HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-7-2, Page 1'
R. S. FORD & GO.
At costduringthe
balance of June I
See the tr,im-
med. Hats at 45
60, 75c, $1 and
$i„50. All This.
Season's Goods,
A Few
Days of•
The backbone a the spring trade for
1890 is broken, andin order to make a,
final euccess fif a most successful season
•we have determined vo clear out the
'balance of certain linesat speeially low
'prices, These extra low prices have
.been made here and there an through
the store and include such goods as
:Hosiery, Gloves,
Laces, Embroideries,
Parasols, Ladies' Vests
and Akeu's and BoosClothing.
Dress Ends, Crinkles,
Curtain flaterials,Challies,
Prints, Shirt Waists,
Belts, and Buckle, Mus.
Straw Hats.
Come expecting Bargains and you
won't be disappointed.
We are paying highest prices for
Butter and Eggs.
T.htlita -Miss May Williams, who
has been attending the convent in Lon-
don for the past year, is home for the
holidays. -Miss Mabel Davis Ieft
day. last for Rarriston to spend the re-
neuxider of the suminervith. hersister.
-Miss Carroll, of Detroit, is enjoying
helAei,days among the family circle.
-3 cjLOO)e noey rims a, bus for the
,convenience of the public. This
aonveyance has long been looked for
and we wish the driver every trrosper-
Ban's, -Joseph Ford is progressing
favorably, and hopes soon to resume
his studies so abruptly broken of by
sickness. -Rev. Mr. Nethercott is pre-
paring to visit his old home among
the fertile hills and valleys of historic
Devon, in England, partly for his
health arid also to visit= a,ged mother.
We wish hire a. pleasant voyage and
safe return.-Th.e -aVoodham fiour mills,
now operated by Geo. B. Jetties, a
practical:miller, have been completely
remodelled to a full roller process.
w --Miss Cameron, of Almonte
is visiting her brotherAlbert, Cameron.
-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalton who
went to Toronto last staring to reside
have returned owing to the ill health
o .Mrs. Daltry.-Miss Luey Jeffrey
etcar a, visit of three weeks in Seaforth
has returned home. -Dr. Nesmith, �f
Milverton, and T. C. Daigaty of
Shakespeare, came to Staffe, to vote.
Mr. Grant went to Bluevale to do
News spreads quickly, and when a
good thing is found is merits are soon
learned by every orie far or near. This
accounts for the fastgrowing popu-
larity of Fibre Chamois as an inter-
lini ee which inakes outdoor work
e 'le in any wether. The first
ref who realized its wind and rain
proof levarmbh quickly- told his friends
so that they too might enjoy this ig-
expensive conifort. It might seem -
impossible that this fabric so light in
weight and without indk shouldturnish
so much healthful warmth; bat when
you realize that its merits lies in being
a complete non-conductor of heat or
cob(, ecoutuiderstand why a layer of it
throug,b your clothing gives such
werruth-it not only keeps out all cold
but keeps ipeethe natural heat of the
Mt- Carmel, Bengali
Baiars.-On Friday, June 19th the
wife of James Mitchell, 10th con. Step-
hen, of a son. -On Sunday, June 21st,
the wife of Edward Hall, 12th. con.
Stephen, of a, son. -Mrs,. D. Melsaac,
of Macirdnaw. Xich„ is here visiting.'
her sister, hire. John Hall. -On Wed-
nesday last the children of Sep. School,
Mt. rrioxiel, and Sep. School- McGrath.
vra.y, together with their parents and
friends, held a, pienic.at Grand Bend.
Hay Canna.
Council met pursuant to adjourn- t
ment asCourt of Revision. All mem-
bers present, the Reeve in the chair.
The following changes were= motion,
made. Ily. Lelbold, dog off; Win.
Trimuer, dog on; G, Holtzman, assess-
ed as tenant ou W* lot 21, con 11. The
assessment of Rev. Jas. Henderson
was reduced to $850. After correct.
ing a few clerical errors aud °miss -
R. T • 11 r W,
B. nattier, tile Coort of Revision was
1 s d and. the assessment confirmed
Christopher Miller appeared, before
the Council stating that he had his
cattle poisoned by some unknown per-
son and that eighthead bad already
died. He asked the Council to offer a
reward to increase the reward he is
offering. Moved
y R Turnbull,
ouded. by W. B. Battler, that $50 be i
offered by this Council as a reward toi
the person who will giva such inform-
ation as evil' lead. to the conviction of
the guilty party. .A number of ac-
counts were ordered to be paid. The
Council will meet again on Monday,
August 3rd, at 10 a. ni. School Trus-
tees will rime send in their re-
quisitions on or before that date.Faan.
HESS, Sr, Clerk.
Agsa, Cram.
Beau's. -An Accident occurred Fri-
day aftemodn to John Gunn M. D,,
while he was leaving the village to
visit apatient in the country.. He
was driving a spirited horse, and one
of the lines get fastened allout the
animal in turning a corner too quickly
ceasing the horse and buggy to upset.
The doctor is badly bruised about the
face- and. limbs, But for the aid of
Will Tyridon, who was near the scene
at thetime, the accident would have
been serious. -At the last regular
meeting of Saxon Lodge, No. 121, I. 0.
0. 1, Ailsa. Craig, the following were
elected. for the ensuing term; N. 0.,
Silas Zavitz; V. Ge James McLachlin;
recording secretary, D. Gray; perma-
nent secretary, John Alexander;
treasurer, The jeosser.-sere regret to
hear that Jelin II. 141eKtey, general
naerchant, isnot able to leave his house
yet after his accident cansed by felling
off his bike a few weeks ago between
here and Strathroy.-The majority
for W. H. Hutchins is eight. We learn
that a recount and scrutiny of the
ballots 'have been applied for.
Bens -Farmers are busy haying
and. our village is very quiet. -Mrs. J.
A. Williams and daughter Ethel, took
in the excursion. to Port Herein on
Saturday, and Miss Mabel Heist re-
turned with therm -Mrs. Merner al-
so took advantage of the excursien and
intends spending a few weeks visiting
parents and friends at Walkerville.-
J. E. Merner, who has been. in Michi-
gan the past three months, is visiting
friends here, -Miss Tooley, who has
been engaged as milliner with D.Stein-
bach, has returned to her home, -The
Evangelical Church of the 14th. con.
held their annual children's day last
Sanda,y, and some fine addresses were
given both in English and German. A
number from here attended the meet,
ing.-Chas. Her and. family, of Michi-
gan, are spending their holidays with
relatives and friends here. Charlie is
well-known here having taught school
here for a. number of years, and is, we
believe in the same work in Michigan.
,-Geo. W. Davis and wife, of Exeter,
Nee ee in the village on Sunday the
guests of her uncle, H. O. Doan, V. S.
Katie Truetnner, who has been
hi Detroit for some time, is at present
visiting her mother. -Our school closed
on Tuesday and the teachers heve . re-
turned to their homes to enjoy . their
well earned holidays. -Mrs. D. S.
Faust has the pleasure of entertaining
her saster, Mrs. Sweitzer, of Dakota,
and evidently enjoys it.
Pot owing are the market quotations.
Wheat 70 to70
Peas 2 89 ro 32 0°
Oats 1
45 telt;
Hay $10.00 to g12.00
Timothy seed. ..... ..,. ,-.$0,007ot42.61735
Cloverseed.... .......... ...Um to g,s.75
Baxuse.-At the instance of Samuel
Cluchnore, T. G. Rielly, of Kippen, was
taken before Squire Smillie on Mon. -
day to answer eo a charge of theft.
From the evidence it maid appear
that on a recent date Mr, Oudinore,
Mr. Rielly and others imbibed too free-
ly while in Reuse% Mr.` Ciuluirare, it
is alleged. becoming alcoholically dis-
abled.flaming considerable money on
his person, Mr. Rielly, fearing some-
one might steal it, took the money
from Chidmore's pocket in the presence
of several persons, handed it to a gen
tleinan in town for safe -keeping, aud
got a receipt. Next day he gave the
receipt to Ir. Oudrnore, who resent-
ing it. recovered his money, Mr. Cud -
more then deemed a shortage of some
$45, and accusing Rielly ot taking -it,
had Idea arrested. The case was de-
cided in favor a .the defendant, Mr.
Cudnxore uiaking an a.pology...-Mr.
and Mrs. Sohn McAllister, of Uensall,
are spending a week with their daugh-
ter, Mrs. A. Ford, Seaforth.-The
Misses Henderson, of Detroit are 173S -
Mug their brother, Rev, J. S. Hender-
son, atioresent -Mr. and Mrs. Harail-
u, or London, ale guests at 11.
Arnold's. --Mrs. John Short left Sat-
urday morning on a. visit to her
daughter's, in Epworth. -Cook Bros.
have just sold a wheel to Miss M.
Sheffer. -T. J. Beverley, of Odessa is
visiting his brother m town. -Miss
Bella, Murray was visiting friends in
town Friday. -J. O. Klauseu left town
for Detroit Friday morning on bush
ness.-Alex. Moir, who loft here some
months ago for Denver, Colorado, re-
ports very favorably of that conntry.
We are much pleased to note that he
• has been successful in the Colorado
teachers' examinations, and that 11.
month ago he was choSenresident tutor
of "Brightside school for boys," in
Denver. -Mrs. W. O. 'Charters and.
daughter, Miss Jessie, of Ashland,
Wisconsin, and formerly of this village
are here visiting Mrs. C larters' parents
and their many relatives and friends.
-Donald. Henderson, who has been at
the manse for a, couple of months, has
returned. hotne.-There were no less
than 27 spoiled ballots at this polling
sub -division, owing to parties per-
suaded. to vote spoiling their ballots
rather than rec.ord them for Mr. Mc-
Millan. -Our village was enlivened on
Thursday evening' of last week by a
contingent of the Salvation Array
from Seaforth.-The Hensall croquet
team are in good trim, and would. like
to hear of some teetudesiring a =etch.
They think they can defeat any team
in the county.- E. Sheffer intends
disposing of his restaurant business in
Hensall and moving to London. The
business is one of the best in the
county. Mr. and Mrs. Sheffetes many
friends will be sorry to learn of their
ileaving the village. -Cornelius Cook
wheeled. to Lucari Sunday to visit
friends. --Miss Ella McPherson is vis-
1 iting in Goderich, Dungannon and
other places.e-A large number from
here went to Detroit on Saturday on
Ithe excursion. They report &pleasant,
trip, but the return journey cold. -
Everything is quiet after the election,
and business settled down to the for-
mer pla,ue.-D. Weismiller has return-
ed to town. The election campaign
has not affected his health very much.
-Reeve efeEwea attended. the Coun-
cil meeting in Zurich, Monday. -Mrs.
C. A. McDonell left for Forest Wed-
nesday to take her father's medical
practise during his absence from home
for A month or so.-Hensall fla,xinill is
now undergoing repairs, preparing for
another season's work. -Mrs. Pecover,
Who has been keeping a millinery shop
in town during the past few months,
has removed to, her home in Wood-
stock. -The flex mills which were
burnt la,stfall are now in course of
erectioneete:VIiss Ballard, who has been
in. the erneloy of Mrs. Pecover as head
milliner, has returned to her home in
Listowel. -James Beverley, our furni-
ture dealer, is enlarginghit* ware -
rooms, as he intends carrying a larger
stoeke-Prof. Taggart. phrenologist,
has given a couple of practical and
very instructive lectures during the
past two evenings. We all hope they
had the desired -effect. -John Rands,
of Kinbourn, is visiting his uncle in
town. -A. Mausen arid 3. Short, of
Crediton, were visiting friends in town
this week. -Mr. Rannie's new block is
reaching gigantic proportions. -School
has closed tor the summer vacation to
the delight of the children. -W. R.
Hodgins gives up possession of his
hotel next Tuesday. -Mrs. Burns has
had a severe attack of inflammation
the past week,
g -----1-44:14.-•-•-•.-•
lf sick headache is misery, what are
Carter's Little Liver Pills if they will
positively cure it? People who have
used them speak frankly of their 'worth.
They are smell and easy to take.
Miss Clayton accompanies Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Dickson, St. Marys, to the
Old. Countr3r this mouth. They sail on
the S. S. Vancouver, of the Dominion
line. .
On Friday- Mr. Jelin A. Sutherland,
of Seaforth, had the *misfortune to
lisile the tip of 011(4 of the fingers of
bis left hand taken off while work-
ing among the machinery at 00•ilvie's
mill. On Wednesday, he fell off his
bicycle, and fractured the collar bone
of the left side, and is now ntiosinFc the
double trouble. .
• A President of one of our Colleges
says : "We •spend many sleepless
nights in consequence of our children
suffering from eolds but this never oc-
curs now: W e use Scott's
Emulsion and it quickly relieves pul-
lei K.
Tile PeoDics. Foolliar. -Gash Store.
Goods You Want for the Summer Season.
We are clearing out
•Such as Silk Striped
Ceylon Flannels, Fancy
Chombreys, Fr ench
Muslim, Marrowbone
Lawns, Organdies,
Tama; Cloths: All on
sale at clearing prices.,
e limey DiAss Goods, ex-
pensive and medium
priced, also a few re-
markable cheap lines to
Tlrey can't tem:tin
ls ith
some lines that you should get a share of.
White Net ° Summer'
Corsel,, 'regular 75c at
47c and 50c.
50 pairs Deal & Horne
Corsets, regular 65c for
for 45c. Also is. to see
QU1 25c Corset. Yort
have nothing but pleas -
'tire ahd comfort in
wearing them.
'We're alwanns prepar-
ed to give you close
prices in Hosiery.. See
tier 5e And 10e Fast
ko '
C'T) aiit"
Women's and Child-
ren's Summer Under-
wear, with or without
sleeves, going at 4, 5, 8,
100.25'; Mc, etc.
Big Bargains in Para-
sols, the tune has come
to clear them out, and.'
' if yon want a nice pair
of Taped Lace Curtains,
8 yds long, in fancy
patterns, you can get
tient right here at 55c
. per pair and up, 1Ve are
also giving snaps, in
Gloves, Embroidery,
Handkerchiefs, Laces,
Lawns, Muslin, Dress
ereinurringse etc.
C11 a Inge I ,N2 11-1.T1131117,:''
from W.inter. iTcavy goods hi u-sooLs & She,
to Spring and an Idler —wear is irdw•the or-
der of the day. if you need any ottr •stobic
now complete. Manyv lines o te e t.froin a 1t1.
priees tint will satisfy IN/A
' kett.,Wisa
Theron County Notes to the hire of the horse it cost him $15
for its abuse.
Sae Steep, of Clinton, has flax 3 feet Henry Cook, of Goderich township
0 inches in height, and out in blossom, sold his farm of 100 acres, Huron. road,
Perth County. Notes
Rev. R. Weir, of North Dakota, is
the nest of his uncle, Jas. Harrison,
Mr. Witts, of Brucefield, has pur- and also his 80 acre farm on the 12th st• "ZS'
J. D. stewa,rt, of Russeldale, tapped
Ihiring the storm of Saturday night con. to
Gilbert hfair, for the sure a $5,..
500 roses from the bushes in his gar -
chased a restaurant in Clinton.
seven sheep killed. ley lightning.
Thos. Carbeat, jr., of Hullett, had Thomas. Ballantyne, ee gensau, !den in one day, recentiy,
The value of the business transacted Selections of liVindove Shades in tbire
shipped a car load of fine fat cattle
the Sebringville Flax town can be found at the Mar
A by-law is about to be passed in from Seaforth on Thursday to the old last Year hY
country. He also shipped a ear load Conmeny amounted to about $25,.000.. store. We can. suit you in get
from flensall. • W. J. Dickey andfamily, of Dakota, ceder and price.
who have been visiting old friends in
The elopement of Miss Katie Cook. St Marys, returned home last week.
Mrs. Harry Guttridge, of Mitchell, We have the very newest in
intends leaving shortly for 31innedsoa,
Man., to join her husband, where they
will make their future home. "ci 'es"'
Publishers and Prow
Seaforth cotnpelhng the stores to close
at 9 o'clock Saturday evenings.
Mr. Neil Brown, of the 9th concess-
ion of Teckeremith, fell on Saturday of Goderieli township, who had been
last, breaking hie thigh bone. staying with her grand -parents, Mr.
Mr. W. A, Fawley, formerly of Sea- end Mrs. McGee, of this village* with
forth, was recently- appointed clerk a man named Spindler, from Seaforth
and treasurer a CArberrY7 Manitoba. eaused a slight sensation here on
Min Ida Harvey, daughter of G. T.
Mr. David Ferguson, of the 7th Wednesday last
concession of Tuckersinith, has a field ium. water unison who has emcee R. Engineer Harvey, was married in
of oats, the stalks of which average a very active part in looking after the Stratford on Wednesday to Mr. Alfred
three feet four inches in length, SpiritnR. Johnstonal welfare of the young men N
Mrs. P. Logan, ice -thee of Mr. R. connected wit!: '.w'.wLondesboro thurch After &li, also a that
illness, Miss ellie
Logan, banker, of Seaforth, celetratedMorrison, daughter °flames Morrison,.
her 79th birthday on Thursday, 18th was presented with a, beautifal gold
watch and chain, the watch bearing a of Listowel, passed quietly away on
inst., at the residence of her daughter,
Monday evening last, a victim to lung
Mrs Jaime Ooiva sbuyitaanblade idurseesrsip. Van, and accompanied
At Brussels, James O'Leary's Grit 1 A ba,ppy.event took place in Hullett vng Mrs. Thos. McLaren, sr., Mit-
Mrs. D. McLaren, who bas been
ebell, for the past two months, sails to-
day by the Nebraska, of theAllan Line
New York, for her home in Scotland.
The Kirkton football team feels
proud of their victory at the football
Outline, the great pacer, with a mark tuft., at. tiTe residence of James Reid,
of 2..04, It is doing well, and James is when his only daughter, Mary A., was
as roud of it as if it had been a son. married to Wm. R. Sanderson, The
Wroxeter correspondent, says ceremony was performed in the pre-
Hensall will get an energetic andfaith- seem: of a large number of guests, by
fa pastor in the person of Rev. W. E. Rev, 3. A. Hamilton. The bride was tahrtl"tent at setenee at% winning
Kerr, who leaves lore • this week, by supported by Miss Annie I. Watt. and the silver cup and ha,ving to compete
with two teams straight ahead. They
the groom by his brother John. goal scored against
appointment of conference.
Tb.e congregation of the Methodist The Rey. Mr. Bu Vgin, present pastor have nq hada.
church, Petrolea, Presented their pas-
tor, Rev. Wm. Smyth, formerly of
Clinton. with a, purse of v.03 one even-
ing last week.
At the meeting of the Synod of Hu-
ron, John Bamford, of Clinton, was
elected, a member of the Executive,
and also a representive to both the
Provincial and General Synods.
A. Monteith, of Tuckersmith, has
decided to retire from farming, and
has bought the house on Huron rite
Clinton. owned by John Johnston and
occupied by Dr. Bruce.
Another Clintonien left the ranks of
single life on Wednesday, Opium:le of
the fair sex. We refer to Mr. John A.
Cooper, Toronto, eldest son of Mr. W.
Cooper, who was married at Kingston
that day to Miss Agnes May Massie.
We are sorry to learn that Mrs.
Moore. of Detroit, (wife of the late
Hugh Moore, of Clinton,) was recently
run over by a street cm receiving such
serious injuries that her recovery is
cloubtfitle she is a, daughter of Mrs. W.
Davis, of Clinton.
Mrs, James Grieve and. Mr. Samuel
Carnochan, of Tuckersnaith, and. Miss
Rachel Grieve, of McKillop, left Sea, -
forth on Tuesday for North Dakota,
where they wiee, spend a few weeks
visiting friendeand having a good
tiane •
John Hughes of Hulleil narrowly .
escaped what might ha* ve ifaegre ee bed not begin to cover the ' loss. The ori-' covered twatranms inside burglarizing
' • ,
acchlepte on Saturday night. He was gin of the fire is unknown.
the- Thpremiees.Investigatton shOwed
out ortown, and. on his return home A short meeting of the Tuckersutith theyed entered through the transom
one of the wheels came off his waggon Council was held at Kyle's Hotel on at the rear. They unlocked the back
thus pitching him out. Fortunately Monday, June 22, as per adjoiumnent. door, pulled off their boots, lit a couple
f 0.
he did not get hurt, but being the time D. McIntosh, of Brucefield, teudered olamps and went to work. P.
of the storm he got a, good wetting. his resignation as pathmaeter of divis-
Dunn was notified while others kept
At three p. m. on Wednesday after- ion 83, on account of pressure emu uard and in a few moments the
noon of last week, in the _presence of ()thee business. joeeph Robinson. was aurglars were undererrest and match -
about 30 guests, Rev, jno. Ross., B. A..? appointed his seceessor. A niunber of ed to the cooler. They bad every
of Brsosols, tied the matrimonial knot accounts were Nase,. fee payment !drawer in thrshop emptied, the till of
V, n
between jarnes Ballautyne, a -well anaounting to $149.01, which incIndes its contents some Ofinding
known and popular BrusseIsite, and an item of $50 for grading the Kippen they were to he nabbed. they threw the
Miss Birdie Robertson at the home of road. The next meeting will be -h.eld silver into an oatmeal keg and the cop -
the bride, Harpurhey. at Daly's Hotel, on Monday, August ers in a. box, The prisoners gave their
A peddler named Watson was in 31st, at 10 o'clocia-A. G. Saimaa names as Charles Mackie, of Toronto,
town on Saturday. Ile bad just re- Clerk. and Thomas Black, of Quebec
A. very pleasing event took place hi
Goderic townahip on Wednesday
evening, when L E. R. Barnwell, the
popular teacher and principalof Varna,
Peblic School, captivated one of
Goderich township's fairest damsels, in
the person of Frances, third daughter
of Gabriel Elliot. The ceremony was
perfornaed by Rev. Mr. Oaten, of Hay-
field, assisted by Rev. Henry Name
well, brother of the groom, and Rev.
W. W. Leech, Varna. The bride was
assisted by her sister, Miss Maud El-
liot, while Master Gabriel Elliot, the
bride's nepheev, acted as the- bride's
win us year.
of the Methodiet c urch at Wallace -
A. .h.lacleiren, M. P. for North
burg. arrived there on Satarday
Perth, was in town Thursday atteucl-
night last from Blytb, There was a
ing the.cheese fair, and received the
strong protest against his going there, heaxty congratulations of many of his
and on Sunday morning the church warm friends and supporters. Mac's
'door was locked and there was no
victory appears to set lightly upon
service. As Conference has sent Mr. .
Buggin there, and as no change can be and bus not affected
geniality one whit -Listowel Stand.-
made for a year at least the conger:- is old -tune
gation will in the end have to yield ard-
The tall MSS Ittal the unsightly
and accept him. weeds groWing along the edges of the
The encyclopaedia, which was won
sidewalks should now be cute Many
by the Egramidyv,illuensfoobteeleianll reccheibiveodu,
the 24th of May, lhouseherlders take pride in keeping
their preinisee tidy, while others mam-
ma is now in use at the school. This
is a most valuable work, emegeheng tain a stoical indifference, consequently
i .
ten volinues, and will be a. great help our streets, in manyeases, present
anything hut a pleasing appearence.
both to the scholites and teachers. The
amount of the prize won by the foot- I st• ...-larY$ Journal.
Death caine very suddenly to Win.
ball team did. not cover the cost of the i
week, and the balance of $15 was sub -Workman, hardware merchant -of Stratford about 5 o'clock Tnesday. He
scribed.by h t f tl 11 ,
was in his offIce,• and bad just pic ked sve are sure that they wane. faily
U3 the evening paper to read, when 110
At about six ret ock on Sunday
repaid for their pale, 1' was stricken with apoplexy, and. fell
. beck in his seat unconscioae. Medical
morning a been on the hum of Ben
aid was immediately at hand, but he
dCheire.111,11d, gtroalve.1 reou in, Iniudliewttg,s weints-
never regained consciousness. Mr.
e. Workman was 00 years of age. He
Ureter' destroyed with its content
machine el tho leaves a wife and seven children.
There was& threshing As J. Egan,, R.. Nolan and. A. Ready
barn, belonging to Iseac Brownlee, Ili
were returning from a wake at 2 o'clock
new binder, end other linolements,
!nominee they noticed light
ette, all of whieh were destroyed., •McnI443'
There was an insurance �t Rhea .$30ain Sueleh &Berne grocery, St. Marys,
rn • . h Looking through window, they dile
• d
turned with his teams from a trip
north, and he states that after leaving
Clinton for Goderich he had to caery
hay to feed his horses, so disastrous
has the effects of the drought been itt
that neighborhood. London Free
Press. -
We are sorry to record the death of
the wife of Alfred Moore, of Clinton,
which occurred at theresidence on the
Fair farm, on Friday. • Deceased has
been in poor health for about two
years, yet her death was entirely un-
expected. She was the youngest
daughter of the late Anthony Does -
worth, and was only 47 years of age.
Neil Brown, near the Red Tavern,
Tuckersmith, met with a painful acci-
dent on Saturday last. He was up in
the mow of the barn whe4 he slipped,
falling to the floor, a clietance of eight
or nine feet, alighting on his right
thigh, and the bone was broken at the
socket. Mr. Brown will be laid up for
some weeks.
The foot -ball tournament in Sea -
forth last week, was a success, Alma
team winning the cup, which was held
by them from last year. Alma, Eg-
mondville, Kippen and Seafeath, were
in the contest. Aline, and Egmond-
ville played off, the former . winning.
Then Seaforth qud Kippen played,
the former winning. Seaforth and
Alma, the tete successful teams, then
played', Alm& winning and peclaiming
the cup.. •
Mr. IDuncan McOreig, well known
Seaforth, died at the residence of
his father in McKillop, on, Sundey
last, aged 30 years ant 3 months. Thee
young man had been ailing for over a
year and only couple of months ago
came from Colorado, 'whither he had
gone in the hope of recruiting -his
The Czar is ill with jaundice.
Mr. Henry el. Stanley 3S seriously
A fatal tornado °muted ha Kentucky.
The mother of theEnaperor of China,
is dead.
Tto's rate of taxation is 161
mills on the dollar. '
The longest distance of a shot fired
is upwards of 15 miles.
The hada of Sir Leon ardTilley took
place at St. John's N. B., on Saturday.
In the last four nionths 15 cotton
mins have been chartered in South
The Ball,ic Canal, 97 miles long is
lighted by . 2e0 lamps of e2a caddie
SCHOOL Raroag.-The Tune month- power.
ly report of S. S. No. 2, Hay, is as The mosttiowerful searchlight in use
flows. Names are -in order of merit will be at the eastern side of Halifax
., R.. F. Chapman, F. E. Ross ; IV, harbor.
J. W. Todd, Flora Northcott, Nellie The construction of electric rail -
Gould ; Sr. III, H. M. Gould, I. R.
O'Brien,Jessie E. Mune ; Jr. III, J. R.
Northcott, Ethel Nortlicott, H. P.
Xohriston ; II, W. • O'Brien,. Luella
Munn, Louisa Armsbrong ; Pt. TI,R.
Northeott, Maggie Sutherhy, .T. R.
Munn; Willie Gould, Bertie
Northcott, Willie Russell. The best
spellerd in the Monthly spelling
matches werei-:V and IV, W. Todd;
Si. Robert O'Brien ; Jr. ITT, Sas.
Northed.; II, Willie O'Brien .; Pt IL
J. R. Munn; Pt. I, Willie Gould. • States, and 1010 corpses have been
way in Quebec city has been decided
The Natal contingent has defeated
with heavyloss, force of two thousand
• In Gratiot 0o. Michigan one fellow
makes over $00 a month. killing ling Eng-
lish sparrows. .
•Rev. A.deen Burwash, Baptist mini-
ster at Vankleek Hill, Oat., died on
,Sunday, from. sunstroke.
There are crematories ba the ae.heited
burnt at Fresh Pond L. 2.
100 worneA Chicago swept a seaet
Stephen. the other clay 'because the authorities
------ would not get it donee
Samoa Parolee. -The foll owing is it CiathOtir church. at Thurso was
correet report of the pripils in the re- struck with lightning Sanday, and two
cent examinations held in S. S. No. 2, men, Dhaxleox and Lacoste, killed.
Stephen. Sr. IV George Lawson,
mg health. Lizzie Lawson; -Jr IV Emma Brown,
There died in hicreillop on Saturday Ruby Essery, Katie Flannagau, Ur -
June e011i, Annie, Coskery, relict of hie Essery;-.4 III Sohn Simms,
the late George Derr:ince, aged. 66 Mary =1.1ainport, Patrick- Flannagan,
years and 2 neonthe. The death of Lain Ess'el-y;-Jr. III Garfield Lawson,
Mrs. Dorranc,e, although a painfal D4phickelssery, Gannet Simms, Lachla
stroke to her family stroke to her Simms. 3m. Grarriet Hill, Silo=
family and • immediate frieir is, was Hirtzel, Willie Sims, Isaac Sitns;--Sr.
not unlooked for, as uring the past P1511 Vete Essery., ArthurFlaimagain
couple of weeks she had Iron art- such -Jr. P1:1. II Joseph Edwards; Nora
loiv state that en mere thee one Sinns:-r. Pt. I Louisa Simms, Greta
occasion fief° life hadheeRde.spairecl 4
In L1111 about half -past ten o clock on
Thursday evenitig of • last, week,
considerable alarm and excitement
was caused by thc, ringing of the fire
alarm, ,.. Some person ,ge persons at
present unknown, gave Me alarm, and
in very short time the sfiremair and
ICI OP RumntrE L92,
MA 1sT Ynoopfs •
- •
#.Nrdepmva,%ecta/poitne 2.9.--108. T.
t; Hill, EVa, Hirtze.1, Roy • Sims, 11. McKee formerly of Listowel;',./17ine
Elmer Sims._ Chester Sims, Luella, here as it last resort: l-TiLsuft'er ten
Sthal. Numer on the, roll 39, average years witb Bright's d.isease. Rei Ace!.
allenclance for the month, 38. MnNTE to be past help and clyin€,, her re y
(t \N)-. Teacher. )-
pearaneeot the stl'eet in apparent g<
he/tAth, was a-1,1,1ea:sant..surprise. T.ie
The Pau-Ptqibyterran council will mplanation given was t"hat her 'little
meet -in Washington in 1890. bo•phad insisted that she shottlit tn
citizens were on hand. Tkwas a hOnt. WhenParliamenttneetsanapproprhi- Dorld'gnitidney Pint_ prkthesied
vl.th tarink iiired horst!, ait the aitinmikMilitay$ ' " the Wee fete' 1,14`egir
ciitn,tst:nco.y younk,tfe:,:to.n:Di7ot.f. will 1)e niacle for, the ,hqlding of that Mey'would cuT5
e A
o o
40)itOrd ShOees
Prices 7$c. $1. $1,25, V-50, $1-74,
and $2,25.
Turnip Speed.
Skirving'e P. Top, Hail's Westhueg,
Elephant or Monarch, Sutton's
Champion. Al] at prices away
J. P. Ross
Birears.-Geo. Flesery visited hie
brother at Pelnierston last week. -W.
Sheldon was the guest of R. Horn
Monday. -The excursion to Detroit ma
Saturday waslargely attended. from
this point. -Mrs, John. Persons base*,
covered from --
her late ilhaess..Tamee
Menne purposes erecting a new eta
sidence in the near fidure.-The
Stra.wberr feetival promises to be ea
success,-McPherson's horse broke
loose from the moorings on efonel
while at the postoffice, aud rerun
away, broke the buggy consideralerye
-School closed on Tuesday.
Biumes.-Saturday night fire was
discovered issuing from the residence
of Mr. Goetz. Little longer than it
takes to say -it., Chas. Fritz, with
agility of a fox, was upon the roti!
with a pail of water, and had. the flee
met_ itorigleci,tecl from. a pipe in the
kitchen, and had it not been notie
-when it was, a, serious conflagree
would have been the result. -E, Re
meal, blacksmith, of this place, 8
a.t Stratford last week. He had
to visit his mother in Hamburg,
was taken worse at 'Stratford. Be
been ill for !tome e -ears, but worke
his trade even when he should •
been in bed. He was aged Sea,
His remains were lute
cemetery here Sunday.
liege 800 acres of fax this year; -
of it is fora' feet long alread ese
Sharon, '..;;.‘"."'•
SCHOOL REPORT. ---The f is
a correct report forS. S. No. 4,--
for the month of June, based on at-
teudance and. daily work. „Nelsie ige
in order of merit. TV, Sophia ClariC,
Roe& Roeszler ; Sr. III, Emma Claret,
, Tillie Winch Yr. III, Clara Marten% •
Mary Roeszler, Alice Pedlar, Sijis
s; Sr. II, Charles Wind, Saarined
Kraft, John Hartehan, Ravel Bee
Jr. II, Garnet Aniy; Chester Ito
Albert Wein, Fred Amy; Sr. II, Plea-
ine.n Morlock, Arthur .Axay, Mabel
Clark, Nora geratneee. Pe Az
NI. mu, Franklm• Statton, Susanne
Kraft; No. IIT,..Nfartha, Wind, Martha
.Ayrstrii.er, Vrifina eget, and. Annie
Hartman eve/403'8We Stattton;
21, Sane' ellyrstriltet, Roeszler,
Willie Smith, Wesley. Wein; No.
Cecil ' Rowe, Elgin' Amy, " Atigilpt
Hartman': Best epellers. for the month
were, IV, Sophia e Clark; Sr. III, Tillie
Wind; Jr. TIT; Clara Martene; Sr. It
John Hartman,. Jr. II, Chester R•owee
and Freennial Morlock, Pt. IT,
Wein. Number on roll 49, avera,ge
attendance 88,
BP00B:S, Teacher
At Appin crossing, on the St. Clair
branch of the M. O. R., two men in 'a
buggy endeavored to cross the track
ahead of an east bound train on Wed-
nesday. The engine threw the buggy
into the next lot, andenede corpse (If
the horse. The occupants, J. H. ayrte
and Hngh hIcKeIla,r, fared better. The
'latter was not injured, but Bayne was
rather badly hurt. He was cared for
by an Appm farmer.
In Bath Ont., Chase's Kidney Liver Pills are
a standard reP,dv. loseph Gardner, Of tWs
town, sneered tor 40 years with indigestion and
its ever present neeomnaniinents—eonstneation
and headache. K.& L.Pins are the only rAimedy
that gave him relief- 25c a box of ell druggistri.
One pill a`dose.
We invite
Every- buyer of lAirniture to call and
see us. iVe will save you money in •
lelING.,ROOLSEI or tor IN
lAte have a lartN Atocl. of Picture
Fram,Q 141otadiug on lui.nd, also INIin-
dow seeedes, at a bargain. .
Our 'a.uttert;inth-e-Y Dtpartment
onipie.te. gital;tratee. 'satislitetiOn
n. this line, both, in mut
Our P1 ining. is now
full, blast), Parties m need of ,.hadding,'A.
' stichirt •
should give -us a ealh,
ib 4f4ta '
.6,, .0,