HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-7-9, Page 5cv a tc, 5cper.aokago 1 IGj:;\E -4 TES W. S. Kimball & Co. Rochester, E . Y. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. 7 'FIRST PRIZE MEDALS. To and Others. I have T00 thousand good 3 an. Tiles, free from limestone, or cracks, will bo sold for the noxt2 monthsat $S per thousand cash. Also some 5 in. Tilos at $leper thousand cash. JOSEPH PEGLElt Woodham Tile Yard. CUT THIS OUT (tad I ivon to us Cents in silver. and ou will got by return mail, A GOLDEN BO. OF GOODS that will bring Iron in more money inone mouth, than any- thing else in America. A. W. K.INNEY. E. T. Yarmouth, N. S. Queenston Gement. .Any person needing cement or instructions 'bow to use it, should leave their order with Dolbrid o Bros. Wineholsea. Wo aro prepared to supply cement and do all kinds of work in flooring, walls. etc. There is a small quantity of cement at Mr. II. Smith's, Ilay P. 0, DELBR.IDGIO BROS., Winchelsea. T J UABLE FARM PROPERTY. ERTIY X 'Az - Tho undersigned hereby oirors for sale that -valuable farm propertycomposed of lot 5. south boundary, towuslrtp of ,clay, containing by edifice -Fairmont ono hundred acres. This i lan)`Them of the late Thomas Ching. Esq. ono of the best in the county of Huron. There ie erected upon the land a good brick house and first-class out buildings. Tho farm is well drained and fenced, conveniently situated to market and in every particular 5. most de- sirable properly. For terms and particulars apply to .L 13. DICKSON. Ilarristor, Exeter, or SAMUEL SANDERS, Executor, Exeter. THE STANDARD BRED STALLION, DALBERG No. 16875 AMEIi.ICAN S. Boo'.. Stands 10.1 and weighs 1,200 lbs. • half brother to Martha Wilkes 2.08 ; sired by Itippotoo, 2.25 ; g. sire Vicking, 238 g. g. sire, .Egbort, 2.22. G. G. G. IIambletonitur 10. 1st dam by Harrison Chief (3849) 2.30. G. dam by Abdallah Morn - 'brine, 2.20 ; G. (1. dam Abdell alt ; his 4th aril Mai darns worn thoro'breds. Milberg crosses twice to Hamblotonian 10, twice to Mombrino Chief 11, once to Pilot Junior 12, backed up with thoroughbred. Egbort,his grandsirc traces 35 times to imported Messenger and 15 times to imported Dimmed. Dnlborg will leave his own stable, St. Marys, and proceed to ltussoldalo for noon ; Sam'1 Horton's, Boundary, for night. ; Tuesday, Central hotel, Exeter, for noon ; Clarko's hotel, Crediton, for night; Wednesday, Motfett's hotel, Centralia, for noon ; Wood- ham for night. TERMS : $l0 to insure. W. JOHNSTON. Owuor and Manager. TRENT CANAL-SIMCOE AND BALSAM LAKE DIVISION. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOne. QEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE undesigned, and endorsed 'Tender for Trent Canal." will b received •ir atthis o cct ed t s otlhce un- til noonon • v Moeda be cuteenth dayAugust of 1896, for tho construction of about fourteen miles of Canal on the Simcoo and Balsam Lake Division. Plans, specifications of the work and forms of contract can bo seen at the office of the Chief Engineer of tho Department of Railways and Canals, at Ottawa, or at Poterboro', where forms of tender can be obtained on and after Monday, July 13th, 1590. In the case of firms thorn must bo attached the actual signatures of alio full name, the nature of tho occupation, and place of resi- dence of each member of the same and further, an accepted bank cheque for rho sum of 515,- 00f/roust accompany the tender. This accepted cheque must be endorsed over to the Minister of Railways and Canals, and will be forfeited if the party tendering declines entering into con- tract for the work a.t the rates and terms stated in the oii'or submitted. The accepted cheque -•t'us sent in will bo returned to the respective p Mies wh:tse tenders are not accpted. The Lowe . or any tender not necessarily accepted. ;:yordor. J. H. BALDEI1SON, Secretary. Dopartmen i, of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, Juno, 1896. +COAL..•.. COAL., Dorret Forget To leave your order forOoa,l with us. We buy right, and what is better we sell right. Some dealers claire to have a mono - ply of all the Cood., Thing We do not claim anything so absurd, but do say that our coal is equal to the best, and we sell cheaper. Give us a call. • '0-4.2nn. Y4'. TREVETHllCK. ,Marriage Licenses --ISSUED AT - NEWS ES J ELRY STOP No Witriestos fiRequire d. A complete Stock of Jewelry, Silver- ware, etc. Repairing receives careful and per- sonal attention. . It, HICKS s. Central Telephone Office 63 hi RE tet i{Bk{RTS. Wheat Per bushel. Oats ...... Barley-- Peas... arley. ,,..., Peas........ clutter.... Eggs Turkey's Geese Chickens per Ib Ducks , Pork drowsed Pork live weight Hay por ton.... Clover seed ....,, Alsike clover 'ritnotby seed Exeter. July Stn. 189u .G) to 60 .19 to '0 25 to 27 .. 40 to 43 .. 11 to 11 8 to 8 7 to 7 6 to 5 5 to 5 6 to 6 a4.2,1 to S1.141 1,-33a to e3.35 ...,i:10,00 to $l1,0e ..... .... .15,50 to *85.75 $1.00 to yi.00 $2.a0 to $2.70 Loudon, July 8th. 1896 Wheat per bushel, . Oats..., Peas ... Ilarley,..... Buckwheat Hyo Corn Means ....... Butter ....E ...... s Ducks -Turkeys por 1b.... Gesso per Ib ..... Chickens 30 Cheese ,..,.. . 8 Potatoes per bug _ 28 Hay per ton ...... ....$ 7.00 to Pork per cwt.... .. 51.50 to GO to 63 -.20 to 22 40 to 4e 2i to 31, i•) to 0.5 to 41 to 10 to 55 to 11 45 to 9 o 65 7 to 9 to 10 to 5U to ?; to 20 $ 9.60 $1,75 Latest Live Stock Markets. MONTREAL, Montreal. Q., July S -There were about 500 butcbors' cattle, 350 Calves and 500 sleep and lambs offered for t••at° at the East end Abbe( toir to day. The butchers were out in large num- bers, but trade in cattle trate slow. and trines rather lower, more especially for half fatted stork, which were much more numerous than were needed. Paulo stall fed beeves sold at about 31u per pound, and shippers paid a little more for the best largestecrs; pretty good stir: sold at from 2c. to :iaC and common half fatted beasts at 21c • per pound. Calves were in fair demand at from .i,6 to :$10 each. Sheep con- tinuo very dillicult to sell and,prires aro from 2- to 3 rents per pound. f1URN• BROWN. -In Sarnia, ,luno 301h, the wife of Dr. A. Brown, of a son. TAYLOI:.-In h'xeior, on the 2nd inst., the wife of John W. Taylor. of a daughter. McNPOIL.-At Shipkta, or the 2nd inst., the wifo of Rory McNeil, of a son. PE'RK1NS,-In Usbornc, on the 5th incl., tLe wife of Chas. 1'erlcin, Jr., of a daughter. MARRIED. MURRAY-DAVIS.-At St. Peters, on Tues- day 30th, alt., by Rev. Fr. West, William Murray, lato et Stratford to Miss Mary Davis of Goderieh. GARDENER -METERS -At c'hisdhura{, on lutie 21111, ISM at the reside:, • tof tie Lader father, by the Rev. Walker Edward Gar- dener, of London, to ;hiss Jennie Meters. DIED THOMPSON.-In Hay, on the 5th int., Eliza- beth Thompson, aged 70 pears. LAURIE -In McGillivray, en the 28th alt., Mrs. Laurie, aged 29 years and 10 months. BROPIIY-In ehipka, en 29th ult., Tcrminh, infant son of ,lermiah Brophy, aged 2 months. LEWIS.-At led'nc.\ Moet., on To no 20th. th Alex -ander Lewis, ate 1 6) 3etrs, 7 month s and 5 days. LA1IRWORTHY -In Mitchell, on Wednesday, lily 1st., Norval Wilfrid Larkworthy, youngest son of Mr. George Larkworthy, aged 8 years, 8 months and 7 days. CONCLUSIVE PROOF. From a Well Known Citizen, " tlfy daughter Polly, bas for more than a 3 ear boon troubled with severe symptouts ofltidney dieoase. She bad constant and acute pains in ber back. Th.t pain an her head teas fearful and almost unendurable. It Lequently p10- etitod her from a• t siding school, and she fouud study athoinepractice' lyimpossible. bile bad no appetite, and did not shop web. Th.- pain was very severe around her heart and rho was much troubled with Cluttering and palpitation. She was completely worn out in hotly sial was tired and drowsy all the limo. .Her mother ea.' myself became seriously alarmed as she wee constn,ntly gnttine wetso. 'Last July my daughter Sarah, a teacher in the Po ale School at Kingsville, Out., came home to spend her vacation, anti fludirg her sister in such a distressing and dangerous condition, said, I ant taking Doan's Kidney Pills and they are doin" Ilia much good,I have a box with 010 and will divide r ith Polly. which she did. By the tine Pully bad finished the half box her improvement in health was so m•trkod, that I procured more irom Mr. Fraloigh's drugstore. Her full restoration to health and spiritswas rapid and continuous. She has now none of her former dangerous, painful end dist.essina kidney troubles. She eats mid sleeps well, and for more than a month bas enjoyed the thost vigorous health. biro has not lost a day at school since she commenced taking the pills, and has so ,mioh faith in them sinoe•tbey restored her to full health that she sante mo to keep six boxes in the house all the time, in o tse they should he needed and not available. Her cure bas beonso wonderful she thinks they will cure any comp mint. It t -:e pills bad cost $1+1.00 a box, I would not have bearudgtd the Money. The res Lora Iinn of tny daughter to full health and strong girlhood, from her fomer serious sickness, etc., has made her mother, myself ami daughter a happy family, ?make this sworn statement with the full approbation of my wife and daughter, volun- tarily and without any urging or inducement whatever, to show the gratttu le my decghter, VP() and mye•3f fool for the wonderful cure wrought by the Doan Kidney Pills. We bave not the toast doubt that her tr3ing the pills just' at the time she dirt saved as a large 5-tctnr's bill, as she was all but sick abed at the time. Iani six y -two years of age. a err - renter by trade, lre.ve been a resident of St. Mar s for forty years, and county constable for thirty years and am well known, and I make this solemn declaration believing the same to bo true,and , knowing the 'same to have the same effect as n.n oath, and according to the Act respecting extra Judicnl Oaths 1898. egd WILLIAM 1i1:OWN. Taken and deelarod before me At the'I'nwn of St. Mary's, in the Comity of Pertlt, this 5111 day of March, A. D., 13,16. Sud. WM N. FORD, A Commisstouur in High Court of Justice,' Ontario. T BARNARDO BOYS AT SCHOOL, A. Test Case as to Whether They are Non. Residents Now Being Tried at the Braeebridge Assizes. Bracebridge, Ont., July 7. -The dis- trict of Muskoka Assize Court opened here this morn -ng, Mr. Justice brergu- son presid,ug. Aurong'st the legal gen- tltmen piesent are Mr. L. Heyd: Mr. Shepley, Mr. McCosh, Mr. Coats - worth and Mr. Grant. 7th first case tried was one which will be cf interest throughout the coun- try. in this district are a Large number of Dr. Barnardo's Home boys. The trustees of 'Union School Section Brasted and Stephenson held that these boys were non residen.s, they bring kept as boarLers, subject to being tae.en array whenever the authorities of the home desired, and that the school section had no right to enlarge their senool accommodation tor a class of this kind. The boys were not al- lowed to attend the school after De- cember of last year, and the school trustees were elected on the under-. standing that they wouid not allow them to go to school during 1896. A case was brought uy the Home, in the name of George Shiers, to compel the trustees to allow these children to a.tend the school. O. he case lasted nearly all day, J'udgtnent was reserv- ed. The judge charged the grand Jury In the cases of the t.jueel v. McKenzie and the Queen v. Hammond. A true bill was rendered against Mckenzie, charging bins with manslaughter. The grand jury had not reported on the l ,mmond murder case when court ad- jouriteri, J10 IV TILE GIMPS S LOOK. Reports on the liltolo are Faietacra; ist , Roth for the Great 14orthweat and Ceti Province of (h.inrle. Toronto. July 7. The Meteorological Departme.n has Issued the following seasonal notes; in the Dominion gtnterally, as regards temperature, the month of June was nearly an average, with slight exc:ss in Manitoba and the Northwest. Calgary -Crops favorably reported, wild fruits very plentiful. Experimental Farm, Brandon, Man. Abundant rain in June, grain of all kinds very rank, but a weak later than last year, pasture extra good, hay wilt be pluntltul, roots --raking good progress, `►lid ftu:ts pro - arise to be abundant. Experinl3..ta1 Farm, Indian Head -Crops makieg ex- cellent growth, and reports f.o.0 all. parts of this distr.ct are most favor- able. Wheat coming 1: to head, and all other cereals well advaeced, Regina, Assa,-Grass on prairie ruOstaluxuriant, great improvement in state of crops due to recent hot weather, Moreen, Man. -Crops on the higher laud 1o. k- ing very good, but somewhat heeled the average stage of growth at this time of year. Rusebank, Man. -Crops considering 1110 late s:ason are loot- ing fine. gntttrio. Excepting, perhaps, the unusually large arnout,t of surtsnnne wh.c:r has forced vegetation considerable, the weather has been about notntal, 10 some portions of the proving, more especially from the western shore of Lake Ontario west-northwest to Lake Huron, crops have been mum affected by drought, and although in other dis- tricts heavy thur.dersturms have been experienced the land has not benefited much, owing to a large portion of the water' flowing oil' quickly. In many dis- tricts the hay crop is reported as bet. g very light, but this is doubtless owing princil ally to the deficiency of rain in Apiil ar:d May. In counties bor- dering on the Georgian Day, more es- pecially in tee 1nd.an Peninsula, much damage has been done to crops by swarms of grasshoppers. Following is asummary of reports received: Grey and Bruce-Sprf tg erol.s generally look very well in tiresa (mu.. - ties, excepting where danrugi:d by grasshoppers. Hay and fall wheat are for the most part light. Huruu and directly eastward to Durham teed In- ciud.ng Weetwir.h and Lincoln -With the exception of a few places fu tills district the drought has been almost continuous, and while most sin leg crops are looking fair, hay is gener- ally light, so also is fall wheat in many localities. Excepting peaches, fruit looks well. and the crop pickea so far has been abut:da:a. Lanibt.,n, Middlesex, Oxford, Bruce and counties bordering on Lake Erie-Althougn more rain has fallen on the greater portion of this district the condition of crops is much the same as la the district last mentioned, hay and falI wheat t being slightly be t 3 t.er. In Les• x the harvesting of fall wheat and r•ye has commenced. Muskoka, Sinico Vic- toria, Nottlmmberland and counties eastward -All farm crops is these counties now promise well exc'ptir,g hay, which though probably not so light as in otaer p..raions of tree provlece, will doubtless turn out a short crop. Reports of damage by grasshoppers come from North Simcoe, Peterbor- ough and Renfrew. The lteseettr►e: tin .:ort:- Grey, Owen Sound, July 7. -The re count in the North Grey election case was concluded this Evening. One hunch C and fifty five new ballets were added, 81 for Clark and 74 far McLauchlan. This makes Clark's (Lib.) maj. city 3z. Judge Creosol's decision regardi..g bal- lots marked in t,ro di isirh alo,tgs.tte of the candidate's :tame Is similar to Judge McDougall's. '0 tro Get.., 3.i.;rtn• Y Winnipeg, Man., July 7. -(Special.) -- The returning oaicer for Lisgar to day declared Richardson (Lib.) elected by 43 majority. There are 19s spoiled and rejected ba:lo.s, and Conservative Candidate Rogers will apply for a re- count. On a re count It is anybody's election. In the re-count in Marquette yester- day the judge confirmed the election of Dr. Roche (Con.), his majority being 67. The ation - s tit liottaserll. Chatham, July 7. -The re-count be- fore Judge Bell of ballots cast in tae Bo h.t•cil els ti n reduces Mr. Ciancy's majority front 87 to 60. Total vote poli<ch-Lyle. Clancy, 2887; Mr. Mills, 2328. Majority for Mr. Clancy 5J. ttrl:tnt,1 "{ vt Cape Town, South Africa, July 7.-- " Mai k Twain," in an in t -view after his tour in ..he Transvaal, says tte Uitlande'ry eventually will become mus•' ters there=, a d toad; w th ut wa:•. He thinks Jameson was partly jusai feed by the oppression sof he U.tlaad:re in his attee p. to assist them. et,11'.:s:4,i. filar Ii Newcastle, N.B., July 7,--alarernen, the victim of yesterclay mort•i .g's shooting,, is doing well, but hi c l.elo,- tioe ii critical. Inspector 1'Utz -y of the Merchants! Bank of Halifax l on the scene to -day. The examttatle takes plate to morrow' Nave. Puller a'tagistrate Nevins. . gTER T1s E►, THE ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND. Poles CELERY COMPOUND A LIFE RENEWER iN HOT WRTHER. Thousands of people feel weaker and inoro unhealthy during the sum- mer months than ate any other time of the year. This is due to the de- pression and weakening hot weather. The weakest system may be fortified and trade strong Ity Paint's Celery Compound, earth's greatest blessing to suffering humanity. We quote the words of one of Canada's hest physi- cian; be ears; "If ilei- and women during the heated days of summer would use Paine's Celery Compound three or four tines a day, they wt•uld find their vitality and strength great- ly increased, and. their digestive organs would be more vigorous and in better c•oudition," The greatest boast of Paine's Celery Compound is, that it cures when all other medicines fail, and is the only advertised remedy that is regularly preseribed by physicians. Devices for Protecting Plants. Gardeners in Enrope,espoolally in Eng- land and France use many devices for protecting and forwarding early plants, which are seldom soon in this country. Among such devices is the ono shown in accompanying illustration. The use of these miniature cold frames which are like toy houses with glass roof and open bottom, makes it practicable to start a few lettuce plants, flowers, or melon hills. etc., in open ground, a week or two be. tore their regular season. Our last year's experience with similar home-made de. vices for starting melon hills was highly satisfactory. Tho seeds wore planted in hills, in open ground, and over each hill was plaood n little frame, top siant:ag to. ward the south, like an ordinary cold frame. Some small barn windows that wo happened to have on hand wore made use of in place of sashes. Thu frames were removed after the plants, which grew thrifty and frog from insect attaoks, be. gen to send out rumors. -Popular Gar. dening. Summer ](`lowers. It is time to begin making prepara- tions for the Cower garden tho coming summer. A lady toils tho Rural New Yorker what seeds to got, as follows: Ageratum blooms from midsummer till tall. Sweet alyssum blooms all summer long and till the end of November, and like osobsoholtzia, pot-marlgolds, portu- lace, larkspur, corn Cower and noreopsts, 1t self -sows itself forever afterward. Of asters I prefer Truffaat's improved Paeonla Perfection, Victoria, Crown and Reid's Quilled ; of stooks, large-fiowerod German l0 -weeks; of marigolds, Meteor as a pot, Eldorado, es Afrioan, and Dwarf Double•striped, as French; of bal- sams, almost any respectable flnn's Su- perb strain of petunias, Dwnrt-striped as a single and Hybrid& grandiflora fimbri- ate bore piano as a double; of verbenas. tho Mammoth of eo k c mb o e o s, the GIaJ• gow; of larkspur, the Rocket and C111- 11050: of to nano, the new Aiflnis; of mignonette. Miles; of Drummond Phlox the graudiflorum strain; of pansies, the Trhnardeau; of vineas, the white and white with red eye; of nasturtiums, Lobb's varieties; and of zinnias, the Dwarf Cot"naot Scarlet with some Ze- bra for nc y's sake and some Robust° plenissinta for size. Notwithstandng all the display made to -day about French marigolds, balsams, snapdragons, sweat wiliiams, spotted mimuluses and stooks, we had as good flowers of these 25 years ago as we have to -day; and when it comes to the grand old show pansies, so clean, so pure, so brilliant in their col- or so substantial s su nt 1 and velvet in their r y e texture, and so round and large in their form, we have nothing now to equal the pansies of 25 years ago. Besides these, hdd candytuft, sweet and common; cosmos to bloom in fall. Diadem pinks that bloom well the first year and often live over for another sea- son's work; anneal gaillardias, also G. aristnta and its varieties; godetias so pretty before midsummer, lavatory and malope, especially their white varieties, lupins 11 you like tbom, pentsternon Hartwogil, which, although a tender per- ennial, blooms profusely the first year from seed, carnation and pneonia-flow- Bred double poppies, salpiglossis, scarlet salvia which although commonly grown is a greenhouse perennial, I always treat as an annual, large-tiowereu scablos, sweet sultan and the "New Miniature" sea -flowers. And don't forget some globe amaranth, and dwarf heliohrysum for evetlas tines, and the morning-glories and cypress vino among vines. WISDOM! STRENGTH! BEAUTY! The careful and economical house- keeper ci isplays great wisdom when she selects as herstandard of colors, the Dirtmouct .Dyes. leer wise. experience lentis her to use the Diautoud Dyes ire - cause of their great strength, n 01)0 pec lege has the dyeing power of two packages of the poor imitation 'makes. ..$. getout characteristic of the Diamond Dyes is their bt n.aly of shade and color, and they are always fast, firm and unfailing. Carefully avoid imitations and vile substitutes. CURED WEAK BACK FOR 25 CENTS. lea two wave 1 was dosed, pilled, and Plaster- ed for weak back , sraluing urine and consti- pation, wriheut benefit. Ung box ot. Ohase's 1, itiney Liver Pills relieved, three boxes cured. lt.3. Swish, Toruuto. One pill a dose,. price 20 (linty. 'r: A\TED-OMEstabiished wholesale Douse wants ono or two honest anti industrious reprrsonttahvcs for this suction, Can pay a hustler about $1.2.00 a week to start with. DitAWER 211, Brantford, Ont. ler AN'i ED General Agents for a block IT Of Counties; also Base uvtassorsfor mon. A lenge thing., and thoeo who get territorial t labia will a in bulk Ctau also employ soveral btieht ladies attt ut' men ho;uos. kris, 13r2A.u- t,.:v-GAr.,lays ovCO.,Lrn., 40 Rtehmorti St: West Toronto, oat, • I 6c. per lb. for Pure Sisal Twine. 1 oNe WEEK. 1 1 Also the following first class brands : BEAVER, STANDARD,- MANILLA, Pure Paris Green. Bug Finish, Etc. H. BISHOP & SON. 11011.1/1/1/W IIMMORIPPPAMMIONEMMOIMM Buie, VOR SALt;.-Thoro'bred Durham bull red.lsApplytto Tho ale.Sixteen sC udinore,lot 30, con. Color 'Osborne, or Lumley R O. WANTED ---Young men and women to , help In rho Armenian rause• good pay; • will send copy of my littlo bock, "Your Place in Life," free to any who write. Rev, J. S.; Linscott, Brantford, Ont, .E'er ill' t'UUt likeTI MES to het framed. We have hundreds of feet 01 mould - .ng, tram 4c. per font up- wards Also a nice lot of pictures cneap. A full stock of. Furniture andUndertaking always on hand. R. N. ROWE Imperial Meat Market! 1-Iaving purchased the butcher- ing business of A. Loadman, (Wood's Old Stand) IA e will be pleased to see all our old custom- ers and as many new ones. We intend keeping the very best of fresh meats and it will be our first aim to please customers. Tenderloin, Spare Ribs, Sausage, Rams, Bacon and everything usually sold in the Packing House can now be procured at the shop. Orders promptly delivered and ac- counts rendered weekly, on which a discount of 5 per cent. will be given. C. SNELL Greet -to (GUARANTEED PURE.) ALSO-- HEH,L,ES®/RE, INSECT POWDER, LONDON PURPLE and COPPER SUL- PHATE. Full directions how to suc- cessfully spray your tress. headquarters for Fishing Supplies at J.W. Brewnir g's , z ;pry fir- •1, a 's l When the Mercury gets up in- to the nineties you wont mind it a particle if you will come and see us first and provide yourself with one of Grieve's cool summer suits. We -have a big range and we are bound` to clear them all out by the 1st of August. Don't wait until you melt, begin to be comfortable now. See our y.00 summer comer paints made to order. J. H. GRIEVE we etre Deering Pony Binders and Mowers, with ball bearings, Chatham , Wagons and McLaughlin's and Gray's Buggies, Raymond Sewing Machines. W. G. BISS TT, Agent. DR. SHOULTS, C ENTRALIA. Of6ee opposite Methodist Parsonage.. ET KINSMAN, DENTIST, • LD,S. $I'SCiALIST is ('OLD PILL- ING. aXeltaCTIN and PI,AT13 WORE. Gas and lttoal Anaesthetics 'Pr pain - 1 els extracting. 2nd door nnrtb of CAIt- Lt NG'S blare D ALTONNDAMSON D.D.S • L.D• S, bone .4radnite of the To- ronto Utrtversitysue oval College of Dont al Surgeons of Outer . Specialties, painlosa extraction and preservation of the rataral tenth. Office over the LatrO.fiee of Elliot& Elliot. opposite Central hotel, Rioter, Ont. AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, • (MINION. 111 be at Grab's hotel Zurieb on she second Thursaay of each month and at Ilodgin's hotel Bengali every Monday London, Huron and Bruce. loam Noels- Paseonger London, depart....... . Centralia Exeter Henaall Brucedeld • Clinton .Londesboro Blyth Belgrave Wingham arrive....,, Genoa coria-- Wingham, depart... Belgravo Loodeaboro Clinton Braoeseld Ki p p en Bewail .......... ............ ... Centralia 98.007 A, ,. 4.2 lax la 47 6.00 6.16 6 20 6.28 7.554 7.23 8.00 Passenger 6.35 e. t(. 3.25e. 33 6.50 3.47 730 4.08 7.30 4,28 7.49 4.46 7.57 4.53 8 06 4.58 8.25 5.12 8 4 5.23 9.22 ,37 9.44 9.52 10.12 10.29 10.38 10.52 11.10 UET YOUR PINTS JJ0WN At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a fit. W. JOHNS, The Tailor. A Suit o1 Jlothes or a Singe Garment Should Combine now a days,. Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. 'You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints bis patrons in any of these. A large assortment of • Fa11. & Wzntcr Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other lines that are specially at- tractive. t SMALL. -THE- People's Building and Loan Association LONDON - ONTARIO BoAnt0 uY DIRSCTQBs IIs Exrrsa. ()wrestle Dr. 3. A. Roli'nt, President. Dr. C. Lu'z, - Vice -President. L D. Dickson,= S Solicitor. David Mill, Valuator. W,l' Fred. Collins, eoY•TrtlaA. :DIRECTORS. Jno Grigg. E. A, rollick, As. Miller, Wm Southectt, Dr. 7 hes. A. Amos„ Saml, Sanders. Brake money be saving money. Bixty ciente per month will ensure $160 in 7f years. e'er forms of application and all necessary infor- mation apply tt the geometry, Mr. ,,Fred. W. Collins. Poet Offlee, Exeter, Ont. vie EVE U •_ q YOU WANT THEM. CAN CET TH'M -"> e t-0 $ET (FROM MERCHANTS OR DIRECT 99.b FROM US. CATALOGUE FREE. Zino y'wji 1-68 Rosessuetbloomng,50c o. 8 i,20 G-8 Geraniums, good , 50e. 8 t., O o V-6 Canna Bulbs, as'd,for 50e. T1 g ya A-8 Montbretias, pretty,. 50e. v L-30 Gladi's Bulbs, mx,3., 500. i +ot tm U -Sweet Pcas.Coll.iovar.SOc, to p1,d, 181-Wiodow Colt„ r each `" yW Ivy sad Show Geranium a m Coleus, Manetta-Vine o Mexican Primrose, Fuchsia :1,1 Heliotrope a 110 ro e &Trades i>, p cantia50c „ r"t STEELE.BRIGGS SEED Co LTA' TORONTO ONT NOT .EASIII MUTED, Then Come To Us for, Best Bedroom Suites For ours are selected with a view to suiting the most searching taste, and all can get what they want at any price. The Leading Furniture Dealers The Leading Undertakers. Gidley & Son, ODDFELLOR"S BLOCK. Central DRTJG STORE. Those who have used Win an.'s Cough Balsam. Pronounce it unequalled as a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS AND BRONCEITIC TROUBLES, Winan's Condition & Cough Powder foi horses, best in the mar- ket, always on hand. Mao a Cetobenefacto and Lini- ment, the medicine so sub:. I bessfullY used by Mr, Chas. Munroe, Parkhill in this and other towns, in treating and curing Various diseases For Saki at Co, LUTZ'S