HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-11-26, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES
olsons Bank The Latest News.
R.A.wricitED BY P.A.1tLIAME'NT,1a5,5)
aim Capita fli2,000,000
plfutwl - 1.400,000
Heed Wilcolefentreal.
E.windirrARSTAN THOvias,Esq.,
Gemmel, MastAGrat
rrtieY advenced to good farmere on their
ote with one or more endorser at 7 per
/ Exeter Branch.
oar )aorfua day, from antete lam
SATURDAYS, 10 MM, tot prtfir
t rare,s of intereet allowed on depoits
NI al:IBS:ter-
Poo 27th, 'es
/ inte730
7.13BSDAY, NOVEMBER =11,1890
u some parts of Manitoba wheat is
ft bringing 75 cents a bushel. Farm -
etre jubilant.
x = x
he Dominion Statistician has made
tt table showing the Chinese papula-
e in Canada. Mr. Jolanstou phiees
113,110, au increase of 4,000 sluee
1. This is altogether too large an
ase. The non-assiroilating race
d not be encouraged to eotue to
LOraetitnes we bear complaints that
examivation papers for teachers
very difficult. They may be; but
do not seem to reduee the crap of
bt I'S. The school hoard of Chester -
Cornwall, needed four teachers
all, and an advertisement brought
pileations. Those who desired
wept resided in counties ail
the Proviuce from Bruce to
he past the gifted youth of Can -
ho had no toleration for agrieul-
and no qualideations for businese
betaken themselves to the uni-
les and overcrowded the pro -
ns ot law and medicinee. To the
f today, the discovery tor great
eral deposits in our tountrY opens
ista of diversity of employment
amt of by their fathers. Doubt -
great impetus will be given to
study of mineralogy, engineering
kindred subjects, to the great re -
professions iu which, by leason
se of competition, even high
can win but a pittance.
Dresden has seven pork buyers.
E. J. Batchelor, Leamington, assign-
ed with liabilities of $17,000.
Chas. Hobbs has sold his farm, lot 25,
COM 13, London township, for $3,000.
The trial of the "Winnipeg election
petition has been postponed, till Jame-
ary 15.
The prizes Of the Kincardine fall
show will be paid at the rate of SO
cents on the dollar.
Pelee Islaud le over run with rats.
The municipality is offering a bouuty
of 1 cent per head.
Geo. Geddes, Charing Cross, who
WAS aecideutally shot by his son, will
lose the sight of his right eye.
The late Robert Porteous. of Paisley,
left an estate valued: at $78,000. Be has
several relatives in Perth couuty.
Do not allow your system to get
weak and debilited. It is easy to keep
well and strong by taking Hood's Sar-
"Marton is agiating for another
railway to connect with the O. P. R.
The town proposes to offer a bonus of
Atthe Hamiltonpoliee rourt on Sat-
urday four store -keepers were find $20
each for selling eigavettes to boys up
der 18 yeare of age,
The St. Thomas bakerhave raised
the price of bread front 5 to 6 cents pr
loaf, Flour recently took a rise in
price from $2 per cwt to $2,10.
Archbishop Pahre has returned to
Montreal from France, but owing to
his continued illness be refused. to
make any state ineot ou the sehool set-
Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers, and
others whose occupation give but little
exercise, should use Carter's Little
Liver Pills for torpid liver and bilious-
ness. One is a dose. Try them.
Knox Church, St. Thomas, has de-
cided to extend ie call to Rev. D. J.
Fraser, 13. D.. of Nova. Scotia, at a
salary of $1,800 per year, with four
Conductor Snider, the -Grand Trunk
evangelha, has returned from a
mouth's holidays, and will now be
found on his daily "run" between To -
rout* and Stratford.
TN. school Settlement did not sa tisfy
some exie etue Protestant. of liergrave,
.1Fleintoba, ativ.i they heel n ;edignatiou
meeting and burneu efi:eive of Hon.
Mr. Laurier and Hon. Me. Safttrii.
Prompt relief in sick headache, diz-
zineest utruseti, conetioation, pain in
the sitte, gharan teed to em e those us-
ing Carter e Little Liver Pills, One a
dose. S1Uai1 price. Sloan dose. Small
The Figaro of Paris says :--‘`The
Aineriten newspapers winch are in-
citing the 'United States to woe with
Spain ou itceonnt of (Alba. ought to re-
member that Spaie. will . have Europe
behind her."
' Are free from all erode and irritat-
ing wetter. Coneentrated medicine
only. Cartel's Little ' Liver Pills.
Very small ; very easy to lake e no
. pain, no griping I no. phrging. Try
— them.
ee or timeenirated roods on Mille , Mr. Alex. Cameron, wiles bus' been
n points inade by public speakere treasurer of aletealfe township, for
to attract ppecial attention of listen- thepate eight years, has tendered his
to or zeuders of their remarks.. Mr. resignation to the couucil, and Mr.
Is of Boston, the expert butter judgel , Oohir Hughes, jun., has been Appoint -
the state dawymarOs meeting 0 ' ed in his stead.
out and last year of NOW Hamm i
ch placeode the point The
*whiter in. Germeny has set in
Birmthat i
e et the butter was injuriously • eareetially early. Navtgation in North
ted by gluten meal, and that cotton- and 13asa P1,11Ssiti, has been stopped hy
meal also injured the fiavorof but- . huge ice floes, drifting in the 'Ni istu-
'We invite the attentiou of butter , he, and there were three days skating
rs to this point, for to this opboion 'u Berlin lab( week.
a than ordinary weight should be at- Mr. A. T. Bergess, apple dealee, of
ed. The feeding of gluten meal le on , Woodstock:, has made an assignment
incrome among dairymen, while we olin Sullivan, Weodst tick. Seventy-
bly more rapidly with milk pro. • etne barrels of apples, belonging to Mr
s than Nettle butter producers; yet Burgess were seized by the bailiff. J.
a popular food witb butter preduc- A. Robinson has secured a 'judgment
• We regret to note tbe fact, for gni- aeedust the assignor for $270.
meal, next to cottonseed meal, is tho The mangled bode- of the Man found
est dairy food on the market In pro- on the railroad track near shakes_
.*nd t ere o e peare on Monday night, was that of
hest value for farm fertilizers. Gluten john S. Bryanes., of Stratford. lie left •
exceeds cottonseed meal in the to go to Torte to to seem* employe
ut or fat it contains, which rises toe
ruent proinieed him by an emplen.eut
natty to the heavy amount of 18 per agency. An inquest was not consider-
, and generally exceeds 10 per cont.
as oil or fat has two and one half e" nevessar.Y.
es the heat producing capacity that Mrs. Steirdeoniatren ofthe Hamilton
in has, it win be seen in this regard House of Refuge, was yesterday sus-
ts feeding- value is superior to thatpended in consequeuee of Judge Sni-
t:a:mated meal, and on this al:mount, 1 der's report, on the House of Refuge
e svlsole bas a higher feeding value contract irregularities, and it le not
cottonseed meal. 1 probable that she will het reinstated.
o the very high per cent. of protein It is likely u man will be appointed
Iso combined makes It what is , her teiccessor.
n ermine feeders as a heavy food Mr. McGeegor, M. P. telegraphs the
no of the aangerous foods to feed, satiela (-tory intelligoice,ti.at hog 0101 -
pt in limited amounts, Garet and •era i„ Essex is rapidly d:sappeat.ing_
w000l to which COW flesh it; heir and that in a few dee $ quarautine is
w the heavy feeding of bbis meal, likely to be declared off. This will be
itu giving rise to tbe off quality of welt( me int el ligen ce to everyone.
er from Its 1111111OLICES on health Is Meanwhile, liettitLy teniteals should be
ifest in -texture and Omer. Vera wen lalea care of.
y "goods do not give butter fate of tbe
et granu.ar structure, nor do they A eup of muddy eaffee is r,e1, whole-
• the Maass flavored butter. This we some, neither is a Lottle ea muddy
eve to be true not only of gluten meal medicine. Oe way to know areliable
Aufene_peeparred lOood-pritifier
o cottonseed inaal, linseed meal and ana
nut meal. At the New Hampshire
Merneeetation Prof. Whitober, the
stigotor, found that gluten meal
e a rather softer butter than other
s, It is aseutned by dairymen that a
nem -ant -4y o. glutoto xneel-a couple
is a day-% hen mixed with etioh
as bran or semelood that acts as a
• to inereses its bulk, may be fed
out any marked or dangerous visible
ottonseed meal, objected to by Mr. .. oral about Lakes Superier and
ls, itaeots Injuriously tbe votatile -
is of butter, and of course thereto/ its neuron.
As the game time it makes a hard On St:flirt:ay test, twei good oil pro
et witheus giving it thee One arauu
tructure imparted by corn meal. Its
Ing point is very decidedly raised,
tuning sometimeti to 10 degrees. On
ant of the inthienee of these meals on
alue of naanure and tlaeir unqueie
ti favorable effect on the quauntiee
a pound- or two a day, if bran, oats
iddlitage enter into the• ration, an
he elase of gilt-edged Matter Is being
e that draws the extreme prices of
iaritet-prioes not secured and not
liableby oue iu a thousand. Those
malting the finest OlOSS of gou•.s'
go into the tampion markets and
-and next to the producer of gilt
utter, wUl oo doubt heettate to use
sitf these meals. Same evidence is
ss wtner it 14 adviSable fftd Llt,t-t Lakes trade where she pannot ,got
lords taitt class of dairymen oath, one lean tall -dug in 100 cords of
ot timee footle for the reason nemd and a. $5 payinent of her
'11'. geese that they should not be $50 claim. The Detroit liquor dealers
Strathroy can boast of having the
hest branch of the Western Ontario
Bible Society. This year they have
exceeded. the $200 line.
Nellie the 15 month, old child of
Archie Norm Renwick, the other day
swallowed a cup of scalding grease
which was standing on the stove, and
now lies in a critical condition.
Very many of our readers will re-
gret to hear of the death ofMrs. Scott-
Siddons. Mrs. Scott-Siddons belong-
ed to the highest type of public euter-
tattlers, and her talents were appre-
ciated by many thousande on botb
sides of the Atlantic,
Satole,Gibson,of Boston,trieditee playa
joke upon a peddler named Martin
Silver, sprinkled ground pepperin his
victim's mustache, which caused
Silver to sneeze so violentlyas to dis-
locate his neck. Physicians doubt
Silver's recovery. Gibson is under ar-
rest. .
Last year, Essex farmers sold 36,371
hogs, besides what they put in the
barrels for home use. Essex and
Kent produced a hog for each inhabi-
tant, The Provincial Board of Health
has issued its regular montly report on
infectious diseases. It shows a very
large increa-se in the nuruber of diph-
theria eases throughout Ontario.
During the roonth of August there
were 32 deaths front that cause, or 20
per 1,000 of the population per year.
There were 51 deaths during December,
equal to 40 per thonsand. and in Oc-
tober 76 deaths. Only one death was
reported of Scarlet fever,
Three Canadian patients, all bitten
hy the same dog, have arrived at the
Pasteur Institote, Nev York, for treat-
ment. They are George Newman, 32
years old a driver of an express wagon,
bitten on the right hand on Oct. 2.3;
Grace Shepherd, 21 years old, bitten
ou the wrist the day following, and.
her brother George 21 years old,
bitten on the right forefinger on Oct.
•:.10. The dog wise a valuable water
spaniel, owned by Geo. Shepherd, and
had been tinting straug,ely several days
before he bit Newman, having several
times snapped at passers-by. - The ani-
mal died in eonvuleions on Nov. 3. As
• symptoms of rabies have not yet de-
veloped, it. is thought that all three will
recover. The patients came from Paris,
is by lee freedom from sediment.
elyeies Sarsaparilla is always height
ed. nsoerkling, because it. is an (extract
and not adecoetion.
A criblegrem was rereiyed by the
orney-Geneval's .tle.pactin en t rom
lien, Edeverd Blalte Monday morning,
sl eting that the Provinee had won in
the Indian case. This 'means that the
Dominion will have to pay $1,0titatt00
yearly 011TillitiKt to the Indians in
during wells ts ere struek on farms
about eight mike/ from Sarnia. Both
welle keen roe -rolled to he guebers. 0110
theVell is 'Mated ort the farm of
Wm. Gifile, second line, Sarnia town-
aip. and the other is en the farm of
Relit -ea Sharp, Bunyan. More wells
nen being etude in that Ineality.
A drunkenh
nont) as been put to a
strange use in Detroit. His wife has
weaned a number of saloon -keepers
not to sell liquor to iter husband, and
every time he comeiehomieloaded she
starts out on her little collection
reute. The saloon -keeper would much
melee. compromise then stand pro-
eeentron le the emirs% and the Detroit
to determine even in small
heWon a is detng a land office besluess.
ttA. yrish Without closer oboe. will 110c0010 Carefill to
atnow havecia taese fasces avoid selling liquor to men with recl
----- noses.
Canadian Territory.
A Coda' 4I% Vora y 10,
Case That Has Caused
Much Favorable
After a Lifetim' e of Agony
From Rheumatism, a Lady
is Cured by Paine's Celery
There is no other medicine in the world
so prominent to -day as Paine's Celery
Compouud. The results it invariably
gives to rheumatics it has justly been
named the world's Wonder working naedi-
The desperate ease .of Mrs. Elizabeth
Ring, Cedar Hill, Victoria, 13. 0 , is
one that is well known to hundreds in
the city of Victoria and vicinity. For
almost a lifethne Mrs. King endured
the variable agonies of rheanattism,
and failed to find a cure by the aid of
doctors and patent inedirines.
A friend. .knowing personally the
value of Paine's Celery Compound tied
its power to overcome the Worst cases
of rheumatism, advised Mrs. King to
give it a trial. The afflicted lady com-
plied with her friend's requestand was
dehvered from her life of torture, and
now with a heart full of joy and thank-
ful ness makes a public statement for
the benefit of the thousands that have
net yet found a Mire ; she. says :
"I have been troubled with rheuma-
tism all mylife, and about eight years
ago,I had a very severe attack, almost
losing the use of toy right arm. A
friend recommended Paine's Celery
Compoimd,and kindly gave men bottle.
I was so much benefited by thab one
bottle that 1 took three more, and was
quite cured. Since tlien it has been
almost my only medicine for all the
oilments which 1 have suffered, and
all my family have found some benefit
from it. I am sixty-five years of age;
live on a form, get up early in the
morning, and am equal to a good day's
'-'1-he further down hill the
sled goes the faster it speeds.
If there 13 danger ahead stop
at once, cr soon you cannot.
Young girls, often lose flesh,
become very pale and weak,
and can hardly continue their
school work. Then is the
time to check downward
Scott's Emulsion of Cod-
liver Oil, with Hypophos-
phites, acts as a brake to de-
clining life. The downward
course ceases, and the climb
upwards begins: At the top
awaits a new lease of life.
Prompt action brings prompi
enoTT's BeititsiON has been endorsed by
ate medical profession tor tweoty years. Oat
yeor doetor.) Tlilt; is beetles* it is always
oaletcaleabreays uniform- always containa
purest Norwegian Ced.ilver Oil and Hypo-
•"eat ?tP, in so cent and ea.tio sizes. Tho
r'r'aseIL:,1:;,;„:',W,,,,,g4 to cure yew.
Case Occasions Great
terest in London,
The alloharMa Married Ltro or one or Grea0
nritaina Noblemen and the Isis
gusting tatarges Made Against Entu
leis Mother -la -taw -Lady Scott oat en
nail, tout the Nate Prisoners nein la
PrIen- Doke of Connaught Ill—rr1137
or woes and Pendia %tilting
heretrah ittart-
onsi' Other Cable news.
London, Nov. 23. -The trial of Lady
Tina Scott, mother of Countess Rus-
sell. and the other defendants,. Cock -
erten. East and Aylott, upon a charge
of criminally libelling Earl Russell,
Lady Stott's son-in-la.vr, began in the
Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey,
this morning. The court room was
crowded, most of the spectators be-
ing persons well known in fashionable
life, Sir Frank Lockwood, Q. C., for
the prosecution, stated that East and.
Aylett were ca.ain boys on board Earl
Russell's yacht in 1888 and that Co -
erten was the engineer et the vessel.
Since that time the Earl had never
seen arty of them.
Counsel then referred 'to the Earl's
unitapeY marriage and the disgusting -
charges which bad been brought
against him by Countess Russell at
tee in.stigation of her mother, Lady
upon the reputed statements of
tne other defendants, East, Aykott and
Coeket ten.
Sir Frank Lockwood, continuing
called attentiou to the action at law
whiter Ct untess Russell had brought
against ber hu.,bena, Earl Russell,
niere than a year ago for the pur-
pese, as alleged', of obtaining a resit-
ttnion or her conjugal rights. Tees
litleation, he satd, had been inc'Ited by
Lady keott, and, though its ostensible
sb.,ect was the restoiaticen of Coats. -
tees. ittrestlre =Altai rights, the real
Pureose was to extort money from the
At this paint In the argument of
the courts for the prosecution Lads'
Scott beetenee geeatly agitated and
smote ths front el the doole violently
witb her Lands.
Comentang his remarks, eounsei de-
clared tie 1. no wolan cold be no base
as to SI e her deughter to resume
cohabltatern with her husband if site
believed that the charges of eannaral-
ity and cruelty which Countess Rus-
s 11 bad b ought aga..nst the Earl, and
which had not been supported bY the
evalence in .the Countess' original suit
Lor Judnial sepaiatioe, were true.
Sir Inez* Locsewoed then read state-
ments mule by the prisoner least, 31-
tbe commission of an indecent
act by Lord Russell .un boara his yacht
Ott the resat oe attire 15, 1883. Earl
Russell, he sMd, could prove that on
the night in question he hadeslept in
Winchester and del not go on board
his yacht untli June 20. Pnoof of Lady
Scott's anemus and tendency toward
blackmail, he saki, was shown itt the
foot that circulars containing the ter-
r.ble charges against Earl Russell
were sent to the nasters at the schools
itt which Lord Russell was educated.
Counsel gave another lestance of the
Talsity of the emerges by showing that
when Earl Russell took measures to
b, ing Kest and Ceckerton to justice
they were oamined privately as to the
time and plate of the ants alleged 2.nd
they were obleged to withdraw their
a.ecusations. Sir Frank Lockwood
coneluded by saying that the whole
affair was a horrible eonapiracy in-
stigated by wick:d wom h's wit.
At thes point in the proceediegs Lady
Scott was permitted to leave the dock
ul on the understanding that sbe
should not be permitted to communi-
tone with any one of the witnesses in
the caee.
:Or Frank Locwood, resuming his ar-
gument, said that Lady Scott first
tante in'o ecmmunication with Cooker -
ton, Ka:et and A.ylott in November,
18:e, when blaekrnailing designs were
arranged with Countess Russell. Then,
he said, Ie.ast's brother wrote to the
Earl, saying that an agent of Lady
Scott was searebing for his brother,
who was in the anmy in India, with
el 'view of gettiree, his a.ssistance in
making chargee against His Lordship
Earl Russell immediately consulted
his solicitors, who wired Kest warn-
ing him that he was toeing made a
ca.tepow in the eoncootion of filthy
It was eventually ascertained that
Lady Scott's, agents bought Kest out
of the army in India and supplied him
with money. While in Bombay Kant
wrote to a private In his old regiment
saying that he was staying at the best
hotel in Bombay, with seven rupees a
day and everything found except
strong drinks. In fact he was "doing
the heavy" at no expense to himself.
It would be proved, Sir Frank Lock -
weed said, that Lady Seott's detective,
Smith, had supplied Kant with money.
Calling attention to the assertion of
the defendants that after Kast had
get Earl Russell's yacht, Ris Lordship
had sent him a postal card, addressing
him as "Dear Fred," inviting him .to
jein the Earl's yacht as cabin boy, Sir
Frank said: "I shall. call as the first
w'tners Earl Ruesen hinsself, who win
show that the dates involved In the
accusations are impeseible and the
facts alleged improbable. Meanwhile
I -ask Fora Worsalp to held the de-
fendants hard and foot until this case
ie fully hea.rd."
Tee male defendants wee not allow-
ed out on bal, but Lady Scott was
peemitted to go out on bail with the
understanding- that she was to have,
no communication with anyone con-
nected with the case except her coun-
The greatest interest is being taken
in the case, and crowds of people
sought admissien to the court room to -
in vatre the court b-eng packed
to the extreme limit of its capacity.
.Iterazry (0)r'9'O .taLlt.'•ztgnu
eeath itt New York of Mrs. W. H.
anderbat, gees:Au:other of the
Duchess of Merlborough, the a -manse
county, ball wai be abauctened, but
Public celebrations will continue
throughout the week, inoludian' a
grand reception given by the Duchess
of Marlborough on anitlay, at whicb
most of the leading aristocrats t11as-
The Prince ef Wales' special tra'n,
with the Royal visitors, anived at
Weodstoek at 5.40 p.m., and. was met
by the Duke of Marlborough, who was
awaiting the visitors at the stattun. A
crowd of people assembled outuide.
The Royal party were received with
cheers as they made their way to th:•
carriages, in which they were driven
to )31enaeirn Palace. The can len. '-
were escorted by the Mayor aria the
Town Council on foot, und the Wood-
etock fire brigade acted as a guard c,f
honor, marching belund the carriages
to the gates of Blenheim Park.
The Prince and Princess of Wales
were enthusiastically oheered by the
people who lined the roadway. Among
the guests other than those of the Roy-
al party were Lady Randolph Church -
hill and IVIr. and Mrs. George N. Cur
SlartlIcorOOTtIO 11011210 Will no a Maze ot
0" 811 Elovor or the elleir-Apparent.
London, Nov. 23. -The Prince and
Princess of Wales laft Paddington sta-
tion at 5 o'clock this afternoon for
Woodstock to pay a visit to the Duke
and Duchess of Marlborough at Bien -
beim i alace Their Royal Highnesses
were accompanied by their daughters,
Prhecees 'Victoria of Wales and Prin-
cess Maud of Dennaark, and Prince
Charles of Denmark, husband ot Prin-
cess Maud. The town of Woodstock
was beautifully detonated with flags,
banneee• triumphal arches, etc., in
their honor and the grand'avenue in
enheirn Park was lighted by elec-
edity. The progrant for the enter-
tainment of the royal guesta is a bril-
liant one. The Prince and Princess of
Wales and the otber guests will re-
main a week, during which tine there
will be a eticceselon of fetes, -torchlight
procaseione, ete. In addition. to title,
the Prinee will make shooting excite-
sione into the Blenheim game pre-
server; deity. Owing ti, the 'event
2.TIE 1V111.&.t erri.0011'..
Australia guying From ta o mitt -Partz; -
ere epoitine the eture. e.
London. Nov. 23. -The Mark Lane
Express to -day, cemarienting on the
wheat outlook. says; "We expect that.
the decrease of- the French wneat aere-
age in. 18107, owiog to the lateness el
the seeding season, will be mutat larg-
er than any increase in thus eountry.
The sowings of a.ztnue wheat in Rue-
sa are now admittsd to be &mime
than usual, but Inc rise la peleee nes
stimulated Rueslan mareets, und if the
line of spring* Giulio, sawings 1ilte
to ofiset titt: 4.441119. dencieuey, iiij as
has bsen in auy event already done
and tr.ere esaenvt be wheat, oval -stone
for export prior to April, 180$. Aus-
tralia is importing California wheat
and haa 00 sui pais available for ship-
e.,ents to Burepe,"
Commenting upon the past weeks
rna.keLS, The Mint ess says: "The fa. in-
ers ate spuilatg the market by ovar-
supply. Wo suggest that a eentral
chamber organize a soc.eiy of wheat
growers, pleuged to sell only in such
quantities as the situation demands.
The advance at 2s 8d in the price of
wheat in Paris since the end of Oc-
tober is a matter of some importance,
as Prance has hitherto been boasting
that she has a well supplied market.
If the purehase of toreign wbeat by
France Increases, the situation will
become much etronger. The what o.n
Passage to the United Kingdom on
Saturday tetalled 2.100,00 quarter,
whereof Bunion wheat was 380,000,
North Ameriean 260,000, South Ameri-
can 10,1,09, Callornia, 290,000, Indian
ThE M.ctXD OF _EA- 024B.
She Mid Two "Who Wauted Her need The
Second Mast (o iSus
a Struggle.
Tyrone, Ont., Nor, 23, -(Special) -N0
sooner had tbe -sad episode of the Mee
family passed than another less shocking,
alit more aninsiug, hats convulsed this com-
munity. About 10 years age there left her
native Comity of Tyrone. Ireland. a strap-
ping, nue-featured young girl. named Mar-
garet Jatte Limestone. After a yeer spent
In serriee in Toronto, sbe can* to this
neighborhood, where are living with Dart-
ingtea einem severel others who molar:et-
ed to Canada from bet native county. For
the .tast 12 years Margaret Jane has lived
with aire. Wesley Clemens, one of the lent
fitrai hotreee in West Durham, where she
has received a thorough training 'in mo-
dern temadian housekeeping. Her ;Metros
Vu very fond of her autl would gladly
e kept her for many years to come.
Maggie in poinessed or an entitess fund
of wit and a pectVierity of her jokes is
that he has never beeu itnown to repeat
a Joke or wittipism, but always has a fresh
one to suit evnry OCCAS1011. A short timo
ago a young Finalist:luau from Cartwright.
some 10 or 12 years Margaret Jane's
junior, began to make love to the Maid of
Tyrone. Ile was considered as green ;us a
May meadow, but preseed bis suit with
uneertaie success uuLU sinaity tergaret
Jam began to show sinus of capitulatton.
Tito 'MUM'S farming operations bang
about oer, William Huriberry came into
the neiglaboritooa to visit and succeeded la
getting. Margaret Jane to coneent to wed
bine She gave her mistress quittiug notice
ansi last week, whea all arrangements were
completed for the weading at her brother
James' ou Friday night, liuriberry borrow-
ed n horse end carriage fiour Mr. W. 11.
Pollard, Salem, to take alergaret Jalie to
Bovinantelle to secure a license. One con-
dition was, when getting the horse from
Mr. Pollaral, that he WW1 tO get e shoo
re -set in town. This William had done,
and somewhat aurpriaied Margaret June 1,7
aseing her to pay 13 vents doreanded by
the smith. They next proceeded to the is.
suer of marriage licenees and made the
necessary declarations and thr license was
Ailed out aud presented teaccom
p -
anied by the words "Two dollers, please."
Here Margaret Jane got another eurprise,
when Witham eald, "elle" will pay the
money. elargiteet Jame paid the money,
but when they left the oftice. Williant got
the meet eloquent dressing diren he ever
received. On the way home they 0lSell.;•1,
esi the matter warney, mai parted that
uigbt with a decided (velum in the realms
ot cupid's dominions. At 0 o'clock Oakley
evening, Mr. Ouil. Mrs. Clemens anal a
houseful of other friends met at Mr. Lime-
stone's to witness the nuptial event. The
hour anteed, but the bride eame not forth
and he dill not come either. William 1051
decelved ker. Ile said he had money. ire
four cents left from his seaunues wages.
The minister christened two childrenthe
company ate the wedding depuratr anal, et -
ter a social ehat, departed. There w;ts
y01111^ man !glue (leen near the Limestone
Just a little better then the bee
A And you will soe the edvantages of de
'es perfect invention-foreal floe w
leir tem -
ie pored piece of so id smel,--pFevents loRse
cranks -no sharp corners to interfere wah
eleibing-strapie but safe adjustment-.
neat in appearance. Them are infringe-
ments -beware of therct. Our catalogue
will tell you more about the Pet3her
Axle. Mention. this paper in writing
A, Mogroady go
4 Towne -re
e. A. A., Hst•tec,. 101
Ago•t,,• wtogr4 reareconeet
NOVEMBER 26tta, 1890,
Single Firokrass Fare
Will be issued between all stations
in Canada, good going W IsDls•
25th and TLEURSDAY, 26th NOVEM-
BER, lbete valid for return leaving
dest Matim not later than MOND.A.Y.
I NOVEMBER 30: 1800.
Pull information on application to
0, MONTI Agent, Exeter.
that itight, or William would halve had the J
warmest reeeptiou ever ;overact] a newly 1,11111
anel Australian n11, elsewhere 70,00married0. The sequel M this lutereating episode es.
The maize market has been againet
dliecorlielsutenoreis, a.ciat2oulisf MarkLane,La:xiincae;e cuoeidal, sp,Leibvr utet.potheol, athnadt, anitxetr eVrYii eNsNtl arTuaeslaioniti a ivtilu li»44:111;15110`
quer- to retrieve the past and rue 0, Manly part,
Margaret Jane coueented to trate lam for
better or for worse, und as tee -village min -
later had gone to Clebetwit, off thoy uncle -
ea on foot to Hampton, Ave miles away,
where Rev. Ifs B. Howard made the twain
mau anti wife antl Mrs. Huriberry's 1.1
years' earnings will suffice to keep tho
wolf front the door until gent a
ter. 1 here are now 1,049,01,0 quarters
on passage to the United Eingslotn,
against 551,030 in November, 1805."
Tam sretai .1.20?&712-4.1:
A. Conference Tnriced or, as tho Matter is
neeornine Very Acute.
Lond.on..Nov. 23.-A representative of
the United Associated Presses obtained ,
an Interview tu-cla.y with Mr. Neville
Lubberek, who is at the head of the
Colonial Company, th.e leading West
Indian sugar firm, upon the subject of
the necessity of sending, a. commiss on
to the British West Indies to inquiet
into the critical condition of the sugar
industry, the advisability of which the
Colonial' °Rice is now considering. Mr.
Lubberek said that the reeseet indi-
cations were that a conference of sone
kind to discuss tbe situation would be
held slaartly, as the question was be-
coming very acute. Germany and Ate -
stria, he said, were quite prepared to
enter into an leternetional ogreement
to regulate the product of sugar, but In
tbe meantime the British Government
maintained its old attitude. The pro-
posed commission, Mr. Lubberek
theug,ht, would have no effect
JA.11".ESON 1S VERY glelf..
And the Probabittly es That 'Re and Col.
Vrlileughby WIll Bo atenersed. h
pay. Their belengings wet e taken olf
t e wagon and pleu in an alley until
London, Noes 23. -The official rettort Smith, who had been telegrapned to,
upon the physical ceeeetc„ of .0,... 'paid the duteraand sent in a teaua to
tart out their goods. A Pole threat -
Jameson, who, with his associates in
ened to throw Ins tools into the river.
the Transvaal raid, Major Sir J.hri
he was told that ha would have to
Willoughby, Col, Reglnald Grey, Col.
H. E. White, Maier it. White, pay duty just the same or be arrested.
This is the first time a duty on la -
and Captain ITenry F. Coventry, borers' tools has been chaeged. It is
are serving various terms of thought it is done In retaliation for
irnprisonment for their part in the in- the COrliss blil.
vasion, shows that he is rauch WO se,
and point to his early release, and the
same is true of Major Willoughny.
Both are suffering greatly from the
effects of their confinement.
R17Cli.174NB.Wer 1.1raillti7C2'102VS.
John M. Moran. Once Proprietor el The
strsitioni ilernita Meets Deatth
1)7 11 storm.
Windsor. Ont., IsTev. 23. -Word was
reeelved in liVinclsor to -day that John
M. Moran had been frozen to death in
a Kansas blizzard. He "was formerly
Proprietor of The Stratford lIercau aud
teacher of the Con‘gatte iustunte, and
W415 later inspt.ctur of seneols tor
South Perth.
Twenty-seven Poles arrived from De-
troit taxis morning oa their way to
Smith's lumbeiing °saner at Ruseemb
etat•on, where thy are gotta; to
work for the winter. 9.1my broaght
with them all their tools, teething turd
eVen scene provisrons, but ti•a eueesitts
officers refused to aelow them to pa.ss
Witnout paying duty on evazyttling.
As the duties on tne duierent articles
ranged from 25 to :15 per cent, it irreales
aUite a sum, and the Poles refused to
The Dongoia Expedition Will Stove ror-
leases to I:crime nnal eiiiarionen
London, Nov. 23. -Gen. Sir R. IX.
Kitchener, commander in chief of the
Egyptian army, started oe. his return
to Cairo • to -day. Gen. Kitchener , as
ha.d daily conferences with the IN ar
Office for the last forth:girt, and ra-
turns to Egypt with instructions to
ha.ve'everything in readineae for till
Anglo-Egyptian Nile expedition to ad-
vance from Dongola to Berber anal
Khartoum in March next. Tile ex • .-
dition will be strengthened by the ad-
dition of an. armed steamer.
Dag7..4 CO7'4-At4fte zer zee.
Taken Suddenly tilels When About to
Ravoik oat the Troops.
London, Nov. 23. -The Duke of Con-
naught, chief in oornmand at the Al-
dershot camp, anti compieteu arrange-
ments for the periodicat match out of
the troops from Aldershot, when he
was taken suddenly ill to -day, a.nd Ma.
jor-General Bengough has been sum-
moned to take ocaamand in bus stead.
8ht,e4 6cut•ef by tiO) Boone
Columbus, O., No•r. 23.-Tbe valise con.
taining $3000 worth of jewelry, wince was
stolets from Mr, tapper, it aew lore tra-
emetic lean, at the tneen Depot last niget,
was toned to -day by the poliee on the
stir:away of a bustuess blook. its con-
tents were lutact. The ponce theory is
that the gtip tvas stolen by It petty thief
wee nagged lerser game than he could
mauage wen salay clocika te leave
it on the sitliewdy to get rld dr it
Siavere511 at` 554710 Rif1tbinlielir
Sydney, N. S. W., Nov. II-Ade/ices
that 110,VO reached here treat the New
Hebrides show that natives al; the
islands are being sold to the•
of trading vessete at from au to LIS
apiece. Some os the naev, s so soid
are subjected to great oruelsee.
44•,i01o0 Its Orri
VarboxiSoclret, R. le Nov. 23. -News
has beon reoeived of the death in
Dovrningtown, 'Pas of Satires M. .Tan -
sen, a well-knowa vecalist• He waa
cennecteti with tho Piernrose & West
Minstrel Cotaparty, was a. native of
Ste HoSahe Que. aged 40, and leetges
a. il'eidar. 3Ji,4 45050
Saving the children.
Brighton, Ont., Nov, 23. -The first party
of enildren to go to lianituea froth tat
CilkIld Saving Rome for Cattalitto
coutluctell by Itev. Ur. Medea of BrIguton,
arrived lo Wino peg yesterday. Ttle party
ootolsted of four clliltikeu in charge of Miss
Wright. Arrange -meets hale been nettle
for the adoption of these children, Maio
boys and one girl, in gooa Ohr6tien homes.
It is expected another party will soon
leave for the Fest.
Sad Compl2intS.
Moe Must Protect cilleniscives;
Several ladies hove recently nritten
to tire maatufeeturers of Diamond Dyea
etenpleining of haying reveived very
Worthless dyes frot». certa deitlere
(whose nailleS are known) instead or
the Diamond' Dyes that wean asked
The manufacture of Diatnond
while they deplore this unw snd
honest practice of s bein• i• g, can not
give ee lee greater Itrotec Li n: to t,l.e nob-
lic:l Iran they are now affoi ding in the
W0)" of warnings through the colnieus
of ihe. press.
All buyers of dyes who ask for the
Dia -Mond Dyes should look for tbe
071715 011 the miter envelope. If the
name "Diamond" is not SPP1s, rest, as-
sursd,you arelbeing oiTeredsowe mis-,
ernble .iniitat
Diamond Dyestire the only perfeet
dyes in the world for home dyeing.
The best druggists add • dealers sell
them. .
Mies Ella Carroll, tencher in Irish -
town school, has 'been ro-eagagert fer
tar at an inpreased salary.
"T escaped being a COTIfirmem dyspep-
tic by taking Ayer's Pills ill time "
This is the experience or ninny. AVer'S
Pills, whet her as an af erelemor pill or
as a remedy for liver eomniaint.
flatitieuty. water brash :Ind
nausea, are in valuable.
Fr ed Davis, jeweller, and 5frs.
Killer, daughter of A.,ex. Theo tilSen, of. -
SPO t Ort11, were 11 It! , 1,41 on Wed t! eta/ ay
of last week. Ms. Davis was a fortnet
residant of Seaforth.
Furniture Trade..
man in tare village.
And it cannot 'help but boont
when we are offering such bat -
gains as we are. A few r a.rlor
suits left at prices from $2o.00 und°
upwards, good value. Centre
tables and fancy rockers, going
cheap and everything else in pro-
portion. Call While tbege bargains
last and secure some of them.
ikiderttiliag A Specialty,
Nave You Seen
Nave you heard
The.• ilVid Gook Move.-
Ceg. 11F,
It is worth seeing as
is one of the
latest inventions of
the age. We
have it on our floor,
44'r CI%
49 Hass
(Fully Warranted.)
moose. OVUM..
• No housekeeper
• should 17)e with-
out It Works
• ,perfeetly.
17. S. --We have some second
handed cook and heating stOveS
If you want one do • not come
next week, they will .be gone.