HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-9-3, Page 2LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. shipped from PlailadeIphia. to Ruesia,. tree rom ad VV' 'e, tvell worth tram - ILL OSTRATING IT. • time one of the best known singers hi the United. States, died in San Fran- inn This ia an easy way to decorate your 1 The Western Union Telegrapb. Coua. lie will take no Risks.IIIt I1 fi 1U kil1t east Taaityhe American Bell Teleptone ° George Ellwell, a Philadelphia boy, lantE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE smoked, twenty oigarettea in helf 'Shrewdness of a wellknown Oity an lanYager. He er for a died a Merchant, few WORLD OVER. hours afterward, IPan); nen senered a, controlling inter- • HE KNEW WHAT WAS GOOD FOIL RIM. In winter when Canadians spend a large portion a their time indoors and cannot have the same variety of fresh food as in summer and fall,indigestion and dyspepsia afflict a majority. "If 'anybody win tell me that dyspepsia in its advanced stages is perfectly curable," said a Toronto merchant, "1 will take his word. Personally I run no risks. As soon as I feel a seese of weight in the stomach, after a mean I know that my blood is sluggish in circulation. In my business I cannot take much exercise, and I fight the first sign of etorn.a.cla troubles with Scott's Sarsaparilla. Rhos never failed me, and has saved me many a doctor's bill." Scott's Sarsaparilla possesses medicinal properties superior to all other so-called sarsaparillas made. As a remedy for in- digestion, rheumatism, pimples, scrofela and a illood diseases, .physicians state that its even was never known. Sold at 40 per bottle, of all dealers. Sold by 0, LUTZ, Exeter, Ont. LOST OR FAUNS MANHOOD, pneral and Herm: Deb111% %rankness of Bony end, Mien, Effects CI trrars ar Excesses in Old orYoung. Robots% Kohl* Manhooll fully Restored. How ts Enleene and. Strengthen Wealanladeveiopen Organs and Partsof Body. Absolutely use Ailing Homo Ineatinent--Ben4t.4 in a day. idea teatifrfrone 50 States and/brew:LC:1TM, trios., Write them. Descriptive Book, me ntenadon and proof& =sited (sealed) free. f aiMEDICAL CCL Buffalo, Nit t THE PERFECT TEA THE FIN CST TCA IN THE WoRte FROM THE TEA PLANT To THE IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. At Huntington, Ind., Wallace's show te.nts were wreoked ny the storm. The Interesting Items About Our Own Country, n Great Britain, the Vatted States, and lams parnadpertmyeuma.agserlevinsetadrn. pere. aeied. 'Ail Parts of the Globe, Condensed and /awaits caused a panic. Assorted for Eater Reading, .9. Waltham, Mass., man, who was initiated into an Orange lodge, took CANADA.. legal action against the angers for as - Sir David 'Macpherson died on board sa.ult during the CerePlony. Six of the tearner Labrador in midocean. the officers were fined $85 each. Bancroft, Odiniis negotiating for the Mrs. Fannie Pollock, after a 16- construction of iron smelting works. months' searoh, found.her runaway h.:us..band, Alex. Pollock, in Chicago, and 000, two pre.sent assessment returns will give Hamilton a. population of over 50e leen 1432.1.1..., japed _ for bigam_ y andndesere non. 1-0.1.10C4 deserted his wile ano two children while they were clanging Forty employees of the Grata Trunk ears in Ottawa. ear works at Brantford. have been discharged. There is no change for the better in our commercial adveces from the United The electric light and, waterworks by- States, and trade is almost entisety con - law waa carried in Listowel by a small majority. fined to staple lines. Reported injury to growing crops has caused a slight An effort is now being made to meal- increase during the week in grain and gamete, the Torment Public and High cotton, and rather more favorable con— School Boards, ditions are said to exist laere and there, INfr. George E. Sulfa]. of St. Thomas but there is no alteration of consequence left an estate of $100,000 divided be- in the general condition of business, A tween relatives. difficulty in making collections is begin- Aing to be felt in several dire. etions. _At Bush fixes are raging .in British Chicago a better feetuag exists in dry Columbia. New Westramster is sur - goods, boots and shoes. i A fair amount rounded and threatened on every side. of employment continues in the boot and Tbe Bank of Montreal now refuses shoe Industry, though the summer de - to accept 'United States bills as well raand is failing off, and the advance in as silver at its head office in Montreal. price attempted cannot be maintained. Harry Farewell, late of Oshawa, was Leather is weaker on a lighter de - burned to death in a fire which de- mend. The state of the wool mdustry strayed his house, near innisfail, N. is disappointing. W. T. GENERAL. The Niagara Frult-Growers' Asso- The death rate has doubled in soutb- elation has decided to stop doing busi- Rees with mermen.= men nee reeoso ern Russia as a result of the intense to remit weekly. heat. By the explosion of a charge of The Russian Government has de - dynamite at Parry Island two men, spatc/aed engineers to make Vladivo- naraes Smith and Arthur Hill, were stock a commercial port. blown to pieces. The new roller steamer, tbe invention The owners of the stearaship Van- of M. Bajbaawa, has been launched at couver are taking action against the St. Denis, France. Lake Ontario for damages arising out Merchants in St. John's, Nfld., will of the recent collision. not accept American coin, and are dis- Senator Pergue.on, who for the past counting American bills. few inOtitha has been confined to lids The Belgian forces under Baron home in Rosedale, Toronto. suffering Dhanis are expected to co-iaperate with from Bright's disease, is in a, very cm- the British troops in the Soudan. An American missionary named Snv- Major-General Cameron, commandant der has re orted at Liverpool the dis- coverer of pa. large lake in the Congo of the Royal Military College, Kings- ton, has been notified by the Govern- meat that his services wound not be Free State. required after the first of September. The latest telegrams from Matabele- land report great improvement in the Mr. Henry Wentworth Monk, of 01- sttuation end promise a speedy end. to tawa, died in that city on Saturday night, aged 73. The deceased was an the rebellion. ardent believer in the repatriation of Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples, the Jews, and wrote much on the sub- eldest son and heir -apparent of the King ject of international peace. of Italy, is betrothed. to Princess Rel - GREAT BRITAIN. ene of Montenegro. deal condition. A despatch. from Berlin sane that the John Daly, the Irish dynamiter, has powers have all agreed upon the adop- beeu released from Portland Prison .1 tion of a policy which will compel Tur-- The funeral of Sir. John Millais took key to grant autonomy to Crete. ably accept. cast in inisBraerpeoerIndal "thagtinga tlibeilltrooispsbenionwg under orders to reinforce the Spanish William, to be submitted to the Reina- drefted at the request of Drawer stag, asking for $20,000,000 for naval to reach the North Pole m a ship, but Dr. nansen will not again aettempt place in St. Paul's Cathedral, London. A manifesto has been scattered broad - The steamer Fort Salisbury. returned. to Loudon after the crew fighting a fire on board the vessel for ten days, army in Cuba to refuse to embark. It is reported. in Dublin that Earl Cadogan, .Wrd-Lieutenant of Ireland, will resign in favor of the Marquis of Dufferin. Dr. Nansen, the Arctic traveller, has purposes. been invited to speak before the British ,, -a.. Association next month. He will prob- may lead a sledge expedition from The egg season is opening early in Franz Joseph Land, the only way he England this year: Already 2,250 cases now believes it can be reached. of Canadian eggs have been received at . A. Tangiers despatch. says that a plot Liverpool, against 75 cases at the same has been discovered naming at the de - period last year. thronement of the Sultan of Morocco It is officially announced that Sir Ea- in favour of his elder brother, Muley mund Monson, British Ambassador at Ma.homet. Vienna, has been appointed British Am- bassador at Paris in succession to the preparations for a general advance of Marquis of Dufferba. the Anglo-Egyptian troops are rapidly; Major Henry F. Coventry, the Jame- being completed, and. it is expected Don - son raider who was sentenced on July gala will be reached on October 12th. 23th to five months' imprisonment, has , . et isreported in London that the been released from Holloway prison on i The British Government SaYs the forces n the Transeaalare arming, and TEA CUP the ground of ill -health. that it is not ix;aprobable that they may make an attempt to overthrow the treaty obligations towards Eng- land. Two members of the Spanish cartes, General E. Stebanez, the ex -Minister of War, and fifteen others have been ar- rested at Barcelona for complicity' in a conspiracy to create disorder in con- nection with the coming embarkation of re-inforcements for the army in Cuba. The most notable result of the excavaa tions made by the University of Penn- sylvania expedition to Babylon is that the history of the Babylonian people,as recorded in cuneiform writings on tab- lets, is carried back at least 2,250 years further than previously known, or to a period of '7,000 B.C. In consequence of the frontier dis- pute between Bulgaria and Turkey, the Bulgarian Government has notified the '.Curleish Government that unless the ish dynamiters were released from Port - "Monsoon" Tea s packed under the su pentane land on the advice of the prison doctor, i oftheTeagrowers,andis advertisedand sold by them who deels.red. that further confinement Is a sam_pleof the best qualities of Indian and Ceylon would endanger their lives. Teas. For that reason they see that none but the The Queen has had a special medal very fresh leaves go into Monsoon packages. Thatis why "Monsoon,' theperfect Tea, canbe struck at the royal mint for presentaa ld at the same price as inferior tea. tion to the people of 17shant for their so , It is put up in sealed caddies of 34 lb., generosity and kindness in connection 2 Ie. and with the lose of the Drummond Castle. s lbs., and sold in three flavours at oc., goo, and Soc. If your grocer does not keep it, tellbim to write to STEEL, HAYTER & CO, xx and 13 Front St. S'ast, Toronto THE GREAT Family Medicine of the Age. Taken Internally, it Cures Diarrhwa, Cramp, and Pain in the Stomach, Sore Throat, Sudden Colds, Coughs, eto„ etc, Used Externally, It Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sprains, Toothaohe, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet, No article ever attained to such unbounded popular. ity..-Settem Observer. r tactlinsny to the efficacy of the Pain. =ler. We hero seen its ma& effects In soothing the severest pain, and. lcnow it to bo a good article —Oinein. tual,IPoitliggtas yet s rpossed the Pain.Killms which Is the mostvaluable fenlymediclnenow in u,.—Toinest ea, Omon. It has real merit; as a means of removing path, 0., medicine hes acquired a reputation equal to Perry r.„,..ts" PatzvKiller.—Newport Nous. Beware of imitAtiOns. Boy only Us. Aounno "PERRY DAYS." Sold. evorw1,oto Ittwa t Imes, Very Large Bottles, 60 Ceuta, The Czar and Czarina will be received very quietly by the Queen at Balmoral, but Paris, that has not received royal- ty since 1873, and then it was only the late Shah of Persia, is going wild over the coming event. It is probable that Dr. Gallagher, the Trish .dynamiter, upon his release from Portland prison, will proceed at once to the United States., and make his home in Buffalo with his cousin, Mrs. George H. Rose. The London Sun says that John Daly, 'EXETER. • ' • TINES SONE LATE GABLE NEWS. THE RUMORS OP FRICTION WITH- OUT FOUNDATION, Ex•Empress Eugenws Will—SecretarY or the United States Navy in England— Von iteititivits'e Funeral, etc.. etc. A despatch from London says t—The statement conveyed in a New York cable despatoh published here that fric- tion bas arisen between the Canadian and Imperial Goveraments in regard to the establishment of a new fast At- lantic mail service between Canada and Great Britian is denied upon the higb- est authority. The fact is that the matter bad been entirely suspended pending minding tishterydecision of the new Cana- nifr. F, A,. H. Green, ILA..., professor of geology of the Tinivereity of Oxford, isde A despatch to The Daily Mail from Paris says that it is stated that the will of ex -Empress Eugenie, drawn re- cently, favors her namesake, Eugenie, the daughter of the late Prince Henry of Bs.ttenberg and Princees Beatrice. A representative of the 'United As- sociated Presses had an interview with Hon. Hilary Herbert, Secretary of the Navy of the 'United States. Mr. Herbert, after saying that he bad a pleasant voyage across the ocean cm the steamer St.Louis, said that his visit to Europe waspurely for the purpose of taking a holiday. ale expected to make a tour of England, after whioh he would take a trip to the continent. Although he WAS not here on official business, Mr. Herbert added, he intend- ed to call at the Admiralty Office and would probably pay a visit to the dock- yards. Ile expeeted, he said, to return home in about six weeks. Funeral services were held at Ilyde over the body of Ina on Von Zedtwitz, the German yachtsman who was kill- ed in thu collision between his yacht, the Isolde, and the. German Emperor's yacht Meteor off South Sets, on, Tues- day. There was a large attendance of yachtsmen and others in the church. Tbe coffin was covered with evieaths awl yaebting flags. After the service' the body was Laken in charge by friend a who started with it for Dres- den, where it will be interred. John Daly, the Trisb dynamiter who has been serving a life sentence in Portland Prison, was released on Thurs- day. Daly was met at the prison by his brother .Tames, who accompanied him on bis journey. He was also no- oompanied ny a member of the Am- nesty Association. After leaving the prison the party were driven to Wey- mouth Station to catch a train for Wa- terloo Station, London. Daly looked worn and ill. Before leaving Wey- mouth Daly and his compel:arms par- took of several glasses of champagne, the dynamiter, released on Thursday latter appoints delegates to a frentier f rom Intrti and prison, will be able to commission by a certain date, the Bun prove that the Irish dynamiters have garian troolps will be ordered bo reoc- been subjected to indignities and pun- ishments that the vilest prisoners in her Majesty's prisons have escaped. Mr. Chamberlain has invited Mr, Ce- cil Rhodes to come to England. next January for the purpose of testifytestifyingi before the Committee of Enquiry nto the British South Africa Company. He • has also requested President Kruger to submit to the committee any evidence which he may possess relative to the • origin and execution of the raids ecu - ducted by Dr. Jameson and his associ- ates. UNITED STATES. A freight rate war has been began in Chicago. Another advance in freights on an- thracite coal is announced. Quakers of the United States and eajoys an independent income of 6,- , • ' Canada are in biennial conference in 000 frames a year, but finds sleeping Philadelphia. •out in the streets of Paris the most • The next annual convention of Am- agreeable way of living there. He erican Florists will be held in Peovi- stated that he had not slept under • a cle.nce, R. I. reof for ten years, and that he kept his Mr. Eunice Beecher, widow of the spare clothing in a handbag in a cloak late Henry Ward Beecher, is vory ill room at one of the railway stations. He kl , . . FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. Eire destroyed the exposition build- ing 0.,n4 a lot of frame structures at • cupy the positions recently occupied by ,,Turkish soldiers on the territory which Bulgaria claims belongs to her. In the course of artillery practice by the ships of the French Mediter- ranean scpeadron near Toulon, the, guns of the crtuser Vantour were turned on the battleship Brennus. The conning tower, where Admiral Gervais and Ids officers were stationed, was badly in- jured but the officers were not hurt. The helmsman of the Beennus was ser- iously wounded. , SLEEPING -OUTDOORS An interesting character was unearth- ed by the Parisian police the other day. His name is Raphael Benoit, and the Buffalo Driving Park. .C4k. The Whitten Cycle Co., of Providence, R. I., has assigned with liabilities and assets nominally $50,000. A big blaze at the Cincinnati, Ham- ilton & Dayton Railway shops at Liraa, Ohio, did $60,000 damage. Great destruction and lees of life is reported from St. Louis County, Mo., as • the result of Snturney's cyclone. A locomotive plant capable of build - THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND ling 200 eagines in a ,year es to be Inver 13res., titd., 43 Scott St, Toronto, spent ins days either walking about the city or reading at the National Library, while his evenings were usually. spent at the theater. As for sleeping, he found a bench in • a park or under a bridge quite good. enough. The police did not know what to make of him, and OAS there was nothing a,gainst his claaracter he was released. How to get a "Sunlight" Picture. Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrappirs, (wrapper bearing the words "Way Dom a W omen Look Qld Sooner Than a Man") to • • e %nay ou will receive by post a preitypicture, Elora F inlason, who Was at n home. The soap is the 'met in the market, true nevertheless, that the tenest An elaborate programme 5w r the re., and 'twill only cost lc. postage to send in Mr, El 'Well. Isn't it strante, but elg00. • • feels o.lwa,ye marry the prettiest girls? ceptioe and entertemment of Li Hang the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Mrs. etetelen., Oh, new, go on, you flat- Chang has been /prepared at Phila.- Wrlto your ad1res8 carefully.: terer.• n.' p la. „...„ Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria , e teen • DEATH CAME IN MID -OCEAN. MOOPM. Jr David Macpherson Died Ullt the Steatitic labrador. A de,spatch from Quebec says :—The H. S. Labrador, Cap. MacAulay, ar- rived in prot at seven o'clock on Frida.y evening. Her flags were at half mast. The vessel proceeded to the G. T. R. wbarf at Levis. There was a busy scene when the' correspondent of the United Press called on board. Away aft on the starboard side of the twin deck in an isolated compartment the body of the late Sir David Mac- pherson, K.C.M.G„ was laid, all dressea and on ice. As soon as the vessel was moored to her berth the G. T. R. steam- er Polaris came alongside, and placed aboard a handsome metal casket. Un- dertaker Rickaby placed the remains of Sir David in the coffin, Mrs. Banckes, daughter of decea,sed; Mr. Wm. Mac- pherson, his son, and other friends and relatives viewed the remains, and the lid was soldered fast. Sir David had felt Brown's betel, Piccadilly, London, on August 12th, for Liverpool, where he joined the Labra- dor. His health was poor, and though he was not suffering from any particu- lar disease, Mrs. Banckes, who accoroe peened him on the voyage across, tried to dissuade him from starting on the journey, but Sir David was restless, and he could not be per- suaded t o stay in England. He em- barked on the Labrador on the 131h, and she put to sea the same day. The hon. gentleman was placed in bed, from which he never ease. He grew weaker and weaker every day. Dr. Wright, the ehip' s medical officer, did not apprehend death so early; -fact they hoped to reach Quebec without death taking place. Saturday night the 15th, Sir David's condition became alarming. The pulse was faint and unsettled. Next • day brought no change; on the contrary, there was every evidence of the heart giving way. Finally the end came at &bole half -past two in the afternoon. Si: David Macpherson passed away quiet ly, and without any apparent suffer mg. • t.' :••• 47, ' . • ••••ra Au, Best for,--Noweitaw Wash Day Tnakes clothes sweet, clean, white, with the least labor. "at: e• . ..~naaanen.". • -^ "., .saatetvaVeRNar......: taw..05 its remark- able lasting and cleansing properties make SURPRISEmost economical and AN Pik . A SOUDAN SITUATION. • An Immediate Advance Decided — Gunboats for the Aille—Dosigola Will be Attacked—The Co•Operation of the Bel. glen Forme. ' Reports from Cairo indicate that the preparations for the &General advance on Dongola are rapidly completing. A heavily -armed gunboat, forwarded, in sections, has arrived at the advance post of Kosheh, and was lamented on Thursday. Two other gunboats are on their way there in sections, and with sevee smaller gunboats and three stern- wheelere, whiolt are now navigating the Semneh =tartlets below Kosheb, and 200 sailboets to convey the expedi- tion to Dongola, the start is expected to take place on September 5, and it tb is anticipated at the troops will reach Dongela on October 12. The gun- boats will olear the way and borabard Dongola. Simultaneously ,with the news of the inaminent advance of the Anglo-Egyp- tian forces, some advices from the Congo Free State, that the expedition ander Baron Dhanis has reaelied the SVhite Nile and occupied Lado. When Baron 'Mania started it was officially denied that an Anglo -Belgian move- ment had been concerted against the Mahdists, although the .British Gov- ernment allowed several hundred Hus- sars to join Baron Dhanis' forces. The news now at hand confirms the state- ment originally made. that the object of the BeIgia.0 expedition was to oper- ate in conjunction with the Anglo- Eoteptian forces. There is now no doubt that the British, Egyptian,. and Bel- gian Governments are jointly inter- ested in the plan to inflict a. crusbing blow upon the Mahdists and recon- quer the Soudaa. Ledo, the place whore Baron Dlaanis has arrived, is north of tbe territory proper of the Congo Free State. It. is situated on the 'titbits Nile, 325 ranee north of the Vic- toria Nyanza. The Belgians, it is be- lieved, will go farther north in the di- rection of Khartoum, while the Anglo- Egyptian expedition "%sill proceed south from Sernneh. Thus the Maldists will be caught betweaa two fires, and the result, it is hoped, will be the final ex- tinction of Mahdisro. To hold the territory in question, once it is conquered, will requirce British force, and with British soldiers empolyed to this service, the question of the British evacuation of Egypt will be indefinitely postponed. And this,it is claerged in some quarters, WAS the sole object of Lord Salisbury in em- barking Great Britain in a senenae that in the end is bound to raise a protest from the British taxpayers. DRINKING BOUTS. In Holland, in the fifteenth and six- teenth centuries, all tbe public bodies in that country vied With e,acla other in their efforts to secure the service of the hardest drinkers. Aspirants for admission to the Dike College, the body intrusted. with the control of the cartels, were not required to show a knowledge of sea-walls and sluices, but. to demon- strate their ability , to empty the great cup presented to the college by Albert of Bavaria. Whoever emptied it thrice and was still thirsty received a diploma and the freedom of the town, which carriedwith it the privilege of free shooting and fishing over a large dis- trict. , MATRIMONIAL QUOTATIONS. COLD DOUCHE IN SCHOOLS. Innovation Tried by the Ofliciale of Milan Italy. Milan, as becomes the most enterpris- ing of Italian cities, has introducedinto her schools an innovation which, in southern climates at any rate, has much to recommend it: This is the su.bjec- tion of the young pupils to the cold ef- fusion, with appropriate apparatus,and under the medical eye. The experinaent was made for the first time the' other day at the corcununal school in the Via Giuseppe Glusti, in presence of civic re- presentatives, of the municipal medical adviser, Dr. Bordoni Uffreduzzi andDr. Sacchi one of the clinical staff of the Ospedale Maggiore. Forty boys, accorn- °dated in a disrobing room fitted. with benches, were made to strip, and then, covered only by their large drying tow- el, were told off in relays of five to a contiguous hall, where they were all made to take the douche: Thereafter, provided with soap they cleansed them- selves from head to foot with freshwa- ter, and returned to the disrobing room to dry and dress themselves: The me- chanism of the douche is simple. Five small reservoirs are suspended in a, row at a height of 21-2 yards from the floor and furnished laterany, with two chains. Pulling that on the right the boy beneath is douched a colonna. (in a, volume of water), or pulling that on the left, he is douched a pioggia (in a shower.) The locale has been model- ed on the lines of similar locales in bar- racks and may be heated in winter. Per- sonal ablution is one of the minor vir- tuxes in which modern Italy has fallen behind her classical forerunner, and the Milanese innovation (or rather return to antique usage) may be imitated with advantage, 'practiced as it is under med- ical surveillance. •, Yes, said the old man, addressing bis young visitor, I am proud of my girls and would like to see them comfortably married, and as have made & little money, they will not go to their bus - bands penniless. There's Mary, 25 years old, and a real good- girl., I shall give her $5,060 when she marries. Then collies Bet, who won't see 35 again, and I shall give her $10,000; and the man who taken Eliza, wlao is 40, will have $15,- 000 with her.' The young roan refleeted a moment or so, mad then inquired: You haven't one about 50, have you ti • Dn. SPINNEY & CO. The Old Reliable Specialists. 83 Year s+ Experieigie In the treatment of the Throat an ng Troubles, Catarrh,Asthiva, Bronchitis, Nervous, Chronic arid Special Dia. eases of Men imd women. restored—Kidney and Bled. 110StsMtraieendtubrOeOciedert, u ed without pain. No cutting. der troubles permanently cur —G Gonorrhoea, Varicoceleand Syphilis and all Blood Memo cured without mercury. Young Men sid'erinf ffon, Oecq 01 ooreabnnyio,t troubled LosebledontitmWoer nue° olinedvnocuys, youtilfu follies or indiscretione, aversion to Society, Kidney 'Troubles, or any disease of the GenitabAirinary or. gaps, can here find safe and !Reedy cure. Charges reasonable, especially to the poor, CURBS 01.1ArtA.NTRED, MdIdMe-Z74"472rubledidlegen1n etAct, dons of the bladder. often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and -weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. There are many men who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause. The doctor will guarantee a per, feet cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the genito.urinary organs. Con. sultation free. Those unable to call, can write full particulars of their case and have medicine sent by express, with full instructions for use. Mention this paper whoa writing. Office hours: From 9a. m to 8 p, m. Sunde-ys, 9 to 11 a. m. DR, SPINNEY & ea(2s910die EC)nranceANTCol). IA*VICE.14TE11;sbiotli xt.) DETROIT, MICH. aorrinvieZiMINMIllielliffir=MfinsIDEEDRIZNIRW 11, I ann 11 Wei Annin't an en e ni 1 a ne ne /fain ea B. B. B. Turns Bad Blood Into Rich Red Blood. feroltB"tChil all sores, plcers, abscesses, scrofulous sores, blotches eruptions, only cleanses internally, but it heals, when applied externally, and purifying . properties as Burdock Blood Bifts. It not etc., leaving the skin clean and pure as a babe's. Taken inter - No other reinedy possesses such perfect cleagng, healing eBIllOwdasbtey umsaittnegr It illySPitrirnetugOTVeiSinaell gmeotrbiPdUe2:et Isystem, and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the body, . restoring the stomach, liver, bowels and blood to healthy action. In this way the sick become well, the weak strong," -and those 1 who have that tired, worn out feeling receive new vigor, and buo;rant health and spirits, so that they feel like work. ih, If your appetite is poor, your energy gone, your ambition lost, B.B.B. will restore you to the full enjoyment of happy vigorous life. iliAlketyleAlkoS11401.410;AVS/veriltAlselvtoW.4140111,411~Itfilles. • 11 And11 And T1 But Ha Pci Wre Eat Tb• A.(1 ti IMPENDING STRIKES. The Threatened Dockers' Strike—Trotible Among the Eastaind Tailors. A. despatch from London says:—Ths dull season ha.s brought the usual dis- turbances among labellers and artisans, and the long -threatened dockers' strike seems likely to come to a head in the near future. The men at several of the naval torpedo works are already out, trouble is brewing among the Not- tingham lace -workers, the East end tail- ors' strike has begun against the large tailoring firms, and the men will be withdrawn from the other concerns shortly. This strike is promoted by the middlemen, who get contracts from the big houses, and then distribute them to journeymen. The middlemen claim that they have 35,000 join-1183,mm be- hind them. Finally, a London cabbies' strike againstathe privileged cabs at the railway stations is being discuss. ed. Beech outlasts any other wood Derail- roacl sleepers. A creosoted pine sleeper will endure for fifteen years; one of oak, eighteen; and one of beech twenty. Tbe popular vote of the United States, at the election in November, it THE MODEL ENGLISHMAN. The Anglo-Saxon in Paris is siugular- ly conspicuous, if only for the extreme neatness of his Sunday go -to -meeting olothes, the perfectly fitting, smartly cut frock coat, the dapper cravat, ime maculate linen and brilliantly shiny hat, says a Paris letter. The English- man's buttonhole, too, unlike that of his Gallic neighbor, is often brightened with a small posy of Neapolitan violets, a.nd I noticed this season that dog - skin hand covers were replaced, in most instances, by sl&te-gray gloves. em- broidered with black on the backs. Well dressed, well groomed, a,nd usually well built, the Englishman is a model to most Frenchmen. LIGHT GOLD. • As affording some idea of the amount of light gold now irt circulation Eng- land, it is stated that recently a finan- cier in London accepted 1,000 pounds, largely made up of half -sovereigns, and that, on the eanount being weighed at the banker's, it re found to be es/sort by £19. • DISCOURAGING THE ENTERPRISE. The British authoriites in India have been obliged to discontinue the bounties on dead snakes, because the natives went into the business of breedirig the reptiles on a large scale in order to ee- care the reward paicl for their dead bodies. 1 '•"j'',4•• SO— sip 9. IV BUILT UP. RUNI C..;1" That's our at mum advice to every uu " Ill weakly, sickly, ailing .wornan and girl, and there's nothing equal to at INDIAN WOMA.N'S BALM for purifying the blood, toning up the nerves and building up the health. — . .• reossweNexaroximt-----irew Break Up a Cold in Time BY USING PYNY-FECTORAL The ouiek Otire for COILIOEIS, COLDS, CROUB, BRON- CHITIS, ECOARSBNESS, etc. — of M6811SsolaUsruen"Al sNie°.;R-TwOrcoluc'to, writes: “Prny•Pectotal has novor WW1 to cure my children of mop after a few deveS. It cured moon Of a lOng.titanding cough after several other remedies bad failed. IS hes . also proved an excellent cough euro for int' 0 family. 1 meter it to any other Modioino Iv for collets, croup orbearseness.. . r H• 'DI:ifliAeRB°'u ofRocher, N,B writes • .e. 4ebestseste' It fgroo° t'cTitin.ha b4e 111'5ry.oP;my bracilo the. tbeners will haVo no other.' 0 e. Large Bottle, 25 Cts. [ DAVIS a LAWRENCE CO., LTD.. PrOpriOtOrS, MONTREAL 0 "I'''' ta• 481Milthaht481;141464441"8-to, v .Nrr.rt -,..,...... 14 g 4 ,.° „„, 4 , 4 • " r 1 rtt TtTlYrTrtrTrrtrt TT, The D. & L. ? 1 Emuoni, Is invaluable, if you are mini' down,. as it is a food as well as Ea medicine. i' The D. & L. Emulsion = Will build you up if your general health is E impaired. t The D. & L. Emulsion 1 ifs the best mid most palatable preparation of Cod Liver 00, agreeing with the most deli- cate stomachs. The D. & L. Emulsion 1 E Isprescribed by the loading physicians of . Canada. The D & L. Emulsion Is a ar:Mims flesh producer and will give . m 1 you an appetite. E SOe.Sc Si leer Dottie • .the genuine I moarramAL rsture you get I DAVIS & LAWRENCE Ca., LTD. PAIZAINSIS CIIMED—IPIVORN STATEMENT. Mrs. Maggie McMartin, 27 Radeninks<St., Toronto, Ont., swears that Ryckman's "none:lay-nue" cured her of Paralysis which rendered one side ot ?Any body entirely useless. Physicians said there was no ehauce of her ever recovering the use of her limbs. trope ' deserted her, butto.day she is walking around telling her friends how Ryckman's " Kootenay Cure" gave her life and happiness. Sworn to, :July 10, 1896, before J. W. Seymour Corley, Notary Public. SWORN STATEMENT OF A GRATEFEI MOTHER., Louisa White, nine years old, who suffered with Eczema since her birth, has been entirely cured and ' her general system built up by Byelaw:n*5 "liootena • Cure." The, above facts are given hi s sworn state merit: made by has mother, Mrs. George White, 139 Stinson St., nainilton, Ont,, dated July 8, 1895 before J. F. Monck, Notary Public. A COMBINATION DISTURBED -- FliVOILK • IST.ATEMENT MADE. Charles E. Newman, 13 Marlborough St., Toronto Ont., had a complication of blood troubles,Itheu... matism, severe Kidney trouble and constipation. Was frequently distinbed at night, lost his appetite and was a very siek man. Bit Kidneys are now in a healthy condition, `his appetite good, sleep undis- turbed and oonstipation cored; all this was done by Ryckman's 1tqbLecsay Cure." Ho makes worn statement to the above facts before J. VT. Seymour Corley, July 10, 1893. , THE VALUE OF KNOWLEDGE, One of the very happiest lessons to learn early in life is that ignorence is expensine, ignorance of anything, not of books alone, but of all the common. est things of life. • One cannot, afford to be ignorant in t,hese days. The homely saying that "all is grietethat comes to tthe mill" holds good in -the acquiring of knowledge: Never let anything slip by you until you under- stand it, `You don't limew soon yon may want to use it. 0 1 nnen