HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-9-24, Page 5i3 i TE.ss EXETER, TIMES Sales With la," Hood's SarsTalk, pa- " zitla, ct Sales Talk,), and show that this meds - Talk eine has enjoyed public confidence and patronage to a greater extent than accord- ed any other proprietary medicine. This is simply because it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than any other. It is not what we say, but 'what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story. All advertisements ot Hood's Sarsaparilla, like Hood's Sarsaparilla it- self, are honest. We have never deceived the public, and this with its superlative medicinal merit, is why the people have abiding confidence in it, and buy Hoo Sarsaparilla !Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try it Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Masa. are the only pills to take { tlood's Pi11s with hood's Sarsaparilla, RAILWY GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM Mil ��LIQ ExccCsiocs CO iile By all R'gular Trains Oct. 1, 2 and 3. DETROIT, PORT HVRow, CLEVELAND, - ._ r. $5.10 SAGriAW, $5,e0 BAY CITY, GRAND 1tAFIllfi, - - -- $6.60 ClreAro, l _ _ _. $x.60 CINCINNATI,J hfINNEAtenes, 1 $33.0•) end 131.51) ST. PALL J According to route. Apply to O. KNIGHT, Agent Exeter• $2.60 Y7 A.1\" l'LI)I can employ tie men and three ladiea to work at and around home. A good thing with good salary for pushers, T. H. I,IN:Ieo•M•. 49 Richmond et. W• Toro Ont. KINSMAN, DENTIST, f1 • 1.0.0. SPECIALIST in GOMIS FILL- Il:'(I, lCORACTiN0 and P1,ATE 'WORK. (las and i .oil Anaesthetics 'or pain- ] ere extracting. ad door north of UAR- LINO'S Store ALTONANDtBSON D.U.S • L. D• 8, Bone dradnate of the To- ronto UniversityanP oral college of Dental Burgeons of Onto). .. Specialties, minim! extraceteu and preservation of the natural teeth. office over the Law Office of Elliot. Elliot, ooposite Cettral Rotel, Exeter. Ont, RAGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, • ULIN1011, Will be at Grebe hotel Zurich on the mond Thursday of oaob month and at liodgin's hotel Renate! evert Monday ET YOUR PM DQW3T At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3: 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a fit. W. JOHNS, The Tailor. EMU STD, Then Come To Us for Best Bedroom Suites For ours are selected with a view to suiting the most searching taste, and all can get what they want at any price. The Leading Furniture Dealers The Leading Undertakers. ODD FELLOW'S BLOCK. A Suit of vlothes or a Single Garment MAB1C1f:T REPORTS. Exeter. SEPTEMBER 23rd, 189e. Wheat per bushel .... ........61 to 62 Oats ...1G to 17 Barley,-,.... ...20 to 26 Peas ...35 to 38 Butter...12 tb 12 Eggs 11 t0 11 Turkeysa 7 6o 7 Chickens per lb ... 5 to 5 Ducks dressed---, , . • $5.00 to t$5.0o 0 Pork live weight.. , .. $2.75 to $2.75 Hay per ton . .. . $ 700 to $8.00 Clover seed ,. ..... ... .. 5U to 5.76 Alsiko clover $$51.00 to 5.00 Timothy seed ,... ,,.,.. $2,50 to 9.75 London,SEPTEMBER23rd, 1500. Wheat per bushel, . .... ....60 to 63 Oats.,.. ....19 :o 22 Peas .... 35 to 40 Barley ....25 to 30 Buckwheat ....26 to 28 Rye ,.30 to 45 Corn 40 to 45 Beans 40 to 55 Butter ..,. 12 to 14 Eggs 11 to 12 Ducks 45 to 65 Turkeys per ib.... 7 to 8 Geese per lb.,,.,. 9 to 10, Chickens 30 to 50 Cheese 8 to 8 Potatoes per bag... 22 to 25 Hay per ton ....$ 7.00 to $ 9.00 Pork per cwt.... . ., 84.50 to $1.75 SURE To WIN. The people recognize and appreciate real merit. That is why Hood's Sar- saparilla has the largest sales in the world. Merit in medicine means the power to cure. hood's Sarsaparilla cures --absolutely, permanently cures. It is the One True Blood Purifier. Its superior merit is an established fact, and merit wins. Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of x,11 & Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take mueh pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other lines that are specially at- tractive. .®►.:•3".i" +V LL, Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, headache. Marriage Licenses -ISSUES) AT - NICK'S wEWELRY STORE No Witnesses Required. A complete Stock of Jewelry, Silver- ware, etc. Repairing receivesacareful and per- sonal attention. R. If.TC' KS, ventral Telephone Office Gidley & Son. 'Grill now be found in their New Premises, Opera House Block. Watch for change of Ad. Gidley & Son, When the Mercury gets up in- to the nineties you wont mind it a particle if you will come and see us first and provide yourself with one of Grieve's cool summer suits. We have a big range and we are bound to clear them all out by the 1st of August. Don't wait until you melt, begin to be comfortable now. See our $2.0o summer pants made to order. J. H. CRIEVE S611001 -stinks NEW STOCK A fine line of Exercise Books and Scribblers. - I -x-•1•-x--1•-+-- Pure Spices Are necessary for Good Pickles.' Our patrons can be sure of good quality. CINNAMON, MACE, CLOVES, NUTMEGS, GINGER, PEPPER, ALLSPICE, TURMERIC. J. W• rownint - IT WOULD MEAN WAR If Britain Fired a Single Shot Against Turkey. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE POWERS Willett Blade England Not to Take Action in Turkey -A11 Troops in Southern Russia heady Fur Active Service -Black Sen Fleet on a War l oorluo. Constantinople, Sept. 21. -The Porta has received an official report stat- ing that 000 pereons were killed in the recent disturbances at Eguiu. in the Diarbekr district of Armenia. The Kurds attacked the Armenian quarter of the town, pillaged and buratci the houses, and killed as many of the in- habitants as they could iU,d. Num- bers of. the Armenians suc.cet.dtfl )n staking their escape to the moun- tains. The town or klguin purelzased immunity from in asiun by tite ieurue .n 18;,a, and the , ul,rtt vele not m" - Jested at [lint tit. ., ttzougli ztia.:s,.w,•rva occurrtd on all stiles. tele report suss it ie feared that the intteeaert's will sw:n take place in other districts of • from M. Nelldoff, the Rusian Ambas- sador to Turkey, it must join the re- mainder of the fleet leaving Sebas- topol, and go direct to the Bospho- rus. The despatch adds that all the troops in south Russia aro ready for active service. EASTERN LEAGUE. I3ufial0, Sept. 21. -Steinert Oup series. 11.H.10 Providence .,,,,.1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1-5 10 2 Buffalo .........002030200-710 7 Batteries-Rudderham and Coogan; Gan- non and Urquhart. Umpire--Oafiney. CLEVELAND WINS ANOTHER. At Brooklyn- It .H. Boston 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 10--5 8 Brooklyn 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-3 G 1 Batteries-Stivetts and Bergen; Date: and Grim. Umpire --Hurst. At Baltimore-- 11.II.10. Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 0- G 9 1 Baltimore 3 0 0 0 2 0 1 4 0-10 13 1 Batteries--Carsey and Grady; Hemming and Robinson. Umpire-Ilornung, At Washington- 11.1.E New York ..2 0 1 2 1 2-8 10 0 Washington ,. ..... 2 0 2 0 0 0--4 U 4 Batteries -Meek -in and warner; Mercer and hleGulre. ljmpire-Lyucb. Called, darkness. At Cleveland- It.1I.E Cincinnati 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 9 3 Cleveland 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 -4 10 2 Batteries ---Dwyer and Vaughn; Cuppy, Wilson and Zimmer. Umpire ---Sheridan. At Pittsburg (1st game)- It.11.10 Louisville ...00000001)100--1 7 4 Pittsburg ...0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1--1 u 3 Potteries; -Herman ant Dexter; Hawley and" Merritt, Umpire-lheslie. At P ttsburg (2nd gamete- 8.11.0 Louisville 2 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0- -6 12 1 Pittsbnre 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0--3 11 3 Ratterire--Cunninrbam aitd Miller; Kil- len and Sogden. Umpire- F.msile. natoiIa. It is feared here that the massacre. FASHION JOURNALS CALL at 1 guin is the L ginning of a fresh f series of massacre. in Armenia, witicn ATTENTION TORPOYal was anticipated • :tis the inaseacres which have just been ended here. A spec•ial Cabinet meeting has been 1 held at the Pala") in order to cue- sider plans for ct.npleting the def' u- ! You Get the Best Colors From ces of the Dardanelles as propusue ,,'1r the Russian General Tschikatctied, Diamond lyes. who inspected these fortificaLune s:, n.: time ago. 1 The fashion journals are agreed Artini Pasha., the Turkish Under J that the hest shades Of Browns will be Secretary of Foreign Affairs, has 1)et•n in favor as Fall (''ohirs this year. in:ttruettd to accuznplish the reeoncili%t- I`honsauls of Women are not in :t dun of the Gov tat with the Ar- menians, position financially the means cans sugge ted be.in ( I that the Amnon. should send an . dresses from season to season, and so address to the Su. an praying' for pro- have 10 e(1nt('nt themselves with very tection, asserting that the Armenians cheap materials that rarely come in are always loyal, and condemning the the new shades, or wear their old agitators. costumes. For the benefit of women generally, it may be stated that last, season's dress- es can with little work or trouble, be transformed lto stylish ((ta f.for Autumn wear. The first great essential is to get the right color. This part of the wot k can be done with the never -failing and re- liable Diamond 1)yes. which produce the richest and newest Browns, such as Seal Brown, Milan Brown, Red Brown, and Amber l3rowu. No trouble to have a dress equal to 00 .v, if you use the Diamond Dyes. Do not experiment with the common imitation Dyes that some dealers st'll. The Diamond Dyes give the best colors, and they cost• no more than the poor and deceptive dyes sold for the sake. of large 'Profits. Ask for the "Diamond' ; refuse all others. SHOES. A PROTEST: Manchester, S ,t. 21. -Eight thou- sand persons atte„ded a meeting here yesterday to prot,.et against the Tur- kish treatment of the Armenians. The I:ishop of Manchester presided at the ilieetill(L IBOMBS FOUND. Constantinople, Sept. 21. --The follow- ing articles were among the explosives discovered yesterday at Pera: Five monster bombs of a diameter of 28 centimetres (about 11 inches), and weighing 13 kilograms (about 28 lbs. 10 1-2 ounces). 21 of smaller sizes, four boxes of dynamite, 28 bottles of nitro- glycerine, 40 yards of tarred cotton. ignition fuses, three suspicious boxes. A. LIVERPOOL MEETING. London, Sept. 21,- Mr. Gladstone in anna.nneed to speak at a meeting to be held in Liverpool on Thursday to protest against the Armenian atro- cities. Lord Derby will preside over the meeting. MORE MASSACRES. " Washington, Sept. 21. -Minister Ter- rell cables the State Department that he is advised from Harpoot that seri- ous massacres have occurred at Koine and Seazs. IP BRITAIN FIRED A SI202' 11 1Vould Mean a European War, Owing to an Agreement Between the Powers. ! London, Sept. 21. -At a meeting held to -night in Shoreditch to protest against the massacre of Christians by Turks, a most important announce- ment was made, which it is believed puts an end to all conjecture regard- ing the action that mighb be taken by the British Government 1n the di -1 rection of putting an end to the mas- i sacres by force, or deposing the Sul- tan. The 'statement was made by; John :Lowles, member of the House of Commons for the Haggerston divi- • sion of Shoreditch. He said that if England had a. free hand in the mat- , ter, very few days would elapse before there would be a change in Turkey. He then added that he was authoriz- ed by the Foreign Office to say that , Great Britain was confronted by an agreement between the three powers, a that if she attacked Turkey on any excuse or pretext she would have to face that combination. If she fired a single shot or took action alone, it would ,mean that at that moment there would be a European war. RUSSIA PREPARES FOR WAR. Black Sea Fleet Fut on a war Footing and Troops Ready for Active Servlet. London, Sept. 21. -The Times will , Doan's Kidney Pills, and I make this solemn to -morrow publish a despatch from ` declaration conscientiously believing it to be Sebastopol, saying that the Russian + true, and knowing that it is of the same force Black Sea fleet has been put on a and'effect as if wade under oath and by virtue war footing, and that three battalions I of the Canada Evidence Act. of infantry have embarked. Part oft Sgd. CHARLES MOSS, the fleet is cruising off Otchakoff, at t Declared before me at the City of Ottawa, in the mouth of the Dnieper River, 40 the Coantyoi Carleton, this 4th day of April, miles from Odessa, under orders that 1896. if its commander receives a telegram? Sad. JOHN E. 0'31/BABA, A Commissioner, eto. Here Ottaa Irresistible Proaf That There is a Cure for Diabetes. Tho following sworn statement is the best proof that diabetes is not incurable, and that there in a romady which will cure it. Ontario, County of Carleton, to wit: I, Charles idoaa, of tho City c•f Ottawa, in tho County of Carleton, Blacksmith, do hereby solemnly declare as follows: 1. I reside at 180 Boll Streot, in the said City of Ottawa. 3. Fertile past fifteen years I have been a groat sufferer from kidney disease; among the prominent symptoms of which wore severe pains in my back, hot amines extending from the baso of the spine np between my shoulders, dizziness, headaches, etc. I was in a bad state generally and suffered great agony at timos. The intense pain prevented my sleeping, and I seemed to got worse continually. The doctors who worn called in pronounced my disease diabetes, but their treatment did no good, and they hold out but slight hope of my recovery. I was then so far gone with tho disease that I could not tarn in bod without help. My urine was of a dark wine color, and full of sediment. 3. I took all kinds of, medicine, bat without permant..t relief. 4. Hearing of Doan's Kidney Pills I got a box at H.P. MacCarthy's drag store, buthaving been so often disappointed I had no faith in them. However, I started taking them, and they struck tho right spot at once, and I com- menced to got better. From that time on improvemont was continuous until I am now, after five weeks use of Dean's Kidney Pills, entirely free from pain of any kind. Thcuriue is natural, and I am now working right along every day in my shop. 5. Itis a great source of pleasure for me to testify to the world of the curative powers of ks tf Re and His Fa ;1 y aro Wonderfully Blessed by Using Paine's Celery Compound. Clergymen of all the various Christ- ian denominations have from time to time given the strongest of testimony in favor of Paine's Celery Compound. No other medicine of the present day has ever been so highly spoken of, and so generally recommended by the clergymen of Canada, as Paine's Celery Compound. The honest, prompt and effective re- sults that are always obtained by the users of Paine's Celery Compound call forth unstinted praise, after health, vigor and happiness take the place of sickness, weakness and disease. In all the church parishes of our country, clergymen are quietly spreading the joyful news that Paine's Celery Com- pound banishes ill health and makes people well. Just here it is imperative that we round a note of warning for the bene - ilb.•Mi.SGcvs,r✓•✓1A`N. k: PORTLAND1 and Other CEMENTS Themanyfti� ends of Mr. Frank May, Of Ontario, ('al., formerly of Clinton, will regret to learn of his sudden death, which took place on Saturday, Aug. 39th, of typhoid fever, he being sick only AL[)UL ten days. 1•t •js A \WomAN'S H1:AItr. Derangement of the heart anti ner- ves in WOnt('n is followed by various nervous disorders, such as Hysteria, Melancholia, Neuralgia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation and Pains and Aches in various parts of flue body. Its such cases strengtlien the heart and build up the nervous system by the use of Milburn's heart and Nerve Pills. SIZE OU(iIiT TO KNOW. Haying used Burdock Bitters for 15 years I cannot keep from recollllnend- ing it to others. I have sold hundreds of bottles from my store, and as I keep other medicines I ought to know which sells the best. It is a wonderful medi- cine. CALCINED PLASTER ottorn Prices. H. Bishop & Sori. fit of all who determine to use Paine's Celery Compnund, as there are• miserable and deceptive clergy pre- parations sold in some places. Be sure you ask for "Paine's," the kind that Cures; see that the name is on each bottle you buy. The Rev. C. A. Schlipf. of Killaloe, Renfrew Co., Ont,., writes as follows: "I have much pleasure in stating that I have used Paine's Celery Cont - pound with grand results. Some time ago, loss of appetite and symptoms of kidney trouble and urinal disturbances made life miserable. Having heard much about the virtues of Paine's Celery Compound, I procured a supply and used it with wonderful benefit." "I and pleased to say that the Con -1 - pound was productive of great results in illy family as a home medicine; all are Much pleased with it."' . SCROFULA (`LTRDD. DEAR SIRS,--Afier I had doctored for two years for si t•uft:1a ail over toy body and received no benefit,. 1 tried t bottle of Burdock B1o0d Bitters, which gave me relief very quickly, and after using six bottles I was completely cur- ed. I can recommend B. B. B. very hi ;lily, MRS, A. Font), Toronto, Ont. Yours very sincerely MItti. DONALD KENNEDY PEF�- Box 110, Caledonia, Ont. Isaac Bastien was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter by the jury Queen's 5 ' •rl '11 2 t in the Court of (�t.(c .t Bench t Montreal Friday. 130st1en was charged with the murder of Alfred Legate by striking hint with astone in a drunken brawl at St. Henri, some time ago. The municipal rate for the town- ship of London has been struck at the rate of 7 mills on the dollar. Reeve Hodgins reports at surplus of $5,000 to the good of the township for 1500. On Wednesday the 0111 hist., at Windsor, Ont„ Sydney Beatuish, of Detroit, Mich., and Miss Annie ?1Ic. Math, `West ' Wawannsh, were united in the, bonds of matrimony. FOR OVER FIhTY YEARS. AN OLD AND Wete-TItTIin Rem:nr.-Mrs. Winslow's :soothing Syrup has been used lifts years by millions ot uauthers for their children while teethn,g, with perfect success. It soothes the child. softens the gums, allays the pain, cures the colic, and is t he remedy for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. 8010 by druggists in every part of the world. 21 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for ■ i, G Mr::. Winslow's tiouthiug Syrup and take no : �- other kind, Bicycles at #• opularPrices , FOUND AT LAST. A liver pill that is small and- sure, that acts gently, quickly, and thorough- Is', that does not gripe. Laxer -Liver Pills possess these qualities,lbeing corn- ! posed of strictly vegetable laxative !laid liver medicines, and are a sure cure for Liver Complaint, Constipat- ion, ,sick Headache, etc. SETTER THAN GOLD is a Business or Shorthand Course in the FOIIEST CITY BUSINESS & Sii01tTH.AND COLLEGE,LONDON, ONT. The whole of the third floor of the new Y. M. (. A. building is being speedily filled up for our work. With increased facilities, course strengthened and revised. we will easily maintain the re- putation earned as being the Model Basinesi Training School of Canada. Drop us a postal for catalogue and Particulars, College reopens September. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. PICTURES POR 81.114L101 -1T S0171 WRAPPERS A PRITTY COLoltED PICTURE 18)71 EVERY 12 "St'NLIGIIT" 4,11 1•:v1•:RY 6 "LIFEBI•oY" So.&P WRAPPERS. TIII.SE I'Ic Pt'RE4 ARE WELL WORTH GETTING. ADDRESS : LEVER. 1 3808. LTD. 23OScott RONTO. L -1 ASTRAY. Strayed onto the promises of William Reilly, Lot G, South Boundary Stephen, on about the last of August, a steer. Owner is requested to Prove property, pay t•harg6es and remove trim. WILLIAM REiLLY. YY Alii TE17`lt once, a few good men to whom -Ittt U or $12.1.0 a week would be an object. Send references, 'l'iItt BRADLEY-(Ai)3nt Co., OIP. Branford, Ont. PERKINS MARTIN ARTIp Diiicrcci Maes cl PiiceS (fof $55 up Fully gurantced for 1896. Also a full line of Baby Carriages in stock. CU`s. THIS OUT witrete ut(to is in silver. and you will get. by return mail, A GOLDEN BOY OF (400D8 that will bring you in more money in one month, than any- thing else in America. A. W. KINNEY. E. T. Yarmouth, N. S. CR PICTURES to get framed. We have(t hundreds of feet 01 mould- ing, from 4c. p'r foot up- wards. Also a nice lot of pictures neap. A full stock of c urniture andUndertaking always on hand. R. N. ROWE. Central PRTIG STORE. Those who have used Winan's ,dough Balsam. Pronounce it unequalled as a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS AND BRONCE.ITIC TROUBI ES, Winan's Condition & Gough Powder foi horses, best in the mar- ket. always 'on hand, Also a Cetobenefae,to and Lini- ment, the medicine so sue. oessfully used by Mr. Clia.s, Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and eurin€; various diseases, For Sale at C„ LUTZ'S 1.; a 1 ('7 CIGAIIETT W. S Kimball 8c Co. Rockiest(- r, Y. .."1:1M119 Var...1111.11.111141.6=L01410111 RETAIL EVERYWHERE. c per package 17 FIRST PRIZE MEDALS. 1W 41-5 Don't worry aboutWinter... You'll feel ready for anything and everything in the way of weather, if you have your cloth- ing interlined with Fibre Cha- mois. Last year's experience has proved it to be the only perfect warmth giver, because it is light, adding neither weight nor bulk, and yet offers a com- plete protection from the fiercest blasts of the coldest day. Water- proofed by the Rigby process, neither rain nor sicet can pens. C' _r trate it and every one can ehjoy perfect outdoor cornfort and healthfitl warmth all season by using it. - Think' ahead. and ensure your comfort 1)y having it put in all ordered. clothing' and always find the Fibre Chamois Label on :every re'-dy n3ade garment you buy. It sells now at 5 cert a'Yrard. 1 ( •