HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-6-18, Page 5s
For Nervous Prostration and An-
aemia there is no medicine that will so
promptly and infallibly restore vigor
sud strength as Scott's Emulsion.
Dr. Ross, of Clinton, has bought out
the medical practice of Dr. McLachlin,
Auburn, and takes possession this
week. The latter goes to New York.
For the last Dight years I have been a suffer-
er from constipation and dyspepsia -I tried
dozens of different medicines. but nothing
gave me relief until I used Dr. Chase's Kidney.
.Livor Pills which cured me.
Woodville, Ont.
Jersey Cow for Sale.
A young Jersey Cow, (A. J. C. 0.) duo to
calve 17th Juno. will be sola cheap.Apply to
3t JOHN McCURDY, ltirkton.
hi. To Farmers and Others.
have I00 thousand good 3 in. Tiles, free
from limestone,or cranks, will be sold for the
mcxt2monthsatS8 per thousand caste, Also
. some 5 M. Tiles at $18 per thousand cash.
WVooclham Tile Yard.
CUT THIS OUT and return tons
with hive Cents
in silver. and _yon will get by return mail, A
GOLDEN BOX OP GOODS that will bring
you in more money in ono month, three any-
thing elso in America.
A. W. KINNEY. E. T. Yarmouth, N. S.
D Teachers and College stu-
dents, loon or women, to
engage with us during vacation, at sometithtg
entirely now. Can pay n9 high as $200.00 for
the full terns. Scores having operated during
vacation, having engaged permanently on our
staff, to their groat benefit, and some have
madefortunes. 1)o not fonbt until yort 11nl
out tho fads, and that will cost nothing. Ad-
dress immediately.
THE BEADLItr-GARRI•:rsoy Co., Ltd.,
'reroute, Ont.
Qest Cement.
Any person needing cement or instructions
bow to use It, should leave. their order with
Delbridgo Bros. Wincholsee. We are prepared
to supply cement and do all kinds of work in
Mooring, walls, etc. There is a small quantity
of cement at Mr. H. Smith s, Hay P. O.
DELBR1DGE BROS.,Wincholsea.
Farm for Sale
Ata bargain. in Huron Co., Michigan. 160
acres, 80 cleared, 201ogged and 60 hush. Good
tramp house and granary, frame barn 101 x 36,
now. 20 acres wheat, 6 rye. Soli clay loam.
Good water, Gorman settlement, 12 milds from
Badaxo, 41 from Elkton, Soule 2 miles. Price
$4,500 82500 cash balance on time to suit.
Huron Co.,
Tho undersigned hereby offers for sale flint
-valuable farm property*, composed of lot 5,
ssoutlibomidary, township of .flay, containing
'by admeasurement ono hundred acres. This
is tho farm of the late Thomas Ching, ]Esq.
ono of the best in the county o1 FIuron. There
is erected upon the land a good brick house
and flrst•class out buildings, The farm is well
drained and fenced, conveniently situated
tonewket and in every particular a most de-
sirable property. For terms. and particulars
apply to
L,1i. DICKSON. Barrister, Exeter, or
SAMUEL SANDERS, Executor, Exeter.
No. 16875 A11IEtcicA.1 S. Boot{.
Stands 10.1 and weighs 1,200 lbs. ; half brother
to Martha Wilkes 2,08 ; sired by llippotoe., 2.25 ;
sire Vickingg 2.18 g. g, sire, Jigbert 2.'2'. G.
G. G. Hamblctoniau 10. 1st dam by `Harrison
Chief (3810) 2.30. G. dam by Abdallah
'brine 2.20 ;0.0. d \ A
dollah ihis
40.1t and t1
fifth hams were ih r ' rods. Dlbul"cressos
twice to Hambletonian 10, twice to Mombrino
Chief 11, once to Pilot Junior 12, backed up
with thoroughbred. E'borehis grandsire traces
$5 times to imported Messenger and 15 times to
imported Diomed. Dalborg will leave his own
stable, St. Marys, and proceed to Russcldalo for
noon ;Same Horton's, Boundary, for night ;
Tuesday, Central hotel Exeter, for noon ;
Clarke's hotel, Crediton, Mr night; Wednesday,
Moffatt's hotel, Centralia, foI noon ; Wood-
ham for night.
TERMS • $10 to insure.
W. JOHNSTON, Owner and Manager.
Rfli Tr;asI o t HIRE
On June 30th and July lst, good
to ret;irn July 2nc1, and
fAflE o ONE NH
On June 30 and July 1st, good to
return July Oth.
1't: ',;, INrolistANION :mom
C. KNIGHT Agent, Exeter.
COAL o CoALs(et
D®-i't Forget
To leave your order for Coal with us.
We buy right, and what is better we
sell fight.
Some dealers claire to have a in ono -
ply of all the
Good Al Thing !
1.Ve do not claim anything so absurd,
but do say that our coal is equal to the
best, and we sell cheaper.
Give us a call.
84. 2m. W. 'MR VETE-1111C~M.
Marriage Licenses
No Witnesses Regiiit-ed.
A. complete Stock of Jewelry, Silver-
ware, etc.
Repairing receives careful and per-
sonal attention.
Central Telephone Office
T11 -El
The Little Ones o net
Are They Frail, Restless and Nervous?
Paitie's Celery Compound Will Make
Them Bright and Happy as iLa>rks.
As a rule, parents are to blame if
theirchildren are puny, weak, nervous
and irritable. The little ones may be
well clothed and amply fed, and yet
sadly neglected.
It should be remembered that the
children inherit many of the troubles
that parents suffer from. Thousands
of little ones snffered from weakened
nerves -a legacy from father or
mother. This nervous condition
begets irritableness, bad temper, head-
ache, indigestion, stomach troubles
and impure blood.
If your dear ones are afflicted with
any of the troubles mentioned above,
how can:you expect them to be bright
happy and healthy? They need your
best and most intelligent care, or they
will an -row up in disease and utter
Give the children Paine's Celery
Compound; it is the medicine that is
particularly adapted for fortifying the
nervous system, for building flesh,
bone • and muscle, andpure clean blood.
Paine's Celery Compound is pleasant
to take, it is entirely vegetable, and
cannot harm the most delicate organ-
ism. it will banish every trace of sick-
ness and disease in a veryshort time;
it will give natural appetite, sweet
sleep, and will make the little ones as
happy as larks,
A mighty chorus of gratitude has
gone up all over the Dominion from
glad fathers and mothers who have
had their dear ones perfectly re-
stored to health by Paine's Celery
Mrs. Powell, of Palace street, Mon-
treal writes:
"I have used Paine's Celery Com-
pound with most gratifying results at
different tinges when I found myself
run down to a neryous condition. 1
have also found the Compound to be
an excellent preparation for my child-
"In the early part of the past sum-
er my children seemed to be frail, nor,
vous and restless, and had no appetite
for their meals. Fully convinced from'
petsconal experience, oi'the great value
of Paine's Celery ;7onrpouud, I resolve
t o hays my little ones use it.
The results are so pleasant and satis-
factory, that I am prompted to advise
you for the benefit of parents who
are anxious regarding the condition of
their dear ones who are frail or ner-
111A:.31sT 1 ET0$T5.
Exeter. Juno 17111, 1890
Wheat per bushel .... ... ...64 to 61
Oats .19 to 2O
Barley,.., 25 to 25
Peas ,.13 to 43
Butter•• •• .. lb too
Turkeys ... 7 to 7
Geese 6 to 5
Chickens per Ib 5 to 5
Ducks0 to 6
Pork dressed ... • . £4.'25 to . 5
Pork live weight,..... 8,3.35 to '4.40
Ilay per ton.... „. ., $10.00 to 811.00
Clover seed ........... .... $5.50 to 5.75
Alsikc clover ,,, 4.00 to 5.00
Timothy seed ..........§2.50 to 2.75
London, Juno L th,1800
Wheat per bushel, . .... ..,.66 to CO
Oats.,.. ....20 to 29
BPeariaso.... ,30 to 30
43 to 50
Bnyeuckwheat ....60 to 85
Corn 35 to 40
Beans 10 to 55
Butter .... .... 13 to 15
a ks 45 to 1i0 t 11
Turkeys per 16.... 7 to 8
Geese per lb 9 to
Chickens...... 30 to
Cheese 8 to
Potatoes per bag 22 to 25
Hay per ton ....$ 7.ft(� to 4 9.00
Pork por cwt.... .. .. 84.50 to 505,75
Toronto, Juno 17th, 1896
Wheat per bushel ...,72 to 72
Wheat iced 70 to' 70
Wheat Goose , ., . 50 to 51
Barley ....35 to 35
Pee s•.,.. ...... 50 to 51
Oats ......
Butter per 1b
Eggs per doz
"' o
4S to 48 thrifty and free from insect attacks, be.
,10 to 13 gan to send out runners. --Popular Gar-
s to 10 dening.
Devises for Protecting plants.
Gardeners in Europe,espeolaliy in Eng-
land and France use many devices for
protecting and forwarding early plants,
which are seldom soon in this country.
Among such devices is the ono shown
in a000mpanying illustration, Tho use
of these miniature cold frames which are
like toy houses with glass roof and apart
bottom, makes it practicable to start a
few lettuce plants, flowers, or melon hills,
etc., in open ground, a week or two be
torn their regular season. Our last year's
experience with similar home-made de-
vices for starting melon hills was highly
satisfactory. The seeds were planted in
hills, in open ground, and over oaoh hill
was placed a little frame, top slanting to-
ward the south, like an ordinary cold
frame. Some small barn windows that
we happened to have on hand worn made
use of in place of sashes. Thu frames were
removed after the plants, which grew
1::atest Live Stook Markets..
Montreal, Quc.; Juno 17th. -Thio receipts a
the east and abattoir this morning were 55
head o cattle 400 alvei 450sh • t a n
f c sheep and lambs
There was not Ilttleh inquiry 'for x
ii y export, but on
localaccount a fair business was done. Choice
heavybrougbtas high as Sia per lb., live weight
and inferior stock sold all the way down to • .le.
Lernbe ranged from $3 to $•1 each, and sheep 2c
to Sic per lb, live weight. Calves sold from 19
to 56.
summer Flo\vers.
It is time to begin snaking prepara-
tions for the flower garden the Doming
t summer. A lady tells the Rural New
0 Yorker what node to get, as follows:
•' Ageratum m bloc ms from midsummer d mor t fll
fall. Sweet alyssum blooms all summer
long and till the and of November, and
like esohsolloltzia, pot -marigolds, portu-
Inca, larkspur, corn flower and noreopsls,
it self -sows itself forever afterward. Of
asters I prefer Truffaut's Improved
Paeonia Perfection, Victoria, Crown and
Reid's Quilled ; of stocks, large -flowered
German 10 -weeks; of marigolds, Meteor
as a pot, Eldorado, as African, and
Dwarf Double -striped, as French; of bal-
sams, almost any respectable flrsn's Su-
perb strain of petunias, Dwart-striped as
a single and Hybrida grandiflora fimbri-
ata Pore piano as a double; of verbenas,
the Mammoth of cockscombs, the Glas-
gow; of larkspur, the Rocket and Chi-
nese; of tot•aoco, the new Afflnis; of
mignonette, Mlles; of Drummond Pblox
the grancliilorum strain; of pansies, the
Trimardeau; of vineas, the white and
white with rod eye; of nasturtiums,
Lobb's varieties; and of zinnias, the
i Dwarf Compaot Scarlet with scene Ze-
bra for novelty's sake and some Robusta
plenissima for size, Notwithstandng
j' all the display spade to -day about French
marigolds, balsams, snapdragons, sweet
Williams, spotted mimuluses and stooks,
we bad as a
of these 25 years
3 good g flowers
ago as we have to -day; and when it
comes to the grand old show pansies, so
clean, so pure, so brilliant in their col-
ors, so substantial and velvety in their
texture, and so round and largo in their
form, we have nothing now to equal the
pansies of 25 years ago.
' Besides those, add candytuft, sweet
and common; cosmos to bloom in fall.
Diadem pinks that bloom well tho first
year and often live over for another sea-
son's work; annual gailiardias, also G.
aristata and its varieties; godetias so
pretty before midsummer, lavatora and
mnlape, espeoially their white varieties,
lupins if you like them, pentstemon
Hartwegil, which, although a tender per-
ennial, blooms profusely the first year
from seed, carnation and paoonia-flow-
ored double poppies, salpiglossis, scarlet
salvia which although commonly grown
is a greenhouse perennial, I always treat
as an annual, large -flowered scabies,
sweet sultan and the "New Miniature"
sunflowers. And don't forget some globe
amaranths and dwarf hollchrysuzn for
even 'esthetes, and the inorning-glories
anti cypress vine among vines.
Buffalo, June 17th.-Caatic-125 cars ; slow ;
exporters, .g4 to -4.15: choice cattle $1.25 to •x4.30
fair to good, 53.50 to 53.00: butchers' steers, $3 to
3.40; {westerns, $3.25 to $3.50; voals, extra, 51
to 541.25. fair to good, V.00 to §1. Hogs -100 ears
fair; Yorkers,. ,'3.40 to „3.15: light and pigs, 53.40
to 4-3.50; mixepiwkcrs, 51.35 to 53.10; mediums
and heavy, $3.35 to '-3.45; roughs, 52.75 to 53;
stags, e2 to 52.25. Shoop and 1ambs-.25 car:;
quarter higher; primo lambs, 55.2.5 to r5.75;
extra fancy spring, 56 to 56.25; culls to fair.
$3.25 to 51,05; good to choice sheep, :MAO to 53.75
yearlings, 54 to $4.40; culls to fair, 52.75 to $3.75.
Cattle closed weak, with several loads of
mediums and heavy steers unsold at the close.
Hos closed easier, with some unsold. Sheen
and lambs closed steady to firm for good grecs
,r n . o. , s o\\ or conne=d.'
PRICE-MAl1TIN-At North St. Methodist
church, Goderich, on Juno 10. by Rev. J.
Edge, Mr. George Price to Miss Georgie Mar-
tin, all of Goderich.
HOGAN-KYLE-At the residence of 1Ir. Jas,
Forsyth. Egntonclvillc, on the 2nd inst., by
Rev. A. D.,kleDonald, D.D. Mr. Wm. Mogan
to MiesMarY, only daughter gttor f the late
Kyle, both of Toronto.
SLEETH-GRIEVE:-Atppthe residence of Mr.
Thomas;Dodds, 1'.. McKillop, on the 3rd inst.,
by Rev. A. D. McDonald, D. D., Mr. James
Sleeth. to Miss Catharine Grieve, both of
SCOTT SACKRIDER-At the manse, Blyth,
on the 3rd inst., by Rev. el. McLean, Mr.
W. Scott, of Hast Wawanosh, to Miss .Si.
Sackrider, of Bolgravo.
bfy l;ov. Dr. Williams, at tbo residence o1
Lerbert: BrOwn, Mr. John Summorvihe to
Miss Sadie Johnson, all of Mitchell.
ROU1'.LEY-ANDREWS.-In Usborne, on
the 17th inst., at the residence of the bride's
parents, by the Rev. T. B. Coupland, Mr.
David Routley to Miss Minnie, daughter of
John Andrews.
DidD.. •
RIr l DEIt.-In 11cCxitlivr:LY, o:t 5th inst., Mrs.
John Render, aged 21 years.
GLEASON.-In McGillivray, on tho 3rd ictal•,,
Mrs. Gleason, aged 93 years.
FERRIS -In Coderioh tow,nshi1, on the 8th
inst., Mr. Robert Perris, aged 80 years.
DUSTOW-Iu Colborne township, on June 10th,
Ann Dustow, wife of James Dustow, aged
79 years 11 months,
MOLELLAN.--InMitchell, on tete 5th inst.,
Lizzie, beloved wife of Mr. W. McLellan,
aged 51 years and 9 mouths.
The Belleville Deat anti Dual Insti-
tute closed for holidays yesterday.
Members were elected by accla-
ccla-mation in Frontenac, Bagot, Berthier
and St. klyacinthe.
A 15 -year-old boy named McLean,
of -Winnipeg, was killed by lightning 1
Sunday night.
About 200 prtople left on the For --
niers' Instituto eseursion over the G.
T. R. to the Guelph Model Farm
Wednesday inorning-
• Mr.• Adam Crozier of Seaforth, met
with a painful a eciclent the other. day..
Ile was putting soine eggs into a vat
in Mr. D. D. Wilson's cellar, when his
feet slipped off the ladder he was
standing on, and his side striking on
the edge of the vat several of his ribs
were broken:
Ivor Erides and Babies.
Last year the Syraouse (N. Y) Post in-
augurated the novel cutsom of malting a
present to all the babies born in Syracuse
during the week between Christmas and
New Year. This year the Post presented a
souvenir spoon to every baby born in Syr-
acuse between Christmas and New Year,
and also a six mouths' subscription to the
Post to every couple married in Syracuse
during Christmas week. With souvenir
spoons for the Christmas babies and the
Daily Post for six months for the Christ-
alas brides, Christmas week was far from
dull in Syracuse.
cite TAecuton.
May -Why Is football so popular here
In America?
l3iihy-Ah, think what a generation of
kickers the next ono will bel
D'J;,tty-Ref orsuers, eh!
EX, ET.B 1 :111.
'ys*AL�Mmwx�vfa9 ►-r�N�'�q'-ri!aa1T.�iti1�Vr%ash,.l.•.taK47„�.wrwvi+AWar,,:�as�..MryM�ety
The Liberal -Conservatives Certain
to Carry the Election.
The Liberals in Even Worse Shape
Than at the Opening of the Cam-
paign -Laurier to Retire.
Tho progzess • of the campaign has
shown the country that the Liberals are
the same old party of vilifiers, of clew:-
pers and changer; and of p.rlieyl: se. p,ai-
iticians. Their forte is abuse. Their iea.l-
ors assail the personal characters of their
opponents, their followees spend their
evenings in trying to break up Conserva-
tive meetings. Nothing enul:l go further
towards influencing unielasso,l electors to
vote for tho Admiri tratior•, than tbo
manner in which the Opposition hood-
lums in Ottawa, in Kingston and in
other places have declined to give decent
treatment to the. Ministers who addressed
them. In Kingston the audience, bolus
enraged at the Action of the score of Grit
partisans who were making the air vocal
with oat -calls, rose and expelled the in-
terrupters. The unfortunates who wore
ejected were in hard lack. They had
been paid their dollar apiece to create a
disturbance, but they had not expeete:l
cosy such condign punishment.
Campaign Lles, as Csual.
There has born no diminution in the
stock of Grit campaign lies, but, with-
out the assistano` of some of the store
prominent fiction mongers, like Erastus
Whelan, there is little originality in
thein, and they fall to the ground. The
truth is, that the Grits have their hands
full In defending, or trying to defence,
themselves from the true charges that
are made against them. It has been
proved beyond poradventura that the
swoet-,Dented Edward Fairer, the writer
of the annexationist pamphlets, and the
Disse friend of Annexationist Wiman,
has negotiated an alliance between the
Grits, the Patrons and the MoCarthyites,
Now, Farrar was paid ono hundred dol-
lars for putting the "deal" through, and
when it became known that the alliance
against the Government had been con-
summated, n Toronto reporter asked
D'Alton McCarthy for the details of the
scheme. 31r. McCarthy had no compunc-
tion in giving them. "We have," said
he, ``decided that we shall not make any
light against each other. Mr. Laurier
knows that in two or three constituen-
cies in Ontario I cannot get my seen out
of the way, for they won't go. Still,
Laurier and I are not going to out each
other's throat. He understands that."
So much for McCarthy,
What did Laurier say? He is on record
as having said to a reporter of La
Z:'atrie, "I know of no alliance between
the Liberals, Mr. McCarthy and the
Patrons. I unhesitatingly tell you that
there is no such alliance."
Alexander Smith, the Liberal organ-
izer in Ontario, who was interviewed on
the same day, said, "I know there is an
'Who is lying? Smith, Laurier, or Mo-
The "Loyal" Grits.
A man is known by the company he
keeps. Laurier for years has been the
trusted friend of Ferrer and other trait-
ors. Sir Richard Cartwright has been
dined at Boston, and has smiled with
tiwas referred to
�Y when he
as ''the Sen-
ator from Ontario." And yet the Grits
have the audacity to claim to be loyal.
Down in Alio French Canadian coustitu-
enoy of Vex -chores the other day B. Car
liner De Martigny of the Banque du
Peuple, who was stumping for the Grit
candidate Geoffrion, brought up the dead
apd gone Biel question, and trotted out
the race arid plank. re en oHe
i* g said be
bad left the Conservatives when the
Government brought a patriot to the
scaffold, and that Sir Chhrles Tupper's
allusion to Hon. Mr. Laurier's attitude
cm the Riot issue was an insult to every
French-Canadian in the province of Que-
bec. Ho oondemned the purchase of arms,
and said that the .English-speaking peo-
ple of Canada might be interested in the
volunteer movement, but the French
were not.
A nice loyalist thisl How his flesh
would have quivered had Sir Charles
Tupper been there to scarify him? But a
loyal Fronoh-Canadtnu, a Conservative,
o1 course, was there to take his loader's
Waco. It was Hon. L. O. Taillon, the
Postmaster -General, who replied. He
said that such language was disgraceful
and unpatriotic. "Do you mean to tell
me," he said, "that if an American in-
vasion of Canada were to take place, as
the result of trouble with the Dominion
or Great Britain, our people would fold
their arms and allow our houses and our
country to be devastated by the foo? No,
a hundred times no. Our people would
respond to the country's call, as they
have done before."
Truly, it has been 'said: "All Grits are
not Annexationists, but all Annexation-
ists are Grits."
The Leader a-rinmphalTonr.
The sturdy ofd war horse who is at
the head of the Administration has all
the vim and energy of a man in his
fourth decade. -Everywhere he has appeared
he has been welcomed by tremendous
crowds. His 'campaign in the Maritime
provinces, and latterly in Ontario, has
been productive of much good. The over-
whelmingly Conservative sentiment of
the country has solidified, and Laurier's
chances of success aro absolutely nil. So
disgusted with his colleagues is Sir
Richard Cartwright that he has made
not a single speech outside his own con-
stituency. Blue Ruin Cartwright knows
right well that he has his work out out
for him in his own riding. He knows,
too, that the Liberal cause Is irretriev-
ably lost. Therefore he hustles for him-
self, and lets his hapless partymates look
after themselves.
Laurier Knows It.
None knows bettor than Laurier that
he has -no chance of success. He has told
his private friends in Montreal that after
the election -and his party's defeat -he
will retire, and that the Liberal parity,
or what there is left of it, will split up
into various groups. There is no unity
amongst the hungry Oppositiontsts ex-
cept in their desire for officio. "
Victory Certain.
Victory is certain for the Liberal Con-
servative Governmetut. On the night
of June. 23 the country will resound with
acclamations and shouts of. joy. And,
on the day of,June 23, lot every patriot
do hie duty and.vote`•for the Old Fag
find the Old Po71a�.
Inder Twine.
Call and get our prices for
the . following first class br:i:nds
of Binder Twine
Pure Paris Green.
E3tig Finish, Etc.
.�„-o..,..M.,. �.....�,..
Boer, FOR SALT;.-Thoro'bred Durham bull
(registered) for sale. Sixteen months old. Color
red, Apply to Themes (htclrnoro, Jot 50, eon, 5,
Usborne, or Lumley P. 0.
'WANTED -Young men and women to
help in tbo Arn,c•nian ceuete good pay;
will send copy of my little book, "Your Place
in Life," free to any who write. Rev. J. S.
Linseott, Brantford, Ont,
(Btitt OsCTINE
to get framed. We have Deering Pony Binders and Mowers, with ball bearings, Chatham
hundreds of feet of mould- Wagons and McLaughlin's and Gray's Buggies, Raymond Sewing
cog, from 4c. 13.r foot up-
wards Machines,
4.1so a bice lot of pictures
cneap. A full stock of
Furniture andUndertaking
always on hand.
10 w MUTT, Agent.
CJlNTRALIA, People's Building and Loan Association
Office opt oaiteelethodiat Parsonage.
Imperial ' xl�s��lAN, DIi:NTIbT,
I3 G. I.X1Ra ()TIN G T and OIP.DL1AIIT,E
WORIC. Gay and Ictal Anaeetbetics or pain-
ters extraotit,g. 2nd door north of CAR-
Meat Meat Market !
Having purchased the butcher-
ing business of A. Loadman,
(Wood's Old Stand) Il e will be
pleased to see all our old custom-
ers and as many new ones.
We intend keeping the very
best of fresh meats and it will be
our first aim to please customers.
Tenderloin, Spare Ribs, Sausage,
Hams, Bacon and everything usually
sold in the Packing House can now be
procured at the shop.
Orders promptly delivered and ac-
counts rendered e dared tiveekIy, on which a
discount of 5 per cent. will be given.
• L, D S. lions 3radnate of the To-
ronto tinii ersityanrt eyed College of Dental
Surgeons oI Ontar . Specialties, painless
extraction and preservation of the natural
teeth . Oleo a over the Law Office of Elliot &
Elliot, opposite Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont.
Will be at Grab's hotel Zurich
on the nomad Thursday of each
month and at Hodggin's hotel
Henson every Monday
London, Huron and Bruce.
30ixa NoRxn- Passenger
London, depart........ 8.05 A, u. 4,50 P. a
Centralia 9,67 5,47
Exeter.- .... 9.22 6.00
liippeu .......,.
Brucelleld .•...........
Brs th
Winch= arrive
Gosxa Sours -
Wingham, depart......
Brueefieta ..................
Kipper .................
Neater-- ....... -....
g ---
Full directions how to suc-
cessfully spray your tress.
Headquarters for Fishing
Supplies at
J. W. Brownin g's
eiesingl Out
Sale ofBicy-
cles at caste
Owing to an enlargement of
the Merchant Tailoring branch of
my business, and requiring all
available space for increased
stock, I have decided to go out
of the Bicycle business.
Several wheels on hand,
which will be sold at cost for
Call and get a snap,
. s7 •15
4 6
9.44 20
9.52 6.28
10.12 6.55
10.29 7.14
10,38 7.23
10.52 7.37
11.I0 8.00
6.35 A. st. 3.25 r.
6.50 3.47
7,0 4.0e
7.30 4.28
7.57 4.463
8 06 4.58
8.25 5,12
8 4 3.23
Dr. 3. A. Rollins, President.
Dr. O. Lutz, Vice -President.
I, 11. Dickson, - Solicitor.
David Mill, - Valuator.
Fred.W; Collins, - 5eoy-Treas.
JnoGegg. E. A, Follicle,' Was. 63ilIer, Wm
tiouthcott, Dr. Thos. A. Await:
8am1, au era.
Make money by sawing money. Sixty Dents
per month will ensure 5100 in 71- years. For
terms of application and all necessary infor-
mation amply to the Secretary, Mr. ,Fred. W
Collins, Post OfSoe, Exeter, Ont.
B-8 Fuchsias, assorted,]E . SOc.
I-6 Roses, ever -blooming, SOD.
G-8 Geraniums, good, .. SOc.
V-6 Canna Bulbs, ns'd, for Soc.
A-8 Montbretias, pretty,. SOc.
L-30 Gladi's Bulbs, mxd.,GOc.
U -Sweet Peas,Co11.3ovar,6Oc.
3 -Window Coll., r each
Ivy and Show Geranium
Coleus, Manetta-Vine
Mexican n Pri
e Fuchsia
Lk TradescantiaSOo
TORONTO _„er ,
a � cr
IEI81LT 311171111,
At W. Johns', The
Tailor. Made to order
for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits
$11, 20, 21, etc. The
l best place in town to
I get a fit.
The Tailor=
The Tailor.
A Suit of &Iothes
or a Single Garment
Should Combine now a days,
Correctness of Style,
Good Workmanship,
Moderate Cost,
Perfect Fit.
You look for these in an old and
reliable place, and A. J.
SNELL never disappoints his
patrons in any of these. A
large assoitnlent of
& Winter Goods
In Worsteds and Tweeds, are
now on our shelves, and wo will
take much ,pleasure in showing
them to you. .There are many
otherlines that are specially at-
Then Come To Us for Best
For ours are selected with
a view to suiting the most
searching taste, and all
can get what they want at
any price.
The Leading Furniture Dealers`
The Leading, Undertakers.
Gidley & Son,
Tbaso who have used
Pr.oltounce it unequalled as
a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS
Winao's Condition & (lough Powder
fol horses, best in the 'mar-
ket. always on hand, Mso
a Cetobeiiefacto and Lini-
inent, the ineclicine so sue.
oessfully fised by Mr. Chas,
.Munroe, Parkhill, itt this
and other towns, in treating
and Curing various diseases, k
For Sal'tt
f. L ll TZ'S