HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-8-20, Page 1't • e 444•• HURON SL. MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR. No 1. •The Hinge tin which business swings is con- fidence -and confldence grows out of fair dealing. If the goods we sell won't stand on tuerie-we stand ready to refundthe purchase money, • • , We are anxious to close out till sum- ' ieneeeiods. Prices may seem to be at efielepense of quality -but that's *where your saving is -quality is all. "right. Zephyrsand Crinkles (just the goods to make a thee cool dress) was 15e, now 12e Fast Colored Prints, gaialnatterns " 10 " 8 Ladies' Shirt Waists " " " 75 Light Cord Dress " " " 35 " 24 Lanier(' and Missen'TrimmedEnts 39 Real Fibre Chamois (dresslining) " 35 " 25 Ilen'aiSurniner i5hirtit now 10. trd and .50 klaa lines la Children's 'luta MisSes3 lated and buttoned Boots, was $1.25, $1 and 750 now Oe;5Remnants of Tweeds, Dress Goods, Flannelettes, Prints, Cottons, etc., at greatly -reduc- ed. prices. We have just received a new line of laiisbory Cashmere Cloth In Re.d, Pink and Blue Stripes and FameeeSpots, just the goods for Ladle's Wrappers, and Misses. and Childretes deesses. We llave also received a new lot of Draperu•Twills 'Something autirely new for Curtains., Draping purpostbs, °trillion Covers, etc. Past colorsett 10c yd. We do not hc4itate to say that our eent FachieerCotton is the best ever , • yet shown by any person in the trade. .ask to see it. eeTSee otir'Eljetric Apple peeler and Corecesombined. Only 10c each. .R. S. FORD de, CO • wooDHAm ' Centralia. . -- BRIEFS.-Mrs. Richnee Hicks is visit- ing her son R. F. Hicks at Norwich. - Win. Luker and Melvin Handfeed have gone to Manitoba on the harvest excursione-Mrs. Wesley Huston has •so fan recovered from her prolonged .sicknese ns to be able to visit her pare:V.'s. Miss Violet Hod- gins is 'recovering front a severe ant& of peritonitia-Sihnes ,McFalls, one of our village blacksmiths, is bnilding a new dwelling honse adjoining his shop. • :Sharon. • Bmses.-31r. and Mrs. Richard Welch and Miss Ida Balkwill of Exe- ter spent Sunday as the guests 'of Mr. .and Mrs. John Rowe. -Mr. Wellhig- ton Amy and Mr. Charlie Coates of Usborne paid Sharon a flying visit on Sunday last. -Mr. George Bedford of Crediton, paid Sharon his usual visit • on Sunday to our esteemed young lady on the hill. -Mr. Petee Martene and•Miss Lillie Pedler of Khiva visited at Mrs. John Pedier's on Snnday.- Mrs. John Shvoeder who has been serionsey ill for the past two months is improving nicely. -Miss Mattie Kes- tell of Exeter is visiting her brother's here. -Mr. and Mrs. tidal Brokenshire .spent Sunday visiting relatives in Mc- Gillivray. - Mr. Campbell, of Hey, visited his daughter Mrs. A. Coxworth .on Sunday. -The long needed rains have come at lase and have freshened •.up the grass considerably. One Honest Man. --- Dear Batton -Please in form your read- ers, that if written to confidentially I will mail in a sealed letter, particulars of a genuine, honest cure, by which I was permanently restored to health and manly vigor, after years of suffering from nervous debility, sexual weak- ness, night losses ancl weak shrunken parts. I was robbed and swindled by the quacks until 1 nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank heaven, I aan now well, vigorous and strong, and wish to • . make this certain means of cure known to all suffei.ers. I have nothing to sell, and want n money, but being a firm believer in the mai- versal brotherhbod of man, I am desir- ous oi helping the unfortunate to re- - gain their health and iness, I nromise you perfect secre do not wish to expose t please address, simply: London, Ont. d as I either, ox 388, Crediton. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, :AUGUST 20th, 1896. ....,••••••••414, • • JOHN WEITZ 8c SONS Publishers and Preprietors Hensall visiting friends. -Miss Bella Wilson, Huron*Coniaty Notes. Perth. County Notes.. who has been on the sick list is con- BRIEra. -The turieh base ball team i valeseing.-Miss Mary Dick i's serious - Fol owing aro the market quotations • failed to put in an appearance Settle- i Barley day to play the return matele-Miss 1 • Oats infant child of John Finkbiner was . • •" Willianis is ill of typhoid fever. -An ! leateerter buried here Tuesclay.-Louis Redd- , , Eggs Tirdothy seed ...... .... ....$2.50 to 82.75 ing has returned from Grand Bend I Clover seed $5.50 to 85.75 Perk. -A number ititend going to I Grimsby Park Saturday.-Qu.arterly ! BRIEFS. — Miss Latimer; assistant Wh at r tow ly if of inflammation. The doctors 17 to is hal a consultation on 14.1onday, and 40 to 42 hold; Out little hope for her recovery.- ei.0.00 to Moe Miss Gillespie, of Exeter, is visiting 12 to 12 eto 9 the :Misses Smellacombe.-Mies leatee Brener has gone to .1:er honte in Zurich, ane. Miss Phew, . of Exeter, has taken her Alice at the Commercial. meeting will be- held in the levangele teacher in the public schools, here, is -Miss Bertha oilgins has returned cal church on •SaterdaY and Smithey ill at her home in Seaforth.• Her de- home from a pleasant visitwith friends net.-Sehool opened Monday with a: Pertinent of the sehoolhas been closed. in Toronto. She was aecompanied by good attendance. -Miss Wiggins, a' We hope soon to report her reeovery. Mx% Lyons, who will visit in Mensal former teacher here, is visiting- friends ' -T. J. Berry, left eneeaturday with a for a few weeks. -Mr. Ingram intends in town. --Hugh Semple, painter for ! c.itr load of heavy horses, for the Old putting up e fine block on the vacant W. H. Wenzel has Milt for the season. ! Country market. We wish Mr. Berry lot beside Clausen's Harnese Shop -Mrs. Sanders of St. Marys, is visiting l bon voyage and successful sale of the next summer. -Mie S. Rennie intends* old friends in town -The flex is near- animals, -Mrs. Ryckinee•of Michigan, to erect a fine residence on the vaeant ly all at the mills. The yield is a good 1 is visiting, bersister, Mrs. R. W. Fatten, one, nut the price is nave -seen preeei of this villegoa-Win, Ford, of Dakota, tee was 'at town Tncsduy. , is home at present, being summoned through the illnees of his niother, but, Woodham. I although he came with all possible • -ote she had lost conSe10118ness he- lot he recently pnrchaseil ft one Chas. Moyers. -Will Outwitl has a sunflower with. 45 flowere on it which he thinks cannot bebeaten in this section. -Cook Bros have purchased a Brantford neer A*4••• • • • • -.toting ,t1 pointer -tee- eitannie in- Blineee.-Holidat% ;;;;titkill draWlag fore bereeetheallaille.-eWe iteepleased tends putting plate glass In the front to a close, so our visitors are leaving ; te see Mr, William White, or ltddger- a the five stores of his old and IItiW for their respective homes. -Miss eine, so fats eecovered from his late blockasweliasputtingdowngranolithic Shelkton, of Stratford. has been hole 1 illneee, as ti be able to Visit his asoinent, -- James In neon Public but retnentel on Saturday.- canuot be given Drs. elyndman, of (laying with MrMrsSwitzer an . and . dilezrentsin }female Too much preise Miss Oortie and Bina Jones also re- . Exeter, or theirskillful tanatment in a turned to their home' in Stratford.- trouble ot so eoruplieated a character, Messrs. Mauro(' and Sullivan of Steal. I -We very much regret to have to ford, peel mu. village a visit on their eleronicle the death of Mrs. John Ford, wheels, and were .igensee with what lot the teweship of Tucker:5111)We which theY saw, espeeially thso inn sad event occurred at her home on e reads, ehool teacher has returned from. the S. 13. Webb of Wingham, is dead, C. H. Merufield of elonkton is prep - at the age of 79 years. aring to erect a flax mill early next Thos. Cann, of Usborne, the other spring. day accidentally fell and sprained his IMiss Annie Francis, of Mitchell, has ankle severely. f been engaged to teach a school on ,the I Mrs. G. Holtzman, Sr., of Crediton, Manitoulin Island, not fax. from Little had the misfortune to fall down cellar and ree,eived some sevare injuries. Mr. Richard Culbert, of Centralia, has rented the farm of J. Lewis in Bid- dulph and purposes moving there Thursday. - emend, • and left for that district on Wm. Lockheed, B. A., who has been appointed science master in the Lon- don College -de Institute, is a son of shortly. Wm. Lockheed of the township of • A Grahani of London, has eoatract- Rhea ed with. the Winghamcoupeil to layI Sterritt, Of Motherwell met with a serious accident on Saturday etgoroatn.ohtlue wales at las cents per • last. While unloading oats with slings a load of sheaves fell upon hirn Frank Snell, of Devon, while turn- in the mow. mg his team around upset the wagon, the wheels passing over Ins head and inflicting several bruises. Mary; isteet o; tele late Andrew vans, Turn ,..."x. foundlett in her bed at the boar of rising. Mrs. Evans was 88 years of age, • W. Elliott, Centralia, threelted last week 80e imehels fall wheat, the pr)' • duet of 2g acres. This ie considered yieldi oi. this season. i g.. School of Elocution, Toronto, where 'l he has been spending a, seeond term. ' A. McMillan has sold his farm, eon: and secured it deplome. He intends taining 7ii acres, and being lot 12, con - taking it post graduate course next cession Ile Grey, to John Fulton of suzumer.-Rey. J. *. Henderson and Hibbert, for $3,000; a good sale. wife are expected home this week.- e ides. Forties, an agee lady of Wing, - Will Clausen and bride left fer nine ham formerly of Belerave died in VIr Urvitant Et•it Sli)DAt it ;Lnii Wai ford, died rather suddenly on Wednes- . Hoz. Towle,. Hugh Brown, Henry portant to the et-ellen-0er benders Wednedsen morning last, after a short neapolis on Friday mornmg. Them "r•r. ' ... '-' , ' ' nnetery there on day morning- at the hospital. She was Taylor, Henry and Chas. Cann, Fred are busy and anticipate Ix so fax I but. serious Mime We sympathize many friends wish them prosperity. , 1 ; te ; a .7 niree, at reluem's et, . some unite -ma mins is building u with the 1:unity in their sad bereave They were accompanied by . NV. Itt•y- a nativt. of Molesworth, Ont., and had Siattptont W. Walker, Ct. Nelson and ..... Tneedev. very neat little dwelling. house near i ment•-Feederick '1Z1 111,4.4.011115. form. nolds.-Tbe brick work of MeSsre. u. • heen about lex months upon the staff. . . . , • W. mettle Ertel. ; Jonn Cam bell the saw mill while others are repairiegi erlY knnwn as our Onion King, hail Stewart's and J. \k. \j new resi- trial of John Green, charge i .sly., el tIllinieeltn, Zaiuleid chat j_,....heou.e. wall ste'lling $59 from hosth.r Higgins The residence of Wm. Knott, of ' FEalirecieggron3",. and pabitiug, evidinees of proeperity , returned from a. six weeks' trip to dences tuts been completed. ---Saeet a the Royal hone, Steifortle before Cineingford was the seem. of a quiet Lumiee t 4 . . , and hopefolneese-The Rev Mr. Nether. ; Manitoba and Dakota, combining Perki»s, shoemaker, of (Thiselhurst, is Judge Maeson, residue' in the dismie- home wedding. en Wedneeday, 29th Jas. McLaughlin, Lucan. eott ie expected home this; week, from businese with pleas:we, in the way of seriously ill with St Vitas Dance. --The • i ult., when his youngest, daughter, oSroirtIrwhiallveregt(ile. to remain, the ma - 1,1., European tour, no doubt to the I finding markets for the onion crop, wife of Wm. Stoneman, of a son, on sal of the ease. The barn of Hill Bros. 10th Logan, was destroyed by firelast weeoelkel' ae were also the splendid barns of jolininee,e'llaedhdcealls,e.of Fullerton. .Insur- anceF. L. Menning, of St. Marys, is thinking of erecting in London it fac- tory for theevaporation of fruit. Mon- day be had it long talk with Act- ing -Mayor Parnell on the subject. 1,1 there ever was a specific for any one complaint, then Carter's Little Liver Pills are a specific for sick head- ache, and every woman should know this. Only one pill adosa Try them. Miss Mitchell, one of the nurses of the John Stratford Hospital, Brant, ONE OF THE -FINEST Selectiehs of Vieindow Shades in this town can be found at ,the Market Store. We can suit you in quality, color arid price. We ha,ve the very newest in • LADIES' BdzirokrcrfiStaT:ZI Prices 75e. $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, and 'Turnip Seed. Skirving's P„ Top, Hall's Westburfet Elephant or Monarch: Sutton s Champion. AUt at prices away down.. J., P. Ross For Manitoba. , The following persons purchased. tickets here for the Farm Laborer's Excursion to Manitoba, :-L,. Hardy, , Rosa, was united in marriage to T. G. • e...-01...10 satisfaction of his numerous friends I which Is Very large in this section.- the 18th inste^M1SS Licknian, RObert Bush,. of Crediton, received and Church asseciations on tht• circuit, — • Miss Duffere, of Thantesville, is the London, is visiting tte Mr. Bennett's.- a severe sun stroke the other des.. Baker, Prineirl of Elmira public Kirkton. guest of Mrs. A. Murdock. - Miss C. Meyer, of London, was in thevillage After laying froin 10 a. to 5 p. 9011001. late ef arle. Winohelsea. .,..._ Hatchinson, of Staffae and Miss Ria this week,- Wm. Elder, family and a through all the rain, he was fotind in a mfr, jeem Bore of mitt:11014mA e, I &eaten, of ellucago, also vlsited Mrs. few friends intend etenping at the hike fence owner by his wife. i fine team of Weeks, which be Med on her Bnisrs.-Mrs. Thane. Clements and. youngest daughter, Jane, returned . - -- i elfurdock last we Joynt for it while. -Mr, IfeWite. Wife :LW Jas. Logan, of Hills Green., lied the i his heerse. Pride'e' Inet his son Newton BitIEFS. - Arthur Dingle left for ends erecting himself a dwelling on family have left town and from Mount Forest recently after elemitoba on Tuesday lege-The 'W.. t !'' . " Mali's survey, and is now enganed in their abode in Seaforth.--J. Steacy is taken "P misfortune to alighe on 11. met nail : drove from the Bend, and the da t be- . • e , Y , , . , „ , „ , , .1', _ tying a visit to her brother and uncle, sam. ;UM injitrett i UV* terrun3,' not, ono in. tam took, . hoinits Wilson, whom she has not which ierced his 1 this Thursday evening, the 21th, on raen the lawn at the Methodist Church.-- . P . &awing brick. .- Thos. Bell, while putting a _verztault, (...mLiis house, winch - -- 1 working in Welsh's planing mill, on adds to the appearance of the building. , . . note y to t s a 1,4 Friday, had three of his fingers cut by The thunder-storin that passed over I coming in contact with a circular saw. Elinaville. this part on Tuesday night last was the H • fr i t . . 51. , , At the last meeting of the O. 0. of C. Pe the following resolution was passed To Fatoso Jons •Tonss ANT) FAytu.t. Re - keit. eil.-rhat. whereas you have .in ca et worst ever witnessed in this part. Jos, . Clara Mcleells, of Lucan, visited T. and . . . .. . Kirk's barn that was eestroyed hY I A, Murdocks, Monday. -Mise Sheffer, lightning was • insured m ,the Bleu I I visited friends in Seaforth last week. - shard Co. foie$1,200. He will rebuild , this falle-Wne Hanntes barn. that I Alaantiewmeltifkr iotsf citizensleisee4vent to, Exeter • • i t • . , , was also destroyed was insured in . - eer it term I other. .. • and 1-1' et ee 9 tt I - t I from , . .. ie.. e . • co - • lave, re mem also get a eow killed the sante nig .1t,i The defendant was committed fereaeal, . ITY 'hi von our 1400000 7, 4 . heart felt !.Yinatilfy,. „c8.rcher, of the mi.,-^fitslil line (It the' September assizes. Bell nets in this your 4....-3-I 14,,envement witli'' so' i ' tis -e ye' rs t t l' f•el ' ' - IP,t' „ .t . , a a rm. a o eh lel a - rho :wm a the late. John Livingeton, their three week's holidays, looking. by lightning, insured. in the 'Usborne .s et. -e ?tack of ileuriev Dr. T ff d andbas promise( to bb nur help in time of Ids foot so that, he lete hem coati-2mq to sick and died soon after returning theliouse for several days past. 1 home. The loss is fully $125. During a thunder -storm, • at Sea- 1 Mr. R. 11. Baine, of Fnllarton, who forth. Saturday afternoon. John is a 'director m the Irsborne & Hibbert seen for over 30 years. They had a very pleasant time -Andrew Turn - 141211 last a very valuable young mare least week. •Cause, indigestion.-Heury Waugh, it retired farmer, was instant- Mutnel, says the Company losing .Frances lied a young tow die in the ly killed by lightning while standing pretty heavily this season from fires field the other night. in the flax office. Others around him I reselting from the lightning storms. were not, injured. But he gives the number of houses efts. J. Rued of the Maitland con- struck as greater than the- number of Oromarty. Usborne & Ilibbert the ror $1,200. He! trial in which one ale r ete . . upon to again mourn the lo -sof won 1 (.1 14(311S 'CMS +. _ ! kMitt'llgil- e".seitn,i. Goilerich township. has rent- i ' barns though the damage is trifling in — sum. / t melte. :to. us, t . O. t . - .. wen to meow eon- ea run faxen of Lee 'terve to William • tile one case ..„,vompared with the Bateats.-Revel Mr. Scott and Mrs inter;ested. 'It net:small night ses ' • ' ' • - ---- , ter and sister. wiz, the, p,temmts 01 Eta/wide will not build this fall. -Amos Doure ;' etioit, e period. oi time.. We feel A. barn belonging to (lharle W k t in tite Surrogate court, Stratford The • " * ' ' . .. . cep e 1st, e te lore after t at- • tat, hae bet n en tercel for probate evell.-Mr. AleII x. Boyle is able to be up & Hibbert Co. -The Misses Robinson I ea • t el el' • N II' el • short here, returned to Brant- ford on elontla,y. Prior to leaveig she tr0111. 4.1.115)07to011'Oti an, 00400181141 rolt to 1110 Y and Kirk returned, from their trip. to the leind Tuesday night, jtist before en.tertained her young friends to a for thei..." the storm struck the village. They I party Thursday eyening last. - Mrs. seem te be hard to There are many things in Me whidi Varna, Wae struck tea Sunday meld teeen, e te- s" • 4. bear and difficult to under- by lightning and destroyed with the balm"iit; share in business.' of 7,T. AY' J: as President of the Yell.. S., ae he in - that Mr. Gray hasresigned his position report hn.ving a. good time. They James Beattie, wife of mine host stuutt* but tusting in Him ,and casting all , of about 493 LiVingtitoti. $1130,0001,' tin al. 43:131,000. t , _ entered the village Singing linnie' Be tt' f th C • a, le, o e emunerctal, who has HI, way was the best. May the care upon Him, Wet:hall redize in the end that (Ryer of all int:she's Of threshed grain. contents consistino• Besides this it is understood that de- -Nuts lea% zor timer p. nas nt liver of all goodi who doeth things wen. 11 "N/ •Si sulfliient !estate . u or had the about a mile and a 'pewter from'. is valued as foIlows:-Ilouse- a 1 ease in hand . -We "ire sorry to learn Sweet Home. There's 110 place like Howe. --Mr Hilee, of Dungannon, who puroltased Muir & Manning's stoek re- moves it this week, and the store will now be vacant. -Rev. Mr. Martin, of Exeter, occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday last. Butnes.-Mre. It. A. (lausey ,, end St. Marys. -- family, of Stratford, came to St. in Ieingston.--Datel Melewen, of Ailsa Marys, last week to visit at A. Sen- Craig, was in town last week. While kin's. On Seturda,y her three year here he exercised the trotting horses old son, Herbert, took suddenly ill • of W. R. Hodgins, and A. E. Tennant, with convulsions and died in it few Exeter. They both made good time, hours. The child wee very bright and and have been entered forthe Western healthy, and the sudden death has Fair, races in London. -W. R. Hod - been it severe blow to the parents and gins' "Amber 1-1" won fourth money friends. The remaine were taken to at the Winghani rues last week, in it Stratford, Mondey, for interment.- class of 11 horses. -Wm. Webber is John Watson, of Grand Valley, for- building an addition to bis residence; meely of Mornington, visited friends J. Beek. Is erecting it handsome ver - in town on Sanwa:lee-W. 11. Graham anda iu front of his residence, all of shipped a carload of general purpose which not only adds to the appearance. horses to Toronto on Saturday.- of the respective propertiers, but the Civic holiday was observed in town on town generally.-Sinu'l Ilummeson, Tuesday. -The principal events were left on Tuesday for Manitoba for the bicycle races, horse races and general benefit of his health. -There were a athletic sports. There was a large at- large number of ethers left this tendance and. everything' passed off station on the Laborers' excursion. - satisfactorily. -The remodelling of the David Smith, of Clinton, visited at, S. Methodist church is progressing well, Hummeson's this week. -Same Bir - and when completed St, Marys can ehee, of Wingham, visited. at R. lay claim to having one of the finest Coad's over Sunday. -Wesley &lir- churches in Western Ontario. The goon and wife of Harriston called pulpit, organ and choir chamber arc he- at R. Coati's this week on their way ing moved from the East end to the South side of the building and the seating capacity thus greatly increas- ed. New seats, arranged in amphi- theatre style and facing the South, will also replace the antiquated ones, thus adding greatlytothe comfort and convenience of the congregation. beea seriously 111, has recovered sun ficiently to get around again, - The Misses Brewenand .Kaiser,of Seaforth, visited Mrs. G. Bunch, last week. - Miss Woetion, visited. Miss Ellis, last week. -W. Crawford, of Ripley, is visiting his parents near the village. - Same Jackson, of Ripley, it foemer merchant here, was in town Monday shaking hands with his old friends. - Mr. Delaney is visiting at his old. home Fuzee. AND FRETFUL BABY. This is now quite unnecessary! Like many others, you in.ay have your baby fat, laughing and bappy, if you give it Scott's Emulsion. Babies take it like cream. The Fe001 ON di 1 tore We -want everybody to know of our Clearing August Sale as we are determined to clear • out the balance of our Spring' Stock, Mere are Some of the many Stalling Bargains , Sob lot prints, worth 7, 8, and 9c, novv CLOTHING. 50. Seersucker 8 and 10, now 5 and. Sc. French cashmere 10c, worth 15c. 15c Scotch plaids, yard wide I0c, only a few left "WhIte net summer corset, regular Boy's suits $1 and upwards, good wearing. Tweed suits $2, $2.50 and 53; Boy's, Youth's and Men's will be sold at reduced prices. If you want a bargain come quick 75e for 450. while the assortment is large. Ladle's Blk Cotton Hose finished, We are showliag some great bargeins Hormsdorfs -Dye 20c 3 for 50e. ; also . in Tweeds at 24, 35, 50 and 05c, worth a few pair. left Ladies fast black - 40% per ydextore. Hose 5c. - Dress goods from 5c up. GROCERIES,—We have two cases .corn left, 4 cans for 25c, Tea 5 lb for 50 c., roc for large bottle mixed pickles;, worth 15c, 2r ' ibs Ganulatech Sugar for $r, 25 lbs -bright Yellow Sugar fOr $1. Cash . prices .fla cash for Butter and Eggs. Buy for cash. ev,erything in,stock ithe.t fou require. Space TR N ^Pti!t, Ott' 3Z.,e3qd home from Watford. They were driving and report the roads splendid and the country looking fine. -Mrs. (Rev.) Dyke, of Norville, is visiting Mrs. J. McArthur (hardwaree-Rev. Roy visited. old friends in the village this week -Dr. Ferguson, of Blyth, was in the village Monday. He in- tends moving here about ist Sept. - Miss Cook gave it party to it number ef her young friends on Friday even- ing -The "Jensen base ball team visit- ed. Zurich Saturday and were precti- catty victorious. The Zurich team, had five innings, tbe Hensel" team four, when the score stood only a few runs in favor of Zurich. Had our boys been .permitted to play their lest 11)11- ing, a nice victory for the Hensel]. tetun would have been the result. But stice was not to be, the Zurich boys baying set up a quarreL We would advise them to teke a defeat grace- fully, and appeal; at least honorably before the outsid.e public. -J. W.' Or- twein and family and number of friends picniced at the lake Tuesday. A pleasant day was spent, although the weather was it little cool. -Messrs J. Bald.win, E. Hill, Ed. Lietimer and Mr. Hillier, of Seaforth, visitedfriends here Sunday lase -W. J.. McKay, principal of the public school, bas re- turned. from a, pleasant visit among friends in Dungannon, and opened. school Monday with it fairly large at- tendance. -Wm. Kane has returned home from Gorrie, where he bas been Change ! /31.12 13 from Winter. Heavy goods in Boots & Shoos, to Spring and summer -wear is now the or- der of the day. rc you ieed any our' stock is now complete. Many lines to select from and at prices that will satisfy you. In Mon's, Boys, and Youths' Fine Goods everything is, up to date. Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Dongo las, Oxfords, Bals and buttons. We have not perm us o quo e pm. es. a an `777)-77,- . ;tee Te See l'or rnirsnr• gond be continually with you iind your, and when done with things of time nrty it be your happy lot to meet those loved ones who nave gene on before. Signed on behalf of the Coon. id. SAMUEL PYM. Secretary. -- Craig. --- BarErrs. -Riley on Wednesday morning the shoe store of le. 8. Mc- Donald wee broken into. Entrance Was obtainee by forcing open the back door. Six 'mire of his beet men's shoes were stolen. No clue to the thieves. It is the general opinion that the intenders are persons who are well acquainted with the premises. -Misses Mary and Sarah Jane Wylie returned home after spending, several weeks visiting with relinives et Leroy N. Y. --Mr. Will Mune, of Evanston, Ill., returned home on Wednesday after spending a few days with his mother. -Miss Bella Anderson veturn- ed from Buffalo. N. Y. where she has been visiting friends forseveral weeks. .e-ett the last municipal conned meet - me of the village it resolution was passed instructing the clerk to ascer- tain upon what terms water can be obtained from the G, T. R. foe fire purposes, and also to make an estimate of the cost of more efficient fire pro- tection. Zurroll. BRIEFS.—Sunday night lightning struck the residencaof Mr. H. Koehler sr. The old people were asleep at the time and did not discover what hasi happened until morning. The damage was not serious.-eThe same night the barn of Mr. John Foster, the brick manufacturer, was also struck by lightning and some of the rafters con- siderably burned, but fortunately no further damage was done. -Mr. Elick Ehnes is visiting bis brother, A.ugust and his sister, Mrs. F. Seignen-Mrs. A. Johnston returned to her home in Grafton, North Dakota, Friday. One when part of the rack. gave way and of her sisters went with her. -Mr. S. threw him to the ground. He fell on eterner, from Vassar, Michigan, ar- his head and broke his neck. Some rived here a few days ago. -Henry years ago a spirited team ran -away Bender, jr., has returned from Pigeon, and killed Mr. Waddel's wife, reel Michigan, and intends to stay home.- sinee that time the same team ucarly AeFaust wheeled to London Saturday killed himself. returning Monday. -Last 'Thursday There are no doubt quite a number evening a meeting. of the ratepayers of Zurich was held m the town hall to consider the advisability of incorporat- ing Zurich as a, police village. There. was a good audience. J'e A, eVilliams was chairman and F. Hess, sr., secre- tary, Quite a few speeches were wade and it petition prepared at the close of the meeting. -EvevY one sign- ed it freely. The main object is to gee better five protection which can't be ed theposition veryaceevtab eir some We regret to announce the cleath ?'""""41 h'f1 peorty in the United time and will be inisset .--A ills -Agnes States (if nearly ialf a million. The Mrs. Thomas Parsons, of Hills Green, Currie has returned from e. very en - Ontario Government gets $10.00e out joyable visit among friendilet Ohio. - who passed away on Wedneeday the of the estate as a succession tax. „ 12th inst., in Goderich townehip. Mr. Parsons, who formely resided in this Vicinity, has the sincere sympathy of the community. Several young men assembitel at the home of Mr. W. D. Hoag, Seaforth, on Saturday t.vening. last, for the pur- working at the end the jack slipped, pose of -presenting lent with a pnrse allowing the tender to fan on Jas. containing over $28. It NV" an ex- Brownlee, catching him in a 'doubled- osing a cow on the G. T. R. track. hospital. His back 1111$ broken and week 42 to 37. -The Misses Wolper, of • On Tneeday last an old man named he was badly injured. He lingered Berlin, are the guests of their brother at the Mason house. -Mr. and Mrs. George Nichol, charged with stealing tmtil e ;ening, when he died. a couple of =neve: and a razor rout Mit Baker, a young Englishman, im- Henry Cole were on a few weeks visit • a fellow boarder in a Soafortli hotel, mnled to this country tiv the Stint,- to relativee at Rapid River., Mich., and A fatal accident occurree at Grand Trunk shops Stratford, Monday morn- ing. .A. gang of men were engaged in jacking up a tender for the perpose of placing it on trueks. One end was safely loaded and while the tzten were . , p time now on his new farm in Tucker - smith, where he intends moving in the spring. (1huton. BR1EFS.-Mrs. and Miss Rye have moved to Sault Ste Marie. --Clinton cression of sympathy in Mr. Hoag ,e1) posture. He was reinoved to the bowling club defeated Mitchell last was up before His Honor Judge Mas- son. He pleaded guilty and was sent- enced to three months in jail at hard labor. Mary Sharkey, nee Mary O'Donnell, died in Goderich Saturday a.m. 8th inst. Mrs. Sharkey sinus born and iNewton, and when he undertook to • • g • 1 plovinent of Mr. Kincaid at that and baskets of plums. The price re eunt• . tut y. . • - ford Home, committed entente bv neen. Canada to Michigan. -A farmer near hanging himself with a rope, time between Friday night and featly- Clinton is responsible for a statement that his 200 acre faxen was recently day morning. Barker -was about 21 years of age. For the last six years covered with hail stones as large as he has been working in the vicinity of henn eggs and a foot deep.-Cantelou day' 1 married in the city of Philadelphia. get rid of his life he was in the ern.- bought and shipped about two tholes - but for the greatee pate of her life she lived in Colborne, and latterly in Gotle- rich. Her death, at the age of 00 years, was from heart failure. She leaves a, family of six sons and three daugh- in • u a, on . a mc ae , untie . o la ters. eeng- as follows :-Chnton, 10, 29 ; . in Ayrshire, Scotland, in 1803 where A colt belonging to Lindeav Bros, she spent her early life and was 1 aterloo, I married, she removed with her late 1 * pasturing at Mr. John Kyles, Gorier- ich. township, ran through the barn husband to Dumfries, Ont., early in the 1 At Windsor the case of Benjamin. as lenge rom 0cents place. bashet-Last Friday there was an in - Mrs. John Caven, of Motherwell, teresting game at crickethere between celebrated the 93rd auDiversary of her Clinton Mid. Waterloo, the latter win - and fell a distance of 10 feet to the hard ground, breaking its back. Mr. Kyle had the animal shut, in the stable for the time, but it burst the door and came into the barn and ie spite of his efforts to beat it back it bolted over it pair of sleighs and met its fate. forties. 111 1853 they settled on the Stickle vs. Frank A. Van Husan, for farm on the eivee Thames where She 'opening a post letter, was postponed. has lived ever since and where Mr. fax a week., also that of Witham S'tew- Caven died many years ago. The are charged with stealing sheep from • • • following are her family:a-am Wm. Sylvester McLean, of Colchester Caven, D. De of Rime College, To- , south, ronto, Mrs. Alex. Meleadzen, St. • - ....._......._ Marys; and Mrs. Joe. McIntyre, of A sad accident took place on the Motherwell. farm of Mr. Joseph Waddee, 411 con- Perth County has been divided. into cession of Kinloss, by which his son electorial divisions as follows: -First, Henry lost his life: They were engeg- division :-Township of Wallace and ad in drawing grain, and. the boy was Listoneel; population, 5,721: equalized backing the wagon out of the barn, value, $2,765,050. Second division - Townships of Legan and Elma; popu- lation, 5,7321; equalized value, $.1,402,- 300. Thirtt division - Townships of Hibbert and Fullerton and the town of Mitchell; population, 7,248; emeelized value, $025,030. Fourth. division: - Townships of Blenshard and Downie; population, 0,208; equalized 'value, $1, - in Winghant who will remember a 900,100. Fifthdivision-Townships of boy named James . McKenzie, who North and SouthEasbleope; population some years ago left town, after steal. 4,700; equalizedvalue, $3,330,890. Sixth beg a silver watch from John Coed. division - Townships of Ellice and This week he and. a partner named Mernington and the village of Milver- Eddie Mines have been arrested at ton; popubetion, 7,490; equalized value, Battle Creek, Mich., and both gave $1,151,080. As two representatives are Wingham as their •home. They sec- allowed each division, the council for cessetilly.played a, Battle Creek alder- next year will be composed of 12 mete - man for $1,700, on which charge they bers instead of 28 as formerly. This were arrested, their scheme in tlais in - had any other way, and which will be stance being the three-card. monte a credit to the village. _____0„.......... game. McKenzie had in his posses- sion $8,200, and for some time past has On Tuesday night, a small stables been. following in the wake of Buffalo owned by Mr. Thos. Armstrong, at Bill's Wiki West show. He enjoys the Ailsa Creig, and in the occurtion of reputation of being one of the sharpest 1VIrs. Alex R. Fraser, was destroyed crooks in the United States, which is by fire, caused. by the ignition of an quite a record for a young man 30 ash -barrel placed on the floor of the building, into which ashes had been Years. ti 2000,FREE SA1V1PLES GIVEN' AWAY 1N DiPailrtlicear Dayrssenotfery$11, cOchesoslerineuring a, BIGHT MONTHS. Cramps, Bowel Cemolaints of summer Chase's Kffiney-Llyer Pills are the only kid- ney pills known with stifileient merit to Mar- and fail, etc., stamp Dr. Fowler's Ex - anew tho proprietors in giving away huncireds twact of Wild Strawberry as the best of thousands of sample package free. Ask remedy in the market. It saves child - lever clerarw,NL trown during the day. ..•Va•••••••••••••••• Your druggist for a sample if your kidnelr or ren's lives. finding of the report of the com- missioners is subject to ratification by the Lieut-Governmem-Council. FEED THE NERVES Upon pure, rich blood. and you n not fear nervous prostration. Nee e• • are weak when they are improperle and insufficiently nourished. Pure blood is their proper food, and. pure blood. comes by taking Hood's Sar- saparilla, which is thus the greatest and best nerve tonic. It also builds up the whole'system. - Hood's Pills..are t eevonite . (-Terate. WHY SOME PEOPLE FAIL. The world is full of people who have failed because of Dyspepsia, Bilious- ness and Constipation, which are re-. sponsible for nine -tenths of life's miseries. Burdock Blood Bitters cures these diseases as well as all other dis- eases of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood. in 90 casesont of 100. !4, Every buyer of Furniture to call and 900 129, We will save yott money In PARLOR Mg, BEDROOM 811118,,k...L_ * DOD ROOM SET, or Me *Kitchen We have it large stock of Picture Frame Moulding on hand, also Win- dow shades, at a bargain. Our Undertaking Department is oat:pieta We guarantee satisfaction n this line, both. in quality and price. Our Planing Mill is now remaing full blest. Parties in need of building .. material, such as DOC 'eq. SASH, FRAMES -1- + + AND MOULDINGS . . should give us cell. We are now making a specialty of Wire Semen Doors 31.1St 110W Made to order. neeeelPlatiellAN Furnitme Dealers, Undertakers And Contraotors, Desheenedi )