HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-7-9, Page 4rile N
Phldnp Capita -
V+etYuud 4-
• ' Hon, Wilfred will be in a
Bank p cation to The Latest N ewe, McLean Counted in,
A recount will be held in the Both
well election.
A Listowel little girl drank water in
which a piece of fly paper had soaked,
and was so neardeath leer pulse ceased
to beat.
Taken in time Hood's Sarsaparilla
prevents serious illness by keeping the
blood pure and all the organs in a
healthy condition.
James H. Ashdown, Liberal candi-
date for Marquette,. defeated by one
hundred majority, has appliedto the
court for a recount.
Treasurer Holmes and Reeve Proud -
foot, of Goderich, :will leaye next
Saturday for England to sell the
County of Huron debeutures in that
A cow belonging to T. Lampman, of
Bosanquet, died the other day, and not
knowing the cause of death, Latnpm an
had the animal opened. A tumor
weighing 200 pounds was found in
If you had taken two of Carter's
Little Liver Pills before retiring you
would not have hadthatcoated tougue
or bad taste in your mouth this morn-
ing. Keep a vial with you for oc-
casional use.
Hugh Armstrong, Conservative can-
didate for Selkirk, defeated by oue
vote, has also made application for
a recount. Mr. Rogers; Conservative
candidate, defeated in Lisgar, will fol-
low suit.
If you once try Carter's Little Liver
Pills for sickheadache, biliousuess or
coustipation, you will never be with:,
out them. They are purely vegetable;
small and easy to take. Don't forget
S o n s B 1 ins11
gut ate a policy and meet the new
Y PARLtAMENa,1s551 House, which contains over a hundred.
fresh members, in the brief interval
,ere pee i between now and July 16.
Head eMoe,
Money advanced to good farmers 011 their
Wu note withone or more endorser at 7 per
entapet annum.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful day, from a.m. t
0 pen
SATURDAYS, 10 a.m, to 1 le m.
t."Urrentrates of interest allowed on deports
Exeter, Deo:. 27th, '35
NNW ”ra arr.
THURSDAY, JULY 9th, 1596.
Ion, l.ir. Laurier proposes to send a
permanent represeutative of the Can-
ed/au Government to Washington, to,
" lard our interests." The name of
Edward Fc arrer naturally suggests
ilei£ in tl s:connection.
x x
-The Ottawa Free Press gives the
"Tory" party more credit for power
sustain industries than it ever
clanged for itself. "J.'bat victory," it
sty, "seems a perfect godsend to cer-
tain establishments who have long
Wanted to close down, and dare not
ealong es the Tories were in power."
the "Tory" Goverument had enough
,iflueuce over manufacturing indus-
ies to preserve thele in operation
against the judgment and interests of
tllleir proprietors, it was not a bad
%faverzrrnent for the wage-earners.
Tlie Ottawa Free Press admission is
Sb far the judges are nearly equally
divided on the question of rejected
-ballots, and three have said that only
those with the cross inthe wbitecircular
spare shall be counted and three have
decided on the contrary. So if this
`,ate of affairs goes on members.
throughont the couutry will be elected
here in afar different way from there,
end everything will be in confusion.
Shen, one man will appeal, and tl-en
eiteWlsole set of appeals will follow, at
much trouble, delay and expense. Let
a41 parties unite and try to secure at
Gee very earliest houradecision on this
epiestion from the appeal judges. Then
ere would be samekhiclo." .tniformity
and the county judges ;would have
something- to go by.
!1 - If
"To snake one of the Hurons a Lib-
era1."hive," and help to gain seats to
which they were not entitled in both
Huron and Middlesex, a Conservative
township and a Conservative village
were taken out of Huron and placed
.$ North Aliddlesex."
The above is from the London Ad-
vertiser. A Conservative township
said Conservative village taken from
Buren and placed in Middlesex! Step -
ben township, the township referred
to, was never known to be Conser-
vative, but on the other hand has al-
ways given the Liberals a majority., of
*ons 150 to 200 votes. To give the Ad-
vertiser a sainple of gerrymander,
we refer it to Goderich township, in
Ninon County, which was cut in two
by the Ontario Legislature, 'placing
half in West and half in South Huron.
'This township giving aa, very large
Conservative majority, it was sought
to divide it, thus destroying its useful-
ness hi either riding.
ll - II
>Ft i$ a question whether the election
taw should nn} state clearly that any
ballot markt isewhere than in the
white circle opposite the name of the
•Candidate shall be void and of no effect.
.A. provision in the law invalidating
the vote of eery man who does not
know enough to mark his ballot in the
right place would he a sort of educa-
tional test. The law in some of the
'American states provides that no man
who cannot read and write can vote.
The law in Canada might provide that
he elector who, through ignorance or
stupidity, destroys his ballot, shall not
be protected against the results of Euch
ignorance or stupidity. It is an outrage
where intelligent Hien are disfranchised
by aeputy returning officers. but it is
no outrage when the ignorant, stupid
eieztor is disfranchised by his own
What the public is anxious to learn
as quickly its possible is the precise
condition of patties. It is two weeks
siaiee the Opposition papers proclaim-
« with a fi•'urish the utter defeat, of
Sir Charles Tupper, and the astound-
iltig victory of the Hon. Wilfred Laur-
Der, The Liberal politicians and jour-
nals. have since been in a state of
breathlesscuriosity to learn the pre-
erse date when the Premier of a little
Over two months, will make his retir-
beg bow and his exit from the political
stage. and theist, too, without present-
brC; himself to the House of Commons,
of which he ie by law and usage the
acknowledged leader! But Sir Charles
has not appeared to be in a violent
hurry to do the one thing or the other.
The inexorable logic of events has not
ne yet convinced the, Premier that he
b so badly beeteu after all; ;or, if he
!be acthe,iry in the minority -on paper,
poiitieaily - prepared paper the
naa lc:r•ii.y triumph --ant is made up of
mech loeongruuus ruaterial as scarcely
tt} seib;,iest a, bona fide preponderance.
It is e. • thing of party," shreds and
p arc i.es, destitute of any definite pol-
ity, and weighed down by the undue
peoportior of the Canadian French
element of 45 out of OZ. Under with
ceeetiru;at tnces, why shouldSir Charles
p; en ai. a ely gi ve up tliesliilr--surrender
and t.rike his flag? Surely, tuere is
no need tcn any great hurry! Sir
Alexander lilackerizie took twenty-
eight nays to persue de himself after
the September crushing in 1878 that,
o really wits not Ringer desired by
1)c:epic, "the paper ni tjority"
nattiest hint lrcing then half a hurncired
ul i ,re. .1. l.iament is fixed for July
:,o assembles for the dispatch of busi-
t, but .a, po spenement for .t couple
its would not injure the coon-.
tterests. It would he absurd to
`laaat,eithe axC 'eerier, of:the
The Journal of Commerce and Com-
inertial Bulletin says :-The fire loss
of the United States and Canada for
the mouth of June amounts to $5,571,-
250, a remarkably light sum, even for a
summer month, This makes the total
for the half-year $63,959,550, which ex-
hibits a gratifying decrease in com-
parison with the record of $66,497,600
for the same period of 1S35.
The recount in London reduced Mr.
eattie's majority toforty one. Judge
zott did not count any of the ballots
:ed outside the disc, but had he
o, Mr. Beattie's majority, would
en greater by 21 votes, as there
L ; many more of these ballots
in his favor. The seat is
s in spite of everything,
tiser as it did when. Mr.
cted, elaimes the seat
It cannot, however,
tie is Judge Elilat's
have be
were tha t
so marked
Mr. Beattie
but the Advea
Carling was ele
for Mr. Hyman.
say that Mr, Bea
Outario Liberals will read with
pleasure,the following pronunciiunento
of the North-West Review (Catholic)
"Catholics wish Mr. Laurier, how-
ever, distinctly to understand that
they will accept no sop, no half meas-
ures, such as Mr. Greenway offered
to the commissioners. What they in-
sist upon is the final and lasting re-
solution of Separate schools. If he
does not secure to them this indispen-
sable exercise of their acknowledged
rights, bis tenure of office will be un-
comfortably short, and his party will
soon return to those chilling shades
from which they so recently emerged."
Winnipeg, July v. --(Globe's special.)
-It is reported here to -night that ne-
gotiations are now in progress for the
settlement of the Manitoba school
question, without reference to the Do-
minion. Parliament. It is stated that
the Greenway Government has ex-
pressed a willingness to give the Ma-
nitoba Catholics the same privileges
as are enjoyed by their co -religionists
in Nova Scotia, Separate schools be-
ing allowed in certain districts where
the Catholics are in the majority. This
is said to be satisfactory to the Ca-
tholics, who would also be appeased
by a French Liberal being taken into
the Manitoba Cabinet. These are
street rumors to -night, and will be
given publicity in to -morrow's papers.
No official confirmation can be ob-
Perth Co~anty
The citizens of Brodhageu have now
daily mail.
Mr. Burnett solei the old Methodist
church bell, Mitchell this week to a
school section in Hibbert, just west of
Rev. R. Fulton Irwin, of St. Marys,
sailed for Liverpool last week in the
Labrador. He will return with a bride
from Ireland.
The lacrosse club went to Bright
on. July 1st to play the club of that
place. The game resulted in four to
two in favor of Mitchell.
Robert Davidso n of the Hicks House
Mitchell was married at Sauble Falls
on the first of July to Miss Mary
Jewell, formerly of that town.
Chas. Pollakowsky's little mare
"Texas Minnie" of Mitchell, took- tieree
straight heats and won first money at
the Goderich races on Dominion Day.
Harsh purgative remedies are fast
giving way to the gentle action and
mild etfectslofCarter's LittleLiverPills.
If you try them, they will certainly
please you.
Judgment was given last week in
the appeal Logan small pox case, and
it goes against Mitchell and in favor
of Logan, as before. The judges
divided on the case three to one. This
only throws an additional cost upon
Mi tcheil.
On Tuesday of last week a happy
event occurred at the home of John
Vioughlin, of the tenth con., McKillop
when his third daughter Bridget, was
married to Martin Purcell. The cere-
mony' was performed by Rev. Dean
Murphy at Irtshtown.
The two men who were caught going
through Smith °&Bun's grocery store,
St. Marys, last Monday, were sentenc-
ed by J Woods .at Stratford on
Friday, one to three mouths in the
Central, and one to three months in
the county jail.
A pleasant wedding ceremony was
performed at St. Joseph's Church,
Stratford, on Tuesday, when Mr. Wm.
O'Brien, G. T. R. station agent at
Parkhill, and Miss Josephine Bart,
d.tughter of Mr. John Bart, of Stret-
ford, were made man and wife.
The late John Livingstone, of Lis-
towel, was at' his death the richest
roan in the county of Perth. His es-
tate was valued at $500,000. In addi-
tion to this his life was insured for
:500,000. Thirty-five years ago he
landed in Canada a poor Scotch lad
without a second suit of clothes.
Geo. Lark -worthy of Mitchell lost
his youngest son, a bright boy of eight
years. on Wednesday morning. The
young lad.was at school on Friday; on
Saturday he was taken with inflam-
mation, ou Sunday the doctors operat-
ed on him with little hope of satving
his life, and on Wednesday morning
he tried.
The gentlemen deputed to arrange
for an excursion to the Experimental
farm, at Guelph, under the auspices
of the South Huron Farmers' Institute
have succeeded in making very satis-
factory managements with the Grand
Trunk authorities. It has been de-
cided to have an excursion on Friday,
July 17th. On that day a special train
will leave Centralia on the south and
go by way of Clinton, stopping at all
stations between Centralia and Strat-
ford. The' rate, also, is very favorable
and will be about one dollar for the
round trip from all stations on the
London Huron and Bruce branch, and
about 00 cents on the Goderich and
Stratford district. The train will teach
Guelph between ten andeleven o'clock
a -id will leave in the evening about
al o'clock ; .
An accident occurred at the farm of
ob Grunder, Bruce county, on Tues -
by which Peter McDougall had a
lone broken and John McFay-
his head badly cut. Both men
well, and no serious results
den had
are doing
are antieip
There is to
election metho
exposed in the c
told about some o
to have been used b
are true, the courts s
job at once.
It is thought nowthat
have not a strong case ag
Parent and Charles Girard,
charged at Windsor witl
knowing Lillie Bissett. It is
that the girl is over 14 year
trial will be held next Tuesday.
Mrs. John Elliott, sister of C
John Gaskin, of Kingston, aged
years, was thrown from a carriag
Wednesday during a runaway and had
her arms broken and head badly cut
•£Lnd bruised. It is feared the injuries
are fatal.
k of the North Middlesex
ds being ventilated and
cents. If the stories
f the methods alleged
the authorites
ainst Adolph
. who are
Moved by T. 13. Carling, secondedby
W. Treble that J. W. Creech be ap-
pointed night watchman. Carried.
Taylor -Snell -That orders be grant-
ed: -T. 13issett $32 night watch service
to 2nd July, Geo. Ford $26 excavating
for tanks, Geo. Orr $1 labor, Wm.
Horn $1 do., S. Handford $18 street
watering, J. W. Creech $4 labor and
W.A.. Balk will $134 for tanks. Carried.
Carling -Treble -That tenders be
asked for -painting the dome and wood
work of the Town Hall tower. Carried.
A deputation from .Tames St. Chureh
waited on the Council re grauolithic
pavement fronting the chinele also re
fenre street. -Taylor -Carling -That
60 per foot be granted as the corpor-
ation share of the side -walk. Carried.
Moved by C. Snell, seconded by J.
Taylor-tliat 20c. per toot frontage be
raised for sheet watering. Moved in
amendment by T. B. Carlingeseconded
by W. Treble that 17c. he raised. The
/notion was declared carried.
The Clerk to order 700 feet of Hose.
The Council adjourned until Friday
the 17th inst. at 8 o'clock p. m.
M. Eecose-r,
25 cents cures Catarrhal Headache
'` " Incipient Catarrh.
Hay Fever
Catarrhal lJeafness
25 cents securee Cliase's Catarrh Oat Svite
Judge McDougall at noon Friday de -
I • dared W, F. Mc Lean (Con.) elected in
' East York by a majority of three
votes, AU those ballots which were
marked opposite McLean's name bit
not in the circle, were allowed, the
Judge holding that the voters' choice
was clearly evident.
After the Judge had given his de-
cision the returning officer for East
York declared McLean elected. Mr.
Frankland, the Liberal candidate, was
present, aud expressed his intention
of contesting the judge's decision.
Scrutiny of the ballots will be asked,
and the case will be laid before a Su-
perior Court Judge,
Rate Declared Elected.
The recount of the ballots in the
North Middlesex election took place on
Friday and Saturday. last, before
Judge Masson, at Goderich. The
ballots were carefully gone over, some
of the rejected. ones counted, while
others that had been counted, by the
deputies were thrown out. strangely
leaving Mr. Hutchins elected by a
majority of eight, as declared by the
returniug officer. The ballots marked.
outside the disc were not included in
the count, the Judge reserving his
decision for a few days. On Monday
he declared the ballots marked with-
out the disc as being good and showiug
the intention of the voter, and
declared Ratz (Lib,) elected by a
majority of 59. Of course th ere
is some doubt existing as to wbether
these ballots shoald be counted, the
majority of Judges before whom re-
counts have taken place, holding. that
a ballot marked outside the disc is not
a legal ballot; and until a test case is
made before the Supreme Court, Mr,
Ratz cannot comfortably fill the seat.
Mr. Hutchins has filed an appeal.
North-West Elections.
returns from Seskatchewa,n
elect Mr. Laurier by 43 majority.
D'Alton McCarthy's correct majority
in Brandon is 335. Full reterns from
Alberta elect Oliver by 784 majority,
the vote standing, Oliver 3,647, Coch-
rane 2,863. Winnipeg Liberals say it
is likely Mr. Laurier will sit for Sas-
katcheevan, and it is said - word has
been received from him to thet ef-
fect. In that case it is ptobahle be
would be returned by act:bun:Won
when offering for re-election, but Con-
servatives say that they will oppose
any local Liberal who might offer.
ElectIon Echoes.
. There will be a lament in North
Grey. ClarkOs majority is 28. There
were 188 spoiled and rejected ballots.
Altogether there were 5,124 votes cast,
in the. riding of a possible 7,064.
• Pa ers were filed with the Clerk of
the Co irt. at Sarnia on Saturday, de-
mandiu a recount in the East Lembs
ton eleeti n. The date for the recount
has not yet been •fixed.
The full returns from Sasketchewan
give Hon. M . Laurier 43 majority.
Craig, the second Conservative citnde
date Who lost 1 is deposit, receiving
200 votes, is respm sible for defeatiug
the nominee of the arty.
Sympathy with th misfortunes of
an out -going Mieistry might lead the
Goeerner-General to assent to its ap-
pointment of faithful s ppotters to
more or less conspicuous. pl tces iu the
civil service.
Ceneda does not expect Lord Aber-.
deen to interfere with Sir Charl s Tup-
per in the distribution of orc nary
patronage, because if Sirs'Ohaties Tup-
per's successors are dissatisfied, they
have the right, to empty the offices
which he fills.
Mr. Morin, the member -elect for
Dorchester, who is .claimed by the
Liberals as an adherent of Mr. Lanr-
ier„ has published a letter, stating that
be was elected as an iudependent
Conservative, and that he does • not
intend to support Mr. Ieturier in the
Last week was the begining of a new
year with Government officials,
such as the customs house, post office
and other such places, and the Govern-
ing six Ceinporary clerks at tbe customs
house, Toronto The order came from
Ottawa: The reason for this is. that
there are no fun& to carry cm the
buisness of tile cnuntry, andel]. super-
numeraries are to be dispensed with.
. Mr. Robert Birmingham, the Con-
servative organizer, whose name has
been Mentioned in connection with
several poSitions, states that he will
accept. no appointment. He proposes
to stand by his guus, and help te
thp 'may through the reverse
which it has met througb. the racial
fever in Quebec.
The further down hill the
sled goes the faster it speeds.
H there 13 danger ahead stop
at once, or soon you cannot.
Young girls often lose flesh,
become very pale and weak,
and can hardly continue their
school work. - Then is the
time to check downward
Scott's Emuision of Cod-
liver Oil, with Hypophos-
phites, acts a3 a brake to de-
clining life. The downward
course ceases, and the climb
upwards begins. At the top
awaits a new. lease of life.
Prompt action brings' prompz
5:-.:(enrs EMULSION has been endorsed by
tize ntr.liall profession ior twenty years. (Ask
yeer doctor.) This Is Inaaase it 16 always
tee ;serest Norwcpnan Ca:never Od and Hype.
ant cm. in so cent aria Siam Mesa. Tbe
small .eeze may be °slough Cuarb 3.-44e
eaiitgA et hap your baby.
A aeiegation representing tee Nes
requested permlesion to be heard, but
the sub -committee declined to hear
ally one oil any subject, and gave
J ust beeore the committee went into
executive seesion, Senator Hill made
-the statement that. there would be in
all mooaultity a great deal of dis-
elon of the proposed imancial plank.
expeets the, sub committee to be
in seseion several hours and hopes.
inuoeh arguments that will be ad-
vanced, that a coneervattve policy.
meal be pursued and se modifecation of
the otigInal intention of the silver
ieeders agr,ed to. un the other hand
iebs.tors Jones and Tillman made the
positive assertion that the financial
plamit shall declare tor the Lree and
graimited coinage of sliver at '.he spe-
sine ratio .of le to 1 in language that
cannot be nasunderstood and as
tereely expressed as it is poesible for
the commettee to formulate it.
Silverites Ahead at the Chicago
Bo Lack Twearliirds Mujority Taking it
as a Test note-Citainges and Accessions,
They Claim, Win Come Very Near
easing Them tile Necessary Number o;
etas a night From the Start-
Witere Must he a Free silver Candidate.
Ceicego, Ju'y 7.-1 he silver men have
won tee Met d.y'e liget in the Natien-
Lesilecraoc Convsatiom They rout--
beet:tor Lid, the nominee Of the Na -
:shoe ed the.. silver men to be 48 votes
short of a two teirds majority, taking
awsaas lett tivoote. But in many reepects
There acze eight votes of South Da-
hota, co.st for lila which on a square
ISbU,. 01 tree coinage will go tor sliver.
egainst ine silver candidate to day,
Wal be coented for the sever pialoorm.
The terreories, whieh on tee prelimin-
ary roll were given six seats but only
o. celenitea, nieh 410 tension at teen.
pet sent reeine.
essateet, ad.eittect :or the first erne to
te.:(10.it ..opeoLeu me puirielied ey
:this Will give the territories 38 votes
Instead M. 1., as ceet to day-, and all
ma. twee 02. thee.: vtoes teieasee. two
tutheu over Le tee b.:leer men be -
Jetsam.. s vote, en! it was- raur to
lour mi. titax, will be ea,en rive
..or writ:. end tnr ler beat her :leen;
end em.yielid, ea oh veseet L. gala alio
roar eLisee ou or.. J.. I -arum it ie raid,
silo et:ea.:al. in um elope/L.011 Oi 11111
Nor to Jive used .4,...,1. it, comes 10 vvt-
tateigh it win remam, as now, on 1.110
fail back upoe. A dems.on 111 Myer
tastricas in tato. state wilt cola era
utuer the unit rule, the Le gate votee
give a eta tweetherus raajtaity for tile
Weer men.
Chicago, July 7.-Thc result of to-
iree silver on tee boars (a: le ta 1, aiid
will be the noiniae oi Lite coeveueloa,
aiid the thither :,Irowlag teat tile
ao,Lera Loimara s w.11 accept teat de-
cision loyally Let eetementet,coliy
Laid will. go ilea toe nee
in suppoit of Ole party saibooletn.
The atria Las btceine, like Cuba, a
minor lesue, arid tile teisting et the
lion's tail, heiet. fore an import:let iier-
tYpe, has been eetliely kat eight of.
Tne wheie story is silver, aed for
the first time Natioeel Democratic
Convention New York is puseed con-
ciec..22L ,.•Sp,et Lame Senator
Len alid W. C. Wilitney. Se..ator Hill,
not only olerated, but to some sects nt
The other ci legetes, to paraphrase ae.
expression us d by leaLor Mack of Tee
Buftalo Tinies, are "Nut In it."
When the coil -entioa meets to -mor-
row its platform will have been de.
aided upon; the ust al routine features
will have been settled, and it may be
that at the eveniaa session a Presi-
dential nominee will be chosen. The
East, Lowever, is figetieg for time, and
grows strenger stitn delay It is to be
rememberci that it. requires twe-thirds
of the delegates to name a. ,andidate,
On to day's vote, as analyzea, the
free sliver peopls have the neces arY
utatn,o;nths.rtds.u,oiebsu, t they are clivi ed
Bland and Teller, and
ne one of I.h. se candldat s can get the
necestary vote. The (astern vote wilt
ver n.en sae coned thet the coulary
will go with them if the Populists will
j. In teem in a canaiSate, and they pre-
sent 2. cts end fieuree to show tae rea-
f nearly three hours
to rrght the gold hien, wire are nere
urder the leo.clerehip of Mr. Whitney,
",.ehat a committee of one or more
be amearited from each state to con-
fer with the people and report the.
temper concernina an orgatieeetIon of
the seund monee-D:mocracy and how
far such orga.nleatlon shoull go in
indepencitnt action for she election
next November."
Committee on reseauleons.
Chicago, July 7. -The sub-Conunittee
on Iteeolutieris had somewhat of a
stormy seselau to -night, the represen-
tative frum New Stoney movieg to re-
port to the full committee a platform
except the flea:idol plank, leaei g tout
to be fought out in the tun cohmettee,
as he cicslre.d that. tne greatest pub-
licity sloula be given to the discussien
on that eetai011. MS speech suppera
ing bis view was regarded by the sil-
ver meri as threetenit g to bolt," and
there was much exoeied talk. Senator
White weo was chairmak of the eUrn-
malient chairman c.f the convention,
Senator Jones of. Arkansas was chosen
as cheirman of the Committee 0.1 Re-
solution s.
The desire of the committee to shut
fest alien a motion WaS ruattl b.) as -
low any member desiring te submit a
platform plank five ininates en, which
to discuss the plank. It aas promptly
voted dowie members bet .g requested
informally to leaae their proposed
planks 'with the chairman. Thh, re -
vetted. in unlee,air g upon tbe table a.
very iarge variety of planks, chin{
menden inveetuant or Considerable
cliental in itainy River is.striet.
'Toronto, July 7.
Col. Engleduee tbe Eneeelt La leg ex-
pert who has been in towo for sev-
eral days, lett tor New York last
urn: 1,tattl,lai.vIreime. he will sail for Dogland
large milling properties Nortnern
ienelcdue Is chairman of the
South African Central Ise v elopmeut
izeo in 104 Wittl Capital, to. ellseuJe,
with the explora,tion and woraiag
irntsinpinigintpaii;op.orbliieecsLin South Africa. as
Owieg, however, to the recent dis-
turbarices in the Transvaal and neiga.
boring States the syndicate has tie-
cided to look elsewhere tor iavese-
ments, tor Its charter Is broad enougn
to allow it to open up and work mines
in any part ot the world.
Shortly after the company first coane
to this decision Col. Teesiedue was xn-
duced by Mr. A. M. Hay ot Port Ar-
thur, Ont., to come to Canada and visit
the Lake of the Woods region. Tne
colonel made a. careful examina.tion or
the Miltudo mines on Sweat Lake, and
WaS much pleased by what he found,
for assays of ore collected by hilasele
gave excellent resulte.
He then secured an option on the
property, but before closing the deal
had " check " as:ays made in Toronto.
These were completed oa Saturday by
Prof. Thomas Hays, 'who showea teat
the average yield of fine samples or
gold quartz was over $90 to the ton.
Upon receipt of this verdict Col.
cure the Mikado mines at time, and
then prepared to go to the Old Come.
try himself.
The colonel says he expects men 1011
be at work an his syndicate's new
claims shortly, and that other proper-
ties in the Rainy Paver (listing win
probably be bought up at once. He
appears to think that Canada is the
place for gold mining, wad asserts that
liniglish capital will avoid the Unitea
States as long as the uncertainty re-
garding the coinage of silver co Unues.
Col. Bngledue was aided in his ra.
searches bye the Ontario Bureau of
Mines, and call d to b.d Director Archi-
bald Blue good-bye before he left tor
List .or Those into bestinguislied Than -
selves 111. Itecont Second -Class Ex-
andealions at the Norma etatoois.
Toronto, July 7.
The following Is a list of the succesa-
ful candidates at the recent seoond-
class examinations held at the Ottawa
end Toronto Normal Schools:
Pass Candidates -Misses ▪ Amy, Bev-
ee.,Campbelele., (-rough, Derby, Doug-
las, Drewry, Laroogesiaa, Droogan,
etowla ay, Murray, alacDoegall, Mac-
ZoicGre.-ur, McKay, Nicol, Parkinson,
Paul, Philp, Preston, Purdy,
Smith, Tyner, Walton, Wetherut,
a. late, Wilean, 'Whitmore,
Messrs. Arxestrolie, Alexander, Bent -
Ley, Easanan., Gillis, Hail,
Bollingehead, Ivey, Jickiing, Loner..
Pabelski, Itchardson, Roberts, Thom-
Banting Cornea, naost, Macken, San-
derson' 'Watts.
Mesirse Gamble, Hedley, Johnstone,
Mchawan. Relyea, Robson, Turnbull,
Medalist -Mr. Asa W. Robson.
Pave Candidates -Misses B• att, nreck-
braith, Garden, G.sner, Gordon, E-,
Co.don, M., Graves, Halliday, Heake,
well, Ina arry, Miller. Morrison,
3., Marston, M., alowat, McAvoy, Mac -
:elven, aloC eels', McDonald, McIntyre,
McLachlan, leariauter, Ochenden. Phil-
lips, Purvis, Parks, Reid, Rogers,
Renal], Sabaton, Shaver. Smith, Som-
tterworth, Whistle; Woods.
Messrs. Brunning, Creighton. Doupe,
Fellis, Irwin, johnstor Mann, McKay,
MeNulty, S;augitter, nn 31, Stephenson.
Honor Candidates- iseee Arm-.
jenkins, Jennings, Pailloran, King,
Langton, Large, Livingstone, Mere-
ertson. Ito lovell, Shaw, Summer-
heyes, Weak, Wright.
al'e,ssrs. Brown, Chapman, Coultes,
T.)1x, Dryden, Ft r Gillespie. Hartley,
a -rev -kat% -Karr, Martin, mituesehidt,
Medallist -Mr. BIllton A. Sorsolell.
Rommel IA 14.h Thl.tr vem.
Mr. Henry Jones off Aivineton was de-
Faroyed by fire lest night. r.abe family
were aroused by the smoke, and bare-
ly got ,out with thsar 'lives. Nothing
saved.. lneurance only ena(le 3, Trol-
ley's resid nee was damaged to a small
eeterta the 1025 being COVercd by in-
er State of Neeraska, from New York
June 28 for thei Into. 001n.,
the. Clyde to (1)y and haat severe! of
aer plat stove a' "
Boston Artillerymen Choered
by the Britishers.
Strange Change of Feeling in the ?Rinds of
the British Populace Towards the -
linked States Since January Last -The
Boston Visitors Wive Done a Great Sere •
vice in Promoting Their Kinship with.
the Moilierland by crossing the Sea.
Liverpool, July 7. --Upward of 20,000A
Persons crowded the landing stage ande
the adjoining streets when the An-
cient and lionora.ble Artillery Com-
pany of Boston landed trom. the steam-
er Servia and cheered the visitors Se.
peatedly and with enthuslasra.
of marching to the Lime street Sta-
tion, the company hastened to thee
Riverside Station, In order to catell
SPeCiai train welch left at 4.50 p.m.,.
so that they. might arrive In London
in time to atterui the banquet which is
to be given in their honor this even-
ing, A deputation of the Honorable
Artillery Company, whose guests the
Bostoe CompanY will be during their
visit and the municipal authorities of
viietioes to the banquet in Loudon
to night are the Prince of Wales, the
Duke of YOrle, the Duke of Connaught,
Field Marshal Lord Wolseley, Com-
mander in cafe,: of the British Fereest
toin.tbe Itoeal Hospital Cheleeaa
Lord Saliebury, Prime Minieter, and.
ail the members at his Catenet, ex -
Premier Loed Resebery, and mom or
London, July 7. -The trip atom Liver-
pool to ties cay was uneveutful, but
upon the Lomat of the Auto:mons
here at Salo o mock to -night they
were the recipients of a resitarkaane
sseetre, tne London terminus
01, the Jodie:oil auti.Nortaweetern
way,, ovt.r %aloe/ the seemal tram of.
Many 04 the railway en.ployes were -
In :dee tee ereitais 01.0 emiteed upon
1,0 a view to therm Tne
titan was drawn dy two engines,
ot.ceed with American Lam .t.s it
roiled Into the etation the erowd teat
had aveemelc:d ereeted it with Iota,
and pratouged cheering. The rine band
04 the Loudon keonorabte
and as the Aneamans alightinaiditheY
a ere greeted with the strains eft Yan-
kee Dooule." A. number et officers.
of the London organleations Were Pre-.
suit to meet their gueeis.
et had been arraoged that the Am-
ericans ehould march. to the armoury
02 the Lonorable Artillery Company,
but the hour at 'Mitch they arrived'
was so late that th,s pan was aban-
doned, anti the waiting crowds were
efore greatly disappointed, Thirty
private canaluuees hao been secured,
and In these the visitors were driven
dense tor some
distance along the route that It was
iiepossible tor the hors.s to go fa.ster
than a walk. 'The reeepilon extended
to them by the crowd was, without
doubt, more enthusiastic than was
ever Let:re given to Arne:a:ens In this
city. As the oomieuses passed among
they were followed by continuous
eueering and tne waving- of handker-
chiefs. From the windows of nouses
along the route women waved slia.wls.
and caher articles of apperel.
The Americans were apparently de-
lighLed with the warmth of their re-
ceotion, and their features were
wreathed in smiles as they neard the
weiceming ef the London crowd. Tray
tuok ou their helmets and bowed re -
the cheers of the laitish. There is not
Lie sligntest doubt that the visitors
their visit a. memorable One.
ahe banquet was given at the Ara
meury ..Elvuze, Finsbury, the headquar-
ters of the London Company. The
Earl of Denbigh and Desmond, „Lieu-
tenant-Colonel of the Honotaele Ar-
Lieutenarit -Comment', er William S.
Cowles, naval attaches of tee Ameri-
can }embassy, General Patrick A. CoI-
L: ndon ; e.dmirai. Sir Francis McClin-
tock and Major-General Sir Francis
To ets were offered to the Queen, the
President of the United ntates Hatted.
the Priece of Wales, and. were drunk
ith all tile honors.
t ast to the American gu.sts, venom her
their visit to England would Inaugur-
ate an epoch of. peace and stauncaest
.11).Henry Walker, Commander
Creepany, made an eloquent response.
in. which he spoke of the kinship of tue.
Amtricans and British, and referied to
their stand ng shoulder to shoultier in.
the xnarch of civilization.
afro HO.PLP .71I0 IV LEFT.
Tete !emporia Manse PESSeS th0 DIIMISCS Of"
Aet, Which Ev.ellides Cana -
4151m Cautte Fronk Fait:tin.
London, July 7. -In the House o
Lords to day Baran Herechell, Lord
High Chancellor under the Govern-
ment of Lord Rosebery, moved aaring
the debate of the Liseased Animals -
Bill to empower the Privy Commit to.
leritish aelministrat on from the opera-
tic) of the act, upon the request of'
61010 . The House, engaged in a long
debate upon the motion, which was
finally rejected by a vote of 108 to 25.
n.'he beg:ming of the oeeration of the
Dieeased Animals Act Was fixed for'
2:0 IA (INT W.11Aracs.
Ile WM attack tle
Monsters In a. Torpedo-
peror ba
wha-les. When
f Norway It tw
oral whales..
ters in a tor-.
'goat Eyky
Berlin, July 7.-E
hp reaches the waters
h's inteetion to kill se
fie will approach the mon
Deets boat aies hurl what ar
lAvOigtelioehlt.at. them.