HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-10-1, Page 1e
e "
Trimmings FINE
We have an
elegant assort-
ment of the
very newest
3 goods,
41- go,oscain
Col -
1 Small
GYM Battens,
Large Fancy
Buttons Sets
and Sequins,
Printed Vel-
vet, etc, 'etc.
We mean thyoo shall know whet,
a greed Dress Goods stock we have.
Never mind have been's. It is eow
and the clays to come, time we mean
to make you think of. We intend to
.so eboose for you, buy for you, that
whenever you want Fine Dress Goods,
Medium Priced Dress Goods, -any
I.sort of Dress Goods above the mean,
slienay sort -that this store will come
to your mind, .
These as an Introduction:
At 25c-Fency Tweed. Effects and. a
fall range of all Wool Serges. •
At 30 and 40c -Pretty Shot figured ef-
fects and. Plaids.
At 50c -A high range in Tweeds,
Checks, Serge% Lastrea Cash-
At 75c-Mohairs, Tweeds, Sicilians,
At $1 to $2-Pierola Mobairs, and
other gemsof the weaver's art.
R. S. FORD •& CO.
Bayfield. .
Saxons. -There have been two forte -
rats to the Bandield cemetery during the
past week. The first, was that ot Mrs.
Connor, the aged widow ofthe late W.
W. Conner, who is said to have been
over ninety years of age. The second
was that of Miss Matilda Dowsen, of
the Babylon Line, whose unexpected
death occierred on Taesday. Miss
Dowsen Wel been, ili ouly a, short time,
and her many friends in Stanley heard
with sorrow of her early demise. She
was only 24 years of age, -Mr. John
Ferguson, jr.'has purchased the val-
uable lot ou the corner opposite the
River hotel. Mr. T. J. Marks has add-
od theeeeetern portion of the block to
the peoperty on which his residence
stands ; it formerly belonged to the
Connor estate. The last of the Ebev•
berth estate has been disposed of, con-
sisting of some eleven acres, on the
lake bank, and two lots on Main St.,
near the English church rectory. We
understand that Mr. Marks has secur-
ed the property near the River hotel,
at present occupied by Wm. Wood.
John Williamson, a resident of God-
orich, died at the London Asylum this
• week.
Nellie Bruce, the fast Aitsa, Craig
mare, has won sixteen races this year
and lost none.
The Watford village council offers a
reward of $25 for the conviction of
persons selling diseased meat.
Stratford's new fire alarm system is
about completed. It cost $2,060, and
provides for fourteen boxes.
The General Assembly of the Pres-
byterian Cher& set apart last Sabbath
_as Children's day. The congregation
of Cavell Church eegarded it as such.
Only the sufferer know e the misery
cif dyspepsia, but Hood's Sarsaparilla
cures the most stubborn cases of this
Hay Council.
Council met pursuant to adjourae
xnent, on Monday Sept. 28th. All
members present, the minutes of last
meeting were read and adopted. -The
Clerk was instructed to enter all
statute labor as undone in. the Col-
lector's Roll against the parties.-Tbe
Collector's bond was signed and. re-
ceived as satisfactory. ----The following
amounts were ordered to be paid
H'y 1Vtagel contact for gravel, 0 R.,
$49.95; L. Wigand rep culvert and
lumber, $2.40; Chas. Greb harboring
tramps, 75c ; J. Laporte 2 culverts and
Port Hope (Special) Sept. 28. -No
case of recovery from serious illness
that has ever occurred in this corn-
nninity has caused as ranch talk as
that of our esteenaed fellow townsman
Mr. George 0. Ward, Registrar of this
•Couney, residing here. For some time
it :: n. been well known to his inti-
ealitelriencls that he was a sufferer
frone kidney disorder. But for the
past year he grew worse and all efforts
to Tegain his strength were without
.avail. He is now cured, as he says, by
rising eight boxes of Docid's Kidney
Pills and is as well as epee he was in
, his life. .
Fol owing are the market qnotations.
Wheat Oto 62
Baxley 20 to 26
Oats 16 to 17
Peas 3.5 to 38
Hay $7.00 to ae.00
Butter...... .......... to 12
Fags 11 to 11
Timothy seed...... ....S2.60 to $2.76
Oloverseed- -85,50 to $6.76
BRIEFS. -Miss Rosa, Evans, of Mit-
chell, visited her many lady friends
in town last week. All were pleased
to see their former associate. -T. J.
Berry and Will Robinson havo re-
turned home from the Old Country,
spikes, $8.25; Oh. Either lainber grant, Mr. Berry. reports a profitable trip.-
Zurich, $9.65 ; Geo Spackrarearep cul- Ovveri-Greeger has moved his family to
vert, L. It., $3 ; R. Bullard. calved, Hensall. It will be inore suitable for
Hensall, $2, -Council will meet again him since the greater part of his thee
on Menday, Oct. 26th at 10 o'elock a. is taken up at the flax mill. We wel-
m. " FEED HESS, Sn., Clerk.
ItInanneeinx OPENING. - The fall
millinery opening of R. S. Ford 4
Co's was held iast week, and as usual -John Reikert and wife, of Zarich,
had large crowds of visitors as well as visited friends in town on Monday.
customers. The displays were grand, They were accompanied by Miss Nel-
The hats are mach nicer than ever he Palmer, who will visit friends here
shown before and many orders were for a few days, prior to going to De -
taken. They show a full assortment of troit, wheia she will engage at dress
Sailors, English Walking Hats, Tur- making, -Mr. Hawk occupied the
comeildr. term er'sfainilytoithe village,
--An infant of Rev, Waddell, has been
very ill the past week. -James Hor-
ton has returned from. theOlci Country
with several fine specimens of Clydes-
dale horses. -Corn Cook and. James
Bonthron visited Lucien on Sunday.
bans, Teepees, Bonnets, etc. Their
stock of Dress Goods, Mantles, Gapes
and Furs is larger than ever carried
before, and they have little difficulty
in suiting all classes of customers.
They are, buying more goods every
year direct from the makers, and of
course this helps to keep rices right.
pulpit in the Methodist church Sun-
day evening last and preached to a
large congregation. -Dr. Thompson is
getting along nicely in Goderich-T,
Murdock and wife visited friends in
Goderich last week. --The Epworth
League of the Methodist church gave
an open entertainment Monday even -
An inspection a their stock will repay ,ing, at which Caere was a large attend -
anyone. lance. The program wan a splendid
Bitinns.-We are sorry to learn that one. -Dr. Ferguson's new house is fast
nearing completion. -Rev. Kerr is con -
since Mr. Wreford went t ) his home
ducting revival meetings at Sexsinith,
in Stratford, helhas been stricken down
hopwith good results. --Miss Roach, of
with typhoid fever, we e to soon
hear of his recovery. ---Mr. McKernan Detroit, is visiting Miss Cook. -Mrs.
intends securinganother wagon -maker
during Mr. Wreford's absence. - ,
The !Tee Main street is being gravelled with
Epworth League intends holding their 'rocks that make teavelveryuripleasant. Granton.
Literary Meeting on Friday evening
, Barns is visiting friends in London.-
morning the citizens were surprised to
learn of the amide% and unexpected
death of Mrs. .Taraes Gullett Mr. Gal -
lett bad gone to light, the fire. He re-
turned to the bedroom in a few min-
utes, when to his surprise, he found
the lifeless body of his wife. Deceased
had been in good health, and was
about 70 years of age. They came to
Kippen from Staffa, and for a number
of years previously lived at Farquhar.
Bniuns.-Mie Fred. ailliespie, of
Exeter, was the guest of Miss Mary
Handford. -Mrs. A. Robinson is visit-
ing friends bere.-The other night
some person entered the station and
secured about $3.40. -The Epworth
League concert, that was to be held on
Tuesday evening, has been postponed
until to -night (Thursday.) Every pre-
paration is being made to make etaaa
success. Tea will be served. A first
class program is being prepared. Come
and enjoy a rare treat.
Bitenns.-eThe O. E. -Ball on Friday
last was a grand. success, The supper
part was not quite up to expectations.
The managers being disappointed in
not getting the quantity of oysters or-
dered. so that there was a scarcity of
those things. Music was furnished by
the Zurich Striug Baca and was all
that could be desired.. -Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Park, sr, purpoee leaving on
Tuesday,on a. visit to Calends in Lanark
and Carleton Counties. -,-- Donald Aft -
Kellar is moving this week to his farm
in Tuckerseattia.-Alf. Miller, of To-
ronto, is home spendiug a few days
with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas,
Miller, ot this piece.
next (Oct. 2nd). It is to take the form
of a "Quotation Contest" and will no I
'Messrs Johnson have resumed their woolen
doubt be very interestiug.-Mr. Geo. , business tiit •
new promises, and are now ere.
Rivers, of Sarnia, i'svisitinghisbrother ; pared. lei carding, spinet% eto., ne usual.
. Fun lines
blanketing,and a siLialty or yarns.
Dr. Rivers, for a few days previous !MITtazicaa Paw. for w
to his oing to Toronto University for lt, will pa you to ea at the Woolen mill
store, Air eh.
WEDDING Bnaes.--The wedding of
Edward Zeller, son of our respected
with his brother for -cheapest two years . Division Caart, Clerk, M. Zeller, and
has secured a good sit with McDonald !Miss Mabel Marshall, both of Merlin,
Bros. of i Petrolia. William Edwards !Kent Co., took plaee at the residence
has taken his place here. -Messrs, Wm. of the bride's parents, ou the 22nd ult.
and. Ames Doupe, Alex. Sinchtin, The groom was supported by W. W.
Rob't Neal, Frank Ballentyne, and . Windily, while Miss Geordie Marshall,
.Thos. Blake left on Monday for the sister of the bride,acted as bridesmaid.
lumber woods. , We hope they win The ceremony took place in the pres-
be successful in securing work. 1 ence of a levee circle of relatives and
the fal terna-Mrs. Geo. Case, Toronto,
is visiting at Mr. Ford's. - Mr. Amos
Ford, who has been in the store here
Baearn -N. Battrick, of Harniltou,
is visiting his old friends in Stara and
Hibbert this week. -The wind storm
1 friends,: The bride is an estimable
lyoung lady and. she may be compli-
mented on securing so popular it
young man as Mr. Zeller. Socially
and in business he has the happy fac-
ulty of winning friends, and -being
possessed of great force of character,
played tremendous havoc with the I makes him permanently populineYoar
apples, the grouted. in manyplaces being -correspondent joins it host of friends
literally covered. with the fallen. 5dc. Ihere in wishing the young couple long
life and happiness and unbounded suc-
cess in business.
per barrel being the current price paid
for the choicest winter fruit, the far-
mer having to pick and. place them by
the tree stock, board the men while
barreling them, and then draw them to
the market. If there be any chance
for the farmer to get rich at that rate
it must be a man with penetrating
"specks" that can discern it. If nothing
more hopeful than that appears we
shall soon require the Conservative
Grovernrnent to come back to power so
as to revive trade and enhance prices.
--The fall wheat is looking first class,
so that the hard toiler of soil is inspir-
ed and hopeful when he sees bright
visions of coming wealth. Prices are
• •
stiffening. -Mrs. McVay was organist
in the Methodist church last Sabbath
and evinced considerable ability ha
manipulating the inusical ma.chine.-
Mrs. F. Haanbley who for a long time
has been seriously indisposed. to the
surprise of all is much better. -A flock
of ducks and. drakes were seen on Tues-
day morning, and together with recent
sharp frost is taken as a sign of coming
winter. -Mr. Bryan, of Farquhar,
late of Kirkton, is shortly to become a
denizen of our burg in alliance with F.
D. Hutchinson's store. We hail him
vvelcome. - Mr. Drake has saki. his
sorrel horse boaght last year at con-
sidera,ble advance in price. The price
of horse flesh is improving Or Mark
knows when to buy and when to sell. -
A gentleman hailing from Kirkton last
week dropped a $2 bill which had. been
raised to $10 at Mr. Hislop's store,
Oromarty,, getting over 591. change.
But he eeceoned without his hat if
thonght the matter was to end there.
Detective Drake with a couple of assist-
a,nts soon ran him down -causing him
to regret his too great love of pelf.
Fall -
*4 Is Where to Buy Your .31; P.111
,1896 + Fall and Wirriore Goods 1896
Saving most mon.ey-, and we can assure you that you can
,do it with us right' hero. Try us.
A grand Exhibition.
g Choibe, Big Bargains
Pay a visit and sec what we can do for you.
- Everybody Welcome.
1B117t0 'F? .1F,,,F2,1' ER,
tot.fai Ica calm.. 4
BRIEFS.—The Hay. Township Coun-
cil met Monday, and transacted the
necessary blisiness. Chas. Troyer is
the collector of taxes for 1896. -Ed.
Zeller and bride spent a, part of their
honey -moon with friends in the vill-
age. Ed. is an old Zurich boy, and is
130W conducting a general store in
Merlin, Kent Co. His many friends
here were pleased to see him, and have
the pleasure of meetin,g his estimable
helpanate.-The fax merchants report
a poor outlook for this season's crop.
This is to be regretted, as the fax in-
dustry in this township is valuable
financial aid to the working class. -
Geo. Sthellig, insurance agent, left
Saturday for Chicago, where he has
secured. it good situation. We wish
George evvry prosperity in his new
field. ---The Zurich road is receiving a.
coat of gravel, which renders travel-
ling somewhat unpleasant. -Messrs.
Johnston have got into their new
woollen store. The building is a neat
one, and a credit to the village. -Geo.
Buchanan, who has been spending his
summer holidays under the parental
roof, returned to Toronto to finish his
course at the University-. Success
Geo. -Mr. and Mrs.Edinund Zeller, re-
turned home Tuesday morning after
spending a few days with Mrs. Zel-
lers parents and friends. -The World's
Fair is over and the day was all that
could be desired, and a large crowd of
people were in attendance. The con-
cert in the evening; was well attended,
butpeople was somewhat disappointed,
it not coming up to expectations. -
We are pleased to.say Miss Ida Brill is
recovering from. her recent Meek. --
Miss Lycla Faust, who has been attend-
BRIEFS. — IndiVidizaiS anxious for
work are inquiring why our trustee
hoard, or some member thereof, failed
to materialize on the evening they ad-
vertised for letting contracts cm the
school gammas'. Perhaps the chaiiirtan
of the board can make satisfactory
explanation. - jas. MCGOWan. and
family intend. moving into town short-
ly. -W. Brown has commenced the
erection of it residenee on his farm,
north of the village.-Onr Methodist
people have their harvest home ser-
vices and. entertaiament billed for
next Sunday and Monday, Dr.. Lang
to preside on -Monday evening, - Our
agricultural exhibition will be held.
this yearen Oct. 12 aud 13.
Bnaves.-Bert Taylor, Wine has been
spending a few days at homeleaves on
Friday .of this week for Indianapolis,
Ind., to attend the dental college. -Dr.
Geo. More, o•f this place, -has hung out
his shingle in Hawksville, having par -
chased the walked Woodward.
-C. A,. Clark,' of Brookedale, has been
engaged during the past week in put-
ting in cement floors for Silas Shier,
Amos Delve and W. H. Marshall. He
is a hustler. -Mrs. Albert Kirk and
Perth County' Notes.
Stratford's rate is 21 mills,
J. P. Rogers, St. Marys left on Fri-
day morning for Nelson,,B, 0,
The Perthllouse of Refuge will be
opened 1st December.
Blanshard Cooed' made a grant of
$20 to the South Perth Agricultural
Huron °minty Notee. .
A. Innis, has returned 'with several it
entire horses from the old country.
ing from a severe attack of 'lumbago. 1
John Ratisford, of Clinton is suffer,- , THE FINEsT,
The August make of cheese at the I
SnaunerhillfaCtOry wassold at Doper lb.
rn.... J. Y. MeTea,ehlin, of Auburn, has Selections of Window Shades in this
society. IP:night out the practice of Dr. Lumby, town can be found at the Market
inaproving much, as he has just suffeee
H. .7. Iliariburt, of Mitchell, is not ,l!fe0.,Thloesn.cso.ev.
idean, of Goderich, has a Scotiore. 71 e.. can snit you, in quality,
JOHN x ere ,
Mr, Byers, caretaker of a Public
School at Stratford, died froman over-
dose of laudanum,
Perth County Council disapprove of
the uew County Council Act and. ask
that it he repealed. . •
Mr. Scott, of Stratford, was thrown.
from a rig near Listowel, and had his
tomato that weighs two pounds one
ouRneeve..:and Mrs, Ford, ofiClinton, leave
this week on a two weeks' visit to
chAicarage°;e,y-go .
-round pitched tent in
Clinton, this week end had to pay $20.
for four days.
At tennis Clinton beat Winghara 5
to I. Glinton also beat Goderich 6 to
collar bone broken.
A young man was lined at theStrate 3. Such is fame and expert Playing.
ford police force for eoficiting drink The many friends of l‘fr. Fade of
Benefield, wilt be sorry to learn. that
during prohibinel. lionrs. •
The Orangetuee, of Woodhatte have he is at present, in very poor health.
decided to hold their mantled t^celebrat- ex?Aginneeiws b7e5inhgorvelle-tpepiwtoer thheighmsepetexeide
iota on the 5th of November.
ed in S. S. - o. 7, Blanshard, for 1800
Miss Maggie McGowan, as re.ongag- Light worSteep,ks
applest81 iTxt •Qpno 'rt rt ee Pd° rbt;
at $400 and Miss Goalclitegat $200, somej4fs that
Wm. Jeffrey bas sold Insfarm on the will net the farmer $1.52 a barrel.
lath con. E. Nissouri, to two of his VV. Ce,l)anclits has sold his hundre.d
We have the very newest in
LADIES' Bletck end 'r*I*1
Oxftet-cil Steceess
Prices 15e. $1, $L25, $1.60, 51.1k •
mul $2,24.
Turnip Seed.
Skirving's P. Top, Hairs Westbur,
Elephant or Monarch, Sutton s
Champion, All at prices away
J. P. Ross
neighbors, John Sutherland and Geo. acre farm, lot 1, con. 1, North Dor- The Fall Fairs.
Snetsinger, chester, to Thos Huntley, of the same
Mrs. Morrison, who was throw from neighborhood.
Grand Master Gibson, ofthelA.F. and.
A.M., has appointed Mr. A. J. Hollo-
way, Clinton, grand stewed forlduron
di strict.
John Avery, of the London road,
Tuckersmith and Miss Turnbull, of Me-
Killop were married or' Wednesday
Geo. Stephenson, of Constance, who
was so badly kicked by a, horse a. few
weeks ago es now able to be out
the buggy near St. Marys, has not
been able to leave her bed. since the
K. W. liVhitehearl, undertaker of
Thorndide secured an Ontario Aesoci-
ation diploma the examination in
London last week.
Mr, And'. Thompson, Welburn, has
purchased the Stennet farm, 01 acres,
lot 27, Thames con, l3lansliard for
, •
A tramp stole a pair of hoots from again.
Mr. J. M. Scott, of the Royal Hotel, Mr. Peter Cook has sold his farm on
Stratford, and was captured St. the 7th con., Ooderich township, to Middlesex County Notes
Ja. es Cox f Po ter" HUI f th
Burglars effected an entrance into sem af
Name and Where Held, Date.
St. Mary's, St. Mary's....Oct. 0-7.
Blanshard, Kirkton Oct. 8-9.
N. Perth, Stratford .Oct. 1-2.
llibbert, Staffa, ..0et. 1-2
Biddalph, Gram ni........Oct, 1243
other day a boy earned Woods, lisle
near Beyfield, sina, another freak 0
nature in the shape, cd a white black
squire eine ie. , .
Marys, and sent to jail for his theft. di , n s ca e
Fraser and D. Farrow at Stratford on
the residence of P. R. Jarvis, J. m. Ogle Cooper, of Clinton, has broken
the record. Whileoutnaushroom hunt-
Thineda ei ht The onl succeeded ing one day last weeg he secured a
Yg. Y
retting $o in all.
puff -ball 43 by 48?; inches.
The Hibbert council met in Sept 21st. The recent heavy wind caused .a loss
There were bat two applicants for of nearly $100 to the Macpherson de
Hovey Co., Clinton, by blewing over the office of collector, and. Mr. J. A.
the smoke stack on their foundry. Norris was appointed, and. a by-law
passed to cord:tem it.
After an existence of three months
• .
meet in Miteinell on October 20
tee for 'eel to the great bevond. The cause of :
the Maitland. Observer, published at
Wroxeter by Allen M. Brock,has pass -
.A. number of thedeutal practitioners
of Perth and- Huron are expected 50
the.pnepose of organizing a dental as-
sociation fcir the two counties. .
Miss Louisa Shaw,, who has been
sabstituting. for Mr. 'Williamson, Mit-
ehelll eon the public khool staffduring
the past week, has got an appoint-
ment in high school work in the
village of Drayton.
AMos Ford, who has been working
• in the store, .at Woodham, for the
past two years, left on Tieesday for
Petrone, where he has secured a good
sit in MacDonald Bros.' large clothing
G. T. R. conductor M. M, Macken-
zie, of Stretferd, mourns the loss of
his mother, who died at the age of 81
years, 3 months and. 5 days. Mrs.
Mackenziewas an old resident of the
town of Sarnia, haying resided there
some 32 years.
An event al more than ordinary in-
terest was the =triage on Thursday
dafternoon, September lith, of Miss
San, of e& an Cl
a., •were visitmen re-
latives here last week. -Arthur Beatty, Lyndia, Rohfrietele eldest, daughter of -
John Rohfrietch, Esq., of Fullerton
B. A. Ph. D., left on Wedeiesdey of
this week for Toronto to attend the township, to the Rev. S. Neeb, of
school of Pedagogy. -:-Wm. Beatty left Detroit city, Minnesota.
last week for the Manitoulan Island. He
will remain there for it week or two,
but does not intend to move his family
there for the preseht -Miss Lizzie
Kink has gone to Toronto to spend a
few months. -Don't forget our fair
Thursday and Friddny of next week.
(*rand Rend.
BBIEFS.—The wen -1•ter has been very
fine of late, ancl the fall wheat is mak-
ing rapid growth. ;t will have au ex-
eellent top before the ,.'old weather sets
Fallis and wife, returned
home on Friday last, after a week's
visit a,t Cranbrook.--Mrs. W. B. Fallis
and two children, and Miss Aggie Ful-
ton, returned home on Saturday, after
spending a month visiting friends in
Michigan. -Mr. Rumford' is pushing
along his house and will soon have it
completed. It will then be more con-
venient for him to look aftee his gar-
den.-Aople packing is the rush now,
as the crop is very heavy a •takes it lot
of handling. Fifty cents per bbl. is
the price being paid. Mr. Hamilton
had one (tree that he picked eleven
barrels of good. f miS afterbeing culled.
-Mise Sophrona, Tetreau is away holi-
dayiug. itt present -Mr. John Munroe
and wife, of Sarnia, have returned. for
another visit at the ,-Grand Bend. This
same couple spent ee .i weeks here in
ing the Y. P. S. convention, has re- the earlier part or. the seasone-Mr.
, -
Sat -
turned home. -Misses Tillie and Addle Skippen lost a nine young cow on Sat-
urcla,y.-Mrs. Gill 1eb here on Tuesday
ntends returning
Johnston, as well as Mr. Henry Duna -
art, sr., his daughter Lizzie, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Schroeder and Miss Mag-
gio Holtzman are in Berlin this week
attending the Kermas.-Miss Tillie
Brenner has been in the village the
guest of her uncle,. H. Randall. -Miss
Mary Randall is once more at home
after a summer spent at the Bend. -
The town is dull after the fair. --
Weather very unsettled at present. -
Apple picking is the order of the day.
m. Uttley, head engineer in J. A.
Williams' grist mill, was greatly sur-
prised on the 16111i ult., by having the
joyful nt3WS that a young daughter
was at the house.-Iry. Duinert, jr.,
of the firm of Dumart and Co., has
sold his well bred yearling goats to it
northern stock dealer for it handsome
SUM -Fred Seigner is visiting friends
in Walkerton this week. -Ed. J.
Hagan attended Seaforth fair. -Laura
Williams is visiting friends in Middle-
sex county.
County Constable Boyd. is investigat-
ing a -fire at St Marys, where a hotel
vvas burned down. The insurance com-
panies are not satisfied with the ex-
planation e elven. and have refueed to
p 1.3* LAO il 1,44 LC 1,10,
for Ailsa Craig, but
BEIEFs.-Frecl Delbriclge, of Us -
borne, is engaged ratting la it cement
floor for a cow stable for John Pedlar.
-Farmers are all busy inaproving their
farms, making gravel roads, so as to
give better access to their fields of
labor. -Nelson Kestlers brick house ma
She hill is nearing completion, which
will be not only it credit to the place,
but a standing monument of beauty
for some tame to cornea -Sohn Roesse-
ler lost a valuable horse this week. -
Apples are in abundance and of good
quality. Packing and shipping is de-
layed soniewhat on a:1count of scarcity
of barreln-A nuteifter of SharoniteS
attended the harvest home festival at
Ebenezer on Thursday ,evening last. -
The time was inuch enjoyed by meet-
ing with old friends ceral making new
ones. -Mrs. James Holt, and two
daughters, of Newbury, were the
Thos. 8. Byers, caretaker of Romeo
Ward School, Stratford, died Thurs- tereet to Ashley Sayles, formerly
day from the effects of an overdose of proprietor of the Western Hotel. The
laudanum. He had been in the habit consideration was 81,090. Mr. Mar-
a taking laudanum to allay pain, but sden will return to Ingersoll. Mr.
finally took too much of it. Ile was it Marsden formerly ran the Albion
very old resident of Stratford. hotel, Goderich.
Our readers will regret to bear of the Miss Tillie Don -son-, of Stanley,
death of Mr. Wicket,- father of Mrs. died on Thursday after eight days ill -
Geo. White, 10tb. con., Blaushard and
of Mrs. Noah Wass, of Granton, at his
home in Toronto, on Sunday. He was
seventy-five years of age and au old
and respected resident of the district.
On Wednesday morning one of St.
There are many of the old -tune
St. Mary's most peprdar young Men and
one of her fairest daughters
were friends of Dr. Marshall Elliott, former -
united. inthe holy bonds of matrimony. ly of Goderich township, who will re -
The groom was Mr. James A. Mc-
gret exceedingly to learn of his death,
Laren, merchant tailor, Q neon street, whieh occurred at Aberdeen, Dak.,
from consumption, on the leth inst.
and the bride, Miss Allie M. Uren
Depeased leas a promising young man
daughter of Mr james Uren, of Lon -
of 37 years, who had worked up an ex-
death was lack of fmaacial food. '
Patrick Gunn, father of Mr. Peter
Gunn,. of Ben, niller, died on Saturday.
He was ill for quite it long time, but
still death occurred sooner than was
expected. He was an old and respect-
ed resident of that vicinity.
The Big Mill, at Goderich, stopped
running last week and a number of time
hands were discharged, though the
establishinexit ie not yet .closed. It is
•said, however, that as socmn as all the
flour ie Clearedoat, the &were will, be
closed. foi good.
On Saturday at W. Stanley's,
Hohnesville, Rev. J. W. Andrews, of
Londesboro, assisted by Rev. 0. W.
Andrews, united in the holy bonds of
matrimony Mr. James:Stanley, of
Constance,!and Mrs, Young,of Christie,
North Dakota.
The champion baseball match •at
Seaforth on Monday., between Gode-
rich and the Gorrie-Wroxeter Unions,
was won by. tb.e Goderich club. The
latter have beaten their opponents two
out of three games. The score on
Monday was 5 to 13.
J. W. Marsden, of the Commercial
Hotel, Brantford, has soid.out his in-
ness. The deceased was au estimable
young woman, daughter of Mr. Henry
Dowson, eon. 9, Stanley. Her age
was 25 years and 11 months.. The im-
mediate cause of death Was inflam-
mation of the lungs.
tensive practice in the west.
Mr. Williamson, who was
on the school teac
engaged Miss Annie Stewart, daughter of
public hing staff he
Mitchell for the .model term, has been
compelled to give up his school on ac-
count of illness. He left for his home
in Tilsonburg on Wednesday and Mr.
W. McClellan has been given charge
of the department for the rest. of the
The Perth county House of Peefuge
is noev nearing completion. Already
the structure is under cover. The
new building is located to the west of
the city of Stiatford within it short
distance of the Hospital. From an
architectural point of view it is one of
the finest buildings in the city. The
basement and coursiug is of St. Marys
stone, the body of the building wbite over on the bed, where she was found.
brick, and the roof slate, with trim- On Saturday the stable, driving and
inings of the Credit Valley brown hay house of W. H. Gregg, near Gor-
stone. The height hymn the base to rie, were destroyed by fire. The bnild-
the top of the tower is 70 feet, from
the basement floor to the roof 55 feet.
The frontage is 121 feet and the depth
46 feet, in addition to evhich there are
two wings at the rear, one 33 x 30 feet
and another 17 x 20 feet. The
largest annex will be used as a kitchen
and bed rooms and. the smaller one as
a laundry. The basement and ground
floors contain about 25 rooms eaeh.
The apartments in the basement are
divided into dining rooms cellars, cells
toilet rooms, lavatories smoking room,
pantry, la,undry, boilerromn, coal bins,
etc. The diningrooras are the largest
the size being about 18 x 33. On the
e.,•round floor the . main rooms eve for
(ley apartments. The manager's room
boarding room, and dispeneary are on
guests of her brother, Ma Thos Amoy, the floor. On the next floor there are
They have since returned to theie sixteen chembees ana a number of
home. --Mrs. Joseph Kestle, of Hay, closets ete. The ateic will be used as
Visited. her claughtea Mrs. Sohnson, of a store room. The contraCt price for
. . .
John Stewart, 4th con. of Stanley,
was an amiable young woman, highly
respected by all who had the pleasure
of her acquaintance. Till last spring
she was it healthy and. robust young
woman. In the spring, however, she
caught cold, which settled, on her lungs
and. she continued to decline until the
time of her death, last week.
Mrs. Mountain, of Lonclesboro, was
found dead. on Tuesday morning. She
lived. alone and has not been very well
for some time, but ou Monday evening
was no worse tiba,n usual. It seems
that she got up on Tuesday morning,
and while in the act of dressing the
silent messenger called, and. she fell
nags contained a large quantity of hay;
also machinery and a team of horses,
all of which were consumed. The fire
originated from it spark from King's
steam thresher. The buildings were
insured. Loss about $1,000.
After a long and tedious illness Mrs.
Kennard, of Benefield passed away
at the age of 65 years and 4 months.
Two of her daughters, Mrs. Cooper,
formerly- of Kincardine, ani.Mns
Maria, Kennard, of Bracelield, ..0 -
ceded het in death. She leaveabehind
her an aged pertner, one son and sii
daughters to mourn the death of a,
loving wife and mother.
A few days ago while James Seale.,
Clinton, was travelling in the eountry
he came across a farmer who had he
a cage what seems a paradoix-two
white black -birds; the farmer bad
secured them from a neat, and there
could be no question about them he
the new budding is $1000 longing to the black bird species. The
•,,.. „ , ,
, ,
• I,. ,
• •.i.e
Alex. Langford, Granton, lost two
horses from eating grain too heavily
"AluleexdattiTidseragG6iMn died Monday at his
home in London, aged 78 years. • De-
ceesed was horn in Bosconneon, Ire-
land, in 1818, and came to London in
There. are now only two of the
colored residents left of those who•
settled in Biddulph in 1830 -Peter But-
ler and sister, Mrs. Turner -and three
of the firstvebite settlers.
Jas. Patterson, the well known trea-
surer of the Nissouel Farmers'
Mutual Fire Insurance Co., bas
sold his fine farm on the. lith conces-
sion, East Nissouri, to Angus Sather -
land, his neighbor.
A very pretty wedding . was .cele -
heated in St. James' Church, Mende-
boye. an Wednesday. Sept. 16, where
Mr. Wm. Harper, the popular young
metope. house broker,. of Toronto, was
united en marrow to Miss Josie
Hatigins, youngest daughter of Mr. -
John Hodgins, ef Biddulph township.
A knot, in a scaffold board. proved. a
very coetly thing to Messrs. .7:name
and Charles Harding, of Ballymote,
the other day, being the cause Of on
accident which was attended with
very serious consequences. One had
his leg broken and the other several •
ribs ft -act -tired.
On Wednesday evening a quiet wed-
ding took plata, at the residence of .
Mr. Archibald McNeill, - Thames
Ave., when his daughter, Blanche, late
of Woodstock, was united in marriage, -
to Mr. Wm. Taylor of that town.
oAn.y Grant present. The the
ceremony, the immediate :Weeds and
happy couple left at 8 peneeor London ,
and Detroit. Their future home will -
be Woodstock.
The le -year-old daughter of Mrs.
Edward Edwards, of Stratford, died
at her home on Sunday morning from
inflammatory croup.
The Berlin customs office not having
been vacant for a year, the first a -
polutment - Mr. J. M. Scully -b d •
good, and. was appointed by the Gov-
ernor-General on Sept. 16, 1896. •
Miss Kitty Benton, of West York,
Ind., aged II years, died in Dr: Edwin.
Conklin's dental office fronethe effects
of anaesthetics and bleed ing. of the
gums on Wednesday. Just one year .
ago Miss Benton's twia sister died of
nose bleed, while celebrating her six-
teenth birthday auni versary. , •
ctiatise l';',11P8P .0.kr-HE
from Winter. Heavy goods Boots & Shoes.
to Spring and. summer -wear is now th or-
der of the day. If you need any oar stock
now complete. Many lines to select from and
at prices thab will satisfy you. In Mon's, Boys,
and Youths' Fine Goods everything is up to
date. Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' in Dongo-
las, Oxfords, Bals and buttons. We have
everything in stock that you require. Space .
will not permit ns to • quote prices. Call and
for see yonrself. 1/113RD0CX& CO
Eyer3r buyer of Furniture to call and
see us. We will saveyou money m
• HMG ROOM 8Et, Or IOC 1DO Kum
Weliave a large stock of Pie:titre
Frame Moulding on hand, also Win-
dow shades, at it bergain.,
Om. Undertaking Department is
complete. We guarantee satisfaction
in this liiee„ both in qteelity ancl peke.
Ouidning ' ow running
Fen blast. Parties 111 x
uiiteii0l, such as
should give us it call. 'We are
making 0. 'specialty of ,.'Wire
Doors just xiow made to order. '
HOOF'.FNIAN 113•ROS:‘,...;,;;A:
glidertakerg and Oontritef6