HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-9-24, Page 8E 516 GfiSti ATO Cash or Produce- , One One Price Only. We are ready with our new fall stock of New Dress cods, New Coats and Jackets, New Fall illinery. All open and ready for you. Our new fall stock is lovely. Come and inspect all the new things. J. A. STEWARTI U.SWEET, C E , VETEItINI..•It1: SURGEON. Mrs. G. Hazelwood, of Kirkton, has moved to Farquhar to her father's, 3fr. Bray. A communication from Bethesda is pret lied tae d, ,l kind or hire etuttint has been crowded out of this issue. It week.v Lira . will a ear nc teas ams,. xo:,,: ai anS e t ria ld , t l laP INSURANCE. :Nfr \V. liken, of St. Marys, carried off 1st and second prizes for honey at the Western Fair. RNEST ELLit.)'I' Chris Fahner, of Crediton, was a successful exhibitor in the swine class -E. • , . at the London at • ,saga. Lon i Fair. Agent torthetis .. 1,..i ua .^ (• I- s $airs >\c.. a t'A2iy, of 'rorouto ; also Feer the Phu. ix FIRE 11'-COri4VCt: COMPANY. of 1.ondou, l:nt;land aha Atues a INSCia & D COMPANY, of Eng and. A. O. F`: - Court Pries of Huron se. see, meet lin\hood's Han end and 4th Friday In each month visiting The receipts from the excursion to brethren are tor. the Model Farm, Guelph, the past +Batty invite3 to summer netted the South Huron attend: DANIE WOOD, Farmers' club over $100. C. n • Ono. ,.,., KEur, Seer. The Epworth League of Main St. • Methodist Church held a very pleasant Fmusical and literary entertainment on 5 Tuesday evening. Proceeds good. . Oil OUT000 13 Mrs Little-ohns, mow living with her son, in Chicago, fell the other day and broke the leg that was broken -about a year aro while she lived •h : Exeter. On Thursday the Auburn brewery wagon team while on Goderich Square, got frightened at something, and ran away spilling lager throughout the street. Russell Howard while riding a bicycle down street Wednesday morn- ing, accidentally collided with a buggy, breaking the bicycle badly and injuring himself considerably. Ladies i you can't afford to pass our dress goods. You have never seen valu:-s to surpass them. This is no advertisement without proof. Come and be convinced at J. P. Clarke's. We learn that Dr. McLaughlin has not sold his practice and going to leave Dashwood. The doctor referred to in the item BOOKS, STATIONARY, FTC'., the untylr and is] of the "" county,same name es in te northern art f The nerviest man on earth is a The Mart Exeter. resident of .Fails River, Mass. His wife died some time ago, and he re- • eently tried to marry his mother-in- law, but the authorities prevented l e a him. The death took place on Friday, llth inst., of David E. Smith, son of R. G. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2i, 1896. Smith of the firm of Smith & Burns 1St. Marys. About two years since the deceased in lifting a heavy weight brought on an attack of hemorrhage of the lungs which was followed at in - St. Marys is to have a system of waterworks, and the corporation have engaged Wm. Newman, of Windsor to make the survey. The (Central hotel, Parkhill, has this week exchanged hands, 3lr. Simpson, the proprietor, leasing it to Mr. RobleMcFalls, of Ailsa Craig. Croquet, Lawn Tennis, Hammocks. Base Ball. J. Grigg LOCAL ?°IAPPENINOS. The heavy frost Tuesday night tervels by others. wilted many a tender plant. Mr. Dalring, Kirkton, bas rented Dr. C. W. Thompson, of Granton Mrs. Cornish's farm in Fullerton. had a narrow escape on Friday last. He accidentally tripped over a, buggy Grain is being marketed) in large quantities in town lately. shaft coaling out of the stable and Windsor's rate is 23 mills, Walker- ville, 7; Alvinston, 10; Port Elgin, 23; St. Marys, 10/. falling, a sharp medical instrument, which he had in his hand, penetrated his side, striking on a rib. Had it not struck the rib the result would un - Wm. Somerville and wife, who have douhtedly have been fatal. been visiting at Kirkton, returned A pleasing affair took place at the to Keewatin this week. Episcopal church, Prospect Hill, on Wash. W. Collins, formerly of Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock, Exeter, has been appointed Provincial when Mr. Ambrose Powell, of Usborne organizer for the Chosen Friends. was united in marriage to Miss Kate We are pleased to notice that Mr• M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mossey, Henry Levett is able to be around on of Prospect Hill. The ceremony was the streets again aftera protracted performed by the Rev. Mr. Roy in the illness. Parkhill Independent.endent presence of some 30 invited ed u st s The Death has y again called away w one of theioneer p sof West Williams in the person of Mrs. Caroline Loomis, re- lict of Samson Loomis, at the age of 88 years. Mr. Thomas Murdock, a resident of In Goderich n- discount of two per Bidclul h and Lucan cent is P u n for the last 56 ce allowed . n all taxes paid in years, died. on Friday, the l.8th inst., October and on • res cent during No- at his residence. Main street-, Lucan, vernber; after 1 ;t -'a December interest aged70 years and four' months. His remains were convoyed to the Presby- terian cemetery on the Sauble Hill followed by 115 conveyances, besides a large number of pedestrians, show- ing the high esteem in which. he was held by friends and neighbors. Mr. Murdock raised a large family, ten in ntnnber, nine of whom remain be- hind to mourn his loss. His aged widow survives him. The daughters• are Mrs.' Alex McFall, Central Hotel, a tooh wassupported PUr ted bY hi s brother Harry Powell, while Miss Myrtle Branion, of Springfield, assisted the bride. at three per meet will be added. Mr. Peter r aisworth, of Brinsley, who was very, ill last week is a little better. His son William and .grand- son of Sault Ste. Marie and Mrs. Andrew MacAdam, of Michigan are visiting their father, Herbert Hampton, who was in the. c-nmploy.of Mr. John McKay, of the 8th concession, E. Nissouri, had the mis- fortune to be: thrown down and run over by a horse, injuring him so as to Lucan ; Mrs. Alex. young Atkinson, Bay render himunfit for labor. City, Mich;Mrs.JnoHoover, Clin- A son of Joh Essery,`U = ton; Mies. Richard Eacrett,Brantford 1 , borne, met with a very painful acci- and Mrs. Wesley Hawkshaw, Exeter. dent recently. The little fellow was the sons are Thornes, Hensll; Wm. playing around the barn yard, when a John, Bay City ; Hugh, in Lucan; m colt kicked hiin the face, breaking and Alexander, in.Hensall. The Rev. the lower jaw badly. , It will be some R. H. shaw, of Holy Trinity, Lucan, +.eks before be will. recover. ,conducted the funeral service. ``TB EXy `.l` EB TI 314 8 ......n.., _ F5 SK4-49. 1 4ii*..,... V .1,1P;4tiW,liY,,_ '--,-,,,, ,-,- WozneanrUr, GROwwH. - Reports from the townships are that there has been wonderful growth of grass and root crops the past few weeks and that excellent fall pasture is assured. So propitioushas been, the weather that many trees are again in blossom, and in many instances fruit -buds are to be seen. Ce nesi G FacTow NEP::, s. --What should prove to he one .., ;he best op- portunities to invest and the peo- ple of this vicinity. would be an up-to- date cannmg factory for fruits, We notice in a contemporary of a certain factory in a southern, comity, sending out the results by the car loads, We had pientyof fruit here this year to keep a large cannery running full time and even now large quantities of pears, tomatoes cucumbers, ete„ are going to waste. Such an establishment would not pay higher pxices.thanthose paid by our local dealers, but they would always have a ready market, and it would employ a number of hands aswell. MUs> tnooits.-This year there seems to be a great crop of mushrooms. Almost every morning citizens may be seen at an early hour wending their way to various points. This year the sample is not so easy as formerly to distinguish froth the toadstool, having less glee on the under side. and being lighter in color. A mushroom ac- cording to Webster, is anediblefungus (dgarites campestris.) having a white stock which bears a convex or even flattish expended portions called the piece. This is a whitish and silky or silky above, and bears on the side radiating gills which are at first flesh- colored, but gradually becomes brown. The plant grows in rich pastures and is poverbial for rapidity of growth and shortness of duration, It has a pleas- ant smell, and is largely used as food. It is also cultivated from spawn. The poisonous dstool is very deceptive and should be scrupulously avoided, STILL AT IT. --In the Divisional Court at Toronto, on Thursday last, before Meredith, C. J., Rose, J., Street J. Hal- liday v. Township of Stanley. - Jud - inent on motion by plaintiff to set aside judgment entered by Armour, C. T., dismissing without, costs a action for damegesr injuries sustained by plain- tiff awing to -alleged non -repair of Kitchen's bridge in a highway. in the Township of Stanley. The trial judge held that .defendante were r i t eJx r. i - P diced by the absence of the notice re- quired by 57 Vie. (0), eh. 50. sec. 13, but that there was not reasonable ex- cuse for the want of it. Council con- tended the • facts that plaintiff was rendered helpless by the accident for six weeks after and was many miles away from home among strangers, but ratepayers of defendants; that want of notice was not pleaded until action partly heard in September,. 1895; and that Meredith, J., who had presided at first trial, after hearing all the evi- dence, refused to dismiss action for want of notice; and that the; act was passed only five weeks before the ac- cident, afforded reasonable excuse within the act. Held, following Dren- nan v. Kingston, that illness a suffi- cient excuse. Order made setting aside judgment and directing a new trial with costs to p]tiff.. GOES TO THE A( L ,SOCIETY. -It will be remembered that a few weeks ago the drill shed and, the plot of ground upon which it stands was put up at auction by the Dominion Gov- ernment, and purchased by Thos. Fitton, of this place, for $375. Many years ago when the property was first acquired, it was paid for jointly by the Government, the townships of Usborne Stephen. L sborue xna Hay p and the village of Exeter, the latter r corpor- ations, which had donated three- quarters the sum -total agreeing that, should the property cease to be used as a drill shed, it was to go- to the Agricultural Society to form part of their estate. Some of the pioneers, remembering the circumstances, set up an agitation to recover the grounds, whereupon our late M. P. P., A. Bishop, Esq., was deputed to wait upon the Ottawa government. Mr. Bishop secured a conference with the proper officials one day last week, and explaining the state of affairs, •the building and land were handed over to the Society, and Mr. Fitton re- funded his purchase money. PERSONALS. --Dr. N. F. Harrison, of Detroit, spent the forepart of this week visiting his father and other friends in town. -W. H. Graham and wife, of St. Marys, visited friends in town Tuesday. -Mrs. A. J. Rollins and daughter, Miss Lillie visited friends near London last week. -Miss Elliott who has been visiting at Dr. Ande son's for some time reti.'rnecl to h home in Mitchell yesterday. - Mis Agnes Welsh, ofStrahtroy, visited he sister Mrs. John Muir, jr., the past week. -Mr. Boulton, of the Molsons bank has returned from his holiday trip to Toronto and other points. -- P. L. Bishop is expected home this week. -Geo. Weekes and wife, of Washing- ton, are visiting his brother's W. D. and Jas. Weekes. Mr. Weekes, fore- man marble decorator for Davidson & Son, Chicago, has just completed the interior marble work of the Con- gressional Library at Washington. -Misses Case, returned to Alma, Mich., Tuesday, after visiting friends y hereab t.-Ueor a ell hereabout. -George Samw has re- turned from visiting friends in Mento real. -Miss Nettie and Mr. M. Martin left yesterday to visit friends in Mt Forest. -Misses Hattie and Elsie Mc- Callum have returned from an extend- ed visit with friends in Berlin and other places. -Mr. Henry .Straffon, wife and daughter, also Mrs. Paul Strafion and children, of. Croswell, Michigan, are visiting friends and relatives in Usborne, - Miss Lou Shannon, of Walkerton, who will commence next month, a two • years. graduate course as nurse in Hospi- tal S he Hospi. tal at Peoria Ill., is the guest of her sister Mrs. Dan Dyer. -Dr. R. H. Steinbach, of Zurich, was shaking hands with friends in town Tuesday. The doctor's shadow is not growing less, -Miss Edith Sanders returned t Blyth Monday to resumed her work in the millinery line. -J. P. Ross is con- fined to his room through illness. -The Misses Cook and Sheffer, of Hensall wheeled to Exeter Tuesday,. 8t. Marys is to have an incandes- cent system of electric lighting. R. I6KF1RD & se-assillepa. 8101 New Mantles New Mantles eSi' -!. We are showing the nattiest,« nobbiest, newest lot of Mantles ever brought into Exeter. These goods were pur- chased from the manufacturers in Europe for Spot Cash. We have no trouble in fitting, as the goods are cut on scientific principles, and they are all splendidly finished even down to the cheapest line. We especially invite you to inspect our Mantle stock. DRESS GOODS We have at present, without doubt, the finest collection of Dress Goods ever seen in Exeter, comprising Rough and Smooth Serges, Boucle Effects, Estamines, Tweeds, Worsteds, Plaids ; in fact all the kinds that are wanted for this season's trade. rY This is a strong point with us, we buy our;"goods direct from the manufacturers in Britain and Europe and can sell you Flowers, Feathers, Shapes, etc., at wholesalep rices. We pay cash for our goods, our customers get the benefit. N . a L t, f? E PRICES: . ', TE r See our heavy Flannelette, 17 yards for $1,00 t 1C'(' tt tt t Sheeting, „ ZQ yards 1C15 for1.Q0 Twilled Sheeting, 12 yards for 1,00 Heavy Overalls at 50 Tweed Pants at Men's Snits CC CC CC Ct CC CC Ct CC C C• CC CC ti CC CC 1.00 a.75 tt tJnderShirts and Drawers (all wool) 50 Uncolored Japan Tea (best in town) 25 ASK FOR APPLETON'S TELM WE SELL THEM R. Pier' !& Serio Direct importers. Frank Allen has been appointed 1 Exeter Municipal Council. leader of the St. Marys brass band. We are sorry to learn of the illness of Mrs. T. Roadhouse, of Kirkton, but understand that, she is recovering. Coal promises to be higher this year than it has been for many years. The cause is a huge combination among the mine owners. The Tallman Concert Co. held forth- in the Opera House Tuesday evening, and gave a splendid entertainment to a large audience. Mr. Hy. Buckingham has purchased the residence owned by Mr. J. W. Broderick, and now occupied by Mrs. Thomas for $1000. While cutting corn Tuesday, Nelson Cobbledick gave the front finger of the left hand, a painful wound. The bone was laid bare and an artery severed. TheHuron and Ontario Electric Rail- way company have applied to the township of Turnberry for permission to build a track and run carson the public roe Teeswater to Wing - ham, and. Wingharnto-Lucknow Messrs. t ey & Son are busy this week moving their stock of furniture from their old stand in theeOddfellows' Block to their new premises in the Opera House Block, which is being fitted up with all the modern im- provements. J. W. Broderick, has purchased in Toronto, another bankrupt stock of boots and shoes which will arrive here next week. IT IS A Goon ONE, and will be openedoutin ournewstore, Odd - fellows Block. Wait for the bargains. We sell cheap all the time. J. BRODERICK. On Wednesday of last week a pretty wedding was celebrated at the Central Hotel. Lucan. The contracting parties were Thos. Webb, bakerof that village and Miss Laura, second daughter of Alex. McFalls, proprietor of the Cent- ral. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. I-1. Shaw,rectorofHolyTrinity, in the presence of a large number of relatives and immediate friends of the contracting parties, Some better system of relnovin g goods from the agricultural hal should be adopted. o Each year w P hear many complaints of articles be- ing stolen, especially fruit, this year many persons having lost plates as well Persons who exhibit articles do so expecting to take them home again, and those guilty of stealing should be punished, if known. The goods should be moved systematically and not in the usual pell-mell manner. Blyth Staindard "A newly mar•i•ic ci couple stopped at a Lucknow hotel a few nights ago and retired about 10 o'clock. About au hour later the house was aroused by screams and yells from their room. The bride and groom were soundly pinned to the bed in a strangling condition by the automatic pillow sham holder, which had slipped. a cogand descended upon on their necks. Thspring .arrangement had caught below, and there was no escape without help'•'. As brer. Brad - win has recently gone through the, trying ordeal, are we to suppose that he was one of the victims above re- ferred to7. TheCouncilmet pursuant•, toadjourn- ment, at the Town Hall, Exeter, 13th September, 1893. The Reeve and Mr. Snell ,absent. The deputy -reeve pre- sided. Minutes of previous meeting r end an Treble -Taylor -Orders as follows: Gutta Percha and Rubber Co. 90.00 for 100 feet of hose ; E. Elliot, $30.00 insurance ; Municipal world, 25 cents blank forms ; T. Welsh, $20.00 break- ing stone ; J. W. Creech, $2.00 labor ; W. H. Bice, $11.75 street watering ; T. Welsh $6.25 labor ; end J. W. Creech, $2,00 labor ; Jas. Creech $7.00 charity to 3irs. Sutton. Carried. Taylor -Treble -That 400 10 -inch tile be ordered from F. Heist. Carried. Taylor -Treble -That the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to borrow any sum not exceeding $1,000. for cur- rent expenditure. Carried. - Tavlor-Treble-Adjournment until the 1st Friday in October, at 7.30 p. m. Carried. M.EACEETT. clerk. Robert Hind, of Elinville, is at Mr. Jos. Datmcey's, Stephen, at present taking care of his brother William, who does not improve much in health. The! autumnal equinox has its dis- dvantages, but it is generally fol - i 1 wed by a spell of most excellent as ether. This year promises to be no !, a eption to the rule. hrough the efforts of the W. C. T. ., the stores in St. Marys will close W , Saturday evenings at 8 o'clock. The majority of citizens have signed a petition agreeing to do their shop ping before that hour. In Goderich the town council has adopted a schedule of prices for elec- tric light. For a 16 C. P. lamp, 45c per month is charged for stores, 45c for hotels, 30c for residences, 1$1.50 per year for churches and halls, R. N. Rowe, having purchased the furniture stock of Janmes Beverley Hensall,amounting a a o ntin to 10 00 at a dis- count P 1 , count onh t e dollar,will offer the same to hisi c istomers at reduced prices. Here's an opportunity to pro- cure furniture cheap. he new regulations on the Grand Trunk in reference to the liquor habit were enforced in Stratford e, few days ago, when a conductor was taken off his train in the yards there and sent back to Toronto, where he found his. dismissal awaitiug him. • The nomination day for county councillors will, this year, be on Mon- day, December 21st, two weeks before the first Monday in Jauuary, which is always polling day. The township, town or village nomination will be held as formerly, on the Monday im- mediately preceding polling - day, while the county eouncil nominations will be held on the Monday preceding that, or two weeks before polling day. In the County of Huron, however, by a motion of the County Council at its last sitting, the day for municipal' nominations -was changed from one week to two weeks before election, which will conflict t l County with t the Council nominations. ARLING F73H0S1 Exeter's L.argest . Dealers. L,aurier's Cabi iet>, Interests the politicians and makes heart-burnings amongst the disappointed ones, but the question is not half as important to you as the more rpt PERSONAL ONE Of where you can procure the best goods for the least possible price. This hot weather we have been a, little quiet in the advertising line, but wish you to know that We Fj re in the Swim As the saying is, and we are prepared to give you good goods at right prices in all lines. CABLING DIRECT EXPORTERS'. EXPORTERS:: Highest prices paid for Produce. A MESSAGE TO MEN. PROVIDING THAT TRUE HONESTY AND TRUE PHILANTROPY STILL EXIST. If any man. who is weak, nervous and debilitated, or who is suffering from any of the various troubles re- sulting from youthful folly, excesses or overwork, will take heart and write to hie I will send him confidently and free of charge the plan purchased by which I was completely restored to perfect health and manhood, t. ft Pr years of suffering from Nervous l a- Yesb iTlity, Loss of Vigor and Or 3Ye 'I . a1* i s I have nothing to sell and therefore fore• want no money, but as 1know thr w:Ig;11 my ownEexperience how to sympath- ize with such sufferers, Tam glad to he table to assist any fellow -being to a cure. I am well aware of the I,revaal- Klee of quackery, for 1 myself was de- ceived and imposed upon until I near- ly lost faith in mankind, but I rejoice to say that lam nowperfectlywell and happy once more and am desirous therefore L e to make tills certain means of cure known to all. If yon will • write to the you can rely upon being cared and the proud satisfaction of having been of great service to one+ hi need will be sufficient reward for my trouble. Absolute secrecy assured, Send 5 c,. silver to coyer postage aid, address, Mr. Geo. G. Strbng,' North Ruckwood Mich. The trustees of S. S.No. 8, Blanshard, have re-engaged Eldon C. tawsine to leach in thew school for 1837. The teachers of South Huron will meet in convention in Godericla,on ti1.5 Friday and. Sat =lay :followingThttnks- giving Day. Backache is almost immediately re- lieved by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters. Try one and be free from pain. Price 25 cents. On Snnday last the remains of Mrs. Jacob Geiser, of Shipka, were interred in Crediton cemetery. Deceased was 38 years of age and had been, ailing for some time with internal cancer. Rev. T. A. Bell, of Avonbank. has received a unanimous call from the Presbyterian congregations of Napier and Brook in the presbytery of Sarnia. Mr. Bell is a recent graduate of Knox College and is one of the ablest young ministers in this neighborhood Palpitation of the heart, nervousness tremblings, nervous headache, cold hands and feet, pain in the back, and other forms of weakness are relieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made especially for the blood, nerves and complexion. Wm. Henry of Cherrygrove met with a painful accident last Tuesday while drawing his separator into Jas. Smith's barn. The rear- truck -wheels broke through the gangway causing the separator to fall to one side; an iron, known as • "the straw carrier dog" penetrated William's foot. Be- fore he could be released from his perilous position the planks had to be removed from underneath his feet. 25 cents cures Catarrh Headache. rncipent Catarrh. Ray Fever. • Catarrh Deafness. Si 44 ;; Cold lo the head in 10 min. lf Foul l3roath caused b Catarrh 25 cents secures Chase's CatarncO uro with perfect blowers enclosed in each box. Sold by all dealers. J. P. CLARK Having just returned from in- specting the finest Dress Goods' Exhibition in the market, with,the view of purchasing the latest iovelties and most fashionable able abric s for fall 1 and winter ate • z yv ear, we are honestly prepared to say that we have never in our busi- ness career been in such a posi- tion . to say that Prices andPatterns have never been Surpas- sed on Exeter. We have trade a large select- ion, all this season's goods, pur- chased from different firms and so that we carr offer them at the wholesalerices and will do s p50.. The varieties are large so that space will not admit to name them. We ask an early call and willdl laplace them before the g Y customer., P Clarke. Ailsa Craig. BRIEFS. --Rev. D. L. Dewar arrived home on Friday, looking hale and hearty, after spending two months in the Lower Provinces. -Miss Kate Nichols, of Dorchester, returned home on Saturday, accompanied by Miss Mary McBride and Mrs. D. Gray.. -Mr. Robert Mattis, salesman for the Massey -Harris fit Co. implements here, has rented the Central Hotel in Parkhill. Mr. _McFall will take poo -- ion at once. Disease attacks the weak and debilit- ated. yourself Keep healthy and strong by taking I1ooc1' Sarsaparilla., 40,000 FREE SAMPLES GIVEN AWAY IN EIGHT IMONTI'S. Chase' ii Chase's I duo Liver Pills aro •] n] L i 1 4 t i o kid. Y- 4 Y ney piles known with sntliciontmerit to guaran tee the proprietors in giving away hundreds of thousands of samples free. ask your druggist for a sample if your kidnayor liver is deranged - CALL AT. THE NEW BUTCHER 11a And get some PURE LARD, new cured BREAKFAST BACON SAUSAGE, ROLLS nod . TRIPE for Saturday • next. .P Beef, Lamb, Pork"" And all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meat on hand, SAUSAGE. ,eland BOLOGNA. Leave Tour Order Early for CHICKENS and DUCKS for Fair week. One Door- South of Central. Hotel. st.to DAY. i' J YI C { F TY k%` k T . N'S' This is the seasonof the year when goods must bo sacrificed in prices. We are. not able, neither are we willing to carry over large amo-ant of summer goods as our space is•limited and new fall goods' are beginning to arrive. New Cottonades, New Overalls, New S no'. { CI S New 111i't ln New' Tickin _ s New Flannlettes and various other things are Pm now arriving. Spring S and Summer goods must dis r .' n appea . . even at reduced prices. Pays -' us better to let therm go at cost' prices, or a little less. If You want a bargain now is ()Sur chance. 1NOTICE largestoel - We have a s of •.. '" boys and youth Otllln YY •. .g. atasna . Will, snap. who are ea f • shone Y '; in the flax.field ' ' liberal- ly ie:'a- Y h b r l treated.