HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1896-4-23, Page 6'• ,
For Children?
is worthy every parent's study ;
not only what they can eat, but
what givesthe mostnourishment.
No children are better, and most
for eating
ed food.
are worse,
lard -cook -
If, how -
health -
A: ever,
food is
,,, with the
ful new
instead of lard, they can eat free-
ly of the best food without danger
to the digestive organs. You can
easily verify this,.by a tair trial
of Cottolede; 4'448altigigi•Pail5
Ann Ms.,
G* Fil U 0 VIZ hi ESS,
4.- Wera F R rPti3 IA .,,-
SICK 1i.! 01-2
REriki LATETIiii: WEI,
tin 0E25 ais.TH a DO DO N.Ealig.ii.%).
interesting Items About Our Own Country,
Great Britain, the United States, and
Ali Parts of the Globe, Condensed and
Assorted for Easy Reacung.
Waal and Herm Baldish,
Weelsnessaf Body and Minee Meets di
trrors or Excesses in Old or Yates/. Robust,
Nab, Ilanbend fully Restored. Hoer ts
Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, Utelevelopee
Cheeses and. Fens of Body. Absolutely tee -
failing Home Treatment—Benefits in a day
Nen testify from 60 States and Fomign Cote.
hiss. Write them. DeScrilAve .c4a1t,
lEnandon and proc4 maned (sealed) free.
EfiTE MEDWAL BOss Buffalos Mat
49 7Sach.Ache, Face.Aelle, Sciatic
1 41 Pains, Iiicuralgic Pains,
Pain in the Side, etc:
>romptly Relieved and Cured ny
The "D. & 1..'.'
Menthol Plaster
Having used your D. 8c X,. 'Menthol Mater
for se.vere rain in to back end lumbago, I
nohesitetliWy recommend gismo an a safe,
ulna and rarddremody ; in fast, they set like
naagle.—A. Elizalletbtownt Ont.
• Price 255.
Froprietors, Mosxus.v...
A. Hunt Club is being formed in Hare-
Mr. James McDonald's infant clang*
ter was burned to death at London.
Seventeen graduates of Manitoba;
University received the degree of
M. D.
Mr. David Cope, one of the oldest re-
sidents of South Dumfries, died at St.
George, Ont.; on Friday, aged 94.
The towns of Essex, Amberstburgi
and Harrow will be supplied with na-
tural gas froro. the South Essex gas
The Mayor of Galt has offered a re-
ward of $50 for the conviction of a peel..
son who is assaulting young ladies m
the town.
The Dominion Artillery aezooiation
met at 'Montreal and considered a plan
for sending a team to compete at
At Strathroy the by-law in favor of
the furniture factory bonus was car
ried by a large majority, 502 voting in
favor and only 9 against.
Arrangements have been made by
which all the Cree Indians, the wardis
of Canada will be. deported from Mon-
tana to the North -Wast Territories.
The. Controller of Customs has ape
proved of a plan to allow United States
bicycle riders to tour in Canada With-
out the payment of custom duties.
At. Coldbrook, N. B., Mr. Joseph Stev-
enson, a milkman and a boy named
Robert Carson were killed by a train
while driving across the railway track.
John Williams. while feeding the fur-
naces at the smelting works in Hamil-
ton on Friday, was overcome by the
coal gas, and befora help arrived be was
At a general meeting of the Board
of Trade in Toroeto, held on Thursday
night, a resolution was passed advoe
eating closer trade relations with the
Mother Country.
In Hiramel and Erde, Dr. Carl 1V1u1-
ler gives statistics of the destruction is said to be that wisesh Mr. Gladstone
af trees by lightning in Germany from bas accumulated Hawaeden
1879 to 190, by which it appears that In Greater London there are consent-,
56 oaks, 20 or 21 firs, 3 or 4 pines were ed every year about 45,000,060 gaIlcoae
of malt liquor, 8,000,000 gallons of wine,
etruck, but no beeches. Yet the pro- and 4,500,000 gallons of ardent spirit,s.
Mr. J. E. Quick bas been .eppointed
General Baggage Agent of d.a,Clrand
Trunk in place of Mr. Samuelnrymons.
Mr, Quick's headquarters will be in.
Robert More= was arrested at Hole
land, Manitoba, on a charge of inure
egg, -Impale tedium sem 2utiaop
prisoner worked on the farm. of -the
young lady's unole.
It is announced in Ottawa that the
commend of the Bisley team will go
to Lieut. -Col. Stark, and that Major
Bruce, of the Royal Grenadiers, of To-
ronto, will be adjutant of the team.
Mr. Louis Freehette, the Canadian
poet laureate is writing, by special or-
der, a play for Mme. Bernhardt. It
deals with Italian life in the seventeen'-
th century, and is to be finished. on
May 23rd.
The Government of Canada cabled
to Mr. Charaberlain offering a mili-
tia regiment for service us thee Sou-
dan. The offer created a good Mae
pression, but will not probably be ac-
Superintendent Whyte of the C.P.
R. estimates that. 9,000,000 bushels of
wheat is in Manitoba and. western ele-
vators waiting the opening of navie
gation. A good deal of it is still held
by the farmers.
P -resident Sir Charles Rivers -Wilson
expressed the tope that the rate out -
ting whioh had done so much injury
to the, eompany had been stopped.
In the eleation on Monday for a, mem-
ber of Parliameut to suceeed Dr. J.
Edward Kenny, Pereellite, who recent-
ly resigned, In the College Green di-
vision of Dublin, Mr. J. L. Carew, Per-
riellite, was returned without apposi-
A committee of the Health Depart-
ment of Liverpool alleges that the
spread of glanders among horses in
that city is due to the importation of
Canadian horses. The committee is
about co urge the Government to take
restrictive action upon the importation
of such animals.
Lloyd's silver medal bas been award
ed to Cepteia Nutraen, of the steam-
ship Alder, who, when his ship found-
ered., refused to be taken off, in order
not to leave an injured man. He went
down with the ship, but managed to
hold on, and to get on the bottom of
an upturned boat, from which he was
afterwards rescued.
It is learned in London that the re-
cent meeting between Ballington Booth
and his sister, Mrs. Booth -Tucker, re-
sulted in a compromise, by which the
Volunteers will continue as a distinct
body for special work among the rich,
with General Booth nominally in su-
preme command, and with 13allington
Booth the permanent local head of the
new force.
The State Legislature of Ohio has
passed an anti -lynching bill.
The Cuban resolutions have passed
both Houses of the United States
Graduates of McGill University in
New York held their first annual din-
The Mayors of Brooklyn and. New
yes]; are opposed. to the Greater New
York bill.
The A. P. sk. have declared war oa
Mr, McKinley in his candidature for
the Presidency.
Bishop Ryan, of the Buffalo diocese,
who was born in Almonte, Ont.,
seventy-one years ago, died on Friday.
Senator Sherman thinks that the
stronger Democrat as a Presidential
candt ate would be ex -Governor Camp -
Gee. 13en,e Harrison, ex -President of
the United States, and Mrs. Mary
Scott Lord Dimmick were married at
Sew York.
It is announced. that ex-Eraprese4
Frederiok of Germany, intends to spend.
muds of her time in future, in England.
Capt. Cliffoed, who was receetly
wounded in an engageraent with the
Matabele has had his arm amputated.
Prince Hoheralohe. the German Inane-
rial Chancellor, ie at present in Pens
incognito, and will proceed to Vienna.
A.(3.71.COS received by the London Times
regarding the Situation in Matabelge
land again take rather an alarming
M. Tricoupis, formerly Premier of
Greece, died. on Saturday night 'at
Cannes. He was sixty-four years of
There was a terrible fire recently at
Manila, capital of the Philippine Islands,
whereby four thousand. hos ees were de
The young King Alexander of Servia is
in Athens, and. is said, to be paying ma-
trimonial court to Princess Marie of
Air. Cecil Rhodes, formerly Premier
of Cape Colony, who has been suffering
from fever at Salisbury for some days
past, is now much better.
Baron von Sciarader, Master of Cere-
monies of the Prussian Court. died on
Saturday of the wounds inflicted by
Count von Kotze in a duel.
The Governorship of Jamaica will be-
come vacant this month, when Sir
Henry Blake's extended terra of employ-
ment there will come to an end.
The rumour is gaining ground in
Madrid that Captain -General Weyler
is to be recalled from Cuba, and that
Marshal Campos is to be reinstated.
The Paris Tenips asserts that the idea
of the Dongola expedition emanated
from King Humbert, who simultaneous-
ly addressed England and Germany on
the subject.
The latest Corean intelligence is of a
very disquieting nature. The fight be-
tween the Russian and Japanese factions
at Seoul still continues, and. murders
take place almost daily.
A young Berlin physician announces
the discovery of n. new owe for tuber-
culosis. Of the ninety cases treated. in
the Moabit hospital during the past
year all have been cuxed.
Lae Emperor and Empress of Ger-
many visited Venice on Saturday, and
were received by the King tied Queen
bell of Italy, and were given an enthusias-
tie welcome by the populace.
A startling story comes from San
Francisco of a conspiracy to hold up
the Vanderbilt speeial tram and kidnap
Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt.
At Ogden, Utah, an explosion of
giant powder occurred at a quarry in
which seven men lost their lives and,
three more badly injured.
In the elections at Chicago for town
officers and Aldermen the Republicans
carried all of the seven towns by ma,-
joritie,s ranging from 1 to 4,000.
A 70 -year-old citizen of Ellsworth
Falls, Me., has bad a severe attack of
whooping cough during the past week,
and is slowly recovering from it.
The New York Senate has passed a
resolution in favor of co-operating
with Canada for the protection. of fish
in the Niagara River and. Lake On-
Col. Peter Glen, of New York, the
highest officer next to Commander Bal-
lington Booth, has deserted the Volun-
teers and returned to the Salvation
In the Albany Court of Appeals on
Wednesday a decision was given in the
Adelphi. Club case, to the effect that a
club is practically a man's home, and
is not subject to a license fee.
The. St. George's Society of London
do not take kindly to the recent move
of the churches against Sunday par-
ades. They have secured the Opera
House, for their annual serinon, and
are now looking for a minister to
preach for them.
At the meeting of the Augmenta-
tion Committee of the Presbyterian
Church in Canada, held. at Toronto, on
Wednesday, the Rev. Dr. Campbell, of
,Renfrew, was appointed chairman of
the committee until the meeting of the
General Assembly, when a successor
to the late. Rev. D. J. Macdonnell will
be appointed.
Lady Mountstephen is seriously ill
in London.
A labor conference is in session at
It is rumoured in financial circles in
London that Great Britain has conclud-
ed a, treaty of alliance with Spain.
The number of bicycle accidents in
London is increasing, and there were
several fatal falls last week.
The British Board of Trade returns
for the first, quarter of the year show
a substantial increase in both exports
and imports.
The Duchess of Fife is said to have a
knowledge of cooking such as would
astonish a good many middle-class
Lady Mountstephen died in London
yesterday raorning. Until five years
ago she had spent most of her married.
life in Montreal.
Mr. Chamberlain has again wired. to
Pretoria, complaining of President Xrue
gees delay in deciding as to his pro-
posed visit to England.
Mr. Chamberlain stated in the Brit-
ish Ilouse of Comraons that President
Kruger had not replied. to his invita-
tion to visit England.
The Prince and Princess of Wales
will be the guests of the Marquis and
Marchioness of Salisbury, at. Hatfield,
house at the end of May.
There is a very serious outbreak of
smallpox in Gloucester, England., which
is attributed to the anti -vaccination
views of the local Council.
One of the most complete and valuable
collectione of hymn books in existence
-oortions d the various trees in the 1 Th
e Q ,imen has subscribed one hundred
German forest are 70 per cent. of beech- 1 and fifty pounds to the fund which is
es, 11 of °eke, 13 of pines, and 6 of i beingloister and crypt at Canterbury
; he raised with the object of restor-
fire. Beeches would, seem to be prac-
sieally "immune" from lightning stroke,
and therefore a comparatively safe cathedral.
tree to take shelter beneath. Trees I Sir Julian Goldsmid, who left about
standing in wet ground are more liable ; S1,000,000 to his danglatere, has done so
to the stroke than if they grow in 1 on the footing that if any of them. mar -
dry soil. Trees rich ba fatty matter 1 ries a Gentile the share is to be re -
and, resin during the summer are less duced to half.
likely to be struck than trees por in Mr. Gerald Balfour, the Chief Secre-
els. Wood pines, though rich in fat tarY for Ireland, will shortly introduce
'luring winter, are poorer in oils during ' an Irish Land bill•which ie far more lib-
euremer. Living wood is a worse con- eral than the one formerly introduce&
;lector than dead wood, hence trees with
dead limbs are more likely to be struck
than sound trees.
If men mind the children-.
May Heave i forbid -
'Twill be nine for the mother
But rough tin the kid.
by Mr. John Morley.
It is stated that glanders are rife in
the Liverpool quarantine for imported
horses, and that out of one hundred
Canadian horses in one depot forty are
suffering from the disease.
A meeting of the Grand Trunk share-
holders was held in,London at which
1- •
At New York a monster welcome
demonstration was given by the Salva-
tion Army to Commissioner Booth -
Tucker and his wife at Carnegie Music
Hall. Fully 6,000 persons were present,
Mrs. Booth -Tucker and Mr. Balling -
ton Booth had a long and codial inter-
view on Sunday night. After the con-
ference Commander Booth expressed his
determination to adhere to the policy
he bad outlined.
Commander Booth -Tucker,„ of the Sal-
vation Army, appeared on Thursday be-
fore the Naturalization Bureau of the
New York Supreme Court, and declar-
ed his intention of becoming a citizen
of the United States.
An exhibition of electrical appliances
is to be held in New York in May when
electricity generated at Niagara Falls
will be used to operate some of the
machinery. The distance of the trans-
mission is 462 miles.
The New York State Assembly has
passed the Andrews Mercantile Estab-
lishment bill, which limits the labour
of women and. children to sixty hours
per week, and puts all establishments
under control of the Board. of Health.
In the Second Baptist church in Chi-
cago, while the Rev. Dr. Lawrence was
preaching, a burning brand fell from
the ceiling., and created a panic. In
the wild rush of the congregation for
the doors several persons were injur-
Samuel P. Langdon, the wealthy coal
operator of Philadelphia, who was held
on a charge of having caused the death
of Annie McGrath, the girl with whore
he was living, has been discharged for
want of evidence connecting him with
the crime.
In the United States House of Repre-
sentatives on Thursday a bill was en-
tranced, providing that yachts belong:-
ing to a regularly organized yacht
club of any forei'n nation which shall
extend like prwileges to the United
States shall have the privilege of en-
tering or leaving United States ports
without entering or clearing at the
Custom -houses or paying tonnage tax.
Commercial advices from the United
States continue to be of by no means an
encouraging nature. it may be as
well to remark that these weekly state-
ments are prepared by the two lead-
ing commercial agencies of New York,
Ad that while endeavouring to be as
feir a,s possible, they would not natur-
ally present tne worse: aspect to vie;
so that when these trade reports are
unsatisfactory, it is safe to conclude
that there is not much very favorable
to be advanced, on the other side. The
Week jus€ ended has been is broken
week, as sone United. States and sev-
eral English markets have been closed.,
but the average of trade has not in-
creased, while prices show no promise
of advancing; and the prices of many
leading lines are now the lowest on
record in the 'United States. Bad
weather, over -production, strikes, and.
financial =rest from political causes
have resulted in a general commercial
demoralization, of which, it is to be
has net been se
King William of Wurtemberg is a
hetel-keeper in one of the best capaca
tee, owning two hotels at Stuttgart.
This, however, does not worry him or
any of his Royal friends in the least.
Advices from China state that there
is a strong anti -foreign feeling existing
in _Ching -Tu. Several petty acts of hos-
tility against the Canadian Missions in
the Ku -Cheng district are reported.
The K.halifa says that he was always
ready to submit to the authority of the
Klmaive of Egypt, but he will resist to
the death of any expedition from Egypt
so long as the .British occupy the coun-
The daughter of Grand Duke Michael,
son of the Grand. Duke Michael-Nicolai-
vitch, was baptise& in the Russian
Church at Cannes on Thursday morn-
ing, the Prince of Wales and the Grand
Duchess of Mecklenburg -Schwerin be-
ing her sponsors.
A boy who served as model for Mme.
Merck, a sculptor, in Paris, took his
death of cold, as be was exposed nude,
and had wet plaster put on him, for the
purpose or aking moulds. The sculp-
ter, but after acquittal on that score
tor was first charged with manslaugh-
the boy's father began a suit for S4,000
est for„..-mincliltot
Wash Day
makes clothes
sweet, cleau,
white, with
the least
p.ble lasting
and cleansing
properties make
economical and
Every Day
Kidney Pills
Kidney Pilis
Kidney Pills
Kidney Pills
MAY 29.
Prisoner sinew is Was a Crime "Mien fie
tihot Mr. John A. Strathy-The Verdict
Justified by the Evidence.
A despatch from Barrie sayseMichael
Brennan was on Friday night found
guilty of the 'murder of Mr. John A.
Stratby on the 18th of February last,
and was sentenced. by Mr. Justice Am
mour to be hanged on the 29th of May,
After all the evidence had been receiv-
ed and the addresses of counsel and the
Judge's charge delivered, it took just
50 minutes for the jury to arrive at
their finding. It was 8.40 o'elock when.
the jurors filed into .the court with
their verdict. The room was densely
packed, and, although the result was
eepected, the crowd awaited with an-
xeety till the doora had been pronounce
ed. The prisoner. received it apparent-
ly unmoved,and hardly raised his eyes
until asked by the Judge if he had
anything to say. Mr. Lount asked for
a reserve case, on the ground of ob-
jections to the Judge's charge, but
this was refused.
When asked if he had anything to
say why sentence should not be pro-
nounced upon him, Brennan rose, and,.
in a clear, steady voice, said :-"My
Lord, I do sincerely ask for another
trial, for I have not been properly,
tried. I will prove that I am not
wrong. I ask you between God andman
for a fairer trial. I will prove Tuy
wife's infidelity. It si something awe
ful the way I have been treated by
that woman. She has tortured me be-
yond all reason. I have not been a bad
man, and I have not had a proper
trial. All I ask is for my simple chiledren,
dren, for whose sake 1 did not call
proper witnesses. I assure you that
did what was right, and. I ask you as
a man to give me a fair trial. I ask
you as an holiest and jut man. I
thought I could have got through with
my trials without having disgraced my
children. Give me an honest trial, and,
between God and man, 1 will satisfy
you." -ea
His lordship then delivered sentenc,e.
He said: -``You have had a fair trial,
and have been nobly defended. Of the
evtdence adduced 1 have no doubtand
heartily concur in the finding of, the
juiy. The sentence of this court is that
you shall be taken from whence you
came, and remain. there until Friday,
the 29th day of May next, when you
will be taken to a place of execution
and hanged by the neck Until you are
dead, and 'may God have mercy on
your soul."
courtsoul."sat at 9 o'clock in the
Damning, and the room, as. on the pre -
feared, the end yet en. vious day, was filled with spectators,
a number of ladies and clergymen
ing among them. •
M. Stoiloff, Prime innieter of Bill -
inches in — •
• •
garia„ is only f f our eet aix
Italy is determined to hold Kassala
at any cost.
The Czar is having built a gorgeoun
special train of seven carriages.
The German naval programme to be
introduced next winter provides for
eight new cruisers,
He freely talked of dynamite.
This anarchistic churl;
-'d send the kings and plutocrats
All skyward in a whirl-
But he always let his wife blowup
The tyrant hired +girl!
Children Cr' for Pitcher9s Castoria)
Dr. EL N. _Merril&
Results Astonish
filiZELIZZESII ME= eessee
Statement of a Well Known Doctor
"Ayer's Sarsaparilla, is without an equal
as a, bleed -purifier -and Spring medicine, and
cannot bare praise enough. I have watched
its effects in chronic cases, where other
treatment was of no avail, and have been
astonished at the results. No otlic": blood
medicine that I have ever used, and I have
tried them all, is so thorough in its action,
and effects so many permanentcures as
Ayer's SarsaparIlla."—Dr. IL F. MERRILL,
Augusta, Me.
i‘ S OnE0 Sarsapaiilia
Admitted at the 'World's Fair.
4ver's /I for timer and bzweler.
An Explosion of Nitro -Glycerine Near Nan-,
aineo-One Man and Ms Team Mown
to Atoms.
A despatch from Victoria, B.C, says
Intense excitement was caused through-
out Nanaimo district on Thursday by
a terrific explosion plainly heard and
felt for a distance a thirty miles.
Everyone believed that some one of the
large collieries was the scene of the
frightful disaster. Investigation proved
this to be fortunately incorrect. The
expolsion took place near the works of
the Hamuuton Powder Company, on De-
parture Bay road, a thousand pounds of
nitro glycerine exploding while being
conveyed in a waggon frem the ware-
house to the mull. Austin Stovenson,
the teamster, and his Waggon and team
were blown to atoms, while trees were
uprooted. everywhere within a radius of
two hundred yards, and windows were
shattered and frail buildings demolish-
ed as far as Nanaimo, ten miles away.
As far as at pre,sent known only Stev-
enson's life was lost,
• How to get a "Sunlight" Picture.
Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers
(wrapper bearing the words "W .y Does a
Woman Look Old Sooner Than a Man") to
Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott Se, Toronto,
andyou will receive by poste pretty picture,
free from advertising, and well worth fram-
ing. This is an easy way todecorate your
home. The soap is the best in the market,
and it will only cost le. postage to send itt
the wrappers, if you 'leave the ends open.
Write your address carefully.
1A;S"-i-i- r_ :••••1'1,, ..*.&lr••.,::•%. •
200,00 WEAK , MEN CURED 1'4
ARE you ? ?),ietw2vorztevx703t gis IllYbatiVigilaratnaktia.
eyes sunken, red Alla oturoNcti eheosiee dreauzat
410,08; rsatlesst haggard looking,_• .w,eak back; bone pains; hair loom ulcers; sore t
'sestet:acre; deposes in mem and drawl at stopil distrustful; Wanted conedenees
Interim Mid, strength,- WE CAN OURE YOU I
John A. tteutlin says: -"I was oae of the countlessvl
tints of early ignorance commenceda
at llyeare age,
tried sesta medical Erma and spent POO Withobb MA
1 gayo up in despeir. Tbe drains on 417 nt ardewet
Fee/toning rey inte.tlect as well as ray sextial end physi
lire.My brother advised me as a last resort to Fn g
Drs. Kennedy &Mer
gen. I commenced they Naw ethold
Treatment and In a few weeks wag a new man, w Slum!
life and ambition, This was four years ego, and nfriv
tun mturied and happy. I recommend them reliable
specialists to all 2137 afflicted fellowmen."
"The vices of early boyhood laid the fortuchition of Iny
rain. Leta on a `gay life" and exposure to blood di-
seases completed the vrrock. I. had MI the symptoms of
Nervous Debility -sunken oyes, emissions, drain in urine,
nervousness, weak Wok, etc. Hyphihs caused my heir to
fall out, bone palm, ulcers In mouth and on tongue
blotches on body, etc. 1 thank God I tried Drs. Kennedy
& liergart. That reetored me to health, vigor and happinesa."
Syphilis, Emissions
Varionele, Cured.
Ear We treat and cure VariCocelt, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal
Weakness, Glee", Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self "louse,
Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
READER I Aro you 1,1.371(3U/a Rave you lea hope? _Aro you contemplates mar.
• rinse? Ilas year Blood bon diseased? lIato you any wsuknefs Our
New lfethoil Treatthentwill caro you, Whet done for others It will do ycii."
CONSULTATION FREE. No patter who hes floated you, -write for en honest (minima rres
of Charge, levees reason/gee BOOKS FREE - "The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on'
Disca,u,s of lien. Inclose posters), omits. OcAlcd.
VATS. No nThclicine sk,rve C. Q. U. No names on boxes or two
ones. Evorything confidential. Question list and oost Teen .4
ment, FREE.
'S de gees
The Old Reliable Specialists.
83 'Years Experience
In the treatment of the Throat and Lung
Troubles, CatarrkAsthma, Bronchitis,
Nervous, Chronic and Special Dis-
eases of men and women.
Lost Manhood rdeeartorreodu—Kidney and Blad-
t bits permaaently
cured—Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Varicocele and
stricture cured without pain. No cutting.
Syphilis and all Blood Diseases cured
without mercury.
Yongman Suffering ftorn the effects of
AU3,11 youthful follies or indiscretions,
or any troubled with Weakness, Nervous
Debility, Loss of Memory, Despondency,
Aversion to Society, Kidney Troubles, Cr
any disease of the Genital -Urinary Or-
gans, can here End safe and speedy cure.
Charges reasonable, especially to the
Middle -Aged Men—There are many troubled
with too frequent evact; -
tions of the bladder. often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and
weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. There are many
fect cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs. on -
men who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the 01.1150. The doctor will guarantee aoier-
sultation free. Those unable to call, can write full partiodars of their case and have
medicine sent by express, with full instructions for nse. Mention this paper when
writing. Office hours: From ,s a. re. to 8 p, m. Sundays, 9 to II a. ro. .
DR. SPINNEY & CO. ("srdew:nr..7.'Non. 141217
EE. Eitabeth St.)
A despatch from Kingston. Ont.,
says: -On Friday night a serious af-
fair occurred on the farm of McCallum
brothers, about three miles from the
city. In locking up the stock Alexander
McCallum led a bull, weighing about
1,600 lbs., with horns nine inches long
and almost perpendicular on the fore-
head. The animal went into the stall
quietly, but while McCallum was chain-
ing it to the manger it broke away,
gored. him in the chest and tore it open
from shoulder to shoulder. One horn
pierced the left lung, and by trampling
on hint the animal crushed the unfor-
tunate. man's ribs and bones in. Patrick
ran into the stable to help his brother,
and as soon as the bull saw him it rush-
ed and knocked him down. His hip and
right side were torn and lacerated. The
bull then turned its attention to some
cows, throwing ne over its head. While
it was thus engaged the McCallum
brothers got into their house, and the
hired man, with the aid of a pitchfork,
managed to lock the bull up. Alexan-
der lk cCallum died from his injuries,
and Patrick will recover.
Mamma and baby returned from a
walk. Oh, says mamma to her husband,
Such good news! Baby talks. He has
just said his first word.
Yes, just faney. We were in the zoo-
logical gardens, standing before the
monkey cage, when baby cried out:
Look at papa.
Ha, hat laughed Ssvaybaek, who had
seen Mr. Bizzyman dispose of a nuisa
anee by sending hien on an errand,. Ha,
hal Good. way to dispose of bores!
Make 'em do soinetinegl
Yes, it works well, replied. Bizzyman.
By 'the way, I wish you'd drop this
letter in. the box on the corner as youl
go home.
'Me change in my Mother's condi-
tion marnellons.
soott's Sarsaparilla is a Boon.
1 MONTREAL, August 29th, 1895.
GENTLEMEN :—There is such a change
in my mother's health that I cannot re-
strain myself from writing you. -.Cho
' suffered for years past with a (Chronic
headache, accompanied with a disordered
stomach. She was weak and irritable,
and we thought she was going into a de-
cline. For three weeks she has been
taking a course of Seott's Sarsaparilla,
which was recommended to her by Mr.
, McGale, Druggist, Montreal. Her head-
ache is now but a memory, her appetite •
is good, and she has gained five pounds
in weight in twelve days. She is a
different woman, and I feel that you, in
God's hands, have been the means of re-
storing her to health. I shall always
recommend Scott's Sarsaparilla to suffer-
s from head or digestive troubles.
hanking you again, I close.
Yours sincerely,
' Hortense Gaviliere.
Scott's Sarsaparilla is a concentrated
extract, pleasant to the taste, aed
taken in srnall doses. It is the finest
remedy for disorders of the stomach and
liver,paipltatiOn, scrofulous sores, eczema
and skin diseases arising from impurities
of the blood. It builds up the weak, the
strong it maintains in health. $1 of all
Sold by 0 LUTZ, Exeter, Ont.
IN 144
If we live in thobghts, not years,
'Tis very plaixily seen
Why raany maidens eel -ex :reach
Further than sweet sixteen.
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