HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-9-17, Page 5$ales .1 With Hood'sk a cl3lla,'(9aleeyTallr,"and allow that this medi- Talk eine has enjoyed public confidence and patronage to a greater extent than accord- ed any other proprietary medicine. Thie le simply because it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than any other. It is not what we say, but What Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that teat the story. Ali advertisements of Hood's sirsaparitla, like Hood's Sarsaparilla it - Self, are. honest. We have never deceived. the public, and this with its superlative Medicinal merit, ie why the people have abiding confidence in it, and buy loo " Sarsaparilla *most to the exclusion of all others. Try it; 'Trepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. are the only pills to take 110.-OCES PILLS with II0tel's Sarsaparilla. GRAN TRUNK K STS% IL TE+►AT LON DON AND RiE,TuRN Froin Sept. lith to ISth inclusive SINGLE FARE On Sept. 14th and loth .&11 tickets gond for return until Sept.. 21st, 1S00. Appily to 0. KNIGI1T, Agent. Exeter. . A NT r1' T eau employ five mien and three ladles to work at and satound home. A good thing with good salary for pusher& T. IL Lmse rr. 49 Richmond St. W', Toronto. Ont. KINSI4IAN, DENTIST, LD.8.SPBCI.LIST In GOLDFIFILL- ING. PLATE ING. FX4TING and WORK. Gere and local Anaesthetics rorpain- testi extracting. 2nd door north of c,tR- LING'S Store DAALTON AN DI;RSON D.D. S • L. D • S. Bony dradnate of the TO - route University anti oval college of Dental Surgeons of Outer Specialties painless extraction and preservation of the natural Leets;, Office ever the LawOffloa of Elliot* Elliot, ennosito Certral Betel, Exeter, Ont. R AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, • CLI1.71ON. Wil! be at Greb's' hotel Zurich on the second Thursday of oaoh mouth and at liodgin's hotel Hensel! avert Monday IZT MR ?MS DO" I At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get aafit. W. JOHNS, JOHNS, The Tailor. 1\7.0a7 1[ RAM��� 3 N+J di it iii 1t, Then Come To Us for Best Bedroom Suites For ours are ,elected with a view to suiting the most searching taste, and all can got what they want at any price. The Leading Furniture Dealers -t. 'The Leatnng Undertakers. Gidley & Son ODDFELLOW'S BLOCH. A Suit of vlothes or. a Single Garment Should. Combine now a days, Correctness of Style. Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and `T` }1 E.X•ETF sorer•cR noulta Wo�astxs:tt(�:v#r�aNNx�—e,.:v .•+. �,�.. _ ...-.. -.. .- gnldusort,:rtp ra.}.w:wr'ww,':r,.uxburmaWew,s�.gFa oft a +l±I9iiI>lsT REPORTS. Kind, ords Come From 115111110USness Exeter. SEPTEMBER 18.h, 189e. • • , la caused by torpid liver, whio�, prevents diges- heat per bushel ,... .00 to 00 Public I n st i }' `t i 4+i n s i tion and permits food to ferment and petrify in oats........ I to 19 l i6 3i ; the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, ..25 to 27 ...40 to 42 1 ...11 to 12 �- 7 to 10 6 to 8. •.. 5 to 5 6 to 6 $4.45 to $4.40 $3.35 to 83.35 Hay per ton........ .• 8 7 00. to Stteo Clover seed .......... . $.5.50 to $5.7,5 Alsiko clover .... ,. .,. $4.00 to $5.06 Timothy seed ,•.8'2.50 to 42.75 Barley....... ....,. Pea Butter..... ,. ,. Turkeys ,,. Geese.,.... Chickens per Ib Ducks. - Pork. , .. Pork dressed..... . Pork live weight Loudon, SEPTISMBE R 10th,. 18904 'Wheat per bushel,- .... ....60 to 63 Oats.... ...... 1 to 22 Peas ... • to 40 Barley ... 5 to 30 Buckwheat • .... ....26 to 28 Rye , . . .,..39 to 45 Corn .,.. 40 to J5 Beans 40 to 55 Egggtt9or..., ""'11 to 12 Ducks 45 to 65 Turkeys per It,... '1 to 8 Geese per 9 to 10 Chickens 30 to 60 Cheese 8 to 8 Potatoes per bag.... 22 to 25 Hay per ton ..,.$ .7,(A to $ 9.00 Pork per cwt.... .. .. $4.50 to 54.75 --,,. The Ijategt News. The general average for wheat in Manitoba is 19 bushels per acre. J, R. Booths of Ottawa, has offered $10,000 towards a mitarhinr in Al- gonquin Park. Hon. Geo. E. Foster had his bicycle smashed between a dray and a. mail car. Ho escaped by jumping. The reception given to Lord Aber- deen at Windsor and Chatham on Saturday, was a very successful and enthusiastic affair. Li Hung Chang embarked on the Empress of China, Monday for horn e. A large number of Chinamen received hien at Vancouver. The appointment of Jeremiah 1-lal- lett, as collector of customs at Guelph, made by the late Government, has been ratified and gazetted. Because Mr. Sifton did not go to Ot- tawa on Saturday, itis rumored that there is a hitch in the appointment of the Minister of the Interior. According to the United States Goy- ernulent report, the condition of win ter and spring wheat is 74:0, against 95.E in 1805 and 83.7 in 1591. Corn, 91. Information has readied the United States Treasury Department that 1,000 prospectors, who are now in the min- ing region of Alaska, are in danger of starving. There are many forms of nervous debility in men that yield to the use of Carter's Pills. Those who are troubled with nervous weakness, night sweats, etas:., should try theta. The death of Judge Lacour;se, of Waterloo, doess, not create a vacancy on the bench, the junior judge being enough for the population, under the new law. ac The American IhoilwttyUnion, whose president is E. V. Debs, has in con- nection with the board of directors, issued an address to railway employes which closes with a pledge of support to Mr, Bryan. Dyspepsia in its worst forms will yield to the use of Carter's Little Nerve Ii 1 1sf. aided, by Eurter s Little Liver Pills, They not .only relieve present distress but strengthen the stomach and digestive apparatus. No official fir'ures can be obtained from manager $ill, of the Toronto Fair, regardingd the receipts for the present year, but he states that ap- proximately they amount to about $,75,000, being Int increase of $7,000 over last year. • • fosephEdward Gilbert, a piano tun- er, residing at WTallaceburg, was ar- rested at Chatham last night, charged with non-support of his wife and child. He is engaged to a young woman of WTallaceburg, and denies that he was ever married. Learning that the wife of the late 14f1'. John Clark, his ppredecessor in the representation of North Grey, bad been left in indifferent financial cir- cumstances, Zion. William Patterson promptly presented her with his ses- sional allowance of $1,000. About, 800 French-Canadians are emigrating to Brazil, where they will get one year's food and a free passage out. It is said, however, that, there is no chance of their making a living in Brazil, and the Government is urged to warn them to remain in Canada. It is generally belieyed now thatPar- liament will be prorogued about the end of next week. It has been in ses- sion twenty -sic days and now will get the full indemnity of $1,000. There has been practically nothing done to show for the very large outlay of public money. B. Gilbert, of Brantford, Sunday morning took a dose of carbonic agid in mistake for it patent medicine, and soon after died from its effects. The deceased was an old resident, well known and highly respected here. He kept a fancy store and barber shop, and was also a great dog fancier. Queen Victoria has decorated Li HungChang with the order of the granknight commander of the hath,. and his two sons knight commanders Li Hung Chang expressed great plea- sure at .being so honored. The notifi- cation was made by LordAberdeen in a dispatch to the Chinese diplomat at Winnipeg. James Iiaisley, of Cobourg, about 50 years old, and a barnoss-maker by trade, left his borne , Friday night at 12 o'clock, saying he was going out into the yard. As he dM not return bis wife and some neighbors began searching for hint, but no trace of him was found until Friday morning, when a lad discoyered his body floaving near the end of the long pier. It is not likely an inquest will be held, as the circumstances point to suicide owing to financial troubjeSS Haisley leaves a. wife and three children. About a year ago, Mr. Waddel of Culross, and his, wife• started to visit Teeswater. On the way the horses ran away, throwing Mr. Whddel out of the rig. The wife returned home and. got one of -the boys to drive to Teeswater, b ut be f ore getting th ere they again ran away, and the mother was killed. About two months ago,. this same team ran ieway, killing one of the boys, and nen, wordcomes - that another boy while engaged in drawing in grain fell • bff the' load and broke his neck. • Smart Weed... and. Belladonna, -tom- bined with the. other ingredients used in the best porous plasters, Make Car- ter's S. W: & 73. Backache .Plasters the *snits the Market: `Prise 25 cents.. reliable place, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A. large assortment of Fall & Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other lines•that are specially at- tractive. gilfMLIits J AS WELL AS FROM PRIVATE IN-, DIVWUALS. insonilna, nervousness, and, al ii not relieved bilious fever 1 or blood poisoning: Hiood's I i • Pills stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver; cure heachche,dizzineea, con - us attention, etc. 25 cents. Bold by all druggists. The only Pills to take with )3ood'sSarsaparilla. AlleiassesaidCreedsPraise -- gya� A WOMAN'S HEART. Pane's cale� �:4i,�ioltcmlja 1 Derangement of the heart and ner- 1 ves in women is followed by various nervous disorders, such as Hysteria, Melancholia, Neuralgia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation and Pains and Aches in Public institutions throughout Can- vanlous parts of the body. In such , ada .are as ready to acknowledge the cases strengthen the heartand build up marvellous virtues of Pine's Celery the nervous system by • the use of Compound as are private individuals, 1 Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. For many years a large number of ; The many friends ofMr. Frank May, our public, benevolent and religious iof Ontario, Cal„ formerly of Clinton,. corporations have used Paine's Celery ' will regret to learn of his sudden death, Compound for the benefit of old and which took place on Saturday, Aug. young, and if it were possible to pub-180th,of typhoid fever, he being sick Rib all the statements made by the ,Onlyabout ten days, inmates, scores of the letters would FOUND AT I,AST. prove interesting and entertaining, In institutions like those referred to, A.li.ver pill that is small and sure, where hundreds mare cared for every 'thatactsgently, quickly, and t.horongh- yeax•, all the common ills and diseases i ly, that does not gripe. Laxer -Liver of every day life are found, and many l Pills possess these qualities,lbeing com- posed of strictly vegetable laxative and liver medicii)es, and are a sine cure for Liver Complaint, Constipat- ion, Sick Headache, etc. hundreds have been monde well and strong by Paine's Celery Compound that the physicians of these institut- ions were unable to cure by the or - dinar means, or- dinary work is Tod this rand cutin tic k stili goiYg on in many of the largest and most prominent of our public places, and no other medicine will be tolerated. but, Paine's Celery Con) - pound, which shows the esteem and confidence in which the medicine is held. One of these noted institutions that has given testimony for Paine's Celery Compound is the immense conventual educational house on theft Lawrence, near Montreal, and known as the "Convent of the Holy Names." The ladies of this house write as follows : "We feel it a duty to add our testi- mony in favor of your "wonder-work- ing" Paine's Celery Compound. Many sisters, suffering from debility, dys- pepsia, sleeplessness and indigestion, have been completely relieved after taking it, "We shall strongly recommend its use in all our houses as the best medi- cine to restore health, and give tone and vigor to the nervous system." Oats are down to I5c per bushel. Cannot the Liberal Government have the price advance, rather than go down . SCROFULA CURED. Draft Silts, -After I had doctored for two years for scrofula, all over my body and received no benefit, I tried a bottle cif Burdock Blood Bitters, which gave me relief very quickly, and after using six bottles I was completely cur- ed. I can recommend B. 13. B. very highly. Miss. A. Fon%, Toronto, Ont. Isaac Bastien was found guilty of in voluntary• manslaughter by the anry in the Court of Queen's Bench at Montreal Friday. Bast ien was charged with the murder of Alfred Legace by striking him with a stone in a drunken brawl at St, Henri, some time ago. NO OTHER REMEDY. No other remedy cares Summer Clompla.iuts, I)iatrrh(> a, Dysentery, c'tc:.. so promptly and quiets pain so quickly as Dr. Fowler's Extract of .Corn sold at 194 cents in St, Louis Wild Strawberry. It is a. pocket last week, 15 cents lower than las doctor for tourists, travellers, ete, year and the lowest on record. The municipal rate for the town - The Rev. T. R. Davis, of Sarnia,re- rate ship of London bas been struck at the ceived a telegram frons Forest, Friday Ilodgins reportsls at stn; tmsoafa$ai,000eve evening announcing deaththe of Rev the goad of the townsbip for 1895. D. C,arscaden, the missionary to the he Kettle Point Iodians. i SUDDENLY ATTACKED. '0`" Children are often attacked sudden - FOR THE PUBLIC MO. ly by painful and nangerons Globe, C,Jramps,DiarnccE'a, Dysentery, Cholera t Morbus, Cholera Infaantum, etc, Dr. Mil. JOHN tf. SMITH :MAKES A Fowler's. Extract of Wild Strawberry STATEMENT Vail THE SHOE- i always be kept in the house. FIT OF OTHERS. Constable (ruiul:shanks, of the la Duck Lake, shot and killed himself Mr. John Il, Smith, the popular there on Wednesday. town councillor of Thamesville, On- Canadian cattle ars again being tario says, "I think Doan's Kidney' shipped via Boston. Pills which I got at the Central Drug- store are a grand kidney and bladder medicine for one box of theta cured . me completely of badder difficulty of ; -- -- long •IF b promptand sure mire which should Northwest Maunted Police, stationed OMENS FOR AUTUMN. ng standing. "I recommend then, with pleasure. , Diamond Dyes Gives the They are far the best medicine I have , Richest Colors. ever used for kidney trouble, and i I strongly advise all suffers to give i them a trial. The )manufacturers of the justly pop - Mr. Robert II. Switzer, the well- ular Diamond Dyes constantly avail known engineer at Mayllews Flour' themselves of every improvement in Mill also goes on record as follows: 1 the manufacture of dye -stuffs, thus Doan's .Kidney Pills are a good Kid- giving to home -dyers all over the ney medicine and there is 00 mistake world each and every advantage pos- abont it. I haye had Nick troubles sessed by the largest nus,nfacturers; on f or nine years, --pain in the small of : ealrtll: my back very bad at tiiues, and also, Have yontriedtheDiamond Dye Fast suffered frontrurinary difficulties. ' Dark Green, Diamond Dye Fast Olive "1 feel tired niid fagged -out most of Green. and Diamond Dye Fast bottle the time. I got a box of Doan's Kid- : Greet)' For the dyeing of Wool and ney Pills at the Central drugstore, 'Silk goods these Greens are certain - and when I bad taken half of then 11y triumphs of science. began to get better, and kept ('Ti inn For the coming Autumn, the above proving Until now all the pain is dons?Greens with their varied shades - and my kidney troubles are cured; hunter's Green, Myrtle Green, Bronze "I feel as well as ever again and Green, Rnssiau Green, and Old Green pleased to recommend Doan's Kidney .-will be all the rage for ladies' suits Pills to all suffering as 1 - did. They and dresses. Use only the "Diamond," are aagood and reliable medicine." and you will surely get the best results (Sgd) ROBERT H. SwITLER. • and colors. PICTURES- POR Uy I L I eir WERA1P°PER ' A PRETTY COLORED PICTURE FOR EVERY 12 "SUNLIGHT" OR EVERY 0 "LIFEBVOY" SOAP WRAPPERS. THESE Prcrrnls ARE WELL WORTH GETTING. ADDRESS : LE cott VER & LJ t). LTD. 'i'ORONTO. .........0.000,. ...00..00.0000.0000.•000®00.00®00.0.: s• Prepare Nowfor the Cold o by seeing that all your ordered clothing is interlined with Fibre Chamois. It will not add weight • and only costs a few extra cents, i but it gives a grateful comforting q warmth to men's, women's and i children's clothing which wiIl defy t the coldest blasts of winter. • For your own sake .don't try to .zzi do without this backbone of all winter comfort. • i� = Don't buy any ready-to-wear • suits which ; haven't the Fibre Chamois label, Think of the healthful warmth, the difference in price dr>esn't count. Reduced to 25 cents a . yoard. •+•••++•••••N• i r0 1 PORTLAND 1 and Other CEMENTS - CALCINED PLASTER Bottom Prices. H. I3isliop & Son. MARRIED. HARNESS--LAMPOItT,--•Tn London, on the 16th Inst., by ltev. A. L. Russell, Mr. Curtis Harness of Exeter to Miss Lueinda Lam- pert, of Crediton. GEIOMANN--JACKSON.-Iu Buffalo, on the 7th inst., Fred L. Germane to :Utas Florence 8. Jackson, daughter of Mr. Isaac Jackson, of Clinton. SCOTT-MeDON"ALD.-At the residence of the bride's father, Ilrucettold, on Sept. Jth, b. • Rev. W. Muir, 31r, Andrew J. Scott to Jessie, youngest daughter of Mr. D. McDonald. FLOODY-CI1OCKEIt..-At the residence of the bride's father, on Wednesday, Sept. Mb. by the Rev. lir. !Willoughby, Mr, Matthew ploetly, of Blyth, to Miss Alice Louise, daughter of Mr. Richard Crocker. of Exeter. BETTER THAN GOLD isa Business or Shorthand Course itt the r FOREST CITY BUSINESS R SROIITHAND COLLEGE, LONDON, ONT. The whololif' the third floor of the now Y. M. C. A. building is being speedily filled up for our work, With increased facilities. course strengthened and revie+ed, we will easily maintain the ro= putation earned as being the Model Business Training School of Canada. Drop us a postal for catalogue and Particulars, College reopens September. ' STEPIiL+`NS - WILSON. --1n C'oltiugwood, on the 7th Inst„ at the residence of the bride's auut;Dir, Beery ate ahens, of Gollingwood, to Jonme, daughter of John Wilson, Esq., Work of the township of Fullerton. � Sti OLLOCOTT-I'FII'k:I(- - At the Lutheran irpopuiar church, lirodhai;an, by the Itev. Dir. Weigand on the 8th inst., Isle Wm. Wollocott, to !cyglee >r Prices J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. MEP.. MOORS.-In Fullerton, on theist inst.,George /f�ln �{{nJcQ {� yr44(Qj�,QC r{� �'� �i` Moore, aged 72 years. inti lt� I U UU ill PIM 11of $5o t+ COLNVELL,-•In Mitchell, on the 9th inst., ll D. &amuelC'olvell, used b3 years. 27 days. ,`SINTUII .-In :vitae], on the 3rd inz t., 'a Mary Irene, wife of Arthur T. 3iinturn, Fully guranaeed for Ia9�. Detroit, aged •:na year, -...Ammono. Also full line of Baby Carriages in stock. SALE REGISTER. ---Saturday, Sept. 211,-Farin, farm stock, iinplenlents. , ete. The property of Mrs. Margaret „ , �t� 8 & MARTIN Hahlbein, lot21, con. 10, Stephen. '.D. I3o .sENBERRY, Auct. 1 A FORTY-Y114R OLD GRIEVANCE 1.NCE It& MOVED. In Bath, Ont. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills are ' a standard remedy. Joseph (lordlier. of this • town,sutibred Inc40 ears with indigestion years • u and its ever prc•:teut accon ps imonts- coasti• potion and headache. K. & L. Pills are the only remedy that gave him relief. 25e, a box, of all druggists. One pills dose. P011 OVICIR FIFTY TEARS, Ax Ow Ara) Wat.L.TRnuo ILE aft nr.-Diva. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while toetluc,g, with perfect success. 10 soothes the child,disoftens the gums,allays the t ni n, cures thcolic, and ist'oromed for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste, Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no • other kind, ASTRAY. Strayed onto the promises of William Reilly, Lot O. South Boundary Stephen, on About the last of August, a lacer. Owner is requested 00 prove property, pay charges and remove hint. WILLIAM REILLY. AN -Ti -nAt once, a few gond men to whom sIO.P0 or ;12.00 a week would boan object. Send references. THE B1iADLEVOAERsxsox CO., LTD. Brantford, Ont. CUT THIS OUT and return to us with Five a Cents in silver, and you will get by return mail, A GOLDEN BOX OF GOODS that will bring you else �money 1ai crynin one month, than any - A. W. KINNEY. E. T. Yarmouth, N. S. IN ihaTtliiES to get framed. We have hundreds of feet of mould -i .ng, .rem 4c. p..r foot up -t wards !Also a nice lot of pictures cneap. A full stock of Furniture andUndertaking always on hand. R. N. ROWE. Central DRTJG STORE Those who have used Winan's dough • Balsam. Pronounce it unequalled as a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS AND BRONOEITIO TROUBIES, Winan's Condition & Cough Powder foi. horses, best in the mar- ket. always on hand. Also a Cetobenefacto and Lini- ment, the medicine so cue. oessfully used by Mr. Chas. Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and curing various diseases, For Sale at 0,, LUTZ'S • a s. man s icycle In strength, lightness, grace and elegance of finish and equipment Model 41 of the famous .0 .0 .0 .% . .0.0.0 .0 .0 has no equal. It is made in the largest and best equipped bicycle factories in the world, under the most thorough and carefully maintained system of tests and inspection, and every detail of equipment contributes to comfort and pleasure. it et& etf .df .sof .8f $11 0 TO ALL ALIKE. Standard of the World. Columbia Art Catalogue, telling fully of Columbian, and of klartford Bicycles, trustworthy machines of lower price, is free from any Columbia agent; by mail for two 2 -cent stamps. POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. We appoint but one selling agent in a town, and do not sell to jobbers or middlemen. If Columbias are not properly represented in your vicinity, let us know. Y 'lae�of y, r;'71 de.3i�o2147rs*Pak• `G' ,a's:?'.1,ee-''. .v M1 CIG ol W. S. Kimball & Co, Rochester, N. Y. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. 5c per package 17 FIRST PRIZE MEDALS.