HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-7-16, Page 5�...r474
) 1 L., .3..' E .i: U Ti !s A .�.1J ham. ,
zN33r-m .vne3o+rx+ac'.:•5:,,,t'r ,�.• xr vm-a 'rr,m•r,-.. •'... , ..a..., «m. -r^-• •. w;•:„xar. , . • .a;.:...,. :..�.. r.::: -.,.i aw+.w.r..«.•.w..:
I �i �'�.,v;,;•�``wi'1,.. '\ il �:. ti`,w.^".� }-'b'" t,•'t:��e``1.,.✓ `!""'. 1
oi et,
W. S. & Co.
noches-aev, El. Y.
.der pwkage
g F I1 s'1' I'Ii I!. t' 1 IEl )ALS.
r `% vee E Panthers awlawleit'il
® �r
I have 160 tlietteand good 3 in, Tile,, free
frena limestone, or cracks, will be sold for the
noxt2, monthsat $8 per thetost:d ca h, Also
Some :i in. 7111•': tit s it; per th'•u-aud tests
Woodham Tile Yard.
CUT THIS (ai•i' androtnrntous
with Five Cents
in silver, and eau will get by return mai A
GOLDEN BOX OF GooDS that will bring
you in more money in ou.1 month, than any-
thing eL' a in Americas.
A. W. KINNEY. E. T. Yarmouth, N. S,
WANTED -Three General Agents for a block.
Of Counties: also five canvassers for each.
A big thing, and tlw e who get territorial
xights will be in leek, Can also employ Hevertl
bright ladies at their own homes. Fina BRAD.
1.I U:11(I:THTO?; CO.. L•rn., 19 Richmond 4t.
West Toronto, Ont,
4ueenstan Oomut.
Anvperson needing cement. or Instruetiors
how to use it, should leave their order with
Delbridge 11.ns. 1Wineholsea. 11'e are prepared
to supply cement and do all kinds of work in.
S)ooring, walls. etc. There is a small quantity
of cement at Mr. 11. Smitlr'e, gray P. 0.
I J.BRIDGJ' BROS., Winchelsea,
Tho undersigned hereby ('(nations all parties
against giving (TOR to any penvon on my ac-
count, unless u on my written order.
Dated, July 13th. 181'0. LEO. Mc'I :AGGAlt'i',
Stands 10.1 and weighs 1,2001bs. ; half brother
to Martha Wilkes 2.08 ; sired by ]tippetoe, 2.2,1
sire., Wicking, 2.18 g. g. sire, i?gbert, 2.2'2, G.
G. 0. Ilambleton>rin it,, 1st dam by Morrison
Chief (3810) 2.;,0. 0. dein by lbdallah Mein -
brine, 2.20; G. G. dant Abdclloh; his 4th and
Sifth dams were thoro'brcds. ihtlbergg crosses
twice to lrambletonlan 10, twice to Membrino
Chief 11, once to Pilot Junior 12, backed up
with thoroughbred. Egbert.his grt,ndsiro traces
25 times to imported Messenger and 15 times to
imported Diomed. Dalberg will leave his own
stable, St. Mary's, and proceed to Russeldalo for
noon•Sam'l Ilorton:s, Boundary, for night;
Tuesday, Central hotel, Exeter, for noon ;
Clarkes hotel, Crediton, for night;li'ednesday,
Moffatt's hotel, Centralia, for noon ; Wood-
ham for night.
TERMS : $10 to insure.
W. JOHNSTON. Owner and Manager.
;fit :
undcsigned, and endorsed -Tender for
Trent. Canal," will be received nt this office un-
til noon on Monday ,Soventecnth day of August
1896, for the construction of about fourteen
miles of Canal on the tiinicoo and Balsam
Lake Division.
Plans, specifications of the work and forms
of contract can be seen nt the office of the
Chief Engineer of the Department of Railways
and Canals, at Ottawa, or at Petorboro', whore
forms of tender can bo obtained on. and after
Monday, July 13th, 1891
y In the ease of firms there must bo attached
'the actual signatures of the full name, the
)nature of the occupation, and place of resi-
dence of each member of the spine and further,
an accepted bank cheque for the sum of $15,-
000 must accompany the tender. This accepted
cheque must be endorsed over to the Miurster"
of Railways and Canals, and will be forfeitedif
the patty tendering declines entering into con-
tract for the work at tho rates and terms stated
in the offer submitted. The accepted cheque
thus sent in will bo returned to the respective
parties whose tenders aro not accptcd.
The lowest '+- any tender not necessarily
.accepted. It .der.
1BALDI912SON, Secretary.
Department , Railways and Canals,
Ottaw.:, Juno, 18911.
Don't Forget
To leave your order for Coal with us.
We buy right, and what is better we
sell tight.
Some dealers claim to have a mono -
ply of all the
Good Ai 'Thing !
W'e do not claim anything so absurd,
but do say that our coal is equal to the
best, and we sell cheaper.
Give us a call.
6-4. 2m. W. TRIEVETHICK.
Marriage Licenses
No Witnesses Rogsria-ecd:
A complete Stock
of Jewelry, Sll e1
1s;,A>.ar`. 11.11;:.
Exeter, July 15th, MOO
Wheat per bushel .... . .. t35 to ('n
1 arley.,.. . ,,. ', to ]6
25t •))
lk'as... • .. d0 to 4.3
liutter..�.. ..11 to 11
Eggs keys .., 77 to 8
Geese 6 to .i
Chicken, per IA 3 to 5
Ducks..., .. ,.
6 to 6
Pork dressed .. ... $4.25 to $1.(')
Pork live weight ........e3.S.5 to Sz3.$3
Flay per ton... ... .• ...•-.$10.(0 to $Rine
Clover seed ....... .... ....6,5)) to $5.75
Alsiko clover ..$1.)i to $5.00
Timothy seed $2,50 to $L7i1
T Loudon, July Vele 1$011
Wheat per bushel, . .... ....60 to 63
Oats.... ...s0 to '2'
Peas .... 40 to 49
Ilarley ..41 t 39
Buckwheat ....60 to G,
Ityo ,., , .. 4 119 to It
Corn . ,... .....,35 to 40
Titans '10 to 55
Butter,,., ,... 10 to 11
Egg), 8 to 9Ducks,..... 45 to Oa
Turkeys per tbs.. , 7 to 8
Geese per lb......
t<1 10
Chickens 3 0 tc 50
Potatoes per bag ... ..22 to 25
Flay per ton ..$ 7.60 to $ 0.00
Pork perewt.... ., $1.50 to $1.75
1,YNC'II-=On Friday, July 3rd, the wife of
John Lyuch, Shipka, of a daughter.
TAYLOR--GILMORF -In Forest, 00 June
24th, by the Rev. Mr. Mitchell, Mr. John
!twice, of Brewster, (felmcly of Mitchell),
to Rate Oilmen e, of Forest.
GERRRY 11.I'1f • At the residence of the
].ride's brother, :air. S. T. Plum, Iliussels, on
Julie efird. 11y litv..I. L. Kerr, Mr. b,c•Ison 1).
Gerry. to Miss Ella C. Plum, all of Brussels.
WORE --On the Gill est., Melena, daughter of
Lewis Hope, Sth . ,n„ McGillivray, aged 18
1Tc]N7'O$1I-•In Ribbert, on the 6(0 inst., Ow -
nus E. McIntosh. of !'ort Huron, and grand-
son of Mr..las. Balfour, aged 11 years.
hiAr;I- In Logan, on July 4 b. Eliza Jeno
only daughter of George and Eliza Sumner,
aged Se years, 7 menthe and 13 days,
400,060 FIt'.EE .S'•tll')'LES GIVEN AWAY IN
C'hase's liidncy-LivcrPil+s, are only kidney
pills known known with sufficient merit to
varantce the proprietors in giving away
Hundreds of thousands of sample packages
free. Ask your druggist for a sample if your
kidneys or livor is deranged.
Scott's Emulsion does not debilitate
the. stomach as other medicines do;
but on the contrary, it improves di-
gestion and strengthens the stomach.
Its effects are immediate and pronon-
For two years I was dosed, pilled, and plaster-
ed for weak back, scalding urine and consti-
pation,without lenient. One box of Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills relieved, three boxes cured.
11. J. Smith, Toronto. One pill a dose, price
25 cents.
Here hi Ottawa
Irresistible Proof That There is
a Cure for Diabetes.
The following sworn statement is the best
proof that diabetes is not incurable, and that
there is a remedy which will cure it.
Ontario, County of Carleton, to wit:
I, Charles Moss, of the City of Ottawa, in the
County of Carleton, Blacksmith, do hereby
solemnly declare as follows:
1. I reside at 180 Boll Street, in the said City
of Ottawa.
2. For the past fifteen years I have boon a
great sufferer from kidney disease; among the
prominent symptoms of which were severe
pains in my back, hot flashes extending from
the base of the spino up between my shoulders,
dizziness, headaches, etc. I was in a bad state
generally and suffered groat agony at times.
Tho intense pain prevented my sleeping, and I
seemed to get worse continually. The doctors
who were called in pronounced my disease
diabetes, but their treatment did no good, and
they held out but slight hope of my recovery.
I was then so far gone 'with the disease that I
could not turn in bed without help. My urine
was of a dark wine color, and full of sediment.
3. I took all kinds of medicine, but without
permanent relief.
4, Hearing of Doan'a Kidney Pills I got a
box at H. F. MacCarthy's drug store, but having
been so often disappointed I had no faith in
them. However, I started taking them, and
they struck the right spot at once, and I com-
xnonced to get better. From that time on
improvement was continuous until I am now,
after five weeks nse of Dean's Kidney Pills,
entirely free from pain of any kind. The urine
natural, and I am now working right along
every day in my shop.
6. It 18 a great source of pleasure for me to
testify to the world of the curative }lowers of
Doan's Kidney Pills, and I make this solemn
declaration conscientiously believing it to be
true, and knowing that itis of the same force
and effect as 1 f made under oath and by virtue
of the Canada Evidence Act.
When '6')ie World Aefted 112:n It hat Itie
Thought o; the Personnel of :(Ir.
Ilntarle•r:s Cabinet.
Ottawa, July 13, -(Speciale -Sir
Charles Tupper was found to -night at
his son's cosy residence in Ned I,11]n-
burgh, On being asked by your corres-
pondent what he thought of the per-
sonnel of the new Ministry, hi:; re11y
wastion: characteristic of the philus >pl>ical
humor •iu which he accept;3 the Fiiva-
I scarcely think," he sal 1, sealing,
"that my opinion would lie accepted
as that of an unbiased critic•.
As to their policy, however, Sir
Charles was 1-: s reticent. "1 p:' sumer'
said he, "that the inclusion (=f Sit
Richard Cartwright in the Cabinet,
head of the important I)c'partment of
Trade c anti Cammerc', meant; that we
are to have an uprooting of the pro-
tective policy commenced. forthwith,"
"But MI'. Fielding, and rat Sit' Itic:i-
ard, is the new Finance Minister," was
True," rejoined the ex-Pl': mier, 'but
the Trader and Commerce I)-puttm'rut
is intimately associated with the fii'eal
policy, and besides Mr. Ieieldiri; is
perhaps a more pronounced ft -0 trader
than Sir Richard Cartwtlylit,"
Asked if he would give ;any indleae
tion of Conservatives' intention as to
bye e cleetions, Sir Charles said .<il hat o
far as he couhl see, there would riot S bo
much gained by offering opposition to
the Ministers."
"In Ontario, for Instance," he remark-
ed. "they have not dared to droll: nee
an expression of popular ophtioa, and
so far as can be learned Grit hives are
to be chosen in other prov.nces."
But at the Coroner's lnitucst the Roy c'on-
l'estie(t 'Mat Ile Shot tiro Girl
Kingston, July 13 Ye torday after-
noon. Jemima. Riddell, adopted daugh-
ter of Alex. Clan ford, Glt'nvale, about
ten miles from this city, s;as :. yst .r_
ously shot and instantly killed in a
shed at the rear of the farm house.
She. was discovered by W.11iam Bab-
cock, another adopted lad about the
age of the girl, 16. Suspicion rests on
Babcock, but no positive proof i, yet
This afternoon Coroner Inborn,
County Attorney Whiting and I)r. Ab-
bott went to GIenvale to held an 1.1 -
quest on the bady of Jemima Riddell.
The smol:'ng gun filled with gunshot
stood where it usually did, so that the
young girl could not have handled it
and killed herself.
To night John Babcock, ai6tx W 11Te
Wright, confessed that he aco'de itallY
shot Jemima Riddell while carrying
out the gun to shoot a hawk. The
jury glade careful investlgation, and
returned a verdict of death by accident.
Blow i;p a II'assctig'. Train 1n Cuba -
Ainny Said to glove Bern 2i.liled
or Wounded.
Havana, July 13. -At 3 o'clock this
morning an explosion oc urred on -the
railway betwe-en Cidra ar.d Sabanilla,
in the Province of Matanzas. A pas-
senger train that was passing at the
time was badly damaged and it is be-
lieved that many persons were killed.
A train with phy sio]ans on board has
been despatched to attend t7 the
'wounded and take th-m to the hos-
pitals. Details of the affair aro hard
to obtain, as the Government is seek-
ing to minimize its results.
To Cut »own the Expenses or filo New-
foundland Legislature tie liad l:rt
One Follower.
St. John's, Nfld., July 13. -The White -
way Ministry is involved in a, s.r.oi.s
quarrel. Premier Wh.teway, who Is en-
deavoring to reduce expenses of con-
ducting the sessions of the Legislature,
moved a reduction in the vote for
that purpose from $35,000 to $2020.
Only one member of his party fullew-
ed him. The remainder, led by Colonial
Secretary ]hand, voted for the higher
figures. The rupture intensifies pre-
vious quarrels and threatens to break
up the Government.
The fishery reports frons Labrador
are improving.
For tiro Terrible Toss of Life at Logan, Rn.,
on Saturday Night.
Omaha, Neb., July 13. -The respon-
sibility for the accident at Logan, Ia.,
on Saturday night rests on longineer
Montgomery, of the ill fated excursion
train. His orders were to wait at Lo-
gan for the fast mail and fast freight.
He started his train out imm-diately
after the mail passed, forgetting about
the freight. The head end collision oc-
curred 20 minutes later on •a curve.
The heavy freight passed partially
over the passenger. All the people
killed were in the front coach of the.
excursion train.
2'11.11; .1 ilia. LT.".
Flour -Trade is quiet, with prices steady.
Straight re. lers are • quoted at :t3 to 53.10,
Toronto freights.
Bran -The market is dull, with cars un-
changed at $8.50 to :55.75 west, and shorts
$9.25 to $9.50.
Wheat -The market Is .steady. Five ears
of new wheat sold west to day at 59c for
red and OOc for white. There were also
sal( 3 of old red at 61c and white at 02c
west. No. 1 Manitoba hard soil at 58c
nitwit Dort William and at OOc 'reroute
freights west.
Barley -Trade dull, there being no de-
mand. No. 2 is quoted at 30u to 32c, and
No. 3 extra at 20c to 30c.
Oats -The market remains unchnuged. •
White sold at 18e outside, and mixed at
1.70 west.
Peas -The market Is quiet and prices aro
unchanged, with sales at 440 north and
Buckwheat -The market Is quiet, with no
business reported and quotations nominal.
Oatmea:-Business quiet, with prices nous.
that at $2.60 on track.
Corn -The market Is dull and prices DD.
changed. Yellow offers outside at 27c, and
mixed at 26c.
Liverpool, July 13. -Wheat, spring, 4e
10r/zd to 5s 05; red winter, Ss 111 to lis.3ycl;
No. 1 Cal., 5s 21/2d to 58 3yd ; corn, 2s
Weed ; peas, 4s 7Vsd-; pork, 45s Oct ; lard,
20s 6d ; tn1 ow, 1.7s Od ; bacon, heavy,. l.c.,
23s Od ; do., light, 1.e., 24s ; do., honey, 235
6d ; cheese, new and colored, 34s 641.
London -Opening -Wheat off const and on
passage steadier. English country markets
dull. !Baize of coast quiet, 00 passage
quiet and steady.
Liverpool -Spot wheat firm ; futures firm
at 4s 10d for.inly, Aug., .Sept. and Oct. and
4s 101ed, for Nov. Maize hem at 25 1.0 nd
2 •' need for. Aug.,A i28 . 1 al � e
for July, s /yd t � ,/ u
Sept.and 3s' for Oct.Flour, 13s :9d,
Faris - r ee*, (8f 85e for'Aug.; flour, e381 o g
,9'sa 7
-q rT.ti ^.1 Q r• .y
u�Ss 2a, 296
Pai ce's Celery Compound
`Makes Life lelappy
Lind Enjoyable.
'1'116 hurry, worry, !lust](' and excite-
ment of Fmodern life in business circles
and :society, 1, producing untold
misery in Lair 11221x;t 3Vc' see tate re.
in nt.t v o r. nc•..+, proAration, lttso-
1unia, mental dl pression:aid dyspepsia.
'flies( troubles 4,lre (l('l c -1(i c u to an
'terming extent. Claritin 111e Inlo,el:u>le
ii('xt. of :;tuntri(•r. Itis tl,('II that 1110115-
cttols al (+ thrown on la'(1s of sickness
and iti']feratt.g.
1"or the h I t.lit- of
,Itl^ir as ale now
:.tilfeliiig, we confidently reerAlit ell(l
(`E i( I'}' (.(tig'i(Il:i.(l a, ;tli Um
f;t�lit (4 011li >ute ht.al(12 1;is (1'. 11
8tretied hens the ltc'rvoite eystelu,
e;ui4 kiy linrif;es alt(' blood, ;151(1 giv03;
that steel end regul;a'sleep that con
duces to permanent health `Viten
cc) sl,(1.Sii. is the It las alt use, , 1'a:nt.'s
t etet'y C'ou l Lund str('t:gait lie the
81('Ien01n ;ail tees as a t(>it ( I:d sti
Imulaut to all the O3 1 .r., c>4 d)l;ention-
'i'ht' great medic:tee g.v('s clearness.
of brad' and intellect; it (1 "s that
vim 00311) I:a)d ei.ct ry of c, i (i 11 •L11
111 at -'i i eg rtt111111.( ii ul!.shop, O610)',
4 ,11:11112,1,;1,4,1,. c , ,1041 in the home (•ir014'..
It ILai, estilt' weak st r(1Ii;", 1,y 11Iacing
up unstrung Iae1'5' 4, 11010:0)14 up flesh,
leino and latest -lie li 1:nu Painie's
Celery (.'(11)1 outel is te.4.41 311eanimer,
every trate- of di:enee is 1::151 011((1, anti
('very prevailing p stile n('e and ,.]ague
is avoided,
.Marna Notes,
In a foot note in the report of en ex.
pertinent in feeding animals found in.
the 20th annual report of the Massaohu
setts.I1'x3.erinieut Station is the following
assertion: "Tho many experiments at
this station have shown that hay is tun
costly to be fed in large quantities to
Lows and growing stock. Its place should
betaken by other coarse folders," Is
this statement correct?
Wo know n comparatively young
farmer who is now making money by
baying old worn -oat firms, and renova-
ting and restoring them, and by hie good
farm souse, putting thong into a better
produoing condition than they ever wore
before. This man (lees not rant his farms,
hut giros 1)11 tho labor well done, under
his own direction, and as a result, all hit.
old worn-out farms aro Constantly im-
proving. Arid even in these "hard tinges"
the products furnish him ]ergo interest
on the money invested, besides tho con-
stant increase in the value of his farms.
lie is an intelligent and careful farmer
and he reaps his reward.
The market gardenore have made farm-
ing in the outskirts of nities. a profitable
intinstry, but very few dairy farmers have
es vat availed themselves of the same op-
.trt.snitios. Customers who know where
th it milk and cream comes from are al-
ways willing to pay good prices. A dairy
farm loauted not far from a large oily
can be run on n paying bests, and cus-
tomers rein be fannd by simply advertls•
Ing the fart, and delivering tho milk
trsslt to them every day direct from the
A new use has been found by s:'tp-
beIlders and sailors for the pith from
corn stalls It has been found much bet -
,6•r for packing war ships, so as to close
tee holes made by shot, than the aellu-
': .,e, which is the product of the eneoanut
fiber. with n packing of eorn-stalk pith.
shot holes close up almost immediately
whon water touches it, and effectually
promos any leak. The fire tests are
01003ly satisfactory. The cellulose from
coa00nut fiber burst into flames under
tests where the corn pith was absolutely
free from iiro. These important proper-
ties of corn pith will, undoubtedly, ma-
terially add to the value of the corn crop,
and furnish another illustration of the
nse which modern science is making of
what used always to be thrown away as
It is a mistake to suppose that any
kind of `fertilizer will injure the soil ex-
cept no it makes crops grow more thrift-
ily, and tons takes from the soil plant
food which tiro fertilizer does not itself
supply. When the phosphate manure fails
to prudnee he former oJoet it shotes that
other plant food, meat probably nitrogen,
is lacking and must be given to tenure a
full yield. The alteration of nitrogenous
manure is especially important for land
that has long been phosphated. On such
soil there is probably enough phosphate
in the soil, but it bas reverted to insolu-
ble fortes. Tho addition of nitrates pro
motes decomposition and thus makes the
Phosphates again soluble.
Science is " knowing how."
The only secret about Scott's
Emmui siwi is years o f
science. 'When made in
large quantities and by im-
proving methods, an emul-
sion must be more perfect
than when made in the old-
time way with mortar and
pestle a few ounces at a time.
This is why Scott's Emulsion
of cod-liver oil never sepa-
rates, keeps sweet for years,
and every spoonful is equal to
every other spoonful.
In other emulsions you are liable to
get en uneven benefit -either an
ever or wider dose, Get. Scott's.
SCOTT'S EMULSION has been endorsed
by the medical profession for twenty yeers.
(Ask you: doctor.) This is because it is
always ,-scala/aloe-a; ways rrzzifbrrs-always
cn.r!a rs z,4.) yurest A'orwegfazz Cod-liver Jit
,:/zd iIvtps4Jwcl bites.
?tat qp In 50 s'cent and $z,00 sizes, 'rhe small
size may be enough to cure your cough or,
help' your. baby.
&aiv.:13otyne, e nee.
Sollovine, out
, ,.gam• ME
WIC 6/ `ors' u lies,
011 Stoves,
Fishing ack e
Machine Oil,
er Twine.
ft . “: 4 B i 0`e, •5
L o on
""s"-• - aau..r_.., eeil ..,.,
Ilrt.r, roe );Ala'.- 1,10rebredllnrhanl bull
11'orsaic.Sixteen menthe old. Color
red Api,iy to 7 homes ('ud(uore, lot 30, yen. 5.
Ceborne, er lentticy 7'. (l.
�I;'Yung men and n•cm(n to
hoip in the Atnu.niall00n1e: geed pay:
will send c opy of my little book, "Your Place
in Lite," free to any who 'write. Rev. J. E.
Linseott, I3rantford, Ont,
.1,44.4440•44.44:11•4414.11•141144441,4,.. 444 414,r a....parmareavr.rawnotmcr.temcromors
--- -I Iii--
1Y'f "i. qq
Qlt' � A�,,�rtl err z1 ) tj"'li',"� t3•tr a-�•
•bjr�i1111{,lr� f ia(l�i��'f
seeeee. reel
t� "o fir; ° 'r_
to het framed. We have Deering Pony Binders and Mowers, with ball bearings, Chatham
hundreds of feet of mould- Wagons and McLaughlin's and Gray's Buggies, Raymond Sewing
.ng, ,rem 4:, p -r foot up-
wards Machines.
-ilso a nice lot of pictures
cneap. A full stock of
Furniture andUndertaking
always on hand.
Meat Market !
Ilaving purchased the butcher-
ing business of A. Loadman,
(Wood's Old Stand) lie will be
pleased to see all our old custom-
ers and as many new ones.
We intend keeping the very
best of fresh s oats and it will be
our first aim to please customers.
Tenderloin, Spare Ribs, Sausage,
Plans, Bacon and everything usually
sold in the Packisi " House can now be
procured at the slop.
Orders promptly delivered and ac-
counts rendered weekly, on which a
discount of 5 per cent. will be given.
Full directions how to suc-
cessfully spray your tress.
Headquarters for Fishing
Supplies at
....., m... .,..1160, m.....
Olhtie eop05310 Methodist Parsonage.
W. G. BISSETT, Agent.
L i 11C1AL
1 in SOLD FILL -
IAO, bX11Be C TIT ti and OP 1. A TI1
WORK. Gaston) incal Anaesthetics tor pain-
ters extracting. 2nd door north of CAR-
LING'S Store
• L. D• S. Hone dradnate of the To-
ronto University anti oval College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontar . Specialties, painless
extraction and preservation of the natural
teeth. ollieeover the Law Office of Elliot&
Elliot, ooposite Central hotel, Exeter. Ont.
Will be at Grab's hotel Znrioh,
on the second Thursday of mob
month and et Bodgin's Note)
Hawaii every Monday
London, Huron and Bruce.
9oiNO NORTH- Passenger
London,entral's depart........ 8.05 e, sr. 4.20 r.3t
Exeter...-. ........ ...... 9.22 6.00
Henseli 9,37 6.15
$ippon............ .... 9.44 6 20
Brucefteld9.52 6.28
Clinton 10.12 6.55
Londesboro30.9 7.14
Blsth 10.38 7.23
Belgrade .., 10.52 7.37
Wingham arrive11.10 8.00
GOING BORTH= Passenger
Wingham, depart„ 6.35 A. If, 3.25r. 31
Byilh 7.03
Lon desboro
Kippen ....
Centralia 3.47
People's Building Building and Lean Association
BOARD OH D1Rrcroasllx ESSTHR. ONr,alo
Dr. J. A. Ro1Pss, President.
Dr. C. Lute, - Vico-President.
L i:3. Dickson, - Solicitor.
David Mill, - Valuator.
Fred. W; Collins, - Sea -Tread,
Jno Grigg, E, A, Folliek, Jas. hillier , Wm
Sontboott, Dr. Thos. A. Amor,:
daml. Sanders.
Make money by saving money. Sixty cents
Der month will ensure $100 in 7e years• For
forms of application and all necessary infor-
mation apply to the Secretary, Mr. ,Fred. W.
Collins. Post Office, Exeter, Ont.
1_ E11:1 N •�'
S �D
'TORONTOos)r .
:tialp B-8 Fuchsias, assorted, . 504,
gy y I -O Roses, ever -blooming, boo,
G-8 Geraniums, good .. nee.
0 ie V-6 Canna Bulbs, as'd, for 50e.
yo A-8 Montbretias, pretty,. 50e.
L-30 Gladi's Bulbs, mad., 50c,
leo U -Sweet Peas, Co11.3ovar,50c.
E-WindowandSbow Coll, r each
Gti, Ivy Geranium
n. Coleus, Mta-Vi,ne
o Mezican PrimroseanetFuchsia
el Heliotrope
V rr
0 4.01
U17.49 4.46
7,57 4.53 -+--
8 06
8.25 5,12
8 4 6.23
..V ®WIT
At W. Johns', The
Tailor. Made to order
for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits
$11, 20, 21, etc. The
best place in town to
get a fit.
J.W.Ercwnivg'si W. JOHNS,
The Tailor.
When the Mercury gets up in-
to the nineties you wont mind it
a particle if you will come and
see us first and provide yourself
with one of Grieve's cool summer
suits. We have a big range and
we are bound to clear them all
out: b: the Ist of August. Don't
� utztiilotl'meIt ' begin ' to
y , be
comfortable now. .y�yy y y�}yyy
r ++. O.�5i6rYrl$lflif.Wi 'G•Rpl'1,['Lt1�t ..Pant+
Suit of (Jlothes
"or a Single Garment
Should Combine now a days,
Correctness of Style,
Good Workmanship,
Moderate Cost,
Perfect Fit.
You look for these in an old and
reliable place, and A. J.
SNELL never disappoints his
patrons in any of these. A
large assortment of
In Worsteds and, Tweeds* are
now on our shelves, v and'e -. .
W ll
,take much eleaser
e in sh
them, ttl ..lou:4- 11 alt '=Y'
ls.t • w:. .r s ate Arj.t a , • f.
Then Coyne To Us for Best
tr Suites
For ours are selected with
a view to suiting the most
searching taste, and all
can get what they want at
any price.
The Leading Furniture Dealers
The Leading Undertakers.
Gidley & Son,
Those who have used
Pronounce it unequalled as
a remedy for .COUGHS, COLDS
t y.Winan's Colditicn & Cough Powder
fol horAes, best in the mar-
ket. always on hand, Also ,;
a Cetobeuefacto and. Lint-
went, the medicine so sue;.,
cessfull used by Mr. C} -.
f y
11i1� o e,Parkhill, ill is ,.
in. tar