HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-8-27, Page 1MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR. No 2. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 27th, 1896. OFOGred GIOthillu THE MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE ilet` Are now well aware that we sell Men's Fine Glotleing to Order., hut yet there are some people who imagine that the LITTLE cross-roads country store is simply a, handy place to buy bit of Tea. and Sugar occasionally, and when a Suit a Clothes is wanted they imagine that in order to get properly fitted out they must go to the larger business centres. For the benefit of the latter clase we wish to state that our • New Fall Steck of orsteds, Tweeds and Pantings Will soon be complete end ere equal both in Range and Quality to many of the largest houses in the surrounding towns and yo o will fled our prices from $2 to $5 a Suit bower Than you will be esked in either town or city. We guarantee your Suit to possess the following good points :-Quality, Style, Fit and Finish. R.S. FORD &CO woODHAM N.B.--Ifyourivant Rig Bargains in Flannelettes come ow e way. -1,rfootifeana. Bitasns.-Rev. Mr. Nethercott re- turned home from. England last week, a,nd took his work as usual on Sunday, -Miss Minnie Case, of London, Who has been visiting at Mr. Ford's, return- ed home oequeedity.-Mr. A. Meighatt, B. A... of St. Marys, came to •the vil- lage last week and intends spending few months 'with R. S. Fora & Co, - Mr. T. Chappell has started to paint A. Mints new dwelling house. - Mrs. Jas. Plett, of Wiarton, is visiting at her father's. Mr. S. Haines. Carmel, Bnnees.-Mr, and Mrs. John O'Neil left on Tuesday for their home in Salt Lake City, IA:do-Mr, Malcolm. Ziler, of the 12th con., Stephen, lost a boy seven years old, bydiph theria, the other •day. All the other children of the family are affected with the dread disease. IT TRAVELS FAST. GOOD NEWs3T1A.VELS FASTER. TRA.4 BA.n. One of the best known ladies i Dresden, Mrs. Isabel Cowporthwaite xerr has this to say of Doan's Kidnevehaoeenoked to death. ePille Richard Webb was at -"For two reeleae- e suffered fro horses one morning last w rheinnatian.to and launbago, fact U1 1 them kicked him just below the L. til LegeoThmenced using Doan's Kidne causing. him to limp ever since.- .Prills• which I got at Switzer's drug- -.store, I Was ahuost constantly suffer. ,Mary Love, teacher, of A. B. line school las got an extension added to her ing from these painftil troubles. "The pain in my back was some- holidays for an indefinite leogth of time on account of diphtheria in that times nearly unbearable, and for sev-. neighborhood. -Several cattle in this eral nights ata time I could. not lie down nor even sit still on account of settlement are afflicted with some the terrible pain in my back and painfuldiscase which affects the eyes limbs, so that 1 became at causing them to swell to an unusual pletely wretched. last cone - size and apparently very painful. No "Hea-ring of the cures Doan's Kid- deaths are known of so far by your tney Pills were making 1 commenced correspondent. • . Busseldale. Heiasali of the cheap trip to Cavalier, North Robinson, ja, itimrs.-J. Pridharn, F. Simpson, W . Foow Will Ross jet, Henry l ing are the market quotations Mrs. David H - Barley st) to GO aist, of Port Huron i Michigan, is the guest of Mrs J. A. , wheat Dakota, by the way of the C. P. R.- BOats 21 to 97 Peas.. Ray Butter Lev Timothy seed ...... .... ....S?.80 to V.75 a number Cif cattle to the eastern mat - Clover seed .......... ..- ...Ss.50 to tf8.78 ket last. week. -Mr. August Ehnealost BRIEPS.-Miss 0, V. Smith is coat- one of Iris valuable workine horses one Digby, and Thomas Parke, Jr., left on the harvest exeursion this week for Manitoba and the North -West. -T. Ward whose barn was destroyed by lightning recently willnot rebuild this year. Mr. Waddellsuffering a similar misfortune intends building •at once, Inning busineee with pleasure m the day last week while ploughing, - The John Gettler On the 1.2th Ihie has the contract for sawing the necessary h'ILY of attending the au 11 it),('17 °Pen- directors arerequested to hand in their nip at Toronto and Ilitnnitini, zula visiting relativee.-Mr. list of members for the Hay Brandi Material. Pharlos gook Agricultural Society two days before has got a situation iu Detroit.- the 1st of September, to the secretary, • The many friends of Miss Mary Ellen about fe•I 17 to 18 Williams. -Mrs. Ab. Geiger has ee- l() to 42 fueled home from a ting trip to Sia.c* to Sim Pigeon, Michigare - Our enteresing rib.itO 1 24 cattle buyer, Mr, P. Lamont, slipped Stanley. 0OUNCII.,-A. meeting cf the Stenleir • r sioly ill and will hope fm. a Dick, will be sorry to learn that she is ve conned was. held in the township ha 1 spLy erus recovarte_mes-sra idastiwooct A ("AN en here oo Monday last All the mem- ttei.oer ate temerietteitg tuffiertity Baines. --,:la andrs hers were present.. Mr, Thos. WileY , with their large crops of flax on ace et Heiman, . anna, was appointed collector for 1S95 The --- count of the rains. -The citizens, of were visiting friends in - the village on Sunday last.. --Mr. and following rates were fixed for this wane, are endeavoring to get T. year: -County ratty]. 2-5 mills; town- Palmer, ire to start, it. tailoring bush J• were Vending few (days with friends and relatives in Lis - ship rate 2 2-5 mills; general school tl t • 1 f rate, 1 1 1-0 mil's. The following are ter bicycle club wheeled. to Hensaln towel,Rev. \S'In Yager passed through our village on Monday last.- . the several school section rates -Sec- Monday evening. They made quite an Won No, 1, 1 4-5 erase No. 3, 9-10 mills; • • • imposing parade, -L, H. Dickson, of i e . la , .• g a Querterly meeting will be held. in the t 2 1340 mills. No. 7,, 1 mill; No. 0, 1 140 tt Kibler, pm sweet tad e, ,twieker; (t 1 Rev. Keel; p. E".. win he preeeate„ear„ mills; No. 10, itt mills; No.. 13, 44,5 Orediton, ape it Sunday in town. Soule !J. Kellermann lute pninted the front mills; No.14, 1 3-10rifille; Roman Cathie- or the voung Ilidies \vote shilling tittet i of hie store, hnproving the appeate lie, separate school, 0 4-5 mills. After m coam,auenee.tety. Baldwin and E. ;ince of it greatly.. -The Dashwood passing some accounts, the council ad- Hill, (if Hearorth, visited friends in journed anti]. Monclay,September 28 th, ' town. --Maggie Latimer has reeovered at one o'clock, , from her illness and opened her de - united in maxnage to Chae. Rinker in 1 ay. ,„„T. pop, ant tawny are titititi,A, the presence of a number of friends Lamm. mil; No. 5, .1 1.-o nal s. o, , Exeter, was in town Monday eveuin 1— flax gang have lifted already about fif- teen acres of flax. -On Manday even- ing last Miss Sarah (easement' was Nartment in the publie seinen on Mine ••••• ,•••• C. W. Mulloy, B. A., principal of Lucan High Sehool, has accepted the principalship of Aurora. High School, Mr Mulloy held the position of head teacher here since the school was built, and everyone regrets hie departure. The marvelous success which hies attended our school since its inception, can well be attributed to the efforts or Messrs. Malloy and Nelson. both of whom are now en- gaged in Aurora and Kemptville, re- spectively, for the ensuing year. - Mr. Elliott of the firm of Elliott Mare & Co., London, and wife spent Sunday in the village, the guests ofheight and bearing tio Idossoms. Mr. and Mrs. B. Stanley. -Rev.. Ma The police of Detroit are inquirin g Shaw, returned on Saturday from. for Harriett Gerona*, for whom a Kincardine, where he was visiting friends. Mrs. Shaw remains uErnorth stopped on the way and spent the day large fortune is in prospect. Thegiri and relatives. May the young couple athis home in Plattsv his father being dangerouely -- Dr. I. ergnson bas ell hold of 1)1.. Thomson's practice. lie ha e itheady commeneed the erection of a palatial residenee on the north enet corner of the Muir stir - wee -Miss Carrique, bah returned to opening a harness shop at Varna. her home in Georgetown, after a pleas- W. Mitchell. 'Morris, threshed from ant visit with Mae Neeland's. -Miss heir loads 249 Imehels of clean oats. Nellie Lativaer is vhiting friends in Owing to the maturing of Huron County debentures and the payment enjoy a happy life. Huron County Notes. — - Mr. 13. Higgine, of Detroit, intends Zuni -h. -Andrew Joynt visited his brother, here, lest Iveek.- 'bold thereof the ( vete Ire, meth. a Thompson, a, fornnT rvaidellt Or v„,.pprc t;„„this yctr ' village, is visiting. George Brown. • -The married and single men pleytel ” re "nr.,les D°11'ildt7°11. "r the M."?' a game of biese ball the other evonintt.. Ssteagreiy1 , Itiiilirstgier,ou7.1ngfeitn,t lyns The young men came off victorious, by a score (120 to Jacobi andWriel Maims left on Sunday for he lake, but the wind being too high they at a fav,„ i8 a Frezuth-Clanadian, and is believed for a few days longer -Ithe D. cCosh PleashntlY is at present in Ottawa. - will you know. -The foundation for to be in that neighlanthood. the new hooses of Messrs. Brown and The last, half of July make of cheese Clarke are completede-Mrs, E. Ramie from. the Holmesville'factory, amount- ._ Aiwa, has returned home from -Dashwood.- ing to 130 boxes, was shipped rout Mrs. Wright and Mee Smith are here to Montieed this week. The BRIEFS. - Messrs. .Neil R. Gray, Donald MeBride, George Reid, Misses Mary McBride, Agnes Livingetone and Kate Nichol, or Dorcheetete have re- turned, looking bale and hearty, after spending threo weeks campuig at Grand Bend. --Dr. and Mrs. McClurg, of Bay Oity, Mich., returned home Sateraay after afew days' visit among friends and eelateons in Lobo and friend i Or eliton last week Air vicinity. - Master "Win Wardell, of L ft "on lays eggs 61 lie- 8 inebee, and weighing visitingfriends in town. -Ma and Mrs. cheese was sold for 7t cents per pound. Whiteeides visited friends in theeforth • Frank Pollock, of Gorrie, ferinerly last week, -Besinees is dull in .towie. aschool teacher, but who has given up -George.and Andrew joynt hisiteu in ttetehing for journalist% goes to the Seaforth Sunday. -Miss Minnie Sheffer Soudan as a special war correspond - wheeled to Orediton one . day last •ent for the Massey Magaziree at To - week. Mss A. and Miss Hilda Beek ronto. visited friends in Credit= last week. - Mss A. and Miss Hilda Beek visited Mr. J. Sheppaed, of this town, has a wide:. leelenn lien, of small size which London, has returned, after spending ti(r ij (11 tIMIX ,(1) e,g,';' traie V:(1 ti,I. 31 OMACOS, ire also grows dutch set several weeks at Grand Bend. - Miss _ is „, rehhy idit art ,ill,ini t te antii ay it,s t , e, onions weighing 11 ounces iind nueisur- Alice Sten,art, of :Mist Williams, 1148 oetillises3.11i2sisvesit'SulliiCal".4-1", sitielliellitZ17):(1 ing We by " inches. goqe to Bay City, where she will -visit , et ,,,ttittet Ht ,148 or Exeter visitto. at 1 het uncle, Dr. 1t1cOlurg, for several et"' efrs, Shirra's Moiulay even'ing..---Mrs, has purchased the old Ba ti I CI l' Mr. Robert Turnbiill, of Me Killop ix • s . lure. 1 weeks. -Messrs. A. 0. Stewart and P. . Brown has returned home from a property, in elinifortb, trom Mr James pleasant visit amongfriends in Ton nit% Graves and intends erecting a residence -Mr Higgins, of Toronto, has whom - Curtin, shipped several carloads of .'tttle to England last week. - Miss ono Campbell has returned to St. thereon and will move to town to A. quiet, but pretty wedding took s formerly of Lobo, has been renewing ed after a pleasant visit with eTh, !w. at the residenve ot the brides O. Davisa-Miss Ella McPherson, has W. reside. 'eorge, where she is teaching a public ichool.-Mr. jamesDewar, of Watford rturnedome from a pleasant visitphe among friends north. ---Miss Gillespie parents, Colgate, North Dakota, on old acquaintances herehas returned to her heine in Exeter.-- Wednesday evening., Aeigust 5th, James Jarrot, , " - - ;heel on when Mr. George B. Dorrance, formerly Harp" ey. Friday lao- ' ' Atte- "'ytqpy was Bnangs.-Eleanor Godsave, of theA. ee B. line, died recently of diphtheria. -- A spring calf belonging to Mr. Love gob an apple in iteetharo. ' ' taking them'. The relief I experienced before one box was finished. is , almost The Windsor Brewing Conmany is • henna ,tny power to express Or de- in financial difficulties. - scencee Mr. Edward McMillan -Of Kintyre .ftey gave me ease and rest, such as a reports yie c 50 bushels of oats ' 1 1 of • I had not experieuced in two years and from a sowing of 20 pounds of seed. .of course purchased another box as In the storm of Saturday night the. first was finished, and can only seven horses were killed on the Sayer say that they were as great a blessing to me as the first. farm on the fifth concession of West " • Flamboro. One of the horses killed hI consider it a matter of simple justice to give them the credit for the was said to be worth $1,500. • remarkable manner in which they The Canada defeated the Vencedor have acted. in mer case." by about two miles in the internation- Signed. ISABEL COWPERTIFINTAITE. al yacht race. Seal • ..R.sprmrimapt.• Tll re01)16'S ?OPINE' 6a511 St0136 We want everybody to know of our Clearing August Sale as we are determined to clear out the balance of our ,Spring Stock, Here are Soma of the many Staritling HaTgains Job lot prints, worth 7, 8, and 9c, now CLOTHING. 56. Boy's suits $1 and upwards, good ',Seersucker 8 and 10, now 5 and 8c. wearing. French cashmere 10c, worth 15c. Tweed suits $2, $2.50 and $3; Boy's, :15c Scotch plaids, yard wide 10c, only Youth's and Men's will be sold at a few left. • redueed prices. White net sennner corset, regular If you want a bargain dome quick 75c for 45c. while the assortment is large. Ladle's Bile Cotton Hose finished, We are showing some great bargains Hormsdorfs Dye 20c 3 for 50c. ; also in Tweeds at 21, 35, 50 and 05c, worth a few pair left Ladies fast black 40% per yd more. Hose 5c. Dress goods from 5c up. GROCERIES. --We have twO cases corn left, 4 cans for 25c, Tea 5 lb for 50 c., IoC for large bottle mixed pickles, worth 15c, 21 ;lbs Ganulated Sugar for Sr, 25 lbs bright Yellow Sugar for Si. Cash prices in cash for Butter and Ess. Buy for cash. ( r 'SP* -410A-44: to tee dence o took a dos rnedicinee ' Not had gieen him a medicine, . every few hours. This ho e8i. the upper pocket of a light come Before going into the country that, day he put on a heavier coat which con- tained a mixture of croton oil and iodine, in a -similar-sized bottle, for applying to a sore on a beast. Not thinking, he took this bottle from his pocket and. swallowed a big dose. At once he discovered his error, and told Mrs. Pollock whet lee had done.She prepared him an emetic and he vomit ed; then he was driven to a (lector and received treatment which saved his Betinns.-The flax harvest is almost completed. -Henry Rupp last week drew a load ot flax seed, :'weighing 11000 lbs. The load was so heavy that it broke the weigh scales, - Henry Wing has purchased of Mr. Morlock, of Shiplea, the general store business be formerly owned there, and has gone to take possession. We will miss Mr. "Weing in the village. -A large load of A. 0. F. drove to Goderich Sunday'to attend divine service with the brethren there. They reporta, pleasantichive a,nd goodtime while in the circular town. -Tlie Hay` Branch Agricultural As- sociation hays bills posted announcing the Fall Fair to be held in this village, Sept. 28 and 24. The committee must be complimented= the very attractive advertising matter they have display- ed.. It was gotten up at the Tams office, Exeter. -D. S. Faust, while opening a crate of preserving sealer on Monday, had one of his fingersal- mostsevered by one of the gemsbreak- ing and coming in contact with his right hand. -Jonathan 'Monier is again at his old place in Merner Bros. store. -John Preeter and wife visited Exetee on Tuesday, to attend the funeral of an old friend, the late Emily Thomas. -Willi-lees and Ed. Bossenberry have returned from the Waterloo races. Mr. Bosseobeery's horse was ont of sorts and. would not work well. --john Deunart and. Mies Doan have returned. from a visit east -Miss Sheffer, of Hensel], visited Miss Steinbach this ecrehe Fiencho and wife, S4.71'11;0I A1S6 LiVS( .1)Oichoit, Luca% father of Andy Murdock, of. BRIEn. - Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Hensel], is at present seriously ill at Smillie left Monday last for their his home in Luca% future home, Decana, Ohio,-Williaixt Kyle, sal had a very close call from Kerkton. having his season's crop and barns in — ashes, on the llth inst. During the BRIEOS.-Johu Burns, Blanshard, severe stone the lightning struck. the has a field of mandscenri barley that corner post, splitting the post and yielded 00 bushels per acre. - C. C. tearing off the boards, and . the bolt Switzer, Vsborne, has disposed of his passing into the ground. withont Age entire flock of Southdown sheep to ther damage, -Farmers are finding it -Wm. Pridham, and has gone out of the business. -Mrs. A. A. Doupe, of a difficult Matter harvesting their pea crop, on account of the frequent rains. Simcoe, here durihas been visiting relatives Mng the past week. -Miss Clara -r. John McDonald, who is in the shier is now attending to the Post employ of Mr. Cudmore, left last week for Blenheim, with a bay press, where Office, ----John Somerville has obtained Mer, ndmorebatends the contract of the carpenter work of baling hay fox. some time, -A new method of bringing a large residence and office for Dr forth (thickensmhas just come to light Ferguson, of Hensall. The work is to t on the premises of Mr. John Sine air, he commenced aonce.-Albert Shier where a hen in the open field supplied bee been improving his residence by herself with it teiticient quantity a having it nicely painted, Brook Bros. eggs for a good :eating, and then took having the contract -A number of the to her tedious laboys went out for a coon hunt Tues - sitting, but in the comae of a week, labor of three weeks of day night, hutthey have net .said how through the exeessive heat she aband- untnY water -melons they got away oned her task and left her nest. Mr. with, as some of them have a Sinelair's family being aware of it,, leftthe eggs in the nest, thinking them useless', hut to their surprise, after an absence of two weeks, on going to the ..- ., y di I: h f h• Ma ' chickens, lookingaround for a mother. It must be truly said that we are living in a at, age, an 1 1 11 soon be relieved from her hard task of three weeks' labor. 301:1N 'WRITE & SONS Publishers and Proprietor I s Keppen. improviThomas Murdock, of Stata. BRIEFS.'"•4t. is our duty this week to •chroniele the death of James Herron, whwh sad event took place on Sunday great liking formelons.-Wm, Beatty, of Blanehard, has purchased a large tract of land on the Manitoulin Is- lands, and intends to dispose of his splendid. 100 acre farm and move there in the near fiiture.--The directors of the Agricultural Society held a meet- ing(11) Tuesday evening when the final arrangements. were made for the Fall Fair to be held on Ott. 3th awl Oth.-Mr, and. Mrs. G. L. Money of Mitehell spent Sunday in the village.- Wm. Hanna has now decided to re - bad his barn this fall and will (eine. menee operations in a week or two. 0linton morning last, and the remains were interred in the Staffa cemetery on Mon- BRIBP8.-Mr. Wm. Robb has return - day following bY a large eeneourse ed from a visit to Manitoba and friends. The deceased was a victim of that dreaded disease consumption and was in the 25t1i year of his age-- e along with a popular Clinton young aro sorry to Igarn that Mrs. Hambley lady as his wife. -Miss G. Keiser, of I' not improving,.. --Mrs, 1111(1.lpss Honsall, who has been visiting friends ey, of, 'Cleveland, were vTieng 317, in town for a couple of weeks, retuen- John 31eVey.-The 8 tette. bicycle club ed to her home on Monday. - The Diekota.-Mr. Armstrong is here from California and it. 15 581(1. he will 'extern ONE OF 40 THE FINEST Selections of Windove Shades in this town can be found at the Market Store. We can suit you in quality, color and price. We have tlae very newest in LADIES' 1471=rstlt." Prices 75e. $1, $1.25, $1.50e $1.75, and $2,25. rrgarnip Seed- Skirving's P. Top, Hall's Westburg, Elephant or Monarch, Sueton's Champion. All at prices away down. J. P. Ross Perth Connty Notes- __ Sohn W. Rutherford, sgeneral mer- chant of Burble), has assigned, Stratford flax millers estimate that they will handle 1,200 tons this year, Walter Dixon, of Devizes started Lor a three months' trip to Manitoba and the Northwest The flowing wells atthe light station Itlitchell, still flow on at the rate of 200,000 gallons a day, Mr. Charles Welsh, of Stratford, fell from bis bicycle the other day, and bad two or three of his front teeth knoeked out. Rev, Mr. Treleaven of Brantford, was coMidenced wet of $1,50 by a middle-aeed man who worked the way -freight bill game on him. Mr. L. W. Taylor of 'Mitchell has took •a run to Exeter last week. - Clinton Bowling Club take part in the been appointed to the principalship Though a crack bleyele rider our Western Ontario Association Tolima- Of the Dresden public school, to begin popular doctor had the misfortune in meet at London on Sept. 7th. - We his duties at the opening of the term. passing a vehicla on the mountaintoe . xceedingly regret to learn of the death get thrown last week. With no design on May ondof May Beatrice, the ten- On Thorsday while S. Balkwelh to reflect on the doct or's abil i t y the year-old (laughter of Mr. A. 0. Patti- Base Line, Blanshard, was tripping hicyclo was beyond his skill to set in son , G. T. R. agent, the secondattliction his binder he was struck on the fore - working order and had. to be sent t° VS W i. it lin a Oweles-- ., o in . Kilts- teal by the . kicker.. The earn was the lo uamital where of cure sskilled an old-time resident of this section, ,..,y bruised and torn. see1. 0. e - 'au ttSl pereseCnlt gtnoclwpeno nt hmephyicians are supposed to be abe to I died at the residenee of his son G. M. .0 1.l&( oradoh,lday% wheneffecr what our country chaps are not at Summerhill on Sunday, he funeralto Woodhamfor•whtyhidfewerequal to. -•- What 187(100187(10018 for the taking place Tuesday. lie leavesahwasta:enameI oquit,eradient smile on Mr. euneron's face ? widew aud grown up family a 90115 11e is betinf someWhy that he has acquirodanadditional and daughters. His age was 73 years. 1.11 07.14) ie nee helper the past week --What might 1-Acording to th°id rtrs Mr. eee a. have ben a serious afttir lutigemed 3(enaeree election ('p( 11 MrsAe ebachof Logan has eerved teemed eitizene ;it the 13 '11(1 found his ate:Leant, amounted to $368.75, and .h.fr. Role.. I notice on the authorities of . gitelion.. $258.14, --Owing to the that she 'Mints $2451)1),foe nursing Lee short time since, when, (1111' of our es. W. rapid. 1810 911(1110111)1 to balk • :ma as 1M dtediret (tlizente,e,-Alr, ..3". Chidley i own son when be had the small pox. ,. bicycle which had been movine at a x x tasigned teat CreeretaiTship ' of the i about a year ago. This isanother plaise was net prepared for so sudden an Crieket Club and Mr. Frank Hodgens 1 of the Ingan. small pox case. interrnption of his (ewer he Wag Ilre- WaS 00 Monday evening elected to fill eipitated over the fence. Happi- his place -Mr. 3. NV. Ohidley, whthe Blanshard and Nissouri cheese who the Pickard, ex -cheese maker of ly no serious damage eves done. had been in the furniture and under- factory; lastweek received:the (Uphill --Our burg has 1101t0 11 distinguished taking business since the death of Ins 111181 medal won by him for diets .itt. squad of lady bicycliste whose ee- father a few days ago, has sold his f. World's Colunibia exhibition, Ct.' coago. b . trancing beauti0A ee luxe dagnerro- stoekand businessto Mr, H. C. Barlett, Ma Pickarire exhibit scored points typed at Exeter to excite the admirof Borlin. a - out of possible 100. ation of present and coming by B. - E. hargeTuesday one generation:3e- During an electric! dis- Middlesex Countsr Notes BThe silver medal donat vel , for the . .---- . rook, Esq., of List( con ofthe horses of Ma Hielop, of Cromarty, was struck pupil who sueleaehtfe in taking the lewan's rate of t txation this 1. u. is Ihiglee,,t, lona es at the entrance examine . • . I and though not felled to the ground to see Mrs. J. M. Taggeirt among us lines Nellie 'Mills, „.t?,114&-itilli who Board of exatniners, 19 1-, won this 10 mills, two mins less than last yeah It teat= under the control of the Listowel - • hue been 'so T,;.,ei.a.rtisly ill, is .(mite re - trembled terribly, and. the driver wae / dazed for sometime. -We are pleased lyntmisiy J. W. Peffers, who took ::020 'main after figuring as nurse to one of cover,....ed - et- -easing piritimi.i.y..9Turptit%Trurigh; „1--1•'Irl. r. H. Levett is reieiveting from am A few da -ye since a telegram reached . , -a-g"trne I illniee; which at one three threetened the Nixon Bros.,•of Thorndale.with the eed the sceptre to wave 1 to be serious.Parkhill Independent. painful informationthat their . . * -onnesters are trippine suffering from the effects of a brother 'Wallace, in Michigare was teffa and its surround- s Fairbanks. oParkhill, is Cherie r ' • slate and lunch, smir- para.. dang,erously ill of inflammation. .Tohn e Vacation was at an started immediately, and on his ar, lytic stroke which occurred hist Week ammation Checked Ed. Morgan, who waseserionsly ill of rival fonnd the infl and. hopes held out thee hie brother - • would recover. The ,stantly. .... if ine•ac, with such force Mr. James McGill, of Hullett, near Constance, hes a squash that has reached the inunense proportions of six feet, end it ie still grOwing at such a rate as to be almost visible. On the same vine as this one, are a number of others all measuring from jour to Si) feet in circumference, and property has teken plaiex, and still they were all grown from one seed. there 870 more to follow. -Wes. Tarn- . Malcolm Whiddon, son of Win. and - er fen old. resklent of Biddalph, but Catherine Whiddon, died at Bayfield, for the last ten years living in Michi- on the 12 inst. Detexased was born. hi gan, is again renewing acqueintenees Cape Breton, NovaScetia, March 10th, Inere.-James. Glavan, \who has been and has been a resident Of Bayfield the visiting friends here during the last couple. of weeks. . has • returned to his home in Michigana-Mr. Robbins and daughter, of Oxford street, Temadone who have been visiting friends in Bid- dulph have also returned to London. - R. Cobleigh, 'of Centraliaels purchasing lembs foe the Buffalo- markets at pres- ent. -Mr. P. Card% of Mooresville, is shipping a -cargo or cattle to Montreal this. week. -John Farmer, of Exeter, has erected a fine bank barn on his farm near Cetitralia.-eA. great deal , of damage has been done. to farm peariug in due time a search' was made buildings -mostly barns and contents. awl. they were. fouled near . Lucknow with it. .. • -through Middlesex, Huron anti Bruce Mr, John Green., of Seaforth, who • - . the last two weeks, .Has it ever oce cinema, to your: readers what is the was houorably "acepeitted by Judge. cauSe• of ,9() much damage done to .Mason, last week, on the charge of -buildings in the country, and. so little stealing a sum of money from onelligt clone in the city -nob even as Much as eins has entered an action against IL ro s g a telephone post shattered; While they gins for false arrest and defamation. are splietered by the dozen in the of character. This matter has put country. Your correspondent, 'pees - Mr. Green in en unfavorable toad false ing where some workmenlwere•replac, light to the public, and he is _taking ini. some poets that Were shattered by this mode of redeeming, in so fhr es •lig itning, though only eroded some possible, the injury his character Ints weeks, asked one Of the Workmen If he sustained by its contact with the' law- could give a reason for it. He said the typhoid fever at the residence of his father on the Nth con., of McGillivray, iddrilph. -- is recovering. ,x115-8.-ThornAs Lewis, of Mc- One night lase week a hex of honey, illivray, has rented the Crawley farm weighingabout 40 lbs., was stolen from here.--eltichard Culbert, of Centralia, the premises of -Mr. John Torrance, has rented the fame lately owned by con. 15, McGillivray. Isaac Lewis, of this place. -Isaac 315 Emanuel Glendenning, of Park- will mail in it sealed letter, particulars Lewis, of :McGillivray, has sold his hill, had the misfortune to fall from a of a gelatine,- honest cureeby which I •- farm in McGillivray, and purchased load or flax 0o. a sharp stick which irh • was permanently restoeed to health and . eonsidered au Al farm, but has. decre.as- One of the pioneers of Bryaneton manly vigor, after years of sutteriug. from nervous debility, sexual weak - the Major Atkinson fitrin, Sauble iine„ flitted a severe wound Ill his leg. Bieldnlph. This hum at one time was ed in value. -T. G. Abbott has pile. passed away on Sunday, inthe persoe noes, night losses and weak . shrunken: ' chased the Win Boyd •farin, S tuble of Mrs. Alex. Grant who Ix 1(1 lived in 1 Parts.. I WaS robbed and swindled by line Biddulph. ahlany changes of farm the neighberhood some 25 years. the quacks until I nearly lost faith in Thos. &011ie of McGillivray, While mitekiud,. but thank -heaven, I ;on now feeding a thresher the other day, heel well, vigorous -and strong, and wish to . his hand badly torn by,.a cylinder tooth ' smake, this certain inean's of ' etire • catching it. . Mrs Steeper, Who has been -staving 1.9th nothing to sell, and want no walleye •'. Known to all sufferers. I hilVe .. bet being a firm believer in the una • • 7colitill. . Ill•IfeeLsi101 8011, Me. for'kl'sxo.ineS Wtenteev' versal brotherhood of roan, 1 mei desire. evits married cro Mondayevening ofP11,sisib' . ous o' hel ' re t ,. . pine he unfortunate •to re- • week to Mr. Philips, of Creditone gain ' their health and. happiness, .1 -nom ise you perfect secrecy and as I- to not wish to soexpose myself either, please address simply: P. 0. Bax 388. London, Ont. . ........,.....,.... h._ 411 "•111.0•••••••••••.....* One:Honest Man. Dear Ed itor.-Pleaseitli0VM your read- ers, that if written to confidentially I pas!) la years. Ha had- been attending Clinton Collegiate Institute. and sheet.; ly before the examination he contract- ed a severe cold, the illness develop - Mg into typhoid fever. Two yongstees named George Hut, chieonand Jobe Branfield, aged less than 12 years, appeared before the P. M. inGoderich 00 a charge Of stealing a horse from Jonathan Miller. They got the animal and a rig on the story that Mrs. Hutchison. wanted it, and not 'ma, reason was because it was struck with Ch9 thiallah IS THE lightnine. He wond.erediwhen I asked a 0 LAW OF NATURE him waTet, Boots te Shoos, part of Ireland he came from Winter. Heavy goods in to Spring sad summer -wear is 110N7 tb.o or- der of the clay. If you flood any our stook 18 now COMDloto, Many lines to tided from and 54 1)71005 that will satisfy you. La Mon's, Boys, and Youth& rine Goods everything is up to date. Ladies', IVIisses' and Children& 131 Dongo las, Oxford!..i, Bale and buttons. We have lltev.erything in stock t at you require. Space ' i oto prices. Call and ed in the country this vear?.-Joseph ideal addition to ever one's fall and Weatherspoon, who lia.s been coufiried Y The other morning the youngest &tug -liter. of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Snowden of Parkhill in some unaccountable way cat her tongue so severely that Dr. Caw had to put four stitches in it. John N. • Verges= died at Lambeth, Thursday, aged 55 years. Mr. Fer- guson was born in Sligo county, Ire- land, bat had been in Canada for many years eighteen of Which were spent invite Every btiyer or Furniture to call and icriaiLaaRtlinobne, iad Ixr:x77k:(s1 Vr7s:nileertibileYe°ien- .sneeereirn. ci;l'inV•: wofilninsnan7 eYilaiTuell:neY in London. For the last three years he rfinttni Oen°, otunUlhil Outio,-+--.. had been an invalid. He was unmar- 0 DINING ROOM SH, Or MI ille KilCheil ried. LIVE IIP TO YOITR PRIVILEGES. If we read of pome new fabric tnade FramWeeMhon'ivdediniearognehstettiodck, oalleePiWctuirne- healthful w-armth in all sorts- of gave dow shades, at a, bargain. in some foreign country which protection from cold, providing a weather, we would. consider it wondei- Our Undertaking Department is ful and be envious of the people who complete. We g,uarantee satisfaction in this line, both in quality and price. pensive and easy to get perhape 4' ene Our Planing Mill is now ruening could take advantage of it, on., e ,_ have not yet tested its merits and full blast. Paetees in need of. building cense Fibre Chamois is quit . i nex- found out for themselves the splendid. lanterial, sods. as winter comfort a layer of it will impart 1,1 ...., Yas, SASH, FRAMES + give such a reply. But joking aside, proof qualities are gain -tine, founded on + + AND MOULDINGS from for none but an Irishman could . to all outdoor garments. Its weather who can give the reason why no tele- the fact t.hat it is made eutirely should give us it call. We are now graphposts or buildings are destroyed making a specialty of Wire Screen Spruce Fibre, au(1 is therefore a 1c1111:11- Doors lust now made to °rdel% are so namerous,and so in any destroy- plate ix on -conductor of cold. This, as HO FFMAN BROS.. y lightning in the city, where they well AS itS light weight, makes it an Furniture Dealers, . :Undertake -es. and Oonteact . • fever ale() clothing.