Exeter Times, 1896-7-9, Page 1TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. No 33, HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAYMORNIpG, JULY 9th, 1896. ••••agiNON•11!/•••••••••W e have re - c. eived a shipment of Crockery and Glassware c o n - ti sting of Dinnex and Tea. Sets E te. Prices lower Berry Sets, Etc" HMO ifft ban ever, elleseaseseasseneaese Business is good with us, but our -ambition is not satisfied. We want to do more. WE WANT YOURTRADE. We are doing our utmost to merit it. Last spring we gathered together the best stock that experience, energy and cash could gather. We marked the sellitig prices as close as possible, mak- dng allowance of course for expenses, and something for ourselves, not very mueb, because our turnover is large and a little on the whole does for us. But pow that the Spring season is past and summer is here, we are wil- ling to pert, with a great many lines in different departments at just what, they cost us and in some cases con- siderably less than cost. These de- partments are especially interesting:— MI LL1N ERY.—In order to make a clean sweep we are tvilling to drop a lit tie money, and will sell Hats &ming th e next two weeks at JUST HALF P RICE.—Remember we have no old :g oods, itll new and seasonable. We'leNOCili1110111 Dress Goods, Prints, Eto. 39e Fancy Dress Materials, now23c 25c Blue Cashmere, Prints, Challies, Muslims " 50 12e Teazle Cloths at, "Pareissols,Sleirt`'Wetists,Erri broiderice arid lleetces.--All to go at clearing prices. MEN'S AND BOYS GLOM - 1 NG —Mens's Suits $4.05, Boys Suits •$1.50, Men's Tweed Pants $1-25, Boys Pa.nts 40c. R. S. FORD &CO Stephen. COTT„-:Dm.—Council met at Crediton .July 0. 1800. All xnembers present. J. Sherrett and S. Sweitzer to attend to Allister bridge. --R. Hicks, H. Either and S. Sanders to see what can be ,done on 1st S. R., 13 and 14 con. -11. Eilber to see to G. Glanvtlle s drainage case.—Resolved thee the Reeve siga thee, teere, after which Council to ad- journ, t� 1st Monday in August at 2.— , All school requirements must be hand- ed to clerk on or before said meeting. —Trustees in sending to me the amounts they require will state the full amount they require, ani the number of teachers employed for whole, or part of year, and. what part, or give the general amount and special, so distinctly that I env know ex- actly the amounts needed.—Be par - tic able and dual neglect to send to me by August meeting,. 0. PROUTY, Clerk. acatooe REPORT.—The following is a correct report of S. S. No. 3, Stephen, for the month of June. The names are in order of merit—V, Fred San- ders; Sr. IV, Henry Beaver, Herman Beaver, Geo. B tgsha,w, Geo. Sanders, Sid. Sanders; Jr. IV, Ida ;Tory, Olara Stanlake, Sam Jory, Dan Sanders, Eddie Beaver, Luther Penhale; Jr. III, Mary Sztnders, Richard Glanville, Clin- ton Sweet; Sr. II, Lorena Ford, Fred Dearing, Stella Penhale, Henry Kestle Marshall Box, Chas. Sanders; Jr. II, Herbie Ford, Alonzo Ford, Roy Par- sons, Homer Bagshaw, Asa Penhale; Pt. II Sr., Vera Sanders, Clara Beaver Nelson Senders, Jennie Sanders: Pt. II Jr., Minnie Sanders, Linea JorY, Viola Penhale, Hattie Willis, S:tdie Willis, Willie Triebner. The best spellers for the mouth are:—IV and V Henry Beaver; II and III Mary San- ders; pt. II Vera Sanders. Number of names on the roll 45, average attend- ance 38.9. W. B. BAGSRAW, Teacher. .TUST WEAT'S NEEDED. Beet ainiS thousands of people who have taken Hood's Sarsapaxella atthis season of the year, and who have noted the suecess of the medicine in giving them aged from that tiled feeliug, waning appetite and state of extreme exhaust- ion after the close confinement of a long winter season, the busy time at- tendant upon a large and pressing business during the spring months and with vacation time not some weeks :distant. It is then that the building - up -powers of Hood's Sarsaparilla are fully appreciated. It seems perfectly adapted. to overcome that prostration, • caused by change of season, climate .or life, and while it tones and sustains the system, it purifies and vitalizes the :blood. , -- . J and comfortable home.—Haying is IV owing are the market quotations. BitiEP'S.--The annual picnic at the about done and the noise of the binder Allieat Barley Oats Jo to 20 70 to70 Mountain was a, grand success. Pro- will soon be heard. ceeds amounted to over $50 and will N. Pe.as Ray 45 toi5 ?At ee be applied to church improvements.— . _ Intel:mood.. Butter $10.00 to $12.00 9 • 9 t 0 9 Geo. Robertson, sr., and Mrs. George BeesRobertson, jr., of Stratford were visit- BRIEFS.—R. Cook, from Salable Timothy seed ...... .... ....S2.50 to S2.75 ing friends here last week. — John River, spent the past few days with Clover seed . .$5.50 to s5.75 Hamilton, of London, father of F. R. his old friends in the village.—Mrs. W. Bareos.--J. Wilkie purpoees moving Hamilton is visiting friends in this H. Birk, who is staying wit1t her sister to Londesborough this week. We are vicinity.—Mrs, W. Bell, who has been in Exeter, was in the village on Sun - sorry to lose such a good citizen as Mr. laid aside for some time past with in- day last. She intends taking a trip to Wilkie. --Mrs. S. A. White, of Detroit fiammetion is able to be around twain. Manitoba and North West.—Mr. and 0 Mrs. Henry Kellerman, from Elkton, Mich., have been visiting friends and Centralia. Rensale Cromartysee to it that their pastor has A good Baxeas.—Mr. Krause and daughter Lillie, of Nebraska, are here on a visit. —Elijah Colwell left on Wednesday evening for Manitoba.—Miss Abbott, of Kincardine, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Davie.—Mr. Delgaty Was at the Bead presiding over the entrance and leaving examinations.—Miss Ken- nedy, who Was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Walter Fero, has loft for home.— Mrs. French, of Clinton, Was in the village this week.—Geo. Windsor has purchased & first class thorough bred Jersey cow et a costly stme—Misses tKva and May Pyna. spent Sunday at bonie.—Rev. W. H. Butt will preaeh to the. Orangemen ou Sunday evening. The Strawberry festival on the lst was a suceess, about, $17.3 being cleared.—The concerb et night was of the finest ever given, over $20 being made. LTsborne COUNOIL.—The council met on the 4th inst., as per adjournment,. All the menThers were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The assessor made returns or the equalization of three union school sect- ions. Keedy—Hunter—That Miners be paid $3 for service in equalizing union S. S. Nos. 8, 11 and 13. Carried, Hunter—Delbridge—That the bill presented by Mr. JJ. Cornishfor keep and care of deserted child, alumina. ing to $1, be sent to the mother of said c b ild foe mermen t. Carried, 4. large number of orders mostly for gravelling and culverts were granted on motion of A. Huakin, seconded hy W. Reddy. The vouncil adjourned to meet again Saturday, September fith at 1 p. m. GEO. W. Hoietreri. Clerk. Allem Craig. --- Ban:In.—Rev. Mr. Anderson, former- ly of St. Andrew's Church, Nalre, is visiting his friends in the vicinity of Nairn and Ailsa Oraig.—Dr. George. Stewart, of East Saginaw, Mich., is visiting his brother and sister here, A. 0. Stewart and Mrs. David Stewart.— At the last regular business meeting of the Y. P. S. 0. E. of the Presbyterian Ohuech here, passed. a resolution, carried unanimouely, that a two metithe vaattion wonld be a beneet to the society. —About 50 of our vil- lagers acconepanied the fire brigade to rarest, to witness the firemen's name beeween Strathroy, Petrone, St. Marys and Wingham. Ailsa Craig *on first meney, $103; St Meeys, second, $W; Wiughm ewon the hook and ladder race, $30; no second prize. --We are pleased to notice that J. H. McKay, general merchant, is able to be ouli again with the aid. of cratches, After beingconfined to the house for several weeks.—Miss Maggie Campbell, -public school teacher, of Uxbridge, arrived home Tuesday for her holidays.— Rev. D. L. Dewar left Wednesday for the Lower Provinces, where he will spend his vacation. Mr. Dewar will be absent for two months.—Rev. Mr. Smith will occupy Mr. Dewar'S Car pulpits both here and. in lisle dur- ing his absence.—Miss Joan Campbell is home for her vacation. Miss Camp- bell has been teaselinga public school neer St George for the past two years. H. A. &hoof, formerly of the Ansa Craig public school, but Low of the Toronto school staff, is visiting friends and acquaintances in the village.—There was quite an excite- ment in the village abont 6.39 Tues- day evening. While a.number of .the firemen were doing ample justice to their appetites after their day's work, an insurance inspector asked one of the -councilmen to sound the fire alarm, without tbe knowledge of the firemen. In. a few minutes the streets were alive with men, women and children. t The fire brigede had 300 feet of hose I laid and had. water flowing from the nozzle of the hose in less than. five minutes. is visiting friends in town.—Mrs. De- —Haying is alm,ost over again for an - Lyon has been spending a few days io other season. The crop WAS light on London.—J. Short, of Centralia, has most farms. — The long continued been spending a fewdeys withrelatives dry weather is seriously affecting the in the village. His father Mr. J. Short, root and spring crops,—Mr. and Mra returned with him.—R. Bengougla is D Allison, leave this week for their building a neat dwelling on the west future home in Manitoba. side of the railway track.—Quite a number of the seholars of our public schools are this week writing for the terand Bend leaving examinations, at Exeter,—The BRIEFS.—The weather is real cool Methodist Sabbath school held their this week, and the lake roue-h.—Do- an-nue], pic-nic on Teesday, iu G. In- minion Daypassed off nicely here, grain's wood. An enjoyable tinie was thousands visited tm, and the lake was spent.—T. J. Berry shipped from this splendidforboatineacoaldnothavebeen station on Friday last a car load of fine better.—The geeat political storm of horses for the American market.— of the election is nearly over. The re - Joseph Case returned home on Setur- count of North Middlesex elected Mr. day last from his trip to the old wan- Retz by a mejority of fifty-nine.—Mr. try, and reports aline passage.—Quite !Hardy, of Exeter, is here rebuilding a number were present at the raisieg , the Whisky bridge and will soon of Mr. G. McEwen's flax barn on Tues- , have it completed.—Mr. Hamilton has day eyeningof last. week. It was clerk his stock nearly all sawed up,—Fall before the work was completed, but a wheat harvest has contmencecl and number of our citizens male their ap- the grain is a good planap sample.— pearance on Friday at 1 <'clock and Mr. Ware Oliver, while delivering completed it The framers are rush- , twine to some of his customers, took a ing it through, and it will be ready in tumble out of the waggon and. hurt tinve—It, is calculated th ttfl tx pulling himeelf pretty badly.—The camping will commenee on or about July 13t1s. , grounds are now being inhabited. The —Mr. 13, Eacrett, of London, spent last to arrive was J. Ready. of St. Sunday at his father's residence, near Marys. Sexsmith—While shoeing a horse ' belonging to Mr. S. Ingram, Mr. C Zurich. e1 tnns susteinee. a kick n ?.ar the ankle, which laid him up for a while. He is ; Barens.—Our boys were somewhat now ou the mend.—James Beattie, of disappointed in not playing a game of Clinton, took possession of the Cons- • bell on the 1st with the Indian base ball Inertial hotel on Monday and is now I team.—Mrs. Andrew Johnston (nee quite at home. Mr. Hodgins has moV- !Rate Deichert), is at present in the ed his family into a residence adjoin- village visiting relatives and friends.— ing the hotel. W. J. eleKay has Mr. Fink, who has been foreman at spent the past week in Exeter, as pre- the flax raill, has moved to Exeter siding examiner.—Harry Fear, of where he will engage in the seine Londesboro, visited friends in town . work. --Mr. °oak and the Misses Cook, this week. —License Inspeetor Paisley, Sheffer and Hotham, of Hensall, came of Clinton, was in town M mity, out on their bicycles Friday evening assisting Mr. Beattie to take stock of and paid Miss E. Steinbach a yisit.— the hotel furnishings. Mr. Weismiller Mrs. Weitzel, of Dashwood, was the acted for W. A. Hodgins.—The Misses gnest of Mrs. Preeter on Sunday.— Sheffer, Cook and Hotham awl Corn Miss Francis Pairstein is visiting her Cook, wheeled to Zurich Friday last sister vt'l".g'.—Misses Clara and and spent a pleasant evening with Pearl,' lc:A-ea:were visiting friends friends there.—Dr ThOMAOn 8ce0W.• r in Hedge the a rii'sday.—After a three panted John McKay to the Lem:lout week e vieleWilerlin, Misses Lydia and he nit tl, 1:tet week for treetarant. Tillie Faust have returned home.— EliiithethTliompton, of lef ty to wnehip, Rev. Kerr preached his first sermon on died last week, at the age of 7d years. Sunday afternoon and. left a yery —Rev. Wilson was metaled on Wed- !favorable iinpression haleind. nesday to a lady out of town, whose Will Hess started for Indiana on his name we have not learned.—The S. S. wheel Monday: We hope he may picnic Tuesday was a success.—Mr. have a pleasant trip.—W. Finkbeiter Sheffer supplied refreshments for the 1 wen be found at his old place at C. picnic at Orotnarty hest week.—The Hartleib's hiecivvare store having re - Oran (Yemen am making preparations Iturned from his vieit down east. —The to go to Goderich on Monday next.— members of the Evangelical Sunday Miss V. Smith, Miss Oolemen and Ischool are busy preparing for their Oliver Coleman, are camping at the annual Children's Day celebration. Bend.—Miss Hunter, of Bsussels visit- ed the Misses Sm. tllacomb:-. over Sun - Woodham. William McGregor, of Shakespeare, who fell down_ stairs on Jime 22, died the following day, the shock, together with his advanced age, being too much for him. There 'is said to he no doubt abtout the removal of the Bain wagon works from Brandford to:Woodstock in the course of the next few months, They are expected to occupy the now idle Patterson works. George Martin, of concession 6, North Easthope, found a dead mole on the road near his farm the other day. The species was new to him. The animal had projections which gave it the shape of a star. • GOTO JONI. 11116•••••••,[1•111.111. day.—Croquet playing is still the rage. The team is still open for challenges.— Berry picking is popular witi the house -wife these days. The crop will soon run out if the dry weather con - tenses. Brocefield -- Last Monday, while raising, a barn Charles Trelfry fell off the billeting in- to the cellar, a distance of about 2.) feet, and was badly hurl, about the arm, shoulder and head. Work has been beguo on Mr. Dixon's hotel. Mr. Henenen, of Exeter, has the contract for the brick work, and Mr. Welsh, of Hensell, does the frame work. The banding is to be complet- ed. by the first of Oetober. Kipreen. BRUDFS.—Grasshoppers are making sad havoc of the pasture • fields.—Mr. Squires, of Bright is visiting his daughter, Mrs. H. Hicks, of this vil- lage.—john Germ of Minnesota, is visiting his eister, Mrs. Peter Day- monte and other friends. Mr. Garey BRIEFS.—Rev. Mr. Nethercott left for England on Thursday, where he goes to visit an aged mother and other relatives. A post card written on board the ship 'Vancouver", in- forms as that she is on her way dowa the noble St. Lawrence. We wish all on board. it pleasant trip across the old Atlantic, and safe return.—We are sorry to report the death of Mr. end Mrs. John Theorno, 4th line Blau - shard, one year old baby boy. We all join in sympathy with the bereaved parents. —Our newly fitted. up flour mill is now in full swing, and gives good satisfaction both in flour and chopping. The proprietor being a thorough miller he will : no doubt gaiu a good reputation among tbe farmers of this grain growing garden of Ontario.—The number of teams comingall day long makes it quite i lively n the village.—Our Orange fraternity will attend divine service on Sunday next, the 12th. Our oldfriend Thos. E. Sawyer, will occupy the pulpit, and on Monday an excursion is announced for, but owing to some is still looking fresit and rugged, not- hiteh in arrangement we cannot, say ivithstandiug that ie is 22 years since to what place they go. Likely to he moved from here to that state. He Goderich.—Our band, one of the hest notes many changes here during that time.—The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Batts, 0,yprus, Manitoba, mach to the pleasure of the day.— will be sorry to learn of the sad. Alonzo Miller inteuds building a house affliction thee has befallen their eldest somewhere uear the saw mill during boy of 15 years, in losing his eye sight the summer.—Miss McConnell, mil - from an attack of measles. liner at R. S. Ford & Co's., left on Monday to spoud leer holidays at home in Walkerton. JUIN wareit & SONS. Publishers and Proprietors guy.= County Notes Mr. Reynolds' Cemetery Superin- tendent, of Olintion who has been ill so long resumed his duties on Monda.y, Thos. Walker and wife, of the Huron road, near Clinton, have gone on a two months' visit to friends at Virden, Man. One afternoon recently Thos. Mash, of Gorrie while shooting ata crow received a kick from the gun which broke his collar bone. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Scott, of Sea - forth, last week celebrated the sixtieth relatives iti and around the village,— Oxford Shoe* viriversary of their wedding Mrs. H. Hall wasthe guest of Mrs. J. led ere werefourgenerations represent - clay, Uwe, yatapk ....1 ir,.. . gaup Him last week. Mr. Lewis Miller, ' 1 ONE OF THE FINEST Selections of Window Shades in t town can be found at the Mutet Store. We ca.n suit you in qua color and price. We have the very newestln who has been Successfully studying We understand that Mr. Christo- for the ministry in lpher Miller, near Zurich, who recently Springfield, Ohio, but who is now laboring in Michigan, had ten head of cattle poisoned, had is home visiting his mother and other another steer and it sheep poisoned a relatives.—Henry Neuschwanger has few claire age. raised his houee end is putting a new Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and foundation under it, which adds great- Mrs.Alexander Broaifoot, of Seaforth, ly to its appearance.—Hoffman .Bros. on account of the death of their little have taken the contract for building son and only child, which took place the Lutheran parsonage. — Henry on Saturday evening last, after a very Reese intends building anew- house for brief illness. himself on the lot next his shop, the 'Word has been received of the coming week.—A bus load from here death in Portland, Oregon, on the 7th went to Logan last Tues lay, to attend of June, of Mrs. Henry MeElsander. the Missionary festival which washeld Deceased was a daughter of the late there.—The flax palling gang started John McGregor, of Kippen, and was °AilsonmFirmidtazy, ofrfolnasit Tw,,(viskt.0-21,r.waenr de ed by all who had very highly esteem the pleasure of her acquitintaoce. spending Dominion Day with friends• and relatives at Grand Bend.—Misses Sanders= of tbe 8ra con - Maud of Stephen, is having a new Maud and Mary Nadiger, front Detroit, briek house erected. Mr. Sanders now are home visiting- their parents a,t resides in probably the oldestlog laoese present.—Mr. and Mrs. Chas Dintz, in Huron, it having been erected. 53 who have been visiting friends in the years ago. Mr. Bagshaw hasadso corn - village, have again returned to their home in Mich.—Julia Moser has left ethneueer.ection of a fine house on for her home in Newton.—John Hofthe - fman was in London on business A.. R. Mc Rae, of Detroit, eldest son Tuesday.—Mr. Roese, of Tavistock, is of Mr. Arthur McRae, of Clinton, has employed In the Hoffman Brie's. been successful in piissing his medical factory.—Henry Willert has purchas- examination ut, Detroit Medical Col - ed a new cab for $200.--3. Kellerman lege, and also succeeded in carrying off has sold his driver to Rev. Banned, of the diploma; out of 100 students who Zurich, for a good figure.—Peter Mc- wrote, only 25 passed, tuad Mr. McRae other e day.lostAonefotfeLhisstJuly,blacn khorses oursedsthbet A ledttlithe all. g examination of the from over driving. --J. Kellerman ship- Ontario Agricultural College, Mr. W. ped on Tuesday morning last 1,312 Its J. Elliott, of Seaforth, passed his first of raspberries.—Ned Welden has eni- years' examination, while the follow- ployed L. Zenmer, from Peterboro, as nag passed their final examinations, blacksmith.—A second dose of paris and were awarded the degree of B. S. green has been laid for Ohristolmer A.: James Atkinson, Egniondville; T. Miller's cattle from which one three F. Patterson, Lucknow, and A. C year old died. He has now lost eight wilseee Greeewate head in all.—Mr. Scott, front the tEd. Jarman, of Tuckersmith,has one Grand Bend, lam -moved into the up- or the finest fields of -six -rowed barley stairs of C. Fritz's shoe shop. to be found any place. The heads are large and well filled, while the crop is Middlesex Oounty Notes. a heavy one and the straw extra loag. By actual count several of the It is feared that James Ross, a heads contained 75 grams, while some native of the Township of East Wil- of the stalks measured over fivefeet. lianas, and a brother of Ae W. Ross, The Presbyterian church at Kintail ax -M. P. for Lisgar, has committed was on 'Wednesclavof last week, the suicide. He disappeared Sunday night; 'scene of a very, interesting ceremony. ,and lefe letters to the effect that lie- when two .popular ayoung ladeee wAmilsdp enotta bfer osiegehnt trainarguaninn n g from Miss Jennie Cowan was wedded to Rev. of the cougregation were married. Stratford to Sarnia, met with an acca W. R. Mcintosh, ofAllandele, and Miss dent Saturday night between Granton H.ette McIntosh became the wife of Mr. and St. Marys, by the car next to the A. A. Goodlia,nd, of Detroit. van jumping the track and tearing What might have proved it serious things up generally. No one was hurt, accident happened a few days sesce to but traffic was delayed for over four a young son of Chas. Williams, Malt - hours. land con. Goderieh township. The Mr. Walker, of , Thorndale, had a little fellow was playing around a large cow lately which had all the appear- kettle of water and in some unknown ance of rabies. The cow was in a, wild way fell in and had it not been for the condition, and finally she was killed. timely arrival of his sister he would The cow injured Mr. Walker, and he have been beyond resuscitation. now lies, it is reported, in a precarious condition. In the vicinity a sheep and For some time past H. Sweet, of Goderich township, has noticed a dim - dog, supposed victims of rabies, had inution in his fowl and one morning been destroyed. It is thought tbe dog had bitten both the cow and sheep. last week the thief was sighted in the form of a large mink. carrying a hen. And this should be a caution about Mr. Sweet and his companion chased this time to be on the lookout for rabid dogs. him into aneighboring clump of bushes As John Niblock, of the 18th con- where he treated it to a liberal supply of shot, which no doubt killed it. cession of West Williams, was unload- ing a load of bay the other day, the On Saturday evening last, Andrew rope broke, a large putty hook strik- Duucan and his son, William, of Start- ing Mr. Burdick an a,ssistant, a severe ley, were assisting the framer in rais- blow on the heith, felling him to the ing a sill for Mr. Duncan's new barn. ground and rendering him insensible. Having succeeded in placing one end Dr. Ovens was hastily summoned in position, they endeavored to raise to attend to the injured man. the other, when in some unaccount- On examination it was found that the able manner it swung off thejack, fall - skull was not fractured, and it is ex- inga distance of ten -feet and. striking pected that Mr. Burdick will be around William Duncan on thehead a,nd back. in a few days. Rachael Newell, the bright . little 2 - year -old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Newell, of 'London, died at 5 o'clock it. in. Monday of blood poison- ing. The child had been ill only a week, but she suffered intense pain in the order!, is making considerable during the last three days, when it be - preparation, and will no doubt add j came plainly evident to the attending physicians that recovery was impos- sible. A week ago .Friday the little tot cam e running into the house, and partly removing the stocking from the right foot, called attention to a white blister on the ankle, which she said had been caused by a bite. Turpentine was applied, but no further heed was paid to the bite for three days, when the foot began to swell. Physiciaus ChleelhUret. NUPTIAL.—Another of those happy events which cause excitement and speculation among our young people, took place on Wednesday of last week at the residence of Wm. Sinclair. It was the tuarriage of Miss Mary Meters to E. Gardiner, of London. At 2.30 p. m. they were invited to the la,wn, The Foonie,s Foolliar Gasil storo Misshe b Nen,sominedolhoSeaafsor the, Meters, the hride's brother, assisting tbe room. . The knot was securely tied by Rev. Mr. Walker. After manyhearty congratulations and wishes of the best kind to Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, they took the train for London, where they will reside. NOT THAT Ki ND. Scat's Emulsion does not debilitete the stomach as other cough medicines de; but on the contraree it improves digestion and strengthens the stomach. Its effects are immediate and pro- noanced. For your Binder Twine. They have the biggest assortment of different qualities ever -placed before the public such as PURE MANILLA, DOMINION 'SISAL, STANDARD AND AMERICAN SHEAF BRANDS. The best Twine at the lowest spot prices. ALO Guaranteed strictly pure PARIS GREEN at .:200 per lb. We are now prepared for the big fruit crop. --Jars, Fruit Jars-tator.---, Quarts and Half Gallons at greatly reduced prices, BROWN & PREEIrEFt o t Ceeetelteett cerle aeat eeet att re es- ,61'11] Chatige w T from Winter, Heavy goods in Boots & Shoes, to Spring and summer --wear is now the or- der of the day., If you need any our stock is now complete. Many lines to select from and at prices that will. satisfy you. In Men's, Boys, and Youths' Fine Goods everything is up to date. Ladies', Misses' and. Childrens' in Dong•o- las, Oxfords, Bals and buttons. We have Was elected to succeed Mr. Gregory as everything in stock that you require. Space president of the Ecinvorth League. — multOO,Sat co it is to be hoped that the people wall 13nines.—The Sunday School Anni- versary and raspberry festival was as usual a decided success, the total pro- ceeds amounting to $135. On Sunday, .moraing and evening, acceptable ser- mons were preached by Rev. Geo. Jewett to crowded congregations and in the afternoon a ma,ss meeting of the scholars was addressed by Mr. Delgatty of Centralia, the programme being completed by recitations by thescholars and singing by the school. The choir did excellent service morning and evening. On Wednesday Jnly 1st a large crowd assembled on the picnic grounds and after listening to achlress- es by Rev'. L. Bartlett a former assOei- in the flesh, firmly, part of the nail teemed m the church, the Sabbath ate pastor and our present pastor Rev. had to be removed before the splinter school and the social circle. George Jewett all partook of rasp- could be extinguished. Monday morning Grand Trunk Station Agent Jeorge Hogarth, of Otterville, committed suicide. He purchased a revolver aria cartridees. then retiring to a pine bush near r station, he put one ball through hi brains, On him was found a K. O. T. M. pass -book and $150 in cash. In the book was written' of living with an unfaithful wife." Hogarth was formerly employed at the Brassels station, and was appointed to Otter- ville one week ago. His father is station agent at Kincardine, and his brother operator atealseeteee The Godericb council will submit three by-laws to the electors of the town on the 15th inst., One is for twelve thousand dollars to erect a stand pipe and to carry pipes into the lake, to obtain Lake Huron water for the town. Another is for six thousaud for an incandescent electric light systens, and the other is for twenty thousand for the construction of per- manent sewers. The Council of Hay have, very pro- perly, decided to offer a reward of $50, this sum to be supplemented by a similar stun by Mr. Miller, for such information as will lead to the detection and conviction of the party or parties who spread Paris green in were called, and they .pronomeced the the pasture fiel of Mr. Christopher Miller, resulting in thecleath of several case 'one of blood poisoning. Every - of his cattle. It is hoped the reward thing possible was done to save the child's life, but it was of no avail. The will be instrumental. in bringing the bite is supposed to have been made by culprits to j it black spider. The many friends -of .Mr. and Mrs. A pea and thimble operator did a John Parish, who tvere for many years respected residents of McKillop, win farmer out of $85 at the Tilsonburg he pained to hear of the death of their races, and a lad out of $15. eldest daughter, Miss Sarah, which Ayoung ladyin Arthur townshiphad sad event took place at theirnewhom e to call on a doctor to relieve her of in Boissevait, Manitoba, on May 15tis. the intense suffering caused. by a large When the deceased young lady left splinter under her thumb nail, driven here she was in the bloom of healtb. there while scrubbing As the splinter and by reason of her amiable manner was longer than the nail and it stuck and moral worth, she was highly es - berries and other good things which the ladies of Elirnville know well how to provide. All seemed to havea good time and results are very satisfactory to the school managernenta-Rev. Mr. Ashton, owing to the 'death of his sister, did not arrive on the circuit un- til Saturday last and began his work last Sunday.—School has closed for holidays and J. A. Gregory will be absent for tune —Muss Ella Halls will not permit us to quote prices. Call and rhe parsoliage nee renovating and see for yourself. • ' SURE TO WIN. The people recognize and appreciate real merit. That is why Hood's Sar- saparilla has the largest sale in the world. Merit in medicine means the power to cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures --absolutely, perina,nently cures. It is the One True Blood Purifier. Its superior merit is an establishecl feet, and merit wins. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to erateh Oterebedigestiont headache, Prices 75. V, $1,25, $1.50, $1.75, and $2,25, Turnip Seed, Skirvings P. Top, Hall's Westenwees, Elephant or Monarch, Settoti's Champion. All at prices away down. J., P. Ross One Honest Man. Dear Editor. —Pleaseinform your read- ers, that if written to eonfidentiallyti will mail in a sealed letter, particulars of a genuine, honest cure, by which was perman ently restored to health arid intmly vigor, after years of suffering front nervous debility, sexual weake ness, night losses and weak shrunken parts. I was robbed and swindled by the quacks until 1 nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank heaven, I am now. well, vigorous and etrong, and wish 10 make this certain means of mere known to all sufferers, bay.° nothing to sell, and -want no looney, bat being a, firm believer in the uni- versal brotherhood of man, I am desir- ous or helping the unfortunate to re- gain their health and happiness, X promise you perfect secrecy and as 1. do not wish to expose inyself eiti er, please address, simply: P. O. Box London, Ont. • Aln. 4.111..r Al•••••• Hibbert - — 13atiFSS.—R. Fuller went to Torento last week tvith a car load of fat -cattle. —Mrs. Norris and Miss E. WU= leave to -morrow for their homes in Dakota. --Mr. and. Mrs. Near and family, spent the greater part of Jut week visiting friends in. the vicinity OT St. Marys. .During their absence cyclone seems to have struck and up- set their out -buildings, doing consideet able tiamage.—Max. Gray hits bean laid -off for some time on account age, epteehied anklet -School closed Tuesday last. It is expected that the new school house will he finished in time for the opening of next school term.—The Salem foot ball team boys seem elated over their success at Dub- lin on the ist. They succeeded itt getting half the filet money. They. certainly did well to oppose the Sea - forth team successfully for one and a half hours. We expect to her more of them in the fall. The Mitchell lacrosse club went ..to Bright on July 1st, beating that dab 4 to 0, after a well-pla,ved match. Th play in Seaforth on Tuesday of ne week. Geo. Beck's fruit store at Iogersoll, was damaged by fire to the extent cif about $700 on Saturday morning early. He, with his wife and four little child- ren, made their escape from a second - storey window along. a ledge behind the sign, to the adjoining building, In their .night clothes. FORCE OF HABIT. LONDON PEOPLE RAVE BECOME MED TO TEE GREAT SPECIFIC Rsninmr. London June 0. —The despatch female Detroit with reference to the cure front Bright's disease an d blood poison of Mit. Langley, of this city, by the use 01 Dodd's Kidney Pills, has recalled the wonderful facts of the case to the citizens, among whom Mr. Langley is tvell known. It has reminded therm that Mrs. Langley among others Also made an equally vsonderful recovery. The use of the pills however has becotne so universal here. and there has been so many instances in which they haw been used with beneficial results that a similar case would hardly excite ius much interest now as it did then when the medicinewas less known. We Invite Every buyer of Furnitare to call and see us We will save you monev- ux PARLOR 8E, BEDROOM °G DININD ROOM SET, 01101' IRO Min We have a large stock of Picture Frarae Monlding on hand, also Win- dow shades, at a bargain. Our Undertaking Department 'le omelete. 1Ve guarantee satisfaction n this line, both in quality and priee Our Planing 31111 19 now ranting full blast. Parties in need of buildifi.g material, such as DO:r3S, SASH, FRAMES -i- t± AND MOULDINGS should give us a call. We are now making it specialty of Wire Screen Doors just nOW made to order.. HOFFMAN BOOS. Furniture Dealers, I.Indertakers and Clbn