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Exeter Times, 1896-4-23, Page 8
The esseeseaseeeseaeseseseeesseeseaseaseseee.esseeeasseaseeetereessme. C i E%TItrata HEAT. -The weather last ig Cash Store,i i week was extremely hot and more like summer than spring, It was so oppressive that several horses wonting in fields died from the effects . of the heat. The following persons lost horses in this way: -E. Jory, Stephen; O. Monteith, T. Russell and W. Arm- strong, Usborne ; and John Taylor, Hay. Terms Cash or Farm Produce, AND ONE PENCE ONLY ! Yes its the best Systemon earth, you pay for no man's bad debts, you pay the least and, get the most. No bantering, no beat- ing, the smallest child buys just as cheap from us as the shrewdest shopper. Remember, your money back if goods are- not exactly as represent.cd, put others to the same test. Cauary Seed, best quality for 5c. Hemp Seed, best quality for 5c. Best Garden Seeds 4e a packet. Box Smocked Red Herring for 6c. $4.25 is our price for a Man's Ready- made Suit, pure wool, -Halifax Tweed, the same suit is sold in regular way for $5.50. $5.85 is our price for a Man's Fancy Tweed Suit, good honest solid stock worth in any regular store $7.50. See this great leader. $6.75 is our price for a. lovely Tweed Suit, extra good cloth, very best trim- finings, worth regular $9. Come and see our great values in Men's and Boys' Tweed Suits. We can save you money. We show nearly 1000 Sailor Hats for boys and girls. Prices are the low- est we have ever quoted and the as- sortment the largest. Men's new, neat and nobby straw and felt hats, all new and up to date at Cash Store prices. 114 is our price for the best English Prints made, we have cheaper, but al- ways recommend the best. Remem- ber Mc for choice of any Print in the Big Cash Store. Another big lot of Ladies' Capes just in -beauties, beauties, beauties, yes they are lovely and the prices are so low. Come and see then. • We sell the J. D. King shoes for Ladies and Gents. We claim for them that they arc the best goods made in Canada. Every pair guar- anteed. The best in Shoes is what you want. If you want the best buy King's. J. A. STE AK`. 4..000 V i til - E ET, ti ETERIsi i Y SURGEON. Is prepare 1 to do any kind of bird stnTing dud taxs:L.x:niat work at any time. INSURANCE. EltNFe' ' .Agent for the WESTERN ASSURANCE COM- PANY, of Torino ; also for the Pitmxnt Film INSURANCE (t I 'ANY, of London, England the ALLIANCE Le:a Reece co:grease, of Eng } art r : to ! Qui1C 111 a+ I> ay ing • Hears that the Main street be watered.. Oil up your lawn mower. The whack of the carpet beater is heard in the land. The ladies are wearing those pretty sailor hats again. . The summer hotel nutn's smile may now be rlieasured with a yardstick. Abe Bagshaw has put • on a new delivery waggon, in connection with his bakery, A large delivery of fruit and orna- rnental trees, was made here this week. Spring was omitted from the make- up of 1896. The seasons this year are summer, antumn and winter. A petition will be presented to the Cl 11 zit its nest eating ra in The 24th of May, will be celebrated ---FOX-in in the majority of places throughout the Dominion on Monday, the 25th. A new post office is to be established near the 71aaanee Road church. We understand that John Allison, sr., is to be made postmaster. On Monday a petition was -in circul- ation to reclnce the number of hotels in Clinton,butthe LicenseCommission- ers did not take any action. Rev. E. W. Hunt, of the Trivitt Memorial church, preached his fare- well sermon on Sunday evening last. The building was, packed. Messrs. Prier and Armstrong, on Thursday last ,hipped 400 hogs from this station, part of the consignment to Ingersoll and part to Toronto. On Wednesday morning P. M. Seager committed A. Martin and Jas. Netterfield for trial for the manslaugh- ter of the man Field, of'r'Vinghain. The semi-annual meeting of the teachers of West Huron will be held in the Public School, Exeter, on Fri- day and Saturday, 22nd and 23rd of Slay. The close season for bass, pickerel and speckled trout, is now inforce and will expire as follows : - Speckled trout,May 1st, pickerel,May 15th. bass, June 15th. if you want a cool, sweet and lasting smoke try a.10 cent package of TONKA Smoking Mixture. Be sure you get genuine. Sold by F. J. KNIGHT and FARMER BRos. At a meeting of the South Huron A pleasant evening was spent at the Conservative Association, held in Sea - Central hotel last Friday evening, by a forth deferon Thursday last, it was decided, f a number of young folks, in the mazy to action in the he Bidio out the dance. candidata to contest the Riding, in the Messrs Perkinss&Martin have already coming contest for the Dominion. this near sold eight bicycles. This is a . Inspectors have been going through cf record when it is considered that the peach orchards of Essex during goo the season has scarcely opened. the past week to determine whether A wood bee at James Russell's last the crop would be injured by the un- Wednesdaywound upwith a dance in usualong •winter. They failed to find anydamage done to the buds, and the evening. A pleasant time wasif there are no frosts later on, the pro - spent both afternoon and evening. T spects for a large crop are good. Schook Supplies ANI.) ALL KINDS OF Pr .z 1 Y Ll tr V 9 J. Calm 01,1meg THURSDAY, APRIL 23rd, 1890. • The street watering cart has been brought into requisition. The town band gave an excellent outdoor concert on Monday evening. CHARITY Coxc' t -The Charity Concert held. in Draw's Opera House was a financialsuccess, considering the many appeals that are made to the public for different enterprises. The programme was completed by 9.30 p. m. Proceeds $20.20, less expenses, $3.50; net cash $16.70. The committee deserve praise for the energy put forth in getting up the concert. CLOSE SEASON Foes BASS. -The law is still the same and no bass can be caught between the 15th day of April and the kith day of June, bothdaysin- elusive. The section of the order fix- ing the law reads: Iu the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec no one shall fish for, catch, kill, buy, sell or possess any bass between thel5th day of April and the 15th: day of June, both days inclusive in each year. Why do judges of good Chewing Tobacco insist on genuine BEAVER Plug. It has no equal. Refuse cheap imitations. Sold by F. J. KNIGHT and FARMERBRos. Uncle Sam is keen after good things. Already we understand they are on the track of Rev. E. W. Hunt, and he will preach through invitation in one ,fir ie largest churches next Sunday, The saw mill has commenced oper- atious for the season.. In order to keep the hill constantly running, farmers having logs in to be sawn, kindly ca at once or leave instructions. MRs. J Gguate The following persons from Huron Presbytery are attending the meeting of the Synod in Chatham this week :-Ministers A. D..McDonald, D. D., Arch. McLean, C. Fletcher, M. A. J. A. Anderson, B. A., J. S. Hen - Q e HURON MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, -The regular meeting of the Huron Medical Association was held in Clinton on Wednesday, the 15th inst., when a very interesting programme was pre- sented. Dr. Shaw, President. occupied the chair. There were present Drs. Amos, Exeter; Graham, Brussels; Mc- Ginnis, Dewar and Bethune, Seaforth; Armstrong, Brucefield;Agnew,Londes- boro; Thompson, Hensall; McKenzie, Monckton; Rutherford, Listowel; Mc- Phedran, Toronto; Snaw, Freeborn, Gunn and Turnbull, Clinton. Dr. Axuos, of Exeter, presented a case of partial sclerosis of spinal cord follow- ing injury. Dr. Dewar. Seaforth, read a. paper on Acute Nephritis. Dr. Mc- Ginnis, Seaforth, read a paper on a case of Epilepsy complicated with a lesiou of the kidney. Dr. Thompson, Heusall presented a case in practice. After each paper& discussion followed, taken part in by a number of those present. Dr. McPhedrau, Professor of Olinical Medicine in the University of Toronto read avery interesting; paper on Peripheral Neuritis, which was very much appreciated bythemexnbers. A discussion followed, during which Dr. Gunn related the hiistory and ter- minations of afew very interesting cases of this disease that had occurred in his practice. At the conclusion a hearty vote of thanks was given tour. McPltedran for his able, paper, and he was made an honorary member of the society. The meeting then adjaurned to meet again in July. P. L. Bishop sent a day fishing last week, and thesun s rays being extremely warm his face was badly burnt. Hav- ing previously been i11 and the skin and blood impoverished erysipelas set in, which gave him a physiog not to be desired.- Under careful treatment his face is assuming its natural complas- ance. Thirteen million young white fish from .the Sanclwishhatchery have been deposited in Lake Erie at Leamington, Kingsville and Bar Point. Fifteen :mil- lions more are to be set free around Bois Blanc; also large numbers around Fighting Island, in Lake St. Clair, and in Lake Huron. In all about 75,000,000 young white fish will be distributed from the hatchery this month. An 'At Home' will beheld inthe Odd - Fellows Lodge room, on Wednesday evening, April 29th. An excellent .pro- Berson, N. Shaw, elders, John Strang, gram consisting of duetts, quartettes, James Hackney, solos, readings, piano instrumentals; Davidson Orchestra. EveryOdd-Fel- low o - low and his wife and friends are ex- pected to attend as a good time is an- ticipated. - Miss Brander, o Oherrywood,is visiting her cousin,Mrs. Geo. Thomas and other friends i town. -Mrs. Abell and son, John, o Seaforth, visited friends in town over Sunday. J. W. Harrison and Robt Ferguson, who have been attendin the Detroit Medical College the pas fouryears, returned home last wee to spend a few days„ prior to becom ing permanent citizens of Uncle. Sam domains. Both have passed credit able examinations and 'are now en titled to affix M. D., to their names They will return to Detroit in a fe days to attend the closing exercises o ,the College. Mr. Harrison will pro bably locate in Ohio, while Mr. Fe guson has no prospective point. -D Campbell, of Zurich, called on frien in the town Tuesday. -Miss Stell Spackman has been ill the pee week. - Olinton McCallum is hone from the Buffalo Dental College -Mrs. J. P. Ross attended the funera of her cousin, Mrs. Wilson, atProspec Hill on Saturday last. -Mrs. Thoma Pearce left on Monday for Killarne Man., where she will open a Miil inery store. -Mrs. Smallacombe, o }Jensall, is visiting friends in town. Rev. J. R. Gundy, of Windsor, is her arranging the placing of a famil memorial which hehaspurchased fro Messrs. Weekes Bros., of this place. Miss Annie Weekes is visiting h sister, Mrs. H. Spackman, in Lando this week. -Mr. and Mrs. John Hass shaw attended the funeral of the la WillianeKent,Mrs.Hawkshaw's fathe inLucan on Saturday.--W.J.Clarke, London, visited friends in town Fr day last. -Mrs. A. Bissett, of Stephe who recently somewhat recovered fro a severe illness, was yesterday take very ill. -G. J. Sutherland and Mi Hattie Sutherland, called on frien in town Tuesday. -Mrs. D. Frenc matron of the House of Refuge, w visiting friends in Exeter, on Tuesda -Mrs. Hubbell and children, le Wednesday for their home in Lapee • Mich., after visiting her mother, Mr Reid. -G. A. K. McLeod is able walk about after his recent illness. Mrs, Penhale returned home last we after speeding a few weeks visiti friends in London and St. Thomas. Rev- Mr. Martin is at Mt. Forest. H brother met with a big loss in t destruction of his mill dam flood. -Mrs. Fowler, is visiting h sister-in-law. Mrs. Thomas Russ Thames Road. Mrs. Russell is ve sick. The thermometer registered at 8 in the shade here on Thursday last. The hottest weather ever known April will in all likelihood be follow in June by the coldest day the Li eral party ever experienced. School teachers are receiving fro. the Education Department a ne, little pamphlet on Arbor Day, 181 (May 1st). The minister recommen particularly this year the planting two trees to be cared for by the pupil viz., an oak tree, to: be called "oi British tree," and a maple tree to 1 called "our Dominion tree." Ti book also contains several choir poems of a patriotic nature. violin solos and selections from the At the annual Conference of t Odd F 1 Canadian Evangelical Association,lle at New Hamburg last week, the f 1 N doubt ted dowing appointments for the' Weste District weremade :-D. Krebs presi there will be many hard frosts and. ilsonbur Observer was cruel- ing New Hamburg, J. Uba probably more snow before real sum- The Ti g elder; g mer comes to stay, ly cheated the other day. One of its and G. H. Wagner; North Easthop subscribers came in from the suburbs J. K. Schwalm; Tavistock, F. Mey With peach and cherry trees almost and sat himself down by the desk Sebringville, L. H. Wagner and H. inblossvm, as they are now, the pos- with a very serious face. - "Our whole May The swallows are here, but it is notorious that a few of them do not make a summer anymore than a little July weather in April. o . ou sibilities of damage by frost are very great,and nobodyexpects, that sum- taer is to follow this burst of spring :',without some severe and perhaps old,wea,ther. neighborhood has been stirred up," he said. The editor seized his pet. 'Tell me all about it," he said. "What we want is news." What stirred it up ?" "Plowing," said the farmer. Holtzman; Stratford. I. M. Mo Milverton, G. Finkbiner; Maitland, E. Becker; Zurich,; D. H. Brandt; Dash- wood, E. Eby; Crediton, J.A.$climidt; Aldboro, 3,' K. Devitt; Middleton, S. Krupp. R. PICKARD ric,SAN. Exeter's . Largest Store. f t t rday ds y, er k- te r, of i.- n, ss h, as ft ek ng lie by e11 ry 01- Dress The best thing which attire, may always be found to keep posted on the vagaries - . 41 ` et4tst/!/ VOr j i \. \` ' `L"' ' ' '` °-'' A--,-..p......,•••••'-`kSIT. E ' a ,' ` ' `" • . 4. Goods o also means the latest thing in feminine at our establishment. It is our business of fashion, and we do so. .- . We are now showing the very latest weaves and makes, produced by the world's best makers, consisting of Sicilians, \ l cas Lus res Mohairs Am- Apa , t , ry ures, Silk Mixes, Plaids, Henriet- ki. tas, Serges, &c., &c., and as to ; '•prices we are willingto compare ith all corners, weare not. who N .. they may be, for by imparting :\ • direct from the Manufacturers and paying spot cash for our ' goods, we can save our custom- ers the wholesalers profit. We will be pleased to have you inspect our stock. .Sar* •• lotnl,,,,'g e We have just passed into stock a lot of Clothing purchased direct from a leading Manufacturer in Montreal, for SPOT CASH. These goods are without doubt the best value we have ever shown, and among many special lines we are showing Men's Blue Serge Suits at $J.50. It will repay you to drop in and take a look through our stock. O DER D CLOTHING. Be sure and see our Black Worsted Suits made to order for $17. h stere ting Crystal Drip Syrup, per pail, 85c Best Gallon Apples for 20e Best Red Herring, per box 5c Good 3 string broom 10c Best Uncolored Japan Tea 25c Best Mixed Tea 30e Large size Royal Yeast Cakes 5c 6 lbs Tapioca 255c 6 lbs Rice 25c 5 lbs Ginger Snaps 25c Price 30 in Heavy Grey Cotton re 72 in Twilled Sheeting 29c Fast Colored Drills 12ec Extra wide, Twilled Flannelette 10c Good Canadian Tweed 25c Wide Prints, fasb colors 10( Feather bone Corsets 90c Heaviest Ticking made 20c Good Unlaundered Shirts 50c Good Flannelette Shirts 19 Be sure and buy your Millinery from us. Pickard oiy !Direct h - reporters. ; . Seaforth Council get the streets of s that town watered at 22 cents per - hour. jamas Broadfoot, sr., of Tuck- • ersniith, arrived at Seaforth from . Abilene, Kansas, on Thursday morn- g g• - fixe Division court was held here an Fri- last. There were a number of cases and the court wags kept sitting till a after midnight. e 'Thomas Thompson, of Seaforth, has e disposed of his business and outfit to Johu Best. He will move to Brussels charge e of thestage.Taylor-Snell- t -e u a 1 whexe he willal*That t C. Pearce, who has been carrying on s a ready-made clothing store in Sea- forth for the past year, has closed up - business :end removed with his stock f to Petrolia. - Thos. Lapslie, who recently sold his e fine farm, which acijoius Seaforth on F• the north, left on Wednesday last. his a objective point being Rossland, Brit- - ish Columbia. Eggs are selling for six cents a a dozen in Virginia: This is enough to make the self-respecting hen set down and wait for something to happen. Thedeath took place in Blanshard,on Thursday last, of Isaac Harness, son of widow Harness, of Exeter, after a brief illness, of consumption, the re- a salt of a severe cold a few years ago. n Chief of Police Gillespie, of Sea- forth, is working a crusade against Is those merchants whose awnings are too low and who own signs that in- fringe on the town b, -law. r. Alexander Gox'don of the 4th con- cession, L. R. S., Tuckersmith,planted r; potatoes on his farm on Monday last, s. the 13th inst. If he keeps Jack Frost se at bay, he map have new potatoes for - dinner on Dominion day. Miss Mary Munro, an employee at VanE$monds' woollen mills, Seaforth, - met with a painful accident on Tues- is day morning. She was working at a loom when her right hand got caught and a portion of the second finger was ex taken off. Robert Charters, Mill Road, Tucker- smith, carries his right arm in a sling. He was carrying a pail of boiling sap, when he slipped and fell, the sap spill- 2' ing over him, scalding his hand and arm very severely and making several sore spots on his face. In Wheat was dull and weak in Chicago 'd Wednesday. There was a decrease in "' the visible supply of 812,000 pushels. There was a decrease in the amount Of. m wheat on passage of 480,000 bushels, itt and the English visible supply de - )3 creased bushels. May wheat, Is closed '7-8 cent lower at 055 cents. of On ThursdaymorningGeorgeHamil- s, ton, clerk of the Windsor House, Nia- 11 garaFalls, Ont., was going down the ae steps leading to the cellar, . when he le fell, striking the back of his head se against the asphalt floor below, caus-= ing an internal fracture at the base of he . the skull. He is believed to be fatally Id injured. • The Synod now in session at Chat- Vis atsomelength the ap- al ham discussed d -peal against the decision of the g ch Presbytery of Huron in the case of e, Mrs.' Gavin Ross against Rev. J, S. 1 - Henderson of Carmel Church Hensall. J. The ease is one of a dispute ina. i 'Eimer.Mu.nic ipai Council. The Council met b order of th Reeve at the town Hz 11 Exeter, 18t1 April, 1386. All present except Mr Darling. Minutes of previous meet ing read and confirmed. Treble -Snell -That orders be grant ed far the following sums viz :-J Willis, $12.81 forshingles; emVin. Davis $2,02, for shingling angina house Thos. Bissett, $29 for night watch sex vices to the 4th of April ; Jas. Creech $2 charity to Mrs. Sutton ; Silas Hand ford, $1 labor. -Carried. Darel S. Bell ,' tendefor cedar, $12 per M., be ac cepted.-Carried, The Clerk to order aloadof 6 x 8 ani 23 in- plank. The Council to make a tour of it spection on Monday, the 27th of Apri at 1 p. in. Taylor -Snell- Adjournment unt the 1st Friday in Map at 8 o'clock I M. • M. EncRETT, Clerk. '-- - Licenses in South Huron. -- At a meeting of the License Con missioners for South Huron, held i: 1=lensall Tuesday, the following licex ses were granted for 1896. Tower of SEAFORTH.-For Tamers W. Flannagan, J. Dick, A. Davidsox J. H. McClinchy, James Weir, T. Stephens; for shop, E. Dawson, E Jackson & Son. - VILLAGE OF EXETER. -Por Tamers T. W. Hawkshaw, W. T. Acheson, ; Leathorn, W. Zinger; for shop, F..: Knight, Farmer Bros. VILLAGE o5BeTeeneD.--ForTaverl E. Elliott, E. R. Swarts; J. Pollocl six months. TOWNSHIP of STANLEY. -For Tax ern, W. Cook, R. Graham, H. Shafe: TOWNSHIP of TUOKERSaIIT.S.-Fo Tavern, Wm. Kyle, James Coleman Taw2SHIP of HAY. For Taveri W. Nicholson, H. L. Paine, 0. Grel James Coxworth, W. R. Hodgins. TOWNSHIP of STEPHEN. For Tai ern, R. Horn, W. Moffatt, A. Hill, V Clarke, C. L. Moser, J. Donohue, , Hannan, Joseph Brenner, M. McCain W. Holt, wine and beer. TowNSHJP of US•BORNE. For Tee ern, Joseph Stephens, A. Walters. -...... DO . YOU GET WHAT YOU AS: • FOR? • - MANY ARE DECEIVED. WHEN BvYI DIAMOND DYES. Many ladies are deceived when the go to purchase Diamond Dyes, The -, ask for the :Diamond but many deg ers, greedy for gain and' extra profs wrap up some worthless make of di that proves ruinous to the materia that are to be dyed. We strongly advise the ladies to b ware of the merchants who are mea enough to substitute inferior good If Your merchant sells only comms and big profit dyes, send your ord., to"use and we will send the Diamox Dyes.by mail to your address. T] Diamond Dyes are only teen cents p package(same price as worthless dye p g and are always warranted pexfec car ii r. n: c ...a el -n? , . ., church, local issues largely, if not en- tirely, entering intoit. After- a good deal of debate,chiefiy upon the con- stitutional aspect of the case, the matter was referred to a judicial com- mittee. e e 1 1 N6 1- t, ,e is Rea.y-made Clothiri REA'Ys1E ,a . THING ARRIVED ;-New Stock now ready ; Great Bargain to save you money. All the late styles in Fine Clothing for Spring and Summer, 1896. Prices down low. In Men's, Youths', and Boys'. See our Men's Suits, $4.o.o only. We make Suits to order as well. just fancy, All Wool Black Worsted, fast black,lined and bound, for only $16. Hats, Ties, Scarfs,. Socks and Shirts, the lowest. Grocery department complete, Crystal Drip Syrup, 5oc per gallon; fill your pail for 75c or 950 per pail. Our 25c Japan Tea has now equal. All other groceries proportionately low. Highest price paid for Pro- duce. ro duce. Fire broke out about half -past eleven Monday night in'the Toxo to rubber works, Parkdal, and did damage to the extent of $30,000, • CARL INC BROS. s. OF ■ HE TIMES. In order to be abreast of the times my son, Mr. S. Fitton has just completed a course at THE OHTAi3 ti OPTICAL iNSTJT JTE, TORONTO, and is now prepared to fit spectacles on thoroughly scientific prin- ciples. Persons who find it difficult to obtain spectacles to suit them. are especially requested to give us a call. Satisfactavri Ottararnteed. We are also abreast of the times in our stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELERY and SILVER-PLATED WARE, Solid Gold,,,Wed- ding Rings cheaper than ever. Fine Watch repairing a specialty. Ir.' PIT'FON 0' Bicy©kiat PopuIar Prices 41 Different Makes at prices from $53 Cp., Fully guaranteed for 1896! Also a fnll line of Baby t;arriages in a few days. PE & MARTIN A watch was found in a field near n ^a which h is Mr. Logie's farm in Lindsay, which is believed to belong to John Kearney, at present in jail on the charge of murdering old Mr. Agnew. Vaal Yen CIICW Is free from injurious coloring. `3'he more you use of it tb, better you like It. 7116 GEO. E. TUCKETT 6 DONS eq.. LTO. N&MILTON. OCT. ._ Come angi see Them -A LOT OF lVie a 6 S /Boys' FELT` HATS .Soft and Hard in large sizes from 7 to 7/ for roc and.25c; each, former prices $1.5o and $2.25. Our Bargain .Table contains a lot of LADIES' & MISSES GLOVES which will be sold at 5c per pair. Send along your 'girls. We have a large selection of Prints,Cordettes and Satin Stripes; suitable for Blouses. Come and inspect them, at J. P. Clarke'st John! ifs. A Startler In Ilhhbsr Goats. 2 dozen Tweed Rubber Coats were $7 and $8, now going at $5. i doz Black and Navy, Water- aroof and Stainless, sewn seams !arge capes, heavy goods, usually sold for $1o, bot for a snap and will be cleared in a hurry at $6. Clothing. Boys' Suits, $1 and upwards; good wearing Tweed Suits, well made, $2, $2.5o and $3. Boys,' Youths' and Men's Clothing will be sold one third less than regular priees. The reason for this is we have $2,000 too much Clothing and nave decided to run the stock down. If 'Yovi. W int a barga. in Come quick while the assortment is large. We can save you a dol lar or two on any suit you want. We' have this spring reduced our expenses to `a mininm and. have•decided to-sellgoods cheap- er. P er. You will notice the difference in every department. Try us and you will save 5o on your =year's purchases by bvying for cash or farm produce. G. G-. • • : _w °tae .y' .1 f,..„ :.,,,t • r,., ,.+,.N i,;