly. ala 1 p Y. Maw lives lost. Mr. Gill hadhis is hands ba- a. ly burned and his coat destroyed. He deserves great credit for his efforts in saving the building. The church was thoroughly venilated and the enter- tainment proceeded ntertainmentproceeded with. The concert on Tuesday evening in James street church, . under the auspices of the Epworth League was a decided success. • The program, varied in character, was well rendered. Pro- ceeds amounted to about $30. Richard. Seldon, .Jr. and wife, who have spent the past few` months here, , left onrhursdayforingex•soll, wherethey will 1 remai n during .the ' winter. Mr. Seldon has been doing n the fall: to - gw in onhisf armsouth of pp gthe village. They will return in the spring. On the evening of Friday 27th inst., there will r 1 1)ea social ti gathering of teach- ers ers and trustees in the aissern l of the GoderichY room Collegiate Institute building. Refreshments will be sere, ed and a musical -and literary program rendered. There will also be. a discus= .. ' n on The 'Catlook for Public hool Teachers." The Minister of Militia has ordered following changes in the 33rd ion) Battalion :--No. 6 Company, py, eter, Provisional 'Lieut„ Lewis enry Dickinson, is permitted to re - e. No. 8 Company, Gorrie, Capt. pICKARD SON. This List Of Ill .argaons, You are sure to need some- thing enumerated here. - vi Mens' Wool Frieze Ulscers, 52 inch long, double breasted, Checked. Tweed linings, special at $4.95 Ladies, Frieze Jackets, large Pearl Buttons. full flare, splendid fitter, special at Mens' Tweed Pants, well made,good stripes and checks, special at patterns, Mens' Waterproof coats, small check patterns sewn seems, long buttoned over cape, wear guaranteed Ladies' Paragon shaped under vests, large sizes and heavy, very special value at Ladies' Corsets, strip make, French model shape five clasps, cheap at 75c, our price 54 inch pure Linen Tabling, heavy and fine, Special at 97 piece Dinner Sets, special importation, gilt and color decoration, very special value 10.00 Elate glass Berry Dishes. regular 40e goods, half • price Fancy glass Nappies to match Berry dishes, extra value per doz. 7.50 1,50 7.50 25 50 25 �w �•ll'4 qM %lust a IVOT !ito' 20 40 We have just opened up 15 casks of Lamp and Glass goods imported direct from the factories in Pittsburgnd Dunkirk. Wo are selling these goods at just half g J price. See our display in North window and ask to see our Leader lamps at $1,25, R . �. Direct Importers. John Cane is .permitted to resign his commission anrol toretalin the rank o captain on retirement. Miss Maud Christie is visiting friend in London. Miss Maud Parkinson who is attend- ing Alma College, is home spenclin Thanksgiving Da . Y The recent heavy thunder storm ar sharp lighting, it rs said, is a sure sig of an open winter. Mrs. Parkinson returned ed hom yesterday from Trout Creek. Sh will spend the winter here. This is a wonderful climate of ours for people can have nearly any kind o weather they desire. Last Friday we were enjoying six inches of snow, and on Sa•turuay plenty of people came to town in cutters and sleighs. Monday the atmosphere was so mild that store doors were thrown open all day. These same climatic changes have occurred for two successive weeks. g 1 AN IMPOR TAMEETING.-To NT 'Um d interested in the future of the socie n of Royal Template in Exeter. Y are hereby requested to be in atteu aance at their hall over 0. Snell's huts e er shop next Monday night at 8o'cloc e as one of the most important mee ings of the year is to be held. Ther • are sus ' f come forewardofandt they importance qura fib thought, and judgment of all. Let n member be absent, a campaign is be- fore us, a battle for the right, the holding of forces already in rank and fyle,the infusion of more life,a revival of the now latent and somewhat dor- Anent powers. No member can con- sistently be absent from these meet- ings if for a moment they ponder the I fall meaning•of their pledge and obli- gation. No member can honestly I withhold. practical service or in any i way offer an excuse for not putting forth every effort •to maintain the positions note secured for the once un- fortunate t e brither, who now re of cs e in liberty from the slavery and cruel hand of intemperance. Coe and fill 1 Come the house next Monday night. Elect your officers for the new year. Let the program committee he alive to 'their work. Colne fully furnished. - Ase a'ANCE. JUST WHAT You WANT. --Teeth ex tracted without any pain, or sickness, or any bad effects, such as poisoned gums and swollen faces, at Kinsman's dental rooms west side Main street, Exeter. A meeting was held on Monday evening to effect arrangements for the organization of a curling club. Two propositions were made, one to lease the horticultural building for a terns of years and extend the building in length, the other to pay the rink managers $60 per year for the privilege of using their ice. Nothing definite w;is decid- ed upon. W. Somerville, of Rodgerville, en- closed a note in a barrel of "King of Tompkins" apples, he sold for export, asking the consumer to write to hire stating price and the condition of the apples. On Monday he recei ved word from Robt. Liddel, merchant, of Glas- gow, that the apples had arrived in prime condition and the retail price paid was eleven shillings. He was highly pleased with the fruit. Mr. Sornerville says the apples were ca re - fully selected and paeked with care,and sold byper bbl. for 50 cents er The many friends of the familylearn with regret of the death at the family residence, St. Marys, of Mrs. Dickin- son, relict of the late Chas. Dickinson, Her illness . had extended over a period of several years. s Withher late husband she cane to reside on the 3rd. line of Blanshard, where by industry and good management they accumulat- ed wealth, retiring sixteen years ago to St. Marys... A daughter Mrs. Blatchford died ,its St. Marys, some years ago. The surviving family are John Dickinson Anderson ; William, East Nissouri ; Mrs. Robt. Whaley, Usbor ne =M Mrs. W. Walker, Paisley y ,. Mrs. T. T. Garner, and Mrs., A. E. Teske y, St. Marys ; Mrs. John Patter- son, Blansbard. Wm. Jenkins, of Goderich township, died at the residence of her son Thom- as, on the. Huron road, on Thursday. Col. Bob'I*gersoli has eencek,d ail" lecture engagements becauseofillsress. He is eufieringfrom sciatica. A serious acciden t happened to Mrs. Bell, wife•. of Engineer Thomas 13M1, at her home in Stratford recently A poplar tree sLandingg in the yard had blown down,durin the day, y, and: -after. dusE Mrs. Pell, who 1''iad forgotten all about it,trippp ed ov, ;he trunk, with the result .that her left -armw as broken, BORN. DELV T -In Exeter, on the 23rd inst., the wife of Wm. Delve, of a son. b 0LLICK.—In Exeter, on the 23rd inst., the wife of E. A. Follick, of a son. BRIMICOMBE.-In Usborne, on the 24th inst., the wife of Wm..Brinacombe, of a daughter. ALADY- MARRIAt ED. St. MY CASE - James' churey Seaforth, on Nov. 18th, by Elev.J. A. Kealey Wm. Casey, merchant, to Jennie Malady, both ofiSeaforth. XADING-MAINS-At the residence of bride's brother Mr. Mains, of Londesboro, on Novi 18th, by Flev. J. NNr. Andrews, Mr. Wm. Kading. Parkhill, to Miss EllaMains. STINSON-BIGGART.-At the manse Varna,. on the 11th lust, by Rev. J. A. McDonald, Th ors Stinson, of Stanley, to Mies Mary daughterE.,of John Biggart, of hayfield. GRAY -MANNING -At the residence of the bride's tathPr Edmund Manning Nov. 18th by Rev.: J. W. Andrews,' Wm.' F. Gray, to Miss Martha Manning, all of Hallett. DAVIS-KILLER-At the residence of the bride's Father Seaforth, on Not*. 18th, by the Rev. T. R, Davis; M. A., of Sarnia, assisted by Rev. Arch -deacon Davis of London, Alfred Thomas Davis; to Mrs. Margaret Killer, both of Seaforth. BOE HLER In IL''gmondville on Nov. 17tH, Valentine B oehIor, aged 73 years. 9 months. 14EoMP-In B1 anshard, on Nov. _17th, John mp, aged 28 years, 10 months, DAHL-In Kansas City,on the 17th inst., Sarah wife of J. Dahl; raged 29 Yeaare. JENKINS-In)Goderich township,.o a the 18th lust., Martha Jenkins, relict of the late Win. Jenkins, aged 88 years. BROWN. -At Boisevain, Man., ori Nov. 11 Annie E. Cameron, wife of George Brown, and daughter of Mrs. Ewen Cameron, Anderson. •Principal Martin and Miss A. H. Clayton, have been re-engaged teach- ers for 1897 at the sante salaries as f last, year. t How Are Youii". Fixed in the way of winter wear ? Have You just what you require • to protect you against WETIIER -� - Come' and see the Woollens, the Underwear, the Over- coats, Fur Coats; Furs, and every thing in that line.- You ine.-You cannot complain of prices, Quality and assortment for we have just what you need to keep out the at- tacks of the ice man now -a -days. Crockery See our Dinner setts, the cheapest we have ever shown, Grocery department complete. ' Boots and Shoes full stock. '=arl tig Bros. Highest prices paid for Produce. The York Singer New Williams & White Sewing Machines.: HJGH GRRDEPUINOS ORGANS Of THE QESi MEE. REPAIRS AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PERKINS & MARTIN London, Huron and Bruce. GoINO NORTH - London, depart Cla ndeboye, Centralia, Exeter. Henson, Kippcn, Brucefield Clinton, Londosboro, 131ytb, Belgtavo. \Vinghant, (arrive) Gouxo SOUTu- 'win„ harn, depart Belgrave. Blyth, Loudosboro, Clinton, 13rucefield, .isippen, Monsen, Exeter, Ccutraliar Clandeboye, London, (arrive) Passenger. l yen er 8.15 d m 4.45 P. M. 9.05 •1.33 11,10 5.4' 9.30 6.00 9.44 6.11 9.50 5.20 9,58 6.28 10.15 6.55 10.33 7.14 10 41 7.23 10.56 7,37 11.10 8.00 6.30 .4.14. 3.15 P. nr. 6.4 56 3.48 03 3 7.40 4.23 7.59 4.4188 8.15 4.53 3.35 5.08 8.15 5.19 9.05 5.33 0.50 6.25 Miss Irvine, of Bla nshard, has been ngaged as teacher of Metropolitan thou' for 1897. County council Election Public lDivisionot of Eetors Of County Con llNo. 4. composed fthe municipalities of Usborne, and Stephen, will bo hold in the Town Hall. Exeter, on Monday December 21st, 1896, at the hour of one o'clock p. m., for the purpose of nominating candidates to represent them in the Coun Council t C u •' y acts of the County of Huron for theears 1897 and Y 1893, and that in case a poll is demanded, and allowed the manner named prescribed by law, such poll will be opened on the 4th clay of January 1897 in each of the polling sub -divisions at the time and place fixed by13y-law of the municipalities in the said County Division, CHESTER PROUTY. Nominating9�cer. ated this 25th day of Marriage Licenses —ISSUED AT— HICK'S JEWELRY STORE No Witnesses Recga.di-ed. A complete Stock of Jewelry, Silver- ware, etc: Repairing receives careful and per- sonal attention. R. HICKS, Central Telephone Office CALL AT THE NEW BUTCHER SHOP See those 1, 2 and 3pound bowels of Head Cheese. Just what you. want for tea ? Pure Lard A Specialty Lard put up in r, 2, 3, 4'b, 10, 20 or 50 Ib. packages to suit all plcrties. Fries, Bologna, Fresh Pork, choice Beef, Sugar cured Raaru and Baron. all - kinds of Poultry in season, Tripe, Lined "Writ and Sausage Rolls all at. ' t. lowest cash prices. 1 101, Give Us A Call 74 • And be convinced that- we keep nothing but first Blass goods.' Orders delivered at all bines, Orae Door South of Central Hotel: L. DAV. Johnston's g Tearing Flea is Still Continued Space willnot allow fora fuli explanation, but you will final, everything reduced, we would respectifully mention our line of anties A large range 30% reduction. School Question Settled.I It has disturbed the Provinces for long time. The preservation of Na- tional and Constitutional rights has been carefully guarded, and the exten- sion of equal rights to all with no special privileges to any one particul- ar craft, and to do such, in the tangle of party strife and religious creeds, 'requires a grasp of the entire situation We can now resume business with some comfort. Just think of all wool flannels, 25 inch 25e, 27 inch 27c, navy blue military flannels at 30c, 45c and: 50c, pure goods, unions from 121c to 20e. Flannelettes 36. inch 14e, 34 inch' 10e, 32 inch 10c, plain twilled flannel- ettes at 5c. Childrens' Eider Down cloakings mgs fromL5c to 05c, former prices 50c and 85c. These T ese tvei• ebought at a clearing price, or we could ot have offered them . Great values in is Ladles underwear and hosiery. Dress goods in Tweed and Silk and Wool effects. • We are going to offer the balance at less thaii the wholesale price. These ai'e lengths ranging from 4ds to sit it yds; sightly goods. fold us by the wholesale firm so as to offer them to the public at leu than the cost. Please call and see them. Produyce. "la`aik ett Dried apples 21e,.A. 1, butter, 140. eggs, 15c, tallow 4c, chicken 5c, ducks Oc, geese 5c, turkeys 7c• J. P. Clarke. clearing at Fug Capes Just received a large ranger ,t to sell as follows :--$12 capes $9,$18 do 12 .50..' � , 30 inch astrachan, reg. 30 � � now $20, 27 inchrebg . $25, now18: 24 inch,reg $20,now b w $515; Black Opposum reg. $25 now,$18. Don ' Pa Us if wish Cheap Our over Overcoats are havinga big g sal . c, come in and see the best valuesin the tracte for men or boys. G.. Gq JOI-INSTOI