HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-5-28, Page 2Your husband will notice a great improvement in your cooking, whtn @T OLENE. YOUfy Your house will not be filled with the odor of hot lard, when Yoit use 611"E NE Your doctor will lose some of his Dyspepsia cases, when Vou use aT1OLEI�E Your children can safely eat the same food as yourself, when You user NE Your money will be saved, and your cooking praised, when You use ATE NE Famous cooks, prominent phy- sicians and thousands of every-. day housekeepers endorse it. ,Will you give it a trial ? Bold in 8 and 5 potted pails, by all groom maces only by The N. K. Faivbank Company, Wellington and Ann Stse DIONTHEAE. It is reported to the Guverntnent that Lake Rousseau, Muskoka, is be- ing depleted of fish lay illegal netting. John C. bprinlatta, a lad of thirteen CONSTI PATI 05 , 6`IgIL6O511„ ..-\. DVSPEPS IA./7) SICK HES c'7:At43H!, RE3ULAT: A. ,LI'V9ER ONE PIL,t_AAFFTEt' �_!'.TIfa6 INSURES LOO[] DIGESTION. FRIGE25GTS:K3DO'T `c°r:a©' 11103i1 OF MEN 9ft�, i:aes l 1 Perll?enQetly Ragout Weakness, Nervousness, ! eF ipBtS ri and all the train of evils from early errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, sick- ness, worry, etc. Full strength, development. and tone given to every organ and puttee o: the body. Simple, natural methods, Immo., disco improvement seen. Failure illapossible. 2,000 references. 113ooIc, expi n aha proofs maile."d (scaled) free. ERIE MGM, GO.Cuff*.Wr ., to 6 v es E ti+ er de tg! " RT TF OL 1® PLASTER 11.5repreecrihnl Menthol Plaster fna.number of .ases of and Cl per, ineuralgia t o la .,d 1 rheumatic tile3 e.efrrains,aand 17ea,as;:mass of its application. -1V. H. (,'ABx+ay. c Tht:, M 1,., Hotel t nfrrd. Boston. 1 have used Menthol nesters In several cases of musruiar rhe unatstm. and find ;n every,•:uo that ita.vicelm stinstantandpermanentrelief. —J. R. MpoaE M.1. . W i,binctnn. (I.C. it Cures Sciatica, Lumbago, Neu- ralgia, pains in Bain or Side, or '2) any -{usotalar rains. erica ( Davis dt Lawren- ce Co., Ltd, 2ue. Sole Proprietors, Moeesese. • et es cgD es. CARRYING OF DOGS. The early muffs were small aetd made Li satin or velvet, lined. with fur; the leopard skin came in with good- Queen Anne. There is a, print of an Eliza - THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE Wog1,.13 OVER. interesting Items About Our Own Country, Great Britain, the United States, and An Parts of the Globe.. Condensed and assorted for Easy Reading. CANADA. Lueknow is orgauizing a Board of Trade. the Kingston Dairy School will be enlarged. Inland revenue . receipts last month fell off over 6100,000. \'tcitk on the new electric railway at Sarnia has cernmenee d. Willie. the 13 -year-old on of . Mrs. 'Ater. hent, of Kingston. is missing. M. R. Brown has been elet•ted presi- dent of the London Cheese Board. new postoffice has been estab- lished. i at the !loud! to summer resort. elayor 'runty [• • THE EXETER TIMES traeheatolny performed on .him on Sat- ; It is 'rumored that President Cleve - =day, Is in a very critical condition. ' land will involve the United States in Cir :John Peuder, member of Perlia-' war with Spain as soon as Congress ail- ment for the Wiek district, has resign» j looms, that ;Cuba will be liberated, and ed his seat in the House of Commons l . Cleveland will float on the wave owing, to his helpless condition, the re-! of popular approval to the White suit: of an attack of paraly its of the . House for another term. brain. In the United States the business situ- ation asanufaeturers The i anish AlinUter itth tt o hi rtro- are eviclenas lyt playiz g da. mwa ting ace, Roser e Secretary for Lune will grunt that the present conditions and future pro - island a measure of autonomy camper- slice is of trade not; being such as would ablable with that enjoyed by the Da- ezweurage anything eist, The sexing minion of Canada trade has passed unsatisfactorily; it 13 yet The Ang'.o-t'ctnatlian trade euutitiues told buoo siness mensity to u generallt on y ares very to make atkenthgvg sof tie i ht� four ee Months bag me conservative ,just now, and the result e business ilss of Ile per tent. Importsme is an all round hand-to-mouth condi- from Canhia inert ae•l seventy perent-, tion of things. The textile !mills are while the Ilritish imports from all ole- of employm ilei meansron that t ine�e'out er countries increased only nine per Cent. GEhi,Lii,AL, Mr. Curzon stated in the House of Marseilles bas had two fatal cases of Commons on F ritiay that t lie ilrit ish choline. Vice-Can�ul at Banta had been instruct- The Socialist leader, Volders, is dead ed to lodge. art appeal against the ae- at Brussels. quite! of Capt. Loiheira, the. Belgian M. Germain See, the noted French officer who was recently tried for hang ing Stokes,an .English trader of the physician is dead at Paris. Congo Free State. There were twenty-two deaths from, is IIenotary Pres,- l The Tilt between the Inteh arty and cholera at Alexandria on 11Tanday, dint of t he lxevs 1 -ort .iixxzed Ham w hitscat eel/unlet, is dead at Mentone. Hunt Club gave the Government such a large majority, has resulted in the Eng- Abyssinians have liberated the Ital- li: h Noneonformists declaring that they fans who were made prisoners at Aga - will not support the Irish in their de- ma. Ilton the Li :et'a] over the l;dueatiun 1di1, M• Henri Oernuschi, the noted politi- Rain is still hindering the seeding olio tion:i iii the eastern part. of Man- itoba d f tent rates have been awarded for the min or Home Rule, as they are evict - $25,c00 addition, to the Western hair ently under the control of the priests, buildings. In the House of Commons the Htrme Dr. A. W. Moody hats leen appoint- Seirrerary announced aprinciple of pro- ed superintendent of the Oleneral Hos- cedure in his office. While an accused pita! at Winnipeg.person is assumed to be innottent until Over 300,000 whitefish from the Ott a- + toUUd guilty, a convicted person is as- w:i It tt••hery !rave been depe iced in the eumed to lie sillily until proved to lee Itide•iu lakes. ' fnnarent. This, applied to Mrs. Mtoay'- 11 It I/true has to ihned as managefortkforatheti onfieted hu banndtaurd ink: ;iIteoIox of i he t.lttawe and Gat t- neau Vette), t Railway Co. er Mr. Chamberlain, at the unveiling li loos tern cleeove iii, after 35tyears, a memorial window in Cordwainer that the le-eex County C'aruntel build- Hall, London, yesterday, said that Eng inns arse on the er' 'ng land. land had lost the American colonies Rosario I urdon 1140 defaulting which now form the United States, !lithe lieu & Ontario t rt :sur''r, has been !mistakes whit h would not be repeat erre tecl at Paris, )ranee. ed. He, however, thought the loss At Sarnia the four-year-r;ld laugh- blessing to bath nations, if the tw ter of Mr. I3 Orel; enwee burned to great nations should go forward in con death while starting it bonfire. j tinned peatie and amity. The German Government bas voted a credit to fight the cholera epidemic; Alexandria. President Kruger, in an interview, said he was astonished at the official defence of Mr. Cecil Rhodes. China, has paid in full the Baptist Mis- sionary Union claims for property losses in the Seel -men riots. The despateh of Indian troops to gar- rison Suakima has given great, satisfac- (rtion and confidence to the natives, s The Newfoundland Legislature meets - on June lith. The question of uniting with the Canadian Confederation will by+ be revived. - a The Spanish press is greatly irritated aver the Cuban affair and favours war o` with the United States if the later wants it, The Sultan's fear of assassination bas led to wholesale arrests of Armenians, who are being barbarously tortured to make, then[. confess. The Emperor a f Germany has given greatoffence to the clerical party, be de- claring that clergymen have no right to interfere in politics. The Anglo-Egyptian expedition up the Nile is proceeding without the ,lightest hitch, and the dervishes appear to be temporarily demoralized. The British steamer Woulwieh, from New Yak fir ('laina and Japan, is a -her<' on tehabelkeer reefs, near Jiddale. is the Red Sea. Great damage was done in Quito and other towns of ,Ecuador by repent earth- quakes,. which destroyed the eity of Puerto Viejo. There are rumors in Rome that Mgr. Galimberti. who died late Thursday, was poisoned, and a post-mortem has been demanded Anti -missionary riots broke out at Kiaeg-Yea n on 7ues day . 'The British h mission was looted and burned, but the missionaries escaped. The Spanish speech from the throne announced a measure aiming to estab- lish in the Antilles an aclmfnistrat ion of a purely local character. The Cuban rebel chief Felix Collazo, captured recently in the Province of Ha- vana, was shot without the fora ialities of it court-martial. Mesa Madrid papers seriously ask, but without violent language, if open wale is not better than the existing state of affairs with the United Sates.. It isreported that. the Boer Govern- ment has recently reduced the sen- tences of the, eunvieted members of the Joltannas1Seag !Reform Committee. Spain is furnisbiug its soldiers in Cuba with brass -pointed cartridges, con- trary, it is said, to the jaw of nations, to which Spain subseribed at. the Gen- era Congress. The pert of Bahia was visited Tues- day ,night by a hurricane of signal violence, aecompliehee by subterranean thunderstorms. C helms of enormous extent have been ol..se'd in the earth. Freneh custom receipts for the first four months of 1'896 shows an increase of imports to the •amount. of $33,400,- 000 and exports $16,800,000, as com- pared with the same period last year President iru Kruger asserts that the in- trigues alleged to exist between the Transvaal and Germany were merely soap bubbles, The South African Re- public, he declared, desired to he friends with all. The British and German Ministers at Perkin have protested against the ac- tion of Russia in occupyint part of tha fore'-hore of Che -Foo. contrary to treaty rights. There is a large Rus- sian squadron in Chinese waters. Fears are entertained at St. John's, Nfld., for the safety of the crews of the sealing schooners Coleman and Primrose which sailed from 13ronne Bay in March to prosecute the seal fishery in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. President Kruger expresses himself satisfied with the promise of Mr. Cham- berlain that there will be a full par- liamentary enquiry into the conduct of Mr. Cecil Rhodes and the action of the Chartered South African Company. UNITED STATES. H. C. Branner, editor of the New York Puek, is dead. vetrc, was killed by er wag- village of ' iu e . Alichhas been gun oix Quetta street, Hamill on. ;almost wiped out by fire. Mrs. V� . l.. Sanford Ins leen elected ' The damage to property by � the storm president of the Ladies'i Committee of n Minnesota will reach '8100,000. the Wentworth Historical Society. It is estintat«'d that about two hun- Hugs and bad weather are damaging Bred lives ewe lost in the recent cy- the wavier wheat emit itt the 1'xuited eione in Texas, States aeeordang to stories sent to. Chi- Thre • s'sters named Crawford, of Ole- • tzietu. an. N.Y., have it is said. fallen heir to Sir l.ioneld Smith hes left Montreal a fortune of 8'00.000. - for Lcmdoxt, where he will undertake A mother hanged her four children the duties of Hight:oItaIU-sl,,ner for and then ruieidee in tee, same way at Conrado. Ripley. Ohio, on '1hursday. Re%. Canon DuMt.ulin, of St. James' Nora Perry, the authoress and toet- Cithedral, 'Toronto, has !,.ren electedI Bishop of Niagara; an't aceepteil the pt - ess, died on '11 ednt.0 ;ay at Dudley,3lass. Mt ion. She was fifty-five years of age :ill•. Alex, McKey. es -:1.P. for Ilaun- Rain bas quenched the forest fires in Hem, and Mr. W. S. Davie. ex -ALP. for in Nortbern tlirhi; n, Late vreekdant- Ali�t rte•, have !leen appointed Colles- age done will reach a million dollars.. er,. of Customs. t ti C alms Five million. pike fry were turned Several thousand ballot t usei made loose into Lake Ontario by the Niagara ant he pen; t ntiary are being shipped to County Anglers' Club at Olcott, N.Y., nony poinis in the Dominion for use berbour. in the elections. Bernard Koch, probably fatally poi - Montreal shipping ,leen have petition- coned his brother-in-law, his wite and eel the Government to allow the ship- two children, then suicided at Irwin; hent of United States cattle from the pa„ yesterday. port of Montreal, Gus Purdy and Val Jebley were kill- Mentilers of the Belleville Board of ed by the fail of a, steel jack while Trade have asked Sir Mackenzie Bowell working at the Ellicott, square building to represent theta at the Chambers of in Buffalo on Thursday. Commerce ttnventlun in Landon. Charles A. Weddigen, assistant fin- ! President Pettit., of the Ontario Fruit aneial clerk of the State Senate, sui- s Growers' Association, says the fruit sided at Auburn, N.Y., on Thursday. prospects around Grimsby were never Jilted by his Sweetheart. otter at this season of the year. Christian Geiger, at Wooster, Ohio, Michael Horn and Mark Tompkins, farmer, crazed on religion, on Wcdnes- convieted of waylaying and robbing day attacked his father with a hoe. Tuckett's cashier in Hamilton, were !;early decapitating him. each seni<enc•ed to twelve years in the Miss Emma Large, at Trenton, N.J., penit exit eery. the other day vomited a live lizard It is reported that. an American syn- which she swallowed while drinking at dictate has offered the Vale Barrel Ma- a spring some weeks ago. chine- Company 8:100,000 for the right Mr. Jobn W. I.lookvvalter, a leading to manufacture the machine in the Demo,rat, predicts that Mr. Cleveland ['nit.'et Stat.'s. will be nominated for a fourth time 1'he Royal Geographical Society of at the Chicago convention in July. Great Britain, has awarded the Gill me- morial to A. P. Lowe, and the Back Mr. Rudgard s other-xn owing to the grant to J. 13. Tyrrell, of the Geolog+- Bathreats atx'erfto kill him,aannonncese Itis in- Ira) department. tention of leaving the United States. The Toronto City Treasurer has A special commission of the Japanese handed out his estimates for the year. Government, has arrived at San Fran - The totalti es mated expenditure lie is cisco to studythe workings t rki of n electri- cal power and telephone systems in the uncontrollable. United States. Mr. J. Castell Hopkins has been ap- Bishop am Lawrence, of the pointed by the Canadian blanufactur- Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, has ers' Association their representative at suspended the Rec. R. Fuller, of the Chambers of Commerce Conven- Malden, for remarrying after obtaining tion in June. a divorce. The ministerial Association of Lon- Policeman Michael Sammon, of Buf- don has compromised with the lodges falo, who killed Sergeant Conlin, his regarding Sunday church parades, the officer, latter agreeingsuperior officer, last January, has been not t o parade ad e P before sentenced to . miens int ri.o nment for r Iii 4.0 � P e. 3 pm. 'The Government bas given rewards to The quiniuples born in Mayfield, Ey., Capt. J. Calle and four sailors of the April 29, are all dead. The doctors think Spanish steamship Cadagua, of Biibote their death may be the result of wor- for rescuing the crew of the shipwreck- ry, caused by the enormous visiting ed schooner Annie G. O'Leary, of Hali- crowds. fax, November 30. The United States House of Repre- sentatives AlcEachran, Government Veterin- sentafives has passed a bill for the construction of a bridge across the Niag- ara had an interview recently with the from Lewiston, N.Y.,to Queen.- ose of arranging details of the regu- son; nt. Montreal steamship -owners for the pur- ara aver t O la.tions to he enforced for the shipment The Lni'el States battieship Oregon of cattle. made an average speed of 16.78 knots, add Canada. At a meeting of the Toronto Exeeu- beating tie world's record, and thus Live Committee of the British Associa- earns a premium of .175,(100 for her Gloirxay impressions prevail in Hav- tion for the Advancement of Science, builders. aha as to the prospects for military op - the other day it was definitely arrane- Wesley Hurd. aged 8, sat up in his orations. 'The local volunteers do not ed that the meeting of the associa,toin coffin as friends were arriving to at- lreat.twenty d eo h anal onsifroSpain,dat are will be held in Toronto on August 18th. teat his funeral at Logansport, Ind., deemed indispensable. It is xpected The SundaySchool Association of On- on Saturday. Ile was thought to have the insurgent:, will renew their activ- been drowned. it during the a tario, at its meeting Friday, in To- y popearts unhealthy ronto, completed arrangements for at- President Cleveland bas approved the season, when Europeans cannot move tending the eighth international (tri- Act making provision for the del arta- t elliy on at•euunt of the tropical heat ennial) Sunday school convention to be tion of the Canadian Cree Indians frim rains. At Goderich the perpetrators of the adian authorities. outrage which resulted in the death of Two lads, one eighteen and the other Mr. Field of Wingham pleaded guilty twenty years of age, who were arreat- to a charge of assault occasioning ac- ed in Cambridge, Mass., on Thursday held in Boston next month. sIontana, and their clelxvto h ery te Can- bethan lady with a small muff ha al ing from her girdle; before this date ti it was probably looked upon. as an co- in centric novelty, at least in England. A ai bodily harm, to which the origin - indictment was changed. Chief Jus - eta Meredith sentenced Robert Harri- son and George Phippen to three years the penitentiary, Charles Manser and Thomas Montgomery to two years, d the boy, Albert Martine to six the Central Prison. There is a pros- ect of executive clemency modifying he sentences. GREAT BRITAIN. full century before, a Venetian.grand. dame had carried her lap dog id le In her in muff—a, fashion that continued for a p long season, and. found its way into t France. In Paris muffs for this express pur- pose, chimes •manchons, as they were styled, cued be bought in 1692 at the h establishment of the Demoiselles Guerin. fro Rase de Bac. Freneh sumptuary laws condescended to notice such minor de- ed tails as the eolar of a muff. The bur— w gems :was obliged to restrict himself to somber black; the noble might please himself. Under Louis XIV., therefore, Annie Dyer, the London infanticide, as been declared insane by an expert m the Imperial Home Office. Dr. Salmon, of London, the oldest reemason in the world is dead. He as one hundred and six years of age. The young Duchess of Marlborough ty thousand male seals this season. They will be presented at the next Drawing- were allowed to take only fifteen thous- room, ethich will be held by the Prim- and last year. • the mane -Ion of the courtier was brit - night, have confessed to starting fif- ty fires during the past six months. At the Electric Exhibition in New York on Saturday night, Ttir. Chaun- cey Depew sent a message, which pass- ed over fifteen thousand miles of wires, and the reply was received in four min- utes. The will of the late Bishop Ryan was offered for probate in Buffalo on Mon- day. The estate, which is valued at more than five hundred thousand dol- lars, is left to the Church' of which he was a prelate. The 'United States Government has issued a permit to the North Ameri- can Commercial Company to take thir- liana with gold lase and embroidered. 0e rthbons. Copenhagen, and the Princess of Wales and her daughters, from the south of ss of [vales. The Duke and Duchess of York, from Proverbs were anterior to books, and formed the wisdom of the'vulgar, and in the earliest ages were 'the unwritten. law or more lily • n lsreeli Europe have returned to London. aerodrome its made of steel, driven by Prof. Samuel Plangley, secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, has invent- ed a flying machine which is describ- ed as being a. remarkable success. The Sir John MV lillais,president of the Royal a steam engine, and resembles au en - i ce,demy, who had the operation of ormous bird DARING BANK ROBBERY. Two Masked !Hen Garry Ott Eleven Thoa- sant! Dollars. A despatch from Springfield, 111.,, says the most daring bank robbery which has ever taken place in this part of Illinois was perpetrated at noon on Thursday at Buffalo, thirteen miles east of this city. At that hour two masked men entered the Bank of Buf- falo just as Carl IEl.oppenburg, cashier, was looking up the safe preparatory to going to his dinner. Kloppenburg was the only person in the bank at the -Lime. The robbers seized him from behind, bound and gagged him and then took all the money in the bank, amounting to $11,000. William P. Dawson, who entered the bank some time later, saw Kloppenburg lying on the floor bound, and released him. Kloppenburg could give but a meagre description of the robbers. ^ `—^ Thou arb in the end what thou art. Put on wigs with millions of curls, set thy foot upon ell -high rocks. Thou abidest ever—what thou art.—Goethe. Children Cry far Pitcher'$ Castor!? Best for Wass' Day For quick and easy work ]'or cleanest, sweetest and whitest clothes Surprise Is best Best for Every Day For every use about the house Su rprise works best and cheapest. " See for yourself. How the Kidneys Talc. They have a Language of their own. Eindeys can't talk, but if you don't treat them rightly you will hear from them. They have a language of their own, and this is how thee. speak to you; You stoop or strain, ride too far, walk too much, work too bard and rest too little; then your back. aches, and your bead aches, and you ache all over. Ohl you say, it's because I'm tired out. Now, this isn't true. It's because your kidneys aro tired. They oan only da just so much and the lifting, stooping, straining or exciting bas retarded tboir action. The heart has pumped the blood into thane taster than they could filter it. The filter is overtaxed and becomes clogged. They cry for assistance in the many symp- toms that follow. There is dull headache, backache, pains in various parts of the body, scalding of the Grine, high colored urine, puffiness under the eyes, swelling of the legs and all the other conditions that go with kidney dis- orders. Why kidneys W y do the thus teI1 you their trouble% in language foo plain as to be un• mistakable? So that you may be warned in tithe. Will you heed the warnings? If so, you will use Doan's Sidney Pills. l?othing starts the kidneys working so quickly, Remember "Doan s. It is the i original kidney pill, the most reliable kidney pill, and the pill you can place full confidence in to euro you. For sale by W. H. Ward. Almost a Hopeless Case. A Terrible Cough, No Rest Night nor Day. Given up by Doctors, A LIFE SAVED BY TAKING ' AYER'S RR �E�ToIlAYL "Several years ago, I caught a severe cold, attended with a terrible cough that allowed me no rest, either day or night. The doc- tors, after working over me to the best of their ability, pronounced my ease hopeless, and said they could do no more for me. A friend, learning of my trouble, sent me a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which I began to take, and 'very soon I was greatly rclleved. By the time Thad used the ahold bottle, I was completely cured. I have never had muchof a cough since that time, and I firmly believe that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my life." W. H. 'WARD, 8 Quimby .Ave., Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Cherry er Pectoral al HIGHEST AWARDS AT WORLD'S FAIR. dyer's Pills the Best Tarily Physio. nenazwassassasuomiere STRANGE PHOTOGRAPHY. (Result of a Freak of Lightning In English Tows. From the village of Coombe Bay,which a. CURED!!STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS.' 'CURES eUARANlTE D OR NO PA V! ARE r V f'll '3 N5rcons and despondent; tz eek er debiUtated• tirod mornings! np m- y4R ij bition--•lifeless, enamor .pour: ca it fatagaed:.e plt¢bieandirrl6.tt*1 t oyes sunken, red end binrred; lutsapxee on flee; dreams and tligi losses; restless; haggard loos' ; weak back; bone trainer hair lateen Wears; so vratleocete• depeett rn Prime :-n4 drains t stooll distrustfgl d e; eek ore Wer$, nun streni;th — WE CAN CURE YOU J t want of caafldenco; latdk o RESTORED TO -MANHOOD BY DRS. K. & K. JORN A. DANLibt. JOBN A. MARLIN. CHAR. POWERS. 011AS. POWER. saroujF niaATluaNT. it nrn Taw 0.143". iBEFaxali TAtU Vu1k5r,, s AFTa,A 7PAt0AT NO NAMES OR TeeTIM0NiALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. John A. Manua eaye t—"I was one of Oe countle•e vice tints of early 1$ioranee commenced at 14 @ora et tura. tried Govan medical Orme anti epent t900 without aysil, I gave np in despair. The drains on my erste were weakening :sn i my i ato2 eoas wall as my sexual l vH •i allif . My brother advised Me as s teat rasprtto oonnft Drs. Kennett)* Kergan, Ieommenosdtheir New Method Treatment and in a Pew weeks was a now man, wf th ne life and ambition. This was four year as , aauTu5tw E. apetaitiTTsts to all my atTifoied fMl3gtms o + ed and happy, ! recommend t lese reliable CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.--.CONFIDEItITAL. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AND IMPOTENCY CURED, "The Three of early boyhood laid the foundatton of my rain. Later on a • ;:ty life" and exposure to blood di- S hillo EI1tiSSiilrl seasea completed the wreck. I had all the symptouta of yi1 , $ Nervous Debility—sunken eyes, emissions, drain in urine, nervouenese, weak back, etc, syphilis caused my hair to Varicocele Cureu. fall out, lmne pains, nlcere fn mouth and on tongue, e blotehes, on Lod,, etc. I thank Clod !tried Pre. Kennedy dt Kerga.n. 'Ihs., restored me to health, visor and happiness." CHAS. POWERS. We treat am? core Varicocele, ,Emissions, Nervous .Debility, Seminal l'J eaf.'ness, (:,'tett StrAtura•, Syphilis, lis, UJnnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and .Z?tadder.Diseases, 17 YEARS IN DE'T'ROIT. 200,0Q0 CURED. NO RISK. New Method Treatment win c nro you. what at f t hns done for others it willt do .f or von,REA ER 1 Are you victim? Have you lost hope? Are you contemplating mar.rs•e ,.ayucar Bloodbeen <iesae l? La YOU may CONSULTATION FREE.No matter who line treated roe. write for au honest opinion Vrod of Charge Charges re. senable. BOOKS FREE— "Tho Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on Diereses of Men. 1 ,•.1o'�o.1c�o.atace, 2 cents. Fettled. VATENNo tro dt Inc s13SD VC. O. ea, Nonnarnes on boxes ore nei- ope8. Everything confidential. Question net and cost 01 Treat- ment, PRET=, IJ s KENNEDY Ls LLIA , DETRO TEMIG.�e ka51t*."'7,•c.?'stf,:_5a+,oyrrr�;.a.:� �i$iicw 4 D,Rt. SPINNEYCO. The Old Reliabie Specialists. 33 Years Experilsrce in the treatment of the Throat and Lung Troubles, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis,. 'Nervous, Chrome and Special Dia - eases of men and women. Lost Manhood rdeesrtoredu—bKis dnepyermanadnTientatld- cured—Gee, Gonorhoea,Varicoccleanyd stricture cured without pan. No cutting. Syphilis and all Blood Diseases cured without mercury. YoungNell Suffering from the effects of • fa youthful follies or indiscretions, or any troubled with Weakness, Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Despondency, Aversion to Society, Kidney Troubles, or any disease of the Genital•Urinary Or- ganscan here find safeand speedyeedY cure. Charge. reasonable, especially to the poor. CURES GUARANTEED. 1illddle-Agsli beenThere are ming troubled with too frequent evaen• tions of the bladder. often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. There are many men who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause. The doctor will guarantee a per- fect cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the genito'urinarr organs. Con- sultation free.. Those unable to call, can write full particulars of their,rase and have medicine sent by express, with fun instructions for use Mention this paper when writing.. Office hours: ,QF�rom 9 n. m to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a. m. DP' SPINNEY 1 Uia ago WOODWAR.D AVENUE. (Side 1£ntrance No. 15 E. .,Elizabeth St.) DETROIT. M!CH. moteilikikeekkaiessuesesenaaticresee 1 upon the skin of the animal. Every de- tail was exactly drawn. The sheep had been killed while hud- dled together in a corner, and the lands- cape in each case was the same, the pic- ture being of that part of the sur- rounding scenery which lay in the path of the lightning flash which killed the frightened animals. Stories of lightning prints are old, "ems' some of them curious, and may no doubt have an element of truth in them. But some of their marvels are certainly due to the vivid imaginations of those who tell them. There is the story of the Italian lady wrho, while sitting' in the window of her villa at Lugano, received a severe shock from a stroke of lightning, and " although she recovered completely, the impression of a flower, which must have been in the path of the lightning flash which reached her, was printed indelibly on her body." nn lies about four miles fromThath, Eng- land, comes a story of a curious freak of lightning. Near the village here is, or was when the incident occurred, a large wood composed of oak and nut trees. In the center of this wood there was a small pasture quite hem- med in by the surrounding grove. Here six sheep were kept by their owner. The flock being small, the pas- ture, only fifty yards in extents, con- tained herbage sufficient for them. One day while the sheep ;tvere in the field a severe thunderstorm came on, and one flash of lightning killed simul- taneously every sheep in the pasture. Pt is to be presumed they were mourn- ed, by the owner% but no doubt consid- ering that they might be of some pro- fit to him, although dead, he sold their bodies to a butcher in the neighbor- ing village of Coombe Bay. The butch- er began his business by skinning the lightning -struck animals. To the astonishment of the butcher and his assistant, on the interior of each sheep -skin they foundprinted an elaborate and faithful picture of the landscape surrounding the sheep pas- ture. These natural pictures were in no respect bitggestive of the umpres- sionist daubs, but the trees, the fences, John I. Hughes, of Lexington, Ky., the 'rocks and bushes were all as pry f has in 29 years taken 529,750 in prem- eisely represented as if photograph, ed Tums at the State fair. TOOK IT FOR GRANTED. Homely Lady—Oh, I guess you can fill the place. My husband is an easy man to suit. New Coek (looking at her)—Yes,mum, I can readily believe 1.1. Homely Lady (to herself)—Strange, she should take that for granted, but prol.,ab]y she knows a superior woman like myself wouldn't marry a crank SHE KNEW HIM. The young man who had traveled began: And there I stood, the abyss yawn- ing at my feet— Was it yawning before you got there, or did it begin after your arrlval1 ask- ed the young woman who had never been away, and then the young man found that he had just time to catch the last car. Could not get insured. Rejected by Straight Litre and Mutual Companies. But now insured In.both. of Should I die while I am in a position, to pay my insurance premiums, nay family will owe their support to Scott`s Sarsaparilla. Two years ago I appplied. to two companies for insurance, 91090 in each. 1tMy face was a mass of pimply blotches and my urine did not stand the test. One doctor in examining me said I could not pass, but that my trouble was curable. Ile advised an alterative medicine and I commenced taking Scott's Sarsaparilla. Both companies rejected me,'but four months later, after I had taken five bottles of your remedy I am thankful to say both accepted me as a risk—one being a stock company, the other a mutual. The examiner who previously examined me, remarked " never saw such a change in any roan." This is indorsed by Mr. J. Todd, the popular druggist, corner Queen and Crawford Streets, Toronto. Scott's Sarsaparilla builds up debili- tated constitutions, imparts strength, vigor and vitality, clear and purifies the blood. It cures skin diseases, rhea- matism, gout, indigestion and all com- plaints arising from poor or poisoned blood. Of all druggists, at per bottle. Sold by C. LUTZ, Exeter, Ont. SILENCING THE BURGLAR ALARM. First burglar—Got your chloroform ready 1 Second. burglar—Yes. Dope the old - :man first, I ;suppose 8. Not on yo'ctr• : life.. The beby first.,: tiv MOP