HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-9-3, Page 5G 48 u res f HoodsCures lk Sarsapnarilla, SI favor �� qt Hood's Sarsaparilla, Sa for no other medi- eine. Its great cures recorded in truthful, convincing language of grateful men and women, constitute its most effective ad- vertising, Many of these cures are mar- l/dons. They have won the confidence of the people; have given Hood's Sarsapa sills the largest sales in the world, and have made necessary for its manufacture the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's $arsapariilals known by the cures it has amide -cures of scrofula, salt rheum and eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia end weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh -cures which prove too Sarsaparilla Is the best -in fact the One True Blood Purifier. euro liver ills; easy to Hood's Pills tale, cosy to operate, 21C. fir For Sale Or Rent. pia tJ:E:ir'kton. Post Oiil.co Store for sale or- rent. Possession at once. Good stand for a pushirg 4nianwith some capital. Terms easy. Apply to JOHN McC UIWY Kirkton. Rall for 1; ice. Thorough -bred Jersey I3u11 for service' also a 'thorough red Durham Bull, 11 nxonthsold,color red, for sale. For particularsapply to Wat. S Lot 33, Con. 4,17sborne. Queenston Cement. Any needingcement or instructions Trow to use it, shoulleave their order with Delbrid a Bros. ,Viucbelsea. Wo aro prepared to supply cement and do all hinds of work in flooring, walls, etc. There is a small quantity of cement at Mr. Ii, Smith's, Hay P. 0. DEId3RIDGB BROS., Winchelsea. KINSMAN,. DENTIST, • Lf) .8. SPECIALIST in ( OLD FILL- ING, Mall/LOWING and PI,ATE WORK. Gas and local Anaesthetics "or ain- lete extraotinp 2nd door north of + AB- LING'S Store T ALTON ANDLi RSON D.D. S 1! • L. D• S, Honer .4raduato of the To. route Universityanri oyal college of Dental Burgeons of Ontar Specialties, painloas extraction and preservation of the natural teeth. Ofilee over the Law Office of Elliot A Eliiot.,onsosito Central hotel, Exeter Ont. ii141.2.11ET REFORMS. Exeter. SEPTEMBER 2nd, 1890 - Wheat per bnshol .. ...60 to 60 Oats... ., 18 to 19 Barley...,....25 to 27 Peas......... ...-.. ..40 to 42 Mutter..... .. 1Es � to 1 91 Turkeys 7 to q 6 to Ohickeens per Ib 5 to 5 Ducks . 6 to Pork drossed:...., , ,. $.4.25 to 1.46 Pork live weight$3.35 to $3.35 Day por ton ,........ $10.00 to $11. Clover seed .. .... ..$5.50 to $$a. p Alsike clover $1.00 to $5 Timothy sped ..... , ... , $2.50 to $2.75 BAGNEW L. D. ,,DENTIST, T� . CLINTON. Will be at Grab's hotel Zurich on the aeoond Thursday of each month and at Hodgqin's hotel Bengali every Mondav- BET Tov r�TS London, SEPTEMBER 2nd, 1896. Wheat perbushoi, . ,... „00 to 03 Oats.... 2D to 22 Peas .... .,..42 to 43 Barley ....25 to 30 Buckwheat -..,26 to 28 Ilya ,...39 to 45 Corn . ,35 to 40 Beans ...,.. 40 to 55. Butter ..,. 10 to 111 Eggs Ducks 45 to 05 Turkeys per ib, 7 to 8 Geese per lb...... 9 to 10 Chickens 30 to. 8 Cheese Potatoes per bag .22 to 25 kfay por ton . ....$ $.0e. to $$9.00 Pork per cwt.... .. At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a fit. W. JOHNS, The Tailor. i\Torr, HEASILY UED. Then Come To Us for Best Bedroom Suites TOJW \ TOU4JUfaITS, )lour -The market is quiet and prices arc steady, with straight rollers quoted at $3 to $3.10. qud aBran-The8 market iat with earl Wheat -The market is quiet and prices as a rule are steady. Old white wheat Is held at 65c on the Northern and new sold at 62e. Iced 60e to Ole for new, 031/2e to 04e for old. No. 1 Manitoba hard 000 ;1110. land, No. 2 hard 03e, and No, 1 Northern 04c 311015ncl. Barley --There Is nothing doing, and price, are purely 9olu?nat, Oats -The market is steady,Zx 'ith Offer. Ffer Tugs moderate. Old white quoted. at 18e and maxed at 171/2c west. Peas -The market Is quiet and prices are unchanged. Sales of new at 42e west. Oatmeal -Business quiet, with prices none. 'nal at, 8 .40 on track. Corn -The market is dull and prices quot- ed. at 2.2e to 29c. Rye -New rye is quoted outside at 32e tc 33e. For ours aro selected with a view to suiting the most searching taste, and all can get what they want at any price. The Leading Furniture Dealers �.. The Leading Undertakers. MONTREAL LIVE STO(:I-.- Montreal, Aug. 31. -Business was about average, or a little below perhaps, in cat- tle this warning, although arrivals at the eastern abattoir market were plentiful enough. What business was dame was done at satisfactory prices, some choice calves going as high as $10, while osport cattle fetched from 3'e to 3%c per Ib.. live weight. The arrivals and prices were as follows: 800 cattle at 2e to ac; export cattle, al,ac to 3%c; 700 sheep and lambs at $2.50 to $3.00 for sheep (butchers') and $1.00 le $3:,0 for lambs: 200 calves at ;2 to 510; 50 lean hogs at $:3 to $7. BRITISH MAREEIS.: Liverl:oal, Aug. 3L -Spring wheat, 5s 3d to 58 4trid; red winter, no stock; No. 1 Cnt.. 5s 63$1 to 5s 71/2d; corn, 2a 910; peas, 4s Od; pork, 45s; lard, 19s Od; bacon, 1.0., heavy, 26s 00; do.. light. 2.•4 60; do., s.c.. heavy, 22s 60; tallow, 17s; cheese, white, 39s Od; do. calorod, 40s 00. London, Aug. 31. -Opening -Wheat oit const quiet, on passage dull. English color try markets Is dearer. Maize off coast and on passage quiet. Liverpool --Spot wheat steady; futures steady at 5s 1%d for Sept., 5s 2a for Oct.. 5s 23F•d for Nov. and 53 2)'id for Dee. Maize steady at 2s 00 for Sept. and Oct. and 2s ilyld for Nov. and Dee. Flour 16s Oct. Paris-Wheat 181 50c for Sept.; flour 401 00c for Sept. Liverpool -Mose -Wheat steady at tis 1,.•d for Sept., 5s 20 for Oct., Ss 2i/,d for Nov. and 5s 3d for Doc. Maize quiet at 2s 9d for Oct: and Nov. and 2s 9yid for Deo. Flour 1Os Gd, Cxi .fey & Son, ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. A Suit of clothes or a 5ingfe Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship,, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. se in an old and these You � look for h reliable plane, and A. J. his e er disappoints SNELL n � pp oin6s patrons in any of these. A of ar a assortment 1 g Tll.t; EXETER TIMES. A Continental. Reputation. Paine's Celery Compound and Its Thousands of Advocates. Go where you will over the whole North American continent, you will hear Paine's Celery Compound spoken of; and in every village, town and city you will find some, who through the Compound's power, have found health and new life. People delight in telling to others what Paine's Celery Compound has done for them. No wonder that there are tens of thousands of ardent and enthusiastic missionaries all over the continent speaking good words about Paine's Celery Compound to those who need a curing and a healing medi- cine. The friends who have spoken for and recommended Paine's Celery Compound have done more to advance the reputation of earth's best medi- cine than all the newspaper articles ever published. The great xn.ajoritygof diseases that end in misery and (loattll alight be quickly and permanently cured if sick persons could only be induced to use Paine's Celery Compound. The wonderful medicine has a noble record of cures -an array of testimony that is truly magnificent and astonish- ing. The rhemnatic, dyspeptic, dys- peptic, nervous, sleepless, weak, run- down, and those tormented with blood diseases are soon made well and strong by Paine's Celery Compound. Even if your doctor has doubts about your case, Paine's Celery Compound will surely and certainly give you the bloom of health and long years of happiness. Let your druggist or dealer know that you must have "Paine's" as imi- tations cannot uteet your case. London Cheese Market. Saturday August 29, 1896. There was a larger market to -day and more brisk than last Saturday. Eight and five -sixteen cents per pound was the highest bid, and 3cents per pound the lowest bid for August cheese, and 60 boxes of July cheese sold for 711-16 cents. The following factories were represented:- 100 epresented:100 2I5 100-8 3-16c 169-8ic 125-81c 60-7 11-16c 188-8i)c 77-8fc 65-8:ic 155 105-8lc 85--8 5-16e 93 95-8 3-16c 290 85 200 125 190 • 150 85-8/e 190 200-8ic 320 150 80-8 3-16e 220 275 Lakeside Maple Grove Glanworth Belmont tiolmesville Centralia (July) Ridgetree Proof Line N. Middlesex Mnrray's Blanshard and Nissouri Oliver Union Hill North Street Leitch's Vyner Thames Delaware Gladstone Pond Mills North Branch Cherry Hill W. Nissouri Malahide Westminister White Oak Sifton's Appin and Mayfair Geary's • 117 Fall & Winter Goods '-ttnd Tweeds, are Worsteds In now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing then: to you. There are many giber :.nes that are specially at- tractive. '7. M■ ICLL, The Fall Fairs. Name and Where Held. Date. „rAug.31-Sept. 12. Indus'1 E., Toronto Western, London ' b Sept. 10-19. St. Marys; St,. Mary's.... Oct. 6-7. 20-30 8-0. 22-24. 1--2. 23-24. 21-22. 20-30 Mitchell, Mitchell Sept. Blanshard, Kirkton Oct. Great N. W., Goderich Sept. N. Perth, Stratford .Oct. Hay, Zurich, Sept. Exeter, Exeter Sept. Wingbarn, Wing -hamSept. Hibbert, Staffe, .Oct. Tnckersmith, Seaforth ....Sept. 24-2o. Biddulph, Granton -Sept...,29-30. Stanley, Bayfield • ....Sept. 29-30 • •-t•' y GOLD OR SILVER. YOU'D G1v E ALL You HAVE or Bove TO IIERESTORED TO HEALTH -DR, AGNEW'S GREAT CURES ARE SPECIFIC CURES FOR, Sreci- rIC AILMENTS. HEART. DISEASE. --Belief in thirty minutes in most alarming cases of heart trouble : A strong statement to snake for Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, but it is borne out by the testi- mony of thousands who to -day pro- claim themselves snatched from the grave by its wonderful curative pow- ers. If the heart flutters, palpitates, tires easily, it indicates heart disease. Be warned in time. Use this surest and quickestcure; it neverfails. James Allen of St. Stephen, N. B., writes : "I was troubled. with very severe pains in the heart, pain in the side, and shortness of breath. I became com- pletely exhausted with the least exer- tion. Doctors said my case was a hope- less one. I procured a bottle of Dr. Aguew's Cure for the Heart. A few closes gave ale permanent relief -six bottles entirely cured me, and to -day I am well, and strong as I ever was. I think it the best medicine on earth for heart trouble." CATARRH. -It goes right to the seat of the trouble, attacks the disease, re- moves the cause, cleanses out and heals the parts, quickly and permanently. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder does. all this, and its no hearsay. The slaves who are freed from this loathesomema- lady, by this positive cure, are singing its praises day in and day oat. "I am 80 years old. I have had catarrh for 50 years. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder cured me, and I look upon my cure as almost a miracle," says Geo. Lewis of Shamokin, Pa. A simple cold in the head may be the first step to chronic catarrh. Stop the cold and prevent the cararrh. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is harmless and ea" - fly applied. PILES CURED IN THREE TO SIX NIGHTS. -Dr. Agnew's Ointment will cure all cases of itching piles in from 3 to 6 nights. One application brings comfort. For blind and bleeding piles it is peerless. Also cures Tetter, Salt Rheutn, Eczema, Barber's Itch, and all eruptions of the skin. 35 cents. TEN CENTS CURES CONSTIPA- TION AND LIVER ILLS. Dr. Ag- new's Liver Pills are the roost perfect made, and cure like magic Sick Head- ache, Constipation, Biliousness, Indi- gestion and all liver ills. 10 cents a vital -40 doses. Sold by C. LUTz. Have no equal as a prompt and posi- tive cure for sick headache, 'bilious- ness, constipation, pain in . the side, and, all liver troubles. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Try them. Every crying evil should be prompt- ly removed. Sick headacheis a crying evil affecting thousands of Canadians which can easily be removed by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters, the best known stomach, liver and bowel re- gulator and • cure for sick headache from what ever cause arising. 1-2 Notice To Creditors. Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges- tion and permits food t0 ferment and putrify in the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, lnsomina, nervousness, and, ill o boo red poison biliing. fevefeverP' S or blood poisoning. Hood's Phis stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con- atipation, etc. 25 cents. Bold by all druggists. The only Fills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. BEWARE OP ENO LANI)'S .7( 4"l'TJl L Uutfalo journal Warns the t'. a, :iimin• Istretion to tie le:mer::1. Buffalo, N. Y., Mg. 31, -Anent Ib l approaching visit of Mr. Joseph Chanl- berlaln to this country, ',qr. Joseph O'Connor writes in to -day's Enquirer: The Administration should be very cautious in dealing with Mr. Chant - 1 erten,. When he came to this coun- try ountry to negotiate a fisheries treaty about nine years ago, he succeeded in making an utter fool of Mr. Bayard, who was then Secretary of State, and gulling the whole Administration. The traaty is now nearly forgotten and toe international crisis which was worked up as the occasion for it has been shown by the progress of events in lt$ true character as a mere political scarecrow, but the document should be preserved as a diplomatic curiosity. How frightened our so-called states- men were over the depredations of the Canadian cruisers, how anxious for Peace and harmony, how exultant over the kindly promise of Chamberlain at a his associates to hold the eAN fol pr - vincialS in check: how grateful roe n every treaty stipulation granting as a special favor every privilege already secured by international law,and wham the Senate rejected the treaty 110 quickly the Administration took a somersault in the middle of the presi- dential canvass and called for retalia- tion upon Canada! Whence came the Murchison letter and the Sackviiia- West disgrace? Joe is sly, sir, devilish sly. Beware of him: .110 IL COSTA \ 2'.7 OPLE RIOTS. to Oft?clal Ynvrstlatlan Regan-l:ritish and 11Iefplrss Aranenlnn3.. Constantinople, Aug. 31,-A special judicial committee began sittings In this city to -day for the purpose of try- ing 400 Moslems and Armenians, Zvno are accused of having participated an the recent rioting in and around Con- stantinople. Chaker Pasha and Vehdy I'asna have boot appointed to the e'imman•1 of the military in Constanfinr:pl0 and Galata respectively, wit,, orders to summarily suppress any signs of dis- order. The Italian despatch boat C• :ileo has been ordered to Constantinople am a second guardship. A detachment f British marines who were marchi g from the Dritis t gnardship to the English Embassy yesterday clubbed and beat back a Turkish mob who were maltreating a number of Amer. fans in the street. The Porte made a complaint against the conduct of the troops to Mr. Mich- ael Herbert, British Charge d'Ar- faires, who replied that the merinos had a perfect right to protect the Ar- menians if the Turkish troops did not see fit to do so. Real Estate of George 'Hazelwood, late of the Township of Blanshard, in the County of ,Ielth Gentleman, man , deceased Notice is hereby given,. pursuant to Chapter of On- tario, Statutes Section 30 of the Rev a 1 . tario,188i, and amendments thereto that ,ala' persons having claims or demands against the - estate of the said ,Goor e Hazelwood, deceased- who died on or about the 25th day of July, .4n D. 1896, are required to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned, Thomas Cameron at Farquhar, Ont., the Administrator of the roperty o ee said deceased. on or before,tlhe September, A. 96 a statement p dayof Sa to 25th p of their t,iiiiscian namos;'siirnames, addresses t ' � and and descriptions, tions with full particulars d - proofs of their claims and. accounts, and the bythem, 's any, held i a • nitre f nature of the Y, Toned date the la , mtri t and that after saidlast, ,l said Administrator will proved to :distribute the assotts of the said deceased tti mongst the entitled th,-ot0,bn.•;r.rre^"nrl MAY (11 the claims of which -the saidAdministrator shall then have . o i.;e: THOMAS CAMERON, 11,.13. COLLINS, Farquhnx, Ont. Solicitor for Ad. Adtninistrat0ii ministratox. Dated at Exeter this 2611i day of August, A. D.189& Wonderful Aids. Diamond Dyes Con?uce to Modern Home Comfort ;1R. G'l1AIMF! ".1..4IX',S VISIT. Apple Pavers. -.,._--Corers and Slicers, Preserving Kettles, Cheap. Lot of feed Corn. .H. Bishop & 6RANDTRUNKIAAT TORONTO AND RETURN From Sept. lst to 11th inclusive SINGLE FARE On Sept. 8th and 10th $2.65. All tickets good for return until Sept. 140, 1SE6 i Apply to 0. KNIGHT, Agent Exeter.: ..- WANTED -Old Established wholesale House wants One or two honest and industrious represeptatives for tl.is section, Can pay a hustler about $12.00 a week to start with. DuMvxa 20, Brantford, Ont. WANTED -Three General Agents for a block of Cour ties: also five canvassers for each. A big thing and those who get territorial rights will be in luck. Can also employ several I bright ladies at their own hoaxes. Talc BRAD. i LET -G lltliETsTox Co., LTD., 49 Itichinond St , West Toronto, Ont. ; OUT TIIIS OUT and return to mill with Five Cents l in silver. and you will get by return mail, A GOLDEN BOX. OF GOODS that will bring you in more money in one month, than any- thing else in America. A. W. IUNNEY. E. T. Yarmouth, N. S. Colaniul Secret:Arc 1 netting al Special Invi- tation or President 4'lrveinnd. Montr al, Aug. 31.-0l-ceial.)-A gen- tleman who arrived from the States to -day told your correspondent that it Was generally supposed in official cir- cles over the line that the chief ob- ject, of Hon. Joseph Chamberlain's visit to America was to confer with President Cleveland regarding the scheme to submit all disputes between England and the United States to ar- bitration. The correspondent's infor- mant adds that Grover Cleveland's one dream before retiring from office is to bring this about and that Hon. Mr. Chamberlain ' • coming over upon the express invitation of the Presi- dent of the United States. S7'.11Y DOESN'T CARR. The Government Racks Ep .111 SScyler'3 Orders Irrespective of the 11.5. London, Aug. 31. -The Standard prints a despatch from Madrid, say- ing that the Spanish Government has expressed approval of the decree which Captain -General Weyler bas decide: to issue, suspending the work of gath- ering the coffee crop in Cuba and also of his action in forbidding Spaniards and foreigners to hold any dealings with the insurgents. The despatch atso says that the American Consuls in Cuba have protested against the en- forcement of the latter order upon the ground that it would pi:vent them from securing information that the State- Department at Washington re- quires, and would be conducive to de- mands for indemnity by American citi- zens whose property suffered in con- sequence of the carrying out of the order. The present generation of women. are blessed with privileges g es and aids that eur grandparents never enjoyed. Among the many important aids in the family the Diamond Dyes hold a high and unporta . n t place. 1:+'ormerly, the dying operation was a tedious, hard and doubtful job. To- day, a dress cape, jacket, cc at pants or vest can be colored and made to look as good as new at a very small cost. When arises ises In homedyeing, allowed • fist: you have . 11 ' beta your it Is Y dealer to sell youdyes es that are crude and dangerous to use -vile imitations of the popular Diamond Dyes. When the Diamond Dyes are used your work is accomplished in a few ' minutes, and you are certain of the best results. Successful home dyeing can only re- mit when youuseDiamond Dyes; long years of severe testing have proved this fact. a dstone. Balfour Visits l9lis Glt 62a1f London, Aug. 31. -Right Hon. A. J. Balfour has terminated his visit to Mr. Gladstone at Hawarden, which place he left this afternoon. Poet Morris 1s Iii. London, Aug. 31. -William Morris, the celebrated English poet, is critic- ally i11. ENDED AT LAST. M;RING HN YOU* HCTCCES to get framed. We have hundreds of feet of mould - ,ng, tram ¢c. per foot up- wards Also a nice lot of pictures cheap. A full stock of Furniture andUndertaking always on hand. AFTER Two YEARS or MrsERY ENDUR- ED BACKACHE 5UOCUMES TO DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. R. N. ROW ■' Imperial Meat Market! You Can't Feel Draughts Having purchased the butcher- ing business of A. Loadman, (Wood's Old Stand) e will be pleased to see all our old custom- ers and as many new ones. • We intend keeping the very best of fresh meats and it will be our first aim to please customers. Tenderloin, Spare Ribs, Sausage, Hams, Bacon and everything usually sold in the Packing House can now be procured at the shop. Orders promptly delivered and ac- counts rendered weekly, on which a discount of 5 per cent. will be given. Madoc (Special) Aug, 3I.-Iu a place like this, people suffer and sympathize, hope and mourn with each other. Bat her many friends here, as elsewhere, who have long been aware of the pre- carious a• e11n of carious health and lona, stiff „ Mrs. Ferguson will be pleased to learn that her painful sufferings have ended at last, t and that instead of being unable, as she says, "to turn herself in bed" she is herself once more as the Yes ofDodd's of using result a few bo Kidneys it 'due s Pills. Shefu further ers, says that from the third day afterr commencing g to use these pills, site was free front all pain; and, that now she feels as well as ever before in her life. Must not be confounded with com- mon cathartic or purgative pills. Carter's Little Liver Pills areentirely unlike them in every respect. One trial will prove their superiority. when your clothing is interlh with the light and durable Fibro Chamois, It positively keeps out It every breath of cold wind and frosty air and keeps in the natural warmth of the body, because it is a complete non-conductor. You'll enjoy genuine fall and winter com- fort with it through your clothing, _ for only a. few cents extra expense. The Real Fibre Chamois sells now for 254 with a label on each yard and there is also a label on, every ready-to-wear suit which is interlined with it. Always look for them. Deering Pony Binders and Mowers, witti 1"all bearings, Chatham Wagons and McLaughlin's and Gray's Buggies, Raymond Sew' 34 Machines. W Ca CiSSET SNELL Central DIITJG STOItE. times out o The popularity of Columbia Bicycles in the. United Status was strikingly shown in a rca'iit guessing contest instituted by The New York journal, in which choice of ANY of TEN makes of ]bicycles was tg er:el to the ten winners. No influence of any kind was r teed -yet n 1i of them chose •.�\\ ill. ate S T ANDA1D OF THE WORLD. No wise buyer ;restates about purchasing a Columbia.. On even terms a Columbia is chosen times ut of Cob:mbia Art Catalogtie, telling fully of all Colnmbias, and of Hartford Bicycles, trustworthy machines of lower price, is fro° from any Co tillbia agent; by mail for two 2 -cent stamps. POPE. MFG. CO.; Hartford, Conn. We appoint but one selling agent in 0 town, and 0•+ not sell to jobbers or middlemen. If Columbia are not properly represented in your vicinity, let us know v� wx tFt �. i r�i..,?;�'`"%`..9 x�'n•r"..,'�,h �5.'.-'S•r��+. •�£a'. Those who have used Wiu an's • Cough Balsam. Pronounce it unequalled as a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS AND BBONORITIO TROUBLES, Winans Condition & Cough Powder fol horses, best in the mar - het. always on }wand. Also. a Oetobenefacto and Lini- ment,. medicine so suc e m e t th . en , ess r 1 used byMr. Chas. this Chas. cessfully J r Munroe, Parkhill, in and other towns, in treating an nd curing various diseases, Sale at For Old '01 CIGARETTES. S=� . S. Kimball & Co. VV Rochester, 11., RETAIL. EVERYWHERE. 0 per package' 17 FIRST PRIZE MEDAL C" LUTZ'S LObC41/25465C'WZP~ 4:5