HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-7-30, Page 5s
014 Gold
W. S. Kimball & Co.
Rochester, N. Y.
;e -so
'tri italk"the 1i1 �}� �
value ofir
Merit in medicine means the power to
cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses actual
and anega:died curative power and there-
fore it has true merit. When you buy
Hood's Sarsaparilla, and take it. according
to directions, to purify your blood, or
cure any of the many blood diseases, you
acre morally certain to receive benefit,
The power to cure is there. You are not
trying an experiment. It will make your
blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus
drive out the germs of disease, strengthen
the nerves and build up the wholesystem.
Exeter, July 20th, 1890
Wheat per bushel GO to 60
Oats.,.- .. .17 to 18
Bar1eY• •..... •,. ., 25 to 27
Yeas .,.40 to 42
Butter...,e .,.12 to 12
67 to 5
Chickens per ti, , 5 to ',
Ducks.... G to 6
Pork dressed .. 25 to $4.40
Pork lire weight $3 3S to $335
Hay" per ton.... • ... .... 310.00 to $11,00
Clever aoed.... ..., ... ..•,X�55,,.5,a00 to a.7'
Alsiko clover .$t.00 to 3.00
Timothy seed $2.50 to 52.75
London. July129td.1896
Wheat per bushel, . .... ea to 63
Oats.... 19 to 21
Peas .... 12 to 43
Barley ....25 to tee
Buckwheet ,..26 to lei
to 45
... 3 to 42
Beans 40 to 55
Butter .... • 10 to 11
945 to 65
7 to 8
..., , 9 to to
30 to 50
8 to 8
22 to 25
Hay per tort ,... ....a 7.00 to S 9.00
Pork per cwt.,,. .. .. 84.50 to 81.75
Turkeys per le..,
Geese pert)
Sarsaparilla Cheese
Potatoes per bag
Is the best, in fact -the One True illood Purifier.
Prepared Only bye. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass,
Hood's Pills s
gripe. °Ali ug pain 2t e.
No. 16875 AMERICAN S. Boo11•,.fa8
Stands 16.1 and weighs 1,200lbs. : half brother
to Martha Wilkes 2.08 ; sired by itippetoo, 2.25 ;
K. sire Vicking, 2.18 g, g. sire, Egbert. 2,22. G.
G. G. Hamblotonian 10. 1st dam by Harrison
Chief (3849) 2.50. G. dam by A.bdallah Mena
brine, 2.20 ; G. G. dam Abdellah ; his 4th and
fifth darts were thoro'breds. Dalberg crosses
twice to Hamblototian 10 twice to Mernbrino
chief 11, once to Pilot Junior 12, backed up
with thoroughbred. Egbort.his grandsire traces
25 times to Imported Messenger and 15 times to
imported Dlomed. Dalborg will leave his own
astable. St. Marys,�and proceed to Ituasoldalo for
noon ; Sam'1 Horton's, Boundary, for night ;
Tuesday-, Central hotel, Exeter, for noon ;
Clarke's hotel, Crediton, for night; Wednesday,
Moffatt's hotel, Centralia, for noon ; Wood-
ham for night.
TERMS : 910 to insure.
W. JOHNSTON. Owner and Manager.
Voters' List, IBBB.
Notice is hereby given that I have trans-
mitted or delivered to the persons mentioned
in sections 5 and 6 of Tho Ontario Voters' Lists
Act, 1889. the copies required by said sections
to be so transmitted or delivered of the list.
made pursuant to said Act, of all persona ap.
peering !wale last revised assea•sntent roll of
the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in
the Municipality atJ,lectlons for Members of
the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal
Elections, and that said list way first posted up
at my office M Iiurondale on the eighth day of
July, 1806, andremain there for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine the said
31st, and, if any omission or any other errors
aro found therein, to take immediate procced-
inge to have said errors corrected according
to lair-.
Dated tris 8th day of July,1806.
G. W.Holies.
Clerk of Usborne.
Where, to Spend
Your Holidays.
Aleorgian Bay, Lako Huron and Muskoka
Sake Districts.
Chemong, 'leer Lake, Mount Julian, Kat.
ohewanoc,,.., Stoney Lake.
BALSAM i. /KU. -Cockburn, Lindsay, Lakoflold
Peterboro, Oshawa.
LAKs Oxt•Alzlo.-•Lorne Park, Burlington
Beach, Grimsby Park.
LAKs ERIE. -Crystal Beach, Port Dover.
Port Bowman.
All reached by the Grand Trunk Railway
System. Full information can bo had from
agent or write to M. C. Dickson, District
Passenger Agent, Toronto.
C. KNIGHT Agent; Exeter.
' TANTED-Old Established wholesale House
• wants one or two horost and industrious
representatives for this section, Oen pay a
hustler about $12.00 a week to start with.
DRAW. a 29, Brantford, Ont..
]'ANTED -Three General Agents for a block
• of Counties; al so live canvassers for each.
A big thing, and those who get territorial
rights will be in luck, Can also employ several
bright ladies at their own homes. 'ran BRAD
r.ur-GARRETsTON Co., LTD., 49 Richmond St:
West Toronto, Ont,
asy to Take
asy to Operate
Are features peculiar to Flood's Pills. Small in
Size, tasteless, ofilcieut, thorough. .As one man
said: "You neverknow you
have taken a pill till it is all
ever." 25c. C.1. Hood & Co.,
Proprietors, Lowell, Mass.
The only pi1Lt to take, with Flood's 51.rsaPlrilia.
T I ka
The Latest News.
An imigrant women travelling from
if BURN.
McKENZAIE-In. Clinton, on July 20th the wife
of Coun. Thos. McKenzie, ofa daughter.
JONES -In the village of Clearvillo, Engin Co„
Ont., on the 11 lust., J.. Ii. F. and ,Annie
Jones (nee Lo Tours) of a daughter.
\VICISM1LIAEI1--In Ilcnsalt, on July ulthe the
wife of Mr. John Weismiller, of a daughter.
STACEY. -In Seaforth, on the list inst.. the
wife of Woe Starry of a yon.
PAUL -In Seaforth, on the 22nd inst., the
wife of Mr. John Paul, of a daughter.
wife of Rich'Marne
d°C ooats of a so25th lust. the
JOHNS --In t:sborne on the 2oth inst., the
wife of Wm. Johns of n son.
23rd by Rev, J. 1'. Parke, Mr. W. Clawson. of
Minneapolis, formerly of Hensel', to Agatha,
second youngest daughter of Mr. It. Rey-
McCALLi M--COATS-At the residence of
Mrs. A. II. Manning. Clinton, July 22nd. by
tho ROY. A. McMillan,Dr. Duncan'llc4nllum,
to Carrie. youngest daughter of Mrs. S. Coats,
aU of Clinton.
Tuesday, July 21st, at the residence of Mr.
Frank Smith, by Rev, Jos. Edge, Walter Stirl-
iugAndorson, of Kincardine, to Miss Alice
Baird Whitehead, of Clinton.
MAEDEL-WEBB-At the residence of the
bride's father, Iiicldulph, on Wednesday, July
Sth. by Rev. W, F. Brownlee, W. E. Macdel.
of Lucan, to Miss Eliza Webb.
WILSON-ORN S• -In Hensall,on the 25th inst..
by Rev• J. S. Henderson, James Wilson to
Mrs. Orns, both of Exeter.
DOUPE-KIRK-At the residence of Wm.
I{irk, on the 15th inst.. by Ileo. Mr. Snowden.
Mr. Amos Dou o, to Miss Eliza J.adau hter
of the lata late David Kirk; both of Kirkton.ED Downie, on Tuesday, July
21, Margaret, Murray, wife of John f.oulth-
ard, aged 28 years.
SHEPLEY-In St. Marys, on July 18th, Han -
rah Morgan wife of the late Rey. Jos.
Shepley. aged
7G years and 3 months.
STEWART.-In Benmiller, on Tuesday, July
23rd, William Stewart, fifth son of Mr. John
Stewart, aged 28 years, 3 months.
FLETCHER-In St. Marys, on July 10th, Es-
ter Ann Mulvey wife of Michael )fletcher,
aged 68 years.
Sweden to Chicago, gave birt 1 to a
boy at London.
In the Kingston House of Industry
lives Mrs. Orr, 111 years old, and pos-
sessing apparent good health.
Daviel Smith of Nichol, was driving
some cattle when he tripped azrd fell,
breaking a couple of ribs.
The British Government has refused
to allow facilities for the landing of
Canadian cattle on the docks at Bel-
The English courts have been asked
to wind up the Commercial Bank of
•.Australia, because it cannot pay its
What you want when you are ailing
is medicine that will cure you. Try
Hood's Sarsaparilla and be convinced
of its merit.
D. 0. Davidson, a carpenter, of
London, fell from a window of 30 feet
high, but. alighting on a ladder, half
way down, saved his life.
A daughter of Andrew Howell, far-
mer, of Madoe, fell from a pile of bar-
ley on a fork handle, which entered
her side, She will probably die.
Horace, the second son of Moses
Smith, Winterbourne, got his hand
caught in a hay pulley. Fie gave Ws
arm a jerk, and the first and second
fingers were pulled off.
Not one in twenty are free from
some little ailznent caused by inaction
of the liver. Use Carter's Little Liver
Pills. The result will be a pleasant
surprise. They give positive relief.
Alleged relatives of the stone corpse
havolaichargesd against Georgec
Pherson and Go. Holmes, of Winni-
peg, who have been exhibiting an os-
sified body at the Winnipeg Fair.
William Gray, a former resident of
At, Thomas. drew $2,500 from the
bank at Preston (Iowa) the other day,
Shortly after he got the money he was
sandbagged and relieved of the whole
Will positively cure sick headache
and prevent its return. Carter's Little
Liver Pills, This is not talk, but truth,
One pill a dose. Sce advertisement,
Small pill. Small dose. Small price. -
Prime minister Reid, of New South
Wales, says that Colonial Secretary
C'hamberlain's scheme of commercial
ulr]on between the mother country
and colonies is an idle one, and '.likely
to fritter away the present loyalty of
the colonies.
In answer to a question in the
Commons, i1Ir- Joseph Chamberlain
said that the Government had refused
to allow the importation of Canadian
cattle into Ireland, that the Cana-
dian Government had protested, but
that the British Government could
not change its decision.
Saturday morning a Mrs. Cole, 49
years of age, of Toronto, attempted to
cross the street iu front of a movie
trolley. She was caught by the fend-
er, and after being carried a short dis-
tance rolled under the car wheels, and
was horribly mangled. One of her
legs was completely severed.
Over 250 hogs at the Government
piggery, near the River Humber,
seven miles from Toronto, have been
found to be infected with cholera, and
the entire herd has been slaughtered
and the diseased carcasses burnt..
The pens also have been thoroughly
disinfectedaud all precautions taken
to prevent a spread of the contagion.
The Secret of success of Dr. Agnew's
Catarrhal Powder.
Were it not that Dr. Agnew's Cure
for the Heart will give relief within
thirty minutes after the first dose has
been taken we would not read of so
many lives being savedby thisremedy.
William Cherry, of Owen Sound, Ont.,
says -"I was greatly troubled with
weakness of the heart and fainting
spells for two years, and oft times was
unfitted for my work. Naturally much
anxiety was felt by myself andfriends,
for no treatment seemed to do me any
good. I was influenced, however, to
try Dr. Agnew's Cure for the heart,
and found it as proclaimed --a speedy
cure. I have now taken five bottles,
and it has brought back to my heart
the proper action, and made me
strongand well."
CATannxi-011e secret of success in
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is that
it iseasy and pleasant to use. As Mr.
W. IL Bennett, Conservative member
in the last House of Commons, said,
"taken in the morning it clears the
head of any cold o1' catarrhal tronble
that is manifest." But it not alone
deals with the minor cases of catarrh,
but even -where deafness and sone of
the worst forms of disease have be-
come manifest these have been eradi-
cated by this remedy. To the names
of Mr. George E. Casey, Hon. David
Mills, Hugo H. Ross might be added
scores of other members of the late
Parliament, who, over their own
signatures, have borne testimony to
the value of the remedy. Sold by 0.
Makes Twenty-four dollars a
Week Dyeing with
Diamond Dyes.
A constant user of the worlds -fanged
Diamond Dyes, write as follows about
his success with them.
"I have been using your Diamond
Dyes for seven years. I can only say
they are the best on the market. I
have made as high as twenty-four dol-
lars a week in dyeing, and could not
give satisfaction unless I used the
Diatnond Dyes. I would not be with-
out than, for when I ant, I consider
I am without money."
MORAL : Diamond Dyes are the best
and most profitable. Carefully avoid
what some dealers call just as good,
The Mark Lane Express estimates
that the rain of the past three weeks
have added a clear $25,000,000 to the
valve of the crops in Great Britain.
25 cents cures Catarrh Headache.
" incipient Catarrh.
Hay Fever.
•` 14 Catarrh Deafness.
" II Cold in the head in 10 min.
44 4C Foul Breath caused by Catarrb.
25 cents secures Chase's Catarrh Cure with
pedealers. blowers enclosed in each box. Sold by
Paine's Celery Compound
a Fortifier and Builder.
"I have no ambition, vim or energy
these days, I feel all gone, listless, de-
spondent and miserable, and I often
wish that this weary, weary life was
The above declaration and humble
confession is made at this particular
season by young and old who are
out of gear physically, and as a con-
sequence, are easily prostrated by the
prevailing hot weather.
it is suicidal for sickly men and
women to attempt to pass through the
terrible heat of sutnmer without the
help of such a health and strength
builder as Paines Celery Compound.
Weary, weak and used up people,
who complain of languor, lassitude,
want of buoyancy, mental depression
and fatigue by day, require the tonic
effects of such a medicine as Paine's
Celery Compound, The use of this
great stimulating and health -building
remedy soon restores mental and
bodily vigor, and gives that true
health and strength that can combat
all the dangers that beset us in July.
Paine's Celery Compound to -day is
doing a mighty work tor thousands of
half dead people. Letters received
from every part of Canada show that
the great medicine has rescued people
from the grave, and is giving them a
new life.
Readers, we counsel yon to give
Paine's Celery Compound an honest
trial if you would be: well,. vigorous
and happy during the most trying
months of the near.
Merit Rewarded and Patronage
The Directors of the Western Fair,
London, are the proudestset of men in
this country, and feel that their efforts
have been appreciated by the peopleof
Ontario and adjoin lug States. There
appears to be greater things still in
store for them. The new Live stock
Buildings they clam to be the best on
the continent for exhibiting purposes,
being built from plans carefully pre-
pared after visiting the principal fairs
of America. They are so arranged
that visitors can start at the Main
Building and go the entire rounds
we ,nicht say, under cover, and it will
make little or no difference whether it
rains or not after you once get there.
This expenditure of money will no
doubt be a big drawing card, and
patrons this year.
Notwithstanding this great outlay
the Prize List has been iucreased some
with the understanding that next
year will find considerable advance in
this direction. Pawnee $ill's Wild
West and Mexican Hippodrome, has
been engaged and will slake a first-
class special feature, being one of, if
not the very best, fair attraction in
America at present. Sie Hessen Ben
Ali's Moorish Arcobats are also going
to be there, and others are going to be
arranged for. Together they will
make a rousing days spport, and fill
the new double -decked Grand Stand
to its utmost capacity. There is no
place one can get ars much value for
his money as at the fair: let there be
a large delegation from this neighbor
'Winnipeg. June 27. --The effect of
the regular wave of sickness which
sweeps over the; portion of the Do-
minion in the spring are noticahle in
the increasinganiount of the druggists'
sales. There has been quite at run on
the kidney remedy now so well known
under the name of Dodd's Kidney
Pills. The recovery from Bright's
disease of Mr. Arthur Coley, of Somer-
set, through their use, an account of
which appeared in the papers, gave a
considerable impetus to the sale, and
the remedy has become: indispensable
in many Manitoba household, its hav-
ing penetrated into the remotest parts
of the province and North West
Scrofula often shows itself in early
life and is characterised by swellings,
abscesses, bip disease, ete. Consump-
tion is scrofula of the lungs. In this
class of disease Scott's Emulsion is un-
questionably the most reliable medi-
lir. William Cantelon Lived 90 Tears
to be Killed by a Train.
Clinton, Ont., July 21. -This after-
noon while the 4 o'clock train from
the west was passing Holmesville. a
flag station, three miles west of Clin-
ton, It struck Mr. 'William Cantelon,
who was standing on the track, kill-
ing him instantly. Mr. Cantelon was
00 years of age and one of the pioneers
of Huron.
The Woman Charged With ragging Coun.
terrelt Cola Atlantis 13er Identity.
New York, July 2L -Mrs. Mary
Knapp, who has been "Jane Doe"
since her arrest in Hoboken on July 1,
for passing counterfeit silver doilare,
in the Hudson County, N.J., jail ac-
knowledged her identity to -night. She
admitted that she was the wife of A.
D. Knapp of Boston, with whom she
parted last October. She said she ha d
given the wrong name to save her
family from disgrace.
Mrs. Knapp comes from a highly re-
epectable family in Canada. One of
her sisters is Mrs. W. H. Logan of Buf-
falo, the other Mrs. Joseph Fathers of
South Cayuga, Ont, Canada.
Ten Lives Were Lost in the Flood at
Frankfort, Ky.
Louisville, Iiy., July 21 Reports
from Frankfort, Ky., state that a
cloudburst this morning at 4 o'clock
on Benson's Creek, four miles from
Frankfort, resulted in the drowning
of Jaynes Bradley, a farmer, his Wife
and five children, and Mrs. Bryant, a
widow, and two small children.
Sir Edward Clarkes motion to Quash the
Indictment Rejected.
London, July 21, -The trial of Dr.
Jameson and his fellow -officers was
resumed this morning. The court res
jetted the motion made by Sir Edward
Clarke, senior counsel 01 the defence,
yesterday, that the indictment be
quashed upon the ground that the
case did not come under the operation
of the Foreign Enlistment Act, under
which the defendants were charged
Sir 11. he Webster, .,Attorney -General,
opened the case tor the Gevernrrrent.
The Turns ]Lost 200 Wiled and 600 Wound -
cd to 28 Bead Cretans.
Now York, July 21.-A special to The
Herald from Ath-ns says : There has
be -.n continuous fighting in Crete dur-
ing the last few days. Tne Turks have
been trying to capture heights on the
Kissam0-road. If they could capture
this position they would cut off a por-
tion of Crete from the rest of the is-
lands. The Tures lost 200 killed and
600 wounded. The Cretan lose was 2S
liillcd and 60 wounded.
But ,Ire's SOU a Butcher.
London, July 21.-A despatch to. the
Central News from Havana says that
on the recant occasion of the anniver-
sary of the birth of the Queen Regent
of Spain, Captain -General Wesclsr
caused 112 political prlsoners to be re-
leased in honor of the flay.
isNow the Time -
Apple pearers and Corers, and
Slicers, Galvanized Wire Fruit
Full Line of Preserving Kettles.
Tin, Granite, Enamel and
Tickle plated Copper.
Call and get prices of Our Champion Fruit Rvaporator.
H. Bishop Sort.
Bull for service.
L.400 K4 e
Thorough.brod Jersey Bull for service; also a
thorough -bred Durham Bull, 11morthsold,eolor!cyc■ red, for sale. Fo. Sue etontvs a ply to1es at Popular
\'irAf, SC#tAtGt2VILLY:.
Lot 33, Con. 4, Usborne.
To Farmers and Others. DIileIeAl Hoeg fit Ng Isom $56 111.
I have I00 thousand good 3 in. Tiles. free
from limestone, or cracks, will iso sold for the
noxt2 montbsat $8 per thousand rash. Also
soma 5 in. Tiles at $18 per tlaourand easb.
Woodham Tile Yard. Also a full line of Baby Carriages in stock.
Fully g uranteed for 1896.
The nntlrrsigncd hereby cautions all parties
against giving credit to any person on my ac-
count. unless upon my written order.
Dated, July 13th, lea6. LEO. McTAGGART.
queenstan Bement.
Any person needing cement or instructions t
how to use it, should leave their order with
Delbridgo Bros, Winchelsea, We are prepared l 129
to supply cement and do all kinds of work in ,1 •i;a;
flooring, walls, etc. There is a small quaxtity I
ofetn:cntatl,lr,H. 4mith'a,Hay P. O.
DELBR1DGIi BROS.. WIncho:sea.
CUT THIS OUT and return to us
with Five Cents
hi silver. and von will get by return mail, A •
GOLDEN BOJ;. OF GOODS that sill bring
you in more money in one mouth, than any-
thing else in America. Deering Pony Binders and Mowers, with ball bearings, Chatham
A. W. KINNEY. E. T. Yarmouth, N. S.
-----•----- Wagons and McLaughlin's and Gray's Buggies, Raymond Sewing
Yowl eteTUtES
to get framed. We have
hundreds of feet ot mould -
.ng, arom 40. per foot up-
Also a nice lot of pictures
cn eap . A full stock of
F urniture andUndertaking
always on hand.
peat Market!
Having purchased the butcher-
ing business of A. Loadman,
(Wood's Old Stand) w e will be
pleased to see all our old custom-
ers and as many new ones.
We intend keeping the very
best of fresh meats and it will be
our first aim to please customers.
Tenderloin, Spare Ribs, Sausage,
Hams, Bacon and everything usually
sold in the Packing House can now be
procured at the shop.
Orders promptly delivered and ac-
counts rendered weekly, on which a
discount of 5 per cent. will be given.
Those who have used
Pronounce it unequalled as
a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS
Winan's Condition & Cough Powder
fol horses, best in the mar-
ket, always on hand, Also
a Cetobenefacto and Lini-
ment, the medicine so sue.
oessfully used by Mr. Chas.
Munroe, Parkhill, in this
and other towns, in treating
and curing various diseases,
For Sale at
W. G. BiSSETT, Agent.
Corner of Larned and Bates Sts.,
Centrally Located ; Near all Car Lines ; Convenient to
Principal Business House and Places of
Amusement, also to Depots and
Boat Landings.
H. 24..JAMESS, Pre3p.
WORK. Gas and local Anaesthetics or pain-
lersoatraoting• 2nd door north of CAR
LING'S Store
Al • L.D.S. Hon" Jradnate of the To-
ronto Universityanaa oyal college of Dental
Surgeons of Ontar ;. Specialties, painless
extraction and preservation of the natural
teeth. eiltioeover the Law Moe ot E11uOt&
Elliot. opposite Central Rotel, Exeter, Ont.
Will be at Greb's hotel Zurich
on the second Thursday of each
month and at Hodgin's hotel
Henson every ldondav
,4 Suit o, Jlot/iea •
or a Single Garrme't
Should Combine now a days,
Correctness of Style,
Good Workmanship,
Moderate Cost,
Perfect Fit.
You look for these in an old and
reliable place, and A. J.
f3NELL never disappoints liis
patrons in any of these. A
large assortment of
'aa11 & W nt r Goods
In Worsteds and Tweeds, are
now on our shelves, and we will
take much pleasure in showing
them to you. There are many
other lines that are specially at-
07/77-1\T" V if J V
At W. Johns', The
Tailor. Made to order.
for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits
$11, 20, 21, etc. The
best place in town to
get a. fit.
The Tailor.
Then Come To Us for Best
For ours are selected with
a view to suiting the most
searching taste, and all
can get: what they want at
any price.
The Leading Furniture Dealers
The Leading Undertakers.
Gidley & Son,