HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-11-5, Page 8The THla. EX bi'J ER TIME ••--ter - a.,..... _ ,ftiorimopormassairpoommorirms_ ash t? tore. Cash or Produce, One Price Only. You now want a. Bargain in Choice Dress Goods, The Big Cash Store is the spot for you. We have just cleared out a lot of specials from one of the largest houses in Montreal. COME, .: YES era COME ! If you want a stylish Dress for half price. Here's a Sample Seven yards Double fold Tweed Dress Goods for $1.00 A. Stewart SWEET, tV:tNTED. A situation as nurse, Ls Prola tre,l to do any kind of bird stu¢ina and taxidermist work at any time VETE1UNERY SURGEON. INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agent for the Wssrzsx ASSURANCE COSt- ><:.t:rv, o! Toronto ; also for the Pna.Nix FIRE INSURANCE, Goat.-Atir, of Loudon, England; the ALwdxce 1NacitANa:E COScrANr, of Eng and. A. O. F. Court Price of Huron, No. 7865. AieetsinWood's Ball 2nd and 4th Friday in each month. Visiting brethren are cor- dially invited to attend. DANIEL WOOD. C. IL ; Ono. xEMP, GO TO Jo Origg's FOR YOUR SCI11.001 Hook AND Statioiicry. Full and Complete Lines in Stock at reasonable Prices. J. GRIGG The Mart Exeter. filtK ie+ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 1896. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. James Walter is visiting friends in Hamilton this week. The sacrament was administered in the Methodist churches here on Sun- day last. Walter Carley, of Brantford is re- newing ofd friends in Exeter, and yicinity this week. Jamnes Wanless, of Chatham, a former resident of Exeter, is renewing acquaintances iu town. Constable Dan Mclvor bas been ap- pointed a special guard at the Goderich jail while Tab Craig is there. The funeral sermon of the late Sid- neySanders was reached in Sand James st. hurch Sunday morning last, Rev. Mi. Ashton, of the Eliinvilie circuit, preached quite acceptably in Main street chtirch Sunday evening last. Young & Son, who have conducted the art store, here, for the past two weeks leave for their home in Berlin shortly. Dr. B. Campbell, of Zurich,actecl as best man at the wedding of Dr. Craw- ford, of Courtright. and Miss J. Mac- donald ShiIlingtoh, of London last week. On Sunday evening, while Wes. Haindforcl audMr. Bluntwere returning from church their horse took fright at some object and ran away, damaging she buggy badly. They overtook two. young ladies on the road and through kindness, asked then to have a ride. After some consideration the young ladies consented, but had not been in the rig five minutes before they were thrown into the ditch. They escaped Unhurt ' with the exception ;afa few 'bruises. The horse was caught near rarxr ahaving started just south of apply at Tome office. STovEs 1 SxovEs,—Stoves and beat- ers of all kinds sold at rock bottom prices. Manufactured by the Gurney Foundry (o.. Toronto. ('all and in- spect thein at Bissetts oldstand,Exeter. J. S. DI•:Avrrr, agent. Hugh Rennie, of London, spent Sun- day, the guest of his brother, A. Rennie. Miss Mary Welsh has returned home from a three months' visit with friends in Kansas. Mre R. S. Lang, who has been ill for some time was able to sit up for the first time Sunday. J. C. Ovensl and wife, .of Maple Lodge, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Jones, this week. Dr. Willoughby will preach his third sermon on " drifting " in James street church Sunday evening next. R. N. Rowe has purchased another horse, and now haus one of the hand- somest pairs of blacks in the county. Mrs. Bray and family, who have been visiting friends in London, for some time, returned home this week. Messrs. Peter Clark and John Palmer, of Sarnia, wheeled to Blyth last week, calling on friends in Exeter. Wes. Hawkshaw has purchased at a cost of $40, a pair of bicycle clippers for relieving horses of their winter coat. The Parkhill School Board purposes reducing the staff of public school teachers s tofive eandh' high 1 teach- ers oo teach- ers to two. g 'Miss Sharon, who has been visiting at John Spackman's for some time leaves for her home in St. Thomas to- day (Thursday.) . Game Warden Tinsley has issued about, 2,500 deer shooting permits.. If each one kills a deer, how many of the game will be left ? Mrs. P. Fisher and daughter who have been visiting Mrs. Davis, London, for the past two months, returned home on Saturday last. James McGeoch, Seaforth, h has sold old his farm on con. 3. Tuckersinith, east of Egmondville, to his brother Samuel for $5,500. It contains100 acres. Reeve Kennedy, of Clinton.. while crossing a street in Clinton, on hallo- we'en night, tripped over an obstacle and falling on his face. cut it badly. W. J. Brooks has been re-engaged as teacher in S. S. No. 4, Stephen, at an increase in salary. Mr. Brooks is proving himself to be an efficient teacher. The Treasurer of the Agricultural Society paid the prize money to suc- cessful exhibitors on Saturday last. Saturday was an exceptionally busy day in town. Dr. Arthur Brown V. S.. of Sarnia, has been appointed inspector of ani- mals exported at that place. Dr. Brown, it will be remembered a short time ago married Miss Ida Eacrett, formerly of - Exeter. - Jos. Clark and wife who have been visiting at W. Soutbcott's for' some time, left Tnesday last for . Colorado Springs, where Mr. Clarke will engage in business. He also goes for the benefit of his health. Whilek' working around horses on Thursday last, the twelve year. old son of Wm. Horton, of Usborne, was kick- ed by one of the animals and had one of his legs broken just below the knee. Both ,bones were broken. Rev. Butt, of .Centralia, gave a magic, lantern entertainment in the James st church Monday evening last, at which $I8 were realized. It was under the auspices of the Epworth League ante was quite entertaining. Hollowe'en has • passed. The usual pranks were"indulged in by the small boy. In some cases, however, the sport was carried too far and property destroyed; Windows were broken, and *here gates could not be lifted off the hinges, they were sawed off and carried away. Saturday evening -several young folks were masquerading trough the streets in clothing belonging to the opposite sex. Some were dressed re- presenting a ghost, and frightened a small child of Mrs. Merry so madly that it remained in hysterics all night. Such pranks -should pot be allowed and persons performing them are liable to piinislnient by law. Miss, Caldwell, of Fansville, is the 'gust of Mrs, J P. Ross. If yon want preparations for curing c r call at C. Lutz's drug store. ;ottage to rent, 7 rooms ; possession t once. Apply to Thos, Dearing. iss Janet Muttart spent 1a1S week visiting Mrs. Thomas; of Lon- don, Miss Jolins, of Strathroy, visited friends in and around Exeter, this week. Thos, Fisher, of Usborne, who has been ill for a few weeks is able to be around again by the aid of a crutch. Capt. Kenip, while working about the furnace the other day, burned ]iis hand so badly that be is nursing that member. Stratford's new fire alarm system has just been completed. There are fourteen alarm boxes and the system cost $2,000. Mrs. S. Murray, formerly of Wiar- ton, and Mr, Joseph Kidd, of Goderich, have purchased the sawmill on Grif- frtit's Island, from Mr. John Kidd, J AThe Provincial. Winter Fat Stock $4,000 in cash will be offered in prizes. Show will be held at Guelph ou De- • cember the 8th, 9th and 10th, when The anniversary services of the ' James street Methodist, church will be preached on Sunday, December 13, when the Rev. Gerald Willoughby, son of Rev. Dr. Willoughby, will occupy the pulpit.. De- lla George Irwin, of the Huron road, Hullett, made over $60 this year in prizes at the various shows on poul- try. Mr. W. H. Cracken, of Brus- sels, the veteran prize winner, made over $225 the same way, Mr, J. A. Gregory has been re-en- gaged as teacher of Winchelsea Public School at an increase of salary, Mr. Gregory has been a successful teacher having passed all his pupils at the mid -summer examinations. The Stratford fire brigade passed a vote of thanks to the town council of St. Marys for their greet of $20,. made them some time ago for ser- vices rendered in connection with the burning of the National Hotel. It has been reported in some of the newspapers that the damage done by the fire at John Fox's granary in Lucan, was estimated to reach into the thou- sands. This was agreat exaggeration. The loss Mr. Fox has suffered is less than $100. The farmers on the second, third, fourth and fifth concessions, of Minto, have purchased two road machines at a cost of $250 each. With two good teams of horses one of these machines is said to grade in first class style one mile a day. Now that Mr. R. Handford, of Centralia,no longer carries the mail to Moorsville, it being put o r the train at that place, there is some talk that G. Windsor will purchase his place there and that Mr. H. will move back on his farm on the 4th of Stephen. 'Saturday evening Mrs. Mellott, while walking along the street, fell over a gate which had been thrown upon the sidewalk by some boys practising their hallowe'en pranks. A rusty nail ran into her knee and eaused.;a. painfui wound, which may yet result seriously. At the last sitting of the Crediton Division Court the cage of Barry vs. Wuerth & Heist, a dispute over the weight of flax, was tried, the judge reserving his decision, He has since rendered his decision in favor of puff.. allowing all shortage e x c e p t- ing 360 lbs,; which pl1f. agreed to, to- gether with costs. 7.he Orangemen of Exeter and vicni- ty attended Divine service in the Main st Methodist church Sunday morning last, Rev. Locke officiating. He chose as his text, Acts XVII, 5:6-27. He preached a practical sermon, which must have proved not only interesting, but beneficial to the large congreg- ation present. The choir rendered special music for the occasion. About six months ago, while work- ing in the field, Wm. Chapman. jun., Hensall, dropped his watch, and after diligent search failed to find it. The other day while raising potatoes he came across the timepiece, which had been lying in the ground all the time. Apart from a little rust the watch is in fine condition. The Canadian Medical Review ca -en ions yonng men against taking up medicine as a profession. It will no doubt surprise the average reader to learn that in Ontario we have on doctor to every 500 of population, men women and children included. Accor ing to the editor of the Review o third of the medical men now in 0 tario could not be over burdened wi professional care. On Wednesday last Thomas Crai was before his Honor Judge Masson Goderich for election on the charge now pending against him. The pr ceedings occupied about one hou during which Crown Attorney Lewis; read nine indictments, including for- gery, uttering forged paper, false pre- tences and theft. To all of these prisoner pleaded not guilty and chose to be triedbylthe Judge without t jury. He will therefore come up for trial on Nov. lith, and it is expected the pro- ceedings will occupy two days, the e being divided between the charges cd sled llth and 12th. Philip Holt will con- duct the defence. At a meeting of the dentists of Perth and Huron, held at Mitchell Friday night, these officers were elected :— Hon. .Hon. President, Dr. J. B. Wilmott, Toronto ; President, W. Bruce, Lis- towel lst Vice -President ` J. ; S. Jerome,Win ha • 2nd : Vice -Presi- dent, m ' E. H. Eidt,Stratford ; Secre- tary -Treasurer, Dr. A. J. Irwin, Wing ham; and Lake.Mitchell; Committee- Messrs. Roberts, St. Marys ; Oroll, Stratford ; Agnew, " Minton ; Turn- bull, Goderich "Committee of Arbi- tration—Messrs. Bruce,rlinton; Irwin, Wingham, and Lapse, Mitchell ; Com- mittee on Fees,—Messrs. Croll, ` and Hamilton, of Stratford ; Belden, of. Seaforth ; Anderson,. of Exeter, and Bruce, of Clinton. Discussions follow- ed on topics . of professional interest, after which Dr. Croll read an interest- ing address on "Alveolar Ahseess." The object of the .asspciationn is to pro- mote scientific study in the profession, to give help and advice, and to biro- gg qq mote good -will among the profession. iiew dress of type and looks very rsinch ,decorations were sppiendid andave The next meeting will be held in improved.' The Po..t is' it first class the hall a comfortable appearance. Stratford. . local paper. Proceeds over $30. pP 1THE POPULAR IDEA Dress Fabricsg Rough Icr knottedCoods We have caught the popular fancy, in large quantities Green and Black, Red and Black, Blue and Black, Brown 'tnd Black, and other shadesjust as handsome are here. And we are selling them retail at wholesale prices. Two Cases Just Received We have just received from. the manufacturer two cases of Boucle Dress Goods, in all the greens and browns. The greatest value yet shown, only 65e yard. "You have the best assortment of these goods in the town," so we have been told by a great many pleased customers." Knotted Plains .Are in demand and are being picked up very - fast ; a very handsome range of patterns at 653 yard.. ?s Coming Our Way With a Rvish--"Trade" And no wonder, when your dollar grows half as big again as soo11 as you enter here. Nice All -Wool Scotch Plaids, worth 25c, for 18c yard Nice Wool Tweeds, worth 50e per yd, for 35c yard. Dress Trirrirreinoes We have devoted a great deal of time and patience in the selection of our Dress Trimmings. And you will find all the shades L. Velvets, Gimps Ind Braids right to your hand here, and the prices always away down. Our Dressmaker is a leader in the profession. Her work is guaranteed. Prices moderate. R. Pickard San. Direct Importers. Curling .Club. E. McOloy spent Wednesday iu London. A meeting', Was . held in the town R. H Collins is in Goderich today on hall laist• (•Wednesday) evening. There business. was a large attendance, N. Dyer A. Coffin, visited friends in Parkhill Hurdon in the chair. Among other on Sunday. business the following officers were elected, B. S. O'Neil, honorary press Dr. J. W. Browning visited friends dent ; Dr, .T A. Rollins, presiclent ; in London this week. John Muir,vice-pits•Rev.H. Bray,Miss Cook, of Hensall visited chap. ; A Jones, sec'y ; N. Dyer friends in town this week. Hnrdon treas. A committee of Dr. H. W. J. Carling left Saturday for the K. Hyndman, J. D. Houlton, and N. Muskota huntiug grounds. D. Hurdon were appoiuted to wait up- Thos. Snell, who broke his leg last on the proprietors of the rink to ar- week is progressing nicely. range for securing ice. To report at next meeting, Tuesday evening. Noy. Will Welsh, who has been i11 for 10th. some time does not improve. Mrs. T. Hodgson has gone to reside with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ker - TUE FIRST TO Go.—The Granton fair nick of pore ne. will now be remembered as a thing of , the past. The directors during the A curling club is being organized in past week have been busily engaged town, and a long list of members has disposing of the surplus stock. The already been secured. crystal palace has beeh sold to Mr. S Thea Janes street League will give a Weir Brown who has converted it into concert on the evening of Nov. 24th in a d 'lling house for his 100 acre farm , the church. Further particulars later. a. , oining the village. ODDr•ELLO 's BLOCK. — Ten days' 1 _ heap sale of boots and shoes at J. W. ' pr roclerick's shoe parlor, Exeter. There will be offered at this cheap sale a .job! .tis lot of hoots and shoes placed on their - table table in the center•of the store. 'Your, des choice on.this table only. 50c a pair:. And all the boots, shoes and slippers in 1 the Sontli window go for 50 cents per.:. bee pair. See them. We will also offer nee -the this cheap sale all our fine kid Button of ed and Oxford shoes, in sizes of 2•+ • and 3, at half price. This is a bigi•pa snap. Bring along your small feet.. in;' We certainly have one of the bestru stocks of_boots end. shoee in town. We -s sell cheap all the time. Remember the r store, in the Oddfellow's Block: - This.. heap sale will continue for ten days. J. W. BRODERICK. eter, 5th November, 1896. The Clinton Agricultural Society, ing to the small gate receipts, have ided to pay only 60 per cent. of the e money. hn Delbridge, of Usborne, has completed one of tie finest bank s in Huron Co., to replace the one oyed by fire last summer. e understand Huron C. E. has awarded the Banner offered by argest number of Junior Societies y county in the Dominion. Smith was in Hensall the latter of last week helping Mr. J. Weis- er, of that place to take and fix 'the stock of Messrs. Bonthron. The ck looks greatly unproved. Owners of cows will do well to ember that the law prohibits the tnianals running at large on the streets after lst of November. The constable is going to enforce the by-law rigor- ow.Iy. MUNICIPAL ACT M SNIDMENTS.--An ,amendmenttothernuniclpai actpassed land Representatives Huron, of the Sons fB ue at the last session of the Legislature makes one or two important changes met in Quinton yesterday for the Pur- a considering oeofccnil i cern the advisability d sabili to ` whichhg t of t attention n municipal e eat on f men shoald he directed. The 'nw forming a District Grand Council for councils elected on the first Monday in .these three counties. There was a January will meet on the following large contingent from the Exeter Monday, instead of the two weeks' lodge,, interim formerly allowed; and existing The Oddfellows hese were visited by councils will cease to have power to a contingent of the Hensall ' brethren, vote money for any purpose, pass any bylaw or to ,y w enter into any contract or bargain involving the payment of business the visitors.. n g A Ym sitorsn presented the money, or dismiss or appoint any ( local lodge with a handsomely framed cial after the 31st of December. The i picture of all the" • Past Grancls of the old -council practically chases to have' order. The presentation was made. in any power between the firstday of the month and the sitting of the new body. on the second Monday, which may be as early as the eighth, or as late as the fourteen' h. Another amendment re- quires city and town deputy returning officers to proceed directly from the polling place to the clerk's office with on their last meeting night. A pleasan evening was spent. After routine recognition of past favors from the Exeter brethren to the Hensall lodge. An oyster supper brought the even- ine's proceedings to a close. ' The social and en r a' „te t ,anent in the. school hall of the Trivitt Memorial church on Tuesday evening was a suc- cess beyond expectations. The hall the ballot boxes; on no consideration was filled to overflowing, while the 1 taking the raox to their home: program was one of the bestresent • ed for some tune on a similar occasion. Miss Gill's department in. the public Every selection was well chosen and echool was closed this week on accountsplendidly lendidl n w , p y rendered. The elergymeo of the teacher's illness. The Leamington Post has donned a of the village were present and 7each ave pithy rnterestin addresses. The iiow Are You. Fixed in the way of winter wear ? Have You just what , yourequire to protect - you against + WINTER WEATHER± Come and see the Woollens, the Underwear, the Over- coats, Fur Coats, Furs, and every thing in that line. You cannat complain of prices, Quality and assortment for we have just what you need to keep out the at- tacks of the ice man now -a -days. Crockery See our Dinner setts, the cheapest we have ever shown. Grocery department complete. Boots and Shoes full stock. Carling Bros. Highest pr ices paid for Produce. W. Robins, of Staffa,'±vas the guest of Miss Morgan, Sunday. John spent Sunday visit- ing friends in Goderich, Dir. J. P. Noss had a valuable over-. 'coat stolen from the office of the Man- ning House, Windsor, last week. The pockets contained many valuable papers in connection with his insur- ance work. The coat has since been recovered by the detectives. The first accident at the Kensington Furniture Factory, Goderich, occurred on Monday evening, when Lester Cur- ren had the misfortune to have the thumb and half of the index finger eut off. The sufferer had the injured member attended by Dr. Thompson, late of Hensall. A fire, attended with fatal con- segnences, oceurred Sunday on the farm of Michael Peraelis, about four miles south-east of Tavistock, in East Zama, about seven o'clock: ia:,the even- ing. His sixteen -year-old son, Lorne went to the barn to do the chores, and by some means set fire to the building. The youth bravely ran a buggy out of the building, and then undertook to take mit the horse from a lox stall in a distant corner. Here lie was evi- dently smothered and burned. allphis body was found where the stall had been, along with that of -the horse. '1'he 31st annual convention of the Provincial S. S. Association was held at London on Tuesday and Wednesday last The Secy's report showed a. very satisfactory growth. Ther increases were as follows : In '86 there were 3,077 schools with 35,149 officers and teachers, and 495,746 scholars. while the income or the Association was $2,- 287 ; 1896, there were 5,0T9 schools, with 40,610 officers and teachers, and 42:3,616 scholars ; tlx: income of the Association being $4,200. This shows, at the present time, a Sabbath School for every 350 of the Protestant pop- ulation, and nearly 28 per cent: of such population enrolled in these schools. The Treasurer's report showed '1 otal receipts of $4,200, and disbursements of 54,268. Outstanding liabilities snake a deficit of $831. The sixth annual convention of the Huron Lay Workers, of the Anglican church, was held in Clinton last week. Those presentfrom Exeter were I Rev. Horace Bray, Mrs. Kemp, Miss Hynde man, Miss Drew, Mrs. T. and Mrs. A. Snell, Mrs. Frank Knight, Mrs. Hawk- shaw, Miss Hardy, Miss Bowden, Miss M. Jeckeil, Miss Kemp, Miss Sweet, Miss Dennis, Miss:Dyer, Mr. McKimm, Mr. Eden and Mrs. T. W. Hawkshaw,. It I was a very successful convention. on . Following are the officers a pointe for the ensuing year :—President, the Bishop of Huron; vice-president, the Dean of Heron (ex -officio); lay. vice- president, Mr. Charles Jenkins ; chair- man of cmomittee; Principal Dymond. Sec.-Treas., J. M. McWhinney ; Com- mittee of Management„ Brant Co.. A. K. Bunnell; Bruce, G. A. Rays; Elgin, Judge Ernatinger; Essex, Jasper Golden; Grey, J. Robinson ; Huron, T, O. Ketup ; Kent, T. Burnside ; 'Lamb - ton, F. Kenward ; Middlesex, V. Cronyn ; Norfolk, J. D. Christie; Ox- ford, Jas. Dent ; Perth, S. R. Hesson ; Waterloo, Jas. Woods. HANDSOME FEATURES. Sometimes unsightly blotches, pim- ples or sallow opaque . skin, destroys the attractiveness of handsome feat- ures. In all such cases Scott's Emul- sion will build- up the system and im- part freshness and beauty. .n,T.,,.ar.p,..FiU"4]p'E,;.vC.•Y"o .•m:Tmn!•+3.7,1� iy�•F,.,Fda J. AT a Clarke's WNW. MI.1.1aantoralfilewa.naleMiee You can purchase first class articles in the following lines Mens' Ulster Overcoats, BoYs' Overcoats andU lst ers Mens' - and Boys' Suits, Youihs' and, -• Child rens' Suits, Mens' Heavy Etoffe Pants, Mens' Smocks "and Pants in Cottonade, Mens' :top, shirts, fine quality and coarser, Meris' and Boyi' s' Underclothin, Underclothing,. Mens' Caps of all kinds, Socks, Mits, Braces, Neckwear,' Collars and Cuffs, B ,ots and Shoes. FarmP roduce taken in ex- change for goods: We want i,- 000 dozen of eggs gs fresh,ixc a dozen at J. P Clarice's. Sheriff Iler, of Windsor, put up twenty of Sol. White's horses for sale, but the bidding was so poor that only four were sold. The thoroughbred horse Brennock, for instance, was^sold . -. for $60, although he brought $250 the last time he passed through the sher- iff's hands. THE WHOLE STORY Of the great sales attained and great cures accomplished by Hood's Sar- saparilla. is quickly told, It purifies and enriches the blood, tones the stomach and gives strength and vigor. Disease cannot enter the system fortified by the rich, red blood which comes by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and 1 do not purge, biliousness. All drug- gists. 25c. CALL AT Ti --1E �E HVTONER SHOP See those 1, an2 pound bowels of Head Cheese. Just what you want for tea ? Pure Lard A Secially; Lard put up in 1, 2, 3, 4, b. 10, 20 or • 50 lb. packages to suit all parties. Fries, Bologna, Fresh Pork, choice Beef, Sugar cured Ham and Bacon. all: kinds of Poultry in season, Tripe, ee Lined Werit and Sausage Rolls.pat.. lowest cash prices. Give Us -A Cala And be "convinced that we keep nothing but first' class goods. Orders delivered at all times, One Door S lith of Ccn.traeal Hotee. L. DAY. J1HNSTON This week I bought some clearing lines at snap prices. Lot la 25 Ladies' medium priced stylish ` Mant les at 30% reduction. A large range 6,1 Mens', and Youths;' . `clothing at a reduct - ion of 25% - Lot 3. A cheap lot of Men's all woQ under- wear and top Sheets. If you are in need of any of the above goods you can save the retailer's profits. Highest prigs paid for But-- terEggs and Dried Apples. gg I p G. G. JOHNSTON