Exeter Times, 1896-5-21, Page 1leg TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. No 2 HURON & MIDDLESIX. GAZETTE. JOI1N NUMB 4 SONS • Publishers and Proprietor* R. S. F RD & WOODHAM. i/Ve Doret Expect ' sea Thisone advertisement or any one advertisement to bring you to ns for your wants. Taut by telliitis you eiteh week about some part of our stock or our policy, we hope to give you a fair idea. of us and our goods, so that you may • make up your mind whether, ou the wh.ole, this is the store where yrn want to buy your Dry -Goods, Clothing, Millinery, ___Groceries, !Boots Shoes. We will offer you apecial lines at special prices each week, and it will pay you to drop in and see for yoerself. ritRlen.GEOODS, ETC. PRINTS. -Light and dark Prints, Shallies, Ste., (fast colors) at 5c per yd. LA.CE CURTAINS from 50e a pair up, Special Bargains this week in odd lines, HOSIERY & GLOVES. -We buy these goods cheaper than most mer- chants, and we sell as we buy. See our range of Fast Black Cotton Hose at 10c, 124c, 15e, 18e, 20e and 25e per pair. We have a, large assortment a 131ack and Colored Kid. Gloves, Lace Mitts and Silk Gloves. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MONING, MAY 2ist, 1896. Reuse:11 Fel owing aro tho market quotations. Wheat 70 to 70 Barley Ate 30 Oats. 19 to 29 Peas ... . ... ...... ..... At, 45 told Ha Sio..00 to $12.02 lin ter 12 to 13 Eggs 9 to 9 ElOis?etPlonea ...... tag BREWS -Messrs T and A Murdock . . were in Lucan on Sunday visiting their father, who is very ill, and whose death is daily expected. -T. J. Berry has returned from Buffalo whither he had gone with a carload of horses. -R. B. Ross who was in Boston on amulet- . , • business has also returtted.--Joseph Case, of the London road, left this BILIBES-John McKay, a. the 10th con, of Tuckersmith, left on Tuesday station the other day, with two car Al - loads of fine fat cattle, embracing 37 to take the boat at Goderich for Al- a Mr. MelKa took with him a span of horses, grain, potatoes, and other neeessaries, He hitends remain - lug there until the fall. -Richard Svaillie, who hese been pursuing his . studies at Toronto fer some time, is now paying a visit at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. James eneillie,of our village. -George Blair, having occee- iou to be away from his dwelling for an hour or so, on his retarn he found a couple of tramps making themselves at home. -They were at the eupboard. making ready their midnight meal. - R. Sinillie and brother's have been very unfortunate in the horse line this season having lost, within a month's time, their two fine stallions, General. Gorden. having died seine twelve days after leaving these parts. As this was a valuable horse to the owners the loss is heavy. ta as vest maker for Mr. Appel,(Zurich, -Chas. Bossenberry, of Viejo' was in town this weeks -The Can tataaUnder the Palms" given by the youn people of the Methodist church or Friday last was a grand suceess in eery re- spect. The hall was packe, scores being unable to gain admit nee. It was well rendered, eaeh p t being performed with the assuran and pre- cision of professionals. In. feat .the characters were so well tak ' that it would be a task to paaticul izes The proceeds amounted. to $75. hea,d, all their own raising except three, for Liverpool, sailing by the steamer "Lakelluron," fromMontreal. on Wednesday last. Mr. Case intends 0 remaining a couple of months in the old country, combining busbaess with pleaeare, as he has relatives in Ire- land. We wish him a, safeandpleasant trip, and good success in business enterprise. -Mrs. R. H. Collins and Mrs. (Dr.) Amos, of Exeter, were in the village on Wednesday afternoon, calling on a few of their friends. -The Commercial and Centennial hotels have each had new signs made. -The weather has been cool the past few days but no frost reported. -Mrs. Shortt, of Parkhill, is visiting* under the parental roof. -Don't tie your horses to shade trees, as such acts destroy thern,-R. Latimer, mail car- rier between here and. Zurich, who was thrown from his waggon in con- sequeneuce of the team running away, the other day, sustained but slight injury, and is again on duty. -The other day, in one of the rear rooms o f the Centenuial hotel which had been used for smoking meat, caught fire, and had it not been noticed by some boys in time to easily extinguish, a severe fire would have been the result. -A meeting of the Liberals was held in Meltwen's Monday evening, to appoint delegates to attend the Riding Convention. There was a largeattendance and much enthusiasm was mamfested on behalf of Mr. McEwen's candidature. -4. C. Klausen recently received in mistake a $59 bill in settlement of a $5 account. It lead come by mail. J. C. promptly returned the $15. -While exercising horses on Monday forthe comingraces, Mr. Mussocamenearlylosinghis. !twits being ridden by a lad named Vance and in sonie unaccountable manner svhile being tested to its utmost broke its leg. -Dr. Thompson has purchased a nice driver from a Mr. Horton. -W. Millson, of Londesboro, gave ns an- other call on Friday. -Miss Harris, of Bethesda, preached with much accept - Clinton. anco in the Methodist church Sunday evenine, last. -J. W. Ortwein preach- ed in Bethesda Sunday evening last. Batave-The Ontario street church -.A Mr aimpson, of London, helcl re - will, it is expected, be lighted with ligious meetings in Coxworth's hall on PARASOLS, ETC. -Our stock of Parasols is by far the largest ever shown by ns. We have them at 50e, 00c, 75e, 90e, $1, $1.25 and $2. W(3 have the newest inElastie Belts, Buckles and Belting. MEN'S TOP saults.—In Flannel- ette, Oxford Shirting, Regetta, &e. Don't fail to see our two specials at 10c and 37ac. CLOTHING.-afen's good strong Tweed. Suits, new patterns, at $5. Boys' at $1.50. Men's 011 Pants at $1.75, actuelly worth $2.50. Summer & Dress 03913a A new stock of the latest shapes wad pevelties for surnmer weer receive d in our Millinery Department last week. If you w tab your h tt or bonnet for the 21th (and of course you will) leave your order early. Our prices are the lowest. See our range of Wash Materials in Dress Goods Department. R. S. FORD & CO ^ ^ - • - Centralia. — BIUBPS.-Andrew Hicks was at Norwich this week on business. -Mrs. Snellgrove, of London, is visiting her nieces, Mee. Cobleigh,--Mr. Brock, the ;introit candidate, has been can- vassing Centralia, and vicinity, and ex- presses himself as being very hopeful kl an eleetion.-Walter Fero has ,so far recovered. from his recent. Mess as to tie able to walk out around. --S. Brock'seplaughter house was burned alown on Sanday morning. The fire is simposed to have originated from coals left the day before in the render- ing stove. -The. seine morning Nelson Beater's kitchen caught fire, and but for timely assistance we would aeve been called upon to report a ' serious couflagration, Damage slight -The parlor social at the parsonage Mcmilay • evening, was very well attended, and a most enjoya,ble evening spent -Prof. Taggart is lecturing in the hall on phreaology, and. reading heads. Woodham. --- 13naws.-A big tline is expected on the 25th inst., atthe S. S. Anniversary to be held in 13. Beaver's grove. A foot -ball match is to be flayed be- tiveen the Granton and Kir -ton teams in tbe afternoon. Every person come and enjoy the day's sport -Mr. Jones, (our new miller) and family, moved in- to the village last week. We wish him every success in the milling busi- ness bere.-McKernan & Wreford have purchased the blacksmith and carriage shops of S. Ford, also the house and lot across from the grist mill. They are at -present doing a rushing business, and. as soon as pos- .sible they intend. improving their shops. -Samuel Johnston, the aud his assistant, are fast making the old grist mill look like new. Three loads of new machinery' arrived here from Stratford last week and more is expected this vveek. Mr. Shier found it necessary, in order to take in all the new machinery. to put a new front of about 20 feet to the ndll, Farmers may look for a sharp advance in the price of wheat just as soon as the new mill is ready to Pridham, M. P., was in th• e village on Wednesday, calling oo • friends, -The saw mill is now run- voefull blast, manufacturing barrel , hoops. One of the best; evidencesthatAyer's Hair Vie -or is an article of exceptional' merit is -the fact that the demand for it is constantly bacressing. No one who uses this incomparable dressing thinks of trying any other preparation for the hair. • Chiselhurst. Bernos-Simon. Hunter, of the fith con., left here .for his Usborne farm on Monday last. He will be missed for many a, long day. ----Fall wheat, is not looking very gooa around here at pre- sent and it will require favorable weather to come up to an average crop, meadowe are looking pretty good.- hunes 1.Vateon has the contract for hauling the rrillk to the Sant cheese factory. -A good many Conservatives iround here and in Hay, think that Re C. Coleman would make a strong meet to bear the. Conservative Standard fur South Huron, the electric lie,•ht next Sunday evening. -Thomes Johnston, of Varna, loft on the 18thinst., for Manitoba. -Christina McMartin a second time left the House of Refuge withoutleave. After seareh- in,g for some time she was located near Brumfield and brought beck. George McLe.od another inmate, ran away Saturday evening, but had not been located at time of going to press. -A.. W. Hartt, the popular teller in the MoThons bank here, has decided to ac- cept a responsiole position in a St. Louis railway head office and will shortly remove there. (+rand Bend. BB -revs -The weather is quite cool this week and foggy. -The recent rain has helped the spring crops. -John Young is moving to hissummer cottage this week. -Mr. Skippeu is, moving into the old. store which belongs to John Dalziel. He is going to look after th.e orchard for Mr. Dalziel -The fishing has bee.a light this week, liftin 4- every day, bat not meny.-Mr. Tom, In- spector of Public Schools, visitea this school last week. The trustees are preparing to build a now wire fence around the school yard, which is badly needee.-John A. Fallis, of Parkhill, visited here on Sunday, and is looking fine. -There are teams and men put- tingin logs at Brewster and getting them ready for shipment to Wallace - burg. Mr. Brewster has his driving shed completed, and it is a fine one. - The L.. 0. T. M. and the IC. 0. T. M. held a meeting last week and decided not to have their celebration on the Ilth of June as was stated. last week, as Dash- wood had decided on the same day for their celebration, and these were the groonds selected. -Ware Oliver's barn will be completed this week. -Francis retreats lost a fine mare on Sunday. yoarirt-tade- Fit r " X t n ..1"' "*. If low prices are inducements, why not take advantage of them as BROWN & PREETER, being the leading Clothiers of Crediton •and Zurich, can furnish you with the very best qualities at the very lowest prices. NOTE .1 Boys' Suits at $1. $1.59, $2, $2.5o and up. THESE Men's Suits at $3. 50, $5, $5.50, $6 and up BARGAINS. f A good Tweed Suit to order,$lo,f tt,$12 and up 1 A fine Blk Worsted Suit to order,$13,worthSx8 Every garment is guaranteed and speak for themselves, either •Ready-made or Ordered. Do not put it off as now our stocks are Complete. Come one, -come all, and bring your friends along. Don't wait. EITZC1!),WN 1PREETER, Steorees Creclitort earissl Zurich ` Sunday. The attendance was fair. - Mrs. R. Bontbron visited friends in Exeter on Saturday. -George "The Hatter" gave the village a call this week, and renovated a number of old christies. George wintered. in Listo- wel, where he reports the whisky plentiful and beer galore - Mrs. Weisiniller and faintly are visiting; at her home in Berlin for a few week.s.- Several from the village attended the wedding in Hills Green, on Wednes- day, of Kate Coleman of that place and W. Shannon of Bay City, Mich. - Mrs. Dent and daughter, of Mitchell, spent Sunday at J. Sutherland's. -W. J. McKity visited S. Powell, of Exeter, over Sunday. -Miss Nora DeLion visited her sister in Lucan this week. -The foundation for Rannie's new block has been built -Messrs. George Joyn t and alias. Manus have leasecl the grounds for refreshment purposes on May 25th aaaai therefor $10. -The 3;" P g Quartette of the Methodist chinch go to Brucefield on the 2ath to furnish a pro- graln for an entertainment. -Messrs. W. Bick.ell and AV. Wright visited the former's parents in Seaforth on Sun- day. -R. Ball, has commenced the manufacture of bicycles. - Norman Cook left on Tuesday for Hamilton to study for an electrician. -Mrs. Burns and hiiss. O'Neil visited friends in Sea - forth last week. --Mi'. Burns visited his vvife here last week. -The local jurors returned from Godericb, none the worse of wear. -Mrs. Hallam, of &aft, visited her daughter here this week -The Methodists will celebrate the anniversary of the laying of the corner stone or their new chnrcb, on Sunday and Monday, Rev. E. Kershaw will preach „special sermons on Sun- day, while on Monday a tea meeting will be held, at which addresses will he given by resident ininisters.-The eny friends of Mrs.. McDonald, who was recently so seriously ill, will be pleased to learn that she has recovered nieely, and although considerably over 80 years of age, is going aroand again as smut meny not half her age. - The Lord's Sapper was administered in Carmel clinrch on Sunday last. Rev. Grithem, of 13 tyfield, conducted the preparatory services on Fridey.- Peter, the Indian, came nearly being run WISP 'on Monday. He svas walking alone the track it eb.ort distance out of the village, when a train came along. Peter being hard of hearing was un- aware of its approach, and had the engineer not noticed him in time to stop the engine, poor Pete svonld have been no more. -Mrs. John Mc- Arthur presented her husband with a bouncing baby boy on Saturdey.- Miss Nellie Palmer leaves this week to visit lady friends in Berlin. -Miss Emily Welsh has secured it situation Kippere gout y. Zurich. 1 Huron County Notes. Listen BOOGIES !Di:WM.–Fred Hess, sr., has :lust t i e fts- 0 Sweitlifboarutldi, has granted $100 to the completed ------------ r f laugzies, of the latest member they are his own make, which is suf. 1 Seafortb. is going to build a piece of styles, which. he will ell at fac ory pr c s. Call and see thorn. ana 4210' 1 granolithic sidewalk this year. ticient guarantee of their durability I Gilbert McDonald, of Brucefield, Cromarty. I left this -week for the northwest., aae,..... • ' I The Zorich flax Co., have put in 600 BRIBPS.-Hugh—Norris and •Dancan i acres of flax this year. McKellar eacb, purchased Brantford. I Mr. W. D. Trott, who has been in, Power mills from R. S. Lang a few the photograpb business in Seafortfor it CHANGE IS THE 4, LAM' 01.1' NATURE from, 'Winter. ',Lowy goodi in Boots & Shoes, toSprin, all sulo•vor -whe is now the or - dor of the day. .IE you need any our stock is now eomplete. Many lines to seleal; from and at prices that will satiety you. In Men's, kloys. • and Youths' Fine Goode everything is up to date. Ladies', Misses' ad Childrens' in Dongo- las Orlords Bats and buttons We have everything in stock that you require. Space will not permit us to quote prizes. Call and see for yourself. A. 3if (JRDOCX .3c CO Stepaen. • several years, bas purchasecla basiness days ago. --Phe ram oa a y i much needed in these lin Ingersoll. E lio tt, o f Win g hatn rrtsandhasdone much good. -Donald had two of his fingers badly cut on the rip arie was taken seriously, ill on Satin,- saw in Duff &.• Stewart's mill, on, 1-IATSpeeees-- vas dey night from an attaele o p ur• ng For the nexttwo weeks we arx going to sell our stock of Men's & Boys' Ready-made Clothing at prices that will astonish you Boys' 2 Piece Suits worth Sale price 15e. do d $2.50 a lien's Ready-to-wear Suits for $4.00. y. We are glad to know at time of vrritheg that he is some better. -The Satirana.ent of the Lord's Supper was dispensed here an Suuday, when seven new members were received ia the churele re, leLtpluettalelast weefor idant- A. McGillivray, of Toroutca to Keach The I. 0. F. have secared the Rev. fer them irr the 1.):b7t;Tial.1 Cur; uu join mr. rocock, who has been Cromarty Sunday morning 210. of there a couple of months. iTotyiatbeegleieingt eleven boelcoeMr. E hePorlbititchael • A. lamp upset in Mrs.113utherland's is Liberal candidate held an orgauizatiou meeting in the townshiphall on Wed- nesday of last weekatud Mr. Pridham had his on Monday evening. Mr. Dona, d the third party candidate is also expected soon. Seturclay morning. Rev. Mr. Mason, Congregational minister, has resigned his two charges in Ilowick, and itsteucls leaving the village in the early fixture. Mee George Pocoek and two child - 4.1.150 Craw. • BEIBPS-A. carload of milk cows ar- rived here on Thursday from the vicinity of Tilsonburee They were sold by public auction on Friday after - moon by Auctioneer C. Walker at fair Prices, ranging from $19. to $80 each.- The utarriage -of Will Tildon, of Ailsa Craig. and Miss Lemont, of Lobo, took place at Komoke Thursday afternoon. 11fr. '.1.1ildonreturued in the evening-. house, Blyth, the other day, and hilt for timely assistance of the fire bri- gade a serious fire would have been the result. The trustees of school No. 10 met at W. J. Wilson's office, Greenwity, last Monday evening and let a job to Wil- son and. Jermotatte to put down a deep well for the use of the school. Thos Davidson, of Leadbury, had the misfortune to get one of his eyes severely hurt several weeks ago, and we regret to say it is still in a yery week condition. Wm. „Arthur Blackwell, son of Holinesville's esteem ea boot and shoe naerchant, of Cincinatti. Ohio, has juet graduated from the Ohio Col- lege of Dental same,- with honors. W. Heivitt and family, of McKillop, GOSHEN LISB NOTBS.-Mr, Joseph Bastard intends putting a fottudatiOn accompanied by his inede. On Friday just east of Leadbury, left this 'eek under his stables this simeruer.-Wed-1 evening the Ailsa Craig- brass band for Algoma, where Mr. Hewitt has appeared in front of the residence of taken up land. He has rented his Mc - mg belis wiU soon 00 line, as we see an old. man going south pretty often. -Sky Holt spent Sunday with friends 1 n Olandeboye. - Thomas and Robert Mawhinney took it load of cedar posts to Lucan on Friday last.-Williain Yearly- has pur- chased. it new cart from Mr. Wentzel, of Crediton. -The Mud Creek brid.ge is now complete. -Charlie Dinney I tends putting it new roof on his barn this sunitner.-Mrs. Annie Keys, who has been on the siek list the past few weeks, isrecoveringa-George Mawhin- uey has the material on the.gronnd or a new fence across the frant 02 his farm. -Robert Sweets of 'Oreditom who has been preparing to braid a new fence along the side of, hieefarm for the. past, five years, wisz.`,°'eamialie started to build as he has everything on the ground that is neceseaay.a • ••••••• • * ay • DEA.= OP Mix. ErzroTi.4,1teSiderit's of our village were greatly shocked on Monday evening last by the very incl. - den death of Edward Elliott, proprietor of the Albion -tenet De- ceased was in his usual health up to within an hour before his death. The immediate cause of death was the rup- ture of a blood vessel in the head. He was born in the noath of Italitnd, ou March 17th, 132), and when young came to America, with his parents, who settled in the neighborhood of Brockville, and later on moved to it farm on the Goshen line, Stanley. , About -40 years ago he co in me need hotel I keeping on Louisa street and las been a resident of Bayfield ever since, witb the exception of about four years spent at Brucefield. The funeral ou Wed- nesday afternoon was verylargely at- tended, the servicebeine, conducted by Rev. James Parke, of Clitnon. Th Oran gernen attended in it body d took part in the services at the grave. Th bereaved fannly have the sniccre sym pathy of manyfriends. the young couple, showing their good wishes by playing a number of choice selections. -Wm. Hulbert, of.Jaeroy, N. Y., is visiting his sistear Mrs. Forbes and Mrs. Henderson, 'of the village. Mr. Halbert intends stopping here during the summer. -We are afterwards arrested and tbe goods re - sorry to hear that Geo. McDonald, covered. carriage maker, is on the sick list.- A pleasant event took place at the The annual raeetine, of the Ailsa Craig residence of Mr. R. Acheson, 14thcon., Mechanics' Institute was held in the Goderich township, on Wednesday, town hall on the everting of May 11, when his chughter, Emma, was mer - The followingere the board. df directors ried td Win. Nesbitt, of the 10th con., appointed for the ensuing year: Dr. none but the memberof the two i Gunn, Rev. Messrs. D. L. Dewar and L. thinilies were present. " a 0. 000k, Of (.4oderich, awns .a arm inoaloilericb townshiP whieh is tenanted by John Day. One morning Killop farm to Mr. Constable who lives about a mile west of Leadbury. A tramp broke into the residence of Wm. Scott, McKillop, during the absence of the family, the other day. and stole several articles. Re was i Diehl, and Messrs. Jos. Rosser, S. Glias 'lies, J. H. lalcKey, 0. Walker, John I Morgan, and J. R. Bulmer. I . . City:tench. - recently when the latter went into his . . ...........---.-.4. " ..-----' orchard he found that some rascaahaa I k BRIEPS-The corner -stone of thenew trees, Iiitalds clInalsomaeullIttda be Io wireiit f75e1-) efer iitiin Roman Catholic Churc.h, St. Peter's, smelt ?laces. Hatred of the owner is :s..e0connpiocinne4117y.q..i.David Oan felon, David Cauteleit, of Clinton, who has been so -seriousta street, overlooking the river and Lake illiot nlit: on aolsTrtetcFliteTitn, cl'airsgebrorrgl.t. Huron. Masses were held Monday in Gunn, who had gone up to look after the old church before leage congre- aim. His source of trouble is largely gations.--After his exceedingly effete confined to one foot, pint of which, it tive sermon, the Bishop performed the is feerea, will here to be a,meetatea. ceremony of the laying of the stone, The citizens of Beylield were shock - assisted by Father Kennedy, of Sea- ea and surprised on Mowing evenirg forth; Father Qniglev, of Ashfield, to bear of the sudden demise of an old and Father Clortors, of Drysdale. The resident, Mr. E. Elliott a short note new cburch will be one of the leading attractions of Goderich from both ee- clesiastical and architectural views. The dimensions are 116 feet by 60, and the stylnis early gothise-The Conser- vatives of West Huron will hold a con- vention at Smith's Hill, on Friday,' of next week, for the purpose a selecting a candidate. -On Tuesday of last week elafter an illness of less than two hours Mrs Peter Wylie died very suddenly duration. The news of her decease e was received by her husband, the cap- - Goderich was laid Sunday at fonr p. assience as the cause. nia with impressive ceremony. About five thousand spectators viewed the ceremerty. The church ison the site of the old one at the heed. of North Luoan. BRIEFS.—Mr. and Mrs. W. Murdy, tain of the fishing tug Siebeld, on bis retura to port, some time after it had occurred., and the shock was so severe that he was hardly able to reach his home. -News was received last week of the deeth of al trey Ball in Brandon Man, Death resulted from blood of London, spent Sunday in . this vil- poisoning, the deceased havingha,d one lage with friends. -Mrs. Box, a Strat- of his feet frozen some time aecii and it ford, is at present the guest of Mrs. was while in the hospital waiting for Lee here. -We are pleaseii to learn the amputation of his injured foot tbat that Messrs. A. G. and F. W. Hodgins, ' death came. The late Mr Bell was two young men of 2) atid.22 years of formerly it resident of Goderich.-A age respectively, have passila. with . yonrig men na,rneci Pearson, who was honors the final examination in. medi- ,working for Mr. Wise, Goderich town - cine at the recent medicaleexnanin- ship the other day bad one of his fest aliens at Toronto. Beth poetise at- badly crushed by being caught in a tended the Lucan high school and re- horse power. ceived their initiatory lessons du meth - cal science flora Dr. Clarke; of thisI , De. Oull, of Mitchell, has been very place. We wish the young 'imen that ., ill, bra is now iinproving. measure of success their energy and 1 It is estimated that $1,501,003 has pash deserves. -The 'Mast attraction , been invested in bicycles by the citizens for the young people here is a merry- ! of Toronto, an amount equal to one - go -round, which has been running , third of the capital required to equip each evening for some time. I might ' the Toronto Street R tilway system. say that old as well as youtig leeem to enJoy the sport -Mr. Atairy; the The other dity, as Hoary Ritz, of. Montreal horse buyer, was here on 1 Gad's Hill, was on his way .from Wel- Seturday. - James Ryder, Centred lesley to Stratfod on a bicycle, the r sideroad, Biddulph, has been very. 111 1 wheel broke down, and Mr. Ritz was for weeks past bat is said fo be maitaken back home by a passing farmer. proving. -T. Murdock, shoemaker, ., cliFfIreorl Brown, of Atwood, fell off a also confined to his bed through illness. ' Id \visite WO rking at it new house, 15 • ld d 1W h 'anti seriously injured his face by fell - entertained as to his raeovery.-The marriage of F. Frank, of Illinois, and I Miss Lizzie Rebinson, of this village, I took place at the residence of the bride's father on Wednesday- of this week. Rev. R. H. Shaw, incutisbent of Holy Trinity, officiated. The happy conple will leave for taeir home across the way on Friday. --Hon. G. E. Foster, Minister of Finance, and otliers Sae billed to address the electors of North Middlesex in Lucan on Friday, May 22. NINETY PER CENT. Or all the people need to take it course of Hood's Sarsaparilla at this season to prevent that runalovva and debilitated condition which invites disease. The money invested in helf a dozen bottles of Heed's Sersaparilla, will come back witb large returns iri the health and vigor of body and strength of rierves. Hood's Pills are esey be buy, easy to take, easy to operate. Qure all liver ills, 250. , A ae &140.e. "o..7Z.1 mg upon some sharp projections. His injuries are very paauftil. Hon. G. E. Foster, Minister of Fi- nance andother prominent speakers will address the electors of North and Beath Perth ab Mitchell, to -day, (Thursday.) A foothell club has been organized at Auderson, with the following offi- cers: -Pres., Wm. Woods; Vice -Pees., John F. Herd; Sec. Treas., S.A.Highet; Managing Committee, the presideut, J. Robinson, j. Stephen and 0, Heady. The pity of S tretfordsewer debeu tares f 30 000 t 4 t h lf or , a per cen . a ye. r1 peyable in thirty years, have been sold I to Aemeaus Sarvis & Company, of Toronto, for $31,057.65, premium. of $1.057.65, The sale is considerei very satisfactory. • On Wednesday, at the residence of E, Huller, brother-in-I:lee of the bride. Geo. Kemp, of Mitchell, wits wearied I to Miss Emma, Potter, of Holmesville. I Miss Potter is well known aqd highly respected, and her hns,band is a wells i to-do farmer of Fullerto tn township. of. which appeared last week. He was suddenly taken. by an apoplectic fit and died within an hour. The be- reaved family have the sympathy of the entire community in their honr of b ereav emen t John Artimr, who is in the employ of Messrs Patterson and Clark, farmers near Aulinrn, met with a painful ac- cident last Tuesdey, Ronald. Hun - king's. Mr. Hankins); is preparing to put a stone stable under his barn and enlarge it, and Mr. Arthur was engag- ed prying up the plate of his barn, his crow bar slipped, and. he fell to the ground, a distance of over 13 feet. M - The Morden. an., Herald, of last week, mentions the death of Mrs. John Fox, of that place, at the age of 65 years ; she was formerly it resilient of Sta,nley, and also of Clinton, removing from Isere to the west in 1932; Mr. Fox survives her, and two sons and one daughter oat of afamily of 9; Mrs. McLeod, Clinton, is it sister-in-law of Mr. Fax and Mrs. McGregor, con. 3, Stanley, a sister of deceased. On Monday last, Mr. Robert Goren - lock of MoKillop, near Seafortb, re- ceived a telegram from the authorities of the Orillis asylum, conveying to him the sad death or his son, Robert, a. lad of seventeen years of age. The Ind has been in the asylum for Ithout three years, and the first intimation Mr. Govenlock received of his illness was the telegrnal acquainting hius of his death. Donald McKinnon, of the 10tb. COD - cession of ackersinith, delivered to Messrs Winter & Donovan in Seeforth, on Wednesday last, it iunnificent pair of geldings. Ono of these horses is eight years old, and weighs 1,965 pounds, while the other, which is five years old, . weighs 1,70o pounds, and although not quite so heavy, is cou- sidered equally as good a horse AS the other. They were purchased for $300. At Goderich the perpetrators of the ontraee which resulted in the death of Mr. Field of Wing -ham pleaded guilta to a, charge of assault occasioning ace. t mil bodily barna • to which the original indictment :vas chetv4ea. Chief Juetice Mereal al sentenced Robert Harrison and Georee phippen. to three yearS in the penitentiary, Charles Menser and Thomas Mouteomery to two years, and the boy, Albert. Maitin, to six menthe in the Central Pelson. There is a. prospect of execaltive clemencymodify. the se n teneee, Considerable interest. centered in taa attelept, of Robert Wella of Stretfoe to ride his wheel from Stratford.: to .Goderialt and return twice in the space. .of 16 hours, the distance -being . about 180. Heinadethe Bast trip.' in six hours but was compelled to give up on . the seemed trip b is bicycle break- inv, down 2 •reilee .0tist . of, Sea,edeta. Welts claims. that he can accoruplish the feat and ..esdll .make - another at, • See our line ef Men's Soft Felt Hats, worth 75c, for 25e. See our Men's and Boys' Sta Rats, worth 50e, for 10, Just received a stock of Prin.* Parasols, Window Shades, Curtain Poles and Trimmings. Don't forget to secure it Bargain in our Ready-made Suits, JR P. Ross tempt. Seaforth has purchased a new totvn bell. Mrs. (Dr.) Bethune, of Seaforth, fell into an open cistern the other day and sustained severe injury. At the Detroit Colle,ge of Medicine '79 students received the degree of M. D. of which 30 were from Ontario. Tames Taylor, of Tuckerstalth, was in Seatorth the other day. His horses took fright at some dogs. e Vandels throw tacks and broken glass outhe streets of Clinton to annoy bicycle riders by puncturing the tires. The foot -ball match between Berlin and the Hurons of Seaforth resulted in it victory for the latter by 8 goals to 1. Dr. Bleckall of Clinton has been ap- pointed Veterinary Inspector for the county, under the new Dominion re- gulations. Robb. B. McLean, of Kippen, bas generously offered fifty bushels of potatoes free for thebenefit of the poor of the town. Thos. Welsh, of Amberly, who had the misfortune to lose several fiugers in a, cutting box e week or two ago, is able to be around Robert Wilson, of Sea:forth, adut several weeks agp left for the oia country -with a uumber of his finest horses, has returned. home, having re- alized satisfactory figures forlis stock. James Young of Auburn does not intend. rebuilding his saw mill at pre- sent, having seeured a portable saw mill to cut up the rest of the logs:id'. hisaard. • Tile Rev. Mr. Robinson, Episcopalian rector of Bsylield. left on the 6th 'mete for his new tield of labor in Connecta. tat; it is expected that the parish will be sepplied by a student during the Summer. Wora was received in Blyth Satur- day, 9th, of the deatli of a. former townsman, Joseph Loyd, of Tara, son of Mrs. P. McElvene, who was tailed away three weeks ago to attend hi m, Miss Loyd left oa Saturday for Tara. Jos. Washington, of West Wawa - nosh, met with. a rattler serious acci- dent hast Tuesday. His team ran away, and when they became un- manageable he jumped out of the wage gon, breaking his leg at the ankle. TrIE Parma Paaronei, Itnalirae- sus. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syraal cares Coughs, Colds, Astluna, Hoarseness and 13ronchitis without fail. Price 25c., all druggists. 0.xn SOIMOE OF PAIN inSIMPERING. UNDER Hix CONTROL. An eminent specialist, in studying • profoundly the construction of the kidneys and their diseases, as well as the diseases of the bladder and urinary passages, has recognized. the feet, that, in order to treat kidney and bladder disea,ses successfully a remedy mast be prepared especially for these organs, and one rich in heeling powers. Aftet much research a remedy was found, " which provea a surpris even to the manufacturer. After haying been used ingeueral practice byseveral ph.ysiciane with great results, it was placed on tbe market, and is known as South Ameris can Kidney Cure. It never fails to give relief in six hours in all derange - /tents of the kidneys or bladder, Bright's dieeasiediabetes, inflaminatioa or Ulceration of the kidneyeaneureigia, consumption, hemorrbage and catarrls of the kidneys, inflammation of the . bladder, etc. At druggists. Sold by C. LITTZ. Every bnyer of Furniture to ttall and. see us. We will save you money us PARLOR 8.:1118, BEDROOM • a Min 81c,Or 1 ime Kra • We have a large stock of Picture Frame Moulding on band, also Win- dow shades, at a bargain. • Our Thadertaking Departineut complete. We guarantee satisfaction in this line, both in quality and price. Our Planing Mill is now runnitg full blast. Parties in need of building material, such as D SASH, FRAMES + + AND MOULDINGS 'should give us a call. We are now making a specialty of Wire Screen Doors jUSI, DOW" made to order. IFICDPIF•MAN BROS. Furniture Dealers, Undertaker e and Contractore D hWO od. t " ' al 19