Exeter Times, 1896-6-11, Page 1HURON 8z. MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. ••••, TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. No 29. •A .10 e. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 11th, 1896. Although we talk mostly to you about our Dry -Goods, lineryo,nd Clothing don't forget that we keep a full stook of Boots Sc Shoes,Groc- eries, Hard ware and Patent Modieines. n.f011011 JO. Woodham. Are You Prepared Tor the hot weather we are likely to • have during the month ofjune? Glance down this week's list and see if there's anythi9g you can make use of. SUMMER SILKS.—In Plain and .Fa,ncy Patterns—Blue, Brown, Black, 'Cream, Pink, &c. Just the thing for Bummer Blouses and -Waists, all one price, 50e per yard. PARASOLS.—A large variety to choose from at 50c, 60c, 75c, $1, up. LADIES' VESTS. — With half sleeves, et 5e, 7e, 10c, 15e, 20c and 250, PRINTS.—We ham sold piles of Prints this seasou, but we still have them at 5c, 7, Se and leic per yard. SILK GLOVES AND LACE MITTS. Black,Ceeank and Cord at 20c,25c, !Me and 45c per pain TRIMMED MILLINERY. --If you have put of buying your Summer Ha or Bonnet until now, don't be afraid but what NVO have something lefe to please you. A new lot of Summer Goods passed into stock last week. You will find our assortment good and our prides the lowest, .s ---See the lot we offer this week for 25c, each. , READY-MADE GLOTHING—Men's Summer Coats and Vests and Odd .Coats, at $1.25, $1.50 $2 up to $3,75. R. S. FORD & CO "-= Lumen. FIRE.—Mrs. Goodacre's store and dwelling at the north end of Main street, occupied by Robert Poynter, egg and butter exporter, -was destroy, ed by fire at 2 o'clock Friday morning. Charles Haskettes furniture wareroonis adjoining, and Leonard Fox's dry - goods store aud dwelling, only a, few feet ave. en through the activity of the fire 0eartment and the adjacent \oaten . tanks, Were saved. Mr. Poynt- er lo a , all his household effects and consinerable butter and eggs. Loss about $1,500 on buildinge and contents. Partly covered by insurance. Creditor". BRIEPS.—There was a large repres- entation from this place to Ailsa Craig Monday. From the manner in which many of the kande passing through town were bedecked with bag pipes, flags, etc„ one was remind- ed -of the Scottish Caledonian games. This was the first of an election notic- ed. in this section. Where are our orators keeping themselves? When are we going to haye a public ?fleet- ing ?--Mr. Brock, the Patron candi- date, and R. H. Collins, visited the Reform candidate, Valentine Rutz an. Thursday last and dined together. Since that special Occasion we learn that Mr. Brock has retired from the field. What is the reason ?—The walls of the new church are peeping above. ground. -1.I. Either has had a very fine cresting placed on his new building, which adds greatly to its appearance.—The Epworth League of the Methodist church picniced at the Bend Tuesdaye—The pathmasters aro improving the'condition of the side- walks this year, and pedestrians ap- preciate the change.—Two severe storms passed over this section Friday and Sunday. Copious ratites fell, which did • incalculable benefit. —Last week the married men challenged the single men to a game of baseball. On Satur- day the young men. were ready to play, but the "old chaps" failed to appear.— W. horses ran away from ,Creciitort one day last week. Save breaking the tongue of the waggon. no serious injunn resulted.—August Hill's white black 'birds are still alive. - Mr. Hill refused $10 for them last week.—The Methodist. Conference has returned Rene Yelland to thiseircuit. There will be a very large turnout to the demonstration in Exeter on Fri- day morning,to hear Sir Charles - Tupper, Preimer of Canada, address he electors. A procession will be formed at 9.30, speaking to commence at 10 o'clock. Cures, absolute, permanent cures leave given Hood's Sarsaparilla the largest sales in the world and the first place among medicines. Huronciale. flonsall Bnenes.—Mr. 3. Ingram occupied the Bethesdalpulpit Sunday night, Mr. Ortwein of Hensel' in the morning.— .A union school picnic will be held. in D. Kernicks grove Friday June 12, Scholars and parents of No. 1 and No, 5, and Bethesda Sunday School will take parte—john Moir had a bee and shingled his barn Friday last.—R, ICeddy moved into his new house one day last week.—W. Reddy was in Goderich attending County Council last week.—Miss J. Imirie WM the guest of Miss A. Mitchell.—George Lowe Jr. spent Sunday at Sexsmith.— Some of the Tuckersmith boys got. storm -stayed at Bethesda Sunday night.—Road work is the order of the day.—Charlie would like to know who stole his cow bell. Poi owing are the market quotations. Wboat 2 o 7:tt°318 •veleasimt soonwarmini.momwomk Mr. Carmel. • , — BRIEFS. — ,Tohn Hall is putting: a brick foundation and cellar under his Peas .. 19 to 20 house. — 3 a, s. Delab.a,ye, townline Oats 45 teiG iStephen, raised a large barn upon a Hay Bator $10.00 to $12.00 12 to 13 stone wall on Monday of this week.— Timothy seed 9 to 9 H. Eilber let the :contracts of supply - Eggs • • • reee to ae76 . big the necessary gravel for the town - Clover seed 4"5-5° to 05275 line between Stephen and McGillivray, BRIBPs.—Mrs. D. Weismiller has at this place on Friday last. --Archie returned from visiting her parents in Munro ere of 1.6tb. con. McGillivray, Berlin,-14Irs. Shaffer, of Kippen, agreeably surprised his many. friends visited friends here on Saturday.—The last week by bringing hint Ins bride. Foresters, amain anied by brethren __ Eiaravitie. from Exeter and lTarno,, attended ser- vice in the Presbyterian church San, day morning last. Rev. Henderson Baines.—Road work will socn be preached an excellent sermon on finished,—Excursions to the lake ( "Love in his usual eloquent and Ina are the order of the day. The Chosen pressive style. --The church of Eng- Friends arranged for an. excursion land Sunday school picniced at the there for Friday .next, hut the Tupper lake on Wednesday. A large crowd deraonstration an Exeter upset the • joined. 1 a p da.'' P • pians.—Politics are very qtfiet m this moved into John Carlisle's house on was moved out of the village Saturday last. We welcome Mr, Jar- 1 t F •'d and Saturday under tbe rott to our yillage.—Wilbizr Acheson, skilful management of Mr. William who has been engaged with T. Mare Treble; the work was successfully dock, leaves for his home in Bay city, ! done. Scarcely any dennege was done Mich, this week.—Mrs. Acheson, of I to the Louse and Mr. Simon will Bay City, is yisiting her brother's soon have a comfertable home estab- A. and T. Murdock. —Mrs. John Mee 1 lishe&—There is a. weddingon thetapis. Kinley, of Stanley, (nee Miss Sophia Particulars next week. Redmond) died in Seaforth on Sunday,, of conknown in Hensall and highly respect- orne finement Deceased was well- b2 ed. The remains were interred in the 1 ASsESSMENT.—The following figures Byfield cenietery on Wednesday.— are gleaned fromthe esseserneut roU Oliver Coleman, of -Hills Green, preach- of the nneenaop of Usborne—No. of ed a very acceptable sermon in the acres, 42,080; No. of acres cleared, 35, - Methodist church Sunday evening.— 374 ; total value of real property, $1, - Simon A. Miller, of Cromarty, was 8Z,550;1total value Personal Property married on Wednesday of this week enneo amt. taxable income, $000. to Miss Susie Steacy, of Lunn No. children between 5 and 16, 580, be - ley. Mr. Miller is a brother of John tween 7 and 13, 222; persons between Miller, of this village.—Mrs. John 21 and 00, 638' population 2,406; No- llobkirk is visiting her sister, Mrs. I dogs. 291 ; No. cattle, 5,071, cheep Alf Taylor, Exeter.—It was reported 12413, hoe's, 2,719, horses 1819. Births here that a couple of Men were drown- ; during the year 31, deaths a Acres , ed at Drysdale on Sunday during the of wood land 6,533, acres swamp, 1,009, storm, They were boating on the acres of orchard 587, acres of fall lake, it is said, and were caught in the -wheat 4,123 ; steara bonen? 72. W. gale. It was one of the worst storms MINERS Assessor for years. The lake billows were car - ea. lied far inland.—I. O. 0. P. intend run- ning an excursiontoNiagaraFalls atan . (*rand Bend early date, in lieu of tbe annual picnic. -- Bitinarse—The season leas apparently —The members of the Presbyterian choir were entertained and treated to ! opened here and people front all dir- ectime e. beginning to hold their =- ice cream at Sheffer's restaawant on Saturday evening leen—The youriga Tulle palms. — On May 25th Miss fealkeld's school met here and enjoyed people of the village intend holding picnic at Bayfield shortly.—A detaeh- • e, most pleasant time. The day being went of the salvation army, of Sean fine boating and sailing were the forth, to the number of fifteen will principal enjoyment in the morning and base ball and other games in the hold an open air meeting in Hensall afternoon. — Six young gentlemen, next Thursday evening.—A number of villagers visited Ailsa Craig Monday from Stratford, have been spending a to hear Wilfred Laurier.—Mr. George with Mr. e (1)11 Pgrie otds areweeks teSpackman.— gave a piano recital in Coxworth's T Hall Tuesday evening. He is an excel- elean• Mr. Spackman has also greatly lent pianist and. 0, thorough master a added to the appearance of the park the art. He instructed how to care by making gravel roads in alt threa- tens,. trimming trees etc.—June . the for a piano. The hall was packed.—A St was, hone% en the greatest day large moldier trom the village and . p vicinity intend going to Exeter on Fri - this season, about 500 eople being day to hear Sir Charles Tupper, eau_ present front different sections of the adat's Premier.—Hensall is to be in_ country. Corbett Presbyterian Sun- corporated into a village. Messrs. F. day school, Grand Bend Sunday Miss school,Morrison's public school Arnold and. L. Harold were appointed by the County Council last week and the I. 0. F,. from Farquhar, at - to take the censine It !requires 700!tendlt.tndulged in and prizesiveu to g. Foot races and other genies g population to SOMIrt? incorporation.'( were it is thought that Hensel' exeeeds this to the children. The sports 'all over number. The privileges gained by all returnedihozne feeling satisfied with incorporation are many and the pro- Igoe clay's amusements.—A. Cornell, of inciters are to be eomphmented in theirParkhill, has leased the dining hall for move and shoulei be encouraged.—Geo. I the season, and has now opened up for McEwen, reeve, together thwith e the convenience of the puhlic.—Satur- reeve of Stanley., let gravel contracts day June Oth, a large picnic from oit the North boundary Tuesday even- ing.—Mrs. O'Brien and Mrs. Barker, of Londesboro, visited Mrs, A. Mc- Pherson Monday. They are visiting ate Wm. O'Brien's, Hay township, at present.—Mrs. Coad left, Saturday for the London hospital for treatment. She has been very 21 of late.—The ministers eppointed for the Hensall circuit of the Methodist church are W. E. Kerr and 0. C. Kaine.--Dr. Thompson attended a convention of of the Medical men in Windsor last Wek. PeARMERS' INSTITUTE.—The annual meeting of the South Huron Farmers' Institute was held in Hensel.' on Tues- day. There was a. good represeutative attendance. R. B. McLean, Tucker - smith occupied the chair. Piesident's .anntial report was adopted. The Ex- ecutive report was also adopted. The Secy-Treas' report showed receipts for sentation from each. There was also the Dashwood I. 0. F. and the Khiva, the yea)? to be $76.44, expenditure $50.- day school on the same day. The rain 70, leaving a balance on hand of $25.14. in the afternoon 'damped the proceed - From this balance the expenses of the Travelling Dairy will have to be de- bags for a little time, but it soon clear - ducted. The following officerswere el- ed away and the program was fully ecteda Free. H. Smith, Exeter; Vice - well got through.—Quite a number Pies., D. McInnes, Exeter; Secy-Treas., from here attended Mr. Laurier's meeting held in Cratig on Monday.— Robt. Gardiner, Farquhar; Directors: Posters are out announcing the com, Usborne, Delbridge; Exeter, Geo. ing of Sir Charles Tuppereto Exeter OR SaD1Wen.; Stephen, Jas. Shapton and the 12th, to address the electors of that We Lewis, Crediton; Hay, Mr. Gies, country. As Zurich; Stanley, Thos. Fraser, Bruce place and eurrounding field; Bayfield, Robt. McMordie; Kip_ this will be the nearest- point he will pen; Goderich township Mr. Moat, be, an effort should. be made to get out and hear him. ---A. 51. Osgoode and Brucefield; Seaforth, D. D. Wilson, Tuckersmith, R. B. McLean Kippenson, of Chicago, are here making ar- • auditors, Messrs Anderson, Seafortli rangernent for shipping lumber. They and 4.. Doman, Farquhar. A come expect to ship one hundred. and fifty inittee consisting of M. Y. McLean thousand feet on Friday if the weather and Re MeMordie was appointed to continuesfine.—The storm on Sunday arrange for an excursion to the. Agri. afternoon was pretty severe for a cultural College. Votes of thanks were short time here ; lightniug struck the passed to the retiring directors and hoase of John Devine .coming in et the the chairman. The. new 44rectors corner and running along the wall, organized:and selected the followine setting it on fire, and then striking the places at which to hold institute meet! clock and then reached the cupboard .ingse-eBrucetield, Exeter, Dashwood and ran down it, striking Mrs. Devine and Hensall. They recommended -and two of the children. They were that the meetings be held in Jantary all knocked down Insensible and and February. burned in several places. Fortunately Ueborne Ootnoil. Iobert Jarrotk of the 2nd con. Hay, community. Mr. JohnSlernon's house _ The Council met on the Oth after the Court, of Revision haul, closed. All the members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. and approved. Keddy—Hunkin—That the assess- ment roll for 1800as revised, be accept- ed, anit an order draWn on the Treas- urer for the Assessor's salary. Carried. Delbridge—Kendy—That the Clerk be instructed to procure for the use of the Munivipality at 10 year register, as required by the new Registration Act for Ontario, being chapter 17 Statutes Ontario, 1803. Carried. Delbridge Hnnter — That James Allen's name be substituted for 0. Godboltes as pathinaster in Div. No. 8, 8, E. Ward. Carried. Ranter—Reddy—The Council ad - jammed to meet again Saturday July 4th, at 2 p, m. Parties having registrations to make within so at °nee and thus prevent proseention. Blanks may be had at any Post Office, and the postage on the same is nothing. G. W. 1-10L3M.N, Clerk. •,••••••••••••••41-1.411 DaSh.V700 THE TRAVELLING DAIRY, — The Trevelling D dry sent out . by the De - pertinent of Agriculture for Ontario reaehed 1- ere on Monday last, under the direelon ef Fe 3. fili;ightholm and his assistant. If. Smith. There was a large attembenee, and fay half of the audienee was composed of ladies. Mr. Sleighthohn delivered it most interest- ing and profit:dale address on the management of milk and cream, the feeding of cows, cliurning, working and packing butter, care of milk, etc. They 41:40 gam, an exhibition ef cream testing-, churning and all the unproved methods of butter making. The audience seemed to be intensely in- terested and no doubt many valuable hints which will be of ftiture use, were received. The operations of the Bela - etude tester were also witnessed with nnich interest. These lectures and exhibitions can not fail to Irtve it most, beneficial influence on the butter mak- ing interests of the country, and in iminewing the muility and raising the standard of our butter product. Enneroe.—'The Hoffman Bros. are still adding new machinery to thew factory which will assist them in doing any kind of work in their line that may be desired..—A load from the vil- lage went to Ailsa Craig on Monday last to attend the Laurier political meeting held there.—Quaaterly meet- ing will be held in the Methodist church in the English language on Sunday- next. —Miss Sybella Eby is very sick with diphtheria.—A. Q. Bobier, of Exeter, was in the village on Monday. --3. Kellerman has taken the agency for the Berlin piano and organ Co.—W. Weber is still confined to his bed, and is very low. --J. Want - bole is painting his barber shop, which improves its appearance greatly.— August Thane is re -shingling his house and is also giving it a new coat of paint.—A political meeting will be held in Moser's hall on Friday evening June 12th, when excellent speakers will be present. PPR,PEOT WIsRoM Would give us perfect health. Be- cause nien and women are not perfect- ly wise, they must take medicines to keep themselves • perfectly healthly, Pure, rich blood is the basis of good health. Hood's Sarsa,parillit is the One True Blood Purifier. It gives good health becaase it builds up the true foundation—pure blood. • Hood's Pigs are • purely vegetable, perfectly harmless,always reliable and beneficial. The other day while assisting in the erection of a, wind mill. Mr. Arthur Cook, of Clinton, lost his balance and fractured a couple .of ribs. AM% A.+111.1.1311411.• Are offering some odd lots cleared out from the mills at a very great reduction, which will be found most exceptional value and comprise several qualities, in Black, Brown, Navy and Grey Worsteds, Plain and Fancy Tweeds in light and dark shades, also an elegant line of Pantings at soc, 65c, 75c and $1.00. CARPETS.—Japanese Matting, fancy patterns, 36i1i wide, cotton warp, 25c per yd. Hemp Carpets, 5o in wide, 25c per yd. Fancy Hemp 20o, extra heavy, 35c. Superior Union, Tapestry and Brus- sels at 0.c. FLOOR OIL CLOTH in a variety of colors. 36, 54 and 72 in. wide, at 25c per square yard. HEAVY SCOTCH TINOLUM, best quality in -36 and 72111 wide, at 5oc per square yard. CHINAWARE. -40 pce Tea Sets, semi porcelain, printed blue .or brown, complete set, $2.50. Semi Porcelain Dinner Sets, decor- ated blue and brown, 97 pce for $5.50, $6, and $7.50. so pce 'Toilet Set, semi porcelain, decorated, $2.25, worth t 3.50 5000 lbs of Wool wanted. Will pay highest cash price. • BROWN 45R PREE'rEFE, I Stores at Creditor' arid Zurich . eenee Vest Williams, was here; also one from Eden, Usborne township. They were fa -yore 1 with good weather, fine boating etc. All enjoyed themselves immensely.. , John Hunter and family. of Usborne, accompanied by friends from Iowa, are at present spending it week in .nAldereide Cottage."—Perch fishing has connnenced and parties wishing it good day's angling cannot do better thane 'come here.—A tidal wave struck this locality on Sunday. Thelake's biliows rocked as in a cradle. Boats and other articles on the beach were thrown high and dry, in fact it was the worst wind 'Storm known here for some time.—Campers are now be- ginning to arrive and everything is in splendid shape to receive them.—The annual picnics of the Presbyterian church of this place and Corbett were held here last week with a full repre- There are many forms of nervous debility in men that yield to the use of Carter's Iron Pills. Those who are troubled with nervous weakness, night sweats. etc., should try them. cliarige TEWSP. aTigg from Winter. Heavy goods in Boots & Shoes. to Spring and summer —wear is now tho or - dor of the day. If you need. any our stook is now complete. Many lines to select from and at prices that -will satisfy you. In Men's, toys, and Youths' Pine Goods everything is up to date. Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' in Bongo - las, Oxfords, Bals and buttons. We have the husband was there to attend to them, and they are all recruiting again.—The strawberry season has again come, and. Mr. Wilson is sup- plying the wants of the village in- hebitants.---The farmers should be satisfied with the recent rains, as they have soaked the soil thoroughly. Backache is alraost immediately re- lieved by wearing ' one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna. Back- ache Plasters. Try one and be free from pain. Price 25 cents. n - Geo. Corbett, of near Biensley, u everything in stock that you require. Space derwent a painful operation on Wed - win not permit us to quote prices. soe for yourself. C°11- auti neselay by having a large and trouble- ff MURDOCH .4s co. some tumor removed frornhis shoulder. atty. Bessoor., REPORT.—Tbe May monthly Report for S. S. No. 2, Hey, is as follows. The names are ffi order of ruerit:—V, R. E. Chapman, F. E. Ross; IV, 3. W. Todd, Flora, Northcatt, A. S. Todd ; Sr. III, J. R. O'Brien, E. ' rim], Jessie Munn ; Jr. III, H. F. Johnston, . Ethel Northcott, J. R. Northcott.; II, E. 3. Gould, W. E. O'Brien, reilla Munn; II pt. Frankie Northcott, Maggie Sutherby, 3. R. Munn, I pt. Willie Gould, Ethel Har- vey, Bettie Northcott. The best spellers in the monthly spelling mat- ches were:—IV, Flora. Northcott; Sr. ill, Edgar O'Brien ; Jr. HI, Freeborn Johnston ; II, Willie O'Brien; II pt. Frankie Nortlacott ; I pt. Willie Gould, W. J. .ThEINST011, Teacher. Farquhar BRIEIP.if.—Te. le 0. F. held their annual picnic at Grand Bend on day last, A. large number joined the party and a pleasant time was spent. on Mr. Spackurnes beautifill picnic gronnds, and what added to the pleasure of the day was the kind at- tention given the visitors by Mr. and. Mrs. Spackman, who delight in mak- ing a visit to the lake pleasant at all timea—David Allison, son of John Allison, returned home from Manitoba, last Saturday evening, and on Wed- nesday was married to Miss Maggie, daughter of Mr. Frank Hamilton, of Hibbert, near Cromarty. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. Peter Scott. We join their many friends in extending congratulations, and wish them long life and prosperity in their adopted prairie home. --Mr. Boyd, of Lucknow visited John Tucker last week. Cientrana. -- Snionner Ginn 1,Vaerrene—Apply to Mrs. R. Herrn Dufferin HOU-se, Cent- ralia. Mre, Wes. Huston has been very 21 the past week of inflarinnation of the lungs. During the storen on Friday, lightning Struck it large tree near SVes. Huston's barn. Some few years ago Mr. Huston's barn was destroyed by the lightning,'and but for this tree, would doubtless shared a. similar fate. —W. 11. Butt has been returned to this circuit for the fourth year. It is not often an minister has this pri- vilege, and shows the esteemin which the rev'd gentleman is held.—Mrs. Taft, ofToledo, 0., is visiting her sister Mrs. R. Handford. --Mrs. Barnes end Miss Lumley, of Exeter, were the guests of Mrs, T. Hodgins, Wednes- day. --Mrs. James Falls has returned home front vesting, friends at Bryan- ston. ---Mrs. W. Fero presented her husband, with at son on Monday last; the whe of 0. Sheardown, also el aisod on Sunday.- -W. Hodgins of Hensall, called at the Dufferin House on Friday last. —Mrs John Parsons is at preserve confined to her room. .e. „„•.- 47.3.• CrOnlarty. Bninose—Donald Park has moved his bride int o honeymoon .cottage. — Miss Katie McKaig left on Tuesday for Manitohe on an extended visit.—Miss Jessie Gillespie leaves on Friday for Manitoba going by the boat to Poet Airtime—We are glad to see Miss Lena Kerslake's smiling face aenongst us again after her long illness. —The half !yearly meeting of the Y. P. Society was held on Monday evening June 5th, when the following officers were elect- ed. : —President, Mr. Grey ; Vice -Presi- dent, Susan McLaren; Secretary, Scott Barr ; Treasurer, Fred Kerslake. —Another of those events which maw it ripple of excitement in it community took place on 'Wednesday evening 10th inst.. when Maggie, third daugh- ter of F. K. Hamilton, was unitexi in wedlock with David Allison, of Nor- den, Manitoba, son of John Allison, Thames road, Usborne, in the presence of it large number of friends of the contracting parbies. Rev. P. Scott tied the knot securely in his usual happy manner. The presents were both costly and numerous, useful and ornamental. The young couple will spend a few weeks visiting friends in this vicinity before leaving for their future home in the west- ....FIPI19001111111•11199CIIPIO JORee WM= 8c SONS Publishers and Proprietors !onliurott County Notes GFeroirdgeeyll. azelwood,Carwrightstreet, broke an arm while playing at school Hugh Ross has sold his property on Isaac St. Clinton, to Fiudlay AfeEwen, 1 of Stanley, fax the sum of $1075, who takes possession on the 1st of Septette- ] her. Rev. W, W. Leecli, of Varna, re- ceived word on Monday that his eldest brother, a resident of Neburgh (Ad- dington Co.) was lying at the point of death. Thos. Jordan died at the House of Refuge, on Monday morning; deceas- ed was formerly at resident of Gode- rich township. He was an Epis- copalian. The semi-annual District Meeting of the Royal Templars of Temperance, for the county of Huron, will be held at Sodom, near Exeter, on June 17, at 10 a. Geo. Emerson has sold a small piece of land owned by him on the 4th con. of Hallett, consisting of nearly 17 acres, to E. Roand, who resides on the next concession. There died, in Bluevale, on Tuesday, one of the oldest men in this part of Huron, in the person of Mr. Martin Farrow, at the ripe old age of 90 years and 'six months. A very promising young man paseed away on Teesday, in the persou of Mr. 11. j. Howell, of the Goderich Organ Factory, at the age of 133 years and 8 months. Deceasedwas married. A little son. of T. Sankersou, Stapleton got hurt by it waggon the other day, and had its elbow joint very seriously ineured. A. small child of E. Finch, of C•linton, got hurt on Wednesday by 'a stick penetrating its abdomen. At $ recent meeting of the ratepayers of Eden School Section, it was unani- mously decided to erect at new school house during the coming summer. The trustees have purchased an additional piece of land for the enlargement of play the grounds and preparations are being made to erect one a the best and most, modern equipped country schools in Ontario. .Ailsa Craig. BRTEFS.—On Wednesday evening last it very pleasant and happy event took place at the residence of Mr. John McCallum, con. 12, Lobo, when his daughter Annie was united in mar- riage to Mr. John McGugan, of the same township. Tbe ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Lindsay, of Ivan. The presents were numerous and costly. A large member of guests were present to wish joy te the happy couple. Mr. aud Mrs. Meting= in future will reside in Lobo.—The funeral of the late Robert Harding, con. 2, McGillivray, who died on Wed- nesday, aged 80 years, took place on Friday at Carlisle Cemetery. Ponigeoare — The fight for Par liamentary honors in North Middle: I sex is to be athree-cornered one. Thus the independent electors decided last Tnesclay forenoon, when they nomi- nated Wm. Brock, who at a former election opposed Hon. Geo. W. Ross in West Middlesex, as their standard- bearer. The meeting was held in the town hall, Dr. Ovens, of Parkhill, was elected chairman. Following gentle- men were elected officers of the North Middlesex Independent Association: Dr. Ovens, Parkhill, president; J. Darling, Brinsley, vice-president ; R. Y. White, Parkhill, secretary, a,nd vice-presidents were also elected for each :municipality. Since the above was put in type we learn that Mr. B. has been induced to retire fx•om the contest. CURED WEAX BACH P011 25 CENTS. kr two years I was dosed, pilled, and plas- 4.t#17:At.4113epaldh6guthic . encd: Eiati ivcr Pills' relieved, therm boXesgehurods. d b _TS 0.1"0.n mith, Toronto. One Pill a dope, Price 2° Is* middies= CometyN otes -- Rev. Mr. Calder, formerly Baptist minister in Ailsa Craig-, but now of Aivinston, was presented with ate horse and buggy by his congregation last week. Jos. Kelly has sold his magnificent farm of 121 aeres on the London road, Eiddulph township near Moorseville, to a farmer of Markham, for the hand- some sum of James Miller of nloorseville is ivolue pelted to use crutches. About a week ago he was suddenly taken with paws coursing, through his lege. amd • .bee coming so severe that he was com- pelled to resort to crutches. Again the long gales aud weeds on the sides of the streets have become it nuisance. Can the council, in its wis- dom, not devise stone method by which the grass and weeds will be kept mown and the streets made more attractive? Little encouragement is given to those who wish to keep their lawns and premises in good order, It pays a town to have its streets kept in neat, tasty con dition. Parkhill Review. In Parkhill the cows are not allowed to run which accounts for the unsight- ly appearauce of the streets. A. serious accident occurred. on Sat- urday, which might have resulted fatally. Mrs. Abraham Gray, her three daughters, Miss Gray, of Parkhill, Mrs. Honsieker and Mrs. Hartle, of ' Windsor, and Miss McNeil, of Windsor started in a double carriage for Strath- roy, but they had not gone far when the team took fright, ran away and overturned the carriage, precipitating the occupants to the ground. Mrs. Gray sustained a fracture on the arm, and Mrs. Hunsicker was injured intern- ally, besides being bruised and cut. The whole party were more or less injured and the carriage was badly smashed the top being entirely de- molished. Mrs, Mimicker and Mrs. Hartle each had a child with them which miraculously escaped any serious injury. County Treasurer McEvoy, of Mid- dlesex bas submitted an estimate of the receipts and expenditures of the County for the year ending June, 1806. The total receipts were fixed at $31,- 511.67, of which $7,291.67 is expected from county rate arrears, $7,500 from the Provincial Government for crim- inal justice, $6,000 equivalent of the legislative school grant, the same sum as it legislative great to Public schools $1,550 from the city of London for the payment of jurors, and. $2,900 for the maintenance of prisoners in the jail The total expenditure is estimated at $70,140, leaving $31,628.33 to be pro- vided. by it general county rate. The peincipal items of expenditure are:— One year's interest on House of Refuge debeutures, $1,200; administration of justice, $10,500; jurors in superior courts, $3,500; service, re balloeing and summoning jurors, $1,000; expeuses of municipal government, $6,000; maintenance of House - of Refuge, capital and. current account, $0,000; incidental expenses Of education, $2,- 000 ; grants to High schools and Col- legiate Institute $6,500 ; coimty .grants to Public schools, $G,000; legislative ants to Public schools, $6,000; new ridges, $1,400; repairing old. bridges, $3,900. Mrs. Thos. Howard of 781 Adelaide St. London committed suicide Monday by jumping into the Thames. De- ceased was mother of Mr. Bart Hceva who is a Yaluedworker in Y. M. C. A.. circles. George Ta,ylor, of East Middleseiethe choice of the Patron -P. P. A.-McCarth- yite convention of three weeks ago, leas withdrawn from the contest, leav- ing James Gilmour, the un.?1- servative candidate, and Mr. John Gil a son, the Liberal nominee. ONE OF THE FINEST Selections of Window Shades in this town can be found at the Market Store. We can suit you in quality, color and price. We have the very newest in LADIES' Ecl=n1:1:)E:: Prices 75c, $1, $1.25, $1•50, and $2,25. Turnip Seed. Sleirving's I'. Top, Hall's Westburg, Elephant or Monarch, Sutton's Champion. All at prices away down, J. P. Ross Dorainion Elootork. Nomination Tuesday, June 16 Tuesday, June 23 Portia. County Notes — Mr. and Mrs. Kyle and family moved from Mitchell to Toronto last week. Mrs. MeMpine and !family, of Mit- chell, have moved to Parkhill. At the June meeting of the Perth County Council, Geo. Leversage was eorifirmed in his appointment as county treasinar by a vote of 17 to 10. A quiet but pretty wedding took, place in Seaforth Catholic church on Tuesday, when Louis Malone-, of Me- KiIlop townsbip, was married to Miss Elizabeth McConnell, of Hibbert. Dyspepsia in its worst forms will yield to the use of Carter's Little -Nerve Pills, aided by Carter's Little Liver Pills. They not only relieve present distress but strengthen the stoniest and digestive apparatus. Aix accident befel it fomeyear-old son of James Jackson, of Fullerton, on 1,Veduesday. The little fellow was playing about the yard when he was accidentally driven over by it waggon loaded. with manure. The result was it badly crushed and broken leg. Gus, Goebell, of Mitehell, earried everything before him at the Ham- Inwg races last week with his hand- some trotting mare. Miss Delnutrch, Miss Delmarch took first money in the race against eight horses, some of 1 thera from 'We Vitfeed States. Five parties from the vicinity of Mit- chell, sailed from Montreal for Liver- pool ou Saturday. Mrs. Parish and Mrs. Hodgson are returning to remain there. The other three, Mr. and Mrs. Tubb and Mee. John Robins -n, are only going on it visit to friends. Thos. Pascoe, jr., who left Mitchell a few months ago for South Dakota, returned home on Wednesday. Mr. Pascoe was very unfortunate after reaching the west in getting his leg broken througlx a fall from a building on which he was working. He is still going about on crutches. McKillop Fire Insurance Co,. passed 108 applications during the month of May. John Evans, the Windsor pound - master, has been fined $6.75 for cruel- ty to animals, COMMENDABLE PROMPTITUDE. A RESIDENT OP ST. SOHN, N. B. MAKES A SUCCESSFUL TRIAL OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. xst. N. ti,, 3 UDE . 1. Robert Moore, residing in Indiantown, a suburb of this eity, has recently made wbat is allowed by all who are acquain- ed with the facts to be a most remark- able recovery. He has been a sufferer from a, serious complaint of the kidneys for over seven years, and during that time has suffered excruciatingly. He has also suffered considerably in pocket having paid large SUMS for medical_ advice. Quite recently he happened to read of the many cures effected by Dodd's Kidney Pills, and wit com- mendable promptitude made it nil of them, with the result that after taking three boxes of the remedy he was entirely restored to health. N1VtO Every buyer of Furniture to call and see us. We will save you money m PARLOR HITS, (BROOM SU118,44....__ 0 NIKO ROOM KT, or lof ta KIMOO We have a large stock of Picture Frame Moulding on hand, also Win- dow shades, at a bargain. Our Undertaking Departraent is complete. We guarantee satisfaction in this line, both in quality and price. Our Planing Mill is now running full blast. Parties in need of bailding material, such. as DOORS, SASH, FRAMES + + AND MOULDINGS shoulki give ns a call. We are now making specialty. of Wire Screen Doors just now made to order. HOFFMAN 'BROS. Furniture Dealers, Undertakers and Contractors Dashwood.