HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-8-27, Page 5• TR.6 ala Goid CIGARETTES. W. S. Kimball & Co. Rochester, N. Y. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. 5o pier package 17 FIRST PRIZE MEDALS. ts% ,�1 The Latest News. tttefirr Senator Ferguson is dying at his tam home in Rosedale. EXETER, T1M-E,S.. N THE WESTERN FAIIZ LONDON, SEPT. iii T ii TO 19Th9., 1899. C6116d0'8fOilorliellueolock MI1)11i01 OldesIFOirffl i Qo-•EslOgllslled INS, Going Ever Silce Exhibitors 11ud it pays to Show hero. Entries close Sopt. 3rd. $30,000 expended on now buildings ; best on the continent. Every pure breed represented in the Live Stock, Every improvement to Agricultural Implements on exhibition. The centre of Dairyying. The best new buildings to show in. A perfect sight and will well repay a visit to the Fair. Pawnee Bill's Wild West and Mexican Hippordrome 80 actors, 00 animals and a village of 50 tents ; the greatest fair attraction in America to -day. SIE HASSEN 13EN ALI'S MOORISH ACROBATS -TWELVE IN NUMBER. Send for 'Prize List and make your entries. CAPT. A. W. PORTE, PRESIDENT. THOS. A. BROWNE, SECRETARY. ures "Cures talk" in favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla, as for no other medi- alk eine. Its great ogres recorded in truthful, convincing language of grateful men and women, constitute its most effective ad- vertising. Many of these cures are mar- velouia` They have won the confidence of the people; have given Hood's Sarsapa- rilla the largest sales in the world, and lave made necessary for its manufacture the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's Sarsaparilla is known by the cures it has si;ade-cures of scrofula, salt rheum and e zema,. cures of rheumatism, neuralgia and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia; liver troubles, catarrh -cures which prove Flo Sarsaparilla as the best -in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills tile liver ills; easy to ke, easy to operate. Lap. FARM TO RENT. 1e. 50 acres lot 1. in the 2nd concession, Stephen. Good brick house, first class out- buildings and we11 fenced. Abundance water. Possession given at once. Apply to FAIRMEtt B1tOS, Exeter. Buis for service. Thorough -bred Jersey Bull for service; also a thorough -bred Durham Ball, 11 mnentheold,color red, for sale. For particulars apply to Wm. SummmtvtLLL, Lut 33, Con. 4, Usborne. Queertshon Gement. Any person needing cement or instructions how to use it should. leave their order with Deibridge Bros. Wincholsea. We aro prepared to supply cement and do all kinds of work in flooring, walls, etc. There is a small quantity of cement at Mr. H. Smith's, Hay P. O. DELI.RIDGE BROS.. Winchelsea. MGM' Zvi a IBS . LK MUNICIPALTTY OF THE VILLAGE OF °• EYET':'t,''COUNTY OF HURON. Notice is1:,---by given that I have trans- mitted or deli ,•ere i to the persons mentioned in sections 5 Iwd 6 of The Ontario Voters' Lists A.ot. 1889, the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, 7nadeursuant to said Act t all o • 1 persons ap- pearing by the last revised assessmnt roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up :at my office at Exeter on the fourth day of August, 1890, and remain there for inspection. Electors aro called upon -to examine the said list, and, if ally omission or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceed- ings to have said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 4th day of August. 1896. MICHAEL EMMETT, Clerk of Exeter. GRAND TRUNK isg�SYSJL1>��. Pl Ek1 Where fa Spend Your Nelidays. AT THE FAMOUS TOURISTS RESOR'rS.— Georgian Bray, Lake Huron and Muskoka Lake Districts. Ii11DLAND LASE DISTRICT.—Burleigh Falls, Chemong, Clear Lake, Mount Julian, Kat- ehowauooka, Stoney Lake. Bansem LA1:mD.-Cockburn, Lindsay, Lakefteld Teterboro, Oshawa. Laren 'ON'l'Anro—LoriIs 'Park, Burlington Beach, Grimsby Park. ' . LAKE BRIE.—Crystal Beach, Port Dover Port .Bowman. All reached by the Grand Trunk Railway System. Full information can ° be had from agent or write to M. 0. Dickson, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. FULL INF O11 3IATIC)N PROM C.• KNIGHT Agent, Exeter. >9iAHKE.T R. Pi RTS. Exeter, August 20th, 180o Wheat per bushel Oats Barley.....,. Peas.......,. Butter..... E Turkeys .., ...... 7 to , Geese 6 to 5 Chickens per lb 5 to 5 Ducks.,.. . 6 to Pork clrosscd - $4.25 to $4.40 Pork live weight '53,3.5 to $$3 Hay nor tort...... „. 810.00 to $11:00 Clover seed., ... .. .... 5.50 to y5,5.i5 Alsikc clover 4.00 to 5. Timothy send ....... 2.50 to ,$2 ;;i :.18 ..25 coo 27 ...40 to 4> 19 ttoo 9 Loudon, August 2611.1800 'Wheat per bushel,.. ....60 to 63 Oats. .,• ,. .20 to 22 Peas .., .... 42 to 43 Barley ..,.. .,.. ....2.5 to 00 Buckwheat .26 to 28 Rye ....39 to 45 Corn 35 to 40 Beans 40 to 55 Butter .... .. ... to to 11 Eggs . ,.., 8 to 9 Ducks........ 45 to 65 Turkeys per lb..,, ' 7 to 8 Geese per lb 9 to 10 Chickens 30 to 50 Cheese 8 to 8 Potatoes per bag ... 22 to 25 Hay per ton ....$ 7.00 to $ 9,00 Pork per cwt.... .. 84.50 to $1.75 TORONTO I)lAJIKETS. Flour -The market is quiet with a limit- ed demand. Straight rollers made of new wheat are quoted at $3.05, and 90 per cent. patents $3,15. Bran -The market Is steady, with cars quoted at $8 west, and shorts at $9. Wheat -The feeling is easier,with moder- ate supplies. Old white is quoted 63c out- side and red sold at 6314e west., New red 6Oc to Ole outside. No. 1 Manitoba hard 710, Torontofreight, and 66e Midland. Barley -There Is nothing doing, and prices are purely nominal. Outs -The market Is steady, with offer- ings limited. Old white sold at 190 and mixed quoted at 1Sc west. Peas -'the market is qulet and prices aro unchanged. Sales of new at 42c north and west. Oatmeal -Business quiet, with prices nom - trial at $2.40 on track. Corn -The market is dull and prices horn - inn I. Rye -New rye Is quoted outside at 34c. TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. There was a fair cattle market to -day, with good demand for choice shippers. A load of extra quality brought $4.80 per hundred, choice 4c to 4Yc, and medium shippers 314e to 33he per Ib. Bulls for ex- port 3c to 314c ,per lb. The best butchers' cattle sell at 3e to 314c per lb., good to medium at 2i/le to 204e, and inferior at 1%c to 2c. The offerings of Inferior stuff are too large, and they are hard to sell. Milch cows unchanged at $1S to $30 each, and calves at $2.50 to $5.50 per head. Total receipts at market to -day 62 ear loads, including 1300 bead of sheep and Iambs and 500 hogs. Sheep nr> steady, with - shipping qualities selling at 3c to 3r/lc per Ib. and butchers" sleep at 2140. Lambs . sold at 31•Ic to 40 per ib. hogs In moderate demand and steady. The best sell at 4c to 41c per Ib., weighed off cars, thick fats at nit:, stores 31/2c to 3%c, sows at 3e and stags at 2c. per Ib. BRITISH MARKETS. Liverpool, Aug. 25. -Spring wheat,5s 2',48 to Os 4d; red winter, no stock; No. 1 Cal., 58 . 9 7 au /..1 • ca • 4. Gd. t n -s11 c s � m ,Cl, CO , P Os G •d to , /i - �i 1 heavy, fork, 45s; lard, fps Ora; beech , .c., e vy, 26s GQ ; do., light, 26s ; do., s.c., heavy, 23s 6d; tallow, 16s 9d; cheese, white, 39s Gd ; do., colored, 41s. London -Opening -Wheat off coast firm, white 3d higher. • Maize off coast quiet, on passage firm. Liverpool -Spot wheat Brut, futures easy at 5s 10fF8 for Sept., 5s 2d for Oct., 5s 21/28 for Nov. and 5s 24d for Dec. Maize dull at 2s 914d for Sept., 2s 9346 for Nov. and Dec. Paris -Wheat 18f 70e for Sept., flour 41.1 10e for Sept. Paris -Close -Wheat 18f 60c for Sept., and dour 41f for Sept. Liverpool -Close -Wheat futures easy at 55 1.148 +Tor Sept., 5s 1'y.4d for Oct 3s 214cl for Nov. Maize weak at 2s 9148 for Sept., 2s 98 for Oct., arid 2s 9yad for Nov. and Dec: Flour 1Gs 6d. llrazilians Flgbt"with st allans. Paris, Aug. 25. -Telegraphic advices from Rio de Janeiro state that en- gagements between Italians and Bra- zilians took place at Sao Paulo on the 22nd and 23rd instants. According to the newspapers of Sao Paulo tl"I trouble was fomented by the Italian Consul at that place, and it is ru • mored that the Brazilian Go, ornerier t has decided to withdraw the Consul's exeauatur. A PROMINENT LONDONER. LONDON, ONT. Chase's Ointment is an invaluable remedy for Itching Tilos and in my own case I would pay •850 per box for it if it could not bo other- wise had, Joint. PIIDDICOMB, I60 Sydenham St. It is actual Merit that has given Hood's Sarsaparilla the first place among medicines. It is the One True Blood Purifier and nerve tonic. There is excitement in Mansfield, Mo., over the reported discovery of gold and the finding simultaneously of the largest cave in the world near the town of Hudson. Mr. Chas. Smith of limes, Ohio, Writes, I have used every remedy for sick headache I could hear of for the past fifteen years, but Carter's Little Liver` Pills did ire more good than all the rest. Fifty years of success in curing Diarrlicei , Dysentery, Cholera, Colic, Cramps, Bowel Complaints of summer and fall, etc., stamp Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry as the best remedy in the market. It saves child- ren's lives. A Port Arthur dispatch says : Three men named Kyle, Carson and Holmes, were coming from Nepigon to Wolfe River on a hand car'last night, �o1low- ing a 0. P. R, picnic train. They were struck by a stock train going east.. Carson and Kyler were instant- ly killed. Joseph Mann, the 9 -year-old son of John Mann, of Toronto Junction, was dI'owued Sui,day afternoon while swimming with some Companions in the Black Creek. He got beyond his his death, and went down iu sight of his father, who sat watching him on the bank. The many friends of Senator John Ferguson will regret to learn that he lies at the point of death in Toronto. I•Ie suffers from Bright's disease, a3ul his physicians give no ]lope of his re- covery. The senator is a native of London township, and a brother of Mr.Justice Ferguson. The Nilestown farmers have had quite a time securing their oat harvest on account of the heavy rain storms, Some who had their stockspartlyconm- pleted had to haul the sheaves back into the fields, Others who had stacks got machines and threshed, but the grain was in had shape; indeed, it will need a great deal of care yet to sane it. John Glenn, a farmer of Rapid City, a settlement near Winnipeg, is being closely guarded by law officers from indignant settlers. Some time ago Glenn, adopted a 14 -year-old lad. On Saturday the lad, who had been ill treated, ran away. Glenn took a horse and followed hirer, catching the little fellow about ten utiles out of the set- tlement. On Sunday the boy was found on the roadside dying from. the effects of terrible bruises all over his body. Before he died the boy recover- ed sufficiently to tell that his guradian when they got to a lonely bort of the roach, tied a rope around his waist, and pushing him off his horse, dragg- ed him along the road. The horse was galloped several miles at full speech. The child has nearly all his bones 'broken. Glenn • left him by the road- side, thinking he was dead. Mark The Difference. Between Diamond, Dyes an? Imitations - To the thrifty and economical/house- wife Diamond Dyes offer advantages and results that no other dyes can guarantee. The Diamond Dyes that all chemical experts pronounce to be purest and best, possess more than double the dye- ing strength of all other dyes. The colors are made to endure in spite of soap, rain, or sun. Dlam ondDye colors are brilliant and bright; imitation dyes give dull area blotched colors. Diamond Dyes are prepared scientifically; imitation dyes are prepared and mixed without re- gard to the user's interests; the fact is, they are made to deceive and swindle the unsuspecting. If you would dye well, easily, and successfully, you must use the "Dia- mond," Tell your dealer plainly that you have no use for miserable imitat- ion dyes. From Victory To Victory FRESH TRIUMPH OF THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN REMEDIES - JOHN LEE MADEA NEw MAN73Y SOUTH AMERI- CAN NERVINE -TWELVE YEARS A SUFFERER FROM RHEUMATISM— MRS. F. BRAWLEYIISCURED BYSOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE - A QUEBEC LADY TELLS or RELIEF IN SIx HOURS BY THE USE OF SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CU RE. In a practical, everyday sences it night be said that this is still the age of miracles. At last in many cases where people have looked upon death as imminent the disease has been re- moved andtheyllave been made whole. Records like the following lead to this belief: John Lee of Pemnbrook, Ont. says: "I was rim down in flesh, had lost appetite, suffered intensely from indigestion, and feared fatal re- sults would follow. The skill of sev- eral physicians and the •use of many patent medicines resulted in no bene- ficial. results. I was induced to try a bottle of South American Nervine Tonic, and continuing its use I am a new man to -day." For twelve ye ars continuously Mrs. F. Brawley of Tottenham, Ont., suf- fered from rheumatism. No remedies did any good until she used South A.m- erican Rheumatic Cure. She says, "The first few doses entirely freed me from pain." She had spent almost a fortune in doctoring, when five bottles of this remedy cured her. South American Kidney Cure is unique in its methods. It is not like pills and powders, a remedy that only gives temporary relief. As a liquid it dissolves the hard stone-like particles gathered In the system that constitute kid.n.ev disease. Not the least that can be said for it is the quickness with which it cures. Mrs .A. E. Young, of Barnstou, Quebec, says: " T'found re- lief in the use of this medicine within six hours afterthe'first dose had been taken." Sold by C. LUTZ. THE DARK NIGHT If You Would Avoid • Its Terrors and Sufferings. Be Wise And Use Paine's Celery Compound. The dark night of sorrow, suffering and terror has come to many 0 man and women in our midst, and hope has almost fled from the troubled and anxious heart. The shadows and small clouds, or, in other words,. the symptoms of disease were noticed and felt some time ago, were regarded, and the sufferers now findtbeniselyes completely overwhelm- ed, and are calling for succor and re- lease. . To the disease -burdened we would say, despair_ not. You may renew life and establish a condition of health that will cause your friends amaze- ment and wonder. Paine's Celery Compound will do the good work for you. It restores lost vigor and yital icy, gives new, fresh blood, braces up the nerves, and builds up flesh and muscle, Paine's Celery Compound. --the cen- tury's wander-is•no new and untried remedy. It has been tried and test- ed for years, and has proved triumphant • in the most obstinate cases. It has saved life after all other medicines failed, and has the appro- val of the best medicine men 011 this continent. • If the shadows of disease are;hover- ing••over you, if you aro not as bright, energetic and strong as you were some weeks ago, a few doses of Paine's Celery Compound will tone rep your whole system, cleanse the blood, cor- rect iudigestiion, sharpen the appetite, and give you a vim and vigor that you will thoroughly appreciate. By all means give Paine's Celery Compound a fair and honest trial at this'season, and you will be compelled to sing its praises as thousands of others have done. Get the genuine "Paine's" as there are vile imitations. A dispatch from Fredericksburg, Ont., says that R.. G. Purdy, a well-to- do farmer residing at Marven, suicided by cutting his throat. He. was a suf- ferer fr'oni sunstroke, received a week ago, and while mentally unbalanced ended his life. He was 01 years of age. A special from New York says that the price of bar silver is lower now than it has been for years, and the in- dications are that the white metal will continue to decline. The primary rea- son for this .falling off is said to be the general conviction that the free silver cause cannot win. THANKFUL TO B. B. B. DEAR SIRS, -I am thankful to Bur- dock Blood Bitters that I arm strong and healthy to -day. I suffered from Biliousness and bilious fever so much that I was out of my mind night after night, but L am entirely cured by the use of trio 'bottles of B. B. B. NELLIEI. HENDERSON, Kirby, Ont. A NEW COMBINATION. As their name signifies, Laxa-Liver Pills are 0 conmbinatiou of laxative principles with the best liver medicines obtainable. They cure Sick Headache Constipation, Biliousness, Liver Com- plaint, Dyspepsia and all deranged conditions of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. COLIC CURED. DEAR Sats„ - I was very bad. last summer with colic and a few doses of 'Wild Strawberry cured me. 1 aux safe in recommending it the hest remedy ever used.' I cannot speak too highly Of it. MRS. ALFRED VICE, Berlin, Ont. LIGHT LY ASIA - IT SHINES CLEARLY. MEssns. T. MILBURN&CO., ToltoTo. DEAAR Sols, -There is light in Asia after a11, and the man that advised Ire to try your Heart and Nerve Pills was a friend indeed and truly a friend in need. Before I started to take them I was languid, weak, sleepless and ner- vous. My brain was beclouded and I could not collect my thoughts, I had Y one through an operation in the hope of relief but still remained generally b J broken up, my appetite was gone and I was almost without hope orambition. Now I feel thoroughly rebuilt through the use of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and it took only three or four weeks to do the work. I often think of the years of suffer- ing I might have escaped had I only known of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills in time; but I am grateful to be restored to health at last, and gladly recommend the medicine that cured rue. ANTONE WALTERS, ARTIST, Pasada, Cal. Americans are depositing their wealth these days in Canadian banks. More' cases of sick headache, bilous ness, constipation can be cured in less time, with less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pilla, than by any other means. Two new decisions iti British Ira are interesting. The courts in Eng- land hold that for a servant girl to go about with a dress fastened with pins is indecent and is good ground for dis- missal. It is also held that public libraries are 'literary institutions,' and cannot be taxed. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. ANOLD AND *ELL -TRIED REMEDY.—MTs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gurus, allays the pain, cures the colic and isthoremed for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant colic, the taste, Sold 411y druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. 13e sure and ask for. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind, WHY SOME PEOPLE FAIL. The world is full of people who have failed because of Dyspepsia, Bilious- ness and Constipation, which are re- sponsible for nine -tenths of life's miseries. Burdock Blood Bitters cures hese diseases as well as all other din- ases•i)f.the stotittacli; liver bowels and ood in 99 cases out of 100 • 1 s e Parers. ,......--Corers and Slicers, reservingKettles,,„, Cheap. Lot of feed Corn. eatimassieseiwaaleelseisigialsiataliestria H. Bishop ort. iiiousness' OO -•-�-� Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges- tion and permits feed to fermata and petrify in the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache,Bicycles at Popular Prices sea � ev tq Insomina, nervousness, and, It not relieved, bilious fever or blood poisoning. hood's Pills stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure head .che,dizziness, con- stipation, etc. 25 cents. Sall b" alt druggists. The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. WANTED- Old Established wholesale house wants one or two honest and industrious representatives for this seetion, Can pay a hustler about 512.00 a week to start with. PuAwER 29, Brantford, Out.. WANTED -Three General Agents for a block of Cour ties: also five canvassers for each. A big thing, and those who get territorial rights will be in luck, Can also employ several bright ladies at their own homes. Ti111 BRAD- Lav-G,nsgrsro:. CO., LTD., 49 Richmond St. West Toronto, Ont, CUT THIS OUT and return to us ts in silver, and you will with Five 1, A GOLDEN BOX. OF GOODSytreturn illmabring you in more money in one month, than any- thing case in America. A. W. KINNEY. E. T. Yaalxnonth, N. S. ft_' I N G IN ------ t h teiCTIMES to Et -et framed. We have hundreds of feet of mould - ,ng, .rem 4c. p"r foot up- wards .iso a nice lot of pictures cneap•. A full stock of Furniture and Undertaking always on hand. R. N. ROWE. Imperial eat Mark.' O ll l�l�tul .C3 G Fauna 116111 $55 11). Fully guranteed for 1896. Also a fullline of Baby Carriages in stock. Having purchased the butcher-. ing business of A. Loadman, (Wood's Old Stand) se will be pleased to see all our old custom ers and as many new ones. We intend keeping the very! best of fresh meats and it will be our first aim toplease customers Tenderloin, Spare Ribs, Sausage, ' Hams, Bacon and everything usually sold in the Packing House can now be' procured at the shop. Orders promptly delivered and ac- counts rendered weekly, on which a' discount of 5 per cent. will be given. ERKINS & MARTIN Deering Pony Binders and Mowers, with ball bearings, Chatham Wagons and McLaughlin's and Gray's Buggies, Raymond Sewing Machines. W. D. BISSETT, Agent. 18 Years' Accumulated Science and Skill The great factories at Hartford, Conn., U. S. A., where Columbian, the famous American bicycles, are made, are building such matchless machines today because for 18 years they have profited by every mistake and have carried on their investigations in the broadest scientific spirit. are recognized all over Europe and America as unegualled,unapproaclied. STANDARD OF THE WORLD Columbia Art Catalogue, telling fully of all Columbias, and of Hartford Bicycles, trustworthy machines of lower price, is free from any Columbia agent; by mail for two 2 -cent stamps. POPE MFG. CO., . Hartford, Conn. We appoint but one selling agent in a town, and do not sell to jobbers or middlemen. If Columbias are not properly represented in your vicinity, let us know. H. KINSMAN, DENTIST, al? yan rAxIs LD,S.SPECIALIST in GOLriFILL- TlG, highsCTING and PLATE s in Anaesthetics or sin - cal Ana stbetr WORK. Gas and p leeseatraotipg. 2nd door north of CAR- LING'S Store fl ALTONANDreItSON D.D.S 1� • L. D• S. Hoar elradnate of the To- ronto 'University and oyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontar ;. Specialties, painies. extraction and. preservation of the natural teeth. Office over the Law Office of Elliot Jr I Elliot. opposite Certra1 Hotel, Exeter, Ont. I VVT At 17 T. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits C SHELL I•AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, $11, 20, 21, etc. The CLINTON. Will be at Greb's hotel Zurich best lace in town to on the secondThuranay of each p month and at Hodgin's hotel get a ft. Han Hartsell every Monday Central DRTJG STORE, Those who have used Winan's Cough Balsam. Pronounce it unequalled as, a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS AND BRONGRITIC TROUBLES, Winan's Condition & CoughrPowder foi horses, best in,the mar- ket, always on hand, Also a Cetobenefacto and Lini- ment, the medicine so suc. oessfully used by Mr, Chas. Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and curing various diseases, For Sale at 0,, LUTZ'S. ,q Suit of vi0tlles or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints bis patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Fall & Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take muoh pleasure in showing them to you. There are Many other lines that are specially at - p y tractive. ,i�.a rr° . a.r Zt W. JOHNS, The Tailor. LLS 1 T SUITED., Then Come To Us for Best Bedroom Suites: For ours are selected with a view to suiting the most searching taste, and all can get what they want at any price. The Leading Furniture Dealers The Leading Undertakers. Gidley & Soy'. ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK.