HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-9-24, Page 1HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE, TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR. No 6. IThWiii— Trimmings I We have an , elegant assort- ! ment of the ' very newest goodse* .1-DT-00LLARS Sequin Col - 1 r s, Small Gilt Buttons, Large Fancy Buttons, Jets and Sequins, Printed Vele vet, etc, etc. We meen that you shall know what a grand Dress Goods stock we have, Never mind have been's. It is now and the days to come, that we mean to make you think of. We intend to .so choose for you, buy for you, that whenever you want Fine Dress Goods, Medium Priced Dress Goods, -any sort of Dress Goods above the mean, eliensy sort -that this store will come to your mind. These as an Intodunti. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAYMORNING, SEPTEMBER 24th, 1896. . Woodham. I— BRIEFS. -Mr. Hannah is busy heed- ing lumber for his new barn soon to be erected in place of the one recently destroyed by fire. -C. Swallow is visit - number attended the opening services iug friends in Woodham. -Quite cil of Zion Methodist church on the Mit- chell road on Sunday. , Sermone were preached in the morning mu' evening by the Rev. B. Clement, of London and in the afternoon by itev Mr. Learoyd of St. Marys, while the choir of the Methodist Church St Marys took charge of the music an'; song. Crowds of people filled the church to overflowing. Altogether the services wereinteresting an d profitable. Great credit is due the membership of this appointment for their zeal and liberality*, when it is remembered that, the one destroyed by fire last winter was nearly new, and from the building of which they had. but just recovered. The present building is a credit to the neighborhood, built of brick on stone foundation, a, welllighted and ventilat- ed basement with hot Mr generators already in place, while the main audi- ence room •finished in black ash, oiled and varnished, the windows of colored glass not of gaudy or unnecessary splendeur, but well proportioned, plain and substantial a credit alike to the trustees, architect, and builders, A supper and entertainmeut is in pro - glass this Mondey evening; being un- able to attead the report of the success must be laid over. -R. S. Ford and Co's great Millinery opening is an- nounced for Wednesday and Thursday of this week, and such a display of fashionable Imininery and mantles with all other adornments usually found in a first class establishment of the kind would be hard to find outside the large eity.-Quite a number at- tended the Western Fair last week, and some attended, the Exeter Fair on Tuesday. .At 25c -Fancy Tweed Effects and a full range of all Wool Serges, At 30 and 400 --,Pretty Shot figured ef- fects and Plaids. At 50c -A high range in Tweeds, Checks, Serges, Lustres, Cash- meres. At 75e-Mohairs, Tweeds, Sicilians, Henriettas. At $1 to $2-Pierolit Mohairs, and .other gems of the weaver's art. •R. S. FORD & C WO ODII Zion. BRIEFS. - The Epworth Leag e held their anniversary services on t e 13th. and 14th inst. On Sunday the Rev. Mr. Garbutt of Bier,preached two very impressive sermons Avhich were greatly'. appreciated for their .depth of tliaaght. On Monday evening the young ladies in fancy caps dispensed refreshme nts, of ter which a pleasan t an d instructive entertainment was previa - .ed, consisting of speeches by the Revs. .• )411r Garbutt and Jewett, a speech termin- e• eaated by a splendid recitation by Dr. Rivers ofe.Woodham. The Woodham .choir sang very acceptably during the .evening. -Our noted coon hunter is far more famous then, the one who was such a. good shot that the .coons would come to him out of the trees as they knew it was certain death for hine to shoot. In our „sportsmanship's case the coon did not wait for him to look in its favorite haunts but came to thelouse, climbed .a tree, out of rea,ch of the watch dog, and waited patiently till morning to meet its doom. -Several of our young .t 1 Blyth. ^ 4- BR1EFS.-On Saturday the filmed of the only daughter of Councillor Sims took place from her father's residence. The deceased had only been ill a few days, diphtheria being the cause of her death. The remains were taken to the Union cemetery for interment. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the whole community. --On Sunday afternoon, Mrs. and Miss Mlle Einigh and a lady friend were out driving when they met with what might have been a seriousaccident, but fortunately they escaped withont injury. It appears when driving over the bridge at Pot- ters eideline the horse shied at a hole in the bridge, precipitating them into the creek and smashing the buggy. - On Saturday in the public school room at ineeting of the school sup- porters 11. Torrance was elected trustee in place of Dr. Ferguson, who resigned in consequence of leaving town. -We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Geo. Moore is on the siek list again. We are Sorry to. hear that Mr. James parr has two children seriously ill at aensall Fol owing are the market quotations. Wheat 61 to 62 Barley 2oto Oats 10 to 17 Peas 35 to 38 Ha e7.00 to $8.(0 Butter 12 to 12 Eggs it to 11 Timothy seed ...... .....$2.50 to $2,75 Clover seed • BRIEFS. -A. Court of the I. 0. F. has lieen instituted here with a large mein- )ership. It was organized by D. Weis tuner, general organizer. There are a •reat many societies in the village, but ;he new candidate for public favor bids well for success. -John Pope has re- turned from a visit with his parents. - Will. Bonthron, of Chicago, is visiting tirand Bend. Bruses.-Sehool has again started here which was stopped for some time, owing to several cases of diph- theria on the B. line. -Saturday was the worst storm of the season, hut it relived the orchards by blowing the apples nearly all off. There was an immense crop of packing apples. This week there are double the crop of cider apples. -Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Brenner arrived home last week from Galt. They report a good trip.- Mrs. Hanson, of Caro, Mich., known better by Sarah Bliss visited friends on Sun- day. -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Falls are on a visit at present. -Mr. John Speck - man, who has been running his resort this season, moved back. to Exeter under the parental roof. He looks as last week. if the Windy' city agreed with him.- I D Weismiller left yesterday. =ening for Nova Scotia, where he will educate the blue noses in the benefits of For- estry. He will be absent for some months. We wish him success. -Mies Sheffer spent Sunday in Exeter. -W II. Graham, of St. Marys, was in the viflage Tuesday. -W. R. Hodgins with his trotting horse, 'Amber H' won 8rd prize in the open trot at the Exeter fair on Tuesday. It was an off -day for the horse. -Ed. Bossenberry has re- moved his trotting horses to Zurich. - One Sunday recently. three young men of Oreditou. drove to town, .presumably to visit friends. One of the number, becoming so -enamoured with the af- fections of one of the belles of the vil- lage, tarried longer than the patience of his comrades would endure, andthey drove home and left him. Imagine his surprise when he discovered his predicament. Nothing daunted him, however, he borrowed the .younglady's father's best dog for a body guard, and set out on foot for his native vil- lage, which he reached as old sol was climbing upon the eastern 'horizon. The dog was labeled and despatched home. Whether or not the youngman has recoverel, we have not seen him since. -E. Rennie was at Dashwood this week, where negotiations are in progress for an extensive business change. -D. Gottschalk, of Dashwood, was in town this week on business. - Messrs. T. and A. Murdock attended the funeral of their father in Luccin on Sunday. The deceased had been illfor some time, and death came as a happy relief. -Mr. and Mrs. R. Eacrett, of Brantford, visited et the Messrs. Mur - dock's on Monday. -Dr Thomson left on Tuesday for Goderich, where he in- tends hanging out his shingle. The good -wishes of his mane* friends here go with him, and all unite in Strongly recommending him, socially' and pro- fessionally, to the citizens of Goderich. -Miss Dirk, left this week for Parkhill where she has a. situation as milliner. -We wish to compliment Messrs Berry and Geiger on their success with 'Craigronald' at both the Toronto and London exhibitions, winning at the former first prize and silver medal for best horse in his class, while at the 'Western they were equally successful. He is a' fine animal and a credit to his owners.--jaines Beverley has disposed of his furniture stock to R. N. Rowe of Exeter, having gone ont of that branch. -Mrs. DeLion has moved to Loudon -T. Berry has reached the Old Coun- try safely and sold his horses at good. profit. -A. Weseloh, of Berlin, former - Stephen. To the ',Altar Exeter Tones. In my experience of the township of Stephen feequently see things mir- aculous. For instance last year the assessment roll did not contain the name of a:certain person assessed for a dog. Of course the man had no dog (so he said) when the assessor was around, but after a, while he said he might spare 5 or at something like $5 each. Of coarse they were extra good ones. This year there are only two persons in the township paying $2 for a dog. There initials; are H, E. and F. H. NO miracle in this, but what puzzles.me is there are quite a number in the township who are not assessed for any dog or only a $1 dog, who have pups for sale. Generally every May we have a Court Revision of the assessnient roll. A few days ago we had a Court of Revision of the list. Should we not have a Court of Revi- sion on the dog assessment. OBSER- VER. .••••••••• Devon BRIEFS. -Mr. Arthur Anderson, of Comber, Essex county, formerly of this place, spent Sunday and Monday with friends and relatives, in and around here. -Mrs. Wm, Kerr, who has been spendingthe summer,holiday- ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, cd Orediton, returned to her home in Chicago, last week. She was accompanied.by Mrs. John Kerr and Miss Evelin Kerr, who are going to pay a, short visit to Mr. Wm. Kerr their son and. brother, who resides in Chicago. The last named ladies will return int few days to their home itiStZwes1214. What might have prov- ed a eceareeeecident happened to Sas. Delgaty ofi Saturday evening last. It being dark, the team he was driving were spirited, and a man on a bike appeared, causing the horses to shy. The hitchings were unsafe, and when Mr. Delgaty pulled up on the lines, the pole of the. carriage ran through the ring of the neckyolk, allowing the whiffietrees to conic in contact with the horses heel's, They then ran away throwing Mr. Delgaty to the ground with snch force as to injure his left leg men, woo visited the London Fair, tpreseut.-We are sorry to hear that severely. By the aid of a crutch he neglected to take their best girl with two more of Councillor Sims family now wends his way toschool. A young theme -The roan pacer will be Missed,' are seriously in. • lad, Willie Blyburg, jumped from the _around the corner. buggy and was uninjured. - The weather being fine the farmers are Dashwoo busy harvesting their fodder corn. BORN- ly of Hensall, visited old friends here The Prost and wood Binder proves OVENS -In McGillivray, on tlic iGth inst„. the BRIEFs.-Mr. and _Hrs. Kibler, of and at Zurich, the past week. He re- itself very useful in such work. - wife of Mr. John C. Ovens, of a son. Z 'aria, were the guests of Mrs. Fried ports business booming InBerlin.-Mrs Miss Ida Krause, who has been on the .'7VIESSNER-In Hay on the 18th inst the wife S d 1 t Miss Annie Hartman th i k list for the ast few weeks is im- Clinton. ---- BRIEFs.-On Monday, Mrs, A. Cor- rell passed to her reward. The final summons was not unexpected, as the lady had been ill for some time. The deceased was born in Toronto where she resided for some years, moving subsequently to Dufferin Creek, and was married in 1845; after a, few years' residence there Mr. and Mrs. Gorrell moved to the County of Huron, living on the Huron road for a short time, but afterwards on the base line, where 23 ears of her life was spent. - John Mc onald, of Bluevale w o e artery in the front of the wrist cut by Arthur Dusty, of A. Beattie & Co., a broken bottle, is not recovering very. St. Marys, who has secured a good posi- , LADIES' 1131ak and Tali Oxford Shoes; 1 fast -The citizens of Clinton will be tion in the dress goods department, pleased to learn that the Salvation with Gimbel Bros., Milwaukee, left for Prices 75c. $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, Army intend organizing a bancl.-J. 0. that place on illonday 19,st. Miller of the Clarendon, while out i Rey. J. T. LeGear, pastor of Hurn - hunting and $2,25. hunting mushrooms the other day i boldt M. E. church. Chicago, son of secured several puff balls, One of n I Mr. and Mrs. Rich LeGear, St. Marys, three tests:35, 36, a el 42 inches. -Rev. and Mrs. Ford leave next week on aim B. cleanse I has received a3ciailnluteoptoliiies. new Fowler . h had th Perth. County Notes. The post -office at Plover Mills, has been closed arid mails will now be delivered at St. Ives until parties have their address changed, While Tom Pearson, of St. Marys, was standing on a box working at a wall at Mr. Dickson's on Thursday last he fell and broke hie arm. John Skelly, St, Marys, happened with au unfortunate accident on Thursday. While in the orchard he was kicked by a horse and his arm broken. 0 JOHN WHITE 8c SONS Publishers and. Preprietors -.wee NE OF THE FINEST Selections of Window Shades in this ! town can be found at the Market , Store. We can suit you in quality, color and price. We have the very newest in of Jacob 'Messner, cif a daughter. DINNEY-In Exeter, on the 21st inst., the wife of Robt. Dinney, of a daughter. HORNEY.-In Usborne, on the 21st inst., the wife of C. H. Homey, of a son. .• DAVIS-In 131ddulph, on the 22nd inst., the wife of Hiram Davis, of a daughter. BAGSHAW.-In Exeter. ou the 18th inst., the wife of Ab. Bagshaw, of a daughter. MARRIED. ENGELAND-OHLER-At the residence of the bride's father Colborne, on Sept 16th, by Rev. E. Becker, John Engeland, of Hay, to Miss Carrie Ohler. .CROZIER-UPSHALL.-At the residence of the bride's parents,Tuckersmith,on Sept. 16th, by the Rev. S. .A chosen, Mr. jetties S. Crozier, of Seaforth, to Miss Annie, daughter of Mr. Joseph Upshall of Tuckersinith. ,CAMERON-SLYIPSON-At Ocala, Florida. on the 31st of August, by Rev. Dr. Law, Allan Norman, youngest son of M. C. Cameron, Q. C., M. P., of Goderieh, Ont. to Mary E., eldest daughterof J. F. Simpson, of vIreirs- dale, Florida, late Hinehley,Leicestershire, England. • • , HAY -In Stratford. on Sept. Oth, Nellie, young- est danghter of D. D. Hay. $cOLWE't,LI.In Mitchell, September 9th, Sam- uel Colwell, aged 83 years and 27 days. SMITH. -In St. Marys, Sopt. lith, David. E. Smith, sou of Richard G. Smith, aged 28 years. - LOOMIS-On the 14th inst., Melissa, wife of Williatn Conner, 8th con., McGillivray, aged 32 years, Imonths. Mrs. Jno. Morrison, 14th, con., Step- hen, is seriously ill. un ay as .- , Hein)* Cook's patents visitedher e • s c who has been staying in Buffalo for past week. -Miss Ella, McPherson is I proving nicely. some time, has returned. home and is learning the Millinerywith Mrs Arnold. e visitingher father. -Mrs. Ball has gone to Flint, Mich., to visit her brother - Mrs Wurtz and Mrs. Thone have re- Iturned from their trip to Cavalier, Dakota. - •Miesee Mary and Eliza . Shetler are visiting friends in Col- borne township. -Ezra, Tiernan has dug the foundation for his new house, which he intends to build this fall. - J. Wambold has purchased the con- fectionery stock from D. Cottschalk, and took possession on Monday last. - Also J. Willert has disposed of his .Boot & Shoe stock to 0. Fritz. - Fred Ehleis has bought the how owned by Me. Wambold and will move to the 'village ere long. - On 'Wednesday evening last Miss Katie Ilse was united. in marriage to Dayid Pfaff in the pre- sence of a, ntimber of friends of the contracting parties. May they enjoy a long and happy life. NO OTHER REMEDY. No other remedy cures Summer Complaints, Diarrhcea, Dysentery, etc., so promptly and quiets pain so quickly as De. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. It is a, pocket 'doctor for tourists, travellers, etc. The Belleville Intelligencer bas pas- sed into the sole possession of Sir Mac- kenzie Bowen. fiN Fall INTERESTING .3fe is Where to Buy Your tj 1896 -± Fail and Winter Goods ••=2111•111•11131111:4 Saving most money, and we can assure • Ap. it witli us right here. Try us. A Grand Exhibition. NEWEST DRESS GOODS, and LATEST MANTLES, CAPES DESIGNS in WRAPPERS and 'FLANNEL= ETTES. tSTION. -Alfred Taylor and wife, of Exeter, Sarkton. visited at 3. Hobkirk's this week. -J. h W. Ortwein visited. friends in &et c on Sunday.-Ninian Morrison, of Lan- don, fornaer Hensallite, is gradnally growing weaker, and the end is ex- pected at any moment. His trouble is consuiseption.-Corn. Cook has been indisposed the past week. -A few months hence and liensall will be erec ted into an incorporated vinegar - Grain is being marketed slowly, doubt less on account of the prevailing low prices. - Zile& and Robinson have moved into their new store. -The fax mill is threshiug at the rate of 110 bags seed per day. -James Petty visited his old friend, Squire Leathorn, in Exeter, .on Tuesday. -A number attend the Zurich fair to -day. Zurich. IMILTs.-During the heavy thunder storm recently, Mr. jacob Haberer had four calves killed. in the field by lightning.. He did not discover the dead auimals until evening. He es- timates the loss about $35, as they were about nine months old and good onea - The committee of the Hay branch agricultural society -have secur- ed the Exeter brass band to play at, the fair, which will be held on the 23rd and 24th of September. -Adam S. Faust has bought the property of the late Ab. Wambold, and will take pos- session in November. - Mr. J. G. Schuchter left for Pigeon, Michigan, to Fallabsent about a week. - John Deichert visit his sons there. He intends to be was confined to his TOOM last week through illness. - Miss Wolper has returned to to her home in Berlin. - Mrs. Peine has returned. from visiting you that you eau friends east. - John Preeter has returned from Crediton. - 1896 • 'Big Choke, Big Bargains ..Pay us a visit and see what we can do for you. Everybody Welcome. BIRO WN IFIREETIpH, Ci 42 :1 ' HANDsomil FBA:MBES. Sometimes unsightly blotches, pim- ples or sallow obaque skin, destroys the attractivenee4 of handsome featur- es. In all such cases Scott's Emulsion will build up the system and impart freshness and beauty. Chalige 2 e.I.N.N8P lkI/T NEE from Winter. Heavy goods Boots & Shoes. to Spring and summer -wear is. now the or- der of the day. If you need any our stock is now complete. Many lines to Baled from and. at prices that will satisfy you. In Mon's, Boys, and Youths' Fine Goods everything is up to date. Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Donge- las, Oxfords, Bale and buttons.. We have everything in stock that you require. Space will not permit us to quote prices. Call and for se.,•.. ,-ourprs3e. A `"••=1-",T:',::-ta::"7. C Turnip Seed. Skirving's P. Top, Hall's Westburg, two weeks' visit to friends in Chicago. Elephant, ,or Monarch, Sutton s 1-Vm. Moss, of Plovermills, while -Bread has taken a, drop and may working on his new piggery, fell to Champion. All at prices away now be bad for from 3i to 4c. a loaf.- the ground a. distance of fourteen feet, down. Peter Cook, of Goderich township, has injuring his back and severely m sold his 80 acre faron the 701 consnraining . to his ankle He is recovering J. P. ROss James Cox of Porters Hill for $2.900.- slowly, The other day Mrs. Adam Oantelon ' contact with a needle whichpenetrated toe and entered the bone. The needle the fleshy part of the foot under the in St. Marys, and other re atives in this district the past two months, re - ting her father Mr ' James Hobbs ' • 1 • ' ' Name and 'Where Held. Date. St. !dory's, St. Marv's....0et, 6-7. — Sept. 20,30. turned on Tuesda to her home in Mitchell, Mitchell broke off short and could not be easily . • . ee, - Y Blenshard, Kirkton removed. Inmsfad, N. NI' . I'. Oet. 8-0, William Ensinger, o f P Vover- ?„-sfe pteNth*,Ti'e'fareh' ' "SoeePet• Te,„1 _sae_ mills, who is staying at Mr. Wm. , Hey, , acute inflammation a few days ago. severe attuk (.4 Winghana Wingham Sept. 29-30 Zariche . . Sept. 23-24, Ads% Craig. . — Jones', had. a very Brems.e-The Misses Addie and Under the skilful cure of Dr. Ford, f !Hibbert, •Stalfa, 1-2 ..Oct. day, afterspending a two months visit Mary Overholt arriyedhome on Satur- • Miss Minnie Crawford, daughter of ; Stanley, Bayfield, • i« u p a Granton iluith. Seaforth -.Sept 24-23. Tborndale, he is rapidly recovering. o- l'iel-telkeersi with relatives in Hagertown , Mary- Mrs. Ceawford, St. Marvs„ had quite , Oct. 12-13 an ex preience one evening lately. She ; Sept. 29-30 had been out visiting a relative in 1 Middlesex County Notes I:1!..t.uisi!ar.d,,:il.lid L'i.,v.s. returning with a ; No hopes are en—tertamed for the re - Granton next Sunday, Sept, -.7th, and a Anent, when a spark ! coyery of Mr. Joseph Witherspoon. of on October 4th. -Mr. Thos. Menzies, if;%;ina alip.e". he 'had been smoking set Brinsley, who has been ill for the past student of Knox College, preached in • her dress on fire and her hands were, the Presbyterian church here on Sim- m ire or less burned in extinmuishinti• two months. • day evening to a large congregation. it. - ' - ° ° Charles Costick, one of the best -Mr. A. McPherson, wife and family. ' from the vicinity of Cent•ralia, paid a fioleilil, 8, I'd ' il)ril Mail, ne.le St: M.I.• rs Oa F•Itlay John Donald. son of Geo. known farmers in Downie, died Wed- nesday night. from apoplexy. He was flying visit to friends in the village fifty six years of age. on Saturday. -Mrs. Sansford's and ill W.ki;i1g.".it tii Liu- w..,cm. iii .rmit of daughter, of Thaenesville, returned 131 nishaisl, 1;•*ti his lt.t.ld olt illt ;19,•rs.s lq' reeident of South Caradoe, died on Alexander MeGregor, a prominent John i'Sti ieesea e eel, i., ,• home on Saturday after a, week's visit , Wednesday, Sept 15, at hig home at with Mrs. Sansfords's sister, Mrs. J. bot Is ' II "it',' 1" i"'"" "`I w'''' 1' " ''''" Muneey, at the age of48 yeare. NV Reid --Mr. John Smith, fireman on the M. C. R. of Detroit, is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, East Williams. -A. C. Stewart shipped two car loade of cattle for P. Curtain to •Toronto on Saturday. • he a airs. (late of Goderich Township) came in Mrs. Jas. A. Powell, who has been land. -Rev. E. F. Snuth, who occup- ied Rev. D. L. Dewar's pulpit during his vacationwill preach in London and tit 1 It.• r.,, 1. 1 OP iftl!'%V. ltli'. On 4. P V. W.,S 1104. !.1)(oti st) 1 hof, 3 „f. yi „„ig "1„ a Robert Morgan and family of Delos- eseepiel W .11 a few ;.,•;• .., ..I ;lad a ,•,,i. ley, left this week for Sault Ste.. On Saturday while Miss Jennie Alarie, where they intend residing in future. Murray, East NISSOUri. WaA having .. some groceries put into her cart in St. Mr. C. W. Andrus, of London, had • wheeling quickly around threw her badly. bruised about the head and his shoulder -blade dislocated and was Marys,the horse became fright ened,and Wyth.out. She struek her forehead on the body by beingthrown out of his rig on — .. hard gravel road and cut and bruised Friday, at Clandeboye. BittEresseJoseph McGuire, who bee it badly. Her shoulder received a Capt. Robson, County Clerk of MU- .. , been & remount of this town. 7for over sereve shock. and the Hues 'Were also dlesex, was driving to his home at .. a. twenty years, intends moving his tapg140,1eout her neck. Ilderton on Thursalay evening, when family to Springfield, Mass., this week. ......„, a 4,41 - 4 the horse turned suddenly and threw Miss McConnell, milliner, left for ; him out of the buggy. The " coestaid'"' Orediton on Tuesdav to take her situa- The annual convention of may work- I was stunned and badly shaken up, tion. -On Saturday evening- Matthew ors and. Sunday School teachers' of thc. , but is able to be about again. honey moon trip. -.- Mr. A. and Mre. year Moody and bride returned from their diocese of Huron, will be held this 1 on Wednesday and Thursjanthe of Avonbank, was cutting corn for a. On Thursday last as Relit' McMillan, Emigh and Mrs, Cannon, after spend- 23th and 2,1th Of Ostober, at the towii returned to their home in Black Rock, On Tuesday, September: the Sth, at ing a few days with friends in town, of Clinton. silo on the farm of Thos. Thompson, of etrosslooistotnh,ehel itleir guenr,fortturnecateethca:. He rented. the Myth Estate farm ad- Woolacott, of the 12th were united , with the knife. finger, U. S., on Tuesday. --One of our citizens 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Amelia, fingen4 near the last Joint, and the top W. Levy took a moonlight flight last daughter of Adolph Pfeifer, of the of the thumb by c nuing in contact week, leaving several mourners behind. 12th. conce.ssion, Logan, and. \N Witten Lachlan McDonaldson of Alums 0 joining .this village for a term. The iu marriage. McDonald10 con, West 'Williams, , bailiff is^ in possession and will sell the Chas. Lemon of Mitchell took 125th received painful injuries last week by , . crops, &c., on Saturday. place in the twenty mile bicycle road falling from a load of oats when going BRIEF:a-The sidewalks are badly in need of repair. -Mrs. T. Roadhouse, who has been on the sicklist for sever- al weeks is iinproving.-Miss Eliza Shier is at present visiting relatives at Millbank and Mount Forest. -Mrs. T. Gilpin, of Wiarton is spending a few days at Mrs Gilpin's.-T. Darling has the Cornish farm consisting of 100 acres, 12 con. Fullerton rented for next year at $275. -Hugh Kirk, who is at- tending the Model School, Mitchell, I spent Sunday at home. -Mrs. Charles Duffield, has beau visiting relatives at I Mount Forestdaring the past two weeks. -A. number of people attended the Methodist Church at the Mitchell Road Sunday and Monday last. -John Moffatt has rented a farm near St. Marys for a term of years. -Every one is glad to see Rev. Mr. Fletcher home again lookinghale and hearty after his pleashnt trip. -The sad news has been received from Hamiota, Man., that Samuel Kirk's eldest daughter, Lois died on Sunday the 13th, after a few days sickness. - Henry Doupe, of Mount Forest was visiting_ relatives here last week. -James Ballantyne after a short illness died at his sou - in -law's I. Elliott, on Thursday last. His remains were interred iu St. Pard's cemetery on Saturday afternoon. He reached the ripe old age of 90 years and leaves it widow and two sons and two daughters to mourn his loss. -We are also sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. (Rev.),A.. Tufts, of Doug- las, Mau., after a short illness. - The trustees of Anderson school have come to an agreement with Miss Kirk to re- main as teacher of the school for an- other year. -Dr. and Mrs. Roger, of Fergus, have been visiting relatives here for a few days. If the owners of fruit &lees would re- move those unsightly cobwebs and , their contents now, there would be less Ito contend with next, year. A torch of • rags and coal oil is very effective. If these caterpillars are not destroyed the trees will surely be killed. There died in Buffalo on Sept 2nd Daniel Kane, youngest son of the late Timothy Kane, of the Gore of Downie. He had been complaining for some time of haVing a, very seyere pain in his head. A PROMINENT LONDONER. LONDON, ONT. Chases Ointment is an invaluable remedy for Itching Piles and in my own ease I would pay $50 per box tor it it it could not be other- wise had. Jolut PEDDTOOMB, 1 nttani St. V1•111.11•1•11=1•11MMIMWIR race in Toronto on Saturday last. He into Parkhill. He was tramped by the John Norris, late engineer the L. made the dn isteee in 1 helre and tit horses,. and the wagon loaded withoats H. & B. branch of the Grand Ti unk, on minutes, which is considered. gooa passed overhis foot, breaking one bone died in 'Windsor recently. tune araund here. and severly injuring another. The Department of Marine and Fish- Dr. W. W. Elliott, whese parent.: Constable Manes, of Parkhill, has eries have.granted permission to con- live in Logan, and well known in Mit- captured Tab Craig., the escaped con- tinue herring fishing through the chell, was united in marriage ou July vict from the Goderieh jail. He was month of November. 29th, to Miss Carter, of -Portage la bagged at Niagara, Tuesday evening Frank L. Pollock, of Gorrie sailed - Prairie, sister to Thomas Carter, " of and is again in castle Dickson, at Gode- Newry. Miss Carter was it milliner rich. Craig scaled the es•Mls of the last week from New York to the Sondem, where the war is goinand has been a resident of Portage la, gaol yard., about two months ago, went via Hamburg, Romeetc'on. He - • • e • rrairie roe some tune. after havleur served. a long ternil for ,. At the meeting tCy fergerY• Angus McLeod, ex -Canadian champ- of he Perth ountlengthened. His sentence will now be Council, the other afternoon, Mr. and and Mts. Thos. Varna, of South Easthope, were appointed caretaker NEVER HEARD OF. and matron respectively of the House of Refuge. Their salaries are $300 and. A SINGLE INSTNUE IN WHICH DODD'S $200 respectively, with free living. KIDNEY PILLS FAILED TO CURE James Riddel, a well-to-do farmer KID:NEY DISEASE. about 60 years of age, was found dead in bed, at Milverton, on Wednesday morning. He went to bed the night before as well as usnal. Heart disease is supposed. to have been the cause of death. Deceased leaves a wife, four daughters and a son. ion, established it new road record be- tween Petrolea and Sarnia, a distance of 16 miles, in 37 minutes, paced by two tandems. : Wallace Nesbitt, on behalf of Mr, 1 Hoath, Tuesday deposited. 51,000 and filed a petition to void the election of Hon. Mr Patterson in NorthGrey. The charges are many and of a serious nature. Mr. John Boyle, a Dover Township i farmer, met his death while driving home from Morpeth. His driver, a 'boy named Frank Hines, States that , he fell off the waggon, but as the two I are said to have quarrellecl while in i Morpeth there are suspicions Of foul I play. An inquest will be held. 1Thornclale, Sept. 21. -Word. was re- ceived here this -morning froin Delor- eine, Man., that Nathaniel Angue, who left here forte weeks ago died yester • .day from injuries received by an ac- cident to an engine. He was a brother of George Angus, foreman in Leonard. & Sons' foundry, London. The examinersappointed by the Do-. minion Government to fix the eastern grain standards for the Provinces of. Quebec and Ontario will meet at To- , eonto on Friday morning. It is not I expected • that there will be. much change in the year's standards. After the standards are mada• outside buyers will be able to obtain saniples of them by applying to Secretary Wills of the Board of Trade, or E. Adamson, tli: inspector Toronto. - Not a greatdeal of new Ontario wheat has yet been received here. In the County of Huron the number • of representatives has been reduced to 16„ about one third the former repre- sentation. The towns, • villages and townships have been grouped into eight ridings or divisions, each having three municipalities, with the except- ion of member six which is comprised of the testo Wa,wanoshs, Blyth and Wingham. The one man , one vote principle has been. cast to, the winds Eaah:qualified- eleetoe Will -be et liberty . to cast two 'votes for onacandidate or. ane vote.; each for two Candidetes. 1 Exeter; is , grouped : NV it'll,' Stephen . and •, ..Ubo e tp•OsIliii.. On Monday afternoon Leo Elliott, of Goderich, was swinging from a tree in front of the bank of Montreal, when the branch, a dead one, broke off, the boy falling with ereat force to the ground, a distance oft'9 or 10 feet. Leo sustained a nasty bruise on the forehead and over the eye, a disjointed finger aud it sprained wrist. The following from the Oollingwood. Bulletin of September 8t1I refers to the marriage of a daughter of John Wil- son, clerk of Fullerton township: Collingwood has again lost one of her perpular and. talentedyo ung ladies in the person of Jennie Wilson, who, Wed- nesday became the wife of H. Ste- phens of the fiten:of Stephens & Co., Glencairn. On Thursday week last while Mr. and Mrs. John =Connell were driving into Dublin their horse became frigh- tened at a horse grazing on the road- side, and threw mrsMcConnell out, while me. mcConnell had all he could do to manage the horse. mrs. Mc- Connell, though not injured in any way, was badly frightened and. left in a weak condition. We hope she will be none the worse of the eatastropll•s. Michael McLien, one of the olciest'eet- tiers hi Hibbert, died at his residence on August 20t,h. Be had been in poor health for some time and all that hiuna,n Skill and tender care could do was done to restore his health, but. to no avail. -The deceased was anhonesk upright man, reSpeeted by an who knew him, and his death is regretted by a host of friends, His remains, fol- lowed by a imp concourse of people, weremterred ittTrishtown cemetery. Mount Forest (Special) Sept. 21 -The proprietor of the Queen's Hotel of this town declares that be has every reason to believe, that any claim made by the people who are .advertising and selling Dochrs Kidney Pills is true. These people were the first to inform, and instruct him as to the cause of his long continued suffering from extreme ners vousness. He says that "unable to obtain euy relief from other sources, that it was on account of reading the particulars of other cures that his confidence was gained." Two boxes of Doda's Kidney Pills were all that were required to complete his cure. • Invite Every buyer of Furniture to call and see us. We will save you money ua PARLOR SIM, 15DROOM 1)111910 ROOM 8H, of lot Me KlIclleo. We have it large stock of Picture Franie Moulding on hand, also Win- dow shades, at a bargain Our Undertaking Department is complete. We guarantee satisfaction ba this line, both in quality and. price. Our Planing Mill is now running full blast. Parties in need of building a e vial. such as DOORS, SASH, FRAMES + a -1- AND MOULDINGS shouid give us a call. We are now making a epecialty of Wire Screen Doors sust now made to order. 1-101F`PMAIN 13R0 Furniture Dealers, Undertakers and Contrae °es, Dash en