Exeter Times, 1896-11-26, Page 5ale
ith Hood's Sarsapa-
la,"Sales Talk,' and
oythat this medi-
nee enjoyed public confidence and
ttronage to a greater extent than accord -
1 any other proprietary medicine. This
simply because it possesses greater
erit and produces greater cures, than
other. It is not what we say, but
hat Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells
to story. All advertisements of Hood's
raaparilla, like Hood's Sarsaparilla it
f, are honeat. We have never deceived
the public, and this with its superlative
Medicinal merit, is why the people have
abiding confidence in it, and buy
tAlmost to the exclusion of ail others. Try it
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
only1119 to take
lood'S Pills with the
good improved farms at lowest rates of
interest. Apply to ELIOT & ELLIOT,
5th Nov. 1890. Solicitors, Exeter.
and return to us
with Five Cents
in sliver, andou will get by return mail, A
GOLDEN BOX OF GOODS that will bring
you in more money in one month, than any -
Atha, else in America.
W. I;;INNEY. D. T. Yarmouth, N. S.
introduction by LordiDnfl in life
water mark of circulation • one agent reported
two^,y-nine orders the dey after ho got his
crus, many take orders from three -
hs of calls glade ; we need cant a ltsors for
Ada and Australia; prospectus free on de -
of $1 as guarantee ; if you want a share
ofthis Colt' maw hustle. for territory is going
past. 7' he Bradley-GarretsonCo., Ltd., Toronto.
Specialist :h Gold Filling and
Plate Werk. Entree[; without.
any l'a' 11 ('r slt'knets. ("rimy bed
eii( tan ilt the guns and face. At Zurich on last
'leant:ay in tach month. Rooms west side
Nam btteut,Lxeter.
• L. n.9. Ilene graduate of the Tc.
mote Unisrovityann oyes toilette of Dental
Surto. os of Omni . w•o]a'ti(5, ',Metes:
extra(alof and preservation of the l.aturol
teeth t+art,+e over the Low (+ffieo of Ella, t 2
Elliot, onuesite Ccrtral Hotel. Exeter. Ont.
• CLIenoy•
will he at (grab's hotel Zuriot
on the aeoond Tuureday of (sot
month fnd at Ilodsin'e hotel
ll„Osatl ovary Monday
(ram ',1„•
EJ 0W:'
A. W. Johns', The
Tailor. Made to order
for $3: 6, 7, etc. Suits
$11, 20, 21, etc. The
best place in town to
get afit.
The Tailor.
A Suit of i othes
or a Single Garment
Should Gambino now a days,
Correctness of Style,
Good Workmanship,
Moderate Cost,
Perfect Fi
You look for these in an old an
•� reliable pla-e, and A. J.
SSNELL never disappoints bis
patrons In any of these. A.
large assortment of
rad,ef.•,tinrsa+ - . av,a�+.+aoya,,.v. �' aw,ou omamerzssv,s+. aww,+.l wr-xvir. ,sueesewa;i:a ees...rc.exc emet.ee•A s;. ewe vnCtoi4eo ,-.•tt, :44k teSse.ii•... • ',Nw¢N,tAi
Pale Faces And Bloodless Lips -Given
to Headaches -Extreme, Weakness,
Heart Palpitatiou and Other Dis-
tressing n
S l e btean
g y p toms-Ths of
Cure Readily at Hand.
From the Leamington
Po Post.
The attention of the Post has lately
been frequently called to a remarkable
cure in the case of a young girl, living
withina fe miles w n) leti of thistown,e
whn • 7
life was despaired of, but who was
completely cured in a short space of
Mine by the most wonderful of all re-
medies Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills. Since
reading in almost every issue of the
Post of the cures effected by the use of
this medicine, we feel it a duty we
owed to investigate thisl case, [which
hes so urgently been brought to our
notice, and we -are sure the interview
will be read with interest by the
thousands of young r
girls Is ail over C.e
as well as by the parents of such.
interesting patients. The young lady
in question is not anxious fornototivty
but is willing to make her case knows,
in order that others who are similarly
afflicted may have an opportunity of
being equally benefitted. The symptoms
tiseter. November:25th. 1896.
Wheat per bushel 80 to 82
Oats ..22 to 22
Barley-. ...... ....25 to 33
Peas . „-.., ..42 to 13
Butter.. •.,
Chickens per ib
Dried Apples..
Pork dressed .... .
Pork live weight ,....,
Hay per tan.... ... ,. ,.
Clover s .... ....
seed .
Alsilcc clover
Timothy seed .. .5;2 50 to $2.75
...14 to 15
I5 to 9 to 156
4 to 4
,... 5 to li
nto 2.
-1 S
$5.00 to $5.00
3.40 to $3.10
8 00 to $8.01
1.00 to 5.00
;i „
$1.u0 to 2v
London, November 25th,1890.
Wheat per bushe , . ..... ....81 to 84
Oats....17 to 21
Vona .... 36 to 44
Barley .-..10 to 25
Buckwheat ....26 to 30
Ityo .,..55 to 30
Corn....'+8 to 31
Beans t 40 to 55
Butter . .... ..,... 32 to 11
Ducks.11 to 12
...,... 45 to 63
Turkeys per lb.... 7 to 8
Geese per lb 9 to in
Chickens 30 to 5)
Cheese 8 to 8
Potatoes or bag,40 In 10)
Hay per ton ,...$ 7.00 to $ 8.5 ,
Pork per cwt.... . .. $4.50 to $4.73
o of sT-
Flour-The market Is very dull, with
buyers holding off. No sales reported and
pewee nominal at about $4 for straight rol-
Itrnn-Trude gniet and nieces sMndy;
dealers asking $7.50 west. Shorts $8.50 to
$9 west.
Wheat -The demand Is restricted and
prices in consequence heavy. A car of
white was bought at 8114,c, but most deal-
ers ask 83c outside. Red Is nominal at 81c
to 82c. No. 1 Manitoba hard is quoted at
Ole to 91}c, Toronto freight, and at 87c•
Midland. No. 2 hard 850, Midland.
Buckwheat -The market Is steady, with
galea at 281Ae to 29e west.
Barley --Trade dull, with no demand. No.
1 is quoted at 30c to 32c, and No. 2 at 28e
at outside points.
oats -Thr- nnirket Is gnlet and prie,e4
oast'. White gold outside at 20c on North-
ern and at 21c on Midland. Mixed was 18c
to 190 west.
Peas -Trade quiet and prices steady; sales
at 42c north and west.
ltyr•- eseete meg with eines outside at
34e on the Northern.
Corn -Market dull, with prices steady at
28c to 29c at outside points.
Oatmeal -The uu"•tcet IS unchanged, with
car lots quoted et $3.40 to $3.50.
:i1iTIS£r MAittiMTS.
Liverpool, Nov. 23. -Spring wheat, 6s 9d
to 7s 00; red, 65 11d: No. 1 Cal„ is 5d to
Ts 60; corn, 3s Od: peas. 4s 81<jd; pork, 5es;
lard, 20s Od; bacon, Lc., heavy, 20s (3d; do„
light, 27n 60; do., 9.e.. heavy, 23s 6d; tial•
low, 19s Cid; cheese, white and coion'd, 151s,
Landon -Opening -Wheat, ort coast, noth-
ing doing; ou passage, dell. English eaun-
try markets 6d to 1s chenper. Maize. el)
passage, dull.
Liverpool- Spat wheat dull: futures easy
at Os 5%d for Dec., (;s 60 for Feb. and 08
Weld for Mareli. Maize 2s 11'd for Nov
and Dec., and 28 110 for Jan., Feb. and
?lurch. Flour 23s Od.
Parts -'Wheat 21f 20e for Dee.; flour 45f
60r for Dee.
London--t;IOse-w bent On pas'age quiet
for white laid easy for red. Maize, oft
coast, nothing doing; on passage, dull.
at nalet
at 21f doe for
Dee.; flour firm at 911f 70e for Dee.
Liverpool-('lose-Whnttt futures firm at
Os 60 for Dee., lis 0'4t1 for Iran, and Feb.,
h Maize firm "s
, for .lam at .,, for
and Os 0
Nor. and Dee., and 2s 11%d for Jan., Feb.
and Match. Flour 25s 60.
AN OLD AND WELL -Torun TnmemY.-Mrs.
Winalulds Soothing Syrup ban been used fifty
years by millions of mothers ter their children
while teethn,g, with perfect success. It soothes
the child, softens the gaols, allays the pail.
cures tho colic, and is thoremedy for Diarrhoea.
It is plcatsont to the taste. Solo by druggists
in every l.art of the world. 25 cents a bottle
Its value to ineaieulnblo. Bo sure and ask for
Mrs. Winslow's Seething Syrup and take no
other kind,
Native is hereby given that 11vi11 net be re-
s):onsible for any debts or accounts incurred by
my wife :Martha Horn. she lutvingleft my bed
and board without any leave or tT.novocation.
1siOl'1A11D HOIIN.
Centralia Nov. 3Jr(1119(3.
Eloctim Notice
To the Electors of Huron Count
Connell District No. 4, composed of
Stephen, Usborne and Exeter.
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. -1 am a candidnto
in this District for County Councillor and
solicit your voice and influence, Two mem-
bers are to be elected. Each votorlies 2 votes.
Tho voter can give one vote to each of 2 candi-
dates or can give both votes for one candidate.
One veto thankfnllyreccived ladies and gentlo-
ien. 2 votes inreportien.
1Vely truly yours
etor Nov. 23rd 1826.
ran t£ Witter Goods
In Worsteds and Tweeds, are
now 'On our shelves, and we will
take--; much pleasure in showing
them to you. There are many
other lines that are specially at-
ractive. $ +gds gyp•
Those uklo haveused
Pronounce it unequalled as
a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS
WW1'S Condition & Cough Powder
fo••i horses, best in the mar-
ket. always, on htand, Also
a Cetobeut'facto and Lini-
merit,. the medicine so sue.
oessfuily used by. Mr, Chas.
Munroe, Parkhill, in this.
and other towns, in treating
and curing various diseases,
For Sale at
Tlie Council of the Corporation of the County
of Huron will meet in the County Chamber, in
the town et Go•lor•ich, on the first Wednesday
of December next, at 3 o'clock t1. m.
W. LANE, Co. Clerk.
Dated Nov. 11;1896. td
For Salo or To Renta
Tho village property occupied by the late
David Turnbull, on William street, Exeter.
There aro three lots of land, on which is erect-
ed a first class brick house ; also good stable.
This is a desirable property for either business
man or retired;: farmer. Key to be had at
Mrs. Gardiner's William street. For further
particulars apply to ROBERT GARDINER,
Farquhar Y. O.
Oidley & Son.
Will now be found in thei
New Premises, Opera House
Watch for
change of Ad.
le Son,
in her disease differed in no way from
those afflicting thousands of young
girlsttbeut her ]age, She was suffering
frons extreme weakness, caused by an
impoverished condition of the b'ood,
and her chances of life seemed to grow
less every day. The best Lind brightest
fade away as well as others, but when
we see 0 young girl of sixteen year's,
who should be iu the best of health,
with cheeks aglow with the rosy flush
of youth, and eyes bright and flashing
,just the opposite, with sallow cheeks,
bloodless lips, listless in every motion
despot dent, despairing; of life with no
expectation or hopeofreg- iningheals ,
and with only one wish left, that of
complete rest physical and mental,
we think it one of the saddest of
In the quiet little hamlet of Stang -
hi Essex County, just S1CN a case
was presented to t1:e sorrowing eyes
of loving friends a fete months ago in
the person of Miss
11a Beacon, who
frequently said she: did not care 'how
soon she died, as life had no charms
for her. To our reporter she declared
that life had been a burden, but after
sutiet•ing in this way for months, and
after trying alt sorts of remedies pre-
scribed by physicians, or furnished by
friends from some cherished recipe
handed down from their grlandruotber,
but without be in 0. benefitted in the
least, she was at, last persuraued, by 0
neighbor to give I)r. Williams' Pink
Pills a fair trial ; but she had tried so
many remedies without getting relief
that site still refused for some weeks.
However, after repeated urgings by
her pnvents and friends she began the
use of the pills. Before one box Was
taken she experienced some relief, and
after the use of a few more boxes1 she
was restored toperfect bealth, and there
are few young girls now who enjoy
life more. She says she owes her life
and happiness to Dr. Wiliianms' Pink
Pills, and is willing that all the world
shall know it. Her case attracted
mach attention and her perfect re-
covery has created much comment,.
The facts above related are important
n parents, as there are many young
=iris just budding into womanhood
hose condition is, to say the least,
Hare critical than their parents im-
agine. Their complexion is pale and
waxy in appearance, troubled with
heart palpitation, headache, shortness
of breath on the stighest exercise,
faintness and other distressing symp-
toms, which invariably lead to a pre-
mature grave unless, prompt steps care
taken to bring about a natural condi-
tion of health. In this emergency no
remedy yet discovered can supply the
place of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
which build anew the blood, strengthen
the nerves and restore the glow of
health to pale and sallow cheeks. They
are a certain cure for all troubles
peculiar to the female system, young
and old. Pink Pills also cure such
diseases as •rheuuxatism, neuralgia,
partial paralysis, IOW UIOWE 00 irt,
5t. Vitus' dance,• nervous headache,
nervous prostration, the after effects
of la grippe, influenza and severecolds,
diseases depending on humors in the
blood, such as scrofula, chronic ery-
sipelas, etc. In the case of ore n they
effect a radical cure in all cases arising
from mental worry, overwork or ex-
cesses of any nature. -
If any man. who is weak, nervous
and 'debilitated, or who is suffering
from any of the various troubles re-
sulting. from youthful folly, excesses
or overwork, will take heart and write
to ole I will send him confidently and
free of charge the plan purchased by
which I was completely restored to
perfett health and manhood, after
year of suffering from' Nervous De-
bility, Loss of Vigor and Organic
I have nothing to sell and therefore
want no money, but know through
-my own experience hots to sympath-
ize with such sufferers, lam glad to be
agile ,to assist any fellow -being to a,
cure. Iain well aware of the preval-
ence af quackery, for I myself was de-
ceived and imposed upon until I near-
ly lost faith in mankind, but I rejoice
to say that' am now perfectly well Sand
happy oece inure and am desirous
therefore to -make this certain means'l
('f Cure known to 811. If • you will
write to ale you can reply upon being
cured and the proud satisfaction of
havincz-been ofreat service to one in
need will be sucent reward for any
trouble. Absolute secrecy assured.
Send 5c. silver to cover postage and
address. Mr. Geo. G. Strong, North
Rockwood Mich.
Disease is to establish health. Pure,
rich blood means good health. Hood's
Sarsaparilla is the One True Blood Puri-
fier.. t tot upwholee i
I leathe s st in v s
3r ,g e
appetite and strength and causes
weakness, nervousness and pain to
disappear. No other medicine has such
•a record of wonclt:rfuI cures as Hood's
Hood's PWG are the best after-din-
ner pill; assis dig( etion, prevent cr:n1
satuaptlota. Sac.
"Not to be Visited Akinli,."
Some time ago in the State of Michi-
gan, a young and enterprising book agent
was in the country travelling from town
to town, selling a work called "The Early
Christian Martyrs," which ho sold at $5 a
copy,delivering the books andcollecting
the money as he wont along.
He had been two days in a certain town
hod taken a fair number of orders
there, when a Little before noon he called
in a grocery storo,where ho found the pro-
prietor alone TIIe old grocer asked him
what ho had, seeing from his sample naso
that Ire was an agent of some kind. He
replied. "I'm taking orders for a wort;
called `The Early Christian Martyrs,' and
have only a few copies left."
The old man's oyes beamed with delight
as he said, "Is that sou Why, it was only
a few nights ago my wife and I were talk-
ing about that book and wondering how
we could get It She wants the book and
so tlo I." The agent delivered nim a Dopy,
and as the old man gave him a 88 bill in
payment, he said: "Now, look hore,don't
yon go over to tho house and sell a Dopy to
my wife, because we only want one in the
"Certainly not," said the hook agent,
"I wouldn't think of such a thing," and
bidding the old roan good morning, ho
left the store. It was then about 11;5,
and the train which was to take him to
Chicago started at 12 15 p.m. He said to
himself, "I have Just time to sella copy
to rho old lady and get on the train."
So he entered the noareetdrn, atnro,and
getting the home address of the old man
from tho directory, ho at once hurried
there. Of course, bo had no difficulty in
making the sale, as shewas anxious to get
the work, and having received the $5, ho
made all haste to each the train.
The old man camp home for dinnerlong
after the book agent had gone. His wife
camp toward him smilling and uongratu-
lating herself upon having scoured what
she had so long wished to possess, a copy
of "The Early Christian Martyrs " He
did not smile, however, but sworn angrily
and muttering something about that ho
would fix him, honied (not sopping for
dinner) in the hope of reaching the station
before the train started for Chicago, think-
ing that the book a ant would be euro to
leave town as soon as possible after tills.
When he otaln0 within 200 yards of the
station he saw from the top of the hili
whiob sloped down to tbo station that t.lio
train was on the point of starting, so,
recognizing a friend of his who was nearly
at the bott.,ne of the hill and consequently
olose to the train, he began geet'cuiatinq
and shouting to him to slop rte agent.
His friend could only catch tho words
book agent, who was smoking a cigar on
the rear platform of a oar, and asked him
wha, tho old man on the hil wanted. The
book agent pretended to scrutinize the fig-
ure in the distance, of course, knowing
full well whole) was and what 110 wante.t.
In a few minutes, ho sald,as an idea seem-
ed to strike him: '
"I know; I know now. That is a cus-
0 1 of mine. Ho wants a 00
t herOf "The
r e
Christian Martyrs," and like a fool I
never called on him I forgot him. If
you want to do him a good turn," he add-
ed, just as the train was going to move
out, "you had bettor take the book from
1110 and give it to hint, so ho won't be (lis-
aproinl ed. The price is $5."
The man gave the book agent85 for his
friend, and took the book and the train
started for Chicago. As the book agent
leaned back in his seat he took a small
book, containing a list of towns, and
wrote opposite this town the words: "Not
to be visited again."
Geo. Hogins of Clinton met with
a painful accident on Sunday. While
fixing 0 coal stove, and using a screw
driver, it slipped, catching grins in the
corner of the eye, making a painful
The "Empress of India's" Chief
Tells an Interesting Story.
Mr. Francis Soincrville, one of the best
known men in the steamboat traffic on
the rivers and lakes of Ontario, having
been engaged in this business for fifty
years, and who resides at No. 195 Upper
Colborne Street, Kingston, speaks as
follows of his recovery from the sickness
which has affected him for some time.
Said Mr. Somerville: "The grip left
me with kidney troubles and gravel. I
had severe pain ovor the kidneys and in
the small of my back, also between the
shoulders and in the bladder.
"The urine was very dark -colored with
a great deal of muddy sediment. I went
to Mr. McLeod's drug store and bought
two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills. I have
taken them with what people tell me is
the usual good result.
"They have cleared the urine, removed
the sediment, relieved me of 'distressing
pain in the back and between the should-
ers, and have built me up in a surprising
manner. In fact, I am entirely free from
the troubles which affected me before
taking' these retnaricable pills, and I
recommend them ass certain cure for all
troubles arising from kidney disorders.'
-7014, Eingston.
royale Effects of the Weather. 7
w 1
Prof. E. A. ,Beals has g ven some inter -
eating data on the psych c effect of the
weather. Every person knows of the
times when all things appear dark and
gloomy, when little ills aro magnified into
terrible evils, and when what is called a •
fit of the "blues" has full sway. These
deprosse'I mental states are most frequent ,
on dull, humid days, when the air is ;
muggy and the pressure low, or when
thunde'-stornis are imminent and the
electrical potential or the wind has chang-
ed. On such dayss domestic animals
come restless; the hens sit on the fence
and oil their feathers, and the oat is mor-
ose and peevish. Teachers often note that
their charges aro restless and ill tempered
during such weather, and commercial
travelers cease to waste their time in can-
vassing their customers, knowing that on
suoh a day it is no use to try to do busi-
ness. Everybody seems to be neere or lees
irritable, and suicides are very frequent,
Dr. Croth;rs bears witness to the extraor-
dinary effect of bad weather on work On
damp, foggy days, or on days when. the
air was charged with electricity and thun-
der -storms wore impending theresuit of
his studies would be fall of tartly deduc-
tions andis
m conce tions and what then
p ,
appeared clear to him seemed later to be
filled with errors. An actuary in a large
insurance COmpan
y makes it
a rale to stop
work at such times as he has invariably
found that anything done then is so full of
mistakes as to bo useless. In a large fate
tory from 10 to 20 per cont. less work is
turned out on damp da s and 1n threaten-
ing weather. The superintendent, in receiv-
ing orders to bo delivered at a certain time
takes this factor into calculation. Minis-
ters all know that their congregations aro
as impressible by weather conditions as
mercury. Tho most obit/tient sermon
pesetas over their heads on a very hot day
in which there is not a breath of morning
air, while if the sun shines brightly, and
there is a gentle, warm wind, a!1 the
powers of the soul are eallod upon, and
every faculty of the mind is alert and oxen
to the slightest impression. On such a
day the storekeepers know that their sales
will run up, as people are gay and exg•an
sive. Wet, windy or sloppy weather has,
on the contrary, such an influence on the
spirits of same people that they dislike to
go out of tigers, or to put themselves to
the least exertion. Dr. Cline states that
the number of deaths caused by diseases
of the nervous system is 50 per cent great -
or on days esitu abnormally high tempera -
tun than on days with normal tempera.
ture, and that equable conditions in 1 reg.
sure and temperature are essential to the
successful treatment of these diseases.
The Difference.
Well-known Millionaire (ton beggar) -
Bo off with you, this minute.
Beggar -Como, now, you needn't give
Yourself such airs! The only difference ,
between mo and you is that you are 1
making your second million,whilolam as 1
yet working at the first.
Uniting Lead With leceel.
According to the "Revue Industrielle,"
M. Blonde!' has Introduced a new method
lead to load. The of uniting l two surfaces
to be joined are scraped clean, and a thin
Layer of lead amalgam is interposed bo.
tween them. An ordinary soldering i
Is then passed over the lino of junction,
and the msroury of the thin shoot of lead
leaves the finely divided lead to fuse and
unite tho two surfaces -London Globe.
To Neatly Roll An Umbrella.
Tho proper way to roll an umbrella is to
take hold of the ends of the ribs and the
stick with tho same hand, and bold them
tightly enough to prevent their being
twisted while the covering is being twirled
aroond with the other hand. --December
Ladies' Home Journal.
�/ tw
When the Mercury gets up in-
to the nineties you wont mind it
a particle if you will come and
sec us first and provide yourself
with one of Grieve's cool summer
suits. We have a big range and
we arc bound to clear them all
out by the last of August. Don't
wait until ,you melt, begin to be
comfortable now.
See our $2.00 summer pant
made to order.
y +^t.
S6tlool SllflflhiCS
A fine line of Exercise Books
and Scribblers.
Pure Spices
Aro necessary for Good
Pickles. Our patrons can be
sure of good quality.
J. W. Browning
'•S Kimball & Co,
Rochester, Io Y.
1•0e0•••oomoe•o• •,000®®o.0oo(»seooeoeaoo•►o•01,
You'll enjoy the Winter, - i
through all its varying moods it
you have yourciothinginterlined •
with Fibre Chamois. This won- o
derful fabric is so light that you
never notice its presence in a •
garment till you get out into the I
wind and cold, then you realize •
that you are cosily warm even o
tho' lightly clad. Fibre Chamois •
is a complete non-conductor of
heat and cold, not the strongest o
wintry blast can penetrate it, nor •
can the natural warmth of the a
body escape through it—This •
explanation and the fact that it
e sells for 25c u yard gives the whole story, and easily proves that for o
• health and comfort's sake you can't do without it. •e
The First of these Monthly Competitions will commence January tat, 1897,
and will be continued each month during 1897.
$1,625 N
As Follows: FOR
10 First Prizes, $100 Stearns Bicycle, . . $ 1,000 Sy�
25 Second " $25 Gold Watch . . . . 625
Bicycles and Matches given each month . 1,625
Total given during ear 6897 $19,500
t'omllni ltalrs t•, salve TAnR nannNTHEy ••Nuilaixhl" 1. Every month dnrle 15:17, in each of the&
seep WrarpCrs 00 they caa cotle+rt. OM oft' district.,ratewhuwurdrfohnoa
the top portion1)on Or earls1t'rata- p TtlihuoS a npd,cac,tl,ors who s:end In noisy.
per-that portion cunruirainttrr C(nt numbers et troutn,ns treat the
lite beetuttsC 8 ITN .La t•1i'x` (N St Tttq TDP PORT701 district la which they rossde, x'111 cue$
ti4;,31"," asrtlg (tailed •Gun• (. nreive,atwinner'soption,alady.orgente
3,01.8") are 1e be :,rut enclttxrtt r:.s»; �,., Stourua' r:icy'cie, satne,tl05,
+eathastrt•t'toftrslVr(18.ni7lctt n. f(,a•2• '.J,,, 1 Tho,",uumgectitorawhoaeudluthenrxt
1 tae cutn,le•tit<,r taus 1rr,ttett hie a"t"'1` •_,• r+rii.; Inc� ra=t nnntbers of conpons ,ruse
nr ha•t•ltilt 1):1!0 Rn/i a,ittre,.o. K• thediitrlct to wbirhtheyrealdo,whtenela
anrt Liar.+ air: Nr••r _or Q'tlti Taon5 :-'4_i' 'p=` eel , ,',vti. at tvi, w , opuou, a rally's or
oe:,G in,;los1a;'opa:s:,t,MMcotr,t. ,•„- ,_'',.,'1N ,4/1 rentoG:oltl 6Fss/eh,va1u0$25
v ..i _4otr.
v v
a t, 'a
5et•er 1' , t.. . 'ti. t - c The competitions ,esltions will a
_ - ._ >r 1 U ose the last
�'nruts,u, etvtrat+•d ant 1110 iPaq. �• lU, _�-r:.!i'l! dn'ynfrach month dtvine 1897. CouposK•
(11) 3)',-, rlln'r (tint tett-lotted _ revolved WO into for one month's compo•
t'.:va.'t•1, with tale ': arch}.It. of the DI5- 1;1;nu willbn 1, tt Into the next.
T11 1' e'umnett--tar tit ea in. 3. Cot:wetttr•+ who eblu,a-,rappora from unsold snap
in.1a1.r s stork will be daqurtitled, Employees of Memo.
NO. OF 1 2d,L.tt:E OF 111S'lRrAI T laver Brothers, Lttt, and their families, aro debarred from
DIATriDT unlprting.
K'e•stt•rn eintut•io, consisting of L'ountlea q, Aprb,ted list ofwinners 1n competitors district war
1 1'.!rk, Slulme t alt (onuses I. and S. of tbeoe be forwarded to c mpetitors Si days after each compo[ les
(inst'n Ontario, conslstlneo(Countlen(ht- .10,e-3..
ln, '-
,arlo, lluakulra 5 all roma es P d N. of the.o .S. )fossra Inver B others, Ltd., will endeavor to award
8 rt•uvinct+of (lo' free rho prizes fairly W the Dost o[LhOlr abtntyandiudg w4aa00,
but itis understood that all who compete agree to acospi
4 I.rovinee of New Brunswick the award of Messrs. Lever Brothers, Ltd, as dual.
b P1•nvineoerNevaScotiaand Prince L(CVERI3ROS.,Ld.,23Scott St.,Toronto
F.dwnr,l Itllautl ilio Bicycles are the celebrated Stearns'. manurd by 3.0 strains d Co.,
Syracuse, H.Y., S lbronto,out. Each 50, ,) is guaranteed by the makers anti has complete attach:neat /
Shorthand courses of the
Examine Loth the Business and
Forest City Business and Shorthand College,
and you will find them practical at alloints. Students groin attendance from all parte of
the eenntry. Onr quarters in the new Y. M. C. A. aro conceded to be the finest for our work
in Western Ontario.
Graduates of the Pcbe,'1 aro eeeeeaafnlin eecuring and retaining good positions. Catalogue
and particulars of either course sent upon application.
J. W. WESTERVEiLT, Principal.
The Jetic !►, een"
Capitalization' 750,000 Shares
Par value $1.00 fully paid and non -assessable.
This property is a full sized claim, over 50 acres paid for and no debt of any
kind asaiust it. Is ib the South belt bets; een Crown Point and Mayflower.
Extensively developed, and all funds realized from sale of treasury storks will
he expended in the purchase of machinery to bring tie property to a paying
b't.sis as rapidly as possible. No officer is paid a salary and -will not he until
the earnings of the mine warrant it, I have 20,000 shares (:)f treasury stock
to offer at 10c per share, when this is disposed of the price will be advanced.
Purchase now, this is a good investment, $10 buys one hundred shares, X50 '
buys five hundred, $300 buys (s l' thousand. Scrip imiiled on receipt of funds.
I have also several thousansi sl ereri in each of the followirg at lowest quote
at.ioee :-St. Elmo, Silt'eiine, Diva}fltlwer, Meuto Cristo, Virginia. Evening
St;tr,fPoorman, Crown Point. Write for prospectus, Maps; etc. Addtea',
R. McGregor, cK nnon Bui l�
Agents Wanted. Toronto.
P. S. -I am in daily communication by wire with Itossland'and Spokane,
consequently have -latest advice on all stocks.