HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-5-28, Page 7. . 1 1. I I . . I . I .. 1, , , , _. .1 , : ,­, ­ __ t1­-7--­ - WN, . . - . . I : I . -11_--_1_ I .. I I I . I I , r I I . I - .11 PWT - 7-70019777, -1-717 : . 1, . I . . , -7777 . I I I I . . I I . I . 21 1`ol':K:. 11 I . . . . I .. I I I , ­­­­ -1-1 I . " - . I I . . , , , , -"I 1111 I I . " I i " . I t , 11 , . : ­ I I ­ I . I I '' %­i`ii,.'It _ _ , iiat, 11 I . I . I I I . . I . I 11 , , , , , ", ,7 . - I . I I , 11 , , . . . I , . . . . . I - . I ", . V I 11 . , , , . I i , li i .1 . I . . I I I . . I . I .. . I I . I . . I I , II I . I I I , , I I , 11 I I . . . '. I :, " I . I I oin ltr 'm Irt . I . I I . . . . I ' 7 I . - I ''. I I I " :,7, 1. ."7.N $;713v"'­-- I . __ 41, 41 J%7 -Ai -rip, X 1 Xa 1U I . . I ,, IV',-, , ik' *-, - ____._.___.,._ .11 -1 -­ . I I . I . I , .1 -, !"'11 ;.Alt, 1, - I .. . . I - -----,----,- ­ ,.! _,­_­­_-: - ---,.M'!'-!! t!. l.!!!-" ..!-,!! r I I I -.-,- - ____ ____ I - . 11 , ,17 ..­:i"L, I ` I . r eal0e, ShOWing praise Should be an unusual ­ -.1-11- ___ - ­­ .. 7 - -__ I -11. I - I ., - I_- .. .I'll ... 111111 I 1. . P IC built, and all in 1) . ! -_ , I - I I FOR HBO LAWMAKERS9 tlael there 111116f, have been supernal the evicampmerlt, Y.Ou bad noise in gr6fiter than of any other land, rell- I I I : 11;";;;;=zZ;1P:;=7__. 1 1, ;-­, better go Ing down On all, sides into the Sea, pro- though miles Stre . I Ii.- , - . suPel'visal. S111,l, 'hen I -lie war of 1812 &not . tot between thera, I F'0JJ '- L"' ­" 11 : I - -join them,- ME SUNDAY SCHOOL. and it ingy be 100 WHAT " 11 t . I :, 47­ 7! * . and ours the victi ;v I Since then the Prayer at Valley Phes,Ying large manufaetorles , that the vts, which - . I , ­, i" ­ . .1 I and easy . .­10L "' y 11 " , , ;, 111 ,;, '. . .11 J , Forge, Pr er at Monmouth. pravel, at Caram,erco. Look at the reax riongis ----- -. Lvent to the '15on" , . TAL'TKW3 ON TINE DUTIES OF MEN great. financial Proso.ations,outof which 4tianta. -1 ---- the "Father" bad g _.__ , I ­_­ 1110tillialivs timl red -with wealth on INTE ick Atosultloid,)Fro .. , .. I 'ame, to greater prosperity Yrayor at South Xountain. of was in seine sense srevxioi What we The Cood 'Wh ,)FA,o 't .4 I -, L -I Tflf, NATION'S ,COUNCIL:' We ( than Frayer at Gettysburg. "Oh,"k RKATIONAL LESSON, NAY -know certainly is that Christ will I ta sk certato villago Cl 11 I 11t 11 ., I I I anything that 1) iays solue the top and sides and metaled with 1 314 110 I I .". , . . receded, Since then Infidel "the northern people prayed on, wealth un(jel. -- - ."I --' sanguinary 1803, 1864 and 1865. and nal- one side and lbe 90me- The remainder of. this P"sage , . I nVaIll. One hundred and , 4. : A Semion oK isojereSt t(j INRIJOKAI 14051tAll-. withstanding t sout hera It , T110old minister c1poed the k and , e, he fact that all the for- the other -side and so it (lid no eaPle, OR eighty thousiandii quary xillies of coall " Destruction of Jernsalcin Is -what is called apocai ill its ,style, lo , Foretold." Of languag, . 1401,N -02m. I, amoulat e d , ro , Tlitagg That Should be eign despotisms were planning for our 1,0 anything."' One hundred and- elp,lity thousandmiles latke 21-18-36- G01114141'ext, Little 121.3% . xx (A _ We are not to limit our Oke a und the v ,Jliiige eburch -you, _. '-,' 11, '' 41.n - alk I Solow,111111gs livitieli Should d('111011tioa, ,we are a united People, And I lxmve heard a ,good of Iran 1 Thp 1 t rpretation to the literal. The are told," -be said. "when you , ,_"'', , and Christian peopi -, iron to pry ow the. coal. , l4te ai "I , "' il Die C lidal1w. 1 to-imorrow. you will find in both infidel stateme.lit, The Coal to forge an(.,, smell, the Iron. 1 9 sfin and moon, the fall- f4 ast. to call to it not,your rIOU , !.; e confounded with the . GE ­NFRAL STATEMENT, .darkenixt . it is as . : n . 1 IS r . I . eigh- , .f , . hOuNes Of congress themen,who fought' to me, as ray right h PlaiTl Tile. land i ) Contoured that extreme tic stars, the constraint, of the im- bars, but tile ;000r, the, inaitived and Lbo --1 ; '%lay 17. Xever ,was for the north, and the South, ,now Sit- a n d. Ye , the Vast the riiaring A %%,lien It conjequred that the words of our I j l W;Nh1n.,,iuu, a S 'weather hardly ever lasts more than lesson were spoken while 0 _ of the ises, and the blind. r ' . . northern Poo le prayed in one ur Lord and -aves, all are typical of the unrest and ,Now none of You are. going 'to ., I 1lno,-1i;-r Or wore appropriate sermon Ling side by Sid 9 WaT- three, day,j__* trexue beat or extreme his disviples sat on the hillside , 11 I . they )rae- . I Of Oliv- COUSternation which are to precede the get Out a fine dinner or supper two . I I le, armed with no wea- and the $oovt evil People prayed in an- cold. Climate fat- the, mots part I et, with the temple and t climaOic. hour of time. That suns and week , '. , Lh'iyl 111W 1 1--"itehed by Rev.- DI ,j,al- lion except the en, with which other -ay, and Gott answered In his an([ favorable for bra -,vu and brains. of us * ' I ' I!Xll UiTl. litoining. The text selected write home to Ito constituents who o1vu way, givink' to the north the re- owers and pal- . . Some . , . , never in our lives -1 '17, . . gave a great entertainment, Yet the. ;1; %vanI to be appointed posstmasters. The establklinion't in(I fruits. Ali Alint rals. All bar- ace,i of Jerusalem in full view. Even vernirig powers, that, dark skies and order I , . , A stars have been used Symbolically for wvs I ;ali`in ev. 2:.1, " And teach his sen- Inan who cannot see God in our Amer- givin't' of the government and V,st,. Seenery displaying autumnal in 114s ruins the bely city is 1 90 akols vdsdulll." I . lean history is aa blind of soul as he, ties, to the south larger opportun' InPosirig; roarivig waters have, in all languages, is t* us. I want each one of you, "q "Jarger than .she had'ever anti 1' pageantry that no land on earth pr, - in our Lord's day it was ma "I would be blind of body it he could not pated, th el- WAds jest le. The furnished figmrative alluslovis- fo "I ,. , manufacturing arthquakes. No Scotch mi.,ts. NO of which our lesson'Is 'a has given to you besities food jN,iLh .. " S -lxalorst ill this tvict. stand for law- e harnessing of her rivers 'In e to rival. No tkouth Amj!ricayi long "vilen You 90 home to. consider What GO4 at 12 o'clock of an unclouded noon see V . r gloom imtk,-ns. Jcp ,-pll %%as the lord treasurer reat interests prophecy and anarchy, is true But a detailed the sun in the heaveni. , the MOT until En,zlish fogs. .N'o Egyptian plagues, portion refers in part to its destruction, 0efinition. d what. our Lord referred to which to make a , :, . ates are I AS a matter of rathude, to Almighty Chat.labouchre are southern .Nlerl Is something that we hardly dare at- feast. and who are the ' `,' of thi Egyptian Government, and,among Will, and the Tallapposa and the The people of the United St in part it refers to the end of the world. il I 011wr gloat ilirng% which he did., ac- God - f the American Colo. and the unrol -1macs er than ans ' -le on t*Mpt - S-0 Goineral Statement. DQQ17 folk whom. You should bid to it." 'r, .. I Lo , 9, the ling Of great .southern happi . . W -earth. It The portion selected for our lesson seems 3 _ cordiag vily jext, was, to teac his gre. be pleased to insert four minQ8 Of coal and iron, of which it 1. Ille testimony bf every man that 210. Afcvi Ixearts failing them for fear. People glanced'. sm.11ing at each other, ' . the bas . to refer to the Overthrow of Jerusalem D-ving from terror. The sun, 'moon, for Eke good ,; senators U mords suggested by the Mpthoaliiit Me- wOrld knew nothing, and op(-n!nV before traveled I d F the poor I More sympat, and stars are the powers of heaven. man was full of queersug. . . 1 1. wisitim, and if any men on ferencell Not only because of the he" opportunildc's of wealth which -will hal.'r1% thliar industrious 1-Y Thus, which occurred forty year" 27. I'llon Shall they see the S j Rest'JAUS. But the idea xvmAined , , earth ought to tile endowed with wis- kindness of God to this nation in the give IN Per oent. more of affluence than more opportuxiit'y I lit how good God af ter these words were spoke,ml, I on 0 . in tho X ,look doint, it is &ivxators, whether Q1vY stand Ila,>', should such a reverential inser- She ever Possessed and in%tead of the was to our fatlx4s7and how good God n the Man coming, . in the most solemn me- mindis Of some, of his hearers, makino . . ,, A in congriti ses, parliatilents or T eich- I I , , has been to us and ,our children ! To he residents rn(',Iat Of our Lord's lite he uttered the their Sunday . I , I ,lia, 1 U, -re aftermcou uncomfortable. tiOn lie made but because of the fact blaek hands of A;ierlean slaves the OrdinarY course of ewerli,s I I e are join - I To Him of cross and triumph lie ean- hostile army, fly 1,0 213- 61). Wlihout stretching the symbol - . I " oil his- 'of the coal anti Iron mine's of the south, It ' Lswilill,lies or legislatures. By Positlovxs ijl urther in ourviation a 111111 -blessed be His glorioug name! Of Judea would, on the approlveh of a "alme words before the Santpoirm (Matt. KIU4 s g to want divine inter- are lilt- More industrious lit, ck hands It bothered Phil Dorranoo as he sat their Idle'Cislons nallonii go tip or down. torY. This gold and silver question will which are achieving for her fabulous Jerusillex , the, 114111Y'We may say that the Son of Mall alone in his, room. He usudily sat alone, "; - secrated Live 'United States of Arnerical ,strange,$,. fortification of their land. u 10 LaNvxvoxak, rs are .sowvUimes so tempted never be atIttled until God settles it. and unimagined weillib, .1 There are three great reasons NvIly 0 came at the destruction of Jerusalem, excoPt W1.1,04 at his meals. .ph W a the s . 11 preferences, will novel- W settled until (;ad Settles s of xvIvite blossoms co, I . Id do our liest for this ur flat in a far truer sense he is to Come blacksmitlits son, wharn hi; father, by . I 1by prejudice , by sectional This question of tariff and free trade And there are dome )Ion w"d I sbou Lord's injunction net to do lie was, a a : by opportunity of personal advancement it. where spread 1he white tents, untry-tbree great reasons: Our therefore, Startling, and none liho did in [be final advent. dint Of Years of bard work and saving, This question between the east and And I fathers* vravles. . and lift up your heads- I here are plowi, in the track where drens' bi , our cradle, our chil- not thoroughly lielieve in him ,,,,Ould 28* Look up . and Sometimes what is best to do is so the west, wbich is getting hotter and itbright. When I say your Better, Round'ea,gorly forward al,4100k bad sent to colleap. He was rateful. '. z ' doubtful that they ought to be pray- hotter and looks toward a republic of the war wagons went, father's gravest Your pulses jun quick- take such a risk, Bur, a strange Opt- UP, l'our redomption. drawetb Ai9U. to his father. but(: e felt that %is edu. . I I tbe Pacific, will not be settled until And there are songs where they lifted ly. Whether they t;leep in cil", come. portunity to fly to the mountains. was If Nve are to regard ,all that It" thus cation bad made a great gulf between . far beert said as in the main pointing 11" I led for and encenraged in every pos- up Rachel's lament. terY or country gra yard, lli ir dust Offered by the cour6e of event,ts. The were his classmates. He had mea,vit to we will need,Hbinstill more in the 120. . I bey 10'A'al'ol the destruction of Jerusalem, him and the old man. f1ii compavio alble way, Instead of severely criticis- Years Of on" past national life and ive 011, 3"Ju ItIV, a stuald man it you do Is very precious to you. I think Roman profevtwade an atiat-L on Jeru- spend this aft I ed and blanied and excoviated, as Is will need Him Still more in the next not understand how God answered Ali. lived well and that, thity diod r1rhit. And ,sawall, in the Illis refers especially to the deliverance - oration with some of tbemo much of the time tile case. Our public 120 years. Uft k your heads, yo, rallarn, Linvoln's praver in ibe White ]bon thiscountry Is (dicradle. It may f4li,of 66, anti Nva,i beat. Of I be Churvit ot ,Christ train whit bad di,scussima a paper he bad w,ritten an: I everlasting gates'. our glorious Con- House, and : `,tolxtiwail Javksovx's Prayer have rolkod us very I-oughi.y, itut ft en off. The final siege wu.g N -en its rx-oist, formidable danger,- the the blistorf Of his zstive state Instead, . , , not inaug-1 ,. . I ixten. are so often ill,- target to be shot stitution, and let 1L.t, King of Mary in the suddle, -pld answvred all the was a goott. cradle xo lie rovkPif in. (Ili, urated by Titus Until 4L 1). 70. 6 . t 11V 0 t o S old n he took i dQWA­St%I= to th; kitchen, I Lit, merely because they obtain onlin- come inl Make one line of th fj rayers ot all the cathedrals on both bow mueh we owe to it! '1'ht,,-j tyran f JI triesthood. It` a t e growth at lininor-' After i lie fall of Jerusalem 'Ji'. +l where lihs father and mother in their, lint,vvith onivillpotenvel i little, C',od's and girlhood, it vvas,spent in Ili!.- West- 01 Chrl, liaxxity was True niol 11 ence which other men wanted buttiould t1l (10,'ument ,sides of Mason aild Dixon" Qur J,o hood aL,undant. time Njas ofleled to lbo ,, , Sunda clothes sat mudding over the, L . radi ed Coil , ,,,, -e rapid fi Ir I ,a - past; God's coun- n(ry. 1 never have aniv patience rhe than It li td 14n. during the first t , not reach, that more injustices are hurl Spell at, least one word with thrones! country all the iN that. befleved Cbriq'os proijbi , 'hirty Ire- Ow bare and empty their livea . , * - -At the beginning or at the Ouse, or try now. Put His name in your pro- wit h a man ,who ialk.s ajains.t Iiii.s viianiver in which &OUto of the minute de., 7i (if il s existence, were.-mrork and Sleept I ed at our national legislature than the in the center, ro ' . I "I Nvumt to read y6u som - , otbill, I , . cognize Him from whom nunclamentos; put His name on your country. Glorious plate to 1,e Nirn in. Tait's'Of this Prolibevy werv, fulfilled is '9, SO. 'file fig tree., ,and all the have written." he said, cbeeritilly. . last Phrase is especially Thef drew up their chairs, their eyea .1 siLly imagine. The wbole ale belying blessings of the past, and upon wboin state and iiatialvill enterprUes; put. Ilia heen our cradle. Aye! it is to lie frees, I This I Tiling Of t,pI' I . . PeoPle of the United States, can pos- as a nation we .6a;ve received all the ox)i Put His name on -,Our city and and a glorious plaw lo live in. It has, nomfile The buildings of 4-rusalem Indicative of the eu 11g, and I , a We are dependent for the future. "i'llne in your beart.2. We cannot steel) our obildren's birthright. ) oll and 1 were overthrown and burned and the of Spark 1119 with pride and tell I of our Public, men is simply damnable. print ale s the entire pa,;Sage a little before listened with keen, ght, aAd '. sured will win lie through. We wIll Perhaps very iiite Of it defaced, and made to look 1130 1XVi-sover, ,Abeii, t1tv fre,b green d him. They were . I . Washington I have "Eternal Fatillor" or "Ruler of Natious" that 1110 God Of lour America - see a few more spring blossunis ctiat a,4 if it had never had axi jilhaiiitant. fOliaVO Of the Mount of Ofives -would be i, By ivaldence in I that word "Ood" or "Lord" or "Vell I he last sleep until ive are as shrewd intelfi- I . "011ie to find out that many of our somewhere I*tweem. the Aist word and . I ion's in the p' va inslitu able. tool. to correct Some mistakes That I I aNt. Will be the (;ad of we. will perhaps Soto a few more surn- Gentiles of max,y Xlli have h " I O:.sel,. it'spevially notable. Know of your Own be had made. and to. give him somer I . public men are persistently misrepre- the last. The great, expouvider of the Our American institutions in i a hsts, and n-th will perhavi, . selves. Re4tognize readily, with no onstitution sleeps at Marshfield.tMass., that are to come. 011, when all the gather a few more, autumnal fruits, sl0n Of the city ever sine ; ve now no ­ , vxxtied, and some of the best of them, i 0 e a long process oi reasoning. fa2ts1nevweA0 beinLas pleasant a day felt I I lie Atlantic Ocean still humming near rivers that. eluply into Atlantic and but we are to band this goverlimpilts Jew dare enter the im%-Io,surc %,_itbin , . the purest in their lives and most faith- his Pillow of dust its prolonged lullaby. Pacific seas shall put on factory hands; to our children as it was ha 31. So likewise ye. There is an em- years, Phil.- said the old man, when tbe Tilled to us- which the t -,r pap,r was finishe His fat in the discharge of their duties, !3ut is there some one now living who ,"he all the great rubles of oi d and a free land. a happy land, a Christian When we Pli'l,41S On "Ye" -ye who are the chosen t. , d. old mother and iron and coal shallilK . aple. stowi. On*'-" to watch for that. redemption. saill nOthtnZ but Idseed him I I are Elie worat defamed, Some day I ' L the While marble palace of the na- .1ilvell laid land. They are not to be. trampled by come to verse ;!5 it is a question bow 1% lien .- -her eyes Lion on Yonder hill not ton minutei bare .,e see I . in 11. Peter. " They axe not afraid to away, wit is * taken as an ID another farmhouse Grace peal set, want to preach a sermon from the text for the nation; -wIlen the last despotism.' They are not to 6- Wei- far its propile.cy is to 1 these things come to pass, full Of tears, I became the irradiator of the waluP shall be rts .,Almed, anti the last &led by cruelti -. TheN, are mot to Ito knOW. Just ast the briglit green leaves Speak evil of digniLurles, most tremendous word of our IP jungle Cleared and the 'vulire - ':ivc figure. Of sIllveeb, aud bou far indicate F,ummer, so the signs of which also thinking of the old doet I whereas an- ,viglish last Irl Or's ques- Vol, Alvic4cam, b ghteme( 1 y anareMes. I We mu ,t gels, which are greater in power and governnik-ni 'itVrall. h nk of I lit, aljulary, the name of that Being be- , avid froult sea to sea I be I V. , If vie arc- to t, i ' indileate the- voining of the, tiOA- She Ivas a musician from the 's fore 'Whom all n - or go "t vit"it shall lie P f, . . -- M ' " P'ak I an I t.lx, (fe,st'irt Ztenizea , to he ovor w ivill 1 1!' city. who cared 01 , Son V , .1 might, bring not railing accusations ations must bov% I - occu i,d b3 more the ballot be..%. over the school deo,k, ak-lual sun, mount and istitrs, we must man. The kingdom of God Is air for classical music. against them before the Lord. But VOnstitution by causing to lie added th, ""n 1,200,04000 souls, may it lie found over the church aliar, .1"'; ive have re- tuake the ve,r.tg apply jo the deSI,ruct hand. "It Is n4var, even at the Al, 1101me. ter playing gave keen pleas- I , tht,sv, as natural brute, lielasts, made to ation-"God?" hat (hit inoral anti reli4giouis, influenees celved it, and charge, them i;o1eninly to 10rA migh Lue to friends whose musical taste had I . Into defeat and annihil durjrlr. in of cZ I Lie Laken and destroyed, speak evil of Again, were multiplied in more rapid r.alo put their I Of tile. World. but Ill prophetk, "I'vle, been cultivated, *'They are my riell I I . before the approaching ad- ire I-jetween it avid aixv keen ., n AMMOS V.iisslvig. know that the utter .. than the popula,liou. laoun, a su ruin Of the Milton is near. vicigbbur.s." she thought, Rising. she the thing& that Ehey understand not." JOurnment of our American congress, A.Ad then there ,stroke. that would destroy if. ' ud (stars x4elittsk,xil nations" I , So constant axidnialigitiamis this work It O,u thto be decidedly and lorever -shall bQ four doxologits coming from And Than, Lord, God Alm! -, we kings, and noWes, ull, the,,, 4 33. Tlx, , - went down to the parlor and opened _ I I e5bt t north allol bouth and ea Axht N evilpse rep- words of our Lord as re the old piano. Of dePreeiaLion and scandulization in re- set no appropriatiow, he, made st and west. - Pleated by Luke bave, up to this point, I I ga to sectarian four doxologies roll and aniall"I'l,raver,s, resents the overthro of these. ,rhe varied In wveral ,,vays from t "SUPPOse " she said, "we i,fimg samtk . to our public men that all over schooli put, with parothtexulsin thi,, net be reports b.T=s_alll of usl.. ,,rd, % and I hat. tho ing toward each Into Tby ion- ' i',Q- deep meaniug '%I' , and there are those Nvho suppose Courtship 1,*tiveeva church an other and inveting mideantinont wit It nionifier our fathers' Isleeding rem at _ of t4e vVilule lvs lsovx is Of , Althew and Mark, hat the two The fanner called in the buy excited. , I that this country lie forever broken -such dash of b vondenised into two v(_r,,o, S tile city of Washington ii the up. al)- joy tbA,t they Shall Valley Forge; rememi,er Marion anti ,,_83 and 36. vel's,` Ihxt m'emOwvOasI'er are Vevlti,. al IT- "We bevu't had the piano opened center of all corruption, Whlle what 'I'llat tio-stion already seems temporar- 'mount to the throne. Mosciuslio; nementilver the cold.and The With MAU, ,*)4. 34, 35, Mark 13. 30, 31. sinco -Naney went away,- he sald . I With its parks and its equestrian stat- iIY Spitted. I wish it. might. be com- And lvea,, en-s high arch xe . PRACTICAL NOTE6. This generation shall not. pass away till -C I sound again hunger, and I he long march, and I be- Wr,'ie 20. When .%(. .,I,ull .see Jer- Met frandIUM. I'll Move up your . Plazy, and its wide, streots and its arch- Pletely and forever settled. All schools With peace on earth, good will to fever hospital-, renienil pr the fearful usalvm conxiii4 all he fulfilled. It .seems to lug random ebeer. -ou xvxu t jille in.- I . and all institutions a-% well as all de- men. "it" ar'llie.". See, work 14) make "generation" .stand for Tbey sang ,,Jesus. lover of my Soul.- "ectural Symmetries, and its lovely o,barge, -,it Bunker Hill; remenilmr Lox- Mutt. 23-15-212; Mark IS- 14-10; th"It. if "race" or #,people, ­ homes# iu is not only the most beautiful nominations should stand in the same I take it step larkher and say that ington and Torkt own and King"s .Nioun- py,,4silile anti "Nearer, my God to Thee." Sarab, level and to interpret. I , turn to ,sulne grailible apeount I ills. as some have dared to do, to mean city under the sun, but, has t beforeAviverican law. Emperor befOre the gavels. at our :,evx.1le and tail' and Gettyt,,1hurg; renieniouer Per- of The awful destr the black cook, came to the door, and he high- Alexander Of Russia, at his Peterhof Liquse Of re uetion 01 Jeru,,aleiu. that ' ('at style of citizenship. I have seen presenlatives and Our polili ry's battle on the lake, and Hampton '.the word for armies means encatup- as a so long as the Jews, exist thN.W in a wild note of triumph, now but oRe intoxi Palace, asked me how many denomina- Ical conventialis pound aujournment. Heads, where the Cumberland went ments or intrent-hruQUIS. will not come. Read Xitt. 16, 28. The Grace shiver, but She &IaTed on. cated man in the more dist inct people the Lord and then. The discord sometimis made than six niontWi of my residence, and tiOns of rRiglon there were inAmerica, Lllqre ought to be passed a la,w or ad- down; revivelvalier Waiiihiligt on' Lt. Then let them Id0 noT11dilk any man can give sim- which are in Judea best. explanation is that given In the ememl,er Plymouth 'llen the time note on verse 25. Heaven and earth had sung when she was a girl, and tbe ; I and I recited their names as well as I ip camp fire; r f! Grandma asked for the old hymns she could Opted a Plzz"- at intelligent helvi hy " Oe to (be moulli;tims, '" Uar liestimenY of any other city on the - Then he asked me the difference liess for Rack a.qd the landing amid the say- Came this exhortutiou was remerahered shall pass th fo I American continent. I*tiveen tllem,and there I broke down. 11: I the great foreign Populations , . The But when I told him that no roll - 0 remember Independence Hall,and avid acted upon, ,1*0 Ijella the Cbrist.- Aut pas.q away. Here Is The holy Self- afternoon w eve . sm, a - It ell are couillig among us, It, is to ages; away; but my words .shall boys for '*Hold e rt Wh th glans title now to discuss NNIvether we bad how much it cost our fathers to sign ianS flQ11, on the nor as r. the farmer said to nationalgave's of Our two houses Of denomination in America had any , ,1,bo . are bere their names; remember all The blood Perea; this was among the mountains supreme aut been' a real happy time, I legislature Will soon fall, and UeLLer let them coulle. fbern boundary.of CQuf`idenC*,,of one who Is investeii With Gracie'. -It's adjourment of two bodies of men as Privil( ges above 1he other he could They and tears of three -wans--1776, 18121, IN -0 llarity, and who foresees "You play as well as my daughter Nan- . through Lutheran a taleat,ed, as upright and as patriotic hardly understand it. The Greek Lb, .j1j,r,uw,S. ey are this moment -and, more. than ;Wit, rememler the Of Jordan. Let not lbettil that re irt triumph. Read Psalm 102. 26; Isa. 40, on Gracets -hauldor. _ , I" church first in Russia, the art, cominz; this womeuxi Of Gilead -a range of billi. Oil the cast. failure and death and judgment and cy," Grandum laid her wrinkled band jil . as ever graced ,the capitol will take church first in laking l4lo first full inhalation groan that, was mightier than all other the. count . , al I lie ries. 0", U,i we would say in 11'etor 1. 24, 25. Allroost everything "The happy hours are so few att ray, . pAce.,_TJxmt two or three unfortunate Germany, the Episcopal frell.air al .,kmeXio,a. ey will groans,and the 1hirst that siting worse modern phraseology, Ill The country, - outbreaks whic church first In England, the Catholic _ ,A,Xld tll Illan all other tbirsts, and thli ` I promised has failed, hut the words agep, She said. "God bless you for ,giv- . It you have noticed only church first in Rome, Mohammedanism this coun- , death J vxter thereinto, 'I'llat is, I to Je u of 1;O11tinue to come us lung as e -So make more conspicuous the dignity, the L that Nvas gha silier than all er n r _4 - Cbri- [ have been fulfilled so deeply. I me this one, my child, ­ I . ry IS the best place to live in. oill tem. Counlry People livould naturally so far beyond the Possible conception 6f lquire Paton was known as the best I Which have characterized those LWO the denominations in America could 'Ling ,,sti-Lu,uer oees ixuni li hti the sake. of all tbh, , I 1 114 1, 1. fraternity, the first in Co staxxtixvople. The emperor doaths,the mount oil which Jesus died enter Jerusa ir in such an emergency, those 'who ,board them, that they are atery-teller in the country, With str- -1, - 1. eloquence, the fidelity -wondered how it was possible that all I OU 1111allt, aa wea pass a ia,%8- prohI4- - le I to make all men hap y and free. For either for ilittir own prutection or unique areong human mes,iag . ll .the Ion months of a 9 119 On tunvan andidivine ,es; and a . 'stand on the same platform. But so it a lield of blossoinivig Llueawlie to reinforce it. Tiger$ be was courteous, . I mf Grtaut and anxious delig the apparent lack of complet&. juirill- ways ready .1 gay, and al- *_ . , Let there 1149111, 'A t1i. a joke. At home to , ; ... .. beration. 'We is, and so let it. ever he. at, Yoll sacrifice. 0 God, protect this nationj L'L'. These be, the. days of vengeance. mentor verse 32 from our poiix t of view was often 3noo(ly and sillent. That at- a. halo around great inen of the as well proulbit the stags of And whosoeveP would. blot it out, and ,,rhis was the time Nihon God's wrath 0101l; emPh-asizes the impression made . I . be no preference, mo partiality, no at- tile mountain from coming down tothe wbosoever would stri-Ee it down, and Should be f! ternoon be told his wife some of big hae'sitr bimL'aexSo ' they were so rare in tempt, to help one seet an inch higher deerlick as to Prohibit, tile hunger bit- whostiever would turn his back, let him nally outpoured upon his by "the prolluncla.tion of the revelatie Our sena-te and bouse'of than another. Washington and Jef- ton naLiOns of L'uro I)PrVense and clQ1,edit-lit nation. All Of God in his ,,,on, . n best Stories, leaving her surprised and representatives have five such 111611 ferson, and all the early presidents, and ple from Coming to be itecurseoll things which are written. *See Lev, 26. 84. Take heed to Yourselves, lest at laughing, and amazed his stableman by . lit it will this land of bread as to prohibit the Go home I o -day in high hopes of the speaking to him cheerfully and kindly. where once they had one, B dead that all 4he great 14-33; Dent. L)s, 15, 29. 19, 26; Dan. 9. 26, any film(! your heaA be overeba d. "It's hardly fair," said the squire to . rot be until after they, are statesman of the past People (it ,, Englanh, Ireland, Scotland, Jut urte. The Eternal God is on the 27; Zech. ii. 14-17. rge ba will "et appreciated, The world have lifted t1eir voice against any such italy, ,NLerway Sweden and Germany, side of the nation. Our brig Lost Your affections, -%vhie,h are very himself. "to give all your good things to 11 - litest days 23, This verse is , not a curse, Itut an properly attracted to earth, be., overaf. strangers, and leave the poor in your . Zr to praise the dead than Canmot stand -without the prop of na- 'vag- On the other side the sell, front He bath soundeil forth the trumpet ,,, In the harbarows tracted ; lest, Your lives bet warped do% n- own household unfev, fin s it,saF tendency. If a school al., an institution, Working themselves to death on small are .Yet to came exclamation of pit, the lxvjn* be wise the depaTteoll, bay. tional appropriation, then let that, coTv1lm[ that will never call retreat, -Nieges of antiquiv no mercy was giv- ward. Excesses tend to quench spirit- $o the minister'$ question waa ans- 6 01 . may not rise to become rivals. - On the largest, compensations undtlir the He is -sifting out tile hearts of men be- em to 1VOIllen and children, and there uality. Surfeiting, and drunkenness, Wiere(L Ing a hed pile at marble above them, sobbol or that Institution go down .,, to this land where there are - the other side Of the sea, the world has sun. Why did God spread out the fore the judgment seat, "' record Of the 'most appalling erue, ty and Cares. How strange it must seeni vi,41ed directly upo I But before the gavels of adjournment had Plenty of illustration at church and prairies of the Dal,vtas arid roll the Be , Nvift, my soul, to answer Him, I:e Tv. the most helpless. to Careworn Christians that Our Lord . drop and the doors of Capitol hill shut state united. Let us have none of the Jubilant my feetl Our God ,Notice OUT- Lord's Nvords Of piq address should thus classify the wickedness Of EVER NEW AND FRESH. there are one Or tivio things that7 ought .precious ore into Colorado? It was marching in. i's ,ed 10 the daughters of Jerusalem in the world, and pui "worriment" down to be done, and let us pray God that that relation on this side of the At- Ithat all the earth might come anti lantic. Let that denomination come _. ­_­_ Luke 23.29. Great distrm. Great need. an a level ,with drunkenness I ­" . they may be accomplished. blore for- out ahead that does the most for the Plow, and come and dig. Just as long I 24- And they shall fall by the edge of 35. 36. As a suare. Unexpected. lit lk'ali, All 11aw 11ally Persons Originate cibly than ever before congress has cause of God and IT as the contrifugal force of loreign A MERCIFUL BULLET. The z,ivord ,Was the v:ery Watch ye therefore, and pray always. been Implored to acknowledge God in stitu urnanity, men, 'in- Sms throw them off ju_ lolies 'the smrord, tile Joke Aboliot 311realking Me Camera. our constitution. The Methodist church, they tions and religions getting what POtI. .fqt so 0 - type and svml*i of Roman aggression. 'This injunction is repeated over and "I hope I didn't break the glass in I A 'Ic achieve by theirown right arm of Ylll the, centripetal force am JoRephus sivs that L100-000 Jews were over by our Lord a church that is always doing glorious usefulness The New Brillsh, Army Hillc Not a Vel.... - -4keeounted worthy and not. by the favoritism !nstitutions draw th in here. And that killed in avid ahOut Jerusalem, and in to escape. This. according to some 6i the camera," she simpered, as the pho. things, has in its recent Wilmington of government As you regard e Dang,crong lVeapoll. th-It fatties which Preceded its downfall, the better manuscripts. is "that we I conference requested our congress .to * the is what is going to make this the Sh"ll be led awa . I tOgralther boued her out of the door. amend the immortal document, welfare and p have strength to escape." To Then he uent over to his desk and, . expetuity of our institu- mightiest nation on earth. Intermar- English military men are evideavor- y captive. The prisoners m2aY laken liv TituR were carefully sorted, s a d before the 6on of man. That * Which tions -keep politics out. of religion. riage of nationalitlesl Not circle inter- Ing to determine whether the u 11" loth ln n and -wo IS, , Picked up u, little hook that was filled I has been the foundation and wall and ll I , I dome of our U But now that I am Speaking of marrying circle, and nation intermar- for I heir new- service rifle, It men; the tallest and to starill in the final judgment with nited States Government, national affairs from a religious Stand- ryirg nation. But it is going to be It- e Lee-alet- hand,,somest, reserved to grace the "irl- the certain prospect of acquittal. See *-villl figules. "Soventy-three thousand by insertind the words, " Trusting in point, I bethink myself of the fact aliaA and Norwegian, Russian and e ulliph" mi Ili, It was given to the conqueror eight hundred and sixty-four," he said in 4 Almighty od." It that - ford, which b 2 Car. 5. 10; I Thes. S. 13; Rem, 14. 4. is made, it will not Only pleame'ladment that two Other 9-avels will soon lift Celt, Scotch and kiexx b, En 3fartild-Henry, is not actually too on Ills, return to ROIlle, were mart-hed in I good people of the c U glish an , hains through Ili - an undorbreath, as to made an entry. '. ase all the and fall-, the one at St. Louis and the Amer! a , The American of 100 years merciful in its aetion. The object of c e City, clothed only in I I .. e please country but will othor at Chicago, and before those na- Such meager garments as would height- The door opened again, and a breezy . 11 n to be different from the Elie beavena. it mra; only a tional conventions adjourn I ask that Afr mome r I CO. ','v ,i's wax 1" to disable the, enemy, and not en their lic-auty. GRAINS OF GOLD. Young man, dressed in his best, and . ,f0vtersr! f t ., a 11, a.ht or a mental accident Ell o -day. German brain, Their ultimate. fate . . at they acknowledge God in the platforms. to kill him, but apriaxently the me,%-,- "'a-, utterly deplorable. The re4t Of ,he a who made, the Constitution did The men ,me construct"those platforms Trish wit, French civility, Seotch firm- . - not inse ' captives -viol. le Peeping over the corners or a collar ness,. .a : . English loyalty, Italian aesthet- "If than vidnety-seven Great memories, which retain all in- that, just esmped the corners of his rt a divinely worshipful sen- are here this morning or will read these le bullet falls to do either. The re- thousand -legs beautiful in person, were, differently, are the mistresses of an i tence. They all, so far as they words. TAt no Political party think it Ica , packed into one man, and he an Pert On the we Of the projectile in the some of them, sent to the Inn, month, entered. . . I American] It is this intermarriage 0 - Egyptian and not the. mistresses of a, - the x6iiied Mine. Necker, I - r11 amounted to anything, believed in can do its duty unless it acknowledges 'Transvaal says that the injuries which mines as slaves, and others dist y house - nationalities that is going to make among the provinces to perish in ' the . "God the Fat -her Almighty, the Maker that God who built this continent and American nation the greatest nat,ion of "I thought I would come in and sit of li 'yo Christ, _n and earth, and in Jesus (revealed it at the right time to the were made by the Lee-Metford were gladiatorial games, lornby wild beasts ,an Ask the heart to give a reason for for some Pictures, if You have a caux- I'll H, - .. 45 so the populace. an it can only look! upwai div and be ket.- . . - Prosperity which has been given to no Ell mo:ral and intellectual culture of quickly than those from the. Martini- With this awful history. in .our minds du b,-Lolvcll. . constitution Would have been 'a fail ]much cleaner and headed much more in the arena, to alrou ' I 11 8 Only begotten Son" The discoverer and who has reared here a the ages. But what are we doing for of its beautiful and divine motions, era that You think will stand the rac- ure had it not been for the divine in- other people. "Oh," says - some one, the 500,000 foreig-nors who came. in one- 1180TY. Both the entrance and exit we read new meanin in "Certainly, certainly," said the pho- terfarence- The members of the con- "there are people in this country who Year, and Me 606.000 -who, eAme. in an- g into the three -­, ho are Is a moment," and ... orifices were exceedingly small, and so NVOI`ds,with which this passage close$- as the- unequal and untimely inter- went over and made another en- . . ,. yention could agree on nothing until, do not believe in a God, and it would Other Year, and the 1,000,000 into a I nations Nothing destroys auillority so much etoen agh r, "Sit down . I in response to Benjamin Franklin's re- be an insult coming into our w clean were the wounds'internally that Jerusalem shall be . I I I . to them.- Well, there are various American in one instance a burgher who had trodden down* of I he Gentiles. As change of Power, pressed too far and try in the little book, murmuring "Sev- 11 . , I quest. that the meetings be opened by people in this Partst What em? grass and fl relaxed too much -Bacon. nt;Y-lbree thous , prayer, the Lord God was c country who (to not be- are -we doing for th been shot clean tlix6ugh the lungs was Olvers trodden e .. alled on lieve in tcommon decency, or common Well, mrie are doiling a great down by t he and eight hundred and n deal for convalescent a few (lays after admis- march o -I a great army, first bt Sudden resolutions, sixty-five." . 1. I. . to interfere and help, and the the way honesty, or any kind of government, tbf,,-. We steal tfisir biggage as scion uised . like. the sudden - 'was cleared and all the states s ed sion. to the hospital. It is true that and broken, them flattened into the 371se Of the mercury in the Darometer, Whom this negative was secured and ", -, " I . . the document, a historical fact referring *anarchy.- Your very plat- Its they get here. 'Wre send them up to where the bone is struck the effect Is Mire, 'Until finally all trace of indicate, little else than the changeable- the chappie started oat, he laughed an4 I.,. - t at all florin is an insult to them a boarding house whore the least they their .. .., *._ rat terrie - ra of modern infed ity c - not to regard a mail w& You ought most violent, but there can be no doubt 'verdancy goes so the battering-rama of ness of the weather -Hare. remarked that he "boped he didn.t .. .1 , . I 1. I *.+.- does not lose is their money. We swindle them whatever that the perforation of the heir catapults, and their Not to be provoked is best; but, .. I . not bark out of existencel the Roxilans, 't break, the camera." .1 I 1. . know believe in God any more than you within ten 'minutes after they get organs. and fleshy paxt of the body by flaming torches, (lid for the buildings moved, never correct -till the f "Oh, 'no " Said the photoirapher, , '. .. I I is gravely. AQ then he made another on- I , that there was an exception to the should regard a man vho refuses to be- asbore. 'We are doing a great deal for the new bullet more often than not a - what their swords and their lust, did ptxxt; for every stroke our fury strikes . . fact that the prominent men of those lieve ;in co -on decency. Your pocket- them. But what are we doing to introi- solutely fails Instantly to disable the f r the inhaNtants; aid the Once proud is sure to hit ourselves at ]a ­ time lam the lit.le book, and nodded at each "­_', , i , . libertine and a sot, did not believe in - ballot hox; many of them never heard victim, unless, Of course, a really vital Was for a time effaced from Penn. at Will . IN111%le, as be pronounced, "Seventy- times were good men. Tom Paine, a book is not safe a moment in the pres 0 anything good until he was dying, and the only he duties of good eiti- organ of the body is struck city . I ence of an atheist. God is duce them 1nLo j. the earth. Until the. times of the Gen- 1 .source Of good government. Wh zenqhip? ' - The three thousand eight hundred and aixtj-' I 7 not, r ul 'and well Six.- I I I 1 1_1 Many of them neve saw a wounds, on the other band, which were be fulfilled, Here is the. thought fixed, is eminently the sanctifying ele- I ".., then he shrisked out for God's mercy. then, Say so tiles Love, when true, faithf " I and lot the chairman of the coxvstit. ition of the United made" by the - Alartini-Henry bullet,-, reproduced -by St. Paw (Rom, 9, 11), meut of human I 11 I " Aud Ethan Allen, from one of whose of the committee on resolutions in your ) "I have been at this business about descendants I have received within Sh1tc9; ininy of them have an acquain- were, the report states, of a, much more that. the Punishment of Israel I ife' without it the soul re- I " - desolation of Jerusalem were both to -Rusk, I a national conventions take a penfoil of t,911ce with our laws. -serious nature, namely, and the Can n twenty years," he remarked.to the . few days a confirmation of the inci- ink and with bold "larger, jag iness, ot; reach its Kliest height. or hol- porter. "Ten Years ago I commenced ,- -` I dent I mention b1nd head the docu- Now I ,say, let the Government of ged, slow healing, wttli ba,d entrance have a limit., and there is yet tobe a ,in. . I to keep^& record of the instance upon I ed in a recent aermon,t ment with one significant 'whereas,-ack the Uni tied States so commanded by one and ,%verse exit.- Many instances were restoration of both. Meanwhile akspeare 1. as -saying to his dying daughter that nowledging the goodness of God in the Political I Sh says we- are creatu Which I should hear the alleged joke .. 11 Roman, t.ba,t -ore and after; the more about breaking the glass in a cami ; ,, I., she hail better take her mother's Chris- past and beggin Party or both political par- related of the merciful Properties of the aracen, an, Turk, have possess- ' look bef _1 , His kindness and proim I . I . tiall, religion than his own infidelity. tection r Lies, give to every immigrant -wNb lands new English bullets during the Chi- ed t e city, and even to -day the Jew i's surprising that we do no;* look round repeateld. The las I ; . ing un- I 1. The aiticle sent me says, "The story friends, this country belongs to 411, bound for long usuage-a volume con- 1-9 likely to give greater emphasis to 25. nd there shall lie signs in the cuLY-thirol't-bou,sand eight hundred and I I L 1, a, little, and see what is pass Who just left. repeated it made the sev- :, . has 'been denied by some of the Alien and for fbei f Lture. Why, here a volume, in good type and well tral camplagine and. this latest roporE an alien there. (ter our very eyes. -Carlyle. t time the gentleman ''. I we ought in every poss e way living the Declaration of Independence, Not only ,does the bill- ,sun, and in e moon and in the stars. . Southard learned the art of comblix- sixty-8ix. Had he remained a, few min- i I . I family, but the Bronson famil ibl ta, * the question, .1 - Y. some to a-eknowledge it. Fran the moment the constitution Of the United States lot fail to stop the man, but, judging See att. 24. 29-35- A&rk 13. 2 colors by closely studying but Wes longer he 'would: doubtless have- .11 . ­ I of Whom were with ths dying girl, af- that, on an October morning in 1492, and a chapter on the spirit of our Gov- b j 4-31. Here )119 ter- . , . . tf many accounits, it inflicts Viry ].it- hegins one of -the profoundest problems flies' wings; be would often say that sprung it". two or three more times. 11 !, . firm that it is substantially true. In Coluinbus looked over the side of the ernment. Let there be ,such a, 'book on , pain, Presumably on the same prin- to be found in the utterances of our no ov3e knew -hat be owed to those it is the commonest -so-called t joke . i 1. 1 I I . suchamatter one confirmation Is worth ship md saw the carved staff 'he shelf of every free library in Am- Ii at- the Popular scientific experl- Lord, especially hen this I tiny insects. -S. Smiles. 11 in" Next to "is this hot V,. I ... _1 the Pas- .. the worldi ..... sent' me. There is no 'do lit which shows "v rh for .),an?" or "is this cold enousrh . . 13 Y denials." So says made him think he: was near an inhab- erlea. While the American Bible in Connection with *the I, I. hotte a fellow whoul I . . acre than man which t cip I I article So- me ,L Tabbit peacefully sage is read evlou 11 ubt ited country and saw also athorn and CieitY puts into the right, hand of every chewing its food While a rapidly re- Corresponding pa ardicv or laziness 'Pride al- cow- for you?" ft is one of the covvxmon t . i 11.1 I " that Ethan Allen was the valgarest sort a cluster of berries (type of our 1his- immigrant a copy or the Holy Scrip- volving knife is cott.ing its eairs into and Tvrattbelv. The tribillat drives into a corner. expressions. The old and wlse, young 1 I of.au infidel, for, sitting in a Pres Lary ever since, the piercing sorrows lures, let the Government of the Unit- ribbons. The borrors al the next wh, ion of anti who does nothing. when he is there I . I 11 ad States, commanded by some polit cal. 9XA_ .speaking is emphati- 1put sit and growl. Let him Come Out and foolish, homely, .handsome, plain, - I struck the Pew in front of- him . and hour our country has with the flight of men as I do, and . "I ... terian church, his admirers say and cluster of- national joys) until this at wax Perh4ps ,will not, be so great callY connected bark.- Pret"Y' fa Y_ 71 i , ; : ,,-7- 1C. been bounded of every as some people imagine. lot he has been J ohnson. t, lean, fall or, abort --ewer I -ore out, loud so as to disturb the ,on the nol Iody Can talk -seem to think it I , . I part, puit into the lef t hand from the, beleaguered citY of Jerusa- That past which is so presumptuously is a livind-new joke, and . I 1, - th south. east and west by Immigrant: a volume instr tin lem (MAtt, 322-1. 21), and all three evan- brought. forward as a. precedent for the that ... I meeting, and no -gentleman would do the gOOdness'Of God. The 1113 I I I I. ­ I. they are so .1 I that, I do not Wonder th Huguenots in the duties good citizens I . ere SIR EMVIN ARNOLD'S MEMORY. ge,118ts bring the final comih delighted with it that; they sometimes ' 11 at- some took possession of the Carolinas in the axethousands f foreigners I -]its land Son of nilan am 9 Of the present was itself founded on an al . I 1 d the destruction of the tion of some past that went b , texa- roll the chestnut around five. or six ,:,,' on, '-of his descendants are ashamed of 1 ra,me of God. Willian Penn Settled who need to n that the ballot box Sir Edwin Arnold is said to have one cl 6 . , but .of course they could not I it," Philadelphia in ilie name of God. The is not a, fee a ty in juxtaposition. t But eighteen -Mine. de Sta el. I Ore It times in a visit here of half an hour. I . I expect to roach a, hundred tlxouls -, ­­­-." .. and are not, to blame. But all tstool, but a throne --not of the most, reinarkable memories e pa ed, and a Lord has Reality surpasses imagination; and and -before the commencement, season is . I ". I er .- Hollanders took possession of New in ovxtxvrie bay as UT i , i , ,--I' something to put your foot on, but t . , I C it men of the revolution bel Yorl Un the name of God. The pilgrim England. A friend of the poi#ta not rome, What is the explanation? wo see, breathing, brightening and mov- over this I . i: God; and, one American congr -w before. ' - . . , some -thing to be chalic We cannot say. With God a thousand for pretty school girls, I .71 Ing before, our eyes sights dearer to heart ' - I , . 2 Peter 3. 8). Our our hearts; than any we ever beheld in than anything else, think it great fun i I , fathers settled New England, in the But whether members of the national ed to read to him the opening line of . Years ai e as one day ,year, I:— assembled will only eoho. the senti- name of God. Preceding the first gun legislature or delegates to one of, , who dre more liable to reak a I I ments of the fathers when they ell- of Bunker Hill, at 1. the one of Whitman's poems the other d&y, Lord ,himself said, 'Of that day and -the land of sleep -Goethe. I " the voice of pra,yer national conventio,4s or private citi- whereupon Arnold interruPted-him. and hour knoweth no me'n, not even the 1. , eacb oither and waxn mc.about throne the name of -God in the conati- .111 heads uncovered. . to accuse ', I . Zens, let us 4 tian patriot- repeated the entire poem from. danger to the. camera when their I '. I . tution. Wt, have now more reason for , In the war of 1812 an officer came to lam. 0 3ultivate Chris memory. e only- (Mark 13. I - ­ . --_-___...Qtt­ I pret- I , : h, hoiv -good God has been 'to Arnold then recited everypoem in the 32; MAtt. 24.,36), and it would seZm that Carthaginians are Said to have been ty faces are posed in front. of it ", I 1. .1 inserting that acknowledgement of di- General Andrew Jackson and said, 'us as a nation I Yust open the map of ro -which happened to be the "-t'eaves on this subject he spoke muc ' 1, .1 . I" I . . I . I vinity than our flithi had. Since then "There is an unusual noise in the camp; the continent and pee how it is shaped and auccleede has ancient the - who -Paved their towns with , .1 . ibe continent f. 4rass," first ; 1, L , i i Ivor d I d i n r e %,1.1 'in g pr6pheis had spoken of the far-off fut- stones. London -was first Paved about A frigate bird can ren3ain an entire, 1 11 . . I hr.s been peopled and it Ought to be sto , ed.1' General Jack- for immeasurable prosperities., Xivi- every Of even the most O re ure, ,6een from a disi-glice two moun . . ')rest olities from t P . I . - 0elmi I . . , _ the, year 1533. Wood " t the A lantic to the .son $ail], "God for id that prayer and igable rivers, more ii numb6r and P I pavement , cow- week on the wing, without stopping I .,. I . 1. I T, to L ' . . L . L . I I I... : , . I . . , . I . . tain Peaks may seem to stand 40gleth ry meueed in 1889t . triest , , I., I ', I I , . I I I I . . . . I I I " L I . I I I . .. I I . . I I I I I I . I ".L' t l I . . ,;, L' t . - . . I I ., , . I . . I . . ­ , 4c ;. . , I I I I . . . . L I I , . % . I I I I , I 1. I I I . ; I I , . . . I . .. . I . 11 . , .., I , I I . I I . I I I I . I . . . I 11 ,,,, 1 " . . . . . i ', I . - . I , i I I ! I A 11 I I I T!! I I i I I I I I I I I i I 1. I I I I I I . I I I Ili I I I I bo I pu f I I I i _h I I he ri t& iteved eas n I : , . I I . . . I . . , , -Ii, I I I . 1. I . I . . I . . . : . . .1 1. I . L , , I. I I I I . I I , . ,. ,. , . .:!., . , . I . . L .1. - I I 1, . - . . I . . , . ,.. 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