Exeter Times, 1896-11-12, Page 71 THr.1 EXETER T1 ]: S Cures of Ho"Curoes stSa favor �a' d's Sarsaparilla, „for no other medi- cine. Ito great ones recorded in truthful, convincing language of grateful men and women, constitute its most effective ad- vertising. Many of these cures are mar- velous. They have won the confidence of the people; have given Hood's Sarsapa- rilla the largest sales in the world, and Stave made necessary for its manufacture the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's Sarsaparilla le known by the cures it has made -cures of scrofula, salt rheum and eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh -cures which prove Hoo Sarsaparilla Is the best -In fact the One True Blood Purifier. cure liver ills; easy to J'�.000I s Pills tale, easy to uyerate. 25e. MONEY TO LOAN. On good improved far ns at lowest rates of interest, Apply to ELIOT & E+ LLIOT, 5th Nov, 1890, Solicitors, Exeter. CUT THIS OUT tinct return to ns with live Conti; In silver. and you will ant- by return mail, A GOLDEN BON. OP GOODS that will bring you in more money in ono month, than any- thing else in America. A, W. KINNEY. E. T. Yarmouth, N. S. ACCORDING 'TO AGENTS' REPORTS. "Queen Victoria ; Tier life and reign,' introduction by Lord. DUrotin, will reach high water marl: of Circulation; one agent roporte(i twenty-nine orders the day after ho got his Prospectus, limns' take orders from 1three- Sourtirs of c'alln made ; we need canvassers for Canada and Australia; prospectus free on da Torii of $1 as guarantee ; if you want a share in this gold mine hustle, for territory is going fast. The Bradley-Garrotson Co., Ltd., Toronto. Er KINSMAN, DENTIST, LD.S. S PEC I A LIST in (•iOLD FILL- ING, trilteGTING and PLATE WORK. Gas and 1neal Anaesthetics 'or pain- ters oxtraoaina• 2nd door north of GAR- LING'S`Store DALTON AN Dt;RSON D.D. S • L.D• S. Hone .#radiate of the To- ronto UniveiSityanrl cyai toliege of Dental Surgeons of Outgo • Specialties, painiths extraction and preservation of the natural teeth uiGoeoierthe Lew Office of Elliot& Elliot, opposite Cortral hotel, Exeter. Ont. AGN EW L. D. S.DENTIST, '. °LIN1ON. Will be at Greb's hotel Zurich oo the s000ud Thursday of eaoh month and at Hodgin's hotel Mensal! every Monday ar ?ODD, run At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The Joest place in town to get �a�tit. ,f�/ . JOHNS, The Tailor. A Suit 01 vlothes er a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect it. You look for these in an old and reliable plate, and . J. SN ELL never disappoi t•s his patrons in any of the A targe assortment of rail , Winter In Worsteds and Tweeds now on our shelves, and we - take much pleasure in sho oocts them to you•. There are m other lines that are specially ractive. £. '. 6111411.11L. are will ing y central IJRTJG STORE Those who have used Winan's Cough. Balsam. Pronounce it unequalled as a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS AND .:BRON CEITIC TROUB1 ES, Liman s Condition l l n & Cough Powder foi horses, best in the mar- ket. alwas on hand. Also a .Cetobenefacto and Lini- ment, the' medicine so sue. ,. used sestal ] b Mr, Chas. Munroe, Parkhill, in, this and other towns, in treating and curing various diseases, L� ForSale ►58, a £t C„ LUTZ'S MARKET REMITS. Exeter. November 11th. 1896. NVhoat por bushel 80 to 82 Oats '2 to 23 Barloy....... .... 25 to 30 Potts ...... 40 to 42 Butter,..14 to 15 Eggs 12 to 13 Turkeys 7 to 9 Geese 6 to 7 Chickens por Ib 5 to 5 Ducks Dried Apples, . .. . .. ..} 21 to " Pork dressed . . .... $5.O0 to Wm 0 Pork live weight . }13,40 to 3.40 Hay per ton.... ... .. $ 7 00 to .8.410 Clover seed ....................'1.59 to $5.75 Alsiko clover $1.00 to 55.00 Timothy sped ........ .... .. 52,80 to V.75 London, November llth,1894. Wheat per busho,.. .... ,76 to 78 Oats....• 22 to 21 Peas .... 30 t0 42 Barloy ....19 to 2.5 Buckwheat ....26 to 39 Rye ..,.53 to 35 Corn .... 40 to 45 Beans 40 to 55 Butter ,... .... 12 to 14 Eggs .... , . 11. to 12 Dnchs ......45 1o 65 Turkey's per lb....... ... 7 to 8 Geese perlb..,... 9 to 10 Chickens...,.. 90 to 50 Cheesy 8 to 8 Potatoes por hag•40 to 50 HaY per ton ...4 7.00 to $ 8.5(1 Pork per owt.... .. $1.50 to $1.711 BORN. 1VHYTE-1n Hibbort, on the 1thhest„ the wife of Robt. P. Whyte, a son. HEDDEN.-In Crediton, on the ith inst., the wife of Wm. Heiden, of a son. WOODS. -In Dublin, on Nov. 3rd, Norah, sec- ond daughter of Mr. Patrick Woods. 1IOADHOUSE-In South Easthope, Oct, 20, the wife of Benjamin Roadhouse, of a daughter. MARRIED. PALTIUI)GE---MATI1ERS--A': the residence of Mr. Albert Mothers, McGillivray, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. G. H. Thompson, David Partridge t0 Miss Victoria M. leathers. SWITZER-DOUPE-In Blanshard on Nov. 4tli. 1890, by tho Rev. P..1. Snowdon Ph. 13. at the residence of Mr, Guildford Copeland, brother-in-law of the bride, Mr. Sam= Switzer to Miss Mina A. I)oupe, both of Illanshard, DIEM. GRAY --In Mitchell, on the 2nd Inst., henry Gray, aged 71. HURLBURT.-In Mitchell, on tlie8th. inst., 1.7. J. Ilurlburt, aged 51 years. SLATTERY-In St Marys, on Oct. 31, Miehac) Slattery, aged 75 years, S1NCLAIR.--In TuekersmitL, on the 8th int., John Sinclair, aged 62 years, 5 months. McKAY.-In Tuckersmith, on November 2nd. Alex. G. McKay, aged 79 years and 7 months. ROBERTS-At his residcuec, Mt. Carmel, on Oct. 201h,1890, Dennis Roberts aged 438 years. McKAY-•In Tuekersmith, on Nov. `Sud, Alex- ander G. McKay, aged. 79 years, 7 mouths, 17 Clays. TU.itNCI'LL--In Exeter. on the 8th inst. David Turnbull, aged 11 years, 5 months and 4 days. WHI1'LO('K Elimviile, an the lith inst., Silas 'Whitlock, aged 77 yens, 7 months and 17 days. G ORBY.---In flay, on the 8th inst., Mary Ann, beloved wife of Jno. Corby, aged 51 years, 7 months. MALC'OLM-In St, Marys, on Oct. 28th, Cath- arine Malcolm, wife of Wm. Malcolm, aged 67 years and 3 months. lice{AY--In St.. Marys, on Friday, Oct. 30th, Helen C. 1lloliay, youngest daughter of Mr. Jas. McKay, aged 19 years. LACK IE -On tine 3rd of November, at his resi- dence, lot 0, con township of West Nis- ouri, John Lae S,ic, aged 03 years SITEERE.--At 197 Bathurst. street, London, on November 3rd, John 13. Slime, nephew of Mrs. James Oke, Exeter, aged 26 years. SVILLIS.-In Seaforth, on November 5th, Annie Nay, youngest, daughter of illr. Robt. Willis, aged 20 years,1 month and 16 days. WILLIS-In Scaforth, on Thursday, Novem- ber the 5th, Annie May Willis, youngest daughter of Mr. Hobert Willis, aged 20 years, 1 month and 16 days. FOROV EIt FIFTY YEARS. AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED Rxsurtnr.—Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teetlm,g, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays tiro pain, ogres the colic, and istlrerem edy1orDiarrhoea. 11 is pleasant to the taste, Sold by druggists in (Am part of the world. 25 cents a bottle Its value is incalculable. 13o sure and ask for Mr's. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. PIr. John Eekmire, of Mitchell, had a narrow escape from being killed while out shooting on Mouday. While in the act of shooting at a black squirrel t the gun exploded. Notice To Creditors. In the matter of the estate of 'Win. Davidson, Insolvent, Notice is hereby given that William David- son of the township of Usborne, in the county of Huron. carrying on business as farmer at the said Township of lisborne, has made an assign- ment under R. S. O. 1887. C. 121 and amending Acts, of all his estate, credits and oii'eets to John Gill, of the village of Exeter, in the County or Huron, fertile general benofft of his credi- tors. A meeting of the creditors of the said iWilliam Davidson. insolvent will beheld at the oiiiec of Lewis H. Dickson. in the village of Exeter, on Saturday the lath day of November, 1.89ti, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon to receive a statement of affairs, to appoint inspectors and for the ord oringof the af- fairs of the estate generally. Creditors aro re quested to filo their claims with theassignoo or his Solicitor with the proofs and particulars thereof required by the said Aots, on or before the day of such meeting. A. notice is further given that after the 25th citta, of November.189ft the assignee will prooeeditodistribute the assets of the dobtoramonrrsttheaparties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which notice shall teen have been given, and that he will not bo liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons (lf whose c >in, ho shall not then have had notice. JOHN GILL, LEWIS H. DICKSON, Assignee. Solicitor for -Assignee Croup, Coughs, Tooth- ache, DIARRIKCEA, DYS$NTFRY, and all BOWS", COMP/,A/NTS. A Sure, Safe, Quick Cure for these troubles is (Mira' aavts'.j Used Internally and Externally. Two Sizes, 25c. and 50c. bottles. $+,3►'+3.4.3••43•434-,43s 43►'4 4 Marriage Licenses —ISSUED AT --- HICK'S JEWELRY STORE TO RE Na Witnesses Required. A. complete Stock of Jewelry, Silver, ware, etc. ?_. •ul and-per- sonal;Etepitiring receives careful attention: .....HICKS, ,. Central Telephone Office a Perth County Notes. T. H. Race, of Mitchell, has been elected a director of the Ontario Fruit Growers' Association. Mr. R, B. Gill, of Ruesseldale, has bought out a general store business in - the village of Brooksdale. Michail Nolan, of Downie, went to Stratford with a load of bay. Friday. After it bad been driven into the barn and Mr. Nolan Was elitrllling on to the 1011(1 a rope gave way, and he • fell heavily to the thew, breaking his right ttt'Ill. 5Lr, W. Beattie. of 13iaoshard, re- turned e-t nned on V.Te.lnesdat,y from the Mani- toulin Island where he haci been for several weeks feneing in three or four hundred acres of laud that he bas pur- chased there. Ml'. Gibson Mahaffy, for many years teacher in the uliion school at Neigh's on the Stratford road, is going to give up teaching at the end atlas term and will turn his energies to farming. He has rented his brother John's farm in Hibbert. The Blatnsharli township clerk hits been instructed to write to the G.T.R. company asking that sots e precaution 14(4 taken to prevent the furl thee' loss of life at Shoebottom s crossing., whet•e Mr. awl Miss Mayes were killed by a train two weeks atgo. MJ(i W. J. Whaley, of St. Marys, Las bolls 50 -acre farm, lot 2, v0404'881011 12, Peel, to IIngh Cunningham.ufor $2,100 c'nSh, and 1lata purchased at forty -acre farm within the corporation of Dray- ton for $1,850. •It. would have brou ;ht $3,000 a few year's ago. Mr. W. Sllillinglaw, V.S., received 0 telegram from the Department, of Ag- rietilturo at Ottawa, on Monday in- forming hint 1hat 00 the recommenda- tion of D. K. Erb, M.P., be had been appointed a Veterinary Inspector for part of the county of I'ertll. • Ted Merryfield, was before Police Magistrate Flagg of Mitchell, on Fri- day last charged by John Goetz, nt Ellice, with obtaining looney under false pretences. The charge was es- talilishcd and Merryfield. was sent down lot' three months in the county jail, NESTS FOR TURKEYS. All the Hens Want is a Place That Looks Somewhat Secluded. If turkeys are kept at all they shoule be kept properly. Instead, however, they frequently got no uttentlon wormy the none. A writer In the American Poultry Advocate calls attention to ono serious neglect. He says that much time is ,,an- nually lost and not a few turkey eggs by bens making their nests in far away iso- lated places, where they are not readily found, except bythis wilyr p crow, skunk or other sharp-oyed marauders. Amit this loss is all tiro more inexcusable as it can readily bo avoided by a little ingen- uity and judgment on tho owner's part. Ile claims to know a breeder of quite a strain of Bronze turkeys who seldom gut more than half the eggs laid by his ton ort twelve eve Bronze bons h was ere w s a largo wood near his house into which his hens regularly each spring plunged and sought for nests. He complained of his loss from crows and other vermin, and when told how easily it could be prevented, lie expressed surprise, and was willing to make the attempt to save more of his turkeys' nests. Ac- cording to our instructions iso placed some rough piles of brush about the cornore of the fence near the house and barn, and in tho orchard. Ho also laid some amply barrels about in out-of-the- way places, putting straw and loaves in them, and some brush on and about them. This was done in February and again In April, and all his hens were laying and all the nests were inside hie own ground. Tho work of finding the posts was retlucati about throe -fourths and all the eggs saved. Ail .the hens want is a place that looks somewhat secluded. They do not care fur a far -away nest especially, but like a place that gives some promise of not be- ing a prominent public curiosity. If a loose pilo of brush is thrown in any out-of-the-way place, say behind a plump shrubbery and near a fence, in a coy- , of the fence, a barrel covered up w 1 brush, ono end only visible slight- ly, few boards leaned against the fens and covered with rubbish, etc., will , ly or all make a desirable place for n1 time turkey' to deposit bar eggs. It is est to not disturb the nest toe much hen once the hon has begun lay- ing. L t her have her eggs. If the nest has a p opor quantity of straw or leaves in it t , lien will keep the eggs covered strtfiole tly to keep then- from freezing. Soma 1 'as will not nand having eggs taken t of their nests, but others will soon 1 k for some more secluded place, the 01 nces being in favor of being placed away out in some field or along the hi or mountain deep in the wood. Of co rse if the hens get broody before they . re wanted to set, the eggs must be t kon out of the nest and the hens br.. en up for the t1 False Statements wade to Heap Large Profits, DIAMOND DYES HOLD TREFORT The false statements, " just as good as the 'Diamond."' Putt np same as the Diamond Dyes," used by: many dealers in order tp sell worthlessand crude dyes, Ater sufficient to stamp them as mean and dishonorable. Stich wed are capable of any form. of busi- ness dishonesty. The common dyes are offered to you simply because the dealer slakes a far. greater profit ont of thein than he can from the sale of Diamond Dyes. Ladies, you who buy these connnnn dyes are the sufferers ; the dealer pockets your • money, leaving yon to chagrin, loss and disappointment, The experiences of long years point t o the Dioneond Dyes as first and best. '`,Weide tilani. your Work is well and quickly clone, and yell derivde a satis faction that you have saved time and money. L7se only the "Dia;aitond " ; l'ie just as !a0($ kind: lieward c>i tl e,l .1 � t, (i • Vot1 s received hy e 1 ct week, of the de th at Oxbow, , Assn. N.W.'I. r , of Ml's. Edgar.• (1 ussle. . formerlY.Miss. n Y,. Ida Baldwin, and daughterof11li ti in. Baldwin, 'of Se,lfettlt, she leaves husband and infant child': EA Month of Dread They Latest News. To Ali Rheumatic Sufferers. PAINE'S (.CELERY A PRICELESS BLESSING FOR SUF- FERING HUMANITY. COMPOUND November, with its variable weather, is a month ofterror and tortures for all. rheumatic: offerers. At, this,-": rte, a remedy that has power, r'adicate the cause of rhen- m.ttisur,eou) the system is indeed a priceless blessing. Such a remedy, for all formas of rheumatism, will be found in Paine's Celery Compound. In thousands of cases Paine's Celery Compound has produced )marvellous cures. Even in the longest standing and -.early incurable cases the great. medicine has given wonderful and magical results. If you are as sufferer, delay not a moment ; procure Paine's Celt ry Com- pound and test its powers. 1f you are vainly trying toeti'ectacure with other medicines, throw them aside and use the medicine that is now curing your friends and neighbors. Mrs. J. Vince, Barrie,Ont.,after vain attempts to effect a cure with the ordi- nary medicines of the day,nsedPaine's Celery Colnpocnd with truly blessed results. Site writes thus : "I am happy toslty that Ihave taken Paine's Celery Compound with gt`,tt S F' ] ) results, I had sciatica s b•1 t c bad that could not turn in bed or walk wittic,u help ; and for a period of three weeks was helplessly laid .up •tad suffered paid that at times was unbearable. ., many medicines, I lilcd n)>,r bat al i 1. y1 1 1 vain. I 5741.5 afterwards recommended to try Paine's Celery Compound. I used six Mottles and and entirely cured, and enjoy good health. 1 take great pleasure in recommending the valuable nledichlc'thati cured 11ae' Capt. Greville, Conservative, was elected to the douse of commons for the east division of Bradford to sine coed the late II. B Reed. Over. 700 hogshave been slaughtered i11 Essex in the effort to stamp out the hog cholera. The Dominion Gov- ernment has paid allout $1, ascoulpen- sat•iolr to the owner. I►Il. Lauchlin McGowan, of Napanee, was killed by a fall from a scaffold. George P. Creighton has been ap- pointed Treasurer of Owen Sound. la er - • a General nut 1 flays e f the e Cxr•tn1 Trunk speaks hopefully of the pros- pects of a reciprocity treaty with the United States. Thomas Ballantyne & Sons have shipped about 1,S00 barrels of apples to Manchester so far this season. The last reported sales were at 12 shillings A MESSAGE TO MEN. PROVIDING THAT TRITE HONESTY ANI) TRt'E PHILANTROPY STILI. EXIST. 1f any main. who is weak, nervous and debilitated, or who is suffering frontally- of the various troubles re- sulting from you(hfel folly, excesses or overwork, will take heart and write to me I will send him confidently and 1'r.c cli dun pe the plan ,purchased by which I was completely restored to perfect health and manhood, after years of suffering from. Nervous De- bility, Loss of Vigor and Organic Weakness. I have nothing to sell and therefore .Want no money, but asIknow through my own experience how to sympath- ize with such sufferers, lam glad to be able to assist any fellow -being to a calve. I am well aware Of the preval- ence of quackery, for I myself tions de- ceived and imposed upon until I near- ly lost faith in mankind, but I rejoice to say that lam nowperfectlywell and happy once more and am desirous therefore to make this certain means of cure known to -all. If you will write to inc you. can rely upon being cured and the proud satisfaction of having been of great service to one in need will be sufficient reward for my trouble. Absolute secrecy assured. Send 5 c. silver to coyer postage and address, Mr. Geo. G. Strong, North Rockwood Mich. Here in Ottawa Irresistible Proof That There is a Cure for Diabetes. Tho following sworn statement is tho best proof that diabetes is not incurable, and that there in a remedy which will cure it. Ontario, County of Carleton, to wit: I, Charles Moss, of the City of Ottawa, in the County of Carleton, Blacksmith, do hereby solemnly declare as follows: 1, I reside at 183 tell Street, in the said City of Ottawa. 2. For tho past fifteen years I have been a groat sufferer from kidney disease; among the prominent symptoms of which worn severe pains inmy back, hot flashes extending from the base of the spine up between my shoulders, dizziness, headaches, etc. I was in a bad state generally and. suffered great agony at times. The intense pain prevented my sleeping, and I seemed to got worse continually.' Tho doctors who were called in pronounced my disease diabetes, but their treatment did no good, and they held out but slight hope of my recovery. I was then so far gone with the disease that I could not turn in bed without, help. My urine was of a dark wine color, and full of sediment. 3. I took all kinds of medicine,, but without permanent relief. 4, Hearing of Doan's Kidney Pills I got a box at H. F. MacCarthy's drug store, but having .been so often. disappointed I had 'no faith in them. However, I started taking them, and tileystruck the right spot at once, and I com- menced to get better. From that time on improvement was continuous until' am now, after five weeks use of "Dean's Kidney Pine, entirely free from pain of any kind. The urine is natural, and I am now working right along every day in my shop. 5. Itis a great source of pleasure for mo to testify to the world of the curative ppowers of Doan's Kidney Pills, and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to bo true, and know i that it is of the same force r e, r wag m and effect a9 if mads under oath and by virtue of the. Canada Evidence Act. Sgd. CHARLES MOSS, Declared ftOttawa,> D ed bo oro me at the City of in the County or quieten, this sth day of April, 1696, 170SIER also.: �rol�N �1 s, ,..A Commissioner, eta. r In addition to' their ordinary duties, civil service employes are doing some tall thinking these days, without ask- ing any increase in salary for thesame. The American people have secured a, Presideut for the next four years. Most of theta are now face to face with thejharder problem of holy to secure a living for the next few months. Emperor William of Germany is now busily engaged in writing a play. For a number of years past be has been busily engaged in acting, a farce, so that he is really no stranger to the theatrical business. As the enterprising burgulars who • tapped the University safe stole only horsey and generously forebure (2•(1411 earrying off Varsity's crack football team, the undergraduates will shO)•tly be able to resume their studies. The ballot papers used Tuesday in the United Stated were of no less a size than twelve by fourteen inches. r intellect is average C As„tic only about wo or three, 1t gets a chance to spreaditself, as it were, every four years. Four years are too short a period to int er•ve00between Presidential elet•tton I upheavals, but four years are also to Co long at period to tolerate the worse { than i)nedioeity which only too often represents the people's choice for the, W111tc House. Li Hung Chang, 11118 been docked a� year's pay by his august Emperor. By substituting porridge for birds nest soup and looking carefully after the customs' rake-off the Chang fannly may possibly succeed in struggling tbrougli the vs'int er without ('h limb aid. The emigration returns, front Eng- land, just issued, showthat during the month of October 2,001 persous sailed for Canada, against 1.769 in the pre- ceding October. For the tell months of the present -torr the number was 21,316, for the .aisle period last year it 'as 21,184. The Dominion government has ap- pointed Mr. John Grieve, of Seafnrth veterinary inspector for Sea£orth al d vicinity. iXnder the new regulations stock bound for the United States or Great Britain, has to undergo an in- spection by a drily Citlalified vetel•hlatry I surgeon prior to shipment. Gidley & Son. '\Yill now be found in tbei New Premises, Opera House Block. Watch for change of .Ad. Gidley & Son, N .741)1 ytlu When the Mercury gets up in- to the nineties you wont mind it a particle if you will come and see us first and provide yourself with one of Grieve's cool summer suits. We have a big range and we are bound to clear them all out by the 1st of August. Don't wait until' you melt, begin to be comfortable now. See our $2.00 summer pant made to order. J. H. GRIEVE itr col School Books S611001 SJIIIHIIftSI • 1 Gold EWES. , S. Kimball 80 Co. Rochester Ns Y. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. Soper package 7 FIRST PRIZE MEDALS. LI/ veess 1;oY 7i when you have clothing that keeps you warm in any weather. Just a 12.yez of Fibre Chamois through your coats, vests or wraps provides a healthful comfort that will last all winter, no matter how sever theweather. ThewaterproofRighy process makes it impenettaLle to rain or sleet, its light weight leaves you free and unburdened so that any exercise is possible and its non- conducting properties keep out every whiff of cold air or frosty winds. It only costs a few extra cents, so for health and comfort's sake have it put in all ordered clothing and only buy the ready-to-wear garments which bear the Fibre Chamois Label. Only 25 cents a Yard, and always find the Label. Tae c Park Singer New Williams & White Serving machines. 111EIMINOS & NM OF iNE BM NU. REPAIRS ANT) REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED To. PERKINS & MARTIN THROUGH & THROUGH Shorthand courses of the Examine both the Business an Forest City Business and Shorthand College, LONDON, ONT., and you will find them practical at all points. Students are in attendance from all pa the country. Our quarters in the new Y. M. C. A. are conceded to be tiro nueti, tor in 'Western Ontario. Graduates of the school are successful in securing and retaining good positions. Catalogue and particulars of either course sent upon application. .3. W. 'WESTERVELT, Principal.. ommtnowiroMMIII 6E I HANDLE ONLY RELIABLE PROPERTIES. e : °Ric ' noon" Capitalization 750,000 Shares Par value $1.00 fully paid and non -assessable. This property is a full sized claim, over 50 acres paid for and no debt of -any kind against it. Is in the South belt between Crown Point and Mayflower. Extensively developed, and all funds realized from sale of treasury stocks will be expended in the purchase of machinery to bring the property to a paying basis as rapidly es possible. No officer is paid a salary and will pot be until • the earnings of the mine warrant it. I have 20,000 shares of treasury stock to offer at 10c per share, when this is disposed of the price will be advanced. Purchase DOW, this is 0 good investment, $10 buys one hundred shill, , ;'o$ buys five hundred, 5100 buys one thousand. Scrip emailed on receipt of funds. I have also several thousand shares in each of the following at lowest Tait: ations :-St. Elmo, Silverine,'Mayflower, Mento Oristo, • Virginia,- -Evening-_i Star,lPoorman, Crown Point. Write for prospectus, Maps, etc. • Address, R. f cUregor, Agents Wanted. McKinnon Building, Toronto. • P. S. -i am in daily communication by wire with consequently have latest advice on all stocks. • NEW STOCK A. fine line of Exercise Books and Scribblers. .l•—x—.i.—x-l. —+— Pure Sices Are necessary for Good Pickles. ' Our patrons can. be h, sure of good quality. Y I N N.AM�-N, C N 0 MACE, CLOVES, : NUTMEGS, , GINGER, PEPPER, EPILRI ALLSPICE, TURMERIC. J Browning � �], it Rossland and Spokane, Friends of Mr. 3. k1. Ruddell, of Morden, Man., will be exceedingly sorry to read the following from the Morden herald of last week.- " Another well-known face will be seen in our Midst no more. On Thurs- day afternoon of East week, at four o'clock, the wife of Mayor Ruddell quietly passed tiway. ode had been a trr'eat sufferer for at hang time past, but bad been able to be around most of the 51111111 ter. She became worse' the first.. of the week, and he pre ninny knew sire was seriously ill she was gone. Her death cast a gloom over the whole town. She leaves 11 husband and five children, who b i ec the sympathy of the entire corim tility in their bereave- ment. Mrs Ruddell was a daughter of Mr. Goddard Grummet, ;of tliis place,. She vests born in Tuckei•slnith, Baron County, Ontario, February 22nd, 1857. i The body of an unknown man was found Monday morning lying on the track, near Shakespeare,'. badly mangled. Ile had evidently been run over by a train some time during tl7e`. night. On an envelope found in one of the man's pockets was the address, "J. S. Byrnes, Duffcrn street, Strat- ford. After a lona and tedious illness, Mr Harry Gray, of Mitchell, passed away on Monday of last week. The deceasecI had leen 11residenti1' 1a id t cel < c t that toWn mace - the spring of 1557. xle leaves; a family of daughters, all enjoying the respect; that be had ivon for himself, his wife` Having diad 25' y ears a,g;o. Ma.I rit r sl. ` coeur freer. t (: ai `r�Vi t ' 'f e ti 1 i hi. c 1 n � ,ty y heLondowasn, a .native, ctlea,1855.vlte there, r Ont., ;it1 O