HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-7-2, Page 5eiramsmaireasearessaaas
House For Sale.
Li;k.L',► EXETER T1 AL Fa tti,•.
Aframe college, on Andrew street, north of
James street church, recently occupied by Dan -
Jet Davis. To he rcn.ovccl. Apply to,
To Farmers and Others.
I have IO0 thousand good 3 in. Tiles, tree
from limestone, or cracks, will bo Bold for the.
next2 mouths at $8 per thousand cash. Also
some 5 in. Tiles at 8.18 per thousand cash.
Woodham Tile Yard,
OUT 1 Tins OUT and return to as
with Five Cents.
in silver. and'you, will get by return mail, A
GOLDEN BOX OF GOODS that wilt bring
you in more money in one month, than any-
thing else in Anerzea.
A. W. KINNEY. MT, Yarmouth, N. S.
WANT i'El___-Teaeberl and College stu-
dents, nlen or women, to
engage with ns during vacation, at something
entirely new. Can pay as high as e200.O5 for
the full term. Scores having operated during
naeittion,heving engaged permanently on our
Mfr.. to their great benefit. and some have
mt!'d'efortunee. Do not doubt until you findout the facts, and that will cost nothing. ,Ad-
dress immediately.
Txin BR ixgl.EY-GAItRRT8 N C'o,, I,td,.
Toronto, Oot,
Queenston Cement.
Any person needing cement et' instructions
flow to use it, should leave their order with
Dolbridgo Bros. Winchelsea. We oro Prepared
to Supply cement end do all kinds of work in
flooring, walls. etc. There is a small quantity
of cement at Mr. H. Smith's, flay l', O.
'.XECU r'ol:s` SALE talk' VAI -
The undersigned hereby ofiars for sale that
valuable farm property. cod of lot 5,
mouth boundary, toivnsuitta
pp of .1 -JOY, containing
by tulreasurcrent ono ltuxxltea acres. This
isthe farm of the late Thomas Ching, Esq.
one of the best in the county of Huron. There
is erected upon the land a good brick hoose
and first-class oat buildings. The farm is well
drained and fenced, conveniently situated
to market and in every particular a most de-
sirable property. For terms stud partleubars
apply ly to
leILDICKSON. I3arrfslar, Exeter. or
&AMITE%SANDERS, Executor, Exeter.
No. 16875 Aelsentionei S. Boole.
Stands 16,1 And weighs 12CO lbs. • half brother
to Martha Wilkes 2.08 ; sired by fippetoo. 2.25 ;
$g. sire Zrieking, 2.18g. g. sire, legbert 2.22. G.
113. G. lfambletolglan J.O. 1st dam by I-Iarrison
Chief (3849) 2.30. Gl. dant by Abdalleh Mem-
brim, 2.'0; G. G. dant hbcicllab; his 4th and
fifth chums were thoro'breds. Delberg crosses
t-+i'ineote d eofel66taidan 10. trice to Monibrino
Chief 11, once to Pilot Junior 12, backed np
with thoroughbred. Flcbert•,his grandsire truces
35 times to imported Messenger and 15 times to
imported Diomed. Milberg will leave his own
stable, St. Maus. and proceed to I nese dale for
noon ; Snell liortozOs, Boundary, for night ;
Tuesday, Central hotel, Exeter. for noon ;
Clarke's hotel, Crediton, for night; Wednesday,
Moffaatt"s hotel, C'ontralia, for noon ; Wood-
liant for night.
t t
to insure.
-Q.V.'. JOHNSTON, Owner and Manager.
NOTICE TO CO\ rn At•1'Oiu4.
nndesi eed, and endorsed "Tender for
Trent Canal," will he received at this office un-
til noon on Monciay,Seveeteenth day of A ngust
1896, for the construction of about toiirteon
milds of Canal on the Simcoo nue Balsam
Lake Division.
Plans, speettieations of the work and forms
of contract caul bo sou at the office) of the
Chief Engineer of the Department of Railways
and Cunais, at Ottawa, or at Peterhoroe whore
forms of tender can be obtained on and after
Monday, July 13th, 1800.
In the case of firms there must be attached.
the actual signatures of the full name, the
nature of the occupation, /Ma place of resi-
dence of each member of the same and further,
an accepted bank cheque for the som of $15,-
060 must accompany the tender. This accepted
cheque must be endorsed over to the MInister
of Railways and Canals, and will be forfeitedif
the party tendering declines entering into con-
tntca for the work at the rates and terms stated
in the offer submitted. Tho accepted cheque
thus sent in will bo returned to the respective
parties whose tenders are not acepted.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily
accepted, By order.
J. !T. BALI)
SO '
El V, Secretary.
it)epnrtnteut of Railways and Canals,anals,
Ottawa, June, 1806.
tat 01
On Jane 30th and Tilly 1st, good
to return July2nef, and
;Cn June 30' and July 1st, good to
return Jnly oral:
1 UL", 1NFO1t3fATTON 1•1W8
� C. i?.. -NIGHT Agent, Exeter.
C /� -J o COAL,
Dore* Pot g $
To leave your order for Coal with us.
We buy right, and what is better we
ill n'ln[lt.
Some dealers Claire to have a mono -
ply of all the
Good Al Thing
We clo not claim anything so ad)Sn d,
but do s.). that
u coal is
equal y , retic
feet, and we sell cheaper.
Give us a call.
8-4.2nt. W. Ti 'i1`'
Marriage I,icenses
-ISSUED' , AT-----
Nco WMitiaeasge c ssiir
A complete StockSilver-
i •.
.�Of jewelry, w.r 1
•Y, � eI
ware, err..
Repairing- 'cclivee careful
sonal and )er-
onatl attention. .
Central 'e
�` Ie Ilene Office
p trite
MARKET R,IillkiSRT'S:" 1 ment, to change to another and a MA.NITOIit1,tMATTEI1S.
different treatment, whose results
i:xeter. July lot, 1890 gen y px of a isastrous?
_,,._..__ oar
Whent per bushel .., ..GO to 60
Oats ,19 to 20
Paaaoyi....,. ., 10 to. 27
Butter,.... to 431
Eggs.,,,,, 18 to.'8.
Turkeys .,,,,, 7 to 7
Geese,,.,,, 6 to 5
Chickens per ]t. 6 to 5
Ducks6 to 6
Pork dressed $4.2.5' to40
Pork live weight 35 to $$d,35
Hay per ton $10.00 to $11.00
Clover seed ,, 50 to $5.75
Alsikc clover 1,00 to. 155,00
Timothy seed 2.50 to 32.75
NYlteat per buehol,
London. July 1st, 28"96
,,,.66 to 66
„19 to 20
ga lc 42 to 48
Buckwheat . , , , .. 60..to 6
Rye .',,.,, . 39. to 44
Corn 39 to 42
Beans . 40 to 55
Butter ,,, ,,10 to 11
Eb'gs , ,, 8 to 9
Ducks , 45 to 65
Turkeys pttstt.... „, 7 to 8
Geo() per Ib , .
Chickens,. ,,,
Potatoes per bag •
Hay per ton
Pork per cwt, , , .
Toronto Jul} lett, 1896
Wheat per bushot.,,,,. ...69 to 70
Wheat lied ., ,,.67 to 68
Wheat Goose
Oats..,... , ,...
30 toto54
8 to. 8
22 to 25
.$ 7.00 to $ 9,00
Butter per ib
Eggs per doe ..,
-80 to 52
,,,,3 to 32
48 to 55
23 to 94
,.,.48 to 4s
,..10 to 1J
....9 to le
lea,test Live Stook Markets.
East Bufralo,l1Juno 27. -Cattle ;receipts very
light, only about one load in all. Those were
sold to the local butchers at about steady form-
er prices. Eggs -Receipts, 20 cars; market
slow; Yorkers good to choice, $3.60 to $3.65;
roughs. common to good $8. to 33.10; pies, com-
mon to fair, $350. to',U.S. Sheep and Iambs-,
Receipts, 7 ears; market fairly steady; lambs,
good to'elioice, e4.25 to $5; culls and common,
$2,5tt to $3; sheep good to ahoieo handywothers,
$1,15 to 84,25; cells and common, $1.23 to $3.
PRINCIE:--In Exeter, ou the 27th ult., the
wife of Wm, Prince of n 8011.
SCHRAM-On t110 13th alt., the wife of 11. T.
Schram, Parkhill of a daughter.
WATSON-On the 16th ult., the wife of Alex.
Watson, McGillivray, of a son.
GIBBS-On the 292nd ult., the wifo of Charles
A, Gibbs, Parkhill, of a son.
HAUTES-In Mitchell, on the 23rd ult., the
wife of Robert Hames, a daughter,
COPPIN-In. Mitchell, on 22ud ult., the wife of
John Coppin„Jr., of ason.
APDL -•lo Mitchell, on the 20th nit., the wife
of Geo. Apel, of a son.
POLLEN-BRYAN-Atthe manse, Exeter, on
July 1st, by the Rev. W. M. Martin. 11, D.,
Mr. Sinton Pollen, of Farquhar. to Gertrude
Bryan, both of the Township of Utborno.
LANNI3'--RAYCItIrT---Tn Mitchell, on the
Y7th t 1
it byi )
the Rev. I r. IViiliums Mr.
ouuis Lennie,of Ellice
(gift, of Mo •i 1.
G, t ngtot
READY-KIRBY-At the residence of the
bride's parents, St. Marys, by Rev. J. Learoyd
.Albert Ready., of West Missouri, to Carrie,
daughter of 1 raneis Kirby.
MANNING -PORTER -At the real:Im roof the
bride's mother, Rid =etowe, Juno aid, by the
Rev. Jos. Philip, Helena Porter to J. A. Mann -
:deg, formerly of the TB: con. McGillivray.
COLQUHOUN-GRAHAil-In Hibbort on the
1: th alt, at thoresid nco of h bride's
0 t o Fath cr,
by Rev. `Peter Scott. Edward Jtunes Colqu-
honn, ted anct, clamheir of Archibald Graham,
Esq., all of Ribbert,
COOPER-KINGSTO\-At Kingston, on the
23rd ult., John A. Cooper, editor Canadian
Magazine, Toronto, and eldcat son of Mr.
Wm. Cocpor. Clinton, to Miss Agnes May
AID. le,
ROY-Bl2OWNLJtk -At St. Paul's church,
Clinton, on Monday, Juno 22, by Rev. J. Park,
assisted by W. M. Seaborn, rector of St,
Pauls'schurch, Heneall, and son of Icor. IO.
Roy, rector of Ireneterat Passage, N. S. to
Maggie A. youngest daughter of the late
James 13reividee.
TAYLOR -In Exeter north, on the 27th ult.
Mrs. John Taylor, aged 70 years.
ROTH15'IlMR:AL-In Stratford, on tho20th alt„
Emanuel Rothernoal, aged 37 years.
MORROW -In London. Ont., on Tuesday_ 23rc1
alt„ Lottie, beloved daughter of Eliza Mor-
row, aged 16 years.
TAYLOR --le Exeter, on the 31st ult., EIiza-
beth Taylor, relict of the late Thomas Taylor,
aged 74 years, 1 month.
DORTtANC1 -In MeK llop, on Saturday,
June 20th. Annie C:oskory, relict of the late
George Dorrance, aged 65 years end months.
McCUAIG-In McKillop, on Sunday, June 2lst,
I) n an 8
u tx cavus son of Duncan and Sarah
McCuaig,. aged 30 years, 3 months and 21
Maine's Prosperit,v- Under Pro-
1'o the teditor Exeter 1 tiara -
The evils of intemperance are surely
sufficiently great without resorting to
misleading statements to bolster, up
the prohibition sentiment, such as the
great increase of wealth in Maine,
since they had prohibition. We know
intemperance leads to poverty and
cringe, and is sinful, but can we safely
ascribe the growth of wealth to the
influence of the law prohibitiaxg the
use of intoxicants t o•xlcants
only? Are there
not other causes tending to prosperity
as well? I find in reading, that the
temperance sentiment is increasing as
rapidly in countries under license as
under prohibition. and fr'equentlymore
rapidly, thus setting aside the idea
that the laws of man have an educat-
ing power. Do we expect in this en-
lightened age, an age of progress, to
see any Country particularly 90 situat-
ed as Maine is, to re.anain stationary,
whilst all other neighboring States
under license are making rapid pro-
gressive e strides? Canada, is tar in ad-
VAlieeof Maine in morals and wealth.
Maine has been under prohibition per-
haps 50 years and surely in that thne,
frottl Ranted causes her prosperity un-
der license would . undoubtedly have
been great. Canada has in the Sallie
space of tune made wonderful strides
in the line of advancement in morals,
improvment and wealth. Look at the
places around us, Steplien 40 years alis)
t�9 sal
a, valued
'she .
to -day is
valued at about $2,000,000, and all this
time under license, save 3 years cf
Scott Act; and, according to reports
from good rel: Able sources we in Cana-
da are far in adva/lee of Maine,socially,
civily, 'morally and financially. The
tnferance to bedrawn from the above
facts, is that O .nada under'. license has
made at leeet as great a progress., as
Maine tinder p1 ohibition. Had file R.
T. of T. or any other temperance or -.1
gadizagtion proved unable to cope with
intemperance, and intenaperanoo ori
the increase, three we might rescit•,t to
stronger measures,hut all temperance
miT ttiitea
orders are unanimous i11 the
o i.
that intenperauce is fasttaunt'even
beyond their most sanguine ne >>pouttt-
- Would it be wise Mr a ,h physic -
bin ion yin treating- ai tient'or cer
ruinlines mutate iett
progressing MAI
ntiriariulous-mnaanner nude' his •;;tz'eiet
Yours, Etc.,
Is Proof Positive That
You Are in Danger.
Thousands Die Each Year
From Liver Trouble.
The liver is the great ho.tsekeeper
of our health, On itsright and, proper
action depends our enjoyineet of life.
One of the simplest indications of as
disordered and diseased liver is a nasty
tongue -.-furred and coated. The coat-
ed tongue is proofositive that your
liver 15 not working well. Other
symptoms are as follows: nauseous
taste in the ntouth. paths under the
shoulder blades, and in the region of
the kidneys. The mental symptoms
of liver trouble are often far worse
than the bodily. ills. Sufferers expect
mental anguish, gloomy forebodings,
melancholy, and a general feeling of
disgust with life. When these bodily
and ngental trout des are cxperiet-eed,
your liver tells you it wants help. If
help is not given at once, sickness and
death must result
Thousands have found Paine's.
Celery Compound a sure and certain
cure for liver diense. It always 'acts
promptly on the great nervous system
and restores that healthy and natural
action that the liver must have at all
titles. Paine s Celery Compound
drives from the system all the poisons
that have accumulated, and the siek
one regains his Ohl -time vine tied en-
ergy; the tissues are 1na:le hard and
firm, the skin clean and fresh, so that
perfect thcllth is theres
vddais letter , •
t written. by 'S
George Durant, of Elam, Ont. No
stronger proof can be given of the
virtues and powers of Paitne's Celery
Compound in theme. of liver troubles:
"For many years I have been a suf-
ferer front liver troubles, and have
doctored with several physicianis, but
only found relief for a very short
titre. My husbtad advised .
to try
your Paine's Celery
Compound. I did
so, and found so intuit relief front the
first bottle that I continued, and I ant
now using the third bottle. Your
Compound naponnd bass clone more tor rr)e than
any physician, For months • before
esing the Compound I never had one
night of sound sleep; but now I can go
to, bed atnchsleep sound and naturally,
and feel like a new creature in the
Did you ever remark that only the big
fellows want to fight yon P
When a girl's hair is straight these dace,
It means she didn't have time to comb ir..
The Telescope.
It Is said that the use of the tolescope
was first discovered by one Hausen, a
spectacle maker at Middleburg, in HoI-
land, whose children, playing in the shop,
placed a centavo and a convoy
glass in snob a position that by looking
through }
g at the weather trick it
appeared much larger and nearer thee
Life Worth Living.
The one thing which the world needs
more than anything a else is comfort, en-
heartenmeut cheer. The only message
worthy of being proclaimed in the ears of
men is the inessage that shall teach them
that in spite of all their troubles it is
worth while to live, -Rev, A. B. Mel-
The Newman,
The Newman is a wild variety that
greatly resembles the Wild Goose, but it
e •
s a little la
later ini bearing,generally a a n
eneray Ill
two to four weeks. The trees produoo
large red fruit of a very good quality:. The
W hitaker is another plum similar to the
Wild Goose, and ripens from the 1st of
July to the 10th, according to the latitude
in which it is growing. The tree is a bet
ter grower than either of the above two,
and the fruits are large, fine, red plums.
A variety that conies in a little later,
about Jnly 15th or 200, is the Roulette, a
large mottled red and sometimes speckled
plum. It is a heavy bearer, and the plume
are very good.
Even with the utmost care insects will
appear, and they increase rapidly In
warm, dry rooms if not fought promptly
and persistently. Use a reliable insecti-
oide and use it thoroughly , o
The Pacific Fanner says that the time
to trim an old orchard is from the failing
of the leaves in the fall to the swelling
of the buds in the spring, and while you
aro about it do not be sparing with thn
pruning knife and Saw ,
also an
hoe or other bluer instrument and serape
all the old scaly bark from, the remain-
ing branches anti body. Put a heavy coat-
ing of paint ox, the end of all branches
where the sawed wound is oevael b inch
or two in diameter. •
There are greater difficulties in Mat.
lotting fruit successfully than in market-
ing any other ;farm product. Even the
best keeping :apples will waste enough'
under ordinary caro between fall and
spring to more than offset their tnoreat:ea
prize at tbe latter season. Most Tarin cel-
lars are too warm to store fruit success,
fully, and"'if ventilated to keep them ceel,
it makes the living rooms above too cold.
A cellar;butlt by itself -half aboveground
and half , hetow Is best for storing
fruit. . '..tfife .
ui . .Ln'�
, ie can bo ventilated, and in the
very ',eldest weather a stovo can be heated,
to prevent danger of the fruit freezing,
Winnipeg June 228. --The change of
front which the Liberals have assumed
since Thursday last is truly amazing.
Heretofore every plan of the was a
rabid anti-coeercionist, but now Separ-
ate schools for the minority seen: to
have become quite palatable to them.
Even the Tribune says Manitobans
would get their deserts should Mr,
Laurier impose Separate schools ou
the province. The fact of the ,natter
is, this school question was solely used
for campaign purposes, and having
accomplished the end aimed at it is
now vanishing away. In no part of
Canada to -day are Conservatives so
much disgusted as in Manitoba. Here
is the hot -bed of the school question,
and here have Conservatives elected
four out of seyen candidates, with the
chances of a. fifth. The bitterness which
now exists towards Quebec exceeds
anything that might have existed on
the school question. If the other pro-
vinces are as opposed to French, dom-
ination as in Manitoba then Mr. Lau-
rier's terns, of office will he very brief.
To give an idea of whata fxascoe this
school question has been in the elec-
tions, it may be told that one of the
most pranaixlent Liberals of the pro,
vinee on being twitted over the elec-
tion of Mr. Laurier said: -"Catholics
may have a Separate school on every
corner lot of Winnipegas far as I'm
concerned," and yet this xnan hard been
atm ping the country shouting no
WinnipegJune Myth. -The Free
frees editorially replies to the state-
ment in the Winnipeg Tribune, that
now that (Manitoba has returned a
majority of Conservatives, it will
serve the province right if it has sepa-
rate schools fastened on it. The Free
Press thus concludes: "It would be
just as well that our "anti -coercion"
friends should frankly face the situa-
tion as it really is. Mr, Laurier is
bound just as Sir Charles Tupper was
bound, to remedy the grievance of the
minority here. He will do this as Ile
promised, and as he is bound to do.
There never was any doubt about it,
and MManitab,a, politicians will save
their own credit by admitting this;
and by ceasing to pretend that the
province has become a culprit by the
result of the late election, to be pun-
ished by the infliction of Separate
be found an excellent remedy
for sick headache, Carter's Little Liver
Pills. ,4Thousandsofilettersfrotll people
who leave used. them prove this fact.
Try then:.
A titan's 1t'ife should always be the
same, especially to her husband. but if
she is weak and nervous, and uses
a , ,
tag t
x e
,v 5
Pills, she '
C«a11 1 t
t a be,for
Icer i,
x)a,l.c feel like as different
person," so they all say, and their hut --
bends sayso too !
While assisting in lowering the
framework of a barn on the farm o+•
Wm. Taylor, Sangeen Road,Kincardine
township, the other day, an accident
occurred by which David H. Quinn
was killed ]cd andRobert Norman danger,
ously injured. They were lowering
ane bent by menus of block and tackle
secured, as they thought, over another
bent. Unfortunately, however, the
tel ions (IIs :
n the
second ',
and third beI)t9
had decayed in the mortises and with)
not stand the strain,. They fell, and
the heavy timbers struck these two
Steenessk tJLLY,
When using the world-fatxte 1)i:z
month Dyes for home dyeing, use fresh,
clean, soft water; hard and impure
water will niar•• the beauty of the
shades. Wooden, earthen), or era-
:arnefled vessels are hest.
Old articles before dyeing should he
well washed with soap and water, and
dyed while damp. When any par -
heeler shade iswanted, the dye should
be tested by dyeing a small piece of
the sttttf.
If these few precautions are observ-
ed yon Wiil he able to produce richer,
brighter and more lasting- colors than
any 880413)1 dyeing house can give you.
Be sure your dealer gives you the Dia-
mond Dyes; they are the only warrant-
ed dyes in thotvorld.
The "Empress of' India's" Chief
Tells an Interesting Story.,
Mr. Francis Somerville, one of the best
known men in the steamboat traffic on
the rivers and lakes of Ontario, having
been engaged in this business for fifty
years, and who resides at No. 195 Upper
Colborne Street, Kingston, speaks as
follows of his recovery from the sickness
which has affected him for some time.
Said Mr. Somerville: "The grip left
me with kidney troubles and gravel. I
had severe pain over the kidneys and in
the small of my back, also between the
shoulders and in the bladder.
"The urinewas very dark -colored with
a great deal of muddy sediment, I went
to Mr. McLeod's drug store and bought
two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills. I have
taken them with what people tell itte:is
the' usual good result.
" They have cleared the urine, removed
the sediment relieved me of distressing
pain in the back and between the should.
ers, and' have built , 1 me up in a surprising
manner. In fact, I am entirel .Y.free froin
the troubles which affected me before
taoing these remarkable pillsr and -
recommend them eta a Sa Certain cure focal!
troubles arisin from kidney -disorders."
6c. iier Ib. for Pure Sisal Twine.
the following fir t cla
Pure Paris Green.
I _ O •
ug huisH, Etc.
Bere. Yon Saz,1t,---Tboro'bred Durham hull
ire istered) for sale, Sixteen menthe old. Coley ,
red. Apply to Thomas Cudi ore, lot 30 con. 5,
Usborne, ar Lumley P. 0.
• 7ANTF,D-Young men and women to
help o the Armenian rouse: good pay;
twill send cops of my little book, "Your Place
in LIfe," free to any who write. Rev. J, S.
Linscott, Brantford, Out,
- u e
zLa 7L -Z 1
tu1016 ekeTIfES i
to get lrarned. We have
Deering Pony Binders and Mowers, with ball bearings, Chatham
hundreds of feet of meals -
.n, .ram foot up -
Wagons and McLaughlin's and Gray's Buggies, Ra y ylnond Sewfs
41.c, p'}r
wards Mach ines,
-Uso a nice lot of pictures
cneap. A full stock of
Furniture andUndertaking
always on hand.
R.N. R O of it E
W D. !MUTT, Agee
R. 5110 V Il'i s, ---TI E--
t/1.NTRat (raapie's LTA. Building Diad LouAssociate
0 Olfeeuui•u4iteIfethodiet Pareeesee, t4.l a' - ONTARIO a
Coe,. S 'lC;A Llee in :tea FILL- I Ll lit .L •
1 n,T ( ,
tie . b:
ti01.1C, tie. fled l ext A:meat eevict torr In-
let, „errortit,e,. 27 r. dear I4ltib of (Alt•
9999_ i
A I..1 ON AN rgi.PiSON D.0 S
1., fi la, Ilene ,tradnato of thio To- 1
tanto lit i:.,torte we- seal college of Dente!
Smote ve of ' r.tn, . 8pecialtree, painless
extra?it n ai d oreetrvetian of the t.aturel
tooth xl,.•r o1„r'ht' I.a.wOtfice of I111k:t.5
18(1iut. not wet.. t',.nteel;lctel, Exeter, Uzit.
i,xh c1 8 • :oro
Having purchased the butcher-
ing business of A. Loadran,
(Wood's Old Stand) is e will be
a dt
all veld
ers and as many new ones.
We intend keeping the very
best of fresh meats and it will be
our first aim to please customers.
Tenderloin, Spare Ribs, Sausage,
Hams, Bacon and everything usnaly
sold in the Packing Honk can now be
procured at the shop.
Orders promptly delivered and ac-
counts rendered weekly, on which a
discount of 5 per cent. will bo given.
p 1',,
r� r r
r.1,1Nloli. .
e, ill be at (srob's hotel Zurich t
on the 'meon Thereeay of moth
month rad at iludgin's hotel
ileus peva
al ry 'Wonder
London, Hnrolt and Bruce,
'Jena: NoHT)i- Prtshenger
Louder. depart
Ceti Era) in
iixetrr. .., 9,999 ..
Kiptren.,,,... ..... ,'3.41 0 20
erutaflold . ,.......... 9.52 6.2$
Clinton ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
laza 0.5:5
Lendeahere 10.21) 7,14
Blsth 10.38 7,23
Bolcravo • 10.02 7,37
Wintrham arrive....., 1110 8,00.
tete e,
9.('7 5.47
9 21 6.U0
9.811 6.15
(ruse 13oczn--
Wingham, depart,..
6.55 a. aa. 3.25 r.
Bo)grave......«9999.....„. 6.50 3,47
By11h 7.03 4.01
Londosboro 77778:.:0154830902
.10 4.08
Brueefield _ .,. 7.99 4.46
$ippon. .................. 7.57 4,53
110111811..................5 06 4.58
Exeter , ... 8.25 5,12
Gentratia 8 4 5.23
01 L
Full directions how to Suc-
cessfully spray your tress,
Headquarters for Fishing
Supplies at
J.W. Browning's
DQ -
At W. Johns', The
Tailor. Made to order
for $3. 6, 7, etc, Suits
$11, 20, 21, etc. The,
best place in town to
' met c`3 fit.
Closing! Out
Sale ofBio
o1es atcosfla
Owing to an a
alar e
the Merchant Tailori s o
n� branch of
mybusiness and "
,, requiring- all
available space Tor increased
stock, I have decided tog o out
of the Bicycle business..
Several wheels on [rand,..
which wille
b sold t
a, cost for
IN LADIES' ANi> iri;1VT ,4,
Call and get a snap
e C V
The Tailor.
1),4 Suit of ()lathes
o ' a 8 fVCe Garment
Should Combine now a days,
Correctness of Style,
Good Work:manship,
Moderate Cost,
Perfect Fit.
Yon look for thi••se in ao old ! and
Ia+ie and A.. J.
UN -ELL tierr.r disappoints his
patrons In any of these. A
large assoilmen
rx t OI._.
Fall„ Walter Goals•
Eaoasn 44, t'tus,cT, as is .txs'ta,x. Otr,artra
1)r 3 A. I1ull'n., I'reeident,
I'r. t 1.0 r., Vlee-Prt'eident.
Tc ii. Dickson, - uolfoitor.
Itavid aliII. Valuator.
Fred.. W, c weer, -4ee7-Tx -Trout.
ere) rice. e., A, Frlurk, 'Jas. itTillwr,Wzn r,
at ar}4cett, lir, Thee. A. Amoe,. a,
anal, $ar.dt're. i Y
Shako money be saving money. Sixty .e5ts
per month win ensure SILO 1n T yeers. Per
forma of application end all neoeseary infor-
mation aoply to the 'Secretain', Mr. ,Fred. W.
Collins, l'ost Office, Exeter. Ont.
5'EvE N
Mel B -S Fuchsias, assorted, , 60e. of
;y q I -6 RosesGeraniums, even,bloogoadm..ing. 45600::, 50Oco, w`w,
G -B
O t V-6 Canna Bulbs, as'd, for60c.
i1Q PiL =83
-8 MontbGladi'rsetiasBul, bi, premrdtty„ „ SiaOc0o..
d U -Sweet Peas,Co11,3ovar.60o.'
W t'v. E -Window Con,, r each
SLg+ ( Ivy and Show Geranium
m.. j Coleus, Manetta-Vine
Mexican Primrose, Fuchsia
Heliotrope esTradescantia50e1it,,'14s
o r
Men Ccm .110 Us for Bed
Fur tiers sae eeiccfed with
a vice to suitin8 the n•ost
searclait g taste, and all
can gut what they 'tela at
any price.
T1ie Leading Furniture Dealers
The L faders;; 17Ldertpkers•
Gidley & Sou,
'l.'ho`+c who hla,,74 118('d
Win anis ,
Pronounce it unequalled AB
a remedy for C OUGfs, COLDS
ANS) }'It()1G1TIL` rl`
liOTi33! ES,
1 p
11uaA, s Condition & Cough lrhPll�ro
� dr
col I"3 01
, :121.1.L'�
kt;t:. ;t)Wa s (?I1 IJ1t1ICl Also
17 '
ez ('ett)(li' yizz
t i Cftl(`lC), rill(i
1 ;.
tI1C2It t
t f3
a S11rs..
e t.
r' .t ,
17;,(. z a.
�' Mr, C,•1111s,
1l I'
t 1.11I•U�,. l'tlkllll, iii this
! l 1 tt '
3 T
1I ttf1111
11 e1T1'; TS VS,r1U 11 lr (i l�l,fY t,t:'t?I
For l(� Lt+.
111 Worsteds and Tweeds. are
now au c>ur'slielve, aril iva wi'
aki; m a
t tl
l ca
! s
}. u1'e. ; in slxh�tvll)�
then, r
o you. There l are a C:. 112any,
other lines aro Sl
;Clhlljr at-