HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-5-28, Page 5*a ~-4 No. 10375 AreanameN S. Bocnr. et. Stands 10.1 and weighs 1,200 lbs. ; half bother to Martha, Wilkes 2.08 ; sired byRippotoe, 2.25; g. sire Vieking, 2.18 g. g. sire, agbert,_2,22. G. G. Beenbletenian 10. ist dam by Harrisou Chief (3849) 2.30. G. dam by. Ahdallah Wrenn brine, 2.20 ; G. G. dam Abdellah ; his 4th and iffth dome were thoro'brecls. Delberg crosses twice to niambletenian 10, twice to Mombrine Chief 11, once to Pilot limier 12, backed me with thoroughbred. legbertnis geandsire traces 35 times to imported Messenger and 15 times to imported -Dionne Dal borg will leave his own Beanie, St. Marrs, and proceed to Busselciale for noon ; &met HOE wen 13ormdary, for nigbt ; Tuesday, Central hotel, Exeter. for noon ; Clarke's hotel. Creeilon, for nitettn.Wednerelay. Moffatt's hotel, Centralia, for noon; Weed. - ham for night. TIERAIS_n $10 to insure. W. jOHNSTON, Owner and Manager. Catarrh in the Head 4s a dangerous disease because it ie liable to result in loss of bearing or smell, or develop into consuraption, Read the following: "My wife has been a sufferer from catarrh for the past four years and the disiase had gone so far that ber eyesight ants affected so that for nearly a year she was unable to read for more than five minutes at a time. She suffered sever pains in the head and at times was almost distracted. About Christmas, she coo- stenced taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and since that time has steadily improved. he has token six bottlea of Hood's Sar. soparilla and Is on the road to a complete Care. I cannot speak too highly of Hood' Sarsaparilla, and I cheerfully recommend It." W. H. Ftntsita, Newmarket, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. Hood's Cure habitual constipae Von. Price 25e. per box.. WANTED AGED elleee of character. YOITNG OR MIDDLE Tiondreda foremost in Canada, started with us. .About $14.00 n week to begin with. THE BRADLEY-GARRETSON CO. lern„ Toronto Ont. • ONE'? TO LOAN. at 5 and el per cent. Private Funds. Applv to ELLIOT &. ELLIOT, Solicitors. Exeter January, ISM CUT THIS OUT and return to us with Five Cents in silver. and von will get by return mail, GOLDEN BOX OF GOODS that will bring you In more money in one month, than any - Ailing else in America. .A. W. HINNEY. E. T. Yarmouth, N. S. W1ICj'1N( O1 ifteltoN COUNTY -nnCOUNCIL.--TheCouncel of the copora-- Hon of the County of Huron will meet in the Court Mom itt the Town of Goderich on Tees; day. Use thel day of June next at 3 o'clock 11. W. LANE, Clerk. 1 lid, May Inth, 1800. Pasturage The undersigned will take a limited number of horses and cattle to pant %%mon lots land:teen s. Hay. Good fences, and a running stream of water. Flom 751) to $1.nei per month. IJ. N. HOWARD ID, Electric Power House Bader NOTICE. To the shareholders of the Exeter works Co. Coalmen, Please tune =Gee that the mutual meeting of shareholders of the above Co.. will take place June 8th itt 2 o'eloek p. in, at the Town Ball. T. B. CARLING, Seey.-Treas. Queension Cement. -nee_ ,Any person needing eement or instruetions how to use it, should leave their order with Delbridge Bros. Wincheleen. We aro prepared to supply cement and do all kinds of work in tearing, walls, etc. There is a small quantity of cement at Mr. H. Smith's, Haat P. DELBRIDGE BROS., 'Wine/leis= Farm for Sale At a bargain. in Huron Co., Michigan. 100 :scree, 80 cleared, 20 logged and 00 hush. Good frame house and granary, frame barn 101 x 36, now. 20 acres wbeat, 6 rye. Soil clay loam. Good water, German settlement. 12 miles from Hadaxe, 4, from Elkton, &Idea miles. Price V4,500 32500 cash, balance on time to suit. WILLIAM J. SA.ITNDERS, Soule, ' Mambo.. miehtgan. GRENVILLE CANAL ENLARGE- MENT. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. epHE Adverteeement calling for Tendon> to be -2- received on the 23rd inst., for the enlarge - anent of the n entente Canal, is hereby with- drawn. By order, JNO. 11. BALDERSON, Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, ), Ottawa, 21st May, 1896 Tenders forAdditi4 n - TO HE- MP] House of Refu.ge i• 4 Sealed tendon will bo received by the under- aigned, (marked Mutter for the House of Re- fugo) up to the SECOND DAY OF' JUNE, 1896, for building an addition to the House of Refuge at Clinton. Plans and Specifications can be seen at Wm. Coats' Office, Clinton, or at; the office of the Architect, H. C. nifeBride, London. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted, HENRY EMBER, Chairman of Conn mu Crediton P. 0. THE; STANDARD BRED STALLION, DAILEgE lilARKST ItlitkeRTS Wheat per bushel Oats Barley....... Peas . Butter. Eggs Turkey • • • • • • Geese Chickens per lb Ducits Pork dressed . Pork live weight Tray per ton.- ... Clover seed ..„ Alsikc clover Timothy seed Exeter. gay 27th. 1896 ...70 to 70 .19 to 20 .. 28 to 30 45 to 40 11 to 11 8 to 8 7107 6 to 5 to 5 610 6 ••••• :25 to $4.40 3.35 to $3.35 10.00 to $11.00 5.50 to r.7b. 1.00 to 5.00 2.50 to 2.75 --en- London, May 27th, 1896 Wheat per bushel,- to 75 Oats. . .22 to 23 Peas , . „ 40 to 50 Barley . .32 to 35 Buckwheat 60 to ti Rye •• • ....70 to 80 Corn 38 to .53 Beans 40 to 55 Butter .. 13 to 15 Eggtt 10 to 11 Ducks 45 to 65 Turkeys per lb.,. 7 to 8 Geese Pier lb 9 to 10 Chicken 30 to 50 Cheese 8108 Potatoes per bag • . .22 to 25 Ha), por ton „ ..$ 7.00 to $ 9.00 Pork per cwt..- - .. $4.60 to $4,75 --..- Toronto, May 27th 1896 ....80 to SO 78 to 78 . . 58 to CO _35 to 35 2 to 55 Wheat per bushel Wheat Red. Wheat Gooso Barley Peas Oats ...... 26 to 25 y 58 to 30 Butter per lb ....... -.no to 13 Eggs por dor ..... . 9 to 10 Latest Live Stook Ildarleete- E.A.sT BUFFALO, East Buffalo, May 27. -Cattle -90 cars; strong; export steers, $4.25 to $4.40; good to Ounce, $L20 to $1.30; coaree rough, $3,65 to $4.10; butchers' steers, e4. to $1,15; green, $350 to $3.75; western, $3.25 to $3.60; fair to good heifers, $3.25 to $3.50; light to good mixed butchers, e3.30 to $380; feeding steers, $3.70 to $3.90; stock bulls, $2.50 to $2.85. Hogs -lin ears; Yorkerte n3.40 to $3.45; light and pigs, *3-40 to $3.60; mixed peel:era, $3.10 to 3.45; medium and heavy, *3.35 to $3•45; roughs, 4,75 to $3; stags, .12.10 $2.35. Sheep and lambs -45 carte, higher prime lambs, $6.10 to $5.25; few extra, *5.35; fair togood. 51.76 to $5; culls and common, 3.75 10 4.00; choice and mixed sheep, 3.60 to 3.60; fair to good, 3. to 3.4,5; export, 3.90 to 4.25; culls and common 2.40 to 3. TORONTO. • Toronto Ont., May 27th -There was a slightly firmer tone to then oronto cattle market teeny. Receipts were 40 ears, includiug 113 sheep and lambs, 99 calves, 30 lunch cows and spriugera and 1,250 bogs. Expert cattle were quiet: dealers bought cautioutdee Prices were no higher, besteellingat M count per pound, and mune at Me. Butchers' cattle were dull, owing toismall demand from Montreal, where it is 'reported prices ruled low. The market, for them was titeady, at 3e to M e. for ellen*. Me. fe 240. for medium to gooa, and 2e. foreommon. About four ears were taken for Montreal. Bulle were firm, at Mee to Me. per pound. There was fair demand for choice feeners, but li ht. stokers were slow. Prices were Me. to 3)e. per pound; light, stokers were quoted at 23e. per pomul. Sheep and lambs were quieter; yearlinge, with wool on, sold At le to 3e. per pound; without wool tliey were quotedat al per head less. Some unenvied sheen tel at Cal31e. ves; steady. tit 3 to each. llinell cows and springers were in good Demand, at 20 to 30 each. Hoga limn; hest bacon how selling at 4. e. per pound; Mores, at Me. to le; thick fat and light, 3.45 to 3.50 per ewt; ow,'. 3 to 3.25, and *nags. at 2 to 2.59 per cwt. AN EXCEPTIONAL SALE. ST. JOHN Its MOM INTERESTED IN THE RECENT MEDICAL DINCOVERY. St. John, N. B., May25.- The many eases of marvellous restoration to health from various forms of kidney trouble which have been constantly appearing in the press of the Dominion have for somcitimeawakeued the liveli- est interest here, and the remedy by which cures were effected nrauely, Dodd's Kidney Pills, are obtaining great celebrity throughout the pro- vince. The appearance of the testi- monials of DrA. Rose and McCormick stating the benefits which they had personally derived from their use was considered a suilleient sign of the merits of the remedy, and the other interesting and wonderful cases which have since been chronicled have caused this specific to have an exceptional sale. Marriage Licenses -ISSUED AT - HICK'S 4EWEL ;11! STORE Ne' Witraoses Recitaireri. ^, -~ A. complete Stock of Jewelry, Silver- ware, etc. Repairing receives careful and per- sonal attention. R HICKS, . OentralTelophone Office Big ads. are needed to boom bad medicines. Manley's Celery -Nerve Compound has merit alone to commend it. Dear Sire: I cermet praise Mau- lers Celery -Nerve Compound too highly, and I think its tonic and restorative qualetties canna be sur- passed. I was feeling poorly for some time through overwork and before I had taken one _bottle of your medicine, I felt completely better. Yours truly, 247 Yonge St., Toronto. E. McNabb. - Butter aiing UNDER THE dUSPICES OF THE FARMERS' INSTITUTE Of South. Hurore Tho travelling daisy from the Ontario Agri- cultm•al College, will exhibit dairy utensils make butter, test milk and deliver lectures of, the management of milk and cream, the feed- ing of cowl .churningnworking and packing on butter, oto., at the following places: SEAFORTIL Tuesday, :rune 2rd, et Town Hal'. VARNA, 'Wednesday, Juno 3rd, at Township HENFrSain11,1,, Thursday, June 4th, at Coxworth's Hall ELM' v ILLE, Friday. June 601, at Township Halt DASHWOOD, Monday,. June 8th, at Willart's Hall. Each Meeting will commence at 3.30 p, in. These meetings are free to all who u mayeon*, and yoand your family are cori dially nvited to attend.. Tim ladles especially aro urged 10 be present. Comp and see the Babcock tester in 'operation and have the workings explained to yon. Make a special effort to come. You may got hints on butter makfog that, will be worth very much to von. All are cordially in- vited. R. Ge.RDNER. President, Farquhar e It. MaIVIORDIE, Secretary, Rippe)). T33.k."4 EXETER TIMES latIMRISK1211•••=9•1•=81[4115110,0611•11011010•11•11111CINOMONOlik, t "1111411;011121110,311.17010‘18161,9•MCOMelk altallIMMII . I H BORN WA LPER-In Stanley, 2nd eon., an May lab, elpi the wife of L. Walpor, of a daughter. SPROWL-In Lucent, on the 1811t inst,. the wife of W. J. Sprawl, of a daughter, -,,,,_-- MARRID. E BLACX-KELLEY-On the lith inst., Mr. Victor Black, of Park MV.1108, Chicago, 111,, to Mime _Maggio Kelley, daughter of Wm. Kelley, West Williams. MeLEAN-SNOWDEN-In Parkhill. on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Robt, Aylward, B. A., Mr. Archibald McLean, of Plympton, to Miss E. A. Snowden, of Parkhill. GOY-STEPHENSOni-At the Manse Wiug- ham, on May 20th, by the Rov. D. Perrie,111r. John Goy to eine Jennie Stephenson, bent of Turnberry. HAYS-TEBBUTT-At the residence of the bride's mother, Maitland con., Goderiele town- ship, on May 201le, by Rev. E. A. Andrewa, Mr. Hays of Bluevale. to Mary, eldest daughter of Mrs. W. Tebbutt. IAMIESON-C.ARTER-On May 20th, Re by v. .A. D. McDonald, D. D., Mr. John 'Young Jamieson, 'toilette to Mies Harriet Eliza, daughter of Mrs, Thomas Carter, of Tucker - smith. DIED. ROBERTSON -In Clinton, on May 25. Dayld Robertson aged 63 year.'. TIORN-In 17sborne on the 21st inst., William Horn aged 77 years 10 months 14 days. PAXMAN-At Parkhill. on Friday, May 15th, Adam Penman, aged 70 years, 7 months. MeGUIRE-In Howl*, on May 16th, Walter McGuire, son of Mr. Thomas McGuire, aged 23 years. COLEMAX-In Scaforth, on May 20. Hannah Matilda Chalk, relict of the late T. T. Cole- man, aged 72 years, 11. months and 7 days. BINE..On the Stli concession of Meleillop, on May 16th, Mary Ellen shine, aged 0 Yelled and 9 months: and on May 19th, Catharine Emily May Shine, aged nyears and 211101141s. . _ FOlt OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN OLD AND Wenn-Timm Itsseenr.-Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup bas been used for over Ann years by winkles of mothers for their children while teethiug. with perfect, SUCCOSS. lt,SOQUICH 0001111d, softens the gime, allays all pain, enree wind colic, and is the best rem- edy for DiarrInea. is pleasant. to the taste, Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. It value is calculable, Ile sure and ask for Mrs. Wine. low's noodling Syrup, and take no other kind. Hyams Heard From. A letter has been received by one. of the counsel engrieeed in the defence of Harry P. and Dallas 'I'. Hymns, who were acquitted of the charge of mur- dering Willie Wells, the brother-in- law of the latter, and forfeited their bail itt preferenee to standing their trial for forgery and fraud. The twins have decided tolocate at Buenos Ayres in the Argentine Republic, from which place the letter is dated. They have commenced a real estate and broker- age business in that zefuge for men who have fled to escape the C011 - of them crimes. The Hessian fly has made its appear- ance in wheat fields of Chatham town- ship, Tuesday morning D. M. Mott's eon, aged 6 years, was drowned in a cistern at his home at Mount Vernon. Ile had been playing with some other children, and after a, time was missed, and search being made he was found in the cistern dead. At, the Pasteur Institute in Palermo 2,221 persons have been treated. in ten years. While the greater number of eases were of dog bites, there were. in- stances of bites by donkeys, mulee, oxen, pigs, wolves. a horse, a ferret, and a rabbit, and ,ixteen cases of bites by human beings suffering from hy- drophobia. Tuesday night about 6 o'clock, at Caledonia, Ont., a young man named Whaley, about 16 years olcl, his youn- ger brother and a, hired man were re- turning home from fishing, and were watermg their horses when the ani- mals plunged into the Water, whieli is alma 14 feet deep. The hired man being the only one of the party who could swim the younger Whaley put his arms around his neck and was taken ashore, but the other disappem- ed immedineely. His body was recov- ed about 21) minutes after. The young inan's mother 18 53. widow. Tuesday afternoon at twelve -year- old lad named Carling Eckler, son of Sanies Eckler, ef Suncoe, was shot be- low the left eye by a revolver in the hands of a young man named 'William Ireland. Hewas goingtoshootacatand was trying the revolver. In attempt- ing to take out the cylinder, the ham- mer slipped from his thumb and the flying bullett struck young Eekler in the face as he came around the cor- ner of the house. He was knocked down, bat the bullet did not penetrate the bone. ANOTHER VICTIM OF BRIGHT'S DISEASE. BECAUSE HE }IAD NOT LOARNI1D OF souTir AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE. Locking the stable door after the horse is stolen is disappointing, and yet in a particularmatter of kidney trouble it is done in many cases. Every day the newspapers are telling of the death of people from Bright's disease, and Bright's disease is only a development of kidney disease, which can positive- ly be cured by South AmericauKiduey Cure. it is not necessary to wait un- til one has Bright's disease to take this medicine. Why not take it when some of the earlier symptoms of kid-. ney trouble have become manifest e There is only one way to talk of this medicine, and that is to call a spade a, spade, and say 'Niel; it positively and' absolutly cures all features of kidney disease. It's most dangerous and it's inost distressing. Sold by CeStiTz. TORTURES OF RHEUMATISM. • The pains of rheumatism are remov- ed and the disease driven from the system by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters, the conqueror of thousands of the severest cases. Mrs. J. M. Monkman, of Arkwright, Ont., says :-I took inflammatory rheumatisrn in February, 1894, and doctored for it some weeks, but found I was. getting worse. All my joints were swollen very mach and I was not able to leave my bed, and could getxreither sleep n or rest. Hearing fro in a neighbor that she got your Burdock Blood Bitters for her daughter, who had the same disease and it cured her, I purchased a bottle; and after taking about the half of it I found myself re- covering,and after continuing. it for some time I recovered, but when the cold weather set in this winter Ifound it returning again. So I commenced to take the B. B. 13. again, when I found, after taking it about, a week, that all pain and swelling of the joints had disappeared, and I consider that I am entirely cured. • A /71 14,n, ssne ss ultitude of Suffer- ers and Martyrs v. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND THE PROMPT BANISHER OF RHEUMATISM AND SCI- ATICA. The Only Positive Cure in the World. Thousands cf convincing Teslimonials from mired People, The agonizing and terrible troubles known as rheumatism and sciatica, are probably the eause of more help- lessness and acute suffering than any half dozen others thateould he named. The original cause of rheumatism is a lack of nerve force. By . this weak- ness of the nereous system, an acid is formed which enters the blood, Soon the joints swell-usnally the kness, elbows and wrists -and there is in- flammation with intense palm this diseaseis veritable rheumatism. The grea t med he nal virtnes of Paine's Celery Compound makes it the Only trestaserthy specific in the world for the complete euro of all follUS of rhea- matism. Paine's (Merle Compound • is curing hundreds of cases every day. Testimonials without number de - team that this great remedy of nature has effected cures after all other medicines failed. You cannot afford to experiment with the common and worthless pre- parations of the day, when yon can procure a gna,ranteed medicine like Paine's Celery Compoundem highly re- commended by the best physicians. 13e-• ar in mind that those sewed by Paine's CeleryCompound,arecured permane»t- ly. There is no return of the terribleeis- ease; no twherd, contracted 1113(1 ened liubs. Paine's Coiery Compuuna giyes a new existence, and old suffer - ere walk with as miner elasticity and spryness as any youth, Do not be persuaded by subetittiting, deniers to take any of the medicines they may that reeommend for their own benefit and profit; insist upon getting Paine's Celery Compound, the • medicine that always cures. • • OM I A NOTED EPISCOPAL DIVINE, SPEAKS, 11}.W. JOHN LANGTnY, M. 7)., D. O. L., Tomieeve Mtn ITSED DR.AGNIellea CATARRHAL PoWDER, AND TELL» 11114 EXPERIENnE. Among the many distinguished citizens who have secured relief by the use of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is the wellknown Episcopal clergyman and, controversialist, -the Rev. 3obn Langtry, whose .familiar signature has been appended to many able newspaper artiel es. Having nseed the remedy here named for cold in the hend and catarr- hal troubles, he has likewise over his own signature spoken in favorable terms of this medicine. In the case of cold in the head, the relief is so speedy that it is appreciated by all who suffer in this manner. In Day fever it acts like niagiceeelieving in ten minutes. All druggists, price 00 emits. Sold by C. Lure. Cold.a y • mood.. • 0.•*•••40.... Letters Come. Letters come day by day telling us that this person has been cured of dys- pepsia, that person of Bacl Blood, and another of Head- ache, still another of Biliousness, and yet others of various complaints of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels or Blood, all through the intelligent use of Burdock Blood Bitters. • It is the voice of the people recog- nizing the fact that Burdock Blood Bitters cure e all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood. Mr. T. G. Ludlow, 334 Colborne Street, Brantford, Ont., nays: During seven years prior to 1886, my wife was sick all the time with jviolent headaches. Her head was so hot that it felt like burning up. She was weak, run down, and so feeble that she could hardly do anything, and so nervous that the least noise startled her. Night or day she could net rest and life was a misery to her. I tried all kinds of medicines and treatment for her but she steadily grew worse until I bought six bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters from C. Stork & Son, of Brampton, Ont., for which I paid $5.00, and it was the best investment I ever made in my life, Mrs. Ludlbw took four out of the six bottles - there was no need of the other two, for those four bottles made her a strong, healthy woman, and removed every ail- ment from which she had suffered, and she enjoyed the most vigorous health. That five dollars saved me lots of money itt medicine and attendance thereafter„ and better than that it made home a comfort to me. Y r y Your Trees if not, now is the time to start. We have a large assortment at very low prices. Also a full line of Screen Doors Don't fail to see them. and Windows PEo = A II.i TIJ5T,H 'I VEl P, .. Parties building, be sure and get prices, we will make it ray you. Bishop & Sort. P. S•-Clovor crita Timothy Seed still 072 hand. •••.,....,••••••••• ilyLD POD SALIC.--Thorabred Durham bull (registered) for ealonSixteen months old. Color red. Apply to Thomas Cudmore, lot 30, von. 5, Usborne, or Lumley P. 0. In/ANTED- Young men and 'women to T help in the Armenian came: mad payt stlief.1..t.:;14 will send copy of nty little book. "Your Place in Life," free to any wbo write. Rev. J. S. Linseett, Bmntford, Ont, ,,.•••••••••••••••••••Tep•rwei*A2".0114441•2•,-.••••••••alw Pilf fthiti einthirigES to get framed. We have hundreds of feet of mould- Wagons and McLaughlin's and Gray's Buggies, Raymond Sewing .rarn p r foot up- wards Also a nice lot of pictures cneap. A full stock of Furniture andUndertaking always on hand. 4•11101111111111111P Ver e-'ne "W. Deering Pony Binders and Mowers, with ball bearings, Chatham Machines. W. G. BISSETT, Agent DR. SHOULTS, CENTRALIA. R. N Row.E. Office oprosite Iffothodiat Parsonage. M Having purchased the butcher- ing business of A. Loadman, (Wood's Old Stand) i e will be pleased to see all our old custom- ers and as many new ones. NAMI=1141,41.1•RO111.0.9,1TMCONI,V141.1111,011.. We intend keeping the very best of fresh meats and it will be our first aim to please customers. Tenderloin, Spare Ribs, Sausage, Hams, Bacon and everything usually sold in the Packing House can now be procured at the shop. Orders promptly delivered and ac- counts rendered weekly, on which a discount of 5 per cent. will be given. 0 SNELL aris, veer'. (GUARANTEED PURE.) EIBILA,IBE3OIRE, INSECT:POWDER, LONDON PURPLE and COPPER SUL- PHATE. Full directions how to suc- cessfully spray your tress. Headquarters for Fishing Supplies at J.W.Brow ning's *11 itut Sale ofBloy- cies at cost. • Owing to an enlargement of the Merchant Tailoring branch of my business, and requiring all available , space for increased stock, I have decided to go out of the Bicycle business. Seveial wheels on hand, which will be sold at `cost for cash. "ROAD ICING", "DUKE" "CR AWFOR.D" IN LADIES' AND GENT'S. Call and get a snap, JSLC nee /EVE • feoples Building and Loan Association LONDON - ONTABIG HKINSMAN, DENTIST, BOARD 0? DraireTOBS ITN • MA. SPMALIST in GOLD PILL - IN°, EXSIIAUTI15G and PLATE WORK. Gas and local Anaesthetics 'or 'pain- t ars extracting, 2nd door nortb ol CAR- LING'S Store TA ALTON AN DERSON D.D, S « LB- IL Hone draduate of the Toe lento Universityani ,,al College of .Dontal Surgeons of Outer ,. Specialties, painless extraotion and preservation of the eaters,. teeth. Office over tbe LawOffice of Elliot & Elliot, opposite Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont. -Pt AGNEW L. D. 8.DENTIST, -11..14• CLIN7.0Ne Will beat Greb's hotel Zurich on the aecon(1Thursday of each month and at Hodginet note) Hensall ever s Monday ••••1110•••••••• London, lauron and Bruce. ' Some None - London, depart...-. ....... Exeter Hensel' Kiepen Brace Clinton -. Londesbere Blyth e. Belgrwve Wingbam arrive- Passenger 8.05 a, m. 4,50p, et 9.07 5.47 9.22 6.00 9,37 6.15 9.44 8 20 9.52 6.28 10.12 6.55 20.29 7.14 10,38 7-23 10.52 7.37 11.10 8.00 Ocoee tionew- Passenger Wingham, depart... ... 6.35n. sc, 3.2(1 r. n Beigrave e. 6.50 3.47 Bytlh... ...... .. ...... ...... 7.03 4.01 Londesbore 7,10 Clinton ..... ...... . 7.30 Brie:afield- .......... ..... 7.49 Kippon7.57 lionsall......... ..... 8 05 Exeter ...... en- ...- -- 8-25 Centralia 84 4.08 4.98 4.46 4.53 4.58 5,12 5,,e3 HT YEA run DO-W*1\T At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a fit. W. JOHNS, The Tailor. )A Suit of Clothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable plane, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Fall & Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are Many other lines that are specially at- tractive, la.k. %Ts ElITICSAL. • Essen. Cletantle Dr. C. Lutz, - Vies -President. Dr. J. A. BelPne, P 11.227,Leamlli *roeisiledieit Dickson,, e Valuator. Ered. We Collin, Sea-Treas. 3." risittelic.0:1:1Att7DPEr°0.111°C;80.;Aas..e.Amligeer Wm Saml. Sanders. a6roulyVilvilne%Siy°t° pertDiilnaurebe Dyears. Por Imeartiosnoftwattripyltieoatthioonses.enred e alt 4, errs. mxy r idfor- n. W. Collins. Peat °thee, Exeter* Ont. • 0-'=, EVE E) YOU WANT THEM, CAN CET THEM SET (FROM MEM/HANTS OR 010603 nne 1510M 06. OAT/MOQUE FREE. en - 13 -8 Fuchsias, asserted,. 60o. 1-.6 Roses, ever -blooming, 60e. ere. VG1-1CGaneranafinituns'ulbsg,oaso'dd, fOr 55ot s,4»,e, A-8 Montbretias, pretty.. 60c. 1:1 L-30 Gladi's Bulbs, nexcle50c. U -Sweet Peas,Collnovar.50c., • n E -Window Coll., 1 each Ivy and Show Geranium Colees, eranetta-Vine an, Mexican Primrose, Fuchsia az Heliotrope 6:Tradescantia SO0 e.7 fi4ESTLE3r1GGS SEED C9. TORcene4 T any. . rsror SALT BUM Then Come To Us for Best Bedroom Suites For ours are selected with a view to suiting the most searching taste, and all can get what they want at any price. The Leading Furniture Dealers The Leading Undertakers. Gidley & Son, ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. Central DRTTG STORE. tiFlell•-•[,••"11,2• of. r ea- aims Those who have used Wman's Cough Balsam., Pronounce it unequalled as Lt remedy for °MOBS, COLDS AND BRON CRITIC IrBOTIBI BS, Winan's Condition & Cough Powder foi horses, best in the mar- ket. always on hand. Also a Cetobenefacto and Lini- ment, the medicine so suc. cessfully used by Mr. Chas. Munroe, Parhhill, in this and other towns, th treating and curing various diseases, For Sale it C„ LUTZ'S