HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-6-4, Page 5d,x Catarrh in the dead 3s a dangerous disease because it is liable to result in loss of hearing or smell, or develop into consumption. head the following: 4' illy wife has been a sufferer from e:atierrh for the past four gears and the disease had gone so fax that her eyesight liras affected so that for nearly a yea itthe was unable to read for more than five aainutes at a time. She suffered severe gains In the head and at times was almost distracted. About Christmas, she com- menced taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and ,since that time has steadily improved. She has taken six bottles of Hood's Sar• saparilla and is on the road to a complete euro. I cannot speak too highlyof .H'ood's Sarsaparilla, and 1 oheeertullea ecommend it." W. IL Frirsn rn, Newmarket, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparilla 9s the Only True Blood Purifier .prominently in the publia eye today. good's Pinscare habitual consttpe, tion. Pnea 25e. nor box:, WANTED IOuNG 01: MIDDLE AGEI) MIM of character. Hundreds foremost in Canada started with us. About. 51.4.00 a week to begin with. THE BRAD1:EY•G:lllitETSON CO. LTD., Toronto Ont. CUT TIIIS OUT and return to us with FivoCenta in silver. and you will get, by return mail, A GOLDEN 130X, OF GOODS that will bring you in more money ftx ono month, than any. thing else in. America. A. W. KINNEY. E. T. Yarmouth, N. S. NOME. To tho Shareholders of the Exeter Salt works CDti. Gentlemen, Please take notice that the annual meeting ofrl rcho ldeiti the above Co. win mat, place Jure /eh at 2 o'clock p.m at the Town lenge. • T. B. CABLING, Secy. ireas. Qiesbn Demerit. Any person needing cement or instructions bow to use it, shoahi leave their order with Dolbridge Brew. Winelici80a. We are prepared to supply cement and do all kinds of work in loorfng, walls. ote. There iwa small quantity 44 cement at Mr, Ii. Smith's, Hay P. 0. T DIiLBRIDGI: BROS., WinObol*ea. Farm for Wale At a bargain, in Iluron ('o., Michigan, 160 acres, SO cleared, 20 logged and CO hush. Good frame house and granary, frame barn 104 x 36, now, ea acres wheat, 6 rye. Soil clay loam. Good water, Gorman settlement,, 12 miles from 73ada ire 4} from Elkton,; Soule'2 miles. Trico 14,5 82500 cash. alanco on time to suit. WILLIAM J. SAUNDICIta, Soule, Huron Co.. Michigan. GR +ENVILLE CANAL ENLARGE MENM NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. TRE Advertisoment calling for Tenders to received on the 23rd inst., for the enlar anent of the Grenville Canal, is hereby w drawn. By order, JNO. H. BALDERSON Secret Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 21st May, 1896 I Tenders for Additio --TO TIM- E O Of Refuge .Sealed tenders will bo received by the under- signed, (marked tender for the House of Re- fugo) up to the SECOND DAY OF JUNE, 1890. for building an addition to the House of Refugo at Clinton. Plans and S iecifications can be seen at Wm. Coats' Office Clinton, or at the office of the ,drohitoct, I C. McBride, London. The loves: .rally tender not necessarily ac- +eepted. }IENIt i EILBER, Chairman of Com. Sita Crediton P. 0. THE STANDARD BRED STALLION, (� ALJEAIBFZG No. 16875 AMERICAN S. BooK. Stands 16.1 and weighs 1,200 lbs.; half brother to Martha Wilkes 2.08 ; sired byRippetoo, 2.25 ; g. sire Vieking 2.18 g. g. sire, Egbert 2.`22. G. Tu. G. Uambletonlan 10. 1st dam by `Harrison Chief (3849) 2.30. G. clam by Abdallah Mem- 'brine,2.20 ; G. G. dam Abdullah ; his 4th and 'fifth dams were thoro'brods. Dalberg crosses twice to Ilamblotonian 10, twice to Membriuo Chief 11, once to Pilot Junior 12, backed up with thoroughbred. Pgbert,his grandsiro traces 35 times to imported Messenger and 15 times to imported Dioned. Melberg will leave his own stable, St. M rys, and proceed to ltusscldalo for -noon ; Sam'l Horton's, Boundary, for night ; Tuesday, Central hotel, Exeter, for noou ; Clarke's hotel, Crediton, for night; Wednesday, W Moifatt's hotel, Centralia, for noon ; Wood - been for night. TERMS : t0 to insure. w. JoRi 1S1'o:,, Owrcr and Manager. ,vm.2a enlarge Lice,nses --ISSUED AT - WOWS ELRY STORE No Witt -losses Re: gtait'cd. A. complete Stock .of Jewelry, Silver - Ware, au. Repairing•receives careful and per- sonal naattention. R. IIICKS, Central Telephone Office Wheat per bushel.-- Barley.. ushel...•,.Barley , , .... Peas Butter..-: Turkeys ... Geese..... Chickens per tb Ducks.... . Pork dressed Pork live weight HOY per ton.... ,.. Clover seed Alsiko clover Timothy seed Exeter, Juno 3rd 1596 ▪ ...... 66 to 65 -19 to 20 ..25 to 25 , 43 to 43. .. 11 to 12 8 to 8 7o 7 too5 5 to 5 0 41.3525 .3355 to t $ $3.35 • 10.00 to $11.00 5.50 to 80.75 .. §4.00 to 55.00 2.50 to, $2.75 London, Juno 3rd, 1800. Wheat per bushel,.. ..., .. ,.70 to 75 Oats,_.. ...,22 to 23 Peas.... 40 to 50 Barley ... ...32 to 35 Buckwheat ..00 to 6.5 Corn .. Ityo ..., .. 70 38 to 80 to 13 .. Beane ......,.40 to 55 Butter ,... 13 to 15 Mas ke ...•.. 10 45 to 65 Turkeys per ib.... , . 7 to 8 Geese porn-. ,,. 0 to 10 Chickens-,,,. 30 to 50 Choose 8 to 8 Potatoes per bag ,22 to 25 Porkppercwt.... ..x ..$$4,50 to o y$4.75 To onto, Juno 3rd. 18 Wheat por bushes ...... ...... ....70 to 76 Wheat Iced Wheat Goose Barley..., .. Peas Catae...... stye...... Butter per 1b- Egge per dor....... ...... . .,.. 9 to 10 58 to 60 35 to 35 52 to 55 24 to 25 48 to 48 ,10 to 13 BURN• ROWCLIFFE-In Osborne, on the 22nd May, the wife of Enos Rowolftbe, of a son. BIiIYWOOD-In Osborne, on the 23rd May, the wife of Caleb Heywood of a daughter. CORNISH -In Usborne, on the 28th May, the wife of J. J. Cornish of a son. STEWART-In Exeter on the Srd inst., the wife of J, A. Stewart, of a son, DAY -In Exeter, on 71ay Slst., the wife of Louis Day of a daughter. GAISER.-In Stephen, on May „Mgt., the wife of Win, Geiser of a daughter, ATA-.--.•- DOUPE-CORNISH.-By the Rev. John Lea- royd, at tho Methodist parsonage, St. Marys, on the 23rd ult., Nathan Doupe, school teacher. Woodham, to ltiiss Emma, Cornish, of Blansbard, TWITCHELL•--BELL-At tho manse, Altai]. lop on May 20th, by Rov. P. Musgrave, Mr. It, J. Twitchell. of Clinton, to Miss Lillie May 13011, of Seaforth, PURDUE-OTHi0N - At the residonco of the bride a mother, west ward, St.. Marys, on May 27th. by the Rev. W. J. Taylor, Mr. Vincent Purdue, to Mies Lizzie OChen, daughter of the late Jas. Othen. COADi.•-•NOBLE.At the residence of James Noble, Esq., Oxbow, N. W. T., on May 13th, by the Rev. W. S. A. C'rux. B. A. Mr. Edward James ('undo, formerly of IFlitchell, to Mise Mary Noble, of Oxbow. DIED. t'OODLIY.--Inifiteell, °nate 24 hult., John Woodley, aged 61 years, 8 month*: CAMPI3IOLL.--•In Seaforth, on the 26th ult., hire. D. 8. Campbell, aged 40 years. LASHBROOIC,-In Mitchell, on the 27th nit., Regina, wife of W. I,. Lashbrook, aged 39 years 9 months. 3II1It11AY.-1n Woodmountain, N. W. T., on the ItIth ult. wife of Mr. Samuel Murray (for. rnerly of Usilorno}, aged 72 years. ODUEItT..-In Downie, on May SIst, Mrs Ann Odbort, of Stratford, widow of the late John Odbert, aged 77 years. DIXON In St. Marys, on May 23rd, Rebecca Baldwin, relict of the late Richard Dixon aged 74 years, 8 utonths and 10 days. Food, when it sours on the stomach, becomes in nutritive and unwholesome. It poisons the blood, and both mind and body suffer in consequence. What is needed to restore perfect digestion is a dose or two of Ayer's Pills. They never fail to relieve. CURED OF CHRONIC CATARRH. ARemarkable Cure. -J. W. Jennison, Gilford, spentbetween $200and'300 in consuitingdoctors; tried Dixon's, anti all otter treatments but got no benefit, One box of Chase's Catarrh Cure rift no more good than all other remedies, in f+ . I consider myself cured, and with a 25 cont x at that. COAL, o COAL S Doii't Pofi"'get To leave your order for Coal with us. We buy right, and what is better we sell right. Some dealers claim. to Kaye a mono - ply of all tee Coy d Al Thing We do not claim auything so absurd, but do say that our coal is equal to -the best, and we sell cheaper. Giye us a call. 6-4. 2m. W. TREVIBTllCK. and Trunk aw $Y '11`Elfr6. L Fe CHEAP EXCURSION Scarmia. c Dett cit, Saitudays Jame With, MOO GOOD FOR THREE DAYS. Special train leaves Exeter at 8.45 a. m. -Fare 95c. Boat leaves Sarnia 8 o'clock for De- troit.-Fare for round trip 50e. For tickets apply to 0. KNIGHT, Agent, Exeter. Butter d og UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE FARMERS' INSTITUTE Of South Huron. The travelling dairy from the Ontario 'Agri- cultural College, will exhibit dairy utensils make butter, testmilk and deliver lectures of, the management of milk and croam, the feed- ing of cows churning, working end packing on butter, etc., at the following places : SEAFOIITII, Tuesday, June and, at Town Ball. VARNA,'Wednesday, June Srd, at Township IIENSALHall.L, Thursday, June 4th, at Coxwortli's Hall ELIMVILL] , Friday. June 5th, at Township Hall. DASIIWOOD, Monday, Juno 8th, at Willart's Hall. .Each meet -,"ng will eonunence at 120 p, m. Those meetings are free to all who may come, and you and your family aro cordially invited to attoucd. Tee ladies °glacially are urged to be present. Come and see the Babcock tester in operation and have the workings explained to you. Make a special effort to come. You may get hints on butter making that will bo worth very much to you. A11 are cordially in. vited. 71. GAR.DNAER, Preeiclent, Farquhar; R. McMORDIIO, Secretary, Eippon. TH X. Ts R T. rEr ,9and HappyAsar nce! Fame's Celery Comma mill e y and permanantly CHM. S. Men and Women. made strong for the Hot Weather.. If the Doctors have failed to give you health, Paine's Celery Com- .pound will meet your case -your blood will be thoroughly cleansed -Your Nervous System will be strengthened --You will feel bright and happy. There ought to be no necessity of continually reminding people that they should look closely to their con- dition of health at this season of the year; notwithstanding constant warn- ings thousands seem to be quite indif- ferent to what they term the small ills of life. Small streams make mighty, rushing rivers; the small Hs of life, when neglected, frequently bring On dangerous maladies that end in death. The trifles of to -day -weak and deathly feelings, nervous twitchings, debility, sleeplessness, tired feelings, and heavy, dull pain in the head--nxay to morrow result in dread disease, paralysis, insanity, or that awful paresis that ends life so quickly. • This is indeed the time when Paine'e Celery Compound should be used by old and young who feel they are not up to the standard of full health, strength and activity, The hot, enervating weather will soon overtake the weak, languid, ner- vous and broken down. The result - must be appalling and fatal to thou- sands, if the syster) is not forfeited by St Marys DEstrlot. The annual meeting of St. Marys Distriet of the Methodist church was held at Kirkton on the 20th and 21st ult. It was recommended that Reys. Wen. Birks and Richard Service be continued in the relations of superan- nuated and supernumerary ministers, respectively. Humphrey Albert Graham., of St. Marys, who presented a report of a g a• highly _at fat rexaminationk) is cru the T rr Yy district meeting ofToronto University, as well as a certificate of preliminary examination far probationers, was recommended to the Conference for reception as a )minister in probation. Rev. J. S. Cook, ph., D , was elected to the Stationing committee. Rev. R. J. Hoskins and 11. L. Rice, B. A., to the S. S. Committee of the annual Conference; Rev. J. E. Ford and W. D. Stanley to the Epworth League com- mittee, and Jos. Beavers, Esq., to the Annual Conference Missionary com- mittee. The statistical returns for the year show a total membership of 2,208, a decrease of 24; amount raised on the district for all purposes, $I5,455..1O; for ministerial support, $6,190, an increase of $110, for missions, $1,510.40, and a grand total of connexional funds of $2,513. The fo]lowingare thelay-delegates to conference; A. H. Loth, H. L. Rice and Jos. Beavers, St. Marys, W. D. Stanley, Gran ton, Geo. Williams, Olandeboye; Richard Neil West Mc- Gillivray; W. A. Beattie Iiirkton• T. . Campbell, St,. Marys; Samuel Cole, ..akeside; Samuel Thomas, Wellborn; eo. Dundas, Thamesford. earth's best medicine, Paine's Celery Compound. The fact that Paine's Celery Com- pound has met the alert sanguine ex- pectations of physicians, and cured so many in the past, should be the strongest and happiest assurance to those who need a, life-giving medicine at the present time. That Paine's Celery Compound cures positively and permanently* all diseases arising from impure blood, or from decline in vigor of the nerve system, is fullyproved by tbotasands of earnest and appy men and women who have; signed netters to that effect Let us kindly urge every individual, young and old, who is out of condition, to make trial of one bottle of Paiuc's Celery Compound, the'rasult will be astonishing, convinc- ing; and gladdenin,. No other medi- cine in the world like it for pure, rich blood, and for bestowing that robu-t health that can successfully cope with the dangers that have to be encounter- ed in mid -summer. Beware of imitations and substi- tutes. See that you get "Paine's" the kind that "makes people well" orway.Pine Syrup cures coughs. orway Pine Syrup cures bronchitis orway Pine Syrup heals the lungs. rs. Bombery and fancily, after a res deuce of 21 years in Mitchell, left for tratford last week. On Tuesday morning of last, week, Mrs. D. S. Campbell dropped dead, she res red an attack of epilepsy but had bee ill, more or less for years. She resi ed in Seaforth but formerly liyed Mi • hell I. IS THE BEST COUGH CURE I have ev .r used says G. Fred Anderson, of T -S. Simms & Co., in speaking of Nor - ay Pine Syrup. The dead in St. Louis and vicinity as a result of the cyclone and fire num- ber nearly 500. AN URGENT REQUEST. GREAT INTEREST STILL MANIFESTED IN SECURING QUEEN VICTORIA'S Pnoxo, "Cam HOME" PAPER AND OTHER PRESIII MS. Hundreds of people have written to us expressing the hope that we will continue the offer made in April and May, which reads as follows :- "An elegant full cabinet photo (from a recent copy taken by Royal com- mand) of her Majesty Queen `Victoria; a four page pamphlet giving dates of births, marriages, and deaths, and other items of interesting and useful information relating to the royal family, that but few people have access to; six Diamond Dye Dolls with six extra dresses; and a card of forty-five samples of Dyed cloth, showing colors of Diamond Dyes, sent free to every man, women and child who will send in 25 cents in money or stamps for one year's subscription to 'Our Home, a paper that thousands declare to be worth :a dollar." In order to comply with the wishes of the ladies everywhere, we have ex- tended ourarrangements with the publishers of Jur Ilonm, and have also ordered another stock of the elogant cabinet photos aucl other prexniuins,. and will extend our offer till 'the • last day of J'une.• We trust our friends will send in their orders at once, so as to avoid any teat mayresult from a rush at delay l.t the end. of the month. Twenty-five cents in stamp; ox money will secure Our Home for one year, and all the other premiums mentioned above. Address Wells & Richardson Co., Montreal, P.Q. ABOUT TIIE LIVER. A lazy, slow or t orpid liver influences the whole system, causing biliousness, sick neadache, sallow complexion, languor and dullness. Burdock Blood Hitters regulates the liver, purifies the secretions and cures all forms of liver troubles. We say so and here is the proof: -- I hereby wish to thank you for the great benefit derived by hie from y urDaerieek BloodBittrs. For three years I was troubled with liver com- plaint and tried everything to no pur- pose. I had almost given up hope until one day I determined to try Burdock Blood Bitters. I can say now that marked improvement,result from the use of the first bottle and at the end of the sixth bottle I. discontinued its use, being completely cured. Gno. N1.c1IoL, Seaforth, Ont. I can certify to the above in every particular. W. G..McLuxrakN,Seaforth Ont. WORK OF A, SINGLE DAY, SOME STARTLING FACTS CONCERNING TIIE ACTION OF THE HEART. Do people recognize the ixnmense work transacted by the heart in a sin- gle day ? It equals that of lifting one hundred and fifty pounds to a height of thirty-three hundred feet. And yet knowingly, or through ignorance, nine out of ten people abuse this hardest worked organ of the body. There is nothing remarkable in the fact that heart tailors and apoplexy are among the most prevalent diseases of the day. Happily a remedy is found in Dr. Agger' s Cure for the Heart, which gives relieff instantly. This medicine should be kept in every house, so that on the slightest indication of heart trouble itmn.y be taken. It has saved, by its prompt and efficient work, the lives of thousands of Canadians. Sold by 0. LuTz. THE PAIN LEFT QUICKLY. RHEUMATISM OF SEVEN YEARS' STAND- ING CURED IN A FEW DAYS. I have been a victim of rheumatism for seven years, being confined to bed for months at a time, .unable to turn myself. I have been treated by many physicians in this part of the country, none of whom benefited me. I had no faith in 'rheumatic cures advertised, but my wife inpuced me to get:;abottle of South Am-riean Rheumatic Cure from Mr. Taylor, druggist, Owen Sound. At the time I was suffering agonizing pain, but inside of twelve hours after I took the first dose the pain left me. I continued until I took three bottles, and I consider I am com- pletely cured. (Signed) J. D. McLEOD, Leith P. 0., Ont. Sold by 0. Ltrrz. It is a great mistake to suppose that a simple tonic gives strength; it only stimulates the stomach to renewed action. To impart real strength, the blood roust be purified and enriched, and this can only be done by such a standard alteruative as Ayer's Sar- saparilla. Mrs. Gill of St.. Marys, mother of Mr. R. B. and Mr. Geo. Gill, Russeldale, met with a serious accident on Tues- day. Mrs. Gill has been troubled for some time with rheumatism and being in her 78tb year she was not very sure on her feet. On Tuesday she bad a fall resulting in the fracture of ono of her legs above. the knee. GOOD HE ALTR And a good appetite go hand in band. With the loss of appetite, the system cannot long sustain itself. Thus the fortifications of good health are broken down and the system is liable to attacks of disease. It is in such cases that the medieinalpowers of Hood's Sarsaparilla are clearly shown. Thousands who have taken Flood's Sarsaparilla testify to its great merits as a purifier of the blood, its powers to restore and sharpen the appetite and promote a healthy action of the digestive organs. Thus it is,:not'eyhat Te say but vvhat,Hoocl's Sarsaparilla c1(I that tells the story and constitute,he strongest est o m n recom- mendation re . niendation tlizi. can be urged for ,any medicine. Why not take Hood's Sap saparil]a now ? 1st -lop Sori re Paris Creen SCYTHES,BUG FINISH, SN.ATH, Etc. HAY FORKS and RAKES. H nit -flocks A new line f Coal Oil Stove. H. BISHOP & SON. earge N Bute, yea Sauc.-Thoro'bred Durham bull (registered) for sato. Sixteen menthes old. Color red. Apply to Thomas Cudwore, lot 20, con. 5, Osborne, or Lumley P. 0. IaTANTED-Young men and women to help in the Armenian canes° good inn will send copy of my little book, "Your lams in Life," free to any who write, Itov. J. S. Linseott, Brantford, Ont, IN( $1` MUM to get framed. We have hundreds of feet of mould- ing, from 40. p'r font up- wards Also a nice lot of pictures cneaf'. A full stock of Furniture andUndertaking Y always on hand, R. N. ROWE. � ;e �',- Im ��g...I Mets..,A ,t, arket! Having purchased the butcher- ing business of A. Loadman, (Wood's Old Stand) R e will be pleased to see all out old custom- ers and as many, new ones, We intend keeping the very best of fresh meats and it will be our first airn to please customers Tenderloin, Spare Ribs, Sausage, Hams, Bacon and everything usually sold. in the Packing Iiouse can now be procured at the shop. Orders promptly delivered and ac- counts rendered weekly, on which a discount of 5 per cent. will be given. O. SHELL' -------- Green� (GUARANTEED PURE.) ALSO ---- Hyl eL1..i B IB, INSECT:POWDER, LONDON PURPLE and COPPER SUL- PHATE. Full directions how to suc- cessfully spray your tress. Headquarters for Fishing Supplies at zt�� f J. ', rowning s Sale ofBicy- des at cost. Owing to an enlargement of the Merchant Tailoring branch of my business, and requiring all available 'space for increased stock, I have decided to go out of the Bicycle business. Several wheels on Band, which will be sold at cost for cash. "ROAD KING" "DUKE" "cCR'' A. FORD W IN LADIES' AND GENT'S. Call and get a snap, ciRl EVE ; £. eT. SITYILL. Deering Pony Finders Wagons and McLaughlin's Machines. and Mowers, with ball bearings, Chatham. and Gray's Buggies, Raymond Sewing W. Gtr BIS TT, Agent. R, .� SHOULTS, E CE':NTRALIA. ---.THE•-- !People's 3uildIn and LoanI„ocl tion Oillce opposite Methodist Pareonase. 1 LONDCA - ONTARIO KINSMAN, DENTIST, • i.l,,a, 811,01 ALIST in GOLTD FILL- laG, kS91(eLTING and P1,ATE WOliK. (Gas and local Anaesthetise 'or pain ]eescxrructing• 2nd door north .el CAR- LING'S torn 11 ALTON A N DERSON D.D.S • L. D• S. HOW' etraduate of tbo To- ronto Ueiveisityaud oval College of Dental Bursor.ns of Onto . Specialties, painless extraction and preservation of the natural teeth CVfiioeover the Law Office of Elliot de Elliot, opposite Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont. T -, t 7IvE L. D. .DEN i T AGNEW s Ts , .. OLINI ON. S 'illbo at Grab's hotel Zurich on the second Thursday of each month and at Hodgiu'a hotel Sewall every Monday London, Huron and, Bruce. noise NonTH Passenger London, depart......, . 8.0 A, u.5 47 r. a ContrallR.. ... .... Exeter. .. 9.22 6.00 Ilensal]' ,37 Kippen...... 9.44 B r ueef o .,9.52 Clinton .................. 10.12 Londeshoro 10.29 Bly th.................. 10,88 Belgrave 10.52 Windham arrive11.10 620 828 55 7.19 7.23 7.37 8.00 GoIxe BouTa`- Passenger Wincham, depart...... 6.35'. iI, 3.26r. at Belgrave.................... 6.50 3.47 Byxth 7.03 4.01 LondosbOTO. •.,.. 7,10 Clinton..... 7.30 Bruoefiold.......... •7.4.9 Kinnon. 7.57 Heneall.. ' 8 06 Exeter..... ..... « 8.25 Centralia 84 4.08 4.28 4.46 4.53 4.58 5,12 5.23 Q V V ..S_V At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc.. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a fit.`®�' JOHNS, 7� OHN , The Tailor. A Suit ©t iilothe8 or a Single Garment Should Combine now a, days, Corr-. ,r.tness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. . J. SNELL never disappoints bis patrons in any of these. A targe assortment of 'h: Canis �� dad In Worsteds and Tweeds, are Cow on our shelves,and we will take much pleasure in showing g them to ou. There are many Y y other lines that are specially at- tractive. t',esao oir Draxexrtas;ix Exa'rax, cattalo air. J, A. BolP0s, Presidortt. Dr, O, Lu'z. - vice -President, L I3. Dioltsen, - Solicitor. ITavid 51]31, - Valuaiar. Fred, lv. Collins, - Seoy.Treu, c :Olf;nCrClt.., JnoGritteg, 1 , A, Folilek,'Jns. AISIIer, Wm onthoott, De. Thos, A. Amon.. Same. Sanders. Make money by saving m0neY. Sixty eont5 per month will ensure $100 in 7* years. For torms of anplieation and all necessary infor- mation apply to the Secretary, Mr. .Fred. W+ Collins. Post Exeter, Ont. £ED YOU WANT THEM. CAN GET THrel IFRCM MERCHANTS OR DIRECT $ET IFROM 06. OMALOOCEFREE. B-8 Fuchsias, assorted, , 50e. I--6 Roses, aver -blooming, 50e. GF -S Geraniums, good 50e.d V-6 Canna Bulbs, as', for5oo. A-8 Montbretias, pretty,. 50e. L -3O Glades Bulbs, mrd., 50e. U-Swoct Peas, Co1I.3o var. 50e. » Window Coil., i each Ivy and Show Geranium Coleus, Manetta-Vine Mexican Primrose, Fuchsia Heliotrope e S Tra descan p tia80c r 1' /. -.; 1 n- \' 114 STEELE:BRIGGS SEMC I.T ..TORONTO oar J sr o r .1.15111 41. Then Come To Us for, Best Bedroom Suites For ours are selected with a view to suiting the most searching taste, and all can got what they want at any pike. The Leading Furniture Dealers The Leading Undertakers. Gidley & Son, ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. Cc tral. DRTJG STORE. Those who have used Win.an's Cough Balsam. .Pronounce it unequalled as a remedy for A COUGHS, COLDS AND ,BIt0NCRITIC) BOUBI ES, . - , Condition Winan's & Cough Powder foi. horses, best in the mar- ket, always on hand. Also a Qetoben efacto and Lini- ment, the medicine so sus. cessfull3'by used Mr. Chas. .Munroe, Parkhill in this and other towns, in treating and curing various diseases, Fox Sale at C„ LU TZ' S